What You Mean to Me, Chapter 33

Story by Kadarchy on SoFurry

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#16 of What You Mean To Me

Chapter 33 of What You Mean to Me, featuring a male Raichu and a male human

Male Pokemon x Male human

Rich took his shirt off and leaned back, pushing Elliot's head just a little further down his cock. He felt close enough to an orgasm that all he wanted to do was to just keep letting Elliot suck him off, but he knew that this wasn't about him right now. It was about the audience, and the audience had wanted to see him swallow his Pikachu cum.

He smiled, taking the camera and pointing it towards Elliot, getting some good shots of the little creature sucking him off. When Elliot opened his eyes, his grin couldn't be anything short of adorable, and the wink he gave? Rich looked over at the computer and saw that the donations were sharply increasing, much to his delight. He savored the Pikachu's soft, wonderful tongue on his cock for a few more seconds before putting a hand on his head, scratching him.

"You ready?" Rich pinched the Pokemon's chubby cheeks. Elliot slurped up, grinning and nodding with closed eyes as he swallowed.

Elliot energetically flung himself backwards onto a pillow, spreading his legs wide and putting his hands behind his head. His erection was throbbing, and, for the camera, Elliot wiggled his hips, his length following suit. Rich looked over at the computer; chat was going crazy. Responses and small donations were flying in, so many horny people desperately in need of an Elliot of their own...

Rich rubbed Elliot's thighs for a few seconds, looking into his eyes and smiling before opening his eyes and bobbing down on the decently sized cock. Elliot moaned his name, his hands almost instantly grabbing on Rich's head as he began to suck him off. This was something that Rich loved doing both on camera and off; Elliot was always so tender, so adorable, that sucking him off was in and of itself a treat.

Elliot's cock was maybe three inches in length, which was pretty good for a Pokemon barely over a foot tall. Plus, with his short length, Elliot was not only fun to suck off, but he wasn't going to gag Rich anytime soon. He easily pressed his mouth against Elliot's groin, opening his mouth a bit wider and licking his furry little balls. When he did this, Elliot made sure to angle the camera to get all the footage he could get. Not only was it a fun little gimmick, a Pokemon cameraman, but it was also useful. He didn't need anyone else to help film him.

He felt Elliot tap his head twice; a sign he'd taught him to give when he felt close. Rich looked up, noticing that this particular segment of the livestream would have to last at least five more minutes for the quota to be met. If it were any other Pokemon, Rich would have sucked the cum from its cock like there was no tomorrow, and then would have held it down as he continued to suck. The Pokemon would squirm and squeal, trying their best to get him off, but Rich had an iron grip.

Elliot was different, however. Firstly, unlike any regular Pokemon that Rich just up and caught off the street for a quick show, he cared about Elliot. The little Pokemon meant a lot to him, so he wouldn't want to do something like that to him. He let up, ever so slightly. Instead of fervently sucking him off, Rich opened up his mouth, pretending like he was suckling on Elliot, but in all reality, he avoided the twitching cock like the plague.

After half a minute of holding Elliot like this, he felt three taps; time to go back to work. Rich sucked the air out of his mouth again, beginning to lick and was a lot slower, a lot more passionate, but careful. He didn't want to feel those two taps on his head again, he knew Elliot, and if Elliot tapped on him again, he would most likely cum. With a free hand, he began to fondle Elliot's balls, rubbing the small little orbs in his hand as he sucked and traced lines with his tongue on the warm length. Elliot took Rich's head firmly in his grip and began to hump rapidly, Rich could hear chat blowing up, he looked at the timer; still two minutes to go. He was just about to pull Elliot off when he felt the grip release. Rich sucked up and off Elliot's cock, giggling slightly and turning to the camera, opening his mouth and showing that he had no cum on it, yet.

"Seems like someone's a little horny today, eh chat?" Rich chuckled and turned back to Elliot, who was looking at him and panting quickly, nervously.

Rich ran a finger up the twitching, wet length before popping it into his mouth and smiling. The precum gave an ever so slight buzzing feeling, and when Elliot shot his load it felt almost like pop rocks running down tongue and throat. It was amazing to say the least.

He began to lick the small shaft, looking into Elliot's eyes as he did so. The Pokemon's lips were quivering, an eye was clenched tightly shut, but the wimpy smile made it so much better. Rich gave a few more licks before kissing up his shaft, eyeing the timer again. Thirty seconds.

