Meanwhile In Cosmo Canyon

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Nanaki is preparing for the final confrontation with Sephiroth, the child of Jenova and murderer of the last ancient, however, despite him training his mind and body for the coming conflict life isn't stopping from spurring the beasts of the earth to go about their daily lives, thus the guardian of Cosmo Canyon will have to put his training on hold to see to the matter at hand.


"Are you alright, grandfather?" Nanaki asked in a breathless huff as he quietly padded through the front door and into the elder male's humble abode. The scent of sandalwood and dust filled the crimson furred canine's black nose making him let loose a short series of sneezes. Once he got himself under control he swept one of his paws across his nose to try and get out the ghastly accumulation of dirt, much to the bespectacled human's amusement. The sound of his golden armlets tinkling as they moved against the underside of his chin was barely acknowledged by Nanaki as he worked to correct his sense of smell. Once his nose no longer felt as though it was being suffocated the guardian of Cosmo Canyon turned his dark amber eye towards the bearded human, his gaze curious as it was cautious.

"I'm quite well, grandson." The elder man chuckled from where he was seated at the mahogany table within his tiny kitchenette.

"That's surprising, considering the message that I received not that long ago." Nanaki replied in a slightly skeptical tone.

It wasn't like his grandfather to bother him for no reason, and so Nanaki found himself completely on edge when his shadow boxing within the depths of Cosmo Canyon came to an abrupt end following one of the young natives racing down the hole leading into the depths of the canyon and then literally yanking him by the tail in an effort to get his attention.

It took all of the canine's restraint to keep from snapping at the child, seeing as his tail was the second most sensitive part of his anatomy. Thankfully for the boy he had quickly relayed the message that Bugenhagen had something important to tell him, and thus the pair returned to the top of the canyon as swiftly as Nanaki's four legs could carry them once the warrior canine hefted the child onto his backside; the melodic sounds of the little one's surprised laughter still rang inside of his tapered ears following him bounding up the rocky side of the cave in order to make it back topside, so much so that his firelit tail casually swept behind his back with an almost playful air.

"I apologize if the message I sent sounded more dire than it was meant to be." Bugenhagen shook his head before letting out a sharp cough spree.

Nanaki instantly seized up upon seeing his grandfather go through one of his normal fits of breathlessness. Luckily enough for the older human Bugenhagen was able to catch his breath before Nanaki could begin to panic.

"I simply wished to ask you what you plan to do about the interlopers edging closer to the canyon?" Bugenhagen asked after pouring Nanaki a cup of whisperwind tea, completely unphased by what had just happened to his lungs.

It actually took Nanaki a moment to gather his thoughts, as his protective instincts bayed him to go over and sniff over his grandfather in order to make sure that the other was truly alright, however knowing that this would only aggravate Bugenhagen he instead chose to casually as the other the question of, "What interlopers?"

It wasn't normal for too many people to travel through the barren valley that he and the people he protected called home, and yet the last time they had received 'visitors'...

Nanaki shuddered as he reached up to stroke one of his clawed fingers along the length of his blinded right eye. Rage, dark and sweet, poured out from the crimson furred canine's mind as he recalled the memory of his capture and subsequent humiliation at the hands of the scientist who worked for the Shina Corporation. The days he had spent being poked with needles and prodded along the underside of his body by remorseless hands still lingered within Nanaki's waking dreams, thus forcing him to relieve the terror of being trapped like an animal before his body was strapped down onto a cold metal table and then filled with strange chemicals, the likes of which burned through his blood to this very day. His hand slowly reached down to his left shoulder, the pads of his fingers gracefully brushed along the XIII which had been branded so deep into his fur that he would always grow out the mark no matter how many times he shed his fur. His long tail swept wildly against his taut backside right as his breathing became slow and shallow, his heart hammering with the force of a wardrum, thus setting sparks alight against the wooden floor as his thoughts were slowly consumed by feelings of unfettered hatred.

"Grandson," Bugenhagen's gentle voice stirred Nanaki out of his maddening remembrance, though the black glower which radiated across his face spoke volumes about the warrior dog's thoughts right then. "You're setting the floor on fire again." The bespectacled human admitted quietly just as his weathered hands reached out to lift his steaming cup of tea to his bearded face.

