Tina's Story-Chapter 92 Wedding Bell Blues IV A Gray Muzzle Story-The revised edition

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tinas Story Chapter 92 Wedding Bell Blues IV- A Gray Muzzle story

AUTHORS NOTE: In order to set the stage for the wedding, the appropriate sound track will be necessary. So, to get the full effect, youll need the following tunes.

Ave Maria Stevie Wonder

Rainbow Connection Kermit the Frog

All I ask of You Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.

Wildflower Skylark

Could I have this Dance? Ann Murray

Foxy, Foxy Rob Zombie

When you get to the reference to the song, play it. It will add greatly to your Tina experience.

Violet lay naked and spread eagle on the tropic beach. While giggling natives fanned her, slave girls took turn eating her pink pussy. Everything was perfect; the weather, the blue sky, the temperature. Even the native girls- all pink Poodles with big pussy lips. All she had to do was lay there, and the pink Poodles serviced her orally, one after the other. One orgasm just rolled into another, as she rode a Tsunami of orgasmic delights. After one more orgasm, she began to slowly open her eyes, reluctant to leave the bliss. Looking up, she saw a digital clock.


Leaping from bed, she clocks Koji neatly in the side of the head.

"What about me? "he yells after her, as she disappears into the bathroom.

"Jerk off in the shower!" she replies, grabbing the shower first Youre getting married, too.

Violet turned on the water, letting its warm wetness wash over her.

Violet and Koji had broken the big taboo; they spent the night before their wedding together. Neither seemed too worried. Young and in love, they were smitten. Never mind that before they met everyone.including Violet herself.thought that she was a Lesbian. Koji changed all that. Koji, a wolfamute mix, was the answer to her every dream. They shared so many things- motorcycling, the outdoors, and a search for a family that neither had known. And sex. Both Koji and Violet LOVED sex. Left to their own devices, the two could fuck for days. Their lust had gotten them into trouble on occasion, but no one failed to see the attraction between the two canines. So, it was no surprise that two hours before their pending nuptials Koji would have his tongue up Violets magic twanger. As Violet left the shower, she met Koji coming in.

"Dont forget to clean up after yourself "Violet teases

"No problem! "Koji replied with a smile" I jerked off in bed and wiped it on your pillow!"

"Pig"! Violet shrieked, whacking him on the ass.

Koji just smiled, and got into the shower.

Even though she was getting married today, she didnt have that much to do. A beautician, she had all her needs in a bag already. Tina would help her with her hair and makeup, at least what she couldnt handle herself. Violet toweled off her short purple hair. Once dry, she shook it out and was done. No fuss; thats how she liked it. She tore through her dresser, and found her good white satin panties, pulling them up her taught, athletic thighs. Adjusting herself in her underwear, she hopped over to the closet. Poking around on the floor, she found a pair of pink running shorts and a matching grey and pink jersey. Pulling up the shorts, you could see her legs, almost up to her waist. Her powerful thighs spread the little shorts so wide, they looked more like panties than shorts. She then wiggled into the tight jersey. She wore no bra, as was her custom. Thinking of her cousin, she threw a bra in her bag, followed by the shoes and stockings she bought for just this occasion.

"What ARE you doing?" Violet bellowed towards the bathroom.

Coming, coming. Koji replied evenly, shaking water and soap out of his ears. As intense and volatile as Violet could be, Koji was laid back. He loved her passion and energy; she enjoyed the fact that he was a calming and settling influence on her. Some guessed that Koji was the father that Violet never knew. Whatever the reason, the two fell in love, almost from their first meeting. Within hours, they were in bed, and the bond was set. They were inseperable from that day forward.

"Come ON! "Violet intoned.

Koji says nothing. Methodically, he puts on a fresh shirt, then takes out a new ivory suit. Carefully, he ties a new silk tie. Finally He ties on the new brown shoes he has bought for the wedding.

"You can finish later!" Violet declares, shoving several bags into Kojis arms, as she shephards him toward the door. A little more than a half hour after they got up Violet screams out of the driveway, riding her beloved Harley.

At eight a.m., Felicia had been up for hours. With her wedding day finally here, she had been up since four. Unlike Violet, Felicias groom was no where to be found. First, she got up and bathed. She shampood her entire furry body. Next, she gives herself a whole body cre rinse. Then there was rinsing, blow drying, stylingShe brushed her teeth carefully, and manicured her paws and feet. With two hours to go, she looked in the mirror.

"Almost there, Sis?" Felicity inquired.

