
Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#2 of Extreme & Fetishy Stuff

The wolf Mira is foraging in the forest, when she suddenly experiences a new, enticing scent. She decides to follow it to its source and finds a large tree. After she climbs it on her search for the source of the addictive smell, she falls into the tree's hollow trunk. Once inside, battered and broken by her fall, she is swarmed by the sentient tree's vines. Through a violent process, she is turned into a carrier of the tree's genes, so that the next time she becomes pregnant, she will not carry er own child in her womb, but the child of the tree. Afterwards she moves on and forgets about the entire ordeal, but within her slumbers the genetic information of her abuser, ready to be spread by its female host.

This story is my first try at writing a story with tentacles. It is based on a spontaneous idea. The result can be quite graphic at times, even if the overall storay has a good ending. I hope you enjoy reading this story about a wolf being repurposed to suit the needs of a sentient tree, and feel free to give me your feedback and comments.

The sunlight shone through the leaves of the trees, the birds chirped with enchanting melodies and a gentle breeze blew through the air. There couldn't have been a better day than today to go foraging in the forest. Mira's basket was already halfway full with berries, herbs and mushrooms after just a single hour of searching. The wolf whistled a happy melody and joyfully wagged her big, black tail around as she moved further into the heart of the big forest. Less and less light made it through the denser growth, and the trees finally blocked out all of the sun, so that only a dim greenish twilight illuminated her path. It didn't bother her in the slightest though, she was a big and strong wolf, she feared nothing, except maybe a dragon.

After she had filled her basket to the brim, she was still full of energy and curious enough to explore just a little more, to see what slumbered deep within this beautiful, enchanting forest. Driven by her exuberant mood, she went further than ever before. Suddenly, a strange smell put her off her stride and even made her stumble. A sweet, intoxicating odor wafted around her nostrils, and she wondered which plant produced such a delicious smell. A little, innocent idea crept into the wolf's mind, urged her to investigate the source of this scent, and she shrugged, what harm could some further exploration do? The whiff of sweetness was very faint, but Mira knew with almost uncanny precision where to go. She climbed fallen logs, traversed hills and cliffs and delved deeper and deeper into the forest. The overgrowth became even denser and eventually blotted out the sun entirely, robbing her of most of her vision.

With every step she took, the odor grew stronger, the wolf started to discover nuances and details that made it smell even more enticing. By now, it wasn't curiosity that drove her, but a rapidly rising urge to get more of this. It felt like an addiction, an itch that needed to be scratched, and it got only worse the stronger the fruity scent became. She finally reached her destination, a massive, centuries-old tree with a crown larger than any tree she had ever seen before. It smelled like she had reached the center of the forest, the primordial tree, and it was definitely the source of this intoxicating odor, a symphony of sweet, fruity, hearty and savory smells intermingled in just the perfect ratio. However, the tree had no flowers or fruits from which this scent could've come, so she wondered where else it came from.

Her odor-driven curiosity got the better of her, and the wolf put down her basket to search for the source of this deliciousness. She rubbed her paws and began to climb the gnarly, knotty bark of the gigantic tree. She scaled it with swift, experienced motions and it took her only a couple of minutes to reach its top. From this close the crown felt even larger and more fascinating, a flurry of thousands of leaves hanging from innumerable branches that looked like blood vessels, made this plant appear to be alive. Once she had climbed over the edge of the trunk, she discovered that the tree was empty in its core, there was a long, dark shaft that reached extremely far down. The still sane part of her mind was terrified by this opening. The wooden walls looked wet and slippery, without a rope nobody would ever get out again. This was a death pit. However, the corrupted part of her mind, twisted by this ethereal, addictive odor, saw it as an invitation, urged her, no, demanded her to jump into this hole, and this part was steadily gaining control over the canine.

She physically struggled with herself, and her struggle inevitably ended with a sudden, unplanned jerk that threw her off her balance and hurled her into the trunk. The journey to the bottom was harsh and really violent, Mira could hear her bones breaking and her skin tearing. Surprisingly, the scent not only lured her like a light lured a moth, it apparently numbed her pain as well, because she didn't feel the pain she would've expected from her current injuries. Her fall ultimately ended when she hit the ground with a resounding thud. Now she lay there, robbed of her mobility because most of her limbs were broken. She managed to look up, the opening where she had stumbled into the trunk was but a little, bright prick in the distance. She panted heavily, and every single breath was infused with a staggering amount of this sweet scent, which filled the air like a dense cloud and penetrated her nostrils, easily piercing right through her skull and into her brain. The wolf also discovered that she was lying on something soft and squishy, and the ground also felt surprisingly warm.

