a certani itch

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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A cougar has a thing for much bigger men the kind that would kill her in the wild, she sees that a new handy man is a rhino a big sexy rhino and it has been some time since a certain itch was itched

need i post the story? its there use you mind to think what happens, also slight camono of shire

Another day dawned as furs and humans woke up getting dressed and off to work school or another day at the desk trying to get work however it was about 10 in the morning before she woke up here she is the rare cougar, such beauty and power, sadly though this is an older female and well is past her prime or is she?

The morning sun came though her blinds as she let out a soft growl and turned over only to be woken up by the loud noises of living in an old multiple used house.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes then lifted the sheets up and got up itching her fur and then her butt; she then got up and went to the kitchen putting the coffee machine into action, while doing this she was fully nude this was Milly.

A 48 year old cougar, nice soft fur and round body, breasts large but not too large, butt soft and easy to fit into jeans that only just were in her size, she enjoy being on her own but did like company she yawned and then put on her robe if she had her way she'd go outside to fetch the mail nude and sometimes she did much to the area's announce and had been told about.

Lighting a ciggy she smiled and walked out into the morning light her age showing as she had no make up on.

Getting to the post box she smoked her ciggy and looked though the papers bills and the odd advert for over certain furs discount she put that right in the bin then her check from the company that she no longer worked for but had gotten a tidy pay check from each month.

When she was born in the 60's she was good, but then her teen years changed that, soon as she could have sex with boys she did, the 80's she partied her ass off driving around in an old car that broke down often still her sex legs over the side of the car soon made others stop young boys too helping out a lady who would in return suck them off.

It wasn't until the 90's she slowed down taking things easy but still smoking and those legs, she hadn't had kids never liked the idea of being mum to some brat that will turn out like her or the male side coming home one night drunk and fucking her and then leaving her in the morning.

One day when going to her normal store she was grabbed by an employee known to stalk females.

He had been watching her for a few weeks saw what she brought and made his move.

He was a large panda, he grabbed her and took her to the side of the doors were stock is then in-between a pallet of flower bags and potatoes he raped her not that she minded at first but then he came inside her plus she didn't have much money so pill was off the list she might get pregnant!

She slapped him and left a mark then went to the boss who had seen him do this and instead of going to court they settled on a monthly payment until her death or the company going bust.

That was then this is now.

Walking back she leaned over the side rail watching the adults load a truck with some furs items that had sadly passed away she would often see this furs would move in then few months later move out leaving everything or at least junk behind, others passed away from old age.

As she leaned there if you looked up you might see under her robe and her body which she would wink at you and adjust to give you a better view.

However ever since the rape she only likes larger or dangerous men/furs.

The kind that in the wild would kill her but she liked that the thrill of going out with someone that might kill you during sex it made her damp.

She would stub out the ciggy with her paw foot and walk back inside getting some coffee and turning on her music of her era the late 70's 80's.

Dancing and swinging those hips as she got dressed she liked to show off.

Her clothes were mostly jeans and sweat pants that were snug and showed off her butt to others.

Tops were t-shirts and the odd long dress panties and bra that matched.

Then her make up, eye liner to bring out those lovely blue eyes, some red lip stick to leave a mark on a cock or balls or even face of her next lover and some perfume that drove the males wild, well that's what the adverts and label said.

Walking outside she took in the morning sun and now afternoon sun and walked down to see what goodies were going in the truck.

Sadly there was nothing the family had already been though and all that was left was furniture or clothes and the odd picture.

But she wasn't there for the items well only if she needed it or had seen that fur put the box out for the rubbish trash furs, no she was more into the movers.

Sadly today there was no big catches just the normal horses moving stuff and the humans.

Going back into her home she turned the telly on then let out a burp and itched her crouch.

She was more male like then lady, she let her gut hang out which from years of over partying and eating had left pudge, she kicked her shoes off and put her feet on the small foot stall she had.

Flicking though the telly she was thinking about some solo time a nice slow fuck with her toy collection, yes the neighbours should be gone by now no complaints of loud moaning or yes fuck me big guy coming from her.

Getting up she was looking though her toys, the big dragon cock, the large elephant the sea serpent when a knock on the door came getting up she went to it only to see a big guy there.

"Hello there miss, I'm your new handy guy, names Dave, I'm here to keep this place running, I'll be in the new er old house that just came up"

He said to her

She looked him up and down he was big sexy and had nice muscles she wanted to pull him in and fuck him but she liked to play with her males.

