Chronicles of Cyro Part II

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please do continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.


The thrilling conclusion!! No, just kidding. There may be more to cum. Anyway, Cyro finds out about his true self in this one. There's one solo with Cyro, and one M/M with Cyro and Ash.

Author's Note:

YAY the internet's back!! * happy prance (you see, he must prance, because he's a unicorn) * Anyway, this is the conclusion to the original story of Cyro. There may be more, there may not be, who knows? Anyway, those who've read my stuff know, of course, that feedback is my writing fuel. So please email any comments you might have to [email protected] And a big THANK YOU to all of those who've sent me comments in the past, I appreciate it a great deal. Well, here's the story, hope you all enjoy it!

The Chronicles of Cyro Part II: Ashiki

My muzzle opened and emitted a deep groaning yawn. I blinked my eyes a couple of times and turned my head to look out through the small glass window. The first light of dawn was just peeking over the horizon. Then I remembered the night before and looked all around the room for Loran, the young fox. He was nowhere to be found.

"I must be getting rusty if a fox kit can sneak away without my knowing." I muttered to myself. I sat up on the straw mattress and noticed an unfamiliar feeling on my neck. The bandana that the fox kit had worn the night before was tied around my neck. "Jeeze, I must really be losing it." How he'd managed to tie it around my neck while I was sleeping was a disturbing and perplexing thought. I should've woken at his merest movement.

I shook my head and dismissed the thought, it had probably just been a minor lapse. I got up and walked around the room, collecting my clothing that had been scattered about haphazardly with the ferocity of the past night's mating with the young fox. I thought about that kit taking me so confidently, and the feeling of his vulpine seed splashing deep into me. My lupine member stirred in its sheath, and I felt my sheath stretch as its girth widened just a bit.

As I walked, every point of friction between my furry cheeks was silky smooth, thanks to the fox kit's cum still leaking from my abused hole. My cock lurched again, and I decided that a private shower was in order. I got dressed quickly and noted my disheveled condition in the dirty mirror near the door. My clothes were wrinkled and had a couple of stains that obviously were the fault of our divine mating just the past night. My cock extended just a bit from its sheath as I thought about our mate again, and decided that I didn't care that my fur was crusted in some places and the stains were rather obvious. It would be obvious to most that I had done something last night; I just wanted to get to the shower as quickly as possible.

I pushed my armor underneath the bed frame and took my sword. I walked quickly from the room and down the hall, collecting gazes the whole way. I jammed my scabbard under my belt with the saber in it. My haste only caught more glances from those who I was passing by. I went to the innkeeper and told him I was going to be making use of the shower facilities, and I wanted to be alone. He nodded and guided me there, closing and locking the door behind me.

The inn really had very nice bathing facilities. There were four stalls with stone dividers, the entire room was stone really. Talented smiths had carefully crafted the showerheads, and a small chain with a large metal loop hung down at the side of each. Metallic grates in the floor covered small drains. I removed my shoddily donned clothing and threw it in a heap beyond the water's reach

I stepped into one of the stalls and pulled the loop and chain, latching them into place. The chain opened a small valve in the bottom of a kettle, suspended up on the next floor; presumably the innkeeper had lit a fire under it to heat the water.

The water cascaded down soothingly, I loved the feeling, as of a warm summer rain running down my muzzle and the rest of my body. I just let the water soak through my fur, soothing my muscles and washing away the grit of the past couple of days, not to mention the rather obvious crusted spots that consisted of a combination of both my and Loran's spooge.

I let my paws roam through my silvery grey fur, my claws digging in, scritching my own skin. The combination of stimuli gave me goosebumps, it was a wonderful feeling. The lewd thoughts of last night's encounter returned to me, and my lupine pride had grown almost completely from its sheath. I reached down with a paw to give it a couple of strokes, and a bit of a moan-growl escaped from my throat.

My tail swished back and forth a bit in the downpour of hot water, and I snarled a bit, closing my eyes, and pumping my shaft a few more times. I thought of Loran, and how I wished he were behind me, readying to take me again. Getting ready to thrust all the way into me in one push, forcing me into the concrete wall of the shower, pinning me with his arms, and fucking me with all abandon. I let my other paw, which had been fondling my weighted orbs, glide to the side, and around behind me. I teased myself with a single claw, running it up and down my crack. I growled again and whispered "Goddamnit, fuck me already." Then I paused, and pushed my water-slicked finger as deep into my own ass as I could. I angled my muzzle up and snarled again. Then I pushed up against the concrete wall, pushing my finger even deeper into my wanting hole.