Suddenly, something large and long moved next to her, and she instinctively reacted with a distressed shriek. More and more slippery vines emerged from the dark wood and coiled around her battered body, embraced her with an uncomfortable, firm grip, relentlessly lifted her up and exposed her to even more coiling and contorting vines that curiously brushed over her skin and fur, exploring the canine with no shame or mercy. Mira gasped and her eyes were widened in horror. The first wormy tendrils squeezed under her clothes, lifted her vest, her blouse and her shirt, squirmed into her shoes with stunning agility and ripped off everything she was wearing with a single, violent jerk, shredded the fabric into countless bits and pieces, robbed her of everything but her underwear and her valued necklace. Done with the first layer of unwelcome, hindering attire, the vines progressed and ruthlessly squeezed into her panties, slipped under her bra to roughly caress her most intimate parts with a fierce and raunchy gropes, curled around her breasts and constricted around them. It felt as if the tree was actively molesting her, playing with her like a toy, making her wonder if there was actually more to this plant than apparent at first glance.

Eventually, the tree had enough of teasing her and just ripped apart her underwear and the last shreds of decency the horrified wolf had left. She wanted to scream and voice her terror, but the ever-powerful, sweet scent of the tree effortlessly numbed her mind and crippled her into a quaking, whimpering mess of fear. The grip of the larger vines around her limbs became tighter, but she couldn't struggle even if she wanted to, her limbs were rendered completely useless by her fall. A new set of vines emerged from the depths of the tree, and they seemed much more curious than the previous ones. They swiftly homed in on her intimate parts and stimulated her even more intensely. Caught in the haze of the omnipresent stench, Mira noticed that her body reacted positively to the unwanted advance, yielding to the probing tendrils and even opening up to them.

The first opening through which the tree entered her body was maybe the most obvious one. Her vagina had slowly opened up, and the olfactory stimulation made it sopping wet with her juices. The intruder, a girthy, smooth vine, curiously squished against her quivering entrance, wriggled around and finally squeezed into the orifice with a nasty, wet slurp. Mira gasped and helplessly endured the excruciatingly slow penetration. It just didn't stop, and the slippery, slimy thing inexorably wormed its way into her body with perverse squirms and wiggles. To make matters even worse, and ultimately confirm that the tree was actually playing with her, the vine slipped out and back in again. At first the wolf rejoiced because she naively thought it gave her free, but was immediately disabused. The sluggish insertion grew more and more vigorous, and the perverse tree mercilessly fucked her with its prehensile appendage.

The wolf's body reacted to the increasing stimulation with involuntary jerks and the production of more juices to assist the already slippery vine's thrusts. Her howls of distress grew lewder as the unwelcome but irrepressible pleasure from this wicked act slowly squashed her horror. Mira began to see the situation with different eyes, her increasingly lust-twisted mind forcing her to enjoy the shameless abuse. It culminated in an unwanted but strangely wonderful climax that rattled her entire battered shape. Apparently the vine came as well, because she felt it expel a gooey, warm liquid, which rapidly coated her loosened channel. The mysterious sap made her abdomen tingle and prickle, then it went numb and she ceased to feel anything below her waist.

The vine retreated and another vine, slightly thicker than the first, continued to work on her prepared, pliable orifice. It speared into her, vigorously squirmed its way through her cunt and harshly prodded against her cervix. With a single, violent thrust it battered through this highly sensitive barrier and forced its way into her womb, but the intoxicated wolf only reacted with a slightly shocked gasp. She knew that this was wrong, that the appendage was in a place where it wasn't supposed to be, but she couldn't stop it, and she only hoped that it would be over soon.

Obviously this was just the beginning. Now that the tree had claimed her womb, he sent two more vines to claim her other orifices as well. The one at her butt grossly spat its sap onto her pucker before it broke into her tight ass and penetrated it with relentless force. Gathering what was left of her willpower, she gritted her teeth and blocked the third tendril from entering her muzzle. It obscenely squirmed over her face, pushed against her lips and tried to force its way in, but the jaw of the wolf was stronger than the boneless tendril. The plant had to resort to a dirty trick to get her to submit. It insidiously plugged her nostrils with a pair of much smaller, more delicate vines and asphyxiated her until her mind faded and the urge to breathe made her open her mouth. The narrow opening was enough for the tree to invade her mouth, and Mira soon felt the vine meander its way down her throat and esophagus. Her last barrier had been broken, and together the three tendrils began to rape her poor body, loosening her up for what was yet to come. The same mixture of undesired arousal and pleasure seized the wolf's mind even more than before and made her succumb to the inferior desires of her body. Meanwhile, the vines got to work and began to inject their paralyzing, numbing sap deep into the canine, pouring it into her womb, into her intestines and into her stomach.