Nanaki instantly froze.

The smell of smoke, arcid and hot, confirmed his grandfather's words. Letting his head snap backwards to see the damage he had caused, the sight of the wooden boards being slowly consumed by the raging flame set along the end of his tail forced a curse out from Nanaki's lips. Taking in a few deep breaths, the warrior canine calmed the black flames smoldering within his heart with the force of his cultivated willpower, thus diminishing the burning glow which shone along the tip of his writhing appendage. Once the crimson light faded into its more passive amber glow Nanaki closed his eyes and then concentrated on the orbs hanging from the headdress perched atop his head. A few seconds later the surrounding air grew bitterly cold as a majestic emerald light began to radiate off of Nanaki's muscular body.

The sight of ice crystals forming within the air barely surprised Bugenhagen as he watched his grandson cast a basic blizzard spell across the floorboards. After this little display of 'magic' had come to an end, the crystals shattering and then falling to pieces in a flurry of whitish-blue light, the room quickly began to warm, much to the elder male's appreciation; Bugenhagen hated how sensitive he had become to the cold during these past few months, but there no way in the world that he would pass such information onto his grandson.

"I apologize for that, grandfather." Nanaki said rather sullenly. "It seems that I still need a lot more training if I'm letting the past get to me like this." His broad shoulders slumped as he returned his gaze towards the elder human in front of him.

Bugenhagen guffawed before shaking his head. "That's good to know, since it means that I won't have to worry about waking up to a burning house in the near future." Nanaki let out a flustered series of canine noises in response to those words, much to the bespectacled man's growing amusement. "But let's put that to the side for the moment and get on with the issue at hand, shall we?"

Nanaki nodded. "Are they Shinra soldiers?" Nanaki was more than ready to fight them if they were, as despite the meteor threatening to drop onto the planet any day now he still had a duty to protect the people who called Cosmo Canyon their home - he mildly wished that Barret and the others were somewhere close by, however everyone had separated in order to think over if they would go and confront Sephiroth with Cloud. Nanaki was sure that he would return to the blonde's side to face the child of Jenovah in what would most likely be the fight of their lives, yet he still needed some time to clear the doubt lingering within his heart, as there would only be one chance to win the coming confrontation.

"Not at all." Bugenhagen's words made Nanaki blink in surprise.

"Then who are they?" The warrior canine didn't think that the people of the valley had any other enemies worth worrying over, after all, his father, Gaia rest his brave soul, had defeated the villainous Gi Tribe fifty so odd years ago, thus ending the only real threat that the people here had.

"From what I was able to see with my telescope, they appear to be a young herd of behemoths." That instantly made Nanaki's back go tight.

"What in the name of Gaia would they be doing here?" Behemoths normally didn't travel this far into the southern reaches of the continent, as their kind preferred more temperate climates of the north to live in, so to have a group of them come into the barren valley was very bizarre.

"I have no honest idea." The older man shook his head after finishing drinking his tea. "That's the reason why I called you here, as I wanted to get your opinion on the matter."

Nanaki opened his muzzle to ask why his grandfather would do such a thing, but the pointed stare he was given made it clear that the other wouldn't go through the verbal dance that they had been through time and again - Nanaki might not have been a human, but for all intents and purposes he was the leader of the people of the canyon, as they all looked to him as they did to his father when Seto had been alive. He would have to take the mantle of leadership sooner or later, but the idea always unsettled him, as it came with certain connotations, the likes of which revolved around the end of Bugenhagen's life. Nanaki was well aware of the fact that the older human had long since outlived the strength he carried within his bones, but he was keeping his body alive through sheer willpower in order to look after him, yet now that he had walked across the planet with his new allies, no friends, and bled through so many battles with them in order to protect the world from all manner of monstrosities Bugenhagen was preparing himself to take his final journey into the lifestream. Nanaki despaired over that thought, as the bespectacled human had been the only true family he had after his mother had passed away several decades ago, so the thought of taking over for him as leader of the canyon made his stomach tighten in a rather painful manner.

