Ameowzing Day

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of 2020 Stories

I do not apologize for any puns that may result in facepalms from this story.

Written for a Patreon

This was available for early access on my Patreon. Join now for discounts, voting on stuff, and skipping the commission queue line!

Luna hated high school, but for many children, that was the norm. Luna rode the yellow bus to his school and he looked out the window with a sigh as they passed by a large bowling alley. In addition to school, he hated the mundane normal world. Being a human just felt so boring. Nothing interesting ever seemed to happen. Of course, he didn't want 'interesting' to mean a lot of danger; he just wanted a slightly different life. He pulled out a comic about a world of cat anthros, and read it. He was by all accounts a nerd, but not a stereotypical one. He just didn't have that many friends in school. "A life where everyone's a cat anthro. Hah, that'd be interesting." He said to himself.

Luna hopped off the bus with his backpack and walked with the crowd into the school. The hallways were just as crowded with students standing around talking in the middle of the hallway while others texted or moved very slowly. "No ability to social distance around here." He said to himself as he walked over to the stairway. He walked down the stairs to his first class. He didn't mind his first class, as it was one of the easier classes to do, but he fell asleep in it now and then, because of how boring it was.

Luna walked into the room after grabbing a soda to keep himself awake. He was glad his teacher let him bring that in to help. He sat down at his desk and waited.

The room was an art class. The teacher arranged the desks in a circle around a pedestal, which often had a piece of artwork on it. Today there was a still statue of a cat.

Luna noticed the gray cat posed highly. He also saw a blank canvas on everyone's desk, as well as a paintbrush with a variety of colors next to it. "We're painting a cat?"

"Not exactly." A calm voice spoke out as the teacher entered the room with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I'll tell you what we're doing once everyone gets here. For now, please leave the brush alone."

Luna and the other children nicknamed the teacher 'Ross' for his calm behavior and joy of painting. Heck, the person even had the very bushy hair the famous artist had. "If you insist."

It didn't take long for others to come into the class and take their seats one by one. Chatter filled the classroom, even when the bell rang, but only moments after the bell rang, the teacher walked to the center of the desks arranged in a circle.

"Now class," The teacher said in a calm voice. "I bet you think I'm going to tell you to paint this cat, but I actually want you to know about inspiration. You see, inspiration isn't about necessarily copying directly, but about taking and adding on to it."

Luna tilted his head with a hint of confusion. He wasn't big on art, but he was big on certain kinds of art.

"You are to draw a self-portrait. However, you are to draw a self-portrait using this cat as inspiration. Combine yourself and the cat. What do you see? Draw that."

Luna looked at the cat, and then at the blank canvas. He admittedly did expect to draw a cat, but not himself with a cat. He remembered earlier in the morning when he mentioned a cat, and mentally chuckled. 'Okay, but I'm keeping this simple.' He got to work and began to draw himself. He figured himself with cat ears and a tail was simple enough. He saw a lot of anime about characters with just animal ears and a tail, and that was a perfect spot for him. He colored his dark hair, his slightly tanned skin, his young high school body, but he kept it PG of course. He remembered the last time he drew 'adult' content the teacher very much berated him. Although, if he drew the adult content in a 'creative' method that hid such things, then the teacher thought it was incredibly creative.

Luna didn't spend too much time on the details. The teacher expected the artwork done within the hour. He drew a circle, colored it in, and then added two cat ears at the top of the head. As he drew the ears, he felt a strange pulling sensation on his head. The sensation didn't hurt, but it felt odd. He scratched the side of his head and casually shrugged before he continued. He drew one ear, and then the other. As he finished both ears, he felt something happen to his hearing, but he didn't pay it any attention as his hearing picked back up again not a moment later.

Luna could tell his ears felt bizarre. He felt a twitch, but it was in a spot that shouldn't have existed on him. He added a tail to the painting, and then he felt something twitch behind him. He glanced around at the other students curiously and noticed they all had furry cat ears on top of their head. He knew they didn't have them earlier. It was then he felt something brush against his back. He reached back and felt a tail. He couldn't see what the tail was attached to, but a quick and gentle pull of the tail confirmed his worst fears. The tail was part of him.