"Almost there. "Felicia replied.

As twins, felicity and Felicia WERE inseperable from birth. Kittenhood was not kind to the two Siamese. With one parent a drug addict, the other an alcoholic, the cards were stacked against them. Then there was the abuse. Both girls were physically abused. But it was the sexual abuse that separated them. Felicia consented to her fathers advances to protect her sister. It was a burden she carried all alone. Felicity was aware of it, but it was nothing they talked of much. You see, Felicia had never stopped sleeping with their father. She had taken trips, indeed, spent weeks traveling with, and having sex with their father. Only when she met Kendo did Felicia discontinue their relationship.

Then there was the relationship that was between Felicia and Felicity. The first night that Felicity had her heat, her sister comforted her. By the end of the night, they were lovers. Growing up, the twins helped each other, when heat or lack of other outlets beset them.

"Remember the first time we did it ?" Felicity laughs, rubbing her sisters naked shoulders.

Felicia smiles.

"How could I not? We spent more time doing each other, than we spent doing boys".

It was now Felicity grinning.

"Not that we ever ran short of boyfriends".

How true that was! The twins were the easy girls in their school. They slept with anyone who showed interest- young, old, girls, boys, humans, or hybrids. There were nights when the sisters slept with multiple partners in the same night. Felicity ran her fingers through the fur of her sisters long neck.

"You wanna.do it one last time..for old times sake?"

Before she could reply, Felicity was sitting on her sisters lap. Taking her sisters head in her paws, the Siamese gave her a deep French kiss. Felicia responded eagerly, returning Felicitys kisses, as she began to press her sex against her sisters. Their kisses must have reawaked something. The girls pressed their sexes hard together. Felicia sinks her teeth in her sisters shoulder.

"Easy, Sis! Cant leave marks!" Felicity reminded her.

Taking her sisters hand Felicia lead her back to bed .

"Remember the night Dad caught us ?" she asked

How could anyone forget? Felicia was fucking her sister with a dildo when their Dad walked in unexpectedly. To avoid punishment, the Siamese twins had seduced their father with some cub play and watersports. Then Felicia had intercourse with him, while Felicity watched . When they finished, Felicity had intercourse with their father for the first time, her sister watching..

Felicity smirked, remembering that night. When she looked up She was surprised.

"You.still have it!"

Felicia stood there, wearing the strap on she wore that night. There was the part that inserted in her own sex. It was attatched to a tight black panty. There, the ten inch, two inch wide dildo hung. Transfixed, Felicity lays face down over the edge of the bed. Her paw opens her young sex, waiting to be entered. When Felicia enters her, she is surprise at how wet and slippery her sister is.

"Awww. You wanted it....." Felicia purrs..

"Just.fuck me. Like that night......."

Then she closed her eyes.

Felicia pounds her sister hard. For her part, Felicity offers no objection. She takes her pounding with a serene smile, toying with her clit as she did.

"More..!" Felicity pleaded.

Now aroused herself, Felicia runs a slender finger down her own clit. Employing her paw, each thrust now brings even more pleasure.

"Uh! Uh ! Uh !" groaned Felicity

"Ughhhhhh! "moaned Felicia.

Then it happened. The two Siamese found the release they sought. Caught in a powerful orgasm, Felicia hilted her sister. Felicia screamed, grabbing at the sheets, as her body writhed is sexual delight. Then she looked over.

"Crap! Look at the time!" Felicia sqealed. Walking to the mirror, she looked at her image.

"EEEEK! "Felicia exclaimed. So, the two set to work. They dried her pussy. They fixed her makeup. They blew out and restyled her hair. Then they dressed. Felicia slipped on a lilac colored tail thong.

"He"ll love that !"Felicity approved.

Then she put on a matching little bra. Then stockings. Finally, she donned a robe, while Felicity, who had been dressing herself, grabbed the dress bag and her shoes. They headed downstairs, and out the front door. At the curb was a white stretch limo that Kendo had sent for her. The two sisters fell into the backseat, laughing all the way.

"Ever fuck in a limo ?"Felicia asked, wickedly.

"You wouldnt.!"

"You dont think so?"

Felicias finger hit the button, raising the glass partition between front and back .Felicity giggled wickedly, as their heads dropped below the windowsill..

Georgette lay in bed, flat on her back, the only position in which she could still sleep comfortably. She was watching the sun rise over her pregnant belly, Her feet were a fleeting memory. As she lay there, caught up in the beauty of the rising sun, Stan spoke.