After the initial preparation was finished, the tree pulled out all its appendages and left the broken canine hanging in the air, her loosened holes dripping with sweat, slime and sap. Her mind was a turmoil of conflicting emotions, her eyes blankly stared into the dusky void, and she wheezed with a rattling, unsteady breath.

Next, the plant approached her with really narrow, small vines. They looked really cute compared to what she had experienced before, but their purpose was even more insidious. Each of them nimbly wiggled up her sides, over her hips, her waist, around her arms and up her neck. It was only when they reached her ears and still kept going that their true purpose was revealed. They squirmed through her ear channels, briefly stopped at her eardrums, pierced them with a loud bang, moved on and slid even deeper into her head. Mira felt a pressure in her skull, almost like a headache. Tears filled her eyes, and she realized that the wormy appendages were inside her skull, inside her brain. This evil tree had raped her body, now it would rape her mind. The wolf tried to resist and fight the inevitable, but to no avail. Her vision faded, her senses failed and she finally blacked out.

While the captured wolf was out of commission, the tips of the narrow tendrils grew into her brain and blossomed into even finer strands that interpenetrated the seat of her consciousness and leaked the corrupting sap of the tree where she was the most vulnerable. Upon its initial examination, the plant had determined that Mira was the perfect host for its needs and would now attempt to convert her into a new form more suitable for its purposes.

The wolf woke up with a terrified gasp. She just had had the most harrowing nightmare ever about her being trapped and abused by a strange, sentient tree. She tried to move her limbs, but something held her back. She clumsily looked around and finally realized that master was holding her. The canine relaxed, she knew that she was safe in master's embrace. Two little vines were still inside her ears, still inside her brain, deep inside her mind, bent her will, and naturally she didn't notice them.

One of master's curious appendages drew closer and playfully coiled around her chest. The wolf giggled with childlike fascination as the prehensile vine stopped at her muzzle and gave it a soft boop, almost like a clumsy kiss. She didn't resist and intuitively opened her mouth to embrace the thick tendril, allowed it to slide down her throat and seal it with its girth. Several holes on the sides of the flexible tube allowed Mira to continue breathing comfortably, while preventing her from biting down and hurting herself. This was important because of what happened next with the curious canine. A huge vine approached her, it was a humongous beast, almost as large as her head, but adorned with a conic, gently tapering tip. Master slowly raised her legs and spread them apart, exposing her vulnerable genitals to the gigantic tendril.

The mind-broken wolf giggled exhilarated as the thing slowly pushed into her rear. Covered in slippery slime, it had no difficulty working its way into the restrained creature, slowly stretching her open with the shallow taper. At first Mira felt nothing, then there was a slight pressure which quickly turned into a stronger, more pleasant one. However, it didn't stop widening the female's sphincter and just got bigger and bigger. Finally the pain struck her. It was numbed by her master's strong chemicals, but it was still there and made the canine whimper with discomfort. She wanted to bite, but the well-placed vine inside her blocked her attempt, keeping her muzzle open and leaking a calming sap into her stomach. Never stopping or slowing down, the vine pressed on and stretched her anus beyond its limits, made her abdomen bulge with a gross outline and her tissue creak under the increasing tension.

Finally, the insane insertion stopped and Mira's sphincter was as big as master needed it to be. A few smaller vines slipped into the gaps between the massive tendril and her asshole, keeping it stretched open even after the vine had retreated. A new one approached, as thick as the first one, but without any taper. It was basically a huge tube with a large, gaping opening, and there was no question what it would do once it was inside the canine. It slipped in and engorged a little to lock itself in place, then she heard a telling gurgle. Her master forcefully injected wonderful sap into her gaping ass, poured it into her rectum and flooded her guts with copious amounts of liquid. Her taut belly rapidly inflated with her master's voluminous expulsion, forming a bulging dome that simply kept growing. At first she only looked as if she was heavily pregnant, but the injection didn't stop, and she ultimately looked as if she was pregnant with quintuplets.

The first step of her transformation was done, the next one was about to follow. A fortunately much smaller vine approached her pussy and penetrated it with effortless elegance. Definitely a nice change after the previous ordeal. Master was even kind enough to play with her a little, vigorously fucking the canine until she came with a blissful climax. Her mouth was muzzled and she couldn't properly voice her joy, but she was absolutely ecstatic about the attention master gave her. Ensnared in the high of her orgasm, the wolf didn't even notice how the tendril moved on through her channel, broke through her now-dysfunctional cervix and entered her womb. It finished what the other vine had just explored and grew through her Fallopian tubes all the way to her ovaries. Much like the vines that had pierced into her brain, they blossomed up and sent out countless tiny strands to penetrate and claim her fertility, infuse her eggs with the curious sap of her master and make her a carrier of its genes.

