A Hazbin Hotel Story; A Lovely Couple

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#1 of Hazbin

A Story of two Original Characters and their personal lives in the Hazbin Hotel Universe. This is the ongoing story of Beezel and Baph.

By: Andreas DarkSerpent

Another noisy night in the darkest reaches of Hell, the screams of sinners being beaten and abused by one another. Such a wonderful place to settle down and raise kids... if your kids were gonna turn out to be murderers. However, tis home sweet home for the darkest creatures ever grace god's creation. This is the story of one of the worst or so it is said.

At the farthest outstretches of Hells rundown districts, a long limo pulled up to a run down little bar. The grill of the limo a curved smile of sharpened teeth, its brakes creaked to a stop as the door swung open allowing a swarm of flies and roaches to rapidly dart from the interior of the car rapidly running across the car's exterior as two long purple spear like appendages stretched from the door way. Clacking softly, those purple legs supporting an enigmatic figure, guided out the demon hiding inside. Supported by four light green walker legs, the long purple spear like tips digging into the asphalt. His upper body covered in a fluorescent purple suit, the gold buttons tightly keeping the suit to his form. The red undershirt clearly visible at the suits large v neck opening, his bow tie a bright green emerald seemingly looking around as the gray fabric surrounded it. A faint bit of the red shirt hanging down like a loin cloth between his insect legs, the large shoulder spikes curving up to sharp small points. His slender face outline by greased back blue hair, a crooked curved smile resting below his five large eyes, each one shinning bright orange as he let out a gentle sigh.

A few flies clung to his breath as they escaped his lips, smiling wider he looked up at the building bringing his fedora up to his head, a large purple feather resting in its outer lining. His slender fingers dragging his long purple claws across his hat, the fabric hissing at the sensation. Hanging down his suit two long translucent insect wings chirped slightly, hanging visible between all his legs like the tails of fine old fashioned suit, the light shinning through them changing from green to blue. With a soft click he began to walk towards the door each of his long arachnid legs tapped as they carried him. Before he even reached the door four large demons stepped up before him, their twisted bodies looking down at him with a chuckle, he was obviously shorter than the hired thugs.

"Sorry bug boy bar's closed, why don't you and all your little bug buddies crawl back down the shit hole you came out of." One of the brutes reached forward pushing the arachnids shoulder. Before the thug's hand left his shoulder the bug's hand shot up grabbing the thug's wrist suddenly making the demon flinch. Staring down he could see the a massive centipede crawling out of the arachnid's sleeve, latching onto the demon's face causing the brute to fall back in panic, screaming as the insect burrowed into his flesh.

Raising his hand the bug snapped loudly, a ripping sound radiating through the air as two massive black holes appeared over each of his shoulders. Within the darkness of these holes massive green eyes stared out at the other three, with a gulp three massive pincers erupted from the holes grabbing the other three pulling them into the dark. The sounds and chirps of insects echoing out as the rips in space sealed back shut.

"I think the bar is open now, I'll be heading inside" the man hissed. His voice sounding like a rattling bug as he rolled his R's. Reaching up he pushed the door open easily stepping into the dimly lit empty bar. Bottle of booze laying about the room, the thick stench of alcohol hugging the air so tightly it could choke a rat. Hearing the party going on in the back he adjusted his hat then cracked his neck from side to side, making his way through to the far door the head demons looked up at the spider. The old grizzled toad looking up with a snarl, his closest men going quiet as they turned looking at him. On the table between them a large collection of guns, booze, money, and assorted drugs.

"Who da 'ell is dis?" the toad croaked at the other around him.

"Beezel if you wish to know, I had been hearing of a stupid toad who was trying to introduce himself into my territory," His smile grew as his legs carried him forward. The guard closest to Beezel pulled a gun only for one of Beezel's legs to raise, swiping like a blade he separated the thug's arm from his body.

"I didn't expect him to be so small however," He chuckled taking a stance at the far end of the table, sitting across from the toad who scowl grew a bit, a faint smile running across his lips as he let out a deep throaty laugh.

"Look at dis guy eh! What a fucking loon! You can't be no fucking arch-demon! Your must be new so I'll give you one chance. To make all this right you get on your hands and all four of your knees and kiss my balls and maybe just maybe I'll let you live eh?" the toad laughed. The smile faded from Beezel's face, the side of his mouth twisting into spirals with a fierce glare. Opening his mouthful of sharp teeth he began to chuckle softly, flies and beetles fluttering out from his lips. His laugh grew harder making everyone draw their guns.