I turned my muzzle sideways, and rubbed my throbbing cock against the rough concrete wall, snarling and barking just a bit, gritting my teeth at the wild sensation of pleasure mixed with pain, all overloading my body almost uncontrollably. I started humping into my paw and up against the wall, matching my every thrust with the finger up my ass, finally working in a second, stretching my abused hole.

The rough concrete scratched and teased my nipples and I pressed my body hard up against it, humping wildly now, thinking only about how I wished it were that hot fox-kit's cock up my ass instead of my fingers. I thought back to the night before, and remembered the feeling of the fox unloading his seed deep in my thirsty ass. The water combining with some of the dried fox seed around my hole slicked my fingers up wonderfully, and as I remembered the kit shooting rope after rope of hot, sticky fox cum deep into me, and the warmth and pleasure spreading throughout my body, it was all I could take. I humped hard through my paw, abrading my throbbing, rock-hard lupine member on the concrete, and I gritted my teeth hard, gripping tightly with my paw as my sphincter squeezed my finger almost painfully. My load erupted from my cock with a force I'd felt only when I'd taken the fox as a wild animal the night before.

My hot, creamy wolf cum jetted up my belly and chest splattering against the concrete wall, and my chin, dripping down with the water from the showerhead. I opened my mouth and yelled loudly as I felt the cum force its way up from my spasming orbs and through my cock. I angled my muzzle down, and the next shot of lupine seed jetted straight into my muzzle. I felt it hit my tongue, warm and salty, with a taste and consistency I'd experienced many times before. I left my mouth open so that the next steamy ropes could jet into my thirsty muzzle. I was wrapped up completely in orgasmic feelings, I closed my muzzle and rolled my own seed around in my mouth, savoring its familiar taste. I swallowed hard as the next shot of wolf cum jetted from my spasming cock. I felt it hit my nose, and I coincidentally inhaled at the same time, my own seed sucking into my nose. It burned just a bit, but I was too busy fucking my paw to notice. Every little thrust was slick and smooth now as my cum coated my cock. The whole time I kept humping into my paw, my finger pressed desperately into my ass.

After what seemed like forever, my raging orgasm finally subsided, the last few shots of wolf jism spurting weakly up onto my toned belly. I held my paw in a firm grip behind my knot, and leaned almost my entire weight against the wall. I opened my muzzle to let my tongue drop out the side. My chest was heaving with my exertion, and I was panting hard.

I stood that way for about ten minutes, enjoying the water cascading down on my fur, jumping a bit every time a drop pelted my engorged cock. Finally, my knot began to shrink, and I let it go, sighing deeply. I twisted my fingers in my ass and pulled them out, yipping just a bit. I sighed again and finally stood back up under my own power. I opened my muzzle and put it into the stream of the water as I relaxed.

I took a bottle of expensive-looking shampoo from the shelf beside me, on the divider, and massaged it into my fur, relaxing, and enjoying every moment. My cock took its time receding into my sheath, but finally did so just as I got to that region with my shampooing. I made sure to massage every inch of my body with the shampoo (I had a hunch that the innkeeper had gotten it out just for me), and then rinsed everything thoroughly. At one point, the water took a turn for the cool, but I'd figured that the innkeeper had simply added more water.

I finally finished washing, and pulled the chain again, unlatching it. It pulled back up, and the valve shut, cutting off the flow of soothing water. I took a few towels from a shelf in between the shower stalls, and dried off as well as I could, and wrapped one around my waist, tying it. I pushed the scabbard and sabre down underneath my towel, and picked up my pile of clothes, dumping them in the basin near the entrance to the shower. I was sure they'd be washed and dried immediately. I knocked on the shower door, and an attendant unlocked it, allowing me to step out, and then going in, presumably to pick up my clothes.

My fur was a mess as I walked through the main hall of the inn. It was still damp, and I hadn't brushed it at all. A few curious furs gave me another glance, I noticed a few eyes had strayed to the small lump in the towel that concealed my sheath. I just grinned to myself and continued on up to my room.

I walked in and discovered an ornate golden platter with what were probably the best combs and brushes that the inn had to offer. They were rather nice, some of them I presumed were the innkeeper's own. I dropped the towel and brushed my fur thoroughly, making sure to get most of the knots out. I suppose it was strange for a bounty-hunter to be so meticulous about his fur or his looks, but I'd always prided myself on my looks, and a person who was very important to me once told me that they were a gift, and I should maintain them as well as I could. To that I've held true.

Something seemed different about the room, then I discovered what it was, my armor had been moved. It was now laying on top of my bed. I examined it a little more closely, and was relieved to see that it had just been cleaned. Everything was shiny and clean, the inn really was giving me the royal treatment.

There was a knock at the door. I took my sword with me and leaned it against the wall next to the door. "Who is it?"