"Been a long time since we watched a sunrise together.........."

Georgette jumped.

"Stanley! You surprised me! Yes, I cant remember.."

"I can. Stan smiled It was in city park. The last time I got you pregnant. We dozed off after doing it all night. The sunrise woke us up, so you could go running home."

Georgette thought back to that night.

"So it was....."

She had a far away look in her eyes.


"Yes, dear."

"Do you thinkI could feel the way I didTHAT night?"

Stan thought for a moment.

"We ran to the park. We fell to the ground. I took you in my arms, and we kissed like we would never stop"..

With that, Stan took her face in his paws, and kissed Georgette with passion. Georgette threw her arms around him, and returned the kisses in kind. For a moment, the years behind them were erased. Georgette pinned him down, and thrust her tongue deep into his mouth. Their lips touched, their tongues met. Georgettes hands roamed, exploring Stans body. When they had kissed in every possible way, Georgette spoke.

"I was in heat. I started rubbing my sex against you. Right through our clothes."

Sliding on top of her husband, her legs astride him, Georgette assumed the position. Her pussy was right over Stans sex. Still clothed, she lowered herself enough, so that their sexes touched. Lightly at first, she slid back and forth on his organ. She rubbed, feeling his sex become erect. As he did, she pressed harder, but slower. His now erect organ pushed apart the lips of her sex, even as they were still dressed. They were becoming moist; the wetness starting to soak the clothing that separated them. With moisture came friction. Each rub pulled and irritated their aroused parts. When it seemed they could take no more, Georgette spoke.

"Then, driven half crazy with desire, I pulled my panties aside."

"And I said But, what if"

"And I went Shhhh! "Georgette smiled. "Then I pulled it out, closed my eyes, and guided you up against my hymen.."

It was now Stans turn to smile. He remembered the moment as if it were yesterday. The feel of his cock against her intact hymen. How she threw her head back. The way she looked atop him in that pink gingham dress in the moonlight..and how she then pressed down-hard. He felt her maidenhead give way. He felt the warmth, and the bleeding. But mostly he felt alive, with lust and desire in a way that he had never known. She winced, and bit her lip. But, she began to mate him. Warmly. Lovingly. Her pelvis rocking in time with his. She had done most of the work. Stan felt this welling up inside him. He knew what it was.

Georgette, Im going to.

Georgette held him tight. It was too late, anyway. Pulsing wildly, Stans black cock poured his semen deep inside her. Georgette held him tight, in a death grip, till his cock had long since gone still. She murred, rubbing herself on his broad chest.

George was reliving it, but in real time. His revery was broken by Georgettes moans, and the feeling of his cock emptying itself inside her, just as he had done that night. And Georgette murred and churred, just as she had done back then.

Then, just as back then, Georgette sat up. She pulled her gown off, then slid her dirty panties off.

But Georgette! What if you get pregnant? Stan inquired, remembering his very words.

I think I am. She replied.

And then she settled back down, continuing the recreation. She massaged his organ, until it was out of the sheath, and at full extension.

Make love to me Stanley

Stan lay lher tenderly on the bed. Spreading her legs, he mounted her in the missionary position. His penis entered easily. When he entered her fully, he could feel her dropped cervix. Stan pulled his thrusts just a bit. Georgette was in heaven. Laying back, she took her ease, enjoying the morning breeze of the open window, while Stan slid gently in and out. After a time, they shifted to face to face, and continued their sex. It was almost seven when she felt Stanley cum inside her.

He held his wife, finally asking

Howd I do?

Georgette smiled

Exactly like it was.

But you werent pregnant then.

Oh, but I was. I knew from the first moment. I just wasnt AS pregnant as I am now.

Ray wakes up to an empty bed. Even though it is five thirty a.m. on a Saturday, Ray is the second one up. Pulling on a sweatshirt and shorts, He shuffles downstairs. There, he finds Tina very busy. Tina wears a gray jersey, and a tiny, tight pair of pink booty shorts.

LOVE those pants Ray purrs, bumping his sex between her crach

Better watch out, or youll get run over! Tina replied.

Tina was making room in the refrigerator before the caterer arrived.

You are handling outside, Im handling inside.

OK; what does that mean? he asked, innocently

You deal with the tents, the dance floor, the DJ, and parking. I deal with the preacher, the guests, and the caterer.

Seems fair. Ray nodded in agreement.

Alright. Thats done. Now, to clean up.