The only thing distracting them was the sudden sounds of millions of tiny legs scuttling in the shadows. His laughter turned deep and chirping as a single fluttering cockroach landed on the toad's hand, raising it he squashed the insect suddenly. At the sound of the cracking exoskeleton the scuttling stopped.

"Kill him..." Beezel's voice hissed. Suddenly from the darkness around them a blackout flurry of insects. Guns shots rang out as the toad and all of his lackeys were soon covered. The intense sounds of crunching and screams echoing from the black writhing masses.

"I'll give you one chance to make this right, get on your knees and beg for your soul before I allow them to consume it," Beezel's wings opened. With a loud buzz they rapidly began to vibrate becoming nothing but blurs. Lifting off his legs he landed on the table over the Toad who was still writhing as he desperately tried to wipe them off, the insects spread out just enough to show his face. The other piles of insects on the floor rapidly rushing over to join in leaving behind the bones and clothes they had picked clean.

"Well? I'm listening," Beezel brought a hand up to his pointed ears. A sound suddenly interrupted his intimidating glare down at the old toad. The door behind burst open and in stepped in a dark purple goat demon, his bright yellow eyes shinning as as his white and pink horns coiled over his floppy ears. His slender twink form free of a shirt showing his curly poof of chest fur. His jean shorts hugging his slender hips, obviously a size too small as the fly and zipper was open, a bright pink g-string clearly visible as it ran up to the top of his hips, the thick curly fur of his hips hiding just exactly where the g-string wraps around. His long extra fuzzy legs ending in two large cloven hooves, his knees and elbows having similar curly poofs of fur.

Each of his finger nails were painted bright neon pink, a gold collar resting around his neck with the remnants of a gold chain hanging from the collar. Two gold cuffs sitting on each wrists with similar chains, another cuff swaying at the end of his long tail which was tufted at the end with a collection of pink and purple hair. His tail cuff having a similar gold heart charm resembling the one hanging from his belly button piercing and an adorable heart tattoo on his left pec. A red pentagram was under his left eye two large neon pink demon wings folded on his back. Looking like a flamboyant mess he giggles holding up a large number of bags.

"DADDY! Look what I found, the sluts in the alley were just giving it away!" the goat snickered sticking his tongue out cutely. The toad raised an eyebrow seeing him and looked up at Beezel.

"Baphy? Didn't I say stay in the limo?" he said, his eye twitched softly.

"But... but its get lonely in the limo! And I got lots of cocaine!" He dumped out a bag showing large bricks of white powder.

"Baphy you don't do cocaine you prefer weed..." Beezel remained calm, bringing a hand up rubbing his temples softly.

"Oh...I...I'm sorry daddy..." He looked down blushing dropping all the bags and bashfully swirling his hoof on the floor with a girlish snicker.

Beezel sighed and turned his attention back to the toad, staring down at him he tried to speak only to stop having lost his place in his monologue.

"N...Now...Um...I'm sorry where was I? I killed your boys, had you tied down...and...dam I can't for the life of me remember what was next, I'm so sorry this never happens I'm usually so direct," He sat up gesturing with his hands as he spoke. Rubbing his head softly he lowered himself down to take a seat. Baph rushed over showing just how massive he was. Towering over both figures he put his hands on. Making a seat for Beezel which he gratefully took.

"Baphy where was I?" The spider looked at the bigger male.

"Um...you were probably gonna kill him," He whispered back down.

"Ah oh yes yes yes thank you my love," He pushed himself back up onto his legs. The goat smiled and brought his hands up to his own face, mashing his cheeks together he blushed brightly uncontrollably giggling.

"But sadly the moment is gone, so I guess I should just spare you and leave...nah!" He snapped his fingers and the toad jerked as he was suddenly overwhelmed by the insects. Just a writhing pile of skittering bugs on the floor. Rubbing his forehead all of his eyes turned looking at his lover. The goat giggled and turned away pushing his rump out making his long tail swish.

"You're lucky you are adorable," He growled, walking out while Baph hung on Beezel's hand tightly. Pulling a cigar from his pocket Beezel grumbled biting off the end before spitting it out, stopping in the bar he looked at the goat.

He smiled reaching into his chest fluff he held up a small match. Striking it across his horns he brought it to his owner's cigar. With a soft puff Beezel inhaled deeply till a long plume of smoke escaped his nose.