Yet in sensing the severity behind his grandfather's gaze Nanaki turned his head to let out a disparaging sigh. He then inhaled, summoning up all of the courage that lay within his soul as he did so, before turning back to look at the elder human with a firm gaze settled onto his bestial face.

"I'll go out and track down the herd to see what their intentions are." It might have seemed obvious to anyone else that the group was moving into the valley to try and claim territory for themselves, however Nanaki was wise enough to put caution on the table, as there could have been something more going on here, also the last thing he wanted to do was to provoke the beasts into a feral frenzy because he acted too hastily.

"Will you be taking anyone with you?" Nanaki shook his head.

"I'd rather not, as if they prove to be hostile I'll be able to easily outpace them should I need to make a swift retreat." While he could stand on his hind legs in order to speak with the humans of the canyon, Nanaki was best suited for a quadrupedal stance; the speed in which he could achieve upon running on all four was something that could easily outmatch any running human, not to mention most chocobo.

"I see. An interesting plan, though you should make sure to purchase a better set of materia for your scouting mission, as the ones you have on you right now might not be all that helpful once you meet this group." Nanaki cocked his head at the tone in which his grandfather spoke. When the elder man simply poured himself another cup of tea the warrior canine dismissed his concerns with a shrug of his slim shoulders.

Nanaki left Bugenhagen's home after finishing the cup of tea that had been poured for him earlier on. Looking up to the sky, he could see that it was still early within the day, as the sun was just starting to ease into the western edge of the sky, thus allowing the meteor which had been summoned to shine all the brighter within the sky, so with that in mind Nanaki decided to check over the people of the canyon before heading out.

He wasn't surprised to find that everyone was slightly oblivious to the herd of behemoths moving across the valley, his grandfather wasn't an alarmist after all, and so he would have seen no reason to set the people on edge with the sparse information that he had collected. Nanaki decided not to counter Bugenhagen's decision as he went about helping out those who had some minor problems with either their children or with their neighbors, since if worse came to worse he could goad the behemoths into chase him around the outer edges of the valley in order to buy himself the time needed to double back and then prepare the people of the canyon to fight the beasts. After he was sure that everyone was settled Nanaki went to the local shop to purchase some extra materia orbs as he had said he would, though during his browsing the warrior canine quickly found himself becoming confused when the merchant, a tubby human which a great booming laugh, gave him an orb meant for casting cure spells, despite him not looking that particular materia over. Nanaki wanted to dissuade the human from trying to sell him the orb, however after hearing that Bugenhagen had told the merchant to give him the materia Nanaki simply shrugged and took the green sphere before heading off about his way.

Walking up to his personal shack settled along the side of the mountain, Nanaki brushed the flap sealing the interior from view and then padded his way over to the set of multicolored cushions covered in his shed fur. Because the behemoths weren't actively advancing onto the canyon just yet Nanaki decided to try and get an hour or so of meditation in, seeing as he would probably need all the focus he could get following whatever conflict occurred between himself and the herd of horned monsters. Once he was settled into place, his long feral body stretched out in an almost feline show of relaxation, Nanaki breathed in and out as he had been taught by his mother, quieting his mind as he did so, until soon he found his thoughts reaching out into the lifestream itself. The gentle feeling of Aeris' consciousness brushing against his soul made a small, pained smile tug at the corners of the warrior canine's lips.

Ruby light covered the far reaches of the canyon by the time Nanaki finished relaxing his mind, thus he was bathed in an almost blood red glow by the time he charged down the steps of the canyon into the world beyond. Racing across the barren valley put a feral smirk on the crimson furred canine's face, seeing as he always loved the feeling of his padded paws eating up the ground as he zoomed along his ancestral home. Nanaki was sure that it was just his imagination but sometimes he swore that he felt as though others of his kind were running beside him as he charged forward across the dust strewn landscape, the whisper of howling voices that always seemed to buffet his ears was more than likely just the wind brushing around his head, and yet Nanaki was always hard pressed not to throw his head up in reply to the silent voices always which seemed to bay sy him to run faster across his valley.