With my help? he asked, hopefully

NO! she said with finality. Theres too much work to do!

But, by then, Ray had come up behind her. He was rubbing his sex between her ass cheeks the whole time. By the time Tina had said no Ray was at full extension, and Ray had his hand down the front of her shorts.

Mmmmm. No panties. Ray observed

Iwas going..fresh..shower. Tina mumbled, losing focus.

It was then that Ray slid her shorts over her hips. Grabbing a finger of margarine, Ray buttered his sex before slipping it into her waiting sex. Ray was surprised at how receptive she was. Her vagina was wet, warm and inviting. He grasped her hips, then hilted her sex almost immediately.

Come, baby, cum now! Tina moaned, rolling with Rays thrusts. Tina took her own finger of margarine, and smeared it all over her sex. Her paw then ran roughshod, spreading the buttery mess all over her pubis. As her shorts flapped at her knees, Ray thrust powerfully into her sex. Tinas hot buttered paw ran over her clit, again and again. Soon, she was panting, mouth open, pawing as hard as she could. Now, Rays humping had pinned Tine to the counter. Her paw was trapped over her sex, when she pulled hard on her clit. It was just that moment when Ray slid a greasy finger up her ass.

Ughh! she hacked, her had still rubbing away.


Tina tensed. His sex caught in her powerful vagina, Ray released his flood of cum. He collapsed on his wife, as he made exaggerated humping motions, holding her slim hips.


Ray smiled. Tina smiled. Then she turned.

Happy now? Were LATE! I get first shower, and you better work YOUR ass off, or itll be a long time before you see THAT again!

With that, Tina snatched off her little shorts, pulled the hem of her shirt, then bolted up the stairs. Ray was left in the kitchen, his sex dripping hot, melted margarine.

Tina ran upstairs to shower and dress. She hurried, as there wasnt much time. She slipped on her panties, and a short blue dress. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. Sge put on eyelashes, and a little blush, then she was back downstairs.

Ray! Shower! she commanded

I can do that later.

Ray was a firm believer that you should never do now, what can be put off until later.

Now! Tina bellowed. Theyll be arriving soon, and when they do, theyll OWN the bathrooms.

Alright, alright, Ray groused, heading upstairs.

Ray showered, and put on a Polo, and new Khakis. He took a sport coat downstairs for later. By the time he got there, the tent guys were there to set up the tents. And the dance floor. Then there were electricians, running lights around the yard for the evening. After that came the rented chairs and tables. Ray was running ragged, giving Tinas directions to everyone. By the time everything was set, Stan and Georgette had arrived.

MAMMA! Tina enthused, rushing the door. Youre Beautiful!

Georgette blushed.

Maybe, but wait until I finish my hair, do my makeup.and put my dress on!

Youre always beautiful, Momma! Tina proclaimed, hugging her again.

Of course, it wasnt always that way. Tina and her mother hardly spoke for years. Oddly, it was her marriage to Ray, of which she disapproved, that finally brought them together. Ray won Georgette over, and once she was won, she was a fan. Georgette loved her son in law, and would do anything for him.

Lets get you upstairs, so you can start getting ready

By the time she had shown her mother upstairs, there was a knock on the door. This time it was Felicia and Kendo. Already instructed, Ray showed them to his office downstairs, which had its own bathroom. Then time passed. And passed.

Wheres Violet? Tina asked, drumming her fingers.

Maybe shes getting ready at home. Ray offered.

I HOPE not! Tina fumed Shes doing everyones hair!

Finally, with an hour to go, they heard the loud pipes of a Harley. Violet pulled up, at speed, and jumped the curb, parking on the lawn. Koji was on the back, in his wedding clothes, holding Violets dress and bag.

VIOLET! Tina intoned sternly. Get in here! Where have you been?

Had stuff to do. I can handle it.

Tina grabbed her hand, dragging her up the stairs.

As Tina drug Violet upstairs, guests started to filter in. First, were Marcia and the girls from Peteena House. Then, there were Colleen and Lydia. K.C. and Jack. Violets fellow aerobics instructors. The girls from the suspensions unit. Ray got them all seated. Then came Violets fellow beauticians. Then there were Kendos friends from Rutgers. Kojis fellow reporters. The employees from Stans former factory. By now, the seats were starting to fill up.

Felicia looked out the window.

Its almost time she observed.

Yes, it is. Felicity replied Are you ready?

Uh huh. I think so.. Felicity?

Yes, dear? her sister replied

Felicia hugged her

Im SO scared! I love Kendo so much! Ive never let someone get close to me before..