"Good boi." He slid his hand down onto Baph's posterior causing him to let out a sudden squeak and dropped the match. As the match made contact with the alcohol soaked floor the fire rapidly spread across the carpet. The duo exited the building as smoke began to pour from the door. Grabbing the limo door Beezel motioned for his mate to enter. With a soft snicker Baph bent forward and slid inside wiggling his butt for Beezel's enjoyment. Sliding his legs inside, Beezel followed the free show in front of him. The Limo door slammed shut just as the flames grew massive over the former bar consuming everything inside as the limo sped off down the road.

Baph giggled sliding over snuggling up to his man as Beezel growled and puffed softly on his cigar leaning back. Blowing the smoke out it slowly began to fill the limo. "Mmmm daddy can I get some new toys... I've been a good boi." Baph ran his hand along Beezel's chest.

"Did you stay in the car?" Beezel hissed between his teeth. Baph whined and hid his face in the spiders chest. Whimpering and whining wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"But...but...but Daddy I'm the best boi! I do everything that daddy wants! I deserve it!" Baph kicked one of his hooves out, kicking the far door off its hinges sending it flying into a crowd of people. Mashing one poor soul up against a wall as the limo came to a stop at a red light.

"And now you've broken the car...again," Beezel flicked his cigar butt out into the street, catching another bystanders shirt ablaze.

The car began to pull away, Baph pouting into Beezel's chest putting on the full fake sniffling and crying making Beezel sigh.

"How many do you want?" He chirped out gently.

"YAY! I want three! My last ones broke too easily...I want something sturdier." He stuck his tongue out cutely. Raising his eyebrows Beezel pet his lovers messy little tuft of hair. With a smile Baph giggled and sat up leaning back. Sticking his head back out through the missing door enjoying the wind running through his hair he held onto his chirping lover. As the limo came to its second stop he noticed a small crowd of lesser demons all fairly weak and new to hell. Leaning back completely Beezel grabbed onto his collar. Allowing Baph to raise his hands out to them in an upside down heart, winking he blew them a kiss.

As the imaginary kiss passed through his hands three little butterflies of wispy pink smoke fluttered over to them, landing onto three of the lesser demons, their bodies turning a bright pink. Their eyes turning to hearts as they limo began to pull away the three immediately began to chase after the limo possessed by lust of Baphomet they aimlessly follow their desire. The limo moved slower to keep them at attention, moving deeper into the cities skyscrapers. The great clock tower counting just ahead showing onto 365 days left till the next purge. The limo stopped just a few blocks away, pulling in front of a large building towering overhead with large hexagonal windows. Large spikes jutting up from the building clearly having torn themselves out from the inside. A smaller spike breaks off to the left spewing out smoke as well as large globs of golden liquid dripping down from the broken spike, dripping onto the next building over. Massive spiderwebs connected the spikes to the building, a large billboard at the top having five large eyes and written in bright green script Club Bug.

Next door a smaller brick building with thumping music, four massive black spikes around the single main entrance. A line of people wanting to get that wrapped around the block, Club Bug written in neon lights along the side with a large beetle bouncer controlling who is allowed to enter at any time.

"Your toys will be along shortly," Beezel grumbled as he slipped out of the limo. Adjusting his bow tie, he headed towards the door, Baph smiling and slipping out of the car as well following close behind, the three beasts he entranced running up the street clambering over each other to get to him first. The automatic doors slid open allowing the duo inside, stepping into the building's interior. The high class interior finely lit by a massive chandler hung high over a grand staircase. The walls lined with honeycomb designs. Other insect and arachnid style demons zipping about going from office to office filling the casual elevator music with the swift buzz of wings.

"Lord Beezel! You've returned good good good!" A voice rang out from nearby a small beetle walking out from behind a counter. Stepping over walking a bit faster than usual he smiled up at his master. "We've been waiting for your arrival sir you-" He was stopped by Beezel raising his hand.

"It's late I'm not interested in anything you have scheduled the only thing I want to do is get a drink and sleep," Beezel dismissed him walking towards the elevator just past the staircase.

The beetle followed behind still trying to speak with him, only to be dismissed again and again. Baph had come to a stop as the three enchanted beasts made their way up to him kneeling down kissing his hooves he softly smiled. "Aw you bois are too cute!, now how about you go off to this room and I'll be there later tonight," He grabbed a scratch piece of paper from the desk. Jotting down a few numbers and handing it to them. The three fought over the paper just to get a look then ran off into the buildings depths to find this room.

Baph snickered and skipped over with clacking hooves rejoining his mate as he was getting fed up with the beetle.