Thankfully Nanaki's choice to not send out a warning cry proved to be a brilliant move, as by the time the sun dipped low into the horizon his nose was buffeted by the odiferous scent of several males whose bodies were covered in a tantalizing mixture of sweat and musk, the weight of which nearly made him trip over his own paws. Nanaki's sheath throbbed almost painfully in between his legs as his balls jostled desperately against the side of his long and limber thighs following him breathing in more and more of the intoxicatingly masculine odor. It was no secret to anyone who personally knew him to know that the guardian of Cosmo Canyon was sexually attracted to males, the discussion of why always flittered between him seeking the approval of something of a warrior figure whom he could look up to, sighting the hate he had felt for his father most of his life, and most human females voicing their disinterest in mating with a 'beast' as he had oh so casually been called when no one thought he was around.

The males of the valley were at best ambivalent to his heated amber gaze whenever everyone sat around the dancing fire which normally blazed within the center of the canyon to sing songs and tell stories of the past, however there were some who found him to be rather intriguing, both in a sexual and combative sense, thus challenges to spar away from the interior of the village would often lead to Nanaki and the male in question becoming coated in sweat and tangled fur as the crimson canine pounced on the other and then held him down before sliding his erect shaft along the line of the human's muscular body.

The question as to what should happen next was never vocalized, since it was seen as something of a silent taboo to do as such, despite no rules to the subject having been made, thus the only way for Nanaki to know when his opponent was ready for a intimate encounter was after hearing the other slide his pants down along the length of his hips and then feel him raise his legs up around the warrior canine's quivering thighs. The following passion shared between the two was always hot and animalistic, as Nanaki didn't have much impulse control when it came to slaking the lust which boiled within the depths of his twitching balls. Not helping the situation at all was the fact that the human underneath him would always moan out a cry of surrender, thus retroactively sending his tail shooting to the sky before blazing hotter than the sun which often shone up above them as the need to dominant the other coursed through the crimson furred canine's blood. Nanaki would always make sure to slip his knot deep inside of the other male's backside, locking them together, and then expanding the human's belly with a flood of his potent canine cream, before he would throw his head up to howl out a cry of triumph to the deep blue sky above.

His lover of the hour would always find satisfaction with his sexual performance, as could be seen by the dopy look of utter bliss which covered said human's flushed face and the sticky trails of semen which coated the other warrior's shirt covered belly. Staying tied with the human was a trivial affair for Nanaki, as he would often spend his time licking his current conquest clean of the mess he had made before letting his mind fall into a blissful trance of peace that would only be broken up by the human's delicious little wiggles following the bulb along the end of his dick popping free of their ruined hole. Having to carry the other onto his back was a given, as most of the time the human in question would be unable to stand up following the pounding he had given the other's rump, something which made a great sense of pride swell within Nanaki's heart.

Why such a thought was accosting him right then was rather curious, but after shaking himself down Nanaki banished said memories back into the darkness of his mind as he jumped up onto one of the nearby rocky cliffs to look down over the surrounding area. The sight which came upon him following his padding near the cliff's edge made both his muzzle and his cock drop in awe, as down below within the folds of two cliffs were over a dozen purple skinned behemoths wrestling with one another. Now that in itself was rather arousing to the warrior canine, as he loved the feeling of having another male's body grinding along the top or bottom of his crimson furred body, however in seeing so many deliciously muscular creatures butting heads while trying to throw one another down onto the ground, Nanaki found himself himself drooling from two sides of his body.

The booming sounds of muscles slapping against flesh made tingles of pleasure roll all throughout Nanaki's body, and yet he was kept from falling too far into the pit of desire by the rough sounds of horns clacking against one another. It seemed that while the behemoths were dueling it out with all of the force their muscular bodies could muster, their conflict was more focused on who could make the other fall to the ground via grapples, headbutts, horn heaves, or just old fashion intimidation. None of the males fell all that easily, proving why these creatures were some of the toughest beasts to try and tackle, and yet even when they did fall the male in question would quickly jump up onto his four feet, annoyance coloring their snarling faces as they sought to pay their opponent twice over for the indignity of being thrust into the ground.

