Positive reinforcement
#2 of The gift of a curse
This one is third person instead of first because it's more from Rico's perspective. This one is more.. light fun, less heavy as some of the others. I feel I needed it as a pallet cleanser.
I expect this series to spider web out from Arro as the main character, following some of the other characters with him being the centralized one. This is his story but there are many players in it. This one is a direct sequel to Giving is it's own reward.
The newly formed hyena pulled Rache into a hug. "It's me, sis." He said. His wet canine nose buried in her hair, tears of joy sliding down his face and soaking in. Arro could tell by the look in the boy's eyes, for once he felt whole. Arro carefully closed and locked the door behind them as he watched the two embrace. Rico was now a full head above his big sister in height, and Arro could now see the shocked face of the girl as the large bipedal Hyena that was now her brother hugged her tight.
"You probably have a lot of questions..." the werewolf said, standing a respectful distance away. Rico sniffled, finally releasing Rache, and seeing the visible confusion on his sister's face.
"Rico?" She asked hesitantly, a slight fear-smell about her. Rico wasn't sure how he knew that.. but the hyena did.
"I'm ok... I'm better than ok. I'm not sick anymore!" The hyena smiled, his wide toothy grin revealing sharp teeth designed to kill and tear.
The movement made her jump, she was beginning to realize this creature.. was a creature, not a suit. A large carnivore... but still her brother, right? He wouldn't hurt her.. not on purpose.. But she couldn't shake the feeling of unwariness.. just knowing these creatures were real. If these were real what else was? "So wait... what are you?"
"We're lycanthropes." Arro supplied helpfully.
"And you've cursed my brother so he's one too now?" Her tone had a slight accusation in it, whether she meant to or not.
"Yes, but..." Arro again looked a little defeated. His ears flattening at the scolding.
"Does he even know the full ramifications? What is mom going to say.." Rache was now pacing the room.
"Mom doesn't have to know." Rico said, taking Rache's hand in his oversized paws and looking in her eyes. "I'm better now, Rache. No more doctors, no more chemo that wasn't working anyway. No more needles or lying in bed too sick to move. For the last two years I get the feeling all of you have been trying to say good bye with every action. Mom giving in and buying my suit, you taking me here when I know you're busy going to college and there's a big test next week.. You don't have to say goodbye anymore. Who cares if I "am cursed". I can turn back to human any time I want.... Once I figure out how."
Her stern look melted away as she put her remaining free hand on the large cheek, brushing away the tear from before. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't being taken advantage of.. who knows what strings this comes with." Her loving gaze hardened as it turned back to the wolf in the room.
Arro shifted from foot to foot, feeling like a voyeur watching this tender family moment. "I'll teach him all he needs to know to stay safe."
"You better," she replied dryly.
"First lesson, changing back to human.. we should go back to the hotel in the private of the room so you can practice shifting. It's probably mostly empty since everyone is at the con. Picture your human form, calm your mind and close your eyes. Remember what being human feels like." Arro walked towards them as he spoke, shifting effortlessly into his human shape as he moved. It was fast and seamless. One moment he was a 7 and a half foot bipedal wolf humanoid hybrid. The next moment he was fully human, and still very nude, standing before the siblings. The change was eerie and beautiful at the same time. The change of his jaw did not hamper his words. He effortlessly changed from walking on toes to walking flat foot across the smooth bathroom tile. "Now you try."
Rico screwed his eyes shut tight. Some of the fur around his face thinned. His tail started to shrink. Think of being human.. think.. all he could remember at this moment was the constant ache. Though he didn't feel it now, he couldn't remember any of the positive aspects.. The changes slammed to a halt. His fur and tail regrew at an alarming rate. "I'm sorry.. I'll try again."
"It's ok, Rico. None of the pain will still be there, you need to let the change happen, stop fighting it." Arro placed a reassuring human hand on his shoulder.
Rico closed his eyes again, more relaxed now. This time he didn't even start shifting. His liquid brown puppy like eyes opened again. "I'm sorry... I'm just so excited I don't really want to turn back. My legs... itch. I want to run! I want to see what I can do.."
"We need to get out of the con first before you can do that.. if you're too excited to turn back you're going to have to fake being a suit. You think you can do that? Slow robotic blinks. It's best to not talk for now. Luckily a lot of suiters don't talk as part of their character."
"I think I can do that." Rico took the gym style bag from his sister, and started to pack up his old suit. "Maybe I'll give this guy to someone who needs him more than me." He said thoughtfully, as the fennec's face vanished into the bag. They were all quiet as they made their way across the floor towards the entrance. As much as they tried not to draw attention to themselves, someone waved to them as they went by.
"Hey! Those are some of the most realistic suits I've ever seen! Can I get a picture?" A young woman, she looked to be about 25 waved them down. Rico looked to us. Rache franticly shook her head, and Arro just shrugged in a "Why not?" type mannor.
The hyena nodded enthusiastically, pulling Arro away from the crowd up against one of the brick walls of the building we were in. He opened his mouth, holding up a peace symbol with his fingers and putting an arm over the now grinning timber wolf standing beside him.
