the bus shelter

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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A lone bus shelter tells the tales of furs that shelter under it from an incest pair of cats, to a horse that lets off some pent up ness all over the wall, to an old couple that have a good fuck even in there old age,

hmm the ending will give you right surprise or i hope it will

another morning comes around oh I do like mornings, you see everyone in there true colours, by the afternoon you hardly see anything other then the oddball that talks to himself.

This is a simple story yes there is smut so go ahead read on to that you perverted furry readers you I don't mind unlike others I'm just the humble teller of this story for you see from my position I see everything mind you having a good few eyes helps.

Any ways my story tells of three furries, and what happens to them I shell start with whoever comes first to the stop ah here they are now coming up I see then though the round holes on the top of this shelter.

The shelter is of brick has a nice slate roof a board for posters to be hung up mostly lost child or up and coming things, it was build in 1984 to replace the pole that used to be here.

It has some round pipe up top to let me see out of and I guess anyone else up here with me it has a side area that is for shelter but in this case it is used far more often mostly by drunks going home who need a piss ugh so disrespectful but its done and I can't say anything.

But any way's back to the story I see the school kids coming and two that I know very well in fact they know each other very, very well.

The two cat's, house cats walked to the stop one was a female in white with a brush who was always brushing herself making herself look good the other was a black and white mix they were in the same school.

They got to the stop and he leaned on the wall batting a piece of string on a stick to amuse him self he was clearly not happy as only a few bats and he was board of it.

Normally he'd be all over it chasing it or batting at it for hours but today was different.

He sighed as other came I then noted that he was looking at other girls and getting shy when they spoke to him or said hello I could also see him tenting in his school shorts.

He was of that age were your body changes, I don't think we go though that I think we might do but I don't know.

His sister was the same making her self look sexy but the boys all too shy to ask her out.

The bus would come and they would all get on, I'd not see them again until the afternoon oh school it sounds fun but if you were me you'd be in danger.

The next day there they were again this time they sat down I may not have ears but I can read lips.

"I hate this, here I am horny and ready to fuck and no girl wants me saying I'm more friend then lover, I can fuck just as well as anyone else!"

He said pouting and crossing his arms

"You think you've got it bad brother? I can't even get a date for the prom, I asked boys but they just shy away or run away what am I doing? I'm a free fuck here or you know at least a kiss or feel up"

She said brushing her fur as the two sighed

others came and they exited onto the bus I felt sorry for them I guess that age is hard I mean your all horny hell you might be masturbating but that's no good you need to feel another on you but no one is willing.

The next week however things had changed and they had changed very much.

I saw the two cats walking they got to the shelter and looked out then for no reason kissed and started to make out, oh my I said watching them but there brother and sister that's so wrong then once they had stopped the kissing they spoke,

"Fuck brother your kissing is getting better but your paws need some work my butt is here not there"

She said putting her paws on his and lowering them to her butt which he cupped

"You really know how to lick a guy though sis, I've never had that good an orgasm? Did you call it? Either way you're the best"

he said kissing her as more students came but they kept on holding paws and touching each other his paws on her butt hers on his crouch I guess that's were his penis is

Today was rainy I could tell it was rainy as there was a puddle outside were the gutter was but was now just the holders broken by today's youth or drunken fools.

The two ran to the shelter and hid under it both gasping and getting there breath back I guess house cat's really don't like water that's when it happened.

The sister cat removed her top and put it on the small bench there to dry but in doing so her chest was on show she then bent over and her skirt stuck to her body so lifted up and showed off her panties this made the boy cat hard.

He looked then came up from behind and started to rub himself on her butt making her gasp and look back only to swipe at him and some hisses were heard.

They fought but then she saw the tent in his pants they were wet from the rain.

Both looked at each other and spoke,

"You know sis, the kissing's great but I think we should go on more look I got this from dad's draw"

He pulled out some small foil packet I guess a sweet? But no it was a condom

"Brother! If father finds you with that you are naughty so you like my butt huh?"

She said wiggling it at him as he opened the packet looking at the rubbery balloon

"Indeed now how do you put this on?"

He said looking at it as there were no instructions I guess these kids had no idea on sex ED so this was new but then how did he know about safe sex? Maybe from the posters in school? Or they had learned it from a lecture

She went down pulled out his cock though his flies it was quite big, well to me it was I mean if you saw it though my eyes, she then rubbed it making it throb hard she then rolled the condom over his cock.

A slight lick made him shiver and moan out as she got up she then lifted her skirt up and by the side were no one could see them she pulled them down making him harder and growl in a cat like way, he then mounted her thrusted wildly making her gasp as she told him to slow.

His cock thrusted at her butt then it found her sweet spot I guess her pussy as she let out a gasp and her eyes went wide he just thrusted that cock I guess 5 inches as it was only a house cat.

The two moan and rocked both loving this as he thrusted into her paws on her hips she then lifted up her top and let him see those breasts of her which she had 6 almost as many arms as I have oops well they were really into it.