Luna breathed faster. He felt his heart pound harder. He felt ready to panic. He had a tail and ears. He knew he never had them before, but at the same time, he also knew he 'did' have them before. Something was going on, and he couldn't tell what.

The teacher walked around the class and paused behind Luna. "Are you feeling okay? You look pale."

Luna's ears twitched as he heard the teacher. Even hearing the teacher with his new feline ears was enough to scare him. "N-I mean, Y-yes." He wondered why the other students didn't notice anything different. He remembered himself with cat ears, but he also remembered he shouldn't have them either.

"Alright then, just continue your self-portrait. You're doing very well." The teacher gave Luna a gentle pat on the back.

Luna felt his tail stiff with fear, and feeling his tail grow stiff just made it worse. 'Calm down. There has to be an explanation to this. Maybe I'm just dreaming, but this feels way too real.'

Luna didn't get much time to think before the bell rang loudly, indicating the end of the class. An hour came and went before Luna knew what hit him.

"Okay class, just leave your drawings and I shall grade them. Fear not how good or bad you have done, for so long as you have put forth a clear attempt, you shall get an 'A' for me. You will all simply be ameowzing."

Luna liked this art class for that reason alone. It was very easy to pass. He knew the next class he had to take was also easy to pass, but that didn't mean he was a fan of it. He walked down the hallway and into the locker room to attend his next class, gym. Luna changed into his white shorts and white shirt in the locker room, and took the time to confirm that his new feline tail and ears indeed were part of his body. His human ears were long gone.

Luna walked out from the locker room into the gym and waited for the others to join him. He wasn't afraid about bullies in the locker room. He just felt nervous now that he had cat ears and a tail. However, the more people he saw leave the locker rooms, the more he saw everyone had cat ears and a tail. 'Did reality really change and make us all like this? What the heck even caused this?' He wondered what could have possibly set this change in motion. He imagined an epic battle that took place between two sorcerers casting spells that changed the world in so many ways. The world possibly changed in ways nobody even realized and they thought everything was normal. He wondered if he was anything else before he was human, but he couldn't remember anything. He also thought the reason for their transforming was probably far less exciting.

A teacher from his 40s walked in with a large belly, but muscular arms and legs. "Hello there class. I wonder how many of you fell asleep in your first class." He said with a laugh.

"Nothing wrong with a cat nap now and then." A blonde child spoke up.

Luna knew that kid all too well as the class clown. He just rolled his eyes at the comment.

"And that's twenty pushups for you, young man." The teacher pointed to the blonde kid. "As for the rest of you, one lap around the basement and I'll see you in five."

The students raced out and began to run. Luna ran with them, but his pace was slow as he tried to think about what happened to not just him, but the world around him.

Luna's feline ears twitched as he ran. His shoes felt uncomfortable, and not because his feet were tired. He wondered if his body shifted more, but he couldn't look down at his feet to check. He knew the students would look at him oddly, and he had a reputation to hold in the school! He wasn't the 'best' child, but he wasn't an outcast either, and he wanted to keep it that way. 'I'll get the chance to look once we finish and I have to change out of these gym clothes.' He thought to himself.

Once Luna finished a lap, he walked back into the gym and noticed there was a giant scratching post up against one of the walls. Luna couldn't deny it. He saw cat-scratching posts before. The gym wall no doubt had something just like it, and the teacher stood next to it.

"Now class, today we are going to climb the wall. Your goal is to climb this wall and ring that bell on top." The teacher pointed to the very top of the ceiling where a small bell hung. "Any questions?"

'Uh, yeah. How do you expect us to reach the top of the ceiling just by climbing a wall?' Luna wanted to ask, but he thought instead. He stared at the ceiling with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. There was no way a human could ever achieve such a feat. A cat might be able to claw his or her way up, but no human could.

"What's the matter Luna?" The teacher called out. "You a scaredy cat?" He smiled over at him.

Luna could tell the other students had a look of indifference and groans, but none of them seemed to look at the wall with the same eyes he did. "Uh, you just have to be kitten me right meow." The cat puns weren't intentional. He didn't even realize he made them. "There's no way a person can climb on a wall like that to reach the top. A rope maybe, but not the wall."

