Working with Criminals 8 A Concocted Confrontation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Working with Criminals

Nor and Nor find the building Nemean is hiding in, but end up having to deal with the minions between them and the big guy.

Commissioned by Taiko

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Working with Criminals

Chapter 8: A Concocted Confrontation

For Taiko

By Draconicon

Nor beat hooves across the street, hitting the front door of the hotel scarcely a minute after hopping down from the train. So far, there was no sign of the other Nor, but that didn't mean anything. He could have been climbing the buildings outside, heading for the penthouse, or trying to come in from the back door. There was no guarantee that they would have the same plan, even if they were the same person from different universes.

And that was the worrying thing about Nemean, as well. Nor was trying to guess what the lion was doing, and he could only guess based on the criminal that he knew from his own world. He didn't know what this one would do.

But he's the same sort of person, just...more successful, Nor thought as he stepped into the lobby of the hotel. He's going to be waiting, thinking he can beat us, and he's probably right...but I still have to...try...

The mule's cheeks went from purple and red to just red as he looked at the crowd of civilians that were standing in the hotel lobby. He was completely exposed to them, too, his cock hanging down, his balls drooping a bit from the sweat he'd worked up while running. He cleared his throat, shaking his head, and walked through them with as much dignity as he could. The crowd parted around him, and he did his best to stare straight ahead rather than linger on those that were staring at him.

"What a hunk."

"Man. He looks like the Inquisitor...but that ass..."

"I bet you that we could make him scream..."

"Think he wants it? Nobody just runs around showing it off if they don't want it...right?"

"Bet you that he could take a lot..."

Nor's cheeks could not get more red, but they were certainly trying, some bits of the red pigment across his body trying to make it up to his cheeks as he kept walking toward the elevator. It didn't help that his dick was getting stiffer, either, considering all the comments about his physique and what people wanted to do to him.

This was a bit more his element, he had to admit. When he had been in that shell of the other Nor, it had felt strange to be feared and wanted for his dick at the same time. Now that he was back to his old self, they were back to staring at his ass.

Somehow, that was better. He didn't know why, but it was.

He kept his silence until he reached the elevator, stepping inside and holding the door close button. As soon as the doors shut, he let out a gasp and groan.

"God...damn, that was embarrassing..."

He usually had something to keep his cock out of the open, something to keep it from being seen. It was not that hard to make it happen now, but he had honestly forgotten about it since the fight with Nemean and getting stripped of everything that he had. It was humiliating to think about how he had just flashed a huge crowd, too.

Not that he had been that much better in his own hometown, but...well, this was different. This was like getting invited over to a friend and walking out of the bathroom with your dick hanging out of your pants. Sure, you might be a nudist at home, but this wasn't home!

He looked at the floors as he went up and up and up. Whether or not this was the same Nemean as he was used to, there was no doubt in his mind that the lion would be on the top floor. If he could just get there, he was sure that he'd find him.

Unfortunately, the elevator stalled out two floors below. Nor blinked, tapping the buttons twice, only for a voice to come over the intercom.

"Surely you didn't think that you'd just be allowed to come for me that easily, Nor."

"Well, crap."

"Indeed. Now, I'll be generous. You can get out here and start working your way through my minions to the stairway, and then you can deal with me. I believe that's our usual tradition, is it not?"

"More like you come barreling down the hallway and try and smash my face in..."

"But only after I've gotten ready, I'm sure. One must have some standards."

So this Nemean not only was more successful, but also a bit of a prima-donna. That was going to make things interesting, that was for sure.

"Fine. I'll take that."

"Excellent. I look forward to the show."

The doors pinged open, and immediately, Nor was confronted with a pair of bully-boy bulls. The bovines were dressed in tight suits with firm packages down between their legs, and their noses were pierced with golden rings. They snorted at the same time, lunging for him.

Nor was ready for it, though, and managed to jam his palms against their chests before they could grab him. The stiff blow knocked them back a step, both of them huffing softly, and he pushed between them. The mule grabbed one by the tail, yanking them back and slamming them against the wall hard enough to knock them out.

The other, however, was a bit quicker on his feet. Despite having the air knocked out of him, the bull managed to turn and grab him by the shoulders, shoving him against the wall in turn. Nor managed to keep from bashing his cheek against it, throwing his arms out in time to blunt it, but it was not enough to give him the leverage to push back.

Well, except with his ass...

The bull grabbed him by the hip with one hand, using the other to keep the mule mostly pinned. Nor could feel the growing bulge against his ass, and he rolled his eyes.


"You'll make for a good toy for the boss," the bull said.