"But sir there's..." He stammered.

"No buts! If you keep annoying me I'll give you to Baph as a play thing!" He growled. Hiding behind his clipboard the beetle gulped. The loud ding of the elevator was interrupted by the soft clear voice of the person inside. Looking over all five of Beezel's eyes narrowed seeing him. The fine white suit nearly matching his perfect alabaster skin, his toothy curved smile visible from under his large white hat. The small serpent coiled around the hats top almost hiding the apple emblem.

"That's who I wanted to tell you was here," The beetle shrunk down into his shell.

"Ah..I see, Master Lucifer it is an honor for you to grace my little hive," Beezel sat up. Turning to see the monster before him standing patiently looking up at him.

"I've been waiting for twenty minutes Beezel, I was getting worried you might have gotten lost on your way home," Lucifer's words steamed between his teeth.

"Of course not your majesty, simply allowing my pet to enjoy himself a little." Beezel straightened up his stature. Baph let out a little squeak hiding his face behind his master, nearly kneeling down to keep hidden.

"I don't give a fuck about your excuses." His voice became dark for a brief moment.

"Of course." Beezel remained calm. Even in the face of such a monstrous creature of the fallen angel he held his composer and stepped into the elevator.

"Baph go to your playroom, daddy will be with you shortly." He spoke sternly. Baph nodded as one of the spiders long legs lifted pressing the highest button on the elevators panel. The doors began to slide shut letting the goat force out a little whimper wanting to stay with his owner and keep him safe.

"He's gotten smaller since I last saw him, and your power has not waned yet either, you're such a cute couple." Lucifer's outward appearance change turning back into the soft smiling father figure he held to those close to him.

"Yes your majesty," Beezel kept his words short and polite. He had dealt with the king of hell for a very long time. Beezel had been in Hell since his fall and was quick to make allies of him and his wife. "I've heard your daughter is doing well herself, I saw her television appearance earlier this evening." Beezel wrapped his hands together behind his back.

"And what did you think?" The door dinged loudly opening to the pent house.

"I think she has grown into a beautiful young woman but her...ideals may be outside of her reach." They stepped out making their way across the stone floor the spider web design in the marble leading them to a small sitting area. Lucifer plopped down on one of the large velvet green couches.

"What do you mean?" Lucifer removed his hat setting it aside as he fixed his golden locks.

"No offense intended your majesty, but a sinner or even a demon redeeming themselves is unheard of, yet it is an interesting idea." He made his way to the crystal under the lit bar. Pouring himself a glass of honey mead. Holding the long stem between his claws walking back to Lucifer.

"Drink?" Beezel offered.

"No no...I want to talk about her little hotel." He waved his hand to dismiss the offer.

"What about it?" Beezel brought the glass to his lips sipping the strong sweet alcohol between his lips.

"I'm...worried for her, I think she's going to get herself into trouble that she is unable to get out of," He admitted leaning back taking on a relaxed posture he let his head lean back against the fabric. Beezel sipped his drink again listening. This was what he did best, Lucifer trusted him enough to be able to speak freely to him as a fellow demonic being.

"What does your wife think?" Beezel slide onto the opposite couch his back legs lifted resting on the long couch, leaning on his free arm he swirled the wine in the glass.

"She thinks she needs the chance to grow! She's already taller than me! She can't grow much bigger, If some demon ever tried to harm her I would..." He let a growl escape his lips, a dark aura forming around him as he gritted his teeth.

"You're making assumptions your majesty, I'm sure young Charlie is capable of taking care of herself...and that little friend of hers will be there as well." Beezel confidently smiled. The darkness around Lucifer lighten up sinking back into him. Beezel's ears twitched softly hearing a soft buzz come from the opposite couch. Two of his eyes focusing down on the fallen angel's pocket, seeing the light from the electronic screen shinning through the fabric.

"What do I say to her? How do I even approach her? Fighting demons and angels is nothing compared to talking to your child..." He grumbled raising his head ignoring his pocket for the time being.

"I would start with simply saying hello and see where things go from there." Beezel pointed out so matter of fact.

"I'm so happy you can laugh at this, I'm honestly looking for help but you can't even give me that." He sighed.

"I haven't laughed at all your majesty, you simply are overreacting, all parents suffer this empty nest syndrome when their children leave home, you can't protect her from everything and if she fails...simply be there for her. If she succeeds praise her accomplishments, It's all parents can do just make it up as you go along." Beezel's words hung heavy in the air. While those words came from a sense of wisdom, Lucifer found he was not a fan of being spoken to like a client in a therapist's office. Yet... he couldn't argue that they did make him feel somewhat better. The thoughts ran round in his mind as Beezel finished his glass. Setting it down softly he slid his hat off, setting it aside he ran his claws through his blue locks.