"Have you never gotten yourself stuck on the curtains when you were a baby?" The teacher laughed. "We've all done that. You." He pointed to a young thin looking woman. "Show him how it's done."

The student nodded and approached the wall. She kicked off her shoes and revealed bare clawed feet. She jumped up to the wall and stuck her hands into the strange wall. The girl climbed up, batted the bell, and jumped down. She landed with a soft thump on the padding below on her hands and feet.

"See?" The teacher said to Luna. "Easy."

Luna looked down at his hands and noticed his fingernails were gone. He flexed his fingers and saw sharp nails pop out. He could only imagine the same thing happened to his toes as well. He didn't remember seeing this transformation, nor did he remember ever feeling it. The fact he didn't know his hands, and likely feet, transformed worried him greatly. "Uh..." He looked at the wall with a grimace.

"Come on, give it a try." The gym teacher pointed to the scratching post wall. "You know how this class goes. I can't fail you if you try, but I CAN fail you if you give up."

Luna walked up to the wall carefully. He kicked his shoes off and noticed his toes indeed had claw tips on them. He looked up at the wall in front of him, and placed the palm of his hand on it. He dug his new claws into it, and pulled himself upwards with surprising ease. He raised his other hand as high as he could reach it, dug it into the wall, and then pulled himself up. He had no idea he was even capable of performing such a feat, yet here he was climbing a wall as if he had done it his whole life. 'What the heck is happening to me?' He thought to himself. He couldn't stop though. He knew the entire class was watching. He reached the top, rang the bell, and then turned his head back. He stared down at the ground below him and the mat. He remembered the girl just jumped down from this height as if she were a cat. He took a deep breath, and he mimicked her action. He jumped down onto the mat below, and landed with a soft thud.

"There, that wasn't so hard was it?" The teacher asked with a chuckle.

Luna breathed heavily. He didn't feel as if the wall climb was a workout, but he felt nervous. He knew the things he just did should have been impossible for a human, yet he did it swiftly and effortlessly. 'How much more are we going to transform?' He thought to himself. He couldn't deny the change was happening. Art class was one thing, but this was completely another.

Luna watched as the students did the climb and rang the bell one at a time. The bell on top wasn't even a real bell, but it looked more like a bell that dangled on a toy that a cat might use. He continued to wonder what happened to him, and the rest of the class, but he couldn't piece together how their transformations were happening, they just simply were. He figured once school got out that he'd finally have the free time to look into what was happening, but he had a strong feeling he was going to change even more before then.

The teacher dismissed the class to go into the locker room to shower and change back into their normal clothes. Almost nobody ever showered unless he or she had to use the pool. Luna wasn't worried about a shower himself. He stared at his claw tipped hands and toes. He could tell his feet and hands changed even more to resembled paws as the class went on, but they lacked fur and paw pads. 'I'm really becoming some kind of cat anthro.' He thought to himself.

Luna put on his normal clothing and left the locker room just as the bell rang. He walked up the stairs and made his way to his next class. He glanced around and noticed everyone still had cat ears and tails. He couldn't see their hands very well, but what hands he saw he noticed claws. He also definitely couldn't see their feet as they all wore shoes, but he could only assume they all had cat paws for their feet too. ' how many more classes do I have? I have to figure this out.' Luna decided to rush to his next class and check his cell phone before class began for any strange news.

Luna's next class was a much more standard class. He had world geography, and that classroom had standard wooden and metal desks with the chairs attached to them. The top of the desks opened up for storage, but the interior of the desks were rarely clean.

Luna sat down and checked his phone while he had spare time. He found nothing on his phone about strange news. He checked the 'Nyane'o'clock show' and found nothing. It was then he noticed what the show called itself. 'Isn't it supposed to be Nine'o'clock News? The heck is up with the cat puns? God, it's like some old dad is changing the world.' Luna thought with a frustrated sigh.

Other students came to class, and the teacher walked inside just as the bell rang. This teacher was a tall female in a red and white suit. "I hope you are all having an Ameowzing day today." She said with an innocent smile.

Luna mentally groaned at the other cat pun. 'Just let this school day end so I can go to McNyanolds. Wait...didn't that used to be called...oh damnyait! Son of a Queen!' Luna had to think about the 'queen' comment. He realized one called a female cat a Queen, unlike what one might call a female dog, which was the name he wanted to think about earlier.