"It is only I, Ari, the clothing cleaner." A meek voice came from the other side of the door.

I opened the door in the buff, reaching for my clothing.

The young wolf dropped the clothing and put a paw to her muzzle. Her eyes drifted up and down my body, dwelling a bit longer between my legs.

I smiled a toothy smile and turned to the side, giving her a profile view, and I bent down to pick up the clothes, stretching just a bit, my tail swishing across my tight rump. I collected the clothes and stood back up slowly.

"Oh...oh, I-I didn't mean..I..Oh...I'm so sorry..." She looked very concerned, yet I saw her gaze wander rather freely over my body.

"Quite alright. Thank you." I closed the door slowly and chuckled to myself. I loved to tease females, because I had absolutely no reservations since I was gay. Revealing myself in front of women is sort of like a straight fur stripping in a locker room, it didn't really matter to me. I also did it because I knew I could, it was always rather entertaining.

My mind turned back to the job at hand, I'd had entirely too much fun, and I sighed as I dressed quickly. I was going to start much later than I'd intended to. I shrugged to myself and told myself it'd been worth it.

Then I remembered the package next to the bed. In the passion of the night before, I'd forgotten about it completely. I picked it up, and opened it carefully. Laying in a padded, embroidered box, was a foot long, elegantly curved Altrah dagger. It was silver inlaid with gold, and beautiful in it's own right. I smiled and thanked Loran and his parents silently.

I strapped my armor on over my underclothing, and pushed my scabbard and sabre into place under the cloth belt. I strapped my newly acquired dagger to the hip opposite my own blade and took in a deep breath. I licked my lips as I was finally ready for some breakfast.

I went down to the tavern and made a quick affair of breakfast, sampling more of the tavern's exceptional cuisine. And I left in haste, tossing a couple of silver pieces onto the innkeeper's desk as I left. True, it was supposed to be free, but I'd thoroughly enjoyed myself, and money meant little to me.

I decided to pay Loran a visit, and thank him for the exceptional gift that he'd given me last night, and for the dagger too, so I headed to the general store. I walked in and was a bit disappointed to see Loran's mother attending the counter.

"Oh!! Cyro sir!! Thank you for the silver!!! You've done us such a great favor! How can we ever repay you?!" Her face was bright, and her eyes were getting a bit teary.

"Don't worry, the dagger was more than enough. Thank you. Is Loran around?" It felt a little odd, it was like I was one of Loran's young friends, asking if he could come out to play.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry, he's gone to Exera to buy some more supplies for us." She smiled again, "but I'll tell him you came."

"Yes, thank you. Please tell him thank you as well, I enjoyed his company."

The vixen smiled but was obviously perplexed by my comment. "Yes, I'll tell him, and thank you!"

"You're most certainly welcome." I tossed a gold piece onto the counter and left before she could do anything else. I grinned inwardly, they were really very grateful.

I walked through the hustling bustling village, but I could still sense that nascent fear of something impending. The scent of it hung thick around the village, and I figured they were worried that the kitsune was going to strike again. I headed north out of the village, and then west along the path into the woods. I was going to the place that the trickster last attacked, so that I might be able to pick up a trail of some sort.

It didn't take me long to reach an encampment of loggers. It was obvious that the place had been decimated; it was also obvious that it had been abandoned. It was strange, though, that I didn't sense the scent of blood or decay. No one had been killed here, in fact, from what was left; it looked as though the destruction had been engineered so that no one would even get hurt. All the mining equipment had collapsed within its own space, presumably at night so that no one had been around.

It was curious, but it wasn't my mission to discover how the kitsune attacked. My one objective was to stop him. The villagers wanted him dead, and would accept nothing less. I didn't like killing for bounty, but killing a murderer was a different story.

I examined the camp closely, and detected a hint of a trail starting in the trees. I grinned and turned to follow it. The cunning fox-spirit hadn't even touched the ground. I followed the trail as well as I could, for what must've been hours. I'd started my walk around eleven, and judging from the sun's position in the sky, it was now about four. Finally, the path came to the ground, and I followed it into a shallow bowl, a clearing in the middle of the forest, there were old stones in the clearing, very sparse. Perhaps they were the remains of some ancient forgotten ruin, destroyed by weather and time, only a skeleton left.

"So, Cyrosian, you finally found me." A voice echoed in my head. I drew my sabre and stepped forth into the clearing.

"Show yourself trickster!" My keen eyes passed over and around the bright clearing, but I could spot nothing. The kitsune's spirit scent was fairly heavy in the clearing, so I surmised that this was probably a home for him.

"No." His answer was simple and succinct.

"Fight me like a true fox, you murderer!"

"MURDERER!!!" I felt the flash of emotion and saw him briefly in the form of a rock just a short way into the clearing.