He then thrusted and she cried out in pain as I saw some blood run down his shaft he then bit her neck and he stopped thrusting only to let out a sigh as he finished in her.

The two both smiled and sighed as he pulled out his thing full of white seed she and him got dressed and kissed as the bus came the condom still on his cock.

This went on for a while I've not seen them guess they got into trouble or are watched like hawks for there actions oh well it was nice to see them become lovers as they really seemed to be in love plus her belly was getting larger I guess they had sex without protection and that might be why there no longer seen here.

Ah here comes our next fur to use the bus shelter.

I know him as he makes a real mess in here really confuses the others that come in here to clean up thankfully I can tuck myself away but they do destroy my homes but I can make more.

This is horse, I call him that has he is a horse, he always has a news paper and a brief case he sits and reads waiting for the bus, this bus is one of those buses that comes along every few hours rather then on a daily or timed time table.

He is tall white and brown he is a hard working horse as he comes home to this stop and will rest a little but today in the morning he did something else.

It was a nice warm morning I had only just woken up after going back to bed once I'd seen the two cats when I saw the horse, he was walking around and muttering which thanks to lip reading I understood.

"Stupid blue pill, I can't go to work with morning wood what am I a fucking teenager?!"

He had quite the bulge down one side of his pants

He looked and checked the time table on the board he then sat in the corner and looked then pulled out his cock.

It was all pink and hard throbbing hard I guess morning wood is something you get but he said a pill? He was huge I guess 10 inches maybe more he looked around seeing that n one was around this area was pretty well not used as a road more a side track he then started to rub his cock.

He rubbed it up and down with his hoof letting out moans he was in the corner but sitting down wasn't good for him, he got up and stood in the corner then started to rub faster.

He was masturbating he grunted and let out moans he really was doing this, I'd of said something but well I didn't.

He rubbed and rubbed until he let out a cry and came, his thick horse seed shoot all over the wall dripping and running down to the floor to some of the mould or moss that was growing there, he rubbed more letting out more as he panted.

He then pulled his cock up and gave it a lick he then put it away it was now no longer hard.

He then looked at the mess he then sat away from it making sure there was nothing on him other then sweat and horse smell he was clean his shoes might be slightly seedy but that would be soon gone from walking.

The next day he did it again, the day after that and again, the cleaners here had no idea but were wondering why you'd do it in here?

Oh if only they knew, however the next few days he was here but there was someone else there so he didn't I could tell he was hard as he would rub his leg and let out grunts that I could hear.

It was only a few days later when he was mid way though that the other fur also a horse walked in and saw it the other horse gasped he looked and had been caught red hoofed.

But instead of telling him off he looked around then took out his cock the other horse that is making the horse already there blush, the two of them then started to masturbate each one rubbing each others junk.

Both would then orgasm leaving a big mess on the floor and wall they would then get to talking with there cocks in there pants he said it was only to fix his morning wood as he was taking pills to get him hard for the misses.

The other horse said same the other horse was a black horse with white legs or arms.

The two of them would meet there and rub each other off that was until the black horse did something to the other.

One day the bus had broken down as it was late or something had happened, both horses weren't jerking there cocks but instead were talking that was until the black horse got up and stood in front of the brown and white horse he then pulled his cock out.

The brown and white horse looked at this cock all black in front of him and then looked out to the road but they were hidden away the horse looked blushed then started to suck the other horse off.

The black horse moaned as the other horse took his cock down his mouth and started to suck and lick the other stallion's balls were out he was cupping them as he sucked.

The other horse had his cock out as it throbbed and dripped pre onto the floor.

The two were really going at it one sucking the other rubbing until the black horse gritted his teeth held onto the horse head and had his orgasm.

I could see the other horses eyes widen but then drink that seed down he was close too.

The horse pulled out and his cock head was bigger then it started he then turned and lower his pants more the other horse got up and got behind him then he slide that cock of his into the other male.

He went all the way to the balls I hoped they couldn't get pregnant like the cats but then I though no there two males it's not possible I think.

He thrusted hard into the other one then he gritted his teeth and went balls deep then he had his orgasm I could tell as some seed from the white and brown horse dripped from his cock onto the floor.

He pulled out and they both stood there gasping as the bus pulled up they got on both looking flushed or like they had just run for the bus but instead they had just had sex.

The cleaner was much happier about this only having to clean up drops rather then a pool.

The two horses would meet here in the morning and fuck it was rather cute seeing them both take turns to fuck each other they don't care if anyone sees them well they did I think until one of there wife's saw it as a mare came in and dragged him the black out by his ear and they had a fight thankfully I couldn't hear it but it sounded bad.

I still see them but at different times they still sometime meet but sadly as one is getting off the bus as the other goes on the bus it's a shame.

Oh well I don't see the other couple oh wait no there they are, two very nice bears both are black bears.

Both are 8'1 and married there very old they go for walks near the park here I know there's a park as I'm nearly some birds morning meal or afternoon meal or baby food ugh I hate birds.