"Just checking. Do you have any powers?"


"Just bodyguards?"

"Yes. Why?"

Stomp. Nor brought his hoof down hard on the bull's shin, kicking back just enough to make a hell of a bruise. The bull stumbled back, clutching at his leg.

"Better to know what you can take," he muttered. "No need to go too far with someone like you."

After all, it was better for the hero to limit injuries to those that they were dealing with. Nor might not have had the super-strength of some of the heroes out there, but he was more powerful than the average person. A full-strength kick could have snapped that leg off entirely, if he hit it at the right angle...and thanks to his bio-android parts, he had the ability to think that sort of thing through.

The bull slumped down, clutching his leg. Nor had measured his kick to make sure that he only did enough damage to knock the guy off his feet, to keep him from getting up with a bruised bone. It would heal quickly enough, but it would be enough to keep him from causing trouble tonight.

Nor shook his head. Something was wrong about this whole thing. There should have been something...more difficult than that. Nemean wasn't the sort to make him fight normal people, nor someone to underestimate him like that. Why -


Nor gasped as something grabbed him by the cock, and something else by the balls. He flung his hand out, but there was nothing. Nothing but...air?

No. Something else. He narrowed his eyes, looking at the dust that floated through the air in the corridor. He'd dismissed it as nothing but a lack of cleaning, but now that he had a better look, he could see them slowly collecting around his wrists, forming thicker bands against his fur. Barely visible, but still there.

Nanites. Which meant that there was a techno-villain around.

Looking down at his cock, he could see something was running along the top of his shaft, painting a line on it. He could feel it getting firmer, thicker, and as it got stronger -


He gasped as it almost felt like it was zapping his cock, buzzing against the shaft and the tip as it formed four lines along his dick, forcing it hard and making it stand up and point forward. Nor gritted his teeth, feeling his balls churning away as low-level buzzes and zaps stimulated them.

"Nnngh. What's the...the point of this?"

"I like a little show with my fight. Let's see just how much of a show you can give. Besides...I think my men deserve you to have a little handicap..."

The mule had just enough time to groan before the doors throughout the hotel hallway opened up. The different rooms emptied of various minions, all of them of the bigger sort. The smallest were wolves, thick-shouldered and muscular, and they went right up to dragons, big and tall with a thick package just waiting for him.

It was just not fair, but then again, Nemean had never been about fair.

Nor was released, and he charged forward, meaning to barrel a path through the middle of them. If nothing else, it would give him a bit of progress before someone -

The nanites around his wrists suddenly clenched, and he was held back. His arm stayed where it was, but his body kept moving, and he hit the end of his arm like a dog hitting the end of its leash. Flip, thwip, and he hit the ground hard.

Still in the process of getting up, he was grabbed by a shark from behind, webbed hands grabbing at his ass cheeks and spreading them. He could hear the click-whirrs of different machines starting up, and he knew that at least one of them would be like the plugs that the minions had been using down on the street to try and capture him for their master.

A shiver ran down his spine at the idea of them shoving one of those up his ass, and he kicked out. The shark behind him went down, but there were others, more and more of them that came swarming around him, minion after minion that had their hands on his cock, on his balls, on his ass cheeks. Some of them got close enough to get a finger up his ass before he managed to get them away.

But there were so many of them, and he was effectively fighting with one hand tied behind his back with his wrist held immobile in the middle of the air. He pushed his ass back against the wall, trying to keep from getting stuck in the middle of the pack, but even that only did so much.

The molestation, both by the many hands around him and from the nanites running up and down his cock, was driving him nuts. He gasped for breath, he arched his back, and it only got worse when one of the big guys - a stallion - managed to grab hold of his other wrist and slam it against the wall.

"Got him, guys!"

The minions cheered, and one of them grabbed him by the dick. It was another wet hand, this one from an orca, one that pumped his dick good and hard. Nor grunted, biting his lips as he felt his cock throb up, getting even stiffer somehow. The nanite lines on his cock pumped him full of pleasure, and he groaned under his breath as he felt his balls churning more, starting to drop a little between his legs. They felt tighter, heavier, and the teasing touches of the various minions was getting harder and harder to ignore.

The orca leaned in, pumping his cock all the harder, and the mule had to restrain himself from bumping into that eager fist. It didn't get better as the orca smirked at him, leaning in far enough to nibble his neck.

"Mmmm, always wanted to see what the Inquisitor's ass would feel like. You're going to be the next best thing."

"Once we get him programmed that is."

"Yeah, he's gonna be begging for dick when we're done."

"Just gotta get him to the techie..."