"Very nice to meet you too, glad your here when do you start? I've got quite the list"

She said walking back in making sure to sway her hips and her tail to make him stare at her butt and those still lushes legs

"Er well I start in the morning if you have a problem please put it in my inbox and I'll put it on my to do list"

He said closing the door and knocking on next doors

"Oh playing hard to get are we I like that, nice big rhino too bet he's hung hmm I can feel him in me already"

She said rubbing her sides and breasts her paw going to her pussy and lightly rubbing her clit and pussy lips

She watched him as he unloaded his stuff, using a lifting thing he would load it onto his back then carry it into the room.

He was strong and sexy as he stood there getting a drink from the locals he poured ice cold water over his body and head making him sweaty and wet.

Milly's pulse went up as she watched him now outside and with one paw on a ciggy her other one was in her crouch lightly rubbing herself as she watched him sweat.

He would grunt and take the strain of the weight of the item then place it down lifting his top up as they had one of those big fans there she smiled enjoying her afternoon already.

The next day she woke up and yawned putting coffee on or she would but the machine decided that today was a strike day, now one thing you should no decline an older cougar is A/ her booze, B/ her ciggy's, or C/ her morning coffee, the coffee machine got swiped and hit the wall with a crash, she then grumbled and had to get out her kettle and coffee beans.

Making coffee without the insert of a small capsule was really annoying; she then smiled and wagged her tail side to side.

"Hmm something for Dave to fix yes"

She said picking it up and dropping it on the floor to make it looked like she had caught it and it had fallen off the side it broke more

putting on her robe she walked to her mail box then to his and put in a note saying "coffee machine broken please come take a look" she then walked back a gust of wind blew her robe up letting some teen who was spraying the wall get a view of her pussy and breasts not that she minded he did though as the tent in his baggy shorts was enough to know she was still one sexy girl.

Later that day she sighed reading her book on latest sexual fantasy which was dull there was a knock she got up and walked to the door.

There in his vest and jeans with tool box on wheels was Dave he looked sexy and tough the kinda guy you want on your side in a film that will whisk you away once he clears his name or fights evil, he just looked at her.

"Um Milly? You in their, hello?"

He said as I was day dreaming about him whisking me away

"Huh? Oh sorry dear, yes my coffee machines dead I must have caught it and well its um kinda not working any more"

She said once again swaying those hips's her tail moving around in a sexual way that cougars do

Following her into the kitchen he put his tool box on the floor he had carried it even though it had wheels into her house.

He looked at it and then laughed as she light up a ciggy.

"Well that's fucked, its not even worth fixing my dear, you'd best buy a new one sorry"

He said getting ready to go she sighed puffing on the ciggy

"Oh well thank you for at least well trying what do I owe you?"

She said starting to unzip her dress

"Oh no charge as I didn't do anything bye"

He said walking out and pulling his tool box with him

Going outside she groaned as he went into another place a new fridge was getting dropped off; he took it on his back and carried it into the house.

She sighed thinking about him carrying her like that into there bedroom only to be thrown down and then her clothes torn from her as he kissed her deeply.

Fuck she was now horny she walked in closed the door and had a good long female orgasm with her toys.

Another few days and a new coffee machine she sighed looked like the rhino wouldn't be coming into her bedroom for sex any time soon.

However today might be different walking out to grab her mail she saw clothes flying out from his room him going out in his boxers to collect them.

"Look here you rhino shit you wanted sex and what do I get?! Fucking crying and not sex fuck you!"

Some girl said walking out taking some money with her

"look here I can't help it if my parents pulled me away from sex I thought you liked me doing that to your breasts how was I to know my horn would pull out your ring?!"

He said going after her as the two fought Milly walked down picking up some clothes she had thrown up into the higher parts

She stood there as he returned and saw her smoking a ciggy and holding his shorts for swimming.

He took them red faced as she said nothing but did get to see the bulge outline in his boxers which made her wink at him and try to group it but failed.

She went back up as everyone else came out woken up by the fighting or the shouting.

Milly got dressed and then watched as he went about his day fixing things out in the open or in someone's home.

That night there was a knock on her door not expecting anyone as it was a few days away from her girlfriends night out on the town to pick up hot guys opening the door there he was.

"Um hello Milly, I hope this isn't um too late but um we need to talk about what you saw this morning"

He said Milly smiled and welcomed him in

"Sure thing Dave you seemed to have pissed her off do you want to talk over something to drink?"

She said getting out two glasses for wine as well as a bottle that was started ages ago so needed using up

"erm no thanks, listen what you heard its not true...back in school sex Ed never happened for me, it was just um my parents were very not into that,

"So I got pulled from the classes so sex and I other then you know self, solo, one to one, I've no idea how to um please a girl"

He said going red as Milly drank her wine looking at him her tail flicking in a playful way

"Really? So those that mean your still a virgin? Or have you had sex but it was forced or you know you had sex with a relation?"