"Hah!!" I lunged and swiped at the rock with my enchanted blade, there was a flash and the silhouette of an anthro fox leapt into the air and vanished again.

"I am no murderer!! Who accuses me of such an audacious thing?!" I'd lost him again, but his emotion made him clearer to me. I was getting the hang of this, it was almost as if I was sensing him somehow.

"You can't hide forever. The village has hired me to strike back for them!" I gazed around the clearing.

"Strike back?! Did they tell you who struck the first blow?"

"There!!" I lunged and swiped at a tree trunk a few feet away from me, and there was another flash, and I saw the silhouette briefly again as he disappeared and took on another form. This time, I was ready for it, and I followed him with this odd new sense. I got a read on his general position, and strode confidently towards it.

"They did. Let me ask you something, has anything other than their foul-mouthed words led you to believe that I've killed anyone? Did you sense death or smell blood at the camp? No? Allow me to tell you more."

"You can't run anymore." I jumped into the air, and pointed my sabre at a patch of ground. A third flash, and another disappearance, but this time I knew exactly where he was, and what form he'd taken.

"They've gotten too greedy, they're taking too much from the forest. So I've begun to fight for my home."

"I've got you now." I swung at a vine hanging from a tree. The flash happened again, but I'd already recovered, being ready for it, and swung where I knew his body would be. There was a muted clang as he blocked my blow with his katana, and flipped up into the air disappearing again.

"Hah, you've learned, this reinforces my original beliefs."

I ran across the clearing, but just as I passed the ruins, a ball of foxfire erupted at me. I put my sword in front of me futilely, and the enchanted blade sliced the ball in two, diminishing its power greatly. One of the energy balls still hit me square in the chest though, and I flew backward. I did a back flip and managed to land on my feet, digging my sabre into the soft ground for support. I leaned heavily on it, my strength diminished from the weakened foxfire.

"If you would do me the honor," there was another flash as the silhouette formed from a leaf on the tree directly in front of me, and it flipped to the ground, landing neatly. "Lay your eyes upon your quarry."

I looked up, and the form in front of me was striking. Immediately my eyes were glued on him. He was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. His paws were neatly groomed and manicured; his musculature gave him a toned, but not too muscled body. A simple blue tunic was bound at his waist by a simple belt, but his figure through the fabric was as tantalizing to me as a bitch in heat was to a straight wolf.

His katana was sheathed at his hip, the scabbard bound tightly under the belt. I moved my gaze to his muzzle, and noticed his wide, friendly grin. He was cute, he looked like a fox, but he was more attractive somehow, I just had a lust for him that I couldn't explain.

"Hiya." His toothy grin widened a little.

I coughed a little before looking up again. I looked deep into his eyes, and saw something familiar, as if I'd known him before, somehow. It was an eerie sort of déjà vu feeling.

I looked away, and finally regained enough strength to stand and pull my sabre from the ground.

"You've come to kill me, and all for what, gold? No. You think me a murderer. Before you raise your sword to me again, know'er have I killed a soul, and ne'er have I drawn my katana save for two reasons. Self-defense, and the defense of others. But you still will not believe me, so must we fight." The kitsune looked away, and my gaze drifted to his tight rump, his three tails swished back and forth in the light breeze.

"Look..." I coughed a bit. "It's nothing's just my..job. I've never backed out agreement before." I raised my sabre, and the kitsune sighed.

"Then so be it."

I danced forward, striking down at him, trying to size him up as an opponent. He blocked easily, turning my blade aside.

"You have skill, Cyro, skill that not many can match. Why is that?" He blocked another of my attacks competently, and without wasted movement. He was obviously going to be a tough opponent.

"Because I've practiced, certainly you know the old saying." I struck again, but to no avail, his sword style was starting to reveal itself to me. Now to learn the finer points of his technique.

"But you have many interesting traits, don't you? The silver fur, the sense of energy and emotion, skill and speed with a blade." He parried a thrust easily, but launched no offense of his own.

"The fur? Certainly. I'm the last one of my species. My sense I've always had, I've developed instincts."

"Oh, the old Seraia myth? You are no Seraia, Cyro. Do you remember nothing of your past?" Another parried thrust, and no offensive still.

"My lineage has nothing to do with you." He was starting to get to me, my next attack was a little wild.

"You're fast too. Fast at anything you do. You're quick-witted, kind-hearted. You have insights into the realm of spirits, and all of it is unexplained." He blocked another blow, turning my blade aside, leaving me in an easily attackable situation. And still no bite of metal from his blade.

"Stop trying to get into my head, it won't work." I took a defensive stance, much like his own position.

