A big special surprise

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Something written up for Bara Lucario and FlareStarfire on FA ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/flarestarfire )

Raz is on his way home from a gym session when the ram contacts him with a big special surprise. I won't spoil it, but its messy, gooey, sticky, and growing.

A hyper eagle most of you know is involved as well.

The story contains growth, M/M and M/M/M sex, hyper arousal's, vore and cockvore with cum digestion, and just good fun sexy times had by all. No one under 18 should read this.

Raz the Lucario had just finished up a rough gym session and had gotten out of the shower. A deep blue towel was rubbing along his fur as he dried off. It was getting late, and most of the others had left, and he was wondering what he would do with the rest of his night. He thought about some other places he could go, maybe check a late movie showing, or maybe just a night jog in the park or something. His muscles were already pretty sore from pumping iron for a few hours, though, so maybe he'd head home and do some online gaming.

As he was wiping off more water from his body, one of his large ears twitched as he heard his phone buzzing. He had a message. It must have come while he was still in the shower. He grabbed his phone and flicked it to see what it was.

"Hey Raz! It's Zeryx!" The message read, "I got something special for you. If you're not doing anything tonight, head to my work here at Wildfire Labs. It's gonna be a BIG surprise, maah."

Well, that seemed to answer the question for Raz on what he should do tonight. He always enjoyed hanging out with the black fleeced ram, and if he had some special surprise to show him, well that just meant he needed to get there ASAP.

"Hey, Zeryx!" Raz spoke aloud while texting back, "Sounds good to me. I'll extremespeed my way over and see you in like, twenty minutes or so. See you then!"

The Lucario put his phone back in his gym bag and hoisted it over his shoulder. He walked out of the gym and onto the street. It was a warm, but quiet night, enough that he could get away without wearing a shirt on the street and not get any weird stares. Though he would get some stares from others looking at his muscular body going down the road. Raz was really well built, and it showed, with guys stopping to turn and look him over as he walked past.

It was a brisk but uneventful walk to Wildfire Labs, with only a few vehicles in the parking lot. Most of the senior staff were probably still around, and maybe some of the night crew or cleaning shift, but for the most part, it was probably going to be pretty deserted. Raz stepped up to the automatic doors and headed in. Interestingly enough, there wasn't a horse at the reception desk. Must have been too late for there to be any greeters, but there was a note on the counter.

"I'm in lab six." The note said, "Might do yourself a favor and undress already. Z"

A crude but cute sheep drawing was at the bottom of the note, and Raz snickered before tossing it into his bag as well.

"You know, if you just wanted a romp, you could have said so, ya silly sheep." Raz said to himself before taking off his gym shorts and placing them with the clothes storage. He left his bag there as well, and followed the hallways deeper into Wildfire, passing other darkened rooms and labs that were around. He did eventually see that the door to lab six was wide open, and a soft light was coming out of it.

"Hey, Zeryx, I'm here!" Raz said, coming into the door, "What's this big special surprise you have to show me?"

As the Lucario stepped into the lab, he soon felt a presence right behind him. A figure came up right to the side of his head and whispered right into his ear.


The sudden bleat into his ears made Raz's spine shudder, but he grinned and turned around. Zeryx was already waiting for him, standing completely naked, even without his lab coat. The black-fleeced ram was already pointing forward as well, like he couldn't wait to see Raz, and his arousal couldn't hold back that excitement.

"I'm glad you came." Zeryx smiled deeply, "I was hoping to take care of that little thing you wanted."

"Hey, I'm not little at all." The bara Lucario said, raising up one of his arms to flex slightly to the sheep.

"Oh you say that now." Zeryx smirked, "But I saw what you wrote. How you wanted to be the smaller guy in the grasp of a bigger one."

Raz blushed, forgetting that he had left that on his social media feed and that the sheep must have seen it before he could delete it. He really needed to be faster on that button, but at least now he was going to get a night out of it, and that wasn't bad at all.

"Oh, what sort of science-y thing did you make? A shrink ray or something?" Raz chuckled, and his own cario sheath was starting to wobble, just imaginging Zerxy looming over him with a shrink ray, the ram's own eight inch shaft looking like a skyscraper to what his size would be.

"Better." Zerxy said, coming up to Raz and lifting up one of his arms to bring it around the Lucario's shoulder, "You wanna know? You're gonna have to lift that tail of yours."