"Now, today we are going to review the basics of countries." The teacher pulled down a map in front of the chalkboard behind her desk. She revealed the world map, but there was no indication of what anything was. "Can anyone tell me what this is?" she grabbed a large pointer and pointed it at one large continent.

One student raised her hand. "Nyarth Ameowica?" She asked.

'Nyarth Ameowica. That's so dumb.' Luna thought to himself. He rolled his eyes as he tried to think about what the continent's name used to be, but he couldn't think of any other sort of answer that didn't sound wrong.

"That is right." The teacher said with a nod. "But what about this part of Nyarth Ameowica specifically." She said with a point.

"The Unyated States of Ameowica." The student replied calmly.

"Right." The teacher smiled. "That was a pretty easy one. What about this place?" She pointed to the top continent.

A male student raised his hand. "Nyantartica." He replied.

'Okay, this is getting silly. How many countries are cat puns, and are we really going to point them all out?' Luna thought, if nothing else, he could try to think of why everyone was transforming. Even the world itself clearly changed to a more cat-like world. He glanced around the room briefly for any physical changes around the room, but he didn't notice anything. He wasn't sure if he didn't notice anything because nothing had changed, or because something changed him to 'think' nothing had changed. He looked at his hands and noticed they looked much more paw-like than before. He was sure there were other changes to his body too, but he couldn't quite identify what.

"Good, but now let's go for something a little more challenging." The teacher pointed the large stick at a small spot. "What country is this?"

The class fell silent. Luna was always silent as he tried to think of why they were transforming, and why the world was, but he couldn't think of a logical explanation. He also wondered if the other students and teachers knew about what was going on too, but just didn't change how they behaved because it might appear odd.

"Luna?" The teacher asked. "Can you tell me what country this is?"

Luna felt as if he knew the answer, and at the same time, he didn't know. He knew what the name of the country the teacher pointed at 'used' to be, but not the new name. He had to think. 'Okay, obviously we live in a world where cat puns are going to become a big theme here. I swear, if this were a story, the writer must have nothing better to do than think of these all day.' He thought to himself.

"Furance?" Luna asked with uncertainty.

The teacher's eyes glared at Luna shortly before they lit up. "That's right. Very good, Luna. The cats of Furance often have long luxurious furs all over their body."

Luna felt ready to bang his head onto his desk. He can't believe such a stupid pun. He 'had' to figure out what was going on before it was too late and he found himself sleeping curled up in a bed during his weekends.

Then again, he had a tendency to do something like that anyways, even when he wasn't a cat anthro.

The bell rang and Luna hopped up. He didn't have class to go to this time, but instead he had a lunch break. Before he went to lunch, he felt a slight twinge in his eyes. He walked over to his locker, opened it up to his miniature mirror inside, and noticed his eyes, while the same color, now looked like slit cat eyes. He could only imagine the rest of the students had the same eyes too. A quick glance around his locker confirmed as such. He let out a soft sigh and made his way to the cafeteria. There was a long line of students waiting for their food, and he joined the line as if it were any other normal day. 'At least I have this entire period to look on my phone for any weirdness. I can't leave school grounds either way though.'

Luna eventually got his food and took a seat at a table where other students were too busy browsing their phones to socialize much. Luna did much of the same as he looked over his phone, and then he glanced down at his meal. He wanted to give a face of disgust. 'A tuna sandwich? And are these baked carrots and sliced bananas? Are these even safe for house cats? You know what; I don't want to know. I've had enough cat puns; I don't need to keep learning about cats too.' Luna ate the banana slices with little problem. He hated the idea of trying out a tuna sandwich though. He picked it up and eyed the flesh colored fish. He noticed there was some lettuce in there too. With a sigh, he took a small bite and quickly swallowed. He ate fish before, but a tuna sandwich was something new entirely. In addition, school lunches were never that tasty to begin with. The sandwich didn't have much of a taste to it besides wet and mushy, which was unpleasant for his mouth.