Sisits OK. Her sister comforted There are people to trust

The two sisters sat there, looking at each other, until Felicity spoke.

You are SOOOO beautiful, and I love you sooo much! Now, go out there, and start your life together!

The two Siamese hugged and cried, then Felicia stood up. Her sister handed her her bouquet, dabbed at her tears, and walked her to the door.

Koji stuck his head in the door.

Violet? Its time..

Violet, who was sitting on the bed, smiled. Koji sat down next to her.

Is this it? Is it what you want?

Violet looked at him and smiled.

Yes; Ive never been so sure in my life.

Now, Koji smiled.

Nor have I.

Violet touched his chin.

My love, my savior..I have never been so happy in my life. You taught me love, you taught me to trust. Im happy! Id never been happy before.

Koji was crying.

Then, lets go. Its time.

Koji helped her up, and they headed downstairs.

Stan knocked on the bathroom door.

Momma? You coming out?

Moments later, Georgette emerged. She was radiant Stan had never seen her so lovely. He took her in his arms.

THERES the girl I fell in love with! He announced

Please, Stanley, she giggled Not till after the ceremony.

If I must

Stanley? she turned to her husband. Do you.still love me? After everything?

Stan took her over to the bed, where they sat.

Georgette, Ive loved you every day of my life. The good, and the bad. I was never so happy as the day you took me for your husband. I dont know what my life might have been like, had we not met. Ive never doubted you. Ive never questioned my love for you. If you ask me a hundred times, a hundred times Id tell you the same thing. So, if you feel like I do, lets make it official!

Georgette hugged Stan, knocking him to the bed.

I love you, Stanley Russel! More than you will ever know..

Then, lets get downstairs, momma; cant keep people waiting.

And they rose, and headed downstairs, toward the back yard.

It was at this point that a white limousine pulled up to the house. It was the Reverend Billy Hargis. As soon as the car stopped, a uniformed chauffer jumped out, and got the door. The Reverend made an entrance, in all his Technicolor glory. He was in white, fron head to toe. The driver followed, carrying his ministerial robes.

Good MORNING, Sister Goldstein! the Reverend belloed Its a WONDERFUL day in all of Gods almighty kingdom!

Tina could swear she smelled a wiff of alcohol on the Reverend, even though it was ten thirty in the morning.

Now, can we start with the details? Tina looked at the Reverend, and knew immediately what he was referring to. Reaching into her bag, Tina pulled out a thick envelope. Checking its contents, Billy smiled.

Excellent, excellent..shall we get ready for the blessed event?

Young Eddie Goldstein was not happy. Rays nephew, he was the only child at the wedding, as far as he knew. Tina had made it clear that there were to be NO children at the wedding this being an adults only function. Rays brother had made it clear that they had no place tp put Eddie, so they were bringing him. Neither Ray nor Tina wanted to make an issue of it, so Eddie came. He was a small quiet fifteen year old, awkward and shy, but not when it came to not wanting to be here. He had a fit for a week, but his parents would not back down. He was coming, and that was it. So, to express his boredom and disdain, he took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his dress pants, and sat dangling his feet in the pool. Since he was at least quiet, his parents left him alone. So, there he sat, in all his funk, until he realized that he was no longer alone.



Looking over, Eddie saw that a huge rough Collie bitch was sitting next to him. She was cute, in a plain kind of way. Like Eddie, she was lacking in tact, and didnt want to be there. But, she too was bored. And Eddie was better than nothing. Finally, boredom overtook her, and they began to speak.

They force you to come? The Collie asked.

Uh huh.

Sucks, doesnt it?

Eddie nodded.

Uh huh

The collie scowled.

Youre Mr. Conversation, arent you? she snipped, sarcastically.

Momentarily snapped from his funk, Eddie replied.

Im Eddie

My names Jenny. I guess were stuck, so we might as well make the best of it. I HATE weddings! Theyre SO lame! A bunch of adults who secretly hate each other pretending like theyre best friends.

Eddie smiled. He felt the same way.

Whats that under your shirt? Jenny asked, pointing at him.

Oh, its my Green Day shirt. I waer it everywhere. He replied, opening his dress shirt to show her.

Lame. Jenny replied, nose in the air.

Finally interested, Eddie tried to change the topic.

You game?

Uh huh

What system?

PS3 Jenny replied

Xbox Eddie responded.

You got a girlfriend?

Uh uh.