This was the most forward that Raz had seen Zeryx in a long while. Still, he was getting curious, and really aroused. His length was starting to poke free from his sheath, and the ram was feeling up around his neck and shoulders, giving him a few squeezes. And he really wanted to take advantage of this mood that Zeryx was in.

"Alright, let's do it." Raz said, his tail lifting over his tight rump.

Zeryx giggled again and cleared off one of the benches in the lab before taking a seat. His firm cock was pointed upward, ready for Raz to get his filling. The Lucario soon followed, his firm body looming over the ram, and he turned back before sitting on Zeryx's lap. The hard length quickly started to dive in and dig between the furred blue cheek's of the Lucario, spreading them apart as both Raz and Zeryx gasped out, the initial contact already shooting electricity through them both.

Zeryx had barely had a chance to get used to his cock in the tight Lucario rump before Raz started to squeeze around it. The ram huffed some, knowing that Raz was teasing his shaft and slowly lifting himself up some to rub around it. He bleated out, quickly countering by wrapping his arms around the front of the muscular Lucario and moved to hold him closer to his chest.

"Cheating if you take the lead." Zeryx smirked, looking up at the large back in his face.

"Oh it's only cheating if I get caught." Raz responded, "So you better do a good job of holding on tight."

Zeryx maahed out again, but was getting more into the heat of things. As Raz was lifting slightly, the ram was thrusting upward. The tight firm squeezes of the Lucario's rump on his cock, followed by the heat coming from his body, was already getting Zeryx's shaft wobbling. But he bit at his lower lip and still held on. He gripped tighter onto Raz's body and started to up his pace, outdoing Raz's squeezes with his own thrusts.

Raz was already having his tongue hang out, feeling Zeryx's grip tighten around him and his speeding thrusts picking up the pace. He then felt one of Raz's hands move down his front and start to stroke and tease along his own shaft. The quick fingers of the ram's hands were gripping around his length, teasing it out, and moving down to fondle along the Lucario's balls. His sac was already starting to slow, and pre was leaking out of him, when Zeryx leaned in again.

"Ready for your surprise?" He said.

"Let's see it!" Raz said, tightening his ass's grip on Zeryx's invading shaft.

Raz would soon feel that grip Zerxy had on him tighten. The shaft inside his rump was getting deeper and thicker as well. He blinked a few times, wondering just what exactly was happening. He could feel the fur on his back brustling against the fleece on the ram. What was Zeryx's chest on his back behind him, was quickly starting to move upward as well. As he looked down, the hand gripping along his shaft was growing as well, the arm getting larger and more defined, and then he felt a nibble along the back of his neck.


Raz's shaft suddenly went to full mast, but he still felt the ram's grip on him grow stronger. The legs and lap he was sitting on were getting wider, and he could feel the grip tighten. He looked up and saw the toothy grin of Zerxy now looming over him, the ram now easily making him the little spoon of this romp. He normally had maybe a few inches on Zeryx when they hung out, but now the ram was close to twice his previous size. The thirteen foot ram then nippled on Raz's ear, before slamming in hard, pumping that full two foot cock into Raz's backside.

What had been a rather gentle romp was now turning into a rough and tumble mating session, with the ram completely in charge of it. Raz had stars in his eyes, moaning out and gasping in lust as the sheep took his ass hard. The firm thrusts and heavy slams were shaking his whole body, the firm rump on the Lucario stretching over that thick shaft, and the ram's heavy balls slapping against his own.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Raz gasped out, his cock still being stroked by the much larger ram, "Big..biiiig!"

The ram was really going to town on Raz now, and soon was leaning over him, pressing deeply on his body, before they both slid off of the bench and were on the ground. Raz quickly brought an arm down to support him, but found himself on his knees, the larger ram pounding him hard. His cock no longer needed stroking to start bouncing as well, and with that free hand, he now had both hands on the Lucario's shoulders.

The room was filling up with the scent of sex and lust, and Raz wound up being the first to unload. His firm cock started to fire, and another smack by Zeryx's balls to his thigh got him unloading. Ropes of hot creamy seed fired out of his hole, and his balls pulled up as he tightened his ass around Zeryx's shaft, trying to keep it in after another powerful thrust.