Nanaki watched the group go about their strange duel for what seemed like about twenty minutes before his jaw dropped even further following the defeated males surrendering with a rough huff of air. The victorious males didn't bother shouting their victory to the world as Nanaki would have done in their position, instead they moved about the backsides of their defeated opponents, dragged them up by the scruffs of their golden maned necks, and then lodged themselves deep within the rears of the fallen comrades.

Nanaki didn't know how he had missed the sight of their thick blackish-purple dicks standing low in between the brutish monsters' legs, not to mention their pendulous balls jumping in between the shadow of their meaty thighs, however upon seeing the victorious behemoths grunt and groan in sexual bliss as they took those beneath them with almost painful looking force Nanaki found himself nodding in turn with those who had claimed their success with hard thrusts and restlessly swaying balls. The scent of male-on-male lust became so potent during this point that Nanaki found himself rutting his hips forward without thought; how he would have loved to be able to go down there and challenge one of the males to battle, thus setting himself into position to be able to share in the ecstasy for which he could see shone brightly amongst both the victor and conquered's face as they rutted like the warriors they were underneath the light of the full moon, but as they were now he was sure that him doing such a foolish thing would at best get him squashed like a bug and a worst end with him being torn limb from limb. Nanaki had taken on behemoths before, but usually with the aid of a certain hunky gun wielding human and a tight assed blonde, both of whom he would have loved to sink his now leaking red rocket deep into, yet right then the crimson canine was sure that he wouldn't have been able to take the group on by himself, even in their slightly exhausted condition.

So instead he watched, watched as the defeated behemoths were taken like the willing conquests that they were. Watched as the dominant males drilled them deep and wide, punishing their lifted tails with hard thrusts which made hot yowls of pleasure seep out from the lower beast's lips. Watched as many a shafts flexed and then bobbed underneath the shadow of various male's bodies with liberal passion as gout after gout of hot pre-come poure free from the heads of their mushroom headed shafts. Watch as the group finally gripped at the dry ground underneath them with their ebony claws right before they bellowed their cries of climax into existence. The scent of semen, sweet and tangy as it always smelled to his perverted nose, flowed like rain as both dominant and submissive behemoths released themselves both into their companions and onto the sweat covered ground beneath their feet. Nanaki found his own release coming without provocation, as the beautiful sight of male love taking place down below set off all the right triggers within his brain to get his own balls jumping in between his two furry legs.

After the victorious males were done seeding their defeated brethren the dominant behemoths would pull out of the others before moving around to lick their conquered herdmates across the face. Once sure that the others were accepting of their new position the dominant males would herd the others off to the side with a few firm pushes of their horns. The weakened behemoths would shakily move out of the way, thus allowing those who were still capable of fighting to turn on one another after a moment's rest.

Nanaki watched the following battles with silent appreciation, as despite having struggled so hard earlier on, the rest of the behemoths would put just as much passion and force into fighting against those that stood before them. Each battle ended the same as the one before, with the defeated males being bred hard and deep before being seeded and then licked across the face before being pushed off to the side with the others. The group of now submissive males would sweep their tongues along the newcomers backside in order to clean up the frothing mess which poured out from their broken tailholes, thus creating a strange sort of bond between them.

The fights continued until only two males were left standing.

The shivering and panting heaps of gold fur and purple flesh circled each other like starving beasts as their low hanging pillars of flesh hung angrily in between their legs. Both males stared at each other with the full knowledge that only one of them would be winning the coming bout, and yet both were determined to be the victor, despite Nanaki seeing how both of their tailholes were twitching with obvious need. Nanaki, who had long since settled himself onto the ground while lifting his hind leg up in an effort to lick a second orgasm out of his pre-come soaked cock, watched the procession with great intrigue. He was well aware of the fact that both behemoths were at their limits, however the pride which shone within the beast's golden eyes told him all that he needed to know with regards to how much effort they would put into this final, climatic bout. The warrior canine couldn't help but nod in respect of their determination, while silently wishing both the best of luck.