She said sipping her wine and lighting a ciggy as the record played some country love music on the radio she was listening to

"um well I've erm had sex though it was awkward, as well I had sex but I fucked up, I mean she was hot but well going in fully and then cumming right away isn't good,

"that happened last night that and well she wanted oral but I had no idea so I just licked and used my horn to please her and well I pulled her boob ring off"

He said blushing and rubbing his hands in fingers like someone confessing would do or a child embarrassed for saying or doing what he had done

"Oh is that all? Well you're with me now hun, I can teach you besides I like big guys like you, so go ahead take them off I'll show you the ropes"

Milly said taking her top off as he stopped her covering her up with a pillow

"Ah no I mean well your nice and all but I might hurt you or break you, I don't want that mam"

He said getting up his jeans had quite the hard spot in them

"I see, well then how far back should I start?"

She said putting her top back on and drinking the wine and taking a drag on her ciggy

"Um, do you think prom is too far back?"

He said as Milly gagged on her drink and coughed and spat it out gasping for breath as the wine had gone down the wrong hole in her body plus the smoking wasn't a help

"Cough! Ugh excuse me, prom? You never went did you?"

She said remembering her prom and having to get to see three guys at once

"Um no, I went but I had no date as shy and well girls were um new to me I'd only known about them from my mother"

He said getting up as he gave her some water from the sink tap

"Well then how about we just go to the date, after all that's were it starts"

She said drinking the rest of her wine cleaning up her top that now had a red stain on from her slight shock

"Um okay, this weekend? Saturday night good?"

He said and she nodded he then exited

She sighed why do all the big sexy guys have to be so dumb?

She then thought back to her prom night refilling her glass with the last of the wine;

That night she was in a blue dress and was going out with three guys.

A horse, a bear, and a human.

It all started well she got to meet them have there pictures taken but she would have to use the big crowd to get to another boy, it was only when a partly bad split when the music ended that she was caught by the horse kissing the human by the punch bowl the bear also saw this and walked over.

All three looked at her then each other she blushed now she was up the creak with no paddle.

The boys smiled and lead her outside to the side of the hall making sure no teachers saw them.

"looks boys I can explain, I hate to say no to you I mean after all your all sexy to me, horsey your hung and I know it you like to see me waggle my hips as I walk I've seen your pants tenting down the left side of your leg,

"You bear you like to hug me it only so you can feel my breasts on your face as you lift me up hugging me or my butt,

"and you human I'm only here for as you took the blame when my still light ciggy fell into the paper basket and set fire to it so can't we deal with this like grown ups?"

I said as they rubbed there heads and looked around the side

"Okay Milly we can but your going to have to pay us back, guys rock paper scissors"

The human said to the other two.

They all shook there fist then drew them out as I watched, the human got paper, the horse rock and the bear rock, the human had won.

He first bumped the air then the bear and horse went the horse lost getting stone the bear getting paper.

"Okay I'm first; I choose a blow job from you bear?"

"I'll take the pussy heh you get ass horsey boy"

"Fuck you two the ass will be tight heh not after I'm done with it though"

They all gathered around one watching both sides

I got down on my knees and unzipped the boy's pants and belt he then pulled out his soft cock.

It was nice thick but small, I started to suck it he got hard all 7 inches I then sucked and started to give him oral he moaned out thrusting into my mouth.

I held onto his butt as he grunted and moaned saying yeah take it bitch fuck I loved being used even at that age.

Cock throbbing I rolled his balls around in there sack he then let's out a moan and came.

Salty human seed filled my mouth some spilling out the sides in the gaps in my teeth but the rest I swallowed.

He then pulled off cock throbbing as I licked the last of the seed from his cock as he put it away I then got up.

"Okay bear your turn"

He said taking over as look out for him

The bear walked over and pulled out his hard on cock all 5 inches thick though like a can of soda before they made them smaller.

I pulled up my dress up and he pulled my panties down he then rubbed his cock on my pussy it only just went in thing is with bears is they all have big guts from sleeping though winter it only goes away in spring.

It was then the human made a noise and he pushed into me covering me up as a teacher walked by.

She asked them why they were here they all said they were out getting some air as they were feeling hot under the collar, she walked away.

The bear then pulled out or away and I was able to breath, his cock only just in me I guess it's better to fuck a bear laying down or then on top of you.

He grunted then let out a growl and I felt him cum as it splash on my pussy not inside me though but he wasn't done.

Getting down his big tongue gave my pussy a good lick oh fuck I nearly came from that but didn't.

"Your turn horsey boy, you should taste her she's just as good as pie"

The bear said as he took over for the horse

"Um you sure you don't want pussy? Only you're rather big no you know what your right go ahead fuck my ass horsey boy"

I said as I turned around him lifting up my dress and pulling out his cock

The horse was hung 11 inches thankfully it was normal horse sized no thick or long here.