Zeryx was quick to unload soon after that. His black balls emptying their cargo deep into Raz's ass. Thick shots fired up his insides, painting the inner workings of Raz's rump white with his seed. A scent of vanilla filled the nostrils of both males and their orgasms continued. Raz and Zeryx blasted for a solid minute before their cocks had to stop, and both of them lay panting, still wrapped up in each other.

"Hoooph...." Raz gasped, reaching outward, feeling the huge ram collapsed on his back. The heavy breathing from both of them showing just how much they put into that quick little go at it. Zeryx was still smiling, and he reached under himself to still feel up Raz's junk, showing that he was still hard.

"Hehehe, seems like..." Zerxy huffed, "That little workout.. barely did a number on you."

He let his own cock flare in Raz's backside to show that he still had some more to him as well, and Raz did finally pull himself off of the sheep's shaft.

"Fuck...me..." Raz said, "I haven't had a cock that big in me in a while. Kinda want bigger. Can you do bigger?"

Zeryx huffed out. He shook his head, but Raz couldn't see that.

"This is usually about as big as a gigamaah can get, you're just really huge." The ram said, "Besides, I'm like, thirteen feet tall right now. That's bigger than a lot of guys. Except..."

Both of them had the same thought at the same time. The ram quickly got to his phone and placed a call.

It was another twenty minutes before the sheep's eagle friend arrived. Tris ducked into the lab to find Zeryx and Raz already waiting for him. He was only slightly surprised that they were both already naked and cuddling, but more of what surprised him was that Zeryx was the bigger of the two this time around.

"Don't normally see you this big, Zeryx." Tris said, the large golden eagle coming through the door, "What's the occasion?"

He noticed that the scent of vanilla was already strong in the room, and based on the condition that the two of them were in, it seemed like the party had started early.

"Well..." Raz said, rubbing along the back of his head, his face slightly blushed with his request.

Zeryx, however, was still feeling very forward and in the mood.

"Raz wants to take an even bigger cock, and you've got the biggest one I can think of." The sheep said.

"Sheep! Why!" Raz gasped out.

"Maah hah, you wanted to be the little spoon." Zeryx responded cheekily.

Tris looked over the both of them and laughed while shaking his head.

"Okay, that's fair." Tris said, "But, you know just how big my dick is, right? I mean, It's right here."

The eagle was quick to undress as well, his large body being exposed as he removed his clothing, and as soon as the brim of his tailor-made size concealing pants were down, his large, hyper arousal was free to emerge. Fifteen feet of eagle cock was throbbing in front of them, with the eagle's big feathery balls hanging down low. Likewise, a single handprint was pushing out from his sac as it shook, and there was a bit more of a dome to the bird's abs then normal. It seemed like the main reason he took so long to get here was that he had helped himself to a few snacks as well.

"Well..." Raz said, looking up at the muscular eagle and his equally large shaft, "But, well, I need to try and take bigger ones, right? And you know, go big or go home!"

"Not to mention." Zeryx said, "How long has it been since you've had a good fuck? There's like, next-to-no guys out there you can shove that in? So why not give it a go?"

"Are you sure about this Raz?" Tris said, his shaft still throbbing and oozing pre onto the cuddling pair, "My dick is literally bigger than you are right now."

"I gotta try!" Raz said.

"He's stretchy after all." The ram giggled, giving Raz's rump a quick fondle.

"Well, you won't hear me complain about getting to top a hot guy." Tris said, "Though if it feels like it's getting too much, just say so and I'll stop."

Raz pulled away from the larger sheep and looked up at the eagle's arousal. The thick head of that shaft was looking like an insurmountable challenge. He took a quick breath and reached both of his large arms up to it to pull it down closer to him. The smell of the eagle's musk filled his nose, making his own arousal twing and throb. He took a few deep breaths and then started to climb up, with Zeryx behind him to hoist him upward.

With the ram's support, Raz reached behind himself and felt his rump. His tail raised again and he spread his cheeks as far apart as he could. He then tried to sit down on the massive shaft of the bird, feeling the slick head start to push into his backside. His eyes widened, and he squirmed, trying to get the bulbous cockhead of the eagle in. Zeryx was still holding onto him, and Raz wrapped his legs around the veiny bird shaft, and with all of the might in his legs and thighs, pulled himself downward.

