Never Wake Up

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#3 of Dakota Tails

After being shunned at school, Dakota finds herself babysat by her older cousin again.

For most cubs, the prospect of the weekend was a joy, a welcome relief from the tedium of school. Usually Dakota feared them. At best it meant being ignored by her mom, and at worst being watched over by whichever relative she had talked into cubsitting her. School was usually her escape - her chance to interact with other cubs and feel a sense of normalcy. But for once, Dakota found herself almost longing for the solitude of her bedroom. It felt less isolating than school.

True to her fears, her former "friend" Olivia had spread all sorts of nasty rumors about her around their class. By Friday almost no one in her grade would talk to her. They'd laugh when she walked by, whisper about her being a "dyke" or a "homo" or a "freak." She was an outcast, and found herself suddenly more alone than she'd ever felt before.

The final bell came as a sort of relief, if a cold one. Several of the cubs in her class jostled her as she walked through the hall toward her locker. A couple even tried to trip her. She wished that she could just melt away into nothingness. Anything would be better than living in this hell.

No one sat next to her on the bus, which suited the shepherd pup just fine. The city passed in a blur in front of her eyes as the bus wound through the familiar route that led home. Dakota thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't terribly far away. She only had to endure the roar of the bus for fifteen minutes before she was mercifully dropped off at her street. Not many other cubs got off at her stop, and the few that did went in different directions. The second her paws hit the sidewalk, she was off. She wanted to get home as fast as possible.

Dakota panted as she slowed to a stop at her front door. She pulled her backpack off and fished out her key to the front door, then went in.

As usual, her mom wasn't home. She made her way through the quiet apartment, through the living room and down the short hall to her bedroom. Once inside, she threw her backpack down by her desk and flopped face down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow.

It took a couple of hours before the fifth grader could summon up the desire to move again. Even then, her limbs felt leaden, her insides cold and hollow. She half-heartedly dragged herself to her desk and pulled out a few of her school books. Her head told her she should try to get some homework done, but her heart hadn't the strength to do it. The pup's stomach growled. Maybe a snack would help her concentrate.

She sighed as she slid out of her chair and dragged herself to the kitchen. A quick peek in the fridge left the pup more depressed than she had been before. A half-full bottle of ketchup, a jar with a single pickle left, and a carton with two eggs were all that greeted her. Why didn't mom go shopping more often?

The pup shook her head and closed the fridge, then began rummaging through cabinets. A box of dried pasta and a box of crackers were all she could scavenge. Her mom would kill her if she caught her using the stove. She opted for the crackers, hoping they weren't too stale.

Dakota was about to make her way back to her room when she heard a key in the lock of the front door. Her ears perked. A few seconds later, the door open, and her mother stumbled in.

"H-hi, Mom," Dakota said.

The elder German shepherd glared at her daughter as she slammed the door shut. She stomped toward her and snatched the box of crackers from the pup's paws. "You'll spoil your dinner," she said.

Tears welled in Dakota's eyes as her snack was taken away. Her tail tucked between her legs. "But Mommy," Dakota began

She was silenced as the back of her mother's paw collided with her cheek. "No 'buts.' Go to your room and stay there until dinner's ready."

It was one of her mom's bad days. Dakota cursed herself for not realizing it sooner. Without a word, she scrabbled back to her room, closing the door behind her. Her stomach growled again, but there was nothing to do about it.

With no other option, the pup laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Hopefully dinner wouldn't be long in coming.

The day faded into night. Dakota's mom never called her for dinner.

Sunlight crept into the pup's room, announcing a new day. Dakota scrunched her eyes against the invading light. Her stomach growled. Would mom be better today? She was usually okay in the morning after a bad day, but she was scared to find out.

The creaking of the bed frame in the adjacent bedroom announced that Dakota's mom was up. The pup would know soon what kind of mood her mother was in. A minute passed, then two, then three. Off to a good start. Dakota gritted her teeth, then slipped out of her bed and dared to peek out her bedroom door.

Down the hall, the living room looked deserted. Her sensitive ears picked up the sound of movement in the kitchen - claws clicking on the floor, the gentle clicking of a dish being laid on the counter. She took a breath and dared to slip out of her room.