With a grin, he began to suck hard on Elliot's cock. Each bob down was accompanied with vacuum like suction and a swirling tongue. Elliot immediately began to hump, unable to control himself. Small hands were placed upon Rich's head as Elliot cried his name over and over again. A small glance at the chat made Rich feel warm himself; multiple responses and donations per second, maybe five or ten.

Elliot squeeked the first syllable of his name two or three times with his thrusts before pulling a bit harder on Rich's head. The crackling, popping sensation of Elliot's warm, salty cum spurting onto his tongue made Rich smile; he closed his eyes as Elliot used him so methodically. With a few more grunts, a few more spurts, Elliot was spent, and fell limp.

Rich gave him a few more sucks, making sure that all the cum was really out of him, and pulled off. He looked over at the camera, smiling and opening his mouth wide as Elliot recovered, and stuck his tongue out. After a few seconds of showing off the load that had been shot, Rich closed his mouth and swallowed, grinning as he felt the crackling run down his throat. Again, he opened his mouth and showed that all of Elliot's warm cum was really making its way to his belly.

With that, he plopped down next to Elliot, rubbing his soft, furry belly. Rich would have been fine ending the stream like that, but the sound that he lived to hear suddenly rang out. He threw himself upwards, looking at the middle of the screen where he knew the notification would be. There was a donation of three hundred dollars, and a comment telling Rich to fuck Elliot. When he saw the comment, his heart sank, and a small frown made its way onto his face.

"Sorry man, no can do. I'll refund you, but as it is, Elliot's too small for me to fuck." As much as it pained him, as it was a hell of a lot of money, Rich knew that he had to return it.

There was another notification that popped up onto the screen. The minimum amount of money one would have to give for a notification like that was eighty dollars, as it wasn't a nice comment, it was a request. Rich looked up and, to his surprise, saw that it was the same viewer, someone by the name of "Ellichu". The comment read, "DM me".

As much as he just wanted to refund and ban the viewer, something sparked his interest. This viewer, this Ellichu, was willing to donate close to four hundred dollars just to get his attention. In this industry, you had to be careful; a lot of people were chill, just wanting to watch you get it on with your Pokemon and maybe leave a tip, but there were some fringe outliers who might be legitimately crazy.

With a smile and a wave, Rich ended the stream, getting up and moving over to his desktop. Elliot was sleeping; their streams usually took a lot out of him, but today he was a little glad. Elliot only knew that the two of them liked to have fun with people watching. He didn't know that it was Rich's career, that there were people who gave them money to watch or to do things, which was good. The last thing Rich wanted was for Elliot to be caught up in business as opposed to the fun of it all.

Rich searched for the name of the donator, Ellichu, and clicked the profile with the matching profile picture. He gave the screen a cautionary look through; Ellichu was extremely active, liking and watching close to an average of fourteen hours of stream a day. He had over seven hundred streamers that he followed, and only three followers, which meant that Ellichu either didn't produce any content, or was extremely unpopular on the site. A quick glance at his empty upload section confirmed the first. As much as Ellichu creeped him out, Rich clicked on the DM key and shot a quick message: "Heyy".

Ellichu almost immediately responded: "Hey man! HUGE fan of your work!"

"Cool! Look, I'll refund the money, and I do have to remain firm on the whole, no fucking Elliot, thing, alright?"

"Are you sure? He's been a pikachu for a long time, maybe he wants to be a raichu?"

"Thats not up to me. Its up to him, and until we both agree and I can buy a stone, its not up for debate."

"Well I'll tell you what. Ive been a huge fan of you ever since I first found you. Ive watched all your streams but havent really had the courage to message or donate up until now. Don't refund the monehy, use it to buy a thunderstone."

Rich was... well, he was more creeped out than shocked, but he was still surprised at Ellichu's generosity. It was almost alarming, but the fact of the matter was that Elliot had wanted to become a Raichu for a while now. The two of them had done more streams recently to try to afford one, but between rent and other stupid bills, the money just came and went. You could find a Thunder Stone on a Route or in a mountain if you were lucky, but it was a lot more commonplace to just buy one from a store.

The only problem was that Thunder Stones typically sold for five hundred bucks, so they weren't exactly something Rich could just up and buy if he wanted to continue to live in his apartment.

"You still there?" Man, this guy was relentless.

"Yeah, just... wow. I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything, just get a thunderstone... if Elliot is up for it... I think you know what to do uwu"

"Hell yeah I do! Thank you!"

"Np just... keep being awesome!"