A slick wet pop filled the air of the lab as Tris's cockhead was eventually shoved into Raz's ass. The Lucario had to stop, feeling incredibly full already, just from the head bulging his insides. But still, he kept inching his way down, his tongue out and gasping, and he let his body adjust to the immense size of Tris's manhood.

"Fucking awesome..." He panted out, still sliding his way down, his midsection bulging as he tried to take more of it.

Tris was panting pretty hard himself. Raz was slowly working his cock into him, taking several feet of it already. He flexed his shaft upward, bouncing Raz a few times, before trying to relax himself and not have the Lucario hit the lab ceiling. He soon had Zeryx grasping at his shaft, trying to keep it down as well. He thrust slightly, just testing to see how much more Raz could stretch over it.

"I'm good, I'm good." Raz panted, "Keep going!"

The ram still held onto Raz, the cario's cock throbbing hard, and he was feeling his body adjust to having such a large rod of meat in it. Zeryx still tugged along Raz's cock as he slid down the bird's shaft, before he turned him around, so the Lucario's belly was bulging out more with the thick underside of the eagle's arousal. Raz exhaled, feeling some excess pressure lift, and further tried to work his way down, now that it was slightly more comfortable.

"Hooph, much better." Raz said, facing the ground instead of the eagle, and further working his way down the large cock.

He soon was at the point where Tris could reach him, and the large eagle gripped onto the 'cario on his cock. Now he could easily be slid over it.

"Ready?" Tris said.

Raz gave a thumbs up, already feeling that tight pressure in his stomach and chest.

"Okay, say when." Tris said, and began to slide Raz's stretched body further down his shaft.

Foot after foot of birdcock slid into Raz's rump, his cheeks spreading wide to take as much as he could. His belly started to bulge out, doming out his abs, and his fur rustled and stretched as he took as much as he could. He soon had the sheep kneeling in front of him, helping to further adjust and shift the Lucario to take that huge cock. But, Zeryx was also drooling slightly, seeing Raz's arousal in front of him as he slid down. He licked at his chops and opened wide, and began sucking on the Lucario's cock as he was being fucked.

Raz squirmed, being assaulted on those two ends, and he tried to hump forward, but only succeeded in shaking Tris's hyper arousal. He could feel it start to poke at and around his chest, and there were still several more feet to go to reach it all. He gasped out, his balls now being gripped and fondled by the ram, and the steady stretching of his body was making him shudder. He grit his teeth and tried to slide down further, feeling the bulge move up his chest and reach the back of his throat. If he went any further, he might wind up speared all the way through!

Raz tried, but that was all he could take. He shook his arms, trying to show that he had reached his limit, the thick head of the eagle's cock just barely out of his throat. The eagle stopped pulling, letting Raz get used to being stretched out so wide and so deep on his shaft.

"Well, you took more than anyone has in a while." Tris said, his cock throbbing while Zeryx still sucked down Raz's own shaft from that position.

The ram was going deep on it, his tongue slurping along every inch of Raz's arousal, and swallowing it deeply. His throat rippled around the head and trunk of the Lucario's manhood, and he gently tugged at Raz's nuts while he was in this prone position. He took a deep breath before pulling off, Raz's arousal aching for release after being teased by the ram's mouth for so long.

"You think he's got any stretch left to him?" Zeryx chuckled.

"Hey, come on!" Raz said, "I don't see you taking this!"

The ram grinned, before rubbing along the base of the eagle's cock. He patted at the furry balls, feeling them ripple under his hand, and then he climbed up atop Tris's shaft and began to straddle it. He leaned back, pressing his back against the eagle's chest, before humping his way forward, back to the stretched Lucario tailhole.

"That's because this is far more enticing." Zeryx said, reaching Raz's tail and hoisting it up again.

As stretched as he was, Raz's backside still had just enough give to it for the ram to slide his still-hard cock into his rump. He leaned forward and thrusted in, sliding his cock along the bird's own to fill in that last bit of stretched space. Raz's entire body suddenly went stiff as Zeryx began to fuck him again, rubbing his shaft and cockhead along his insides and teasing the eagle's arousal too.

The ram leaned in, wrapping his arms as best as he could over the stretched Lucario, and Tris soon flared his cock upward. The sudden movement had Raz slide deeper over his shaft, having it fill his throat out, and Zeryx hung on tightly to both of them while humping into him. It was as rough as riding a mechanical bull, but the ram kept thrusting in, filling his friend even more as he rubbed his legs along that massive cum cannon.