The clash which swiftly followed was brought about by the pair charging at each other following the cry of a chocobo off in the distance. The resulting collision made the ground tremble once again as the two behemoths strained against one another in order to force the other back. Two sets of claws slashed into flesh as growling voices sung out a prayer of battle, Nanaki's greedy eye watched all of this with growing excitement. The two males knocked each other down time and again with surprisingly humanistic wrestling moves as they moved all about the small circle which had been created following the other behemoths enclosing them in. The sight of one male getting his head knocked into the side of a cliff made Nanaki wince, as he could almost feel the pain the other just endured, and yet the more aggressive behemoth didn't have long to enjoy his offensive assault as his opponent whipped himself around, thus slapping him across the muzzle with his massive tail. The sight of the other behemoth spinning was almost comical given the size of the beast, and yet there was no laughter to be found when the behemoth who had just attacked him dove down and then underneath the other. Nanaki couldn't help but gasp when said behemoth literally picked the now squirming beast up and then tossed him into the opposing cliff face.

The sound of a massive body hitting the rocks forced Nanaki to flip his ears down in an effort to try to mitigate the ear shattering reverberations which echoed throughout the canine. The warrior canine found himself having to hold on for dear life when the now domineering behemoth charged forward, tackling the dazed behemoth just now attempting to get up off of the ground with all of his might. The entire world seemed to shake upon the blow connecting with the trembling beast's dazed form, however everything went silent when the aggressive behemoth stepped away to find that his opponent had been knocked out cold. A moment that the victorious beast threw his head up to roar out his victory to the slumbering planet set around him, the others swiftly followed suit, having instantly accepted him as their...leader? Nanaki wasn't sure, but the feeling he got upon looking over the group was that whatever this strange ritual had been about would carry some serious ramifications in the days to come for the herd.

Nanaki chuckled when he watched the victorious male lower his head and then sniff over the unconscious male. When the other licked his opponent onto his now bleeding head the warrior canine found himself growing to admire the creatures even more than he did before, if that were possible, as there was something to be said for someone, be they human or not, who would take care of those who were beneath him in their rank, even if they had spilled blood between one another. However, concern quickly grew within both Nanaki and the victorious behemoth when the now defeated male didn't stir from his position on the ground. While yes, it was possible that the other would be unresponsive following such a conflict, the amount of blood pooling out from the defeated beast's head made the other behemoth's rush over to try and aid their fallen herdmate. When none of their attempts to help the other proved to be successful a sense of panic enveloped the group.

Now at this point Nanaki would have been well within his right to walk away from this situation, as he had nothing to gain from getting involved with the beasts, however the sense of respect he felt earlier on refused to let him leave this scenario without doing something. So in weighing over his options, the warrior canine threw up his head to howl out his presence. All of the conscious behemoths looked up with snarling muzzles at the crimson canine standing within the light of the pale white moon standing beside the burning stone which was slowly advancing towards the planet. Nanaki allowed them a moment to register his presence, and the lack of aggression within his vocal cry, before he jumped down from the top of the cliff to where the lot of them were standing. He was immediately met with bared muzzles, all of which dripped with hungering drool.

Taking a moment to let the group acknowledge that he meant no harm did him no good, as the panicked beasts were still too on edge from their fallen member's possible demise. Seeing this, Nanaki decided to show the behemoths that he meant them no harm by doing as he had intended from the start. Closing his eyes, the crimson furred canine concentrated his thoughts on the fallen behemoth. A few moments later a familiar green glow encompassed his body, making him shine almost like a distant star, before the body of the horned beast began to glow with an incandescent light. The surrounding behemoths instantly turned from him to look over their companion. When the other failed to stir a sense of confusion and anger settled over the group, however Nanaki simply continued casting the spells tied within the materia within his headdress, going down the line until he was forced to cast the most powerful of the enchantments within the green orb.

The sounds of the fallen behemoth growling in confusion was met by a chorus of chuffing growls and questioning tongues as the rest of the herd sought to confirm what their pointed ears and misty golden eyes were telling them. The sight of the other rising up from off of the ground was highlighted by the group of males letting out cries of elations while more than a few broad tails slapped at the ground, thus forcing Nanaki to dodge out of the way, less he be turned into a red smear on the ground. No amount of healing would save him if that happened. After the herd settled down they all turned to look at the warrior canine with a confused look.

Nanaki chuckled while shaking his head.