"Thank you," He spoke softly, Beezel's eyebrow raised slightly hearing those words. Lucifer had never spoken to him in such a manner, if Beezel had been a worse creature he would take it as a sign of weakness from his superior.

"Of course your majesty," He hissed. Lucifer stood putting his hat back on as he headed towards the door, opening it as he pulled out his phone, soon disappearing behind the doors to the mutters of speaking to his wife.

A sigh of relief washed over the spider, leaning forward he dropped his back down. A deep sigh of relief escaping his lips as a tiny bead of sweat ran down his forehead. Wiping it away he watched it drip of his claw to the floor.

"Damn you...how many years have passed and you still can't compare to him..." He chuckled to himself staring at his reflecting in the floor.

Sitting up he collected himself, knowing that Baph would be worried he headed to his desk sitting at the far end of the room. Taking a seat on his personal throne he leaned back, closing his eyes and letting his mind wander. One of his most interesting powers was to see through the eyes of some of his bugs, able to spy on anyone he wished through their eyes. Clicking through the various horrible scenes his insects were watching he focused in on one in particular. In the lower levels of the building in large pink room bits n pieces of sinners and demons scattered about among the clearly heart décor. But a much larger version of Baph sat cross legged taking up most of the room, his teeth much larger and sharpened as his fur had become bleach white. Giggling he picks up his new "toys" lifting up their little bodies.

"Mmm your such a cutie!" He snickered in his massive size, his muscle increased in size and much more defined. "Now lets see what to do with you," With little effort he grabbed its cloths and with a pull he tore them away, rapidly putting him into a tight little red dress with a bright blonde wig. "Aw you get to be the mommy and..." He grabs the next repeating the process putting them in a tight black suit much to small for him. "You get to be the daddy," He finished and snickered. "Aww you're so cute!!! Now that makes you the baby!" He grabbed the third, the muscular beast gulped a little unable to control what happened. Just suddenly getting stuffed into a frilly pink tutu and diaper being sat down back between the original two. With a growl the demon snapped free of his lust and bies onto the giant goat's fingers.

"OWWW!" Baph whimpered pulling his hand away, tiny tears appearing in the corner of his eyes before suddenly his eyes turned bright red shining their gaze down at the three demons. With a loud gulp the three grabbed onto each other before Baph brought his hand down hard onto them crushing them easily into smudges with a soft growl. His eyes turning back to normal soon after he's done it.

"Aww!!! My toys!" He whined kicking his feet out. Throwing tantrum he kicked through the walls, a few of the sinners in the halls luckily getting missed barely.

"Aw poor thing," Beezel's voice echoed out to his mate. Baph's ears flapped a bit hearing him, his sad frown turning to a smile. Leaning down he brought his massive nose down to the tiny insect watching him.

"Daddy! Are you ok! Do I need to beat up Mr. Flashy suit? I will! And I broke my toys!" He whimpered.

"Yes Baphy you are free to come upstairs now but this time please use the elevator, I don't wish to repair all the floors again." He smirked and pulled himself back to his original body. With a sigh he rubbed his temple gently, waiting quietly as he turned his chair. Taking a look out the window at the skyline before himself, the view stretching out before him against the blood red sky. Each of his eyes closed as he took in the scenery, the thumping music from his club next door ringing up even to this height. Leaning forward a bit the faint sight of the line of beasts waiting to get in next door could be seen.

"Mmm watching two sluts wrestle in honey does sound inviting," His tongue lapped out across his lips. Perhaps he could get Baph to bathe in some for him. While Hell was by far a place of pure indulgence, those who knew the taste of power found it was more work than anything. The stronger one became the more one must protect what's his, Beezel had known this for quite some time. Leaning his head back he let his eyes drag across the maroon sky, a few drops of blood red rain tapping against the window.