There was a click as the flash went off on the camera. Rico mimed putting his hand over his eyes, as from his perspective Arro could see his very much dilated eyes from the flash. He wasn't as accustomed to this as the wolf was. Arro steered him away by the shoulders, trying to exit the crowd as fast as possible. With a little trouble from the tight packed bodies, they finally made their way into the open air of the courtyard. It didn't take long for them to make their way to the hotel, where they all grouped together in Arro's room.
Rico sat on the bed, fluffy tail wagging lazily as he panted contently. Arro sat at the desk in the corner, chair turned toward the center of the room. His left claws ticking on the desk in a rhythmic fashion. Rache continued to pace once they got there.
"It would be best for me to take Rico out to the woods to do some quick training. It probably won't take more than 5 hours and I think he'll be safe and prepared for the world in his new body." Arro said, smiling. The hyena, who now moved to rolling about on the bed like a puppy in freshly mowed grass.
"Absolutely not." Rache now stopped pacing, glaring daggers at the werewolf.
"He needs training or he won't be able to turn back and forth, know how to handle a full moon, or anything. The woods is the safest place since there likely won't be anyone around. I'll check with my nose to make sure before we start."
"Forgive me for taking all this a little hard. First my brother is dying.. but now he's not and mythical creatures exist. What's next? Is bigfoot real?" She whispered loudly, not trusting herself to talk for fear of it being a shout that could be over heard.
"Big foot is probably several different lycans who were spotted in the woods. Luckily people who swear they saw us usually get written off as crazy. Or people assume it was a bear. Chupacabra is probably the same way. Any humanoid beast like monster is probably just us." The wolf replied.
"I wasn't being serious! I have enough on my mind and I don't need to be thinking about if the moth man is real or not!" She closed her eyes, sinking her head into her hand.
"Oh yeah, I've met him, he's actually pretty nice. He just gets kinda distracted when morphed in the city because of how bright it is and-"
"No.. no. that's enough! You two go have your wolfy training lessons in the park or whatever.. and I'll wait here." She sunk onto the bed in defeat.
"Yes!" Rico shot up from his spot on the bed, tail wagging so hard he nearly knocked the alarm clock off the bedstand.
And so they borrowed Rache's keys and Arro in human form drove them to the edge of town. Once skilled a lycan could probably kite through alleys undetected through the town and get there faster than a car due to avoiding traffic.. but now was the time for learning. First Rico practiced morphing back and forth. It took him some encouragement, but he managed to do it. Next Arro did a perimeter sweep, making sure the woods were human free. They ran through the woods to burn off some of the new energy the young hyena had once it was declared safe. Rico found he had more stamina than ever before. They ran for a good hour and he was still not tired. Arro taught him to read scents, mostly of animals since it would not be safe to practice on humans. Fear, assertiveness, how to tell animals apart; it wouldn't always be a needed skill, but being able to read danger from animals around him had actually alerted him to hunters ahead of time before he even knew they were close by. Then came the learning that would be most important, after learning how to shift... learning how to resist shifting. The pair settled into a spot in the leaves to talk.
"Turn back for me." The wolf requested, admiring how far the boy had come already.
The eyes squeezed shut, the changes came slowly at first. Visually the hyena shrunk in size, until he was a foot shorter. The fur started retreating, leaving a naked patches, as the jaw meant to crush bones shrank, the nose turned from black to pale skin. Claws sucked into fingers, pads melted into human fingers. The change finally complete, Rico smiled triumphantly, a little winded from the effort.
"Lycans tend to shift when they're afraid.. or when they're excited. We can't have you go to an amusement park and wolf out... uh hyena out on a roller coaster. Or if you're in bed with a new boyfriend and you turn into a canine, he's going to have a lot of questions... We'll practice the second one first. That one's easier to simulate." The shifted wolf reached a hand over, resting it on the young man's shaft. "Let's see if you can hold back a change when you're completely lost to the afterglow. If you can do that, I think you'll be about ready. Full moons tend to make full lycanthropes very aggressively horny... Half lycans are more like a teenager in level of horniness on the full moon. They really want to, but they can manage to resist a lot of the time because parents are there or life gets in the way. So it shouldn't be that much different." The wolf's hand moved as he spoke, running claws gently over the boy's scrotum. Deadly weapons gently caressing his most tender spot. A shiver ran down his spine as he shuddered with the pleasure of it, Arro could see him fighting the change already. His hands balled up into fists as forming claws cut into his palms, and then receded as he won over the change. Growing out as his control waned, and then pulling back in. A difficult battle. A single fang stuck out of the corner of his mouth. Arro knew the pain of holding back transformation. A slight ache that was probably registering as pleasure.
Arro's hand came up, now fully cupping the boy's balls, the hot feeling of the wolf's paw pad making the recipient's back arch in pleasure as the twin orbs were rolled around in their sack. Arro lowered his head, immense jaws capable of biting through the neck of large animals, now delicately engulfing the still human tip. Hot breath washed over in waves, pre began to leak out as the large wolf mouth began to suckle.