I bet youve never even KISSED a girl Jenny challenged with a snort.

Have too! he replied, defiantly.

Have not! Jenny challenged. Prove it!

Jenny looked around. With the wedding about to start, the adults were all busy. Beyond the pool house was an open area, out of site of the back yard. The young Collie bitch stood up.

Prove it she demanded

Now Eddie was nervous. Truth is, he had never really been kissed by a girl. How would he get out of this one? Jenny lead them behind the pool house. They paused for a moment. Then the big Collie bitch took Eddie in her arms and kissed him. Their bodies pressed together, she shot her tongue into his mouth. Eddie knew nothing, except he liked this. He followed her lead, putting his tongue into her mouth. As they kissed, holding each other tight, Eddie noticed something. He was getting an erection. Embarrassed, he didnt know what to do. What would she think if she noticed?

But he had no time. Giggling, they fell to the grass, still embracing. Jenny pinned him, and gave him the kiss of his young life.

At long last, everything was in place. The Reverend was under the tent. The grooms were waiting. The moment had arrived. It was just Tina, Marcia, Felicity and the brides.

Everyone ready?

Violet nodded.

Felicia started to cry.

Why are you crying dear? Tina inquired.

Because.Ive never been so happy!

Moved, Tina went to hug her

Come on now, no tears! Makeup will smudge!

Tina looked at her mom, all beautiful in her traditional wedding dress, and teared up herself.

Momma, Ive never seen you so beautiful!

They two hugged.

Remember your own advice! No crying! This is a happy time! Remember that makeup!

Tina smiled. As she did, turning toward the kitchen door, the sun seemed to get brighter. They could see their grooms under the tent, and all of their friends. Opening the door, the music began to play. The girls let Georgette pick the processional. As a Catholic, she selected Ave Maria Since all they had was a DJ, Georgette had to settle for the Stevie Wonder version. Still, as they began their slow walk, it seemed perfect..

Ave Maria..

Gratia plena

Maria gratia plena

Maria gratia plena

Ave, ave dominus

Dominus tecum

Benedicta tu in mullerbus

Felicia was first down the aisle, her cream spagheeti strap long dress shimmering, as she accompanied her sister. Violet followed , with Marcia by her side. Tina walked her mother down the aisle, which touched her greatly. Reaching the temporary alter, The Reverend Hargis offered a prayer, then asked:

Who gives these women to be married?

With that, Felicity passed her sisters paw to Kendo, Marcia gave Violets hand to Koji, and Tina gave her mommas hand to her father, with a tear and a hug. The ceremony began.

Marriage is a god and honorable institution in the eyes of the Lord. A man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home, and the two will begin their lives together, living as one unit

Each of the couples had written special things for the ceremony. Felicias words for Kendo were particularly touching:

I come to you, with all my hope, and I bring you love.

I come to you.

There were times my faith in live was gone, yet I continued on.

I come to you, with all my fear, and I bring you hope.

Those endless days turned into years, they were lonely years in many ways.

Yet deep inside, Im sure I always knew I had to wait for you.

And here you are, my own true love, I come to you.

When she was through, there wasnt a dry eye in the house.

Rings were exchanged, vows were made, and each in turn was married, or remarried. Turning to the group, the reverend announced proudly

I present to you Mr. and Mrs Kendo Kenimoto! Mr and Mrs Koji Haeos!, and Mr and Mrs Stanley Russel!

The entire tent stood and began to applaude. As they turned to leave, the recessional that Violet and Felicia selected played- the Rainbow Connection

Why are there so many

Songs about rainbows And whats on the other side?

Rainbows are visions theyre only illusions

And Rainbows have nothing to hide.

So weve been told

And some choose to believe it

But I know theyre wrong, wait and see,

Someday well find it,

The Rainbow Connection

The lovers, the dreamers and me..

After the wedding, the guests got up to mill about. The bars were opened, and servers appeared, offer wonderful little appetizers. There were little bacon wrapped scallops, and mini pigs-in-a-blanket. The good Reverend Hargis was enjoying just such a treat, sipping on a bourbon on the rocks, when he was approached by a cute little Poodle girl. She was a tiny thing, white in color, wearing a white lace babydoll dress, which looked more like a nightgown. Hargis went to speak to her, but she didnt speak back. It was clear, however that she wanted the Reverend to go with her. He followed, and she lead him behind the pool house.

Looks like Andrea found a new friend! One of the hybrids giggled to another.