Its job was done, the wolf was ready. The changes to her body required a lot of time to complete though, so it had to make sure that the creature in its captivity would stay healthy, both mentally and physically. A narrow slit on the vine that penetrated the wolf's gullet opened and a very sweet, nutritious sap trickled out. Her internal membranes immediately absorbed master's gift and pushed it into her system to keep her body going. As for her mental health, the vines in her brain began to shake and bestowed the canine with an endless supply of stimulating and rewarding hormones. She basically drifted off into some sort of pleasant unconsciousness, trapped by an infinite shower of joy and happiness. Just before the corruption took full effect, the canine noticed that master embraced her with more and more vines, curled them tightly around her and veiled her in a cocoon of tendrils.

The liquid in the wolf's belly was a mixture of digestive enzymes and growth stimulants. Almost everything below her neck dissolved into a formless mush. However, as with a pupating caterpillar, she was completely safe as long as she was surrounded by a gapless cocoon of vines. A few weeks passed, and finally the tree had achieved his goal of repurposing his victim into the perfect carrier of its genetic information.

The time had come for the butterfly to emerge from its constraining husk. One by one, the vines of her master loosened their grip on the canine, gave her free and dropped her onto the soft floor. They revealed her new shape, gave her brain free to pursue its own thoughts again and even the vines on her arms and feet let go of her. There wasn't much different about her, even though everything but her head had been a inchoate slurry of dissolved meat, enzymes and nutrients, she had retained her old shape. She was still a wolf and even sported a dense, black pelt. The only thing that was different, however, was her sensitivity. Touching most of her body caused a pleasant tingling sensation, but touching a few parts, her nipples and her wet pussy, immediately made her groan with unstoppable pleasure.

Captivated by the fascinating sensation of her new sensitivity, the canine briefly forgot everything else around her and just fingered herself while playing with her stiff, swollen nipples. Heavenly bliss permeated her mind and she vigorously carried on until she experienced her first orgasm in her new form. It was exceptionally wet and she felt her clear girl cum soaking her clenching fingers. She curiously pulled her hand from her crotch to her face, sniffed them and licked off the sticky mess. It tasted surprisingly delicious, herbal and soothing.

A sudden nudge reminded her that she still was inside the tree trunk of master. A little vine happily coiled around her neck and gave her cheeks a tender nuzzle. Four more, much stronger tendrils then grabbed each of her limbs and carried her up, all the way to the top. The always distant light of day finally came closer and with it her freedom. She was set off on the rim of the stump, the very spot where she had tripped and fallen an eternity ago. She sighed and finally climbed down the frighteningly tall tree.

By the time she reached the forest floor and her feet were back on solid ground, everything she had experienced began to fade away. Her memory of the fall and the transformation vanished, and the idea of a master lost its meaning. Instead, Mira regained her own identity and was left wondering why she was suddenly standing in the middle of the forest without clothes or anything else. She really wondered what had happened, but was completely unable to make head or tail of her situation.

When she returned, she was exuberantly welcomed by her people. They claimed that Mira had been gone for over a month and that they had already lost all of their hopes. The wolf was really surprised, because she believed that she had only been away for a day. This obvious time gap, or what had happened to her body and clothes, was secondary, though, as everyone was just happy that she was well and alive. Mira returned to her placid home and life and lived happily ever after.

Well, if it weren't for one thing. Mira also felt unusually horny ever since, and it eventually led to her getting it on with one of the village's males, who knocked her up in the process. During her pregnancy, she had sex with more and more males, turned into the village slut, the bachelor's mattress. The change of the pure-hearted wolf into a sex-crazed bitch puzzled her friends and the villagers, but they never felt the need to mention it. So she gave birth to one litter of strong pups after another and made sure that there were enough offspring to sustain the village for the coming generation.

There was only one being who knew why Mira had changed, but it was far away and immobilized by the simple fact that it was a tree. There were only five of its kind left on this planet, far apart and unable to interact. But thanks to Mira's cooperation, it now had innumerable offspring who could move and hopefully would travel the world. Eventually, one of its offspring would find one of its four siblings. They would be able to extract the genetic information stored in its offspring and use it to procreate. Only in this way would their species live to see another generation.

All this was only possible because Mira had carelessly strayed off her usual paths and delved a little too far into the forest.