Luna continued to check his phone with one hand as he ate with the other. He hated the taste of the sandwich, but he was hungry. With every bite, he felt something strange about his mouth. He ran his tongue along the front of his teeth and felt them growing sharper. 'Am I changing the more cat-like things I do? No, because then I would have grown the claws while trying that wall in the gym, not before.' He was perplexed. He just couldn't figure out why not only him, but the entire world around him continued to transform, and he was the only one aware as far as he knew.

Luna wasn't sure what he should do. He had three more classes in school, and he felt as if his transformation into an anthro was half finished. He glanced over to the door in the lunchroom that led to the playground outside. He wasn't at the right age for the teachers to give him access to it anymore, but even if he could, he wasn't sure what he could do even if he left school. 'Am I just supposed to accept this? I mean, being a cat anthro can't be that bad. I still wish I knew the cause of it all though.'

The bell soon rang and indicated lunchtime was over. Luna didn't get anywhere about learning what caused the transformations, and now he had to go attend more classes. 'I have math, English, and science left. If I can't figure this out before then, well...I guess I'm not in trouble, but I'll become a cat anthro, and who knows if I can change back.' Luna sighed. He tossed the rest of his food out and made his way to math class.

There was little fancy about the math class. The walls were white, and there was a whiteboard in front of the class with a projection screen currently turned off. Luna sat down and pulled out his math book. Curiosity got the best of him, and he glanced through the math book to try to find any significant changes, but he didn't find anything. Either that or his mind had changed and made him think there were no changes to his book. He wasn't sure which the case was, but both scared him. 'Okay, look, I can deal with becoming a cat anthro, but why am I the only one that knows about this? There has to be something going on. There has to be a reason behind this!' Luna felt as if he was ready to go into a mental breakdown. He grasped his head and breathed hard and heavy.

"Luna, are you okay?" The teacher up front asked. He had a book in his hands titled 'A tale of two litter boxes.' "You look absolutely pale."

'Why didn't I think of this before?' Luna thought to himself. As the students began to fill the room, Luna stood up and walked to the teacher. "No, I'm just not feeling very well. Can I go to the nurse?" He paused. "May I go to the nurse?"

"This isn't English class Luna; I'm not going to berate you for your choice of words." The teacher gave Luna a key attached to a large two-foot cat toy attached by a chain. "Here, go see the nurse."

Luna grabbed the pass and walked out of the classroom, just as the bell rang again indicating everyone should be in class. The hallways quickly emptied out, and Luna glanced around. He knew it was now his chance to look around, but he wasn't sure where to begin.

After a brief stroll around the hallway, Luna figured the best thing to do was to check the nurse's office. He had to get a pass from her anyway to confirm that he 'did' go there, and he could see if anyone else knew about the transformation as well.

Luna walked into the front office and looked around at the staff, all of whom ignored him. The staff worked as if it were any other normal day. He turned to the nurse's office and opened up the door to find nobody except the slightly chubby nurse.

The nurse turned to Luna. While she had the cat traits so many others did, she also had a furry light orange face. The orange grew darker as it got behind her back. "Hello there. What seems to be the problem?"

Luna felt his face turn pale at the sight of the fur on the nurse's face. He wondered if he had that same fur. He looked down at his nose and didn't see any whiskers, but as he curiously puffed one cheek, he swore he saw dark fur. "I uhm." He wasn't sure how to explain it. He felt as if the nurse would call him insane and order his parents to take him home, but maybe that's exactly what he needed. "Something just feels really, really off today. Doesn't something feel so strange about today? Like, something doesn't feel right."

"Something doesn't feel right with you, or something doesn't feel right with the world?" The nurse sat down and began to type at a small computer. Her claws retracted underneath her furry fingers so she could type better. "There is a difference between the two."

"Um, both I guess." Luna felt as if he was a kid trying to fake an illness. He knew something was wrong with the world and himself, but he also felt the nurse would call him crazy for speaking his mind. "I just, don't you think you were something, and now you're something else?"

"I'm not following." The nurse turned her head to Luna. "Did you hit your head, or do you have a fever? Delusional thinking is common with a fever; it's nothing to be ashamed of." She grabbed a thermometer and positioned it in front of Luna's head. "Do you mind if I take your temperature?"