Nor looked at the last speaker, saw the wolf glance to the left, slightly down the hall. That was enough for him.

With a quick calculation, Nor lashed out with a harder than usual kick, one that he hoped would still be weak enough to not break anything crucial to his target.

His hoof collided with the wolf's side, and it was just hard enough to send the minion flying backwards. Nor winced as he slammed into a wall, and then through it -


Right into a computer array that had been hidden in that room. The sudden blast of electricity was worrying, but Nor felt the restraints on him suddenly stop, the nanites on his cock and balls fading away, the paralysis in his arms taken back.

Yet, it was too late. The minions had surrounded him, and some of them had managed to pin his legs, too. He struggled, trying to adjust himself to fight back, but there were simply too many of them, even now.

The bulls and horses managed to push him to the ground, while the other males came up behind him, sitting on his legs and holding them down. He tried and failed to kick them away, while others were holding his arms in place, and some were even sitting on his back to try and keep him from pulling anything. He growled under his breath, the mule trying to toss and buck like a bronco, but nothing worked.

All he could do was sit there, waiting.

The buzzing hum of the plug from earlier filled his ears, and he felt a few shocks against his taint as it was brushed against him, dragging up from his balls to his asshole. His pucker started to twitch unconsciously, his muscles responding to the slight electrical charges.

"Well, it seems that you weren't good enough to get past my minions, Nor," Nemean said. "Still, at least you'll be a more useful subject than some. I imagine that your memories are filled with information on the power of other heroes. Once we deal with that annoying little firewall of yours, I'll have enough information to keep me busy for the next twenty years..."

Which would mean that this Nemean would have all the information that Nor had stored in him about the different heroes and villains from his world, as well as the information that he had on Olag's powers, and everyone else that he had met in his life. There would be tech information that this Nemean may not already have yet, as well as possible ways for him to infer how to go from place to place, universe to universe, based on what the mule had seen in the mouse's ship.

That all added up to defeat being completely unacceptable...but what was he supposed to do now?

The plug pressed against his pucker, and he gasped as he felt a shock through it to his prostate, a zap that made his cock jump against the floor. He groaned, trying to shake his head, feeling his balls churn, another shock making his cock actually grow. The surge of energy sparked a few things in him, making it double in length, bumping him in the chin before shrinking down again.

As the plug worked in and out of his hole, slowly going deeper, then pulling out, then going in again, he could feel other transformations. Little sparks, little things of humiliation. One zap, then another. His cock grew, shrank, grew again. He could feel his ears pulling back like a cat's, then flopping down like some dogs. He could feel his tail flicking, going from hairs to scales to firm rat tail, and then flicking back to normal.

Behind him, he had hooves, then feet, then webbed toes, then back to hooves again. His hands went to paws, and then to hooves themselves. The transformations were as random as the sparks flying from the plugs to his inner parts, and each zap left him gasping, trying to hold onto the core idea of what he was.

Nor was under attack, and this plug was more successful than anything had ever been before. He groaned as he fought to keep the mental image of a mule in his head, even as his cock spilled pre-cum all over the place, even as the minions chuckled, smirked, laughed at him and his misfortune.

"Come on, just jam it in," one of them shouted.

"It'll be hotter when he's just one of us."

"Nah, let's make it last. He's making a puddle down there."

"Just think about how hot it's gonna be when there's two of them."

"You mean when the better one kicks your ass."

Nor recognized his own voice a split second before a purple leg swept the minions from his back. Without that pressure, Nor was able to lunge forward, freeing his arms, and with the new leverage that gave him, he was able to swing himself forward, kicking his legs up.

By the time he was back on his hooves, he was back to back with Purple Nor. The plug, half in his ass, slowly started falling out as they looked at the remaining minions.

"Thanks for the rescue. Any reason?"

"Clearing a debt. The nanites had me locked up."

"Huh. Didn't think that the tech was that good."

"Yeah, well, he was. Would have kept me there if you hadn't shorted it out."

"You're welcome."

"You too."

"So...shall we deal with these guys?"


The two Nors walked up the stairs at the end of the hallway with a few bruises, but mostly unharmed. They were still hard and erect, though for different reasons. Nor was still vaguely turned on, and Purple Nor was brushing some of the nanites off his dick, still.

"Milking?" Nor guessed.

"Yep. Hacking?"

"Anal hacking."

"Ugh. Can't they just use wifi?"

"They could, but it's harder."

"And less kinky, I guess," Purple Nor said with a shake of his head. "Still, kinda wish they'd stop hacking our ass."