The quick thrusts were making Raz get closer and closer to his edge, and the throbbing veins of the eagle shaft bulging inside of him already were just pushing him closer. The gigamaah reached down and began to fondle the Lucario again, still stroking and teasing his cock and nuts, while humping him wildly along the hyper's shaft.

Raz didn't last another minute. His firm arousal began to blast, shooting more seed across the floor of the lab. He gulped hard, swallowing along the thick head of Tris's cock, and feeling the hot, slick pre of the eagle's dick flowing into his stomach. Next, the hot warmth of ram spunk began to spray along his insides as well, gushing wildly inside of him and also along the thick trunk of the eagle's dick. It was incredibly tight and hot, and Zeryx was holding tightly over him as they were both riding out their orgasms on their friend's cock, before it finally calmed down.

The Lucario and ram were both gasping, the eruption of cum from both of them knocking their breath away. Raz squirmed, his ass tightly squeezing over the hyper shaft that was in him, and was slowly trying to pull his way off of it. Zeryx slid off of Tris's shaft and gave him a hand, giving him a few pulls and tugs off of the manhood of their friend. It took a few minutes to fully pull Raz free, and a thick wet pop echoed again, as Raz's stretched tailhole was freed from the arousal that had filled it so completely. Several clear drops of pre dripped free from Tris's slit and splashed down at their feet.

"Hooph, okay, I really need to stretch before trying that again." Raz said, feeling how sore his tailhole was, but sore in a good way.

"Well, we can't let poor Tris here just not get off." Zeryx said, "He came all the way over here just to give a 'cario a good pounding."

Raz huffed for a bit, and looked over to the eagle, still rock hard, and not unloaded yet.

"I know just the thing to do." The Lucario said, "Sheep, you mind working his cockhead for a bit while I get ready?"

"What do you have in mind?" The ram asked.

"It's a secret surprise." Raz grinned.

The ram's tail flittered, wondering what Raz was thinking. He decided to go through with whatever sneakiness the 'cario was planning, and went up to the throbbing head of Tris's arousal. He rubbed along the thick head of it, teasing along the hood and slurped at the dripping hole. He began to lick along the inner walls of the eagle's arousal, teasing the slit edges, while getting a load of pre into his face and fleece as he did so.

From behind him, Raz was soon back to his feet. He came up behind the ram and quickly had his arms along the larger male. Zeryx maahed out, surprised at how quickly Raz had regained his stamina, but was more surprised by the very hard Lucario cock coming into his rump!

"Maah!" He shouted out, feeling the Lucario going quickly, thrusting hard into the ram's tailhole. His tail swished and flitted upward, and the sheep held tightly onto the bird cock to stabilize himself as Raz was taking control

"The best way to get a bird to cum." Raz said, leaning over Zeryx's shoulders to whisper into his ear, "Is to give him a nice, cream-filled, vanilla milkshake."

Raz thrust hard again, and Zeryx's face pressed right up against the throbbing cockhead of the eagle. The slit started to gape and yawn open, and another firm thrust was enough to push the large hoofer into the hole! Tris started to gasp out, feeling his cock yawn and suck on the ram being fucked into him. His slit clenched and pulled, pre gushing out and splattering over the other two males, and Raz humped harder into the tight ram rump. Each pull and each thrust was sucking Zeryx deeper into the tunnel, and soon his entire head was swallowed up, and soon his neck and shoulders as well.

Raz grunted and humped harder, before looking at the gaping slit before him. He stopped for a moment and then looked to the eagle. He was thrusting upward, humping his shaft while it was swallowing the large sheep. The Lucario then took a deep breath and shoved his own face into the hole as well, intending to fuck Zeryx the entire way down into their friend. Tris's shaft wobbled and further yawned, now working over Zeryx's shoulders and Raz's head, while the Lucario thrust harder and harder into the ram.

Tris's slit was soon clenched over them, and a firm suck and pull worked them both deeper. Zeryx's chest and arms were sliding into the hungry birdcock, while the rest of Raz's head and shoulders were pushing in as well. The slick and rippling cum tunnel was squeezing over them both, working them down the dark depths, and more hot slick pre splashed onto them, serving as lube for the hot fuck session down the eagle's arousal.