Andrea, of course, was the mute Poodle hybrid. She was renowned for her sexual hyjinx. It was hoped that motherhood would slow her down, but from all appearances, nothing could be futhur from the truth.

Once out of view, Andrea kissed Hargis passionately. He would have had a hard time resisting her had he tried, which he didnt. Hargis was out of his pants, and out of his sheath in no time flat. Andrea had her little white bottom thumping the back wall of the pool house, as the old hound tried his best to suppress a mating howl. She closed her eyes, blissfully unaware of anything but the bloodhound in the collar, humoing her brains out.

Meanwhile, the DJ played, and the newlyweds opened the dance floor. Felicia and Kendo lead. They danced gracefully to All I ask of you from Phantom of the Opera.

No more talk of darkness

Forget your wide eyed fears, Im here

Nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom

Let daylight dry your tears, Im here

With you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.

Then say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of Summer time

The big grey wolf looked dashing in his grey mourning coat. Together, they made a lovely couple.

After them, Georgette and Stan danced. They picked a song from Ann Murray, a country tune they both loved

Ill always remember the song they were playin

The first time that we danced, and I knew,

As we swayed to the music and held to each other,

I fell in love with you.

Could I have this dance, for the rest of my life

Would you be my partner every night?

When were together, it feels so right

Could I have this dance, for the rest of my life?

Everyone in the room was touched. Seeing the two Poodles dancing together, with love in their eyes was a beautiful sight. Georgettes pregnant silhouette stuffed into a wedding dress did nothing to diminish the feeling of love in the room.

Finally, Koji and Violet came out. Koji had picked the song for them. He went as far as to keep it a surprise. So, when they took the floor, to Skylarks Wildflower Violet heard her special song for the first time.

Shes faced the hardest times you could imagine

And many time s her eyes fought back the tears

And when her youthful world was about to fall in.

Each time her slender shoulders

Bore the weight of all her fears

And a sorrow no one hears

Still rings in midnight silence in her ears

Let her cry, for shes a lady

Let her dream, for shes a child

Let the rain fall down upon her

Shes a free and gentle spirit growing wild

And if by chance I should hold her

Let me hold her for a time,

But, if allowed just one possession

I would pick her from the garden to be mine

Anyone who heard it, knew that Koji had picked well. It was the perfect song for Violet. Marcia started to cry. Colleen and Lydia, too. Even Tina had her hanky out.

The dance floors opened, and guests began to dance. Soon after, the caterers set the buffet out, and hungry guests flocked to eat. Violet went to ask Koji for help.

Koji? Come here! I need help with this damn dress; I gotta pee like a racehorse!

Ever the faithful husband, he did. When they crowded into the downstairs bathroom, however, nature took over. Lifting Violets dress, while Violet began to pee even before she was seated was tremendously arousing. In minutes, they were kissing, even as Violet continued to relieve herself.

Meanwhile, the kitchen was still frantic. There was still food to serve, a Venetian table to put out, Champagne to serve, and a million things for Tina to oversee. So when Mrs Kravitz, the Goldsteins neighbor came to help, it was more a burden than anything.

Tine, dearest! You look like youre running half crazy! Let Gladys help.

Tina looked around.

Maybe the caterers need something?

Seeing a couple wrapped trays, she had a thought.

Maybe I could see if people would like these nice brownies?

Perfect! thought Tina, who nodded, as Gladys Kravitz took the trays outside.

Moments later, Koji and Violet emerged from the bathroom, flushed and smiling. They were laughing and kissing as they got to the back door, where Violet froze.

Oh ..my..GOD!

Whats the matter, dear?

Those brownies? The girls at the salon brought them as a joke.

A joke? puzzled Koji Whats funny about brownies? Hey, they didnt put ex-Lax in them, did they?

Koji laughed, but Violet was serious.

Those are.special. Theyre Hash brownies. They have.special ingredients.

Like? Koji inquired cautiously

Like marijuana. Violet whispered.

How much marijuana?

About five pounds Really primo San Fran bud.

Well, its only marijuana..

Maybe a little Merikesh hash as well.

Well, stop her! Koji urged.

We CANT she whispered back People could get arrested!

So, what do we do? Koji deadpanned, knowing this was destined not to end well.

Well, we just go out, snag some brownies, and feign ignorance.

Shaking his head, Koji agreed to the plan, wondering if this was what married life would be like.

Unfortunately, Gladys Kravitz was a great saleswoman. As a Jewish grandmother, she could guilt anybody into anything.

Here, bubbie! Youre like a rail! Take two more!