"Our? Mine's the one that was violated, thank you."

"Heh. Fair point. At least they're not trying to fuck your cock."

"...Let's hope they never do."

The pair of them shivered as they rounded the top of the stairwell, coming to the penthouse level. The mules glanced at each other as they stopped in front of the door, the two Nors probably having the same thoughts.

At the very least, the original Nor's thoughts were that he probably would have a much harder time winning on his own, and there was no way that he would win if he had to fight both Nemean and the other Nor at the same time. If they were dealing with each other's abilities as well as the lion's overpowered powers, then they were going to be sent flying out the window in short order.

The two mules held out their hands at the same time.


They didn't even have to ask it. They just accepted it for the moment. At the end, they'd have a chance to have it out, and that'd be enough. When the lion was dealt with, then they could deal with who would actually take the crown back to their employer. Until then, they'd work together.

And with that, they kicked the door in.

The metal door hit the ground with a hoofprint and footprint in it, denting it out of the way. They stepped into a room that was filled with paintings along the walls, with a lush throne at the far end, and a lion sitting in it.

Nemean had changed out his business suit for something more suitable for a fight. Rather than cloth, he wore metal that seemed to be constantly shifting around. Nor guessed that it was held in place with a series of telekinetic grips, keeping it from being as obstructive as it normally would be. The lion stood up without seeming to feel the weight, smirking.

"So, two Nors. And here I thought I might only get one."

"You lured us here," Purple Nor said. "You sent those minions after me to tell me exactly where to go."

"Indeed, but I didn't expect them to find only one of you...How did you find me, Blue Nor?"

"...I'm going to plead the fifth on that," Nor said.

After all, if his opponent didn't know that he'd been to see Parlour, then there was a chance that he still had a secret weapon. Considering who he was fighting, he needed every advantage he could get.

Not that it seemed to bother the villain any. Nemean shrugged.

"I guess I'll have to find out when I beat you."

"If you can."

It was a bit of a hollow boast, and he knew it. In a fight, he doubted that he could match Nemean in strength or speed. Stamina, maybe, but that was a different sort of fight, and it wasn't like the lion was using his full strength to punch or kick in this particular fight. Even in a one-foot-range, that utter control of telekinesis meant that Nemean had been a dangerous fighter in his world. With a twenty-foot range...

Here's hoping that a second fighter will be enough to split his attention...

It wasn't. The pair of them were gasping and panting in five minutes, knocked to the ground and battered hard. Nor had gotten his top half slammed through the bathroom wall, while Purple Nor hung from the shower-head, his dick dangling down.

Nemean walked into the room, taking the hallway route rather than punching another hole in the wall. Nor watched through hazy eyes as the lion let his protective metal plates hit the floor, revealing himself in all his naked glory.

"Well, I assumed I would have a bit of a challenge there, but it seems that you two are...less interesting than I had hoped."

I win against someone with all the powers of the city, and lose against a telekinetic lion, Nor thought. Somehow, this doesn't seem fair...

Then again, fighting against his own universe's Parlour had involved seducing the big guy into a fuck session that had lasted for hours. In a straight fight, that stallion probably would have killed him.

Just like Nemean could probably do that right now, if he didn't think of something.

"You, Inquisitor." Nemean chuckled as he squeezed the other mule's cock just below the head, forcing it to flare. "You will make a fascinating study. You have a cock that can break other people with a single thrust. Mind controlling, even. Once I figure out how to copy that, then my little dalliances will certainly mean more than just marking my territory. Heh...this will be quite amusing."

As he stroked Purple Nor's shaft, Nemean turned to him, and Nor groaned as he felt the lion pulling his head back, forcing him to look up. He was still dizzy from getting battered about as much as he had.

"And you...what sort of powers do you have, I wonder? You certainly have the same stamina, strength, and regeneration as our Nor...but what else do you do? What other little gift do you have?"


"If you tell me, I'll be able to experiment more gently. If you force my hand..."

"He's got an addictive ass."

Purple Nor. Both lion and mule turned to look at the dangling male, who groaned as he shook his head.

"If I'm going to be are you..."

"An addictive ass...the inverse to your own, hmm?" Nemean turned. "A most...unfortunate superpower, I must say. Are you that much of a slut in your world, then?"


Nor couldn't even answer. His mouth was hanging open more than he wanted it to, but he knew that it was only selling the possibility that Purple Nor had 'betrayed' him. He had nothing of the sort, but if that was what Nemean wanted to believe...

The lion chuckled.

"If nothing else, that will be a tool to give my subordinates, a way for them to infiltrate other places and take them down. If they give such pleasure, then all it will take is one good night for my rivals to give me anything to have such pleasure again."