The kitsune smiled. "I don't want to get into your head, Cyrosian, I want YOU to get into your head. I want you to find out who and what you really are." He noted my defensive stance, "it's happening subconsciously, if only you could witness it for yourself."

I stood completely still, and concentrated, closing my eyes, meditating. I could sense the kitsune's emotions, I could feel that he was happy...happy for me. I didn't understand. I gripped my sabre tightly in my paw. I felt a sudden surge of power and speed, and I flashed around behind the kitsune quicker than the eye could see, and struck. He flashed as well, and dodged my blow.

"You see, Cyro, you just need to see it for yourself."

I stood, hunched over just a bit, my chest heaving a bit from my exertion. I went over what'd just happened in my mind, and I dropped my sabre.

The kitsune sheathed his katana immediately, since there was no longer any threat.

"Wha...what just happened? I don't, how did I do that?" I fell to my paws and knees in utter confusion and disbelief.

The kitsune laid a paw on my shoulder. "Come, Cyro...we shall talk over supper."

* * *

The next thing I remembered was waking up in a small enclosed space. I grabbed for my sabre, and oddly enough, it was right where I expected it to be. Had it all been a dream? I got up slowly, a bit sore from something, and walked out of the hut.

On the other side of a blazing fire, the kitsune sat cross-legged, levitating just above the ground. His eyes were closed, but he smiled as I came out. "Ahh, finally awake eh?" He gestured, and the hut and its contents disappeared, and a small chair formed on my side of the fire.

I shrugged inwardly and sat down, my sabre close at my side. I figured I could listen to what he had to say.

He nodded. "I want you to do a simple meditation with me, Cyro. One that will help you search inside yourself, to remember some things that you may have forgotten. Please, open your mind to me."

I felt uncomfortable, but it was obvious that he was a much more formidable than myself, and I did want answers. "Yes, alright. Just..don't do anything unnatural."

The kitsune chuckled. "So be it."

I blanked my mind and opened it as well as I could. Immediately I could see things in my head, old memories, some faded, some forgotten altogether. One drew into sharp relief, it was my first memories, at the temple of Crathil.

I looked up into the eyes of my mentor, and he smiled down at me, speaking softly. The memory flashed to a training session, one that exercised power over wind. Then it flashed to a memory that lay long buried deep in the recesses of my mind, the night. I woke in the memory to screams of horror, everything was on fire, the temple, the trees. It was an inferno. My mentor came to me and told me to go to the giant rowan just north of the temple, that it would protect me. I was only the tender age of thirteen, and a battle was no place for me. I rebelled and told him that I would fight for the temple, but he wouldn't have it. He ordered me, as his apprentice, to shelter 'neath the rowan. I obeyed his orders grudgingly, and the rowan enshrouded me with its great power. No one could see me, but I could see everything. I saw my mentor defending the temple, and I saw the arrow that slew him. I knew it was coming, but I could do nothing. I watched in horror as my mentor died, and the temple burned. Then the memory flashback faded.

I shivered and felt tears soaking through the fur under my eyes. To my surprise, the fur on the kitsune's cheeks was wet as well, his own tears flowing.

"I know now that I can trust you, Cyro, but you must learn to trust yourself." He touched his paws to the ground and walked over to me. He kissed me gently on a furred cheek. "My name is Ashiki, Ash for short." He embraced me, and I accepted it, loving the feeling of his arms around me. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable, like an old wound had been torn open.

"I'm sorry you had to relive that horrible event, but I hope that it will help you to realize your true nature, Cyro. And now I have something to admit. I've been watching you for a long time, Cyro. Ever since I first laid eyes upon you by mere chance, I suspected something. And as I watched you longer, it became more assured in my mind. And today nearly proves it to me, the only thing that can do more, is if you realize it yourself. But it also became obvious as I watched you, that you were unaware of your nature and lineage. Then I did something foolish, I started to feel for you, to love you. Not as a brother or mentor, but as a lover. But the time wasn't right, you would've rejected and hated me. I almost approached you, my love and lust were that great, but I steeled myself until the time was right."

I absorbed everything he'd said. It was a shock, a jar to my consciousness. I couldn't speak, I only sat, and enjoyed his embrace, leaning on the support that he was offering me.

