The Interrogation

Story by Paellicius on SoFurry

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A captured royal guard is subject to an interesting interrogation

(An excerpt from my quest Mounted and Bred: Breederlord on Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. A royal guard who went to help a person in distress fell into a trap and is now under a rather interesting interrogation)

"Oh look at you, d-does this feel nice?" The sheep girl asked as she used her ample breasts to massage Ingolf's cock. She wasn't what he'd expected in the middle of a group like this, she seemed far too sweet. Too innocent. Yet here she was using her breasts to make him feel like he was about to cum at any second.

"You're doing great, but pull back for now." His seat informed her, the bear woman's voice far more melodious than one would expect from such a large frame. "We can't have him going off too early now can we? Not before he's ready to talk with little ole me."

Ingolf felt cold as the sheep girl pulled back, after her warm embrace the air around his shaft seemed practically frigid, he wanted to move forward, she clearly wanted to let him, her eyes looking longingly at his cock her chest bouncing lightly as she rocked back on her heels. It was all he could do to hold his tongue.

"You could have more than her chest you know, how'd you like to try her out for real? Get all nestled up and cozy, even get that nice thick knot in her." The bear teased, running her arms down his body, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I'll... not play your game." Ingolf said after a moment, getting his discipline back.

"Game?" A bright voice cut in. "What are we playing?" What the?

"Camden, you're supposed to watch." The bear chided, "Not interfere"

"But Melody looks so sad, it doesn't look like she's having fun. It's not a good game if we're not having fun." Evidently Camden moved in from the side to pat Melody on the head, for a moment Ingolf could have sworn she looked annoyed before returning to her sweetness. "Are you guys playing with this?" He asked, looking at Ingolf's erection. "I've never seen a wolf's before! I've heard about them though! Is that the knot?" He asked, reaching out to squeeze the base of Ingolf's cock where his bulb had been rapidly hardening.

It kind of hurt but in an oddly pleasant way, a bit of pre shooting out of his tip. "Hey! Mine does that too! Is this fun?" Camden asked.

"Camden, it's not that kind of game!" The bear said, her voice getting stern. "We need him to tell us about what's in the town."

"Why not just ask him then?" Camden asked, seemingly absentminded as he gave the knot another squeeze achieving the same result. "It's not like it could hurt to let us know. We're just here for work."

"Work?" Ingolf asked, this was not at all what he'd expected when they'd taken him away for interrogation and his mind was having trouble keeping up.

"Yeah! My Uncle Birk says we're here to help the population, the lost a lot of men to something called a migration. I don't know what that is but it sounds scary. So we're here to help!" Camden said his voice bright. "Are you here for that too?"

"No..." Ingolf said. "I'm a guard."

"Guard? That sounds cool! I mean, I know guard is a thing that my Uncle Birk has me do when we're not moving but I didn't know it was so important that there was a whole job for it! What's it like?" The boy's enthusiasm was catching Ingolf completely off guard. It didn't seem to be a trick of any sort either. It... kind of reminded him of his brother... without the squeezing his cock part.

"I keep people safe on the roads and in towns. Particular people." Ingolf admitted after a moment, the excitement of an answer once more causing a squeeze. The bear had fallen silent and he didn't notice her wide-eyed exchange with the sheep girl.

"Wow! That sounds awesome! My uncle only lets me guard pinecones! People are way more cool than pinecones! They're much nicer too! They don't try to hurt you if you accidentally step on them!" Camden said his eyes still bright.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Ingolf said, his voice going dark for a moment. "Pinecones are far more worthy than some people. Including those who set themselves to be in trees."

"Really? You mean like a burr instead of a pinecone? Those are really mean, pinecones can say sorry but burrs try and stick around so that they can hurt more. I had one get in my fur once and I didn't notice it until I laid down and the camp got mad at me because I woke people up. Do people do that too?"

"The princess sure tries." Ingolf said, rolling his eyes before realizing what he'd just said. The boy didn't seem to notice his distress.

"Wow really? A princess? But I thought in all the stories princesses were nice and kind and gentle and gave people honey treats!" Camden said, his shock at the idea of a princess who didn't hand out honey treats causing the hardest squeeze yet. "Why protect a burr?"

Ingolf didn't reply.

"I think that's enough Camden, you've made the game more fun it seems but we'll take it from here." The bear woman said. "Go and tell your uncle I said you were a great help. I'm sure he'll be happy with you."

"OK! Thanks for talking to me." Camden said, releasing his hold, the sudden lack of pleasure being the final straw that sent Ingolf over the edge. His cum raining down on the sheep girl's chest. Instead of seeming annoyed she let out a cute giggle.

After Camden was gone the bear redoubled her hold. "Someone was a bit pent up." She teased as Melody started sensually licking her chest to get his seed. "Just tell us a bit more about this princess of your's and we'll let you put it somewhere a bit more fun."

The Bird and The Bet

(A scene from my quest [Mounted and Bred: Breederlord]( on []( Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord....

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Solfie Tying the Knot

(A bonus from my quest [Mounted and Bred: Breederlord]( on []( Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord....

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Bandit Bitch Breeding

(A bonus from my quest [Mounted and Bred: Breederlord]( on []( Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord....

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