And they were GOOD brownies. Maybe a bit chewie, but they grew on you. Soon, there was a line for seconds. It was about then that Felicia was beside the pool, trying to convince her new husband to jump in the pool. Felicia tugged in play, and he resisted. Just who did what next was unclear, but there was a slip, and a splash, and kendo and Felicia were bobbing in the pool. Once there, they invited the other guests to join them. There was reluctance at first, but then someone joined them. Then another. Then, a stampede. It seemed as if the whole party was there. Some with clothes, others, thinking ahead, stripped. So, the party took to the pool. Soon, the ones that were dressed stripped their soggy clothes. People were drinking, tossing beach balls, and floating on floats. There were naked chicken fights. It was then that K.C. was noticed on the edge of the pool, debating whether to jump in. There went up a chant from the pool


Egging her on, the DJ put on Rob Zombie



It was then that KC got an evil grin. Mounting the picnic table, and started to strip. She kicked off her shoes. Then she slowly unzipped her green sleeveless dress, finally letting it drop. Now in nothing but little pink panties, she used the umbrella to do a pole dance. She thrust her pelvis, burying it between her lips, a she held the pole like a cock, rubbing it up and down. All the while the music played

Dont you want to ride it?

Educated horses

Dont you want to ride it?

Educated horses

Foxy, foxy, whats it gonna be?

Foxy foxy, whats it gonna be?

K.C. was on a tear. The DJ played Foxy two full times, so popular was KCs routine. It only ended when Jack picked her up, and dropped her in the pool.

The pool was a writhing sea of stoned humanity. The hairdressers were all there. So were Colleen and Lydia Marcia sat naked on the diving board. Dasher was under the board, looking up, as Paul and Emily watched them, shaking their heads. Fear that the crowd eas out of control, the DJ tried to take charge. He put on Electric Slide It did get people out of the pool. Drunk, stoned people. Soon, a conga line formed, lead by the Kravitzes. In the course of giving out brownies, The Kravitzes also consumed many of the wonderful brownies. The Kravitzes, who were human, looked like little bulldogs. Short of leg, and long of skin folds, they were nothing to look at. They, like virtually everyone were naked. Tiring of making laps of the yard, the conga line headed for the house. They did the kitchen, snaked upstairs, and the line met itself coming down. It was when Gladys took the line out the door that the trouble really began. When a hundred naked guests congad down the street, worried neighbors called the police. Luckily, the tired conga line had made it back to the house by the time the police appeared.

And appear they did. With a report of an out of control naked party, every unit that was not actively on a call showed up. At a loss for what to do, the police rounded up everyone, and loaded them on the party bus that had been rented for intoxicated guests. They sat on the bus, crammed in like sardines while Ray and Tina gave their statements. Before they could leave, KC gave another poll dance aboard the bus. As it pulled away, KCs furry ass hung from the window. You could here her sing

Dont you want to ride it?

When the bus left. Ray and tina surveyed the damage. They paid the DJ, said good night to the remaining guests, then looked things over.

What happened? Ray asked

Im not sure replied a confused Tina Say, wheres Eddie?

Good question. With Rays brother heading for jail, no one had seen Eddie in hours. Ray and Tina started a search of the yard. When they turned the corner of the poolhouse, they froze. There stood the Reverend Hargis with his very small organ up the tail hole of a surprised Andrea. Cornered, Hargis hitched his pants, and ran fot his car. Andrea smirked, dropping her dress and strolling away. As they stood there in shock, there was a rustling in the bushes.

You! Out! Now!

From the bushes crawled a thoroughly disheveled Eddy. Following him out was Jenny, her sweater tucked up in her armpits.

Uh, we were trapped Eddy explained We were afraid of that bloodhound guy

That was good enough for Tina.

Lets get you two in the house. Did you even eat? Poor kids! Lets get you something.

And so the night ended. Eddie and Jenny were put to sleep on the sofa and love seat. When Ray and Tina checked, they were both sound asleep, Eddie cuddled against his big fluffy Collie friend.

Isnt that SWEET! Tina enthused

Love endures Ray observed. Lets go to bed.

In the end, it all worked out. The guests were left on the bus, while the police decided what to do. In the meantime, something even stranger happened. There was an incident at the police station. Seems some of the responding officers helped themselves to those yummy brownies. When all was said and done, it was decided that it was best for all concerned, if this incident were treated as if it hadnt happened. Which is what they did, making this the only known record of what happened that night.



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