Luna sighed. "I just...we're humans, aren't we?" Luna opened his mouth and placed the thermometer under his tongue. He felt how different his tongue was. He had a strange desire to lick his wrist so he could straighten his hair.

"Human?" The nurse chuckled. "How are you doing in history? Humans haven't existed for thousands of years." The thermometer beeped after a moment and the nurse pulled it out. "Your temperature seems normal."

'Thousands of years? Okay, now I'm REALLY curious.' Luna thought to himself. He had history class, but it was every other day. 'I'm going to have to look in that book. Rhyming not intentional.'

"You're looking better." The nurse tilted her head slightly. "You're almost looking deep in thought though. Do you have a headache?" She pulled out a small tablet smaller than the tip of her pinkie.

"No, I um...I feel better." Luna scratched his head, and then winced as he felt his claws on the back of his skull. His claws were sharp! "I'm just a bit confused about a few things, but I guess that's what school is for, right?" He laughed nervously.

The nurse casually shrugged. "Okay. I'd lay off the catnip if I were you. It has a tendency to do things like that." She wrote her signature on a note and handed it to Luna.

Luna grabbed the note and nodded. "Hah, yeah catnip." He turned around and left the office. He walked back to his locker and opened it up. He grabbed the history book he left in there and looked through it briefly. He was never a huge fan of history, but he had to know about humans. 'Let's see, how a laser pointer stopped the cold war? No. The Assassination of Franz Purdinand? No. There is really nothing about humans here. Just how far back do I have to go?' Luna remembered what the nurse said about thousands of years ago. A history book may not have been enough to cut it. He knew his phone would be far more likely to have that kind of information, but he also knew he'd get in trouble if he loitered around the hallways looking at his phone. He walked his way back to math class. Once back, he gave the teacher the note before he sat back down at his desk, opened up his book vertically, and pulled out his phone.

Luna paid less attention in math and more on his phone. He wasn't trying to goof off as so many other students did with their phones. Rather, he tried to look up the history of cat anthros. As he did, he felt his skin prickle.

"Luna?" The teacher called out. "Are you on page 236?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." His distraction was obvious to anyone that heard his tone. He didn't even realize he had to turn his book and still study math. He was determined to find out more about humans and cat anthros, as well as what connection there was. There had to be something that could help him.

"Then maybe you can answer the question on paragraph three for us?"

Luna felt his heart skip a beat. "I uh," he quickly turned the pages on his book to 236 and read the sentence aloud. "If John has fifty carrots and eats a quarter of them, how many does he have left?" He paused. He knew fractions, but the question caught him off guard. "Still too many and now a stomach ache?"

Most of the students laughed, and the teacher just rolled his eyes. "F for the answer, but A for creativity. Moving on." He turned back to the whiteboard and began to write numbers.

Luna paid little attention to the numbers the teacher wrote, let alone what meaning they had behind them. He focused on learning about humans and cat anthros. He noticed there was a conspiracy website over cat anthros, and he inspected it. The website was mostly a black background with white text and various weird images, but the text fascinated Luna.

The text read 'No one is sure when cat anthros replaced humans. There is a theory that one or two cat anthros appeared long ago during the age of the cave dwellers and exterminated all of the humans, and then proceeded to repopulate the world themselves. It is perhaps proof that time travel exists.'

'That's just crazy, but it almost makes sense.' Luna thought. He just wasn't sure what he could do about it. If time travel was real, then he could not do anything to stop it while in school. He felt warm as dark fur grew over his body. He wasn't sure what was left of him to transform. Bit by bit he looked more like a cat anthro. He had the ears, the tail, the claws, the eyes, and now the fur. He still stood up like a human, and his body hadn't changed enough to alter his clothing, although his shoes felt very uncomfortable now.

The bell rang and Luna hastily left the classroom to go to his next class. The school day felt as if it took an eternity, but most school days were like that. This day in particular felt worse. 'Okay, I have English and Science left. I'm not sure what to do about transforming. I also don't know why I'm the only one that seems to be fully aware of it. Even all these websites online are just conspiracy theories. Nobody on Toyger* is even commenting about how they're becoming a cat anthro.'

*(Author's note: Toyger is apparently a breed of housecat. There, you learned something new in this story.)