He had joined Lucifer in his rebellion against the almighty, a brother in arms only to be struck down upon his fall. While Lucifer maintained his appearance, he had become this. Raising his hand he stared at his long claw like fingers, scrapping them across each other making a few small sparks shoot off. His contemplation was suddenly pulled away from himself by the loud ping of elevator, looking back his property sauntered out. The large beastly god popped his hips as he strutted over, his hooves clicking loudly like the finest of high heels. His bright yellow eyes shinning through the dimly lit room. Turning his chair Beezel smiled watching him, one of the goats knees raised onto his desk and the other quickly followed. Kneeling on the raised surface he kneeled down onto all fours, leaning in to his master. Pushing his face in against his kissing him gently. Bringing his hand up Baph softly stroked his lovers cheek, Beezel hissed into the kiss sliding his claws up hooking the few gold chain links hanging from his collar.

Growling their kiss deepened, opening his maw the goats tongue ran over the others sharp teeth. Rolling his tongue deeply wrapping his own tongue with the spider's. Pulling back Beezel's wings rattled softly against one another.

"Mmm now no more meetings, no more gangsters, no more car rides...it's just you and me." Beezel chirped gently, sliding his hands out scratching under Baph's chin softly. His long claws easily sliding through his fur against his neck.

"Mmmhm and does daddy want to play with his pet?" Baph moaned gently into his lover's grip, feeling those fingers wrap around his neck softly, Beezel gripping his thick skin gently.

"More than you can imagine, mmm more than your sweet little black heart can take." His grip tightened softly. Shivering Baph leaned his head back taking a sharp breath exposing himself to his master. How easily he could slice his throat, snap his neck, do any number of horrible things. For a demon to submit so easily to another was nearly unheard of.

"Master....please," He whimpered gently.

"Please what?" His lord hissed louder.

"Please take me...I need it, put me in my place," He whimpered so desperate for affection, his eyes moving down staring at his lord. With a smile the arachnid loosened his grip, letting his claws slide off his neck.

"Turn around boi," He commanded, wasting no time he twisted on the desk. Spinning around pushing his rump back. Growling softly running his claws along the fabric of his jean shorts he hooked them, dragging them down letting his round heart shaped rump become exposed. The tight pink g-string running between his cheeks. The deep purple fur along each cheek making it look so wide and inviting. Reaching up he grasped both cheek suddenly. Giving each one a sudden slap leaving a few small scratches. Baph let out a loud sudden bleat gripping the desk beneath him.

Shaking his hips a smile ran across his face, pushing his rump back further Beezel pressed his face in, dragging his tongue along each cheek slowly, the thick fluffy fur around his waist making for nice handles. Gripping tightly to his fluff he let his sharp teeth drag along the goats rear. Baph's long tufted tail swayed overhead. Such soft yielding flesh to tantalizingly perfect, so many thoughts in his mind were silenced by having his mate in such an intimate spot.

"Mmmm let's go somewhere more comfy daddy," He looked back with a wink. Nodding Beezel slid his chair back. Baph slid off his desk and stood up. Kicking his shorts off then pushed his g-string down and off, kicking it off to the corner. Giggling he posed a little for his master, flexing and showing off his body he let out a cooing moan, his short demon wings flexing out showing off as much as possible. As he flexed all of his muscle the clinks of something in front of him rang out. Turning around he bit his lip showing he was a caged male, a bright silver chastity cage tightly secured to his member. A little lock across the top with a small heart gemstone set into it.

"Mmm the best way to ensure a monster stays cute for his owner," Beezel smiled undoing the buttons of his purple suit. A heavy blush ran across the goats face, shuddering Baph whimpered watching his coat fall way across his wings. Beezel's lithe upper body covered by the red pinstripe dress shirt. After undoing more of these shiny buttons he peeled his coat off, showing the sharp angles of his lithe muscles. Scars of every kind running along his body. All the signs of battles hard fought and won from eons of people wanting to claim his territory. Sliding up, Baph ran his large hands across his lover, dragging his short claws along his pale emerald skin he cooed gently. Whispering to his lover softly, the large connection to his legs hidden by large insect plates. Protecting them from being attacked or broken, a large plate covering his groin with a fine line running up showing its separation.

"Mmm daddy...mmm show me how pent up you are." Baph whispered gently. Running his fingers along the fine line it cracked gently and spread opening up his heavy soft member falling into his lovers hand.

"Daddy is so heavy today." He stroked his lover's shaft softly, feeling the large defined bulge near its tip. Growling gently Beezel hissed into mate's ear.

"He's been pent up a lot." he growled as each of his legs shook, the feeling of his mate stroking him alone was an intense pleasure for him. Releasing him and kneeling down Baph slipped his arms around him. Lifting the male up gently he carried him to their bedroom, prepared for an enjoyable evening. The heavy doors of his bedroom slowly shut behind him, clacking loudly as they sealed.

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