Rich got legitimate goosebumps as he leaned back on the chair he was in. Ellichu had only given him three hundred and eighty dollars, but he had just saved up enough so that he could actually afford one now. He looked over at Elliot, who was still soundly asleep, and licked his lips. The taste of the Pokemon was still on them, which gave him reason to smile.

Rich took a deep breath and crossed his fingers, putting his hands on his belly and sighed. Before he could get too caught up in thinking about what had just happened for the third or fourth time, he sat up and clicked on his profile. Under the donation section, Rich looked through the haul that he had pulled in today. Not counting the large donation that Ellichu had made, he had around a hundred and twenty for two or so hours of streaming, which was pretty average. That was enough to cover the rest of the cost of the Thunder Stone...

After logging out, Rich got up and dressed, being careful not to wake Elliot up. The store that sold the Thunder Stones was only a few minutes walk away, and well, he wanted the little Pokemon to be all rested up. Tonight, he'd take Elliot to a restaurant the two frequented, they'd eat, and then Rich would ask Elliot if he'd want... want to become a Raichu.

The thought alone made him shiver. Elliot becoming a Raichu, something else, something new. As he walked to the store to buy the Thunder Stone, it was all he could think of. His cute 'lil boy becoming a fully evolved Raichu... Rich couldn't help but smile. It was something the two of them had wanted for the longest time, but if Elliot didn't want it, if he was just going along with Rich's train of thought, then it was all for nothing. Rich was steadfast in the decision of giving Elliot a choice in the matter.

He took a deep, breathy sigh as the air conditioning of the department store blasted him as he stepped into the lobby. If there was one thing that he liked about living in the city, it was getting away from the heat that seemed to dig daggers in his back and brow. With haste, Rich weaved between people and Pokemon, almost jogging from the excitement. One or two times, he nearly crashed into a cart, but was narrowly able to avoid it. It was a frantic dash to the back of the store, but when he got there he didn't think of it, only what he saw before him.

In a wooden display case with large glass panels, there lie all sorts of stones. Moon, Sun, Leaf, Water, Fire, even an Ice Stone, but none of those mattered to him. Rich found what he was looking for, leaning on the wood, nearly so close to the glass that his nose was almost pressed against it. The Thunder Stone was a well polished, almost transparently green stone with a glimmering bolt of lightning trapped inside of it. Even now, with lights upon it, it gave off a faint shine from the captured electricity within its confines.

"Thunder Stone, I presume?" A voice suddenly spoke up, prompting Rich to glance up.

"O-oh! Hi! Yeah, just a Thunder Stone." The clerk was an elderly man, maybe in his mid sixties, with a tired smile and wrinkles everywhere. Unlike the rest of the people that worked here, this man was dressed rather well in a suit and a tie.

"Who's the lucky Pokemon?" He asked as he unlocked the display case.

"My Elliot, uh, a Pikachu. It's been something the two of us have wanted to do forever."

The man nodded as he gently took the stone in his hands, holding it up to the light and smiling. He took a small polishing rag and gave it a once-over before slipping it into a small yellow pouch with a black lightning bolt running down the middle of it. Rich followed him towards a cash register, and paid the price for the Thunder Stone. It was a lot of money, but with Ellichu's donation, it was now possible for him to buy it. The old man smiled and handed him a receipt, bidding him farewell with a wave as Rich walked out of the store, he could barely hold his excitement back as he ran out of the store, Thunder Stone, and his future in his hands all at once.

When the run became a quick, speedy walk, Rich thought of something that would be rather funny to do. The restaurant he was taking Elliot to tonight wasn't a fast food joint, but some place with cheap, yet delicious food, and he trusted the waitstaff with the thing he wanted to do. Before returning home, he figured that he'd give the stone to a manager and have them put it in a cake or some kinda special food for Elliot. It would be like some kind of cringy TV show, the very thought made him chuckle. One second he'd ask for dessert, the next Pikachu would bite into a cake and...

Well, okay, maybe there was a flaw with that plan. He wasn't too sure how Thunder Stones worked, but Rich knew that the Pokemon in question needed to have physical contact with them to work. Last thing he wanted was to take the choice away from Elliot, even if it was accidental.

Turning on his heels, Rich began to think of better ways to bring the topic up with Elliot. Maybe he'd get down on a knee? No, he told himself. Stop thinking of movies or shows, this is real life here... maybe he could just go home and show Pikachu? There could be some time before dinner, time enough to give Ellichu a private showing, maybe?

After all, Elliot sure had done a number on him with his mouth earlier today, and right after the stream the two didn't have any time to take care of that, so he was feeling especially horny... but he decided against it. He didn't want to wear Elliot out, especially with this news on the horizon, and the hours they'd have to put into the stream and into each other, both he and the Pikachu would need to keep their energy up.

When he opened, unlocked and went into his apartment, Rich was greeted by Elliot running and jumping into his arms, the force of which nearly knocked him off his feet. Rich chuckled as he scratched behind Elliot's ears and slid the Thunder Stone into his pocket. Whatever chance there was of Elliot touching it, no matter how miniscule, Rich needed to make sure that it was his choice.

"Hey buddy!" Rich grabbed the Pikachu from the perch he had taken on his shoulders and hugged him tight against his chest. So light, so cute...

"Pika Pika!" Elliot hugged back before looking up, grinning.

"What's up?"

Elliot struggled out of Rich's embrace and ran to the counter. He laid down on his back and reached down, and Rich saw what was up. Elliot grunted for a bit and pulled on the red base of a dildo they had used on the stream. When he saw it, Rich couldn't help but laugh; how long had that thing been in there? The poor little Pokemon had difficulty reaching down there, so it had always been up to Rich to help him out in situations like this.

Still chuckling, Rich put a hand on Elliot's soft, warm belly, and gave a good tug at the thing. It was a pretty neat dildo he had found online; soft and squishy, with a large knot at the base of it but a small, ribbed shaft that ended in a pointy tip. For Rich, it was just too small; the tug it gave when he pulled it from his own ass was satisfying, sure, and it was something to use when he didn't feel like using one of his larger dildos, but for Elliot? For Elliot, the red dildo was perfect. The knot slid in with some difficulty, but the softness made it completely painless once it was tied inside of him.

The dildo made a sucking sound as it popped out of Elliot, who gave a breathy sigh as it left him. Rich tossed it in the sink, specifically the side he used solely for sex toys, and looked down at Elliot. The little horny bastard had an erection again! With a small chuckle, Rich reached down and traced a finger upon Elliot's red, twitching shaft. He did so with sadness, as, once Elliot evolved into a Raichu, it would look and feel much more different, maybe he'd taste different as well...

"Pika?" Elliot questioned, propping himself up with his little hands.

"O-oh, just... I love you, you know that?"

Elliot happily nodded, smiling that heart-melting smile he did so well. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss Elliot, something Rich never did on stream. Sure, he'd suck Elliot's cock, let the little Pokemon fuck him, but kissing was something, no matter how high the donation, it would be something he wouldn't do. It was too personal; as his tongue crept into Elliot's mouth, as it felt around and traced his smaller tongue, and as the little Pokemon returned the favor, it truly showed how much love the two held for each other.

To Rich, sex was one thing, but showing just how much the two were connected was another thing. The streams weren't passionate like the time they spent together off stream, they were something he and Elliot used for the sole purpose of income. When the camera was off and the two wanted to, the sex they had was much more meaningful, more fulfilling, more tender and loving. How much the other shot didn't matter, how long they lasted wasn't something they thought about, there was no crowd watching, no spectators stroking themselves off, it was just...


It might have been why Elliot grabbed Rich's chin, pulled away from the kiss, and gave him a serious, questioning look. When Rich saw the determination in his Pokemon's eyes, he couldn't last for long. With a shuddering sigh, Rich shakily reached into his pocket and pulled out the Thunder Stone. Elliot gave it a once-over, frowning as he looked at the bag, but he made no move for it.

"This..." Rich undid the lace, turning the bag upside down and letting its contents fall to his open palm. "Is a Thunder Stone."

Elliot's eyes grew as wide as saucers as he saw his future. Rich saw, in a few short seconds, confusion, joy, sadness, reluctance, and, finally, realization. With a large gulp, Elliot looked up at Rich, his eyes meeting his trainers, but he made no move.

"I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do." Rich explained, closing his fist around the stone. It made his skin feel a bit dull. "So if you want me to hide this away until you're ready, I will."


"I will. I love you as a Pikachu, I loved you as a Pichu, and I'll still love you as a Raichu. The choice is yours." Rich leaned down, giving the confused Elliot a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling away. He grabbed the pouch, opened it up, and was about to drop the stone inside of it when he felt a timid paw rest on his forearm.

It was Elliot.

The little Pokemon was breathing rapidly and looked scared, but didn't move his paw. His face might have been twisted with nervousness, but Rich saw nothing but determination in his eyes. He chuckled, hugging Elliot close.

"Alright then, Raichu! Let's get one last pic then!"


He took his phone out as Elliot lept onto him, and the two posed for a picture; Elliot on Rich's shoulder, cheek pressed against cheek, and flashing that award-winning smile. With a few hundred or so photos out of the way, Rich turned to Elliot and gave him a picture he'd never forget: he locked lips with the little Pokemon, closing his eyes, and took it.

When the two separated, when the saliva they had shared fell to their chins, they looked at the picture that had been taken. Surely enough, it was perfect. Not blurry, a good angle, and it was everything Rich wanted to remember about Elliot, a lock-screen background for sure.

"Okay, anywhere special you wanna do it?" Rich swapped the phone for the stone and looked over at Elliot, grinning.

Elliot nodded, jumping down from his shoulders and running a few feet before turning and jumping into Rich's arms. Rich held him there like a parent would a newborn baby, and couldn't help the tears that barged their way down his face. Without much more celebration, Rich handed the Thunder Stone to Elliot, who willingly accepted it, and turned away.

The weight was the first thing he felt after the flashing, nearly blinding light and sound of rushing wind had left the room. Rick cracked his eye open by the tiniest bit, but as soon as he gazed upon his new companion, it was his turn for saucer-wide eyes. He had seen pictures and videos of Raichus, but they were nothing compared to the creature he was holding now. They were as if the fallen leaves from a gigantic oak; a representation of what was there, but it would never be the real thing.

The Pokemon he was holding had lost its yellow luster, the fur was now a deep gold, and his ears and the tips of his nubby little hands and paws were now a deep, ambered chestnut. Elliot's belly was a white, creamy circle that reminded Rich of the whitest clouds in the sky, but even though he had changed greatly, the circles on Elliot's cheeks, as well as the insides of his ears, was still that cute yellow color the fur of his previous evolution had.

"Rai-Rai...chu?" Elliot spoke. His eyes grew wide at just how much deeper his voice had gotten.

"You're... that's... that's right, you're a Raichu."

Elliot moved his tail, frowning a bit more. He lifted it and brought it into his view, and the smile he gave was nothing short of somehow even more heart-meltingly adorable. Before he could do anything, Elliot reached up and pulled Rich into a wonderful kiss; they both quickly got acquainted with his new mouth. As the two explored, Elliot let his tail fall to Rich's groin, which caused him to straighten upwards, not used to the newfound prehensibility of the body part. Elliot pressed the tail against his groin, rubbing it back and forth as he left Rich's lips, smiling as he looked up at him.

"I-I-I was gonna go for dinner first, but..." Rich chuckled and leaned down, giving Elliot a kiss on the forehead. "This... this works."


Rich scooped Elliot up, almost running into the bedroom. With the Pokemon still in his arms, he flung himself onto the bed and laughed as Elliot struggled to escape his embrace. After a few seconds of holding him close, Rich let go. Elliot sat up on his chest, grinning and leaned down, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. Rich held his head against his lips and made out with the Pokemon, only sparsely coming up for air. Quite frankly, he preferred to spend as much time inside of Elliot's mouth as he could. He felt awesome.

Elliot pulled away, looking down and smiling at Rich. He gave one last small kiss before scooching down his body, to his groin. Rich's heart raced as Elliot's small little paws felt around the bulge underneath his shorts; they were only flimsy basketball shorts and boxers, after all. Elliot moved up and down his growing length before getting up and turning, sitting in front of Rich's spread legs.

Like he had done so many times before, Elliot pulled the shorts and underwear down in one fell swoop, not even completely taking them off. It seemed he was so desperate for Rich's five and a half inch member that he didn't even bother pulling them all the way down. Within moments, Elliot opened his mouth and consumed Rich's cock.

Rich shook as Elliot took his length completely in his mouth, easily working his way down to his soft groin. As a Pikachu, Elliot had only been able to get halfway before gagging, but now, as a Raichu, he had no problem getting all the way down. He began to moan softly as Elliot sucked upwards, using his large tongue to trace the same patterns he had as a Pikachu, but he was able to cover much more ground. Each time Rich felt Elliot's tongue trace one of these patterns, it tickled, making him feel more alive than ever.

He put a hand on Elliot's head and began to push the little Pokemon down on him, making Elliot consume his entire length in one motion. Once Elliot was nearly licking his balls, Rich would hold him there for a few moments before he pulled him upwards, flexing his cock before he left Elliot's warm, wet embrace. Unfortunately, this wasn't a time for a blowjob, Rich realized. He wanted to do something with Elliot that he had wanted to do forever.

Rich pulled Elliot off of him, rubbing the yellow sac on his cheek for a second before reaching over and grabbing some of the lube he always kept handy. Elliot's eyes grew wide as he drizzled it over his wet, throbbing erection, and couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face. Quickly, Elliot walked on Rich's belly, up to him so that he could easily apply some lube.

For the first time ever, Rich stuck a finger into Elliot with the intent of lubing him up to fuck him, not to use a toy on him. His Raichu ass felt much more wider and accommodating than when he was a Pikachu, Rich could easily snake another finger into him as well. He moved his fingers in and out as Elliot moaned his name, Rich was just getting a feeling for what was to come.

Once he was sufficiently lubricated, Rich gave Elliot a small, playful pinch on his rear and nudged him forward. Elliot could barely contain himself as he carefully scooched down Rich's torse, making sure not to step on anything but the bed. As a Raichu, he was over five times heavier than a Pikachu, no longer could he just gallop across his trainer's belly.

Rich held his cock between two fingers, flexing it so it was as hard as it could be as Elliot took his place. The Pokemon sat, and his cock immediately spread his asshole and dove deep inside of him. Elliot wasted no time once he sunk to the bottom of Rich's length; he immediately began to jump up and down on it, which surprised Rich. He knew he wasn't ridiculously big, his size still should have given Elliot some pause, but he wasn't complaining.

As Elliot bounced on his member, he wrapped his hands around the Pokemon's waist and began to thrust into him as well. It got so fast that Elliot had to stop moving, he just squatted above Rich as he was fucked hard. With a grunt, Rich thrusted in and hilted the Pokemon, grabbed him, and turned Elliot so they were facing each other. When he was fucking him from behind, it just came off as too impersonal, and that wasn't what he wanted now. If he was going to fuck Elliot, he wanted to watch his face as it scrunched up in pleasure.

That was exactly what he did as Rich began to fuck him. Elliot called out the first syllable of his name as Rich's cock pumped in and out of him, his own length growing from his belly until it throbbed in the open air. It looked similar as his previous evolution, but it was much bigger now, almost as big as Rich's own member. It was awesome.

Rich took a hold of Elliot's cock with a hand as he fucked him, beginning to stroke the Pokemon off. His little mission had succeeded; Elliot began to hump his hand like a Mightyena would, like a Mightyena had, and each time he pushed his bulging member into Rich's hand, Elliot fell downwards onto his master's own member. It felt fucking awesome, masturbating Elliot and fucking him at the same time, it was unlike anything Rich had ever felt before. It felt better than the aforementioned Mightyena, better than the Pidgeots and the Stantlers, better than the Snivy he had fucked on stream before.

Elliot's ass was tight, not as tight - thankfully - as it was when he was a Pikachu, but tight enough to make him feel the warm, ribbed flesh. Each time his length was completely inside of him, Rich could see the bulge on Elliot's stomach, which caused pride to well up inside of him. There weren't many Pokemon he could do that to.

Rich quickly grabbed Elliot, hugging him to his belly and quickly flipping around. The Pokemon's paws were on either side of him as he began to thrust harder into him, essentially breeding him. He was close now, and needed to finish inside of Elliot, something inside demanded that he shoot a monumental, special load deep inside of the Pokemon's asshole. Elliot cried out his name, panting as he was bred, Rich could feel his warm cock throb against his belly, could feel it spurt its warm precum all over his skin; he wondered if Elliot would be interested in fucking him.

The thought of that, as well as his cock flying in and out of Elliot made Rich suddenly thrust completely in and hold. In the space of a few wonderful seconds, he felt Elliot's rapid breathing, the throbbing of their members, the crushing grip of Elliot's ass, and Rich just let loose with a cry. It was a cry that broke his voice; he felt like a kid again, and for all intents and purposes, he was. The first time he had an orgasm was with this very same Pokemon, and he could tell, as pleasure overwhelmed his mind, as cum flew into Elliot's clenched ass, that this would be the first in a long, fun journey.

When he finally recovered and rolled around, Elliot pawed his way upwards and onto Rich's belly. The two laid there, Rich felt his warm cum leak onto him as they just looked into each other's eyes. It was the sensation of a throbbing Pokemon cock on his belly that made Rich grin. Rich sat up a bit on the pillows and beckoned Elliot forward. The Pokemon grinned, eagerly scooching up and straddled Rich's neck, sitting on his chest.

Rich opened his mouth and slightly moved his head forward, getting a good taste of Elliot's new cock. Surely enough, it was absolutely amazing. Elliot moaned his name and pushed the rest of his throbbing erection inside of Rich, making the man gag as it tickled the back of his throat. As much as Rich tried to stop, he couldn't help but be disappointed in himself as he pulled Elliot's length out to the point where he could freely suck it.

If Elliot was disappointed, however, he didn't show it. Instead, he wrapped his hands around Rich's head and began to hump him, being careful not to gag his master as he thrusted. Rich began to suck and swirl his tongue around Elliot's throbbing mast, the Pokemon squealed with pleasure as he did so, and thrusted a bit faster. Within moments, he made Rich gag, but Elliot didn't seem to notice.

He felt his eyes tear up as he was fucked like this, and the overwhelming sense of nausea threw him off. Somehow, he wasn't sure if it was how tight he was holding his thumb in his fist, or just the deep breathing he was doing, he didn't throw up all over the Pokemon. Elliot just began to thrust faster and faster, his furry balls smacking into Rich's chin as he squeaked his name over and over again.

Elliot's length suddenly twitched in his mouth, and he grew still. Rich thought for sure the little Pokemon was about to cum, so he sucked harder, licked faster, but to his amusement, Elliot just shivered and continued to thrust against his tongue. At this point, he could taste the Pokemon's warm, salty precum and grew hungry for the cum he'd surely shoot onto his tongue. The taste wasn't pleasant, but that wasn't why he liked the Pokemon's cum; it was the fact that a Pokemon trusted him enough to do something like this to him to the point of an orgasm.

The Pokemon began to hump even faster now, much faster than he had been before. It made Rich gag harder but his urge to satisfy the Pokemon far outweighed the nausea he felt. It wasn't much longer until he felt Elliot completely thrust into him, and hold himself there. As he was panting, Rich felt his cock with his tongue.

It was harder than he had ever felt it, throbbing wildly, and, wonderfully, dribbling fat ropes of cum out and onto him. Rich tried not to giggle as he felt the powerful, crackly feeling of the Electric type's cum as it filled his mouth, but he couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face.

As Elliot held himself there, cum leaked out of Rich's mouth and onto his chin and throat, even when he swallowed, it made no difference. Those big balls of his were something to be admired, it seemed. After a second mouthful of that crackling liquor he swallowed, Rich felt the spigot turn off, felt the trembling overwhelm Elliot. The Pokemon fell back, panting his name over and over again as his wet cock throbbed in the air.

The two laid there, panting for a while. The crackling of the cum Elliot had shot in and onto him eventually went away as it turned from a fierce white to a translucent color. Rich rubbed Elliot's belly, opening his eyes as he felt that Elliot still had a throbbing erection. It seemed as if the Pokemon was ready for round two almost instantly, so he strained as he pushed Elliot off of him, grabbing the lotion again, but this time, Rich spread his own ass, pushed the lube inside of himself.

Elliot caught wind of what was going on and instantly grinned, quickly jumping up and moving behind. It was somewhat of a balancing act for Elliot; no longer could he just hold himself on Rich's rear, now he had to stand on his lower legs and fuck him like he was an equal.

It was a little fast for Rich, but as Elliot's cock slammed into him, he bit a finger and tried not to wake the neighbors. The Pokemon wasted no time as he fucked his trainer, slamming his cock in and out of his tight hole. For Rich, it was much better than Pikachu. As much as he loved Elliot when he was one, his new form, his new length, it made his toes curl with pleasure.

Pikachu hadn't been able to hit his prostate, hell, he could barely manage to squeeze past the first few inches of his asshole, but Raichu? This new Elliot easily glided into him, his tapered tip easily poked Rich's sensitive organ, and, of course, with each thrust, made Rich shudder. It was actually a problem for him; as Elliot fucked him, he couldn't stop shaking. The pleasure from what was going on, as well as the constant prostate hits compulsively forced his body to move on its own accord. He could feel himself get aroused, but couldn't do anything about it as Elliot fucked him, Rich could barely do anything but shake.

It was when he felt Elliot's new tail wind around his member that Rich really lost it. As he was stroked off, he cried out, moaning and groaning as Elliot's thick, yet maneuverable tail, pulled his cock up and down. Even though he had just shot his load, Rich could feel yet another orgasm coming on. Elliot leaned into the thrusts, fucking him much harder as his tail stroked harder.

Suddenly, the weight was too much, and Elliot went down with Rich. The two chuckled for a bit before Rich motioned with his hand for Elliot to get off of him. He hooked his arm in the crutch of his leg and opened himself, laying on his side and looking at Elliot. The Pokemon needed no instruction, and slipped back inside of Rich as he wrapped his tail back around his master's throbbing cock.

He began to fuck him again, this time being a bit more careful as he humped him. The last thing Rich wanted was for Elliot to think that he was too big to have fun, so he stabilized himself on the bed, moaning for Elliot to fuck him faster. At first, Elliot was unsure of himself, but upon further beckoning, he began to do so. His length started slamming in and out, his balls slapped hard against Rich's soft ass.

Elliot didn't last much longer; with one last hard, triumphant push, Elliot blasted another load into Rich. He quivered as he did so, laying down on Rich's side as he shook, Rich could feel the tingling sensation as cum squirted into him. It wasn't much, but it was more than enough for him, and besides, they weren't streaming, it wasn't about quantity, it was about quality. From the look on Elliot's face, it was, without a doubt, a quality orgasm for sure.

His ass felt weird as Elliot pulled out, Rich felt a weird sense of relief as his ass was officially broken in by the panting Pokemon. Elliot collapsed onto Rich's belly, his tail unwinding from his cock as he rested on his master's chest, panting heavily. Rich scratched the back of his furry head and sat up a bit, pulling Elliot close and hugging him. He gave a small kiss to his head when he tensed up.

Elliot's paws were touching his length, pressing hard together. He felt the soft, creamy, almost silky fur that made them up, as well as the velvety circle of paw by his heel. He shuddered; normally, he wasn't a big fan of this, but something about it right this second just felt right, like he wanted to just give in to the whims of his Pokemon.

Groaning, he felt Elliot begin to move his paws up and down, touching and squeezing, wrapping his digits around his tip and pulling on him. Elliot would put one paw under his length, the other seemingly stepping on top of it, and began to stroke him. It felt a lot better than the tail did, and he was able to move it much faster than the tail as well.

Elliot reached down, pressing his paw into Rich's balls, moving them around slowly as he touched his cock with his other paw. Rich couldn't hold back anymore, and grabbed both of the paws, pressing them against his rod and using them to jerk himself off. Elliot, struggle as he might, couldn't get his master to let go.

With a grunt, Rich felt the first magical spurt of cum fly from his tip, landing directly onto Elliot's belly, but after that, he was too low in the tanks, and the resulting dribbles spat out onto Elliot's paws. He held Elliot close as he finished on his paws, shivering harshly as he panted. Elliot looked up at him, grinning warmly. He carefully shimmied up Rich's belly again, moving to his chest before planting a warm kiss on his lips.

Rich groaned as he felt the contact, but smiled as he kissed Elliot back. After one single kiss, however, Elliot was seemingly spent. He rolled over and next to Rich, looking at his cum-covered paws with a grin.

"Guess... guess I shot a lot more than I thought I did..." Rich chuckled, grabbing Elliot's middle toe and wiggling it. Elliot laughed and pulled away from him, grinning as he cuddled close to Rich. The two cuddled for a while before Rich smacked his forehead, grunting in annoyance. "We should have streamed this! Dangit! Just think about all the mon-"

He was cut off when Elliot reached up and planted another warm, wet kiss on his cheek. Rich's eyes grew wide as he looked down, seeing Elliot grinning up at him. At that moment, he realized that it was a good thing they hadn't streamed it; it was much more personal, much more of a momentous occasion that the public didn't deserve to touch themselves too. Rich smiled, and kissed Elliot back.

. . .

Hello! Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, why not join my Discord? Code is "RgFzJBt"

What You Mean to Me, Chapter 34

Male Pokemon x Male Pokemon Mightyena stood in the cold, crunchy snow, cursing his luck as the golden-orange sky cast mighty shadows in the woodland valley. It was cold, colder than it had been all winter, the sun was setting, his stomach was empty,...

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 32

**Author's Note** Hello, SoFurry community! My name is Kadarchy, and I love writing Pokemon and soon to be released DnD smut. I am a very active writer, as one might tell by the chapter number, and SoFurry is the newest site I've decided to post on....

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