Luna walked into his English class and sat down. He looked up at the board and noticed a few sentences, likely written from last period. "You've got to be kitten me right meow." He read. 'Oh god, are we doing more cat puns? I swear if that theory is true it must have been a 40 year old dad that went back in time and is making everything into a cat pun.'

Luna knew he should stop thinking so hard over becoming a cat anthro. It was a dream of his, and likely countless others, to change into a world full of anthros. He was getting his wish. He just wished he knew what actually caused the transformation. He had nothing to go on but conspiracy theories, and it frustrated him to no end. He felt excited over becoming a cat anthro, but he loathed that he didn't know 'why' it was happening.

The next class started after the bell, but Luna hardly paid attention. He looked up at the board and then he glanced down at his book as the teacher wrote and spoke in a manner Luna was familiar with, but she spoke slightly differently, as if the English language itself changed the moment that bell rang.

"Good Meowning class." The female teacher said, as if she were making a horrible dad pun. However, many of the other students replied in the same manner. "Good Meowning."

As the teacher began her lecture, Luna flipped through the book curiously. He noticed many words that had 'M' in them often had 'mew' or 'meow' as the proper way to say them. He also noticed words might contain 'nya' as well, if the word sounded like it would need it. 'Okay, maybe someone is teasing me. Puns were one thing, but now they're meowssing- ahem, messing with the English language.' Luna felt more confused than ever.

Luna leaned his head into his hands as he listened. He heard the teacher talk about the proper way to speak English. He heard how someone can 'purrfectly purrnouncer purrformedly' but much of it went over his head. He just hoped he didn't keep thinking in a way that resulted in puns, or started accidentally writing in such a meownner.

Luna just wanted that bell to ring. He swore the teacher gave him homework, and he wondered about homework from the other classes, but it felt as if that were the least of his worries. 'Okay, if we're all becoming cat anthros, that's nyat bad thing. There could be meowch worse. It still doesn't explain the how and why.' Luna wondered if there truly was a time traveler. He wondered if maybe he was the one, although he would have known, or maybe he will know. The idea gave him a headache. He also had another thought that maybe he was smarter than the average person was, but that was just excessively egotistical to think about for long.

Luna knew he shouldn't worry too much about it either. He looked up at the teacher and watched her talk more about 'how to use your meow right meow' but he still couldn't focus. He had one more class, and he already looked, and felt like a full cat anthro. He wasn't sure what else about him had to change besides his mind. He already had memories of being a cat anthro when he thought back on it, but he also had memories about being a human too.

The bell rang, but the teacher spoke up. "Luna, could you speak to me right meow before you go to your next class?"

'What did I do?' Luna thought. He had been thinking a lot more than he normally did on a school day. He waited for the other kids to take off for their next classes before he walked up to the teacher. "Yes?"

"You looked very distracted. I know you're not a purrfect student, but you're also not the one to stare into space. Is everything okay?"

Luna wasn't sure how to answer. He knew everyone would look at him as if he were crazy if he said everyone was turning into a cat anthro and everyone was once human when the day began. He also wondered how many people had the exact same feelings he had, and just bottled them up. It would make sense for others to want to keep it a secret, but it raised a question as to how many actually knew about their transformations, and they just didn't reveal it because everyone else acted normal. Luna also swore he thought of this before, but he just felt more confused.

"Luna?" the teacher repeated. "You're doing it again."

Luna blinked rapidly as the teacher spoke up. "I uh, I'm just thinking. Did you ever think something is wrong with the world? Like, something isn't right?"

"What do you mean? There are some issues with the world, it's not purrfect, but it's not terrible either. There's no wars, no famine, no disease, nothing is truly wrong right meow."

Luna knew there was a lot wrong with the world when everyone was human. He knew there were wars in some countries, as well as famine. He even heard there was a virus that appeared in one of the countries that had a very good chance to spread wildly. There were too many problems to list, and none of them would make him happy. "Nya think I just need to look up some things. Nya will be fine." Luna walked out of the class and pulled out his phone. As he walked to science class, he looked up a few things he knew that were wrong with humans, and he wondered if cat anthros had the exact same issues.