Pushing into my ass he gritted his teeth as he then slipped in I let out a growl and my claws dug into the wall as I felt him sink into me he then went to his balls lightly bouncing me up and down on his cock.

I felt his balls slap my pussy lips at the base as he grouped my breasts and I moaned out fuck I was going to cum I was pinned to the wall as I had no way to pull my dress up.

He grunted and I let out a moan and orgasmed tightening up on his cock making him moan out and cum.

Warm stallion seed filled my ass it was then the head master walked around the two others had not been looking out instead they were jerking there cocks.

He looked at us I was in bliss not caring at all what trouble I was in the stallion finished his cock slipping out with a wet plop I just moaned he then told the boys he would deal with them on Monday, he then looked at me as I leaned on the wall still kinda coming down from the pleasure cloud juices running down my legs and thighs.

"Well Miss Milly I see you're up to your old tricks, hmm seeing as this is the 70's I'm going to fuck you"

The dragon head master said pulling out his cock and yep he fucked me making me orgasm again

he came inside me but not that much I fell to the floor and instead of letting him go I started to suck his still dripping wet cock I guess that's were my love for bigger males comes from.

But that was then this is now.

As I rubbed my pussy lips thinking back to that day I kinda wondered if maybe there was a reunion of students at his school I could be his date and we'd do what I did on my prom night.

I then had my orgasm well I'd already had a few but my eyes were closing thinking back to prom night and those three lads wonder were they are now?

I licked myself clean then went to bed in the nude I smiled as I had a dream that it was all a lie and he was just shy and he wanted me but he couldn't come out and say it.

Morning came and I yawned away itching my fur, I decides to have a nice shower getting into the shower unit I turned the water only to get a drip, I walked out in the nude as did two others saying there water or shower wasn't coming on.

They had robes on I was in the nude we bashed on his door and he yawned coming to us in kids but for grown up PJ's which made the others laugh but me smile.

"Yawn what do you want? Today is my day off oh your um nude and er partly wet?"

He said as we grabbed him by the collar

"Our showers aren't working fix them!"

We all said as he groaned and went back getting dressed

The first one was a simple fix someone hadn't paid there water bill so that was an easy fix.

Next was a blocked pipe one pipe had decided to bring up a lump of lime scale and block it a few whacks and it was gone.

Next was mine, turns out my water heater had given up he tried to fix it but it was dead well it was as old as the building so yeah, new one was on order and quick.

I got dressed while he did this making sure to leave my door open in case he wanted to sneak a peek at me in my clothes or bending over showing off my body.

The next day I was up early and there he was in clothes as well as a few other guys ready to fit the new boiler/water heater.

Thankfully it didn't cost me as it was something that no house owner should have to pay for so insurance was put on them which you paid via rent and if it went wrong it was replaced and your wallet was fine.

I watched them enjoying the view of three guys sweating and grunting to remove the old one and put the new one in which was hard as it only just fit in the gap.

Once they were done I offered them some drinks they all liked them one even thanked me but sliding past me and making sure he got a feel of my butt and legs letting out a soft moan as I felt him do this.

The water was on and it was warm I smiled as I had a shower the guys there finishing up once again leaving my door open the younger plumber clearly liking the view as he made sure to kick a tool into the bathroom to see me nude I smiled as I showed off my lovely body until he was whacked on the head by the rhino who growled at him not the one I was going out on a date with but another work one.

It was now the afternoon I'd had my fun but I knew my date was coming up so I decided to go shopping!

Well I needed some new shoes and well new dress and make up, I put on some clothes and got into my car and drove to the mall.

Going in I picked out some nice dressed then walked to the fitting rooms trying on dresses I loved.

When I was a teenager I used to do it all the time I then thought back to my first shag, yep not the prom but my first shag.

I walked in and picked out some dresses and tops and skirt's I then saw there was a new guard by the fitting rooms.

I walked in and tried stuff on taking my time and taking pictures with my Polaroid camera (remember those?) it was then there was a knock on the door.

"Um miss I'm going to have to ask if your finished? Only you've been trying on clothes for an hour"

He said to me I smiled as I opened the door

"Oh my it seems this zipper is stuck will you be a dear and pull it only if you break it its you not me please"

I said in my soft silky voice he gulped but walked in

I was there my zipper not stuck he pulled it down it was then in the mirror he saw my breasts making him tent I smiled as I pushed my still young ass into his crouch.

"Oh my, is that your baton or are you just happy to see me hun?"