"You think it'd be that simple?" Nor grunted.

"Do you think it would ever be more complicated?"

"You...nnngh...I doubt you could hold out against it."

"...Is that a challenge?"

That was exactly what Nor wanted. He put on as much of a smirk as he dared, nodding his head.

"Yes. One round. You and me. You see if you can resist...and I see if I can take you..."

"Hardly a -"

"Or are you too afraid to show your pride?"

He knew that he was taking his life in his hands with that taunt. The Nemean in his world would never have let him get away with saying something like that. He'd have jumped from angry to furious, and he would have ripped Nor a new one, and not down there, either.

But this Nemean...

The naked lion slowly turned, facing him once more. His eyes narrowed, his cheeks turned slightly red, and his lips pursed with annoyance.

"You think I'm afraid?"

"Yeah...yeah, I think you are."

"I am not."

"Then prove it."

"...Fine." Nemean growled. "And when I break you, you will provide all that I need to my underlings."

The lion left the room, and Nor could hear him moving around, feeling him grabbing hold of the mule's ass. He smiled to himself. This was a battle that he could win...and it was a battle that Nemean wasn't ready for.

When Nemean collapsed, Nor forced himself upright. The time that he'd gotten to rest and recover made it easy, and he was able to slide out from the hole in the wall without difficulty. Grunting from the effort, he took one of Nemean's cloaks and rubbed around his hole to clear off the rest of the creampie that had been left behind.

"No staying power," he said, hardly believing that he could be so casual.

The lion was completely out of it, his eyes half-closed and his breathing coming in hot, harsh pants. It was almost enough to make one feel sorry for him, if they didn't know who he was or what he'd been doing. Nor didn't particularly. After all, he hadn't done that much to him in the long run.

Then again, considering I'll be gone tomorrow...

He looked down at the tattoo on his backside. It showed a perfect rump, a copy of his own printed just low enough on his ass that Nemean must have missed it. Parlour had managed to etch it in perfectly, inadvertently turning Purple Nor's lie into truth. It had kept Nemean humping for one round, two, three, four, all the way to a tenth one before the lion finally ran out of stamina and hit the ground.

Winning by my ass again...I really need to stop this habit...

Nor reached for the crown, wiggling it from side to side until it came free from Nemean's head. The mane held it for a few seconds more, but that was easy enough to dislodge in the end of things. Did cost the lion a few hairs, though.

He was just pushing his hand through it, pulling it up to his shoulder, when Purple Nor stepped out of the bathroom. The other mule was groaning under his breath, shaking his head, and Nor shook his head in sympathy.

"Not used to losing?"

"Not like that."

"It happens."

"To you, maybe."

"What happens when you have an 'addictive ass.'"

"Don't tell me that you're actually proud of that."

"Not really. Are you actually proud of having an ass-breaking dick?"


The two Nors sighed, sitting down in the wreckage of the penthouse. It wasn't particularly comfortable for either of them, but at least they were able to get settled, relax a little bit rather than jump right into fighting each other. Neither of them had fared well against Nemean, and while Nor had been the one to get fucked, Purple Nor had been the one to get particularly humiliated after the fight.

Honestly, getting fucked was just part of the average day for the blue-red mule. He'd gotten used to it.

They looked out at the city, the two of them shaking their heads.

"What's it like? Where you come from?" he asked.


"I figured. How?"

"More...random, I guess. Less structure," Nor said, shaking his head as he looked out at the empty city before them. "Everything shifts around. Everything goes everywhere. It's not fixed, tied down the way that it is here."

"Think it's better?"

"It's more free, that's for sure."

"Heh..." Purple Nor shook his head. "Don't know how we'd really function if Novus Ager actually had that much freedom."

"I'm not sure how you function when the people don't have that much freedom."

The two mules looked at each other, and then went silent. Nor didn't know what his counterpart was thinking about, and he wasn't sure that he needed to know. It wasn't his job to try and convince the purple mule that it was right to do things his way. It probably wasn't even possible.

What was his job was to make sure that the bad guys lost, and that was something he could do.

"So...what do you know about LiL?" he asked.

"Enough to know he's not a great guy."

"When's the last time that you let a bad guy win?"


"Just saying. It's something to think about."

"And what about if we let yours win?"

"He's not my bad guy. And besides, if he 'wins', then he leaves, and so does LiL. If yours wins..."

"One of them stays."

"Just saying. Something to think about."

"...I hate you, you know that?" Purple Nor said.

"Get in line."

The End