Once Raz was halfway down with Zeryx, the eagle's urethra began to bulge with their outline, working its way down to his base. Both Raz and the ram were kicking their legs, the throbbing shaft sucking over more of them, and the Lucario hammering home at the ram's booty. Lewd gulps and slurps were filling their ears as Tris's cock swallowed them down, the slick walls rubbing along them as they slid away. The eagle's shaft kept gulping and pulling, soon pointing upward as just a pair of legs and hooves were sticking out. A firm suck came from the arousal, and soon both had vanished beyond the cockslit.

Even at their sizes, they were completely engulfed in the fleshy walls of Tris's cock, with the ram outline pushing outward as it was humped down. Right as Zeryx's horns rubbed along the thick muscle ring at the base of the eagle's cock, he felt Raz unload again. A third eruption of cum came out of the Lucario's shaft, this time painting the insides of the ram's rump. He twitched and clenched, wanting to keep every drop inside his rump, just as he was being sucked through the ring, dropping into the cum-filled orbs of the bird. Raz kept humping, each thrust making Tris's cock shake as it swallowed them, and the outline and form of the two were dropping down into the cum factories of their friend.

Zeryx was squeezed and pulled through the tight ring, baahing out as the pressure was pulling him off of Raz's cock, and the last few ropes he was shooting landed along his legs and rump. His own cock had gone off inside the tunnel, painting the inner walls of Tris's cock with ram cum, which was now spread along his front and Raz's fur, with the last remainder dripping through the ring with him. He landed with a splash in the seed of the eagle, gasping for breath while rubbing along the fleshy walls around him. He had to wipe some of the seed out of his eyes, and saw that Raz was sliding through with him, the two filling out one of the eagle's nuts.

Raz landed a few moments after, landing next to the larger ram as they filled out the tight orb, both stretching it out with their bodies and outlines. The feathery balls shook with them in it, and cum began to ooze out, forming around them, and dripping onto the pair inside them.

"Raz!" Zeryx pouted, "I wasn't planning on going down a cock today!"

"And I wasn't planning on having a hot night with two hot guys when today started, but look where we are." The Lucario said.

Zeryx huffed, and blushed. Being stuck with Raz in one of Tris's nuts wasn't the worst way he could think to spend the night. He may have prefered rubbing a nice full belly, but that might be out of the question, but all in all, it wasn't all bad. And he could still get a nice belly to rub... if he worked fast.

The ram quickly moved over Raz, pushing him over and getting him deep in the cum pools. It took him a bit to adjust, but luckily the eagle had large balls, enough that he could get some leverage. He reached down into the cum pools to grab some eagle semen and rub it along his shaft before lifting up Raz's tail and pounding him once more!

"Zeryx, what!" Raz started out, before he suddenly got a mouth full of eagle cum, making him stutter and spit as he squirmed in the gigamaah's grasp.

"There's just enough time before we become birdseed for us to have a bit more fun." Zeryx said, "And I plan to enjoy every second of it!"

He started pounding hard, his cum-slickened cock diving deep into Raz's rump. The heavy musky air of the balls getting scented with vanilla as the gigamaah kept pounding at Raz's backside. Raz's whole body was shaking from the force of it, making the nut they were inside swinging about as Tris rubbed at the bulges they were making. The Lucario was moaning out, gargling cum as it flowed into his mouth and guzzling it when he could. He clenched tightly around the ram cock, his own arousal grinding against the walls of Tris's balls.

"Jeez, you two are really going at it in there." The eagle said, amazed that they were actually fucking in his balls, "But don't stop, that feels reallllly good."

The eagle was getting his wish, as Zeryx was pounding Raz faster and harder. The Lucario's head was being pushed under the cum, as the orb was filling up more and more around them. Each thrust was making more hot ropes splatter about, drip from the ceiling, and stick to their fur and bodies. Likewise, the temperature was rising fast and the ball they were in was starting to compress and squeeze around them. Before long, Raz was pinned against the slick wall, covered in spunk, as Zeryx leaned hard into him and unloaded.

Hot gooey ram spunk flooded into the Lucario's backside, as Raz felt his prostate slammed and coated once again. His own arousal gushed, adding Lucario cream to the increasing large amount of bird spunk that was surrounding them. He was already starting to feel faint inside the thin air of Tris's nuts, and each paint the two large furs took was making it thinner. However, Zeryx wasn't done. Not just yet.

"Fuck, I think I have a new kink, fucking in nuts." Raz thought to himself. He huffed a bit more and looked behind him, wondering how Zeryx was holding up inside the hot, musky chamber.

With Raz still speared on his shaft, the ram loomed over him and opened his maw wide. His saliva dripped onto Raz, who looked upward, just to see his maw slide over and engulf his entire head and shoulder!

"Zeryx!" Raz shouted, before he was muffled by ram maw. The sheep kept humping, letting the last of his orgasm out as he gulped and swallowed, sucking on Raz's cum-soaked body, and working him into his throat. He gulped, maaahed, and swallowed, each movement working to take Raz completely down. His jaw stretched, throat bulged, and the shape of Raz worked its way down deeper into him.

Zeryx gulped over the shoulders of the Lucario and soon had him pulled off of his cock. He further stretched out Tris's balls, the seed working them both over, and used the extra slick Lucario to shove him deeper into his throat. His chest stretched and he huffed, sucking in Raz's large arms and big chest into himself. He then sat back, giving himself more room above him in the tight ball and worked over the Lucario's belly and cock as well. Zeryx's own stomach began to dome out as the large Lucario was filling out his belly, and the legs of Raz dangled out of his muzzle. He gulped a few more times, sucking down the last bit of his friend, as Raz's feet slipped beyond his maw and he gulped. The Raz bulge worked the rest of its way down his throat, and his belly was nice and full with a cum-soaked 'cario.

"If bird gets a cream-filled vanilla milkshake." Zerxy said, patting his squirming belly as Raz wiggled about in his stomach, "Then he gets a FULL cream-filled vanilla milkshake."

Raz squirmed a bit in Zeryx's tight belly, bulging out the gut of the ram. "Hey, we should do this more often." He said, his voice muffled by the belly walls of the ram.

Zeryx chuckled some and felt more of Tris's cum wash and splash over him. He rubbed along his own belly and relaxed, waiting for the cum digestion to hit. All in all, while he hadn't planned on being turned into cum today, getting to spend a nice night with hot friends wasn't too bad a way to spend it.

"Hey bird, make sure you cum hard, but not all over the work!" He said, feeling the seed levels rising up around him before going under the surface. It took a few moments, but eventually the ram was completely drenched in seed. A few bubbles popped up from where he was, but neither the ram nor the Lucario would surface.

Tris, meanwhile, while he hadn't heard what Zeryx had asked of him, had adjusted himself to get his large cock into his own beak and was sucking on his massive manhood. He felt his balls shake wildly, before they began to go still. Both Raz and Zeryx had been completely melted into more spunk in his sac in short order.

He kept slurping, working over his meat, until he felt the seed inside of him bubbling up. The pressure was rising fast, and soon a huge bulge formed at the base of his shaft. Seconds later, a rapid torrent of cum flooded out of his cock. He opened wide, aiming the flow like a firehose into his mouth. He quickly coated his own face and head in seed, with much of it going down his throat. He gulped loudly, drinking his cum, and gasping out, lapping at the flow of spunk.

There was a distinct taste of vanilla to his seed, and Tris greedily guzzled down as much as he could. By the time his orgasm had finished, the wall behind him was dripping with seed, as was much of himself, and the floor had three distinct cum puddles on it, one from each of them.

"Whew, that was intense." Tris said, his still-dripping cock slowly softening, "Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you two."

The eagle wiped some of the cum off of his face, most of it made from his two friends, and gathered up his clothes to wash.

The Nomvember Chronicles

The new restaurant had opened without fanfare or warning. It had a tropical style as the decor out in front, and there was no line at all in front of it. "A Taste of Alola" "Huh, this place is new." Ryu the Lucario said as he stood in front...

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Icing on the Cake

Bill was humming to himself a small happy song. The squirrel was in very high spirits. His birthday was today and he invited all of his friends over for a party. He had even managed to get off of work, and was looking forward to an afternoon and night...

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Twin Trap

Anthony's bedroom was a flurry of activity. The ocelot had the most incredibly doofy but satisfied look upon his face. He was being plowed hard from behind by a cock as thick as his forearm. Every few seconds, the knot from the canine giving it to him...

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