I said as I rubbed my ass on him he tried to fight but his hoofs went to it and cupped it

"Please miss I might lose my job"

He said as I turned and pulled down his pants letting out that lovely long zebra cock he blushed

"Oh my, such a big guy I have here"

I said as I rubbed it and then sucked it making him moan out

he moaned as I sucked him off I'd seen it on a dirty video my girlfriends had stolen from a VHS rental place, it was great I watched it and using a well a soda bottle I took it down my throat gagging a little as my friends watched but I took it.

I sucked him until he was fully hard and now horny I knew if he walked out not with that on he'd be fired.

I got up and turned around pulling down my panties and letting him hot dog my ass.

His big black 10 inch cock rubbing on my ass he then grabbed my hips and put it to my lips then pushed in I let out a cry of pain but it was great.

He then took my virginity I felt him push into me and my cherry rose whatever you call it gone a small bit of blood going down his shaft not that I was a virgin but it had been a while since I'd had anything like him in me.

He then started to thrust his hips hitting my ass as he pounded me I just moaned out and purred as I felt him taking me watching myself be fucked in a fitting room by some young stud it was hot my pussy dripping juices.

He then went balls deep zebra balls aren't big but they do make a lot of seed.

He filled me up and then pulled out and I sighed I then turned and sucked him clean his cock going back into his sheath.

I then put my clothes back on as he made himself neat I sighed as did he.

Putting the clothes back on there hangers we walked out only to see another guard there not to happy to see him exit with me.

"And what were you doing in there? If you were even thinking of sex I'll have your ball chopped off laddie"

The older guard said as I brushed my tail along his face

"Oh sugar he was just helping me not break my clothes the darn zipper got stuck, besides I'm sure you'd of done the same thing"

I said giving him a light stroke on the face him blushing and tenting making the young lad laugh him growl at him

I never brought clothes well other then on my birthday or at the holidays when sales were on.

As I walked in I picked out some clothes I then saw another young stag there he looked board looking though his phone as an older lady came out and threw the clothes at him saying these are too tight and show off too much why don't you stock good clothes?

I smiled as I walked over and then did my; oh you poor thing and gave him a light tail brush making him go red in the face.

I then took my clothes into the fitting room sadly though unlike the 80's there are now camera's in there, to stop shop lifters but I didn't care I liked to show off.

I would do a kinda strip tease by removing my top then shaking my hair making my breasts wobble side to side I could tell they liked it up there in the camera room as well the camera moves but this was now fixed.

I smiled as I pulled down my dress and then wiggled my hips at them I then heard the stag knock on the door.

"Um miss can you please stop teasing the camera guy he has a heart condition and your um undressing is making him feel tight chested"

He said as the camera turned to face the wall

"Well he can stare at the wall I'm not a common slut shop lifter but oh darn this dresses zipper not working"

I said as I grunted to get it on quickly as I was in my panties and bra

"Oh um do you need another one?"

He said blushing as I opened the door

"Oh no but if you break it it'll be your problem not mine come on in and help me"

I said as he walked in looking around he then pulled it down with ease

he had fallen for my trap I then pushed my soft butt onto his crouch making him gasp but also put his hoofs right onto my butt and let out a stag moan as I felt him get hard.

I smiled as he rubbed his crouch on my butt then before I could even speak he was down there and kissing my butt I blushed as I then felt him licking and doing a fucking good job as I let out moans of pleasure.

"You're not the first old lady to pull this trick on me now I'll be going now but I know your game take out the dress from the bag"

He said as he had me his teeth lightly brushed on my clit

"I told you I'm no shop lifter but keep going as you're getting me wet"

I said as he licked then came up and I turned around taking him by surprise and undoing his zipper and letting his hard on out into the open making him gasp as I started to suck it.

He was about to stop me but then I took him fully he wasn't that hung but good enough I'm not a slut just I'm a cougar were horny when we get over 35 years old.

I sucked him making sure my breasts were on show he stood there letting out a soft stag moan as I sucked him off.

I sucked and bobbed my head as he grunted then he came stag seed filled my mouth I had at this point learned to making a seal around the cock to keep all the seed in.

he pulled off and gasped I just smiled as I got up and looked at a nice green dress and picked it out I then found some matching shoes he just lead me out as I paid for them.

I could tell that was the first time he'd been sucked off and not caught a bad fur.

Getting home I put the dress on it fit great, showing off my breasts just enough to let furs see, my ass was nice and perky in this a good slap from him would make it look good or even a squeeze.

The shoes were tight but that new tight after a few hours walking in them they were comfy.

I took my clothes off as now it was the weekend that night I'd be showing a shy rhino the ropes.

Morning came I had my normal ciggy and coffee got my mail mostly junk mail if they had one of those return free postage I'd send them a picture of my teeth with there letter in it and then another one showing it all torn up and me with the remains and just a note saying send me more and it'll be your throat instead of the paper.