She found her mother in the kitchen. A loose bathrobe clung to her shoulders as she removed a couple of slices of toast from the toaster.

"Morning, dear," her mother said. It was so casual, as if nothing had happened last night.

"Morning, mom," Dakota said. She watched as her mother headed for the couch, then slipped into the kitchen to make herself some toast.

With her breakfast made, Dakota dared to head into the living room and join her mother on the couch. The elder canine didn't look up from the TV. Dakota settled in, and had just started to relax when her mom spoke.

"I'll be working late tonight. Your cousin Victor will be watching you again."

The pup's heart sank. Not him again! Her tail curled between her legs. "Whyyyyy? Mom, I'm eleven, I can ta-" she began.

"I thought you liked your cousin," the adult said, cutting her off.

Dakota froze for a second, considering how to respond. Should she tell her mom the truth? "I used to," she said. "But not after last time..."

Her mom snorted. "And why's that? Because he wouldn't let you destroy the house?"

Is that what that jerk had said she'd tried to do?! The pup huffed. "I didn't!" she protested. "That's not what this is about! I just... don't like him."

The adult shook her head. "Well, like him or not, he's going to be your sitter. And you had better be a good girl for him this time."

Dakota's fur stood on end. That phrase again. She stood up, her paws balling into fists. "No! He hurt me when I was trying to be a good girl."

That seemed to catch her mother off guard. She looked up at her cub, an eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?"

Before she realized it, the words were pouring out of her mouth. "Last time he was here he made me suck his thingy, and then he tried to put it in me, and it hurt! I don't want to let him do that again!"

"His what?" her mother said. She rose, her arms crossing as she looked down at her daughter.

"His... thingy," Dakota said. "Between his legs. His... dick?"

Without a word, Dakota's mother pushed past her. The pup closed her eyes, letting her tears flow freely now. A few moments later, she heard her mother sit down, and felt her paw guiding her down to her knees. She laid across her mother's lap as the elder canine stroked down her back.

Her panties were around her knees before she realized it. A sharp crack reached her ears, accompanied by a stinging pain across her upper thighs.

"You... lying... WHORE!" her mother cried. Each word was punctuated by another crack of the belt against her upper thighs.

Dakota cursed herself for putting her in this position. How could she have done this to herself. But she wasn't lying. "Mommy, I'm no-" she began. She choked on her words as another thwack was laid across her bottom. This was almost immediately followed by the searing pain of something pushing into her vagina.

"Already lost your virginity, you WHORE," her mother proclaimed venomously. Her digit withdrew from the pup's vagina and grabbed the belt again, laying down blow after blow to Dakota's thighs and buttocks.

It was no use. Dakota gritted her teeth, quietly crying. She knew that if she wailed too loudly or tried to argue or defend herself, her mom would just hit her harder, and for longer. Better to shut up and take it.

Thankfully, her mother's rage subsided quickly. The moment Dakota was free, the pup retreated to her bedroom, all thoughts of food forgotten.

The afternoon passed in a blur. The pain in Dakota's backside didn't subside for hours. Sitting comfortably was impossible. She tried to work on homework, but all she could focus on was the throbbing of her bruised flesh. In comparison, was her cousin's penis inside her that bad?

Her heart froze over as the afternoon light began to fade. At no point had her mother checked on her, but she knew that sooner or later her cousin would be there. Her ears perked when she heard the front door open. This was it.

A couple minutes passed. Voices floated in, but try as she might, Dakota couldn't make out any of the words. She heard the door open and close again. Shortly after was a knock on her bedroom door. It eased open, and her cousin's eye appeared in the crack.

"Hey, Dakota," the male said. "Mind if I come in?"

The pup remained frozen in fear. She had no idea what to expect from him.

After a minute, Victor cleared his throat. "Well, uh... listen... I know last time was a little weird, but like, can we just start over? I'll order us a pizza and we can just chill?"

Dakota didn't move. How could she trust him after what happened last time. But the prospect of pizza sounded good. Her stomach growled. Despite her reservations, the tip of her tail started wagging.