"I know this is hard for you Cyro, but you should know your true history, and your lineage. Now let me tell you why I plague the villagers, it's really quite simple. For a great deal of time, the forest and the village lived in a peaceful harmony. The forest would supply them with its multiple bounties, and they would in turn care for and protect the forest. A portion of the populous erected a temple of druids here, in this very bowl of land. Over time, the villagers grew lazy, and stopped caring for the forest. The forest, being the generous being that she is, still allowed them to take from her. But then, the villagers became greedy as well. They began taking wood not for their own shelter, but for sale to others. They wanted money and power, and they were using the forest to gain it. There were those amongst the villagers that protested and said that the village should not be so greedy, but they were cast from the town, so they came here. They reactivated the temple stones, and praised as druids. They leave offerings here, and they empower me. I am their gift, the forest has asked me to do her this favor. If I do, she will sustain me for all of my years on this world. So I promised to help her, and defend my home. For this promise, I gained my third tail. Is that a little different from what the villagers told you?"

I breathed deeply. "Much. I apologize for my actions, Ashiki. Please forgive me."

Ashiki smiled a bit, "Please, Cyro, call me Ash." He moved behind me and kissed my other cheek. "No harm, no foul. Don't worry about it, I'm glad you sought me." Ash smiled.

"But what do you hope to gain from keeping me here? I swear to you that I will no longer seek the bounty."

Ash shook his head. "My hopes are a bit selfish, I don't think it would be wise to tell you what they are right now." He came around to face me, his tails to the fire. He cradled my muzzle lightly in one paw, and kissed me deeply, passionately. I nearly melted off the chair as I felt the passion and love that he managed to convey in that simple kiss. I looked deeply into his eyes, and I saw that similarity again, that déjà vu, suddenly I broke the kiss and turned my muzzle away.

"I can't." I looked down at the ground.

"Why?" Both the simplicity and depth of his query were mind-boggling. He could convey so much in simple actions and words.

I kept my eyes on the ground. "I..I think I love another."

The kitsune smiled. "Okay. I won't tread on a feeling like that, but, may I tell you a little story, Cyro?"

I nodded, having a great deal of trouble steeling myself against the lust to simply jump him and satisfy my craving for him.

Ash nodded and continued. "About seventeen years ago, a couple in the village was having trouble conceiving a child. They tried and tried so hard and in so many ways, but simply could not conceive a kit. In desperation, they came to the forest and prayed at the druid shrine here in this shallow dent. This was before the villagers had become greedy, and I was, in truth, a bit bored with daily events. So I...answered their prayers. I entered my mother in spirit form, and formed a baby. I grew and developed, and was born. I became their child, it was something new. They'd figured that the druid shrine was responsible, and they went back to thank the forest for her gift within the year. She told them in visions that I was indeed a kitsune. A trickster spirit of the woods. They were happy no matter what, they had their child. But a strange thing happened, I began to love them as a child would his parents. It wasn't something I'd planned on or expected to happen. It was unexpected, but pleasurable in its own right. I grew and developed as a child would. I had my sixteenth birthday about a half a year ago..."

I looked up suddenly at Ash, looking into his eyes again. Those eyes, that smile, that's who they reminded me of...he was Loran!!

He smiled and tugged on the bandana tied around my neck. "It touches me deeply to see that you're still wearing this, Cyro sir."

My muzzle hung open in pure awe. Everything suddenly came together around Loran. His ability to tie the bandana around my neck in my sleep and sneak out without alerting me...his excessive and equally wonderful abilities when it came to mating, and his mysterious disappearance this morning. I just stared into those beautiful azure eyes, and suddenly I was staring into Loran's cute muzzle.

He waved "Hiya." Then he changed back into Ash.

"I...I don't believe it! All were a kitsune all along."

He nodded and smiled a bit.

I recovered a bit from my shock and managed to close my muzzle.

"So, I love you, you love me..." Ash shrugged. "Destiny works in mysterious ways."

I looked into his eyes again and smiled, sure that those eyes belonged to the one whom I'd fallen in love with. "You are...I do love you."

Ash smiled and leaned down to kiss me again, the passion even stronger this time, his love flowing from his soul to mine, telling it that this was meant to be. I kissed him back, and the chair suddenly transformed into sheets and pillows beneath me. I fell softly back onto the silky mattress, Ash's lips never once leaving mine. He fell gently on top of me, the kiss intoxicating me with passion. I felt his tails wrap around my waist, hugging his body against mine. In a flash, Ash's clothing vanished. Not wanting to break the union of our souls through the kiss, I just wanted my clothes to vanish too. To my surprise, they were gone in a flash. I didn't care how it happened, I just wrapped my arms around Ash's shoulders and hugged him close, wanting us to be even closer.

With a final breath, Ash broke the kiss lingeringly, smiling just a bit as he moved down my body. He nipped at one of my nipples, eliciting a yip from my muzzle. He grinned that devilish grin that I'd first seen on Loran's muzzle, and vines slithered along the ground and wrapped around my wrists and ankles, holding me securely in place.

"Hmm...what have we here? A bound, prostrate wolf...what should I do?" Ash put his finger to his muzzle in thought. "I know!!" He moved down my body lithely, so that his muzzle was even with my inner thighs. He gave my orbs a quick lick, eliciting a grunt from me as he moved to my inner thighs, giving them a tongue bath. My lupine member was extending just a bit from its sheath already at Ash's ministrations.

He drew an oval around my sheath, coming close, but never really touching it. I growled a bit at his teasing, my eyes still closed.

"Aww...pup doesn't like that? Then pup must be punished, because pup never talks back to master..." Ash gestured and a metal ring formed in his hand. "Open up, wolfie."

I growled again, being as defiant as I thought I could push it.

"Mmm...if wolfie doesn't open up, master will be angry, and then it will be much worse for wolfie..." I whimpered a little, and opened my muzzle.

"That's a good pup." He pushed the ring into my muzzle, lodging it behind my canines so that I couldn't close it. He moved up to straddle my chest, and then got to his knees, straddling my muzzle, his tasty orbs dangling just out of reach.

"Pup want a taste?" I whimpered and nodded.

"Well, then master will reward pup." Ash lowered just a bit, his balls pushing through the ring. I sucked as best I could, fondling his dangling treats with my tongue.

"Mmmm...good wolfie...master likes that..nnn..." Ash moaned, showing his appreciation for my ministrations. I watched as his vulpine member extended from its sheath slowly. I whimpered and Ash smiled. He reached a paw down, and pulled his sheath back, allowing his swelling member to fall on my nose. He moved his hips back and forth, rubbing his throbbing flesh against my tender muzzle. The scent drove me insane, his musk suddenly the only thing filling my nostrils. I growled and whimpered at the same time, trying to tell him what I wanted.

" want a real taste? Well, you'll have to earn that one."

I growled but he only smiled. "Now, my wolfie," the ring became rubbery so that I could move my muzzle again, but it remained firmly in place. "Wolfie has to rim master...wolfie has to push his tongue as deep into master's ass as he can. Then master will reward wolfie."

I nodded and whimpered. "Wolfie will do what master wants..." my speech was a little slurred due to the rubbery ring still in my muzzle.

Ash smiled again, and moved even further, lowering his ass to my muzzle. I pushed in as deeply as I could, my tongue licking lustfully at Ash's tight pucker. "'re doing very well, pup. Master wants more."

I pushed harder, nestling my muzzle deep between Ash's cheeks, my tongue pushing into him as long last. His musk was still overpowering my senses, and I was licking like I'd never done before. The moan from above only made me lick harder and harder, I growled into his ass, licking ferociously, until suddenly it was removed.

Ash was breathing hard. "Pup was too good...master isn't done yet, master doesn't want to be done yet."

I whined, wanting my reward.

Ash's cock was throbbing hard, its full length and girth fulfilled. "'ve earned your reward, pup." The ring suddenly became rigid metal again, forcing my muzzle open almost painfully. I closed my eyes as I felt the hard, throbbing flesh touch my lips, and finally, his vulpine member was within my muzzle.

I whined gratefully, and sucked as well as I could, licking my tongue all around Ash's cock. I wanted to taste him so badly. I licked over his cum slit one more time, and finally he grunted, rewarding me with a spurt of pre. The intense male musk intoxicated me completely, and I lost myself to lust. I sucked desperately on the kitsune's cock, wanting more. But much too soon, I felt it withdraw from my muzzle.

"Now master wants a gift from you as well, pup, you'd better be generous." His paws caressed my ears, and he gave an ear a lick before sliding down my body again, smiling and dragging his claws through my fur the whole way.

My own lupine pride was throbbing and achingly hard now, fully exposed, needing attention. I felt the kitsune's grainy tongue drag up my member, eliciting a yip and a growl from me. Ash only smiled and moved to the tip of my cock, taking it gingerly in his lips, and sucking very gently. I wanted to thrust into his muzzle so badly, but he wouldn't let me. The vines bound me tight, and I was powerless. I was his toy to have fun with, and it only made me yiffier.

I growled again and he removed his muzzle. "Ooh...temper, temper." He waggled a finger back and forth. "That won't get you anywhere, pup."

I whined and tried to plead, but the ring in my muzzle kept me from speaking.

"I'll let this one go, but the next one could have dire consequences..." He moved his muzzle down and took my entire length in one go.

I took in a deep breath and moaned at the blessed warmth of his wonderful muzzle. I started to pant a little, and a simple lick all the way up the underside of my cock gained Ash his reward as I grunted and my muscles spasmed, jetting a bit of pre into his muzzle. He suckled again, his teeth grazing my sensitive flesh this time. I yipped, and a big shot of pre jetted into Ash's muzzle.

Without further ado, he removed his muzzle, and straddled my hips, using a paw to support my cock. He lowered himself onto its pointy tip, moving it back and forth between his cheeks, teasing me more. My groin clenched again, sending a jet of pre into his crack. He smiled and rested a bit of his weight down on my cock, the tip right at the rosebud of his rear passage. "Hmm...a little eager, are we wolfie?"

I merely whined at his remark and pushed up what little I could off of the ground in an attempt to fuck him.

"Well, I suppose..." Ash dropped more of his weight down, his sphincter parting as my cock entered him. He pushed more, and my cock sank in another few inches. I moaned, I was in heaven. It felt like there was no greater place to be than here and now, that nothing would surpass this moment.

Finally he dropped all of his weight down, splitting himself on my throbbing member. He moaned in time with me this time, winching his eyes shut as he felt my member throb deeply into his hole. A shot of pre helped to slick his tight tunnel as he started to ride my cock. He varied the depth of his strokes as well as the angle, causing me to whimper and whine, wanting so badly to thrust into him.

He had all control. I was helpless, to be used in whatever ways he wanted. He started riding me faster, and leaned down on top of me, locking my muzzle into another kiss. The passion and love were overwhelming this time, and I broke the kiss so I could latch onto his shoulder with my muzzle, but he got up faster than I could get to his shoulder, and he smiled, stopping all his movement.

"That's a bad pup...pup shouldn't have done that..." Ash raised his paw, and a length of vine appeared in it. He slung the vine around the back of my neck, and the vines around my wrists let up a bit, and a mound of pillows forced my torso up. Suddenly, though my own cock was still buried in Ash's tight ass, his own kitsune cock was right at my muzzle.

"Suck, suck and I'll reward you." The ring in my muzzle went soft again, and Ash's musk was staring me right in the face again. It made my need for that beautiful red cock unquenchable. I sank my muzzle over it and began sucking with a passion.

Ash angled his muzzle up and groaned, starting to ride my throbbing, ready-to-burst cock again.

The combination was all too much, and I sucked him to the roots, wanting more, wanting everything he had to give me. His heavy balls slapped against my chin on every stroke, and he held the length of vine behind my neck tightly, allowing him to fuck me and fuck himself on me at the same time.

I felt my balls rise into my body as the tickle of impending orgasm formed in my stomach. I sucked him for all my muzzle was worth, and with one mighty thrust that ripped the binding vines from the ground, I buried my knot in him. He howled, and I angled my muzzle back, grunting, my pent-up load finally being released.

I felt the first burning ropes of lupine seed jet from my spasming wolfcock, doing its best to impregnate Ash as it filled his ass.

Not long after, I felt his own cock throb in my muzzle, and finally I tasted his kitsune cum. His cock throbbed and the thick liquid spilled from his cock onto my waiting tongue. Had I not been in the middle of an earth shattering orgasm myself, I would've savored the taste much much more. As it was, my cock was unloading spurt after spurt of hot, thick wolf cum deep into Ash's ass, my knot held firmly behind his sphincter.

The vine on the back of my neck started to burn as Ash pulled hard, humping desperately into my muzzle, my knot tugging him from the inside on every thrust. Volley after volley of kitsune seed squirted into my muzzle, the taste indescribably intoxicating. I pushed with everything I had, unloading the last few drops of my lupine orgasm deep into Ash's ass, my cock throbbing in its warmth, his sphincter clenching every time another rope of hot kitsune seed spurted into my mouth. His insistence faded, and finally I tasted the last few drops of his wonderful fox orgasm spill onto my tongue.

The vine released its tension, and I laid back down, Ash's throbbing kitsune cock pulling from my muzzle. He bent down to kiss me and shivered as my knot tugged at him from the inside.

I closed my eyes enjoying him, and enjoying the fact that he was tasting his own seed as he kissed me.

He broke the kiss, and I looked up at the stars. He leaned down and put his muzzle next to my left ear, and whispered, "I made the forest promise one other thing for my service. I made her agree to sustain you too."

It was then that I noticed a second tail beneath my own body.

He moved to give my muzzle a quick lick, and then put his muzzle down next to my right ear, and whispered, "because, Cyro, your father was a wolf, but your mother...she was a kitsune. Goodnight, love."

The End...maybe.

Remember, feedback equals more and better stories. * grin * I appreciate all comments, thanx for taking the time! ;)


The Chronicles of Cyro

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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A Streetdog's Dream Cum True 2

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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A Streetdog's Dream Cum True

Genre: Contemporary/Future Flags: Oral, Anal, Tie Synopsis: This story details a blossoming relationship between a poor rottie fur living out on the street, and a fairly rich, young wolf who takes the rottie in. There's two spoogy yiff scenes...

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