They stop in here and sit down to rest there feet however there not as you'd think far from it.

Today as they sat down on the bench the male bear smiled and pulled out from his bag some lube she then pulled out a strap-on yep! Horse one too I knew this as it looked the same as the other two horses from before.

She would strap it onto her body then bend him over and thrust that cock into him fucking him good.

It wasn't always that some days he would fuck her with his own cock pumping it up or injecting something to change its shape and size.

Today they came in and the kissed and felt each other up, today however they both got nude yep they were bear naked heh a joke but they were nude, they then just sat there waiting for the other one to cover up even as a car went past they were not going to put there clothes on until the female bear did so but she saw a car that was a friend of hers the male bear then spoke.

"Ha! You lost oh man this is going to be good no backing down you made this bet!"

He said to her making her sigh and clean her glasses and put her clothes back on

"I guess dear, but just be careful you know I'm tight there, make sure you lube it up well"

She said to him as she got into the corner making sure to bend slightly

"Don't worry my sweet honey pot I'll be nice"

He said as he got onto the floor behind her lifting up her tail

he then started to lick her pussy he then poked a finger paw into her other hole making her roar a little he smiled and pulled it out then poured some lube onto his finger then pushed it in making her clench hard it must of hurt.

He then licked that pink hole under all that older grey and black fur.

He then got behind her and he poured the lube over his bear cock it was 6 inches but thick like those soda cans thick he then pushed it into her and she scraped the wall her claw marks on it as he sank into her.

I wondered what would happen if the male had put his clothes on or covered up first.

He went into her and the two let out growls of pleasure as he was fucking her in the butt for the first time I guess.

He thrusted and used his bear strength to lift her up and onto the bench and fuck her more.

Her droopy breasts were grouped and played with as he thrusted in and out of her it was hot to see.

He then let out a bear roar as he came inside her seed came out and dripped onto the floor it was nice to see old love like this he then pulled out and she sighed from this as he pulled out and let his used seed drip onto the floor.

They would then get dressed and looking like a nice old couple that were old and still in love walked away unless you were me you'd have no idea how kinky these two were.

The next time I saw them they were carrying a bag of toys but not for the kids no adult toys.

They sat and once again got nude however this time the male covered up when he saw a fishing buddy drive by in his truck the female smiled.

"Oh dear seems your the loser this time"

She said getting out a few clamps I had no idea what clamps were but he said that's what they were

"Not the clamps you know I'm not that kinky"

He said to her as he sat down and took his top off again

"You lost and you got your wish well I'm going to do mine"

She said putting on a mask and then bringing out a horse whip

she put the clamps onto his nipples he was then hand cuffed to the bench his arms around the back his legs then also put into lockable things she then put a clamp on his ball sack which was round and saggy.

She then put on some crotch less panties and then whipped him he whimpered but got hard.

She then sat on him and tightened up all three clamps at once the ones on his ball sack made him roar out as a ball gag was put into his mouth gods if anyone walked by or looked in would they get a shock plus would they join in?

These two were that kinky they might let a stranger join them maybe to film or jerk off to there actions.

She then whipped his butt making him moan and his cock throb inside her pussy.

She just sat on his lap as she tightened up the clamps then loosened them then tight.

He groaned out and then he was whipped she then took one off and bite it lightly but enough to drive him wild as he tried to get free of the cuffs but it was no good.

At that point she started to move whipping him until she had her orgasm then he came inside her he let out a roar though that ball gag and came thick ropes of seed into her.

Both then sat there and panted I tell you I had to breath as well, what? I've been rubbing myself all the while this stuff kinky and sexy and make's me hot.

After that she rubbed some cream on his nipples and ball sack which was red from the clamp and they both kissed and headed home, I really did wonder what kinky stuff they got up to at home.

One day as I was asleep there was a loud crash then light came in though the side then another crash and then more light.

I woke up and ran to the other dark place but then light as my roof was ripped off by something big.

I fell down onto the floor as I was washed with water from something I was pushed into a corner.

More crashes and smashes I then curled up into a ball under the bench that was then ripped out more water flooded in.

I was then grabbed by something and I looked there was someone a human I knew them as I'd see them here they never really did anything other then piss in here or throw up or eat there take away or shelter until the rain stopped.

"Hay a spider! Wow big one too c'mon lil guy there you go"

He said putting me onto some leafs

Yes your humble narrator is just a spider a big one but harmless, I watched as my home was destroyed I hide under a leaf and watched as they cleaned up there mess and within a few minutes my home was gone.

I was now out in the open I crawled and ran along until I found a building I went though a crack and in there I saw and heard others I then saw other spiders!

I was in heaven I crawled up getting told off by others for getting on there webs I then found an old one that had been destroyed I soon rebuilt it and then started to chat with others.

They told story's about this room we were in, this was my new home.

These story's are true from my point no idea if you enjoy it or not but I'm just a spider now if your excuse me there is a nice female visiting me and I need to look my best.

~the end~

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