Quetza's Quest: Chapters 10-12 and Epilogue

Story by QuetzaDrake on SoFurry

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#5 of Quetza's Quest

Quetza's Quest

Written by QuetzaDrake(of course)

WARNING!: The following story will, at points, contain some violent content, some sort of slapstick comedy and hilarity, a few curse words, and sexual content. This particular section of the story contains sex, unbirthing, transformation, macro-growth, belly expansion, birthing, cock growth, a bit of sub/dom, and spooge inflation.

So, basically, if you find this story, and you're seriously not a fan of mine or someone like me, you're gonna probably want to stay clear. Just sayin'. I don't want any bible-humpers on my case. You got your own Bible-fetish sites, and I suggest you stick to them. Kay, that's it.

Chapter 10: Enter the Totally Hot Dragon God

Quetza suddenly entered that stage of sleep in the morning where you're waking up but you don't want to so you pretend to sleep in hopes of returning to Cancun to be with the hot womenz you were totally about to score with. However, as expected, this plan failed, and Quetza drowsily sat up, looking at where he was through bleary eyes. He appeared to be in a small wooden cottage. A fire was blazing in the fireplace (go figure), and a pleasant smell was drifting through the air. Quetza shifted his head about, examining further his location, until his eyes settled on a figure sitting at a table, dressed in a large parka and sipping a cup of tea.

Quetza blinked, confused and dazed, not particularly remembering much of the past two days or so. He rose up, scratching his butt. "You got any eats in this place, person I don't know?" asked the dragon. The figure jumped slightly at the sudden noise, turning its head toward the source it knew as our hero. Quetza's eyes widened as he looked upon the face of the figure.

The figure was a very attractive dragoness. Quetza could only see her face, her bodily features hidden underneath that damn coat, but her face was enough. She was the most beautiful dragoness he had ever set eyes on, and he had set eyes on that one really attractive dragoness. You know the one, you pervert. Her deep cerulean blue scales shimmered with the flickering of the fireplace, and her stunning silver locks cascaded down from the hood over her skull. Modest horns poked out from her forehead, not exactly noticeable, but enough to keep the hood from draping over her eyes.

Quetza's mouth hit the floor like in a cartoon, his tounge rolling out. He immediately withdrew this action, since the floor tasted like crap and it probably wasn't all that sanitary to begin with. He stood there, staring at this stunning piece of work, this.. Aphrodite of dragons, mouth agape and eyes wide. The dragoness quickly stood from her chair, gasping.

"You're awake! Oh my, I was beginning to wonder if I was too late!" the dragoness explained while advancing on the shocked dragon, "My name is Sheila. I found you near where those two female vagabonds had taken to squatting upon!"

Quetza snapped out of his coma and scratched the back of his head, his scales a bright red. "Oh, well, uh... thanks..." Sheila smiled, which sent gooses up Quetza's spine. He batted them away, sweating in embarassment and nervousness.

"No, it was the least I could do, since you drove those awful ruffians away! I don't know how you did it; I had come to investiage all that noise and only found you and some deep craters in the snow. Still, they had been keeping people away from the Dragon Shrine for so long that I feared Bahamut would become angry that none were giving him praise--"

"Wait, Dragon Shrine??" Quetza enquired.

"That's right. I'm the Dragon Shrine's caretaker. Right now we're in my home next to the shrine."

Quetza gasped, then went into a coughing fit as one of the geese had become lodged in his throat. He hacked it up, the goose landing in the fire and quickly becoming dinner. Quetza recovered, then responded, "I need to go to the Dragon Shrine right now!"

Sheila cocked her head slightly. "Right now? But you should recover.. you were in that cold for an awful long time--"

"No, I need to go now! For, you see, I am on a quest, and this is my final task! I need to go there and pray to Bahamut so that I may be given wings!" Quetza interrupted once more. Sheila cocked her head further, confused. She eventually shrugged and nodded.

"I'll take you there, then. Come." Sheila opened the front door and led the dragon outside. They were considerably farther up the mountain than Quetza had been when he had encountered the kangaroo monster. He looked down at the landscape below, miles upon miles off toward the horizon. He then looked up and saw the stairs leading toward a large stone building. Quetza squealed with glee and began rushing up the stairs, with Sheila struggling to keep up.

As the two neared the top of the stairs, Quetza couldn't help but giggle in pure delight. Finally, his life's dream of flying was about to come true! He could finally scratch it out on his list of things to do before he died, between eating a 24-foot long submarine sandwich by himself and destroying Luxembourg. Don't ask why he wants to destroy Luxembourg (they're fully aware of what they did).

Quetza finally climbed the final step and bounded onto the snow-covered path. Before him lay a simple building built from wood. The open door revealed the single room within, holding only a large stone alter with something on it.

Sheila reached the summit of the stairs to find Quetza prancing about in the snow like a small child. She blinked in confusion; she had never met anyone so odd. She called to Quetza, "Come on, that's it up ahead."

Quetza halted and ran over to Sheila. He took her by the wrist and began to drag her toward the shrine. Unfortunately, Quetza's foot found a patch of ice, which led to a rather amusing series of events that eventually led to Quetza's snout falling into Sheila's boobs. I won't describe it, since it's pretty clear how such a thing would happen. You watch animes, right? Yeah.

Anywho! They eventually pulled themselves together in that awkward fashion and eventually made their way to the Dragon Shrine. Once inside, Sheila demonstrated a little fire-breathing by lighting the various torches found within. Quetza looked around at the simple room. There wasn't much to it; wood floor, wood walls, a few torches (sounds like trouble, huh? wood building, fire... yeah), and a stone altar near the back wall. Upon the altar sat a small stone statue that sort of resembled a cross between a dragon and Jimmy Fallon.

Quetza reached for the statue; however, his hand was quickly swatted away. Sheila furrowed her brow at Quetza. "Don't touch!" Quetza looked at Sheila, then the statue, then Sheila, then the statue, then Sheