Freedom Paradise ( Fem! Mike x Evals) Prologue

Story by KantaWrites on SoFurry

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#1 of TwoKinds: Freedom Paradise (Fem Mike x Evals)

Mike and Evals are at a stand still when it comes to going their separate ways. She doesn't want to go with him but he does. Maybe they can reach an agreement soon. Evals planned on leaving but he doesn't want to do it without Mikey. He coaxed her into leaving but someone else is less than ecstatic without a goodbye.

(TwoKinds, Mike, and Evals are all in ownership of Tom Fischbach. This story is completely fan made and not for profit.This is a reupload due to the fact I get requests to do longer chapters, so I put the prologue and chapter one into just a prologue. Enjoy!)

Michelle had parted her ways in the manor, heading back to her own room in the lavender clothing she adorned before going to the Oasis room with Evals earlier that day. She was happy for him but not entirely. Finding herself lost in her own thoughts, Michelle made it back to the large bedroom and turned the knob to open the door to go inside. All she wanted to do was rest after being in the magical hot room, too much sun perhaps. What would she do after he would leave? Stay with Eric and Kathrin? Maybe so if it came to that.

She walked over sluggishly to the bed and flopped down, pulling some of the covers over while thinking of all the times they spent together as slaves. The time they met in those cages was the only time that she didn't feel so alone, reaching out for Evals to grab her hand to comfort him. Now he wanted to go back home, the very place he wandered off from to get caught by slavers. At some point in their lives, Michelle could recall her and Evals dumping a bucket of water on Kathrin just to see how mad she would be about how wet her fur would be. The thought of that made her chuckle, pulling the bedsheets on the large bed over her to get comfortable once more and doze off to a deep sleep. the hallway of the second floor....

Evals walked toward his room which wasn't very far from his friend Michelle's room, right across the hall. He stopped in front of the door, looking over at hers and wondered if he should go in there to talk to the fox once more. He tried so hard to convince Michelle that she should come with him and that he would find her a nice mate to be with, but to no avail she didn't want that. It hurt him a little but he had to understand that at some point they would go their separate ways.

_Maybe I'll check on her just this once...... _Evals thought while making his way over to the door, opening it quietly to see her sleeping soundly in bed and walked slowly in the room. They used to share a bed all the time, but now that they were in the manor Michelle had her own room to stay in. He sat down slowly beside her, brushing the orange hair away from her face only to see her eyes had small tears in the corners. Of course he knew what they were for: they were for him. Michelle wanted to stick to Evals the entire way but this was inevitable.

"Oh Mikey.....I wish there was a way we could reach an agreement....." He whispered softly before helping himself to giving the fox a small peck on the cheek and wiped her tears away from her cheeks. Evals got up from the bed and made it out, going back to his bedroom to sleep off the thoughts in his head.

5 am next morning....

"Mikey...hey Mikey wake up..." Evals whispered into the foxes ear, making her stir in the bed as he heard her mumbling softly.

"Whadya want Ev...?" She answered sleepily, pulling the pillow over her head and groaning at the light coming from the hallway. "C'mon..get up Mikey. Let's go." He told her, getting the covers pulled back and making Michelle curl up with her tail covering her legs. "'s still dark outside....What time is it...?"

He helped her sit up and searched for some clothes that would fit, not really paying attention to the time of day. All Evals wanted was to get out of the manor and take her back home with him. How they would do this without Kathrin noticing would be difficult.

"Don't worry about the time, Mikey...Cmon and get dressed. We don't have much time." Evals found her clothes and threw them to the bed, going over to help her strip off the lavender pajamas she slept in. "If we're going to leave we need to do it before anyone else wakes up."

The fox was starting to get irritated, yawning while Evals helped her put on a shirt and a pair of clean pants. Michelle stood up to hoist the pants to her waist, buttoning them slowly before Evals took over to get them fastened.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Breakfast isn't until another hour or so..." She yawned again and shuffled her feet toward the door, Evals grabbing her pack and stopping her before she collided with it. "And I'm still tired..."

"Mikey we might not have time for breakfast. We're go back to my home..."

This woke her straight away, jerking back before he could even pull her through the bedroom door. "No Ev...I told you I won't be going back with you....I'm staying with Kathrin...I wouldn't be welcome in your village."

His eyes stared into her blue gems, seeing the tears starting to form around the corners. He wiped one away with a finger and pressed his nose against hers as he spoke softly, "Mikey please....I can't be without you. We've been together since we were kids and I don't want to be apart from you. It'll be alright. My pack isn't mean like how you've heard in some rumors. Us dogs aren't all the same.~"

She gave a sigh and took her pack from his hand, slinging it over her shoulder to move out the door. Michelle didn't want to go but if it would keep Evals quiet then she would do it for him.

"Fine....I'll go with you. I don't know why we can't just stay here with Kathrin...She's family too..."

Kathrin was busy taking care of the wolf Keidran that was laid up in the hospital wing, tending to his injured leg. It seemed she had already made up her mind by staying with him until his leg was better. Should they tell her they're leaving?

"Because she's got a lot going on right now and I feel she can use the distraction to take care of that wolf...Might be hard on her if we just say goodbye last minute..." Evals walked down the hall quietly with Michelle, directing her toward the stairs and stopping when a familiar voice spoke out behind them.

"So leaving without a word is way better than saying goodbye to me?!" The hybrid angrily spoke out and tapping her foot on the floor, a scowl that would burn right through the two. Michelle and Evals turned around, fur almost standing on end from her words. The clear evidence on Kathrin's face expressed that she was more saddened by the sudden turn of events than angry. Maybe even hurt.

"This is what it's come down to guys? No proper goodbye or telling me about this little adventure?"

"Kathrin I didn't want to leave but this---..." Michelle started to say but Evals interrupted the fox to really explain what was going on.

"It's my fault! I wanted Mikey to go with me and I didn't want to wake you..."

"Well you did a poor job of that. If you were leaving why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have fixed something to take or made newer clothes." She wrapped her arms around both of them and gave a tight squeeze, almost as if she were scared to let go. Michelle was trying to not tear up and held onto her tightly.

Evals just stood there, doing the same shortly after and patting her shoulder gently. After being together for years, two of them would split apart from the group. Kathrin's tail curled up against her backside, sniffles following a couple kisses to their cheeks. "I love you guys. Just please be careful and keep each other safe."

(To be continued in part 2...)

TwoKinds: The Light in Darkness (Fem! Clovis & Brutus) Prologue

The walk home was long and painful for Clovis, knowing that Brutus had come to retrieve her after being separated for so long. This was very embarrassing. _Why did Zen have to get this dumb wo_lf...? She glanced over at the large Keidran walking...

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TwoKinds: Master's Pet Part 1

_Tap...tap...tap..._ Kathrin played with her ball outside of the large Vaughan home in the yard, taking a break from helping with some cleaning. Not long before the house was left to Eric, her master, he bought two slaves off his elder brother...

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TwoKinds: Dirty Little Secret Part 2 (Brutus x Clovis)

It had been too long since Clovis retrieved her right hand man from Legacy manor. Things were different since then, sitting at her desk trying to keep calm and not let her mind wander to what he could have said while not in her presence. _That dumb...

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