He could see out of the corner of his eyes, the boy's eyes closed in bliss. As he lost concentration his ears grew to a point. Fur started to creep up around his neck, thickening down his back. This attempt was probably already a loss, but at least he would see how long the boy could hold off.
His long canine tongue extended from the jaws, lapping all the way down to the base, as he lowered deeper. The long snout could easily accommodate even the largest human fully without even reaching his throat. He lifted and sunk down deeper, until his open maw brushed against the boy's belly and even his testicles were inside the warm, wet space. He felt the rapid changes start then, the penis in his mouth exploding in length and girth, nearly choking him as the boy's whole body grew. Arro backed off letting the wet, now fur covered balls fall out of his mouth as he moved to better accommodate the new canine rod. Though his eyes were now closed, he felt the hyena paw rest heavily on the back of his head, pushing down as he thrust eagerly into the waiting muzzle. The pointed tip tickled the back of his throat, as little jets of pre collected in the back of his mouth. Rico put his hands on either side of the head, beginning his thrusting eagerly. He'd failed the test but he couldn't stop now, as his thrusts became faster. Finally he held himself as deep as he could in the wolf's mouth, emptying his balls directly down the wolf's waiting throat. The first ejaculation of his newly created canine body, virile thick spurts of musky cream flowed out of the tip in jets. Arro didn't fight back as his stomach was rewarded for his efforts. He lifted up with a gasp, coughing a little of the gift back out of his nose and the corners of his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. He wiped his furred paw across his face, clearing the fluid. "Again. Change back and we'll go again."
Rico looked guilty for a moment, after the dazed smile wore off of his face. A new determination stole across as his body shifted back to human.
Arro stood from the forest floor, pulling Rico to his feet as well, before he pushed him against the nearest tree. His long wolf snout pressed into the human boy's lips. The taste of canine cum still on his lips, as his tongue pressed into Rico's mouth and he tasted himself.
Minutes passed as he finally lifted up for breath. Arro roughly turned him around, sandwiching the boy between himself and the tree. The hard wolf shaft gliding over the smooth cheeks, and he pulled them apart with clawed hands, roughly but being careful not to damage him. He knew the boy could heal with the advanced abilities he endowed him with, but he didn't want to hurt him. He dribbled pre around the hole with his shaft, before lining himself up and thrusting in, hard. Rico moaned under him, and Arro felt the muscled body under him ripple as he fought against the change once more. Now that he knew the kid could take it, he pounded himself in with quick deep thrusts. He could feel the slight wetness of their previous coupling earlier that same day, and the feeling brought his own changes. Full lycans not only had a hybrid form, but an immense full wolf form. Large enough for a grown man to ride on. First his chest changed, going from mostly flat like a humans, to barreled and rounded like a canines. Each thrust caused the transformation to ripple across Arro's body. He was almost twice the size of the small human beneath him. As he changed so too did the youth beneath him. Fingers dug into the bark of the tree, as claws elongated once again. A tail appeared so that he could wag it furiously at the full feeling of the large wolf pushing into him. He thought he would break as the knot buried itself into him. His bowels filled with potent feral wolf seed. The hyena's shaft now back to standing at attention, and dripping once again with clear precum. Arro drooled a bit on Rico's back as he came back to his senses. He cleared his throat, his voice now half an octave deeper. "See how easy it is to lose yourself?" The large wolf panted, his forepaws still wrapped around the furred body in front of him. They carefully backed away from the tree, laying once again in the leaf litter. It took a half hour before the knot shrunk down enough to safely pull from the now stretched ring of flesh. When the large shaft pulled from the boy, he couldn't help but marvel at the size. "All that.. was in me?"
"Lycanthropes are quite resilient creatures, you'd be surprised at what your body can take. Looks like you're ready to give it another try." The wolf nosed at Rico's stiff canine erection. "Try again.. this time be determined. You need to be able to hold your form. What if you scare off a potential life partner by revealing yourself too soon before they're ready?"
The canine features faded as the hyena, now a human again, stood with a determined look on his face. The large wolf turned his back, lifting his tail out of the way. The boy placed his hands on the large furred beast's haunches. He was truly intimidating in this form. As big as a small horse, with the muscle of a hunter. This time he would resist the change, this time he would prove himself. He set about rutting the large animal in front of him, his tongue curled out over his lip with concentration. His brows furrowed as he concentrated on his form. The pleasure made his legs weak, and the change tried to sweep in to strengthen him. It would have been so easy to give in. So easy to embrace the creature inside him that so badly wanted to help him with the task at hand. Arro's fleshy tunnel contracted around him, making it harder, as the space got tighter. Rico had to stand on his tip toes and hold on to reach, his front half draped over the wolf's warm fur. The enticing smells that he knew would be so much better if he just transformed. The pheromones made his nose tingle. No.. he wouldn't. He was stronger than this. Just a few more minutes. Arro glanced over his shoulder, proud that the boy had made it that far. As he finally grunted, thrusting once more and emptying his balls into the great beast's back side. As they both fell forward, tired but content.