I normally never got anything back and less junk mail seems word spreads fast.

I went out and brought some make up yesterday thanks to the water heater failing I only had the afternoon I walked in and looked for lip stick eye shadow and perfume.

I found some deep purple lippy it looked great when I kissed the kiss bit which was a white board you kissed to see the mark you left.

Next was eye shadow I found some nice light blue to bring out my eyes more as for perfume I picked some that made me smell nice and it was high end stuff too.

After that I went home and had a bath getting myself ready I brushed my fur and head making sure I looked nice, I then wondered if I should go to him or he would came to me.

I put on my new dress and then the shoes no bra but panties hmm nah commando tonight.

I then put in some ear rings they were clip on ones as I hated the real deal too much pain plus they heal over if not used.

I then waited and waited it was now 7 in the evening I sighed and got up and walked to his place and knocked on the door he opened the door in a vest and shorts and had a beer in his hand.

"Oh hello you, what's wrong now?"

He said as I leaned on the pillar there to the upper floor walkway

"Oh nothing just I thought you wanted to go on a date, if this is how you treat women I'm not surprised they leave you"

I said as his eyes went wide and the door slammed shut

I could hears swears and crashing of things then he came out overalls on with stains and he had on a kinda clean shirt his had also spayed on some smell be gone stuff as I could still see the cloud inside.

He then walked out in bare feet he grabbed his work boots I sighed this guy needed work but I wanted my itch scratched.

Driving him to the restaurant I go to if I feel like eating out we walked in thankfully I was a member as I think he would have just well been told to leave turning up as he was.

We sat down I was pushed in by a waiter the menu was then given to us.

I smiled as I knew what to have he though looked and was confused he then saw the waiter and asked for a cheaper menu the waiter gasped and I think said blue words under his breath as he walked away.

"Gee this is um a nice place huh? Um bit over priced for my liking couldn't we go there instead? Much more my price range"

He said pointing out to the window to an open all date greasy spoon place

"No, if you want to treat a lady nice you take her to places like this I'll pay for the food"

I said as the waiter brought over the kids menu making me laugh

He then took my order,

"Steak, with red wine 1990 French if you have any oh and for after the cheese cake"

He smiled and took my menu as another waiter placed on the table some bread and snack like items I took one and ate it

"Um let's see, I'll have burger fries and a large coke oh um sorry wrong place err what would you want from this pricey stuff?"

He said as the water took the menu

"I'll give you what the lady is having sir; if I ate here I'd have the same tastes as her"

He said walking away clearly not impressed with him

He ate the bread and we talked him mostly about his past he grew up on a farm and then got into fixing stuff up so took a free college course getting good grades.

He then moved to the city and had jobs for certain places until they closed, he was sexy about 7'4 large built but that blocky kind of build not fat or shit house kind, he was also very sex abs and muscles that could crush me in a moment.

As he talked I rubbed my paw foot along his leg making him stumble and blush he really was shy or not used to this.

Our food came and he picked the steak up and chomped on it as others looked the waiter then coughed and handed him a knife and fork he then picked his teeth and thanked him before going back to eating it with his hands.

I sat there and just ate it with my knife and fork, I drank the wine with a sip enjoying the taste him? He just downed it and then went back to pulling it apart like a lion would in the wild oh yes he needed work but seeing him tear apart that steak got me very wet.

After that he had eaten it all me only half well I'm still a lady I only eat it all when I know I'm not going to get fucked afterwards, he then let out a loud burp and made other throw there napkins on the table and walk out paying as they exited.

The main guy that ran the place walked over he then stood there as the rhino picked his nose.

"Ah waiter, that was good, thank you now go away I'm trying to get laid here I might get lucky"

It was at that point I saw him snap the head guy that is

The rhino was thrown out into the trash by four guys

"And don't come back!"

He said slamming the door, I sighed and slapped him then only paid him half the bill for doing that

As I walked out to the back he was out of the trash and then with his sheer power bashed a hole in the door and dusted off his hands saying that'll teach them good luck trying to get a new door at this hour or someone to fit it.

He then saw me and walked over.

"You do know why you got thrown out? Sigh never mind now then next is a nice walk to the car, I'm not drunk I've only had one cup of wine"

I said as we walked to the car park getting in he sighed

"I guess I'll be alone forever huh? Oh well I still have my work until my back goes but when that happens if it don't heal then I have my way out"

He said pointing his fingers to his head and making a bang noise

I just drove him to a nice spot.

There was a lake the city had well used, it used to be a dump but when it flooded they turned it into a lake, and yes there might be old cars and stuff down there but I'm not going in there.