Luna arrived in the last class of the day. He arrived with a few minutes to spare and sat down in front of a wide black desk not far from another student. He looked through his phone over some issues he knew existed in the human world. 'Let's see...everyone has healthcare, there's currently no wars, there's no spread of disease, and everything is purrfect? That can't be right.' Luna looked through various news articles and headlines, yet he couldn't find anything wrong with the world. It was as if there were no actual huge problems with this world and it was perfect. He wasn't sure what kind of reaction was appropriate for what he was going through.

The world definitely looked as if it were in a better place as cat anthros. He wondered even if he knew what caused the transformation if it was even worth trying to fix it. The human world had countless issues, whereas the cat world had less so, besides some sleeping and obesity issues, but lying in bed all day as a cat didn't really help those issues. Then again, humans did the exact same things anyways.

The bell rang and the male cat anthro teacher up front adjusted his glasses and began his lecture on the anatomy of a cat anthro.

Luna noticed the science teacher didn't go below the belt to explain 'those' parts of the cat anthro, but as he looked at the upper anatomy, he noticed there were many resemblances between a human and a cat anthro. The primary differences were in the fur and claws. He also swore his hearing was different, and he wondered how well he could see in dim lighting now too, but it was something he'd figure out in time.

Luna still felt frustrated he didn't know the cause of the entire world transforming. He wanted to ask around openly if anyone knew how different things were, but at the same time, he wasn't sure about going back. 'This new world is weird. I don't understand how it happened, but everything just feels so much better.' He thought to himself. He had a strong feeling he'd have to make his choice before the end of the school day, but it also felt as if he didn't really have a choice besides to either accept it or fight it, and if he wanted to fight it, he had no idea where to begin.

"Now," The teacher said. "There are still some things in life we do not know about. We know very much about our anatomy, as well as evolution, but that doesn't answer everything."

Luna raised his head up to the teacher curiously. He swore the teacher must have heard his thoughts. He hadn't paid attention to what they said before. The teacher's words just flew over his head like most others, but not now.

"However, we must ask ourselves just how much is worth learning? There are many mysteries in life, and if we knew the answer, that would make life a lot less magical, don't you think?" The teacher chuckled. "So long as we know enough to treat you to live a long happy life, that's all that should matter, and that's what science does at the end of the day. We learn about how to improve our lives, followed by the answers to life's riddle, but we won't die if we know it. Who knows what might happen if we did know."

Luna wondered what would happen if he knew himself. If someone told Luna what happened to everyone, and why they all became cat anthros, what he might do about it. It annoyed him that he didn't know, but maybe it was for the best he didn't know. If he knew, he might try to do something to fix themselves, but the old world wasn't worth fighting for when the result would be to make it worse.

The last bell rang and signaled the end of the school day. As the students laughed and rushed out of class, Luna walked out. He felt like an outcast in this new world, as he was the only one who seemed to know that everyone and everything around them transformed into a new feline world, and possibly even more than just his world.

As the students returned home, Luna felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and noticed it was an invitation to 'laze around and video games' with someone named Sira. Luna tilted his head curiously. The transformation distracted him for so long he completely forgot about Sira. Sira was a friend of his in another grade, and he felt a sigh of relief. The world transformed in ways Luna didn't know. He likely would never know. He could dig around and find out why, or who was behind it all, and why he seemed to be the only one he knew the world changed, but there was no doubt the world just seemed so much better off. With a faint smile, he texted Sira that he'd be there in ten minutes, and walked off.

He thought to himself that maybe being a cat anthro wouldn't be so bad. In fact, it might be purrfect.

Freedom Day

Myu, the herm anthro horse left her bedroom with a grimace on her face and bags underneath her green eyes. The sun shined through the window, and she pointed a finger at the glass panels. Cement bricks suddenly replaced the window and placed her in...

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Dare Day

Jeremy walked into a plain gray room with a single black foldout table, complete with black folding chairs set up around it. "This is the place?" He asked aloud. Various small windows sat at the top of the walls, too small for a person to squeeze...

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Suddenly Sumo

Luna could barely describe what it felt like to be in a mall in Japan. Malls where he lived were dying, but the malls in Japan seemed to be going through the exact opposite. Luna the dark furred cat anthro was a tourist in Japan, living the dream...

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