Victor chuckled. "I'll take that as a maybe. I'll call in the order. Come out when you're ready, okay, cuz?"

Her door closed, and Dakota was alone. The pup took a few deep breaths. She still wasn't sure if she could trust her cousin, but the prospect of food was tempting. Too tempting. She slipped out of bed, tugging down her t-shirt and checking herself to make sure she was completely covered, then quietly walked out her door toward the living room.

She found her cousin sprawled on the couch, one leg up on the coffee table, the other laying across the middle cushion. He was watching some sort of reality TV show. Dakota walked around to the far side of the couch and sat down, keeping as far away from her cousin as she could get.

"Oh that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Victor said. He inched his footpaw closer and touched her thigh. It sent a shiver down Dakota's spine. Thankfully he didn't push anything, turning his attention back to the TV.

The show had just ended when the doorbell rang. Victor dragged himself up and answered the door, returning a few moments later with a large pizza. The smell set Dakota's stomach rumbling again.

The male tossed down a small pile of paper plates on the coffee table, then set down the pizza box and opened it up. Scents of pepperoni and cheese filled Dakota's nostrils. She leaned forward as her cousin grabbed a plate and pulled out a slice, the hot cheese clinging to the neighboring slices. As soon as he had his, she grabbed one herself and tore into it.

"Damn, girl, you can EAT," Victor said. He laughed as he sat back on the couch.

Between the two of them, the large pie disappeared. Victor even let Dakota take the last slice. Now fed, Dakota was starting to feel much better. The ache in her backside had even seemed to dull. Her cousin handed her a red cup filled with soda, and Dakota drank it down. It was really nice of him to bring her a drink, even if it tasted a little funny.

As the evening wore on, Victor slipped over and sat next to her. She felt a little more at ease with her cousin, if not a little sleepy. He put an arm around her. "How're you feeling, Dakota?" he whispered.

The pup yawned. "O-okay," she whispered. "Just... tired..."

Victor chuckled. Something about the sound sent a chill down Dakota's spine, but her mind felt very foggy. "Let's get you to bed, then," he whispered.

She felt his paws under her arms as she got to her feet. He guided her down the hall to her bedroom, and laid her in bed. Before she realized what was happening, she felt his paws at her pants. A sudden chill told her that he had taken her bottoms off.

Oh no. Dakota felt her bed shake as her cousin climbed over atop of her. She tried to push him off, tried to fight back, but her arms felt so heavy, and her mind was so cloudy. His paws spread her legs, and then she felt that searing pain. She whined, but all he did was put a paw over her muzzle and keep going.

Dakota squeezed her eyes shut. Her body felt like it was on fire. His penis was splitting her apart! From the other side of the fog, she could hear him panting and moaning. A few words floated across her consciousness, but disappeared just as quickly - "bitch," "slut," "take it." Fresh lightning passed through her body, and she mercifully blacked out.

She awoke hours later. It was dark in her room. She was under the blankets, but she was still bottomless. Her vagina hurt. She reached a paw down and saw that her fur was matted with fluids. With a painful groan, she rolled out of bed, and crawled to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she closed and locked the door, then turned on the light. Her vision was blurred. She looked down between her legs and saw red. Her fur around her thighs was matted with blood. Her chest tightened. Was that hers?

She looked toward the door. If Victor was still there, he might just hurt her more. And her mom would probably punish her for letting him do it. She sobbed quietly, then grabbed a wash cloth and sat down in the bathtub. Nothing to do for it but clean herself up.

The pup worked as quickly and quietly as she could. She didn't want her mom to catch her after what happened. She winced every time the towel touched her raw, sore vulva, the pup gritting her teeth as she cleaned herself up. When she was finally finished cleaning out the blood, she gingerly touched herself. At least she wasn't still bleeding.

On wobbling legs, Dakota made her way back to her bedroom. She stumbled twice, the second time falling a few feet shy of her bed. She held her breath, hoping that the sound of her collapse didn't wake her mother. Her ears remained perked, but there was no sound in the apartment. Dakota breathed a sigh of relief, then crawled the rest of the way back into her bed. As she drifted off to sleep, one thought raced through her mind over and over and over again: please let me never wake up.