I parked up and he looked out into the lake as the moon light filled the sky.

"So now that we've eaten and are here what"

He grabbed me and kissed me I had to push him away

"C'mon you know you want this baby besides I can tell you're hot for sex"

He said grouping my breast I had to slap him

"You are such a beast! Fuck you, your going to be alone gods I thought you might be easy to fix but your broken and not worth fixing"

I said as he got out of the car and I drove away

Getting in my house I roared out in anger, he wasn't a sexy fur he was a jerk! He wasn't a good guy just shy he was a cunt.

I threw a glass at the wall making it smash I was now horny, raging and wanting a fuck.

I needed a ruff fuck or to be fucked hard I picked up the phone and called a friend.

A few moments later his car pulled in I walked out gripping the bars of the side I then saw the rhino walking into the place.

I saw him look at me as there stood a horse a big shire horse.

He walked up and I grabbed him with claws drawn he then picked me up his cock sinking into my pussy.

He watched as he fucked right there me being pinned to the wall outside my place as his big cock went into me I let out roars of pleasure as he fucked me my claws and teeth going into him as I needed this.

I watched him come up the horse then came I let out a roar as he pulled out seed making a puddle on the floor some blood went down the stallion's back he just pulled out and smiled as I stood there my dress now ripped as he forced me down onto his still semi hard cock and I cleaned it.

The rhino watched as I sucked him and put my middle finger up to him he looked and went away.

I then got a face and body shower of stallion seed I needed that I kissed him and he slapped me on the butt I dug my claws into him as he lifted me up and put me inside.

Morning came and I groaned my head hurt my body too I then felt warm sticky seed on my body, I then remembered last night I sighed I hoped the horse was okay I had drawn a lot of blood as I still had horse flesh on my claws and in my teeth.

I had my morning ciggy and then thought of the rhino, he had seen that I then saw him packing up.

I walked down there in my dress from last night that was torn up or ripped I had repaired it or made it hide my parts.


I said as he loaded the last few bits into his truck


He said as he put the door down on the moving truck

"Where you off to big guy?"

I said as I pulled on his overalls with my claw

"To another place, were I might fine a girl that won't treat me like you did, I saw you and you were enjoying it"

He said as he got into the drivers seat

"Hay you were the jerk trying to group me or you know get me nude you don't treat a lady like that"

I said as he sighed

"Yeah well try telling that to my inner thoughts"

He said as he turned the key starting the engine

"Hun, do you want to try again? You and me in my place for a drink"

I said as he sat there and turned the engine off

He got out and looked at me then fixed my dress and said that he would try again.

He went into his place and I could hear the tin cans rattle he'd clearly had a load last night.

That night he came to me and I was in normal clothes, he was too, we walked in and he sat on the couch I sat on the couch.

"Okay so tell me, what are your thoughts now on me and you here?"

I said as I put some wine down

"I want to just fuck you, I think walking in on my father having sex with another girl kinda fucked me up, I thought girls were just usable things like candy you pick one eat it then its gone"

He said drinking the wine

"Wow no that is wrong, you treat them, like you would your tools, you don't throw your tools into a box you put them in there place there proper place"

I said as he thought about it

"Huh, that is true you put them back in there boxes not lose in the truck yeah okay I think I can get behind that"

He said

"You also maintain your tools and clean them so they don't fail or like girls cheat on you"

I said as I took my shoes off letting him see my feet paws

"Yeah as if they break or err cheat on you then what's the point of having them also you need to use them right otherwise they will cheat on you?"

He said confused but I nodded

"Yes! Now then treat me like a tool, and if you throw me into the bed I will kick you out"

I said as he got up and looked me over

He picked me up and looked me over, then opened my mouth and then placed me down then kissed me softly.

I kissed back and his hands went to my butt stroking it and then he stopped the kiss then placed me on the couch.

He then lifted up my legs and started to stroke up and down I purred it had been years since I'd purred.

He then started to give me a leg massage his movements with his hand up and down lightly spreading my legs getting a good view of my pussy which was hidden his hand went up to pull my panties but he stopped himself.

He then sat down and placed me in his lap I could feel his cock it was semi hard he then removed my top and gave my shoulders a good rubbing.

I purred more this was really good if this is how he treats all his tools I'm moving into his box of tools.

I got up and removed the skirt I had on I was now in my panties and bra, he then got up and lead me to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed and he took his top off and then his shorts only him in his boxers I could see the bulge outline of his cock all I did was purr and looked at him.

"So now that you're at the work site what do you do with your tools now?"

I asked as he thought

"I guess check that I have the right attachments? Oh and that it's safe"

He said putting his foot on the bed and putting weight on it my bed creaked and groaned but took it

He then lay me down and took off my remaining clothes he then took his off.