While he wasn't sure of the intelligence of the creatures in question, he was almost certain that they weren't going to harm him right now, or at least that's what he thought before one of them, the last victor of their ritualistic duel, padded up to him. When the massive purple beast lowered his gargantuan head and then began sniffing his body over Nanaki found himself caught within a gale storm as the behemoth's colossal nostrils forced him forward into the other's snout before tossing him back onto the ground like a ragdoll. It took nearly a full minute of him being buffeted back and forth before the behemoth let out an approving snort. He then turned back to the others and let out a short series of barking growls, the likes of which Nanaki assumed meant 'he's not dangerous' or perhaps 'shows over, go to sleep' because seconds later the group began to amble about within the depths of the valley in pairs. The defeated behemoth was helped over to the side of the canyon by two other males, both of whom refused to stop licking him along the sides of his muzzle, much to his grumbling annoyance.

With the herd settling down to slumber, Nanaki was left alone with the male who he assumed was now the leader of the group of behemoths.

The two of them stared at one another for several seconds, with the larger beast cocking his head back and forth, thus showing off the golden earring which had somehow been set within the bottom of his ear. Nanaki was shocked by the placement of the piece of jewelry as he was sure that the monster wasn't capable of both fashioning metal into such a shape and then setting it within his body. When the behemoth began chuckling at him Nanaki took a step back in slight confusion. Obviously he wasn't dealing with a normal beast here, though in turning to look the others over the warrior canine found himself noticing that the others bore some such pieces of golden jewelry, whether it be an armband here or a tail ring there, the entire herd seemed to silently proclaim that they were more than meets the eye. What this all meant eluded Nanaki, though he did have to wonder if the creatures being here was part of some Shinra plot, however the longer such a possibility danced within his head the less likely it seemed, since why on Gaia would the scientists there capture, tag, and then allow such creatures to roam free?

Sure, he bore such a story, but his freedom had come into being as more of a fluke seeing as it was coincidence that Cloud and the others had come along when they did, but here just didn't make any sense. Not unless one of the behemoths just so happened to have been a...

Before he could complete his thought Nanaki got the surprise of his life when the behemoth stood up onto its hindlegs and then gathered him up by the scruff of its neck within one of its massive clawed hands.

The guardian of Cosmo Canyon found himself blinking in awe as he hung like a naughty pup as he was taken through the shadow of the valley towards a nearby river. The sight of the full moon shining down on the placid water was one that would have taken his breath away, had he not been settled by the lake like a pup and then forced to watch as the behemoth sat himself down onto the ground in a very human-like manner. Once the other had found a comfortable enough position, his massive tail sweeping away at the ground hard enough to make a cloud of dust erupt behind him after it fought to get from underneath its massive owner, the beast looked to Nanaki with a pointed stare. The crimson furred canine had no idea what the other wanted at first, but he soon became very aware of what the purple beast desired as his black nose twitched wildly across the front of his face.

Musk, wild and strong, burned within Nanaki's nostrils hot enough to make him drool once again. Upon dipping his eye down in between the horned beast's legs he looked to see that the creature's massive cock had risen firmly against the front of his body. The fact that the gargantuan pillar of flesh had a golden ring lodged within the head of the throbbing shaft was not lost on Nanaki, however lust washed away thoughts of how this polished article of jewelry had become embedded into the beast's manhood thus forcing the warrior canine to pad his way almost hypnotically over to the behemoth's groin. Once he was settled into place Nanaki hugged his arms around the golden furred balls which stunk of sweat and masculine desire, the likes of which seemed to almost baptize him in their potent odor as he rubbed his snout into the behemoth's low hanging fruit. The sounds of the monster's growls of pleasure rumbled deep inside of Nanaki's body making his entire being tremble.

When the colossal sized creature reached out to stroke the side of his back, his hand completely compassing the smaller canine, Nanaki lifted himself up from off of the ground to stand tall before the now slightly drooling cock. Rolling his tongue out of his muzzle, he licked up the delicious offering while at the same time he rolled his hips out along the bottom of the behemoth's monstrous balls. It was nearly impossible for Nanaki to say whether the creature felt anything from his motions given their size difference, however said fact didn't matter at the moment as he simply wanted to bask in the pure essence of masculinity which literally stood above his head. As expected, it didn't take long before Nanaki's cock eased out of his sheath, his sex having returned to its warm home following his appearance before the herd, the rounded head of his breeding tool quickly began to leak down the front of the behemoth's balls, soaking them with his own potent musk as his restless balls jerked about like made against his thrusting thighs.