I saw his big cock all 10 inches thick and big, he then got over me and was about to put it in when I stopped him.

"Tut-tut, you forgot to test the tool first might not work right away"

I said him getting the hint as he turned around and looked at my pussy lips

I then felt him spread my legs and he licked my pussy his cock throbbed I grabbed it and started to suck on it he wanted to thrust it down my throat but instead just moaned out as he gave me oral as I gave him oral.

He licked and sucked on my lips as I sucked and took as much as I could down my throat being this way instead of on my knees or sitting down.

His balls were round too I lightly moved them around then he moaned out as he was close to cumming.

I let him as I took as much as I could then he came thick rhino seed filled my mouth and throat I gagged lightly but breathing though my nose I took it then grunted and pounded the bed.

He then lifted up cock still hard he then fingered me and I gasped his rough big digits going in me and fingering me hard I came my orgasm making me roar out I had no care for the next door furs.

"Wow did I do well? You must have liked that I think the tool is ready for the job it's tested now for the real job"

He said as I gasped still in orgasm bliss

"Oh yes big guy fuck me hard"

I said as he turned around then kissed me I could taste myself on his lips

He then pushed that cock into my pussy it spread me wide the horse from last night had done that but he went in deeper and slower.

I moaned out as my claws dug into his rhino skin only just scratching him I felt him sink in all the way I hoped that my heat or eggs were all gone as I was at that age and I had no intent of letting him pull out.

He then pulled out only to thrust back in making me cry out in pleasure and bliss my legs then wrapped around him.

He grunted and started to pound me like a jack hammer thrust after thrust fast thrusts in no time at all I came.

My orgasm tightening on up his cock, he kept on pounding me.

I felt him thrust hard into me he then stopped and pounded me slowly pulling out and then slamming deep into me I took all of him my claws digging in.

I cried out in pleasure as I was now in love he then started to go fast again and I had another orgasm my body was now shaking he still hadn't cum.

He grunted and then went in balls deep his balls round and had some hair on them they weren't saggy but had enough sag to slap on my fanny.

He then thrusted and I felt him orgasm he let out a cry as he pinned me and I felt him over power me in fact crush me I cried out in pain but to him it must have been another cry of pleasure.

Seed filled my womb painting it a nice shade of sperm white he pumped it into me then he stopped and got up I was broken but that itch oh boy had it been itched.

He pulled out then started to clean me like a tool I stopped him and grabbed a ciggy and light it and puffed on it and breathed.

"Oh fuck yes Dave if you treat all girls like that your soon be finding the one"

I said as I puffed away enjoying my after glow

"I think I have, no one has ever gone that far with me I fuck them but you're the first time I've cum inside I either cum outside as in too early or I don't cum at all, do you think I might be gay?"

He said as he lay next to me gasping his cock softening

"Hun, if you gay then your cock would be soft as soon as you saw me nude"

I said kissing him as he kissed me then got up

He exited as I lay there and just purred enjoying my after glow, I rubbed my pussy and could feel his seed inside me it was warm and felt good.

It had been a nice fuck and at least now he knew how to treat girls instead of using them or just wanting to get it over with he now knew how to please them.


A few months later he was dating others I stood up outside on my part rubbing my belly which as you've guessed yeah is pregnant.

Turns out my eggs were there in fact I had one there oops just I hadn't noticed I guess when you go off the pill you don't notice when you have eggs or something else in there.

I'm keeping it, I'm at that age were my wild days are over plus I know it's his he is willing to pay for it too, but he wants to be single and so do I.

But every so often he'll visit and give me belly rubs as well as a dam good oral pussy licking as I give him a blow job.

That itch of mine heh it's long gone I no longer need a big man, although a single elephant just moved in next to me as the other fur living next to me got tried of my sexual acts so moved out.

Maybe I should see what he's packing hmm maybe once the kids born take them both to really get that itch gone.

Or maybe I'll just stick to him as after all he does now how to itch my itch and how to treat his tools.

~the end~

how much milk can a milke snake take before its too much

It was another lovely day as I woke up and yawned unlocking my jaw but today I felt hotter and was horny I groaned as I checked my phone yep the start of heat. I sighed as I could bet there would be males falling all over me trying to mate or fuck, I...

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stripper mum

With the music pounding I sighed as I put on my bra and panties I then wiggled my body and looked in the mirror my gods you cow you look really fucking bad in that but it's getting you money so get out there and dance topless! I got up and walked out...

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sick orca

"BUY! BUY! SELL, SELL!" "You take that at this percent not a dime or rupee more, what do you mean?! Oh fuck you too buy that then and sell it" this was the hustle and bustle of the stock market there watching all the screen was me I was only 10 at...

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