When the massive hand behind him moved in such a where a single finger could be placed underneath his long tail, which lifted itself without his permission, Nanaki moaned as he was treated to his first ever anal penetration. He of course had never allowed anyone underneath his tail, as he was waiting for the day when he might be able to coax a certain dark haired human into filling the depths of his body with the thick breeding tool in between his legs, however his unfocused plans were now yeeted out of the window as the behemoth spread his tailhole wide enough to make him groan in unexpected rapture. Because of their size difference the horned beast couldn't fully penetrate him, and yet that didn't matter to the musk soaked brain of the whimpering canine as he rolled his hips back and forth as best he could to get more of the burning sensation which was taking hold over his back end.

The sounds of the behemoth's chuckle made Nanaki blink and then turn his hazy eye up towards the other male. The sight of knowing dominance shining across the beast's face told the warrior canine all he needed to know about their position between one another. Nanaki couldn't summon up the will to care right then given that his pheromone ladden brain was just too far gone at the moment to summon up the strength to be annoyed by the fact that an animal was toying with his body in such an expert manner. Yet as the other continued on pushing and pulling his finger out of his rump Nanaki's pride showed through his lust, thus forcing his body to quickly begin attacking the behemoth's cock with small nips and subtle licks. This maneuver instantly set the behemoth's toes to curling in on themselves, as the sharp sting of the warrior canine's fangs mixed perfectly with the soothing sensation of his very warm tongue ghosting across the side of his engorged sex, thus causing the massive creature to hiss and then purr out what sounded like murmurs of gratitude down at his new conquest. Noting that his efforts were not having the desired effect, Nanaki reached up for the golden ring which glimmered like a beacon within the light of the glowing moon up above.

Giving the metallic circle a firm yank, Nanaki both listened and felt when the behemoth began to lose himself to the sudden onslaught of physical sensations overtaking him. The sounds of the other's chuffing calls of ecstasy were met in time with his own growls of elation as the finger back behind him moved just a little bit deeper inside of his puckered hole. The pair soon found themselves working in time to bring one another closer to the edge of climax as whenever Nanaki would tug on the heavy metal ring the behemoth would thrust his hips forward, thus forcing the warrior canine deeper into his jostling nut sack. The sounds of their wordless calls of passion were met with the thumping of the behemoth's tail knocking into the ground like a mallet hitting a drum, consequently telling the half slumbering herd not that far away that their new alpha had decided to claim the smaller canine for their group. Had anyone human been passing through the area they would have been forgiven for thinking that there was some sort of tribal ceremony going as the steady beating noise echoed throughout the perfectly silent valley for what seemed like an eternity and a half.

Nanaki and his behemoth companion quickly reached the end of their amorous interplay with one other when the horned beast, having been completely overstimulated by his early fight plus the lack of taking his due conquest inside of his fallen herdmate's rump, pulled his hand away from Nanaki's body and then threw his head up towards the sky to roar out his climax. Gouts of pearlescent cream shot free from the purple beast's now pulsating cock as he released all of the tension which had followed him and his brethren traveling from their home up north into this strange barren territory cast around them. Nanaki looked up just in time to see the first arc of semen launch itself out from the head of the beast's shaft, he was then treated to the sight of the gooey ribbon swiftly landing down onto his snout with a wet splat. The sound more than the sensation of the hot blast of white gel made Nanaki moan out in submissive need as he had never thought it possible to be coated in another's male's load in such a way. When the second and third arcs rushed out and then down the side of his muscular form, Nanaki found himself thinking about how much fun he was going to have with his new best friend in the days to come, because there was no chance in the world that he was going to allow the group of hunky males to remain within the valley, especially given how hard his cock was right then.

His tailhole seemed to agree with this idea, as the spread pucker clenched almost needily as the behemoth continued to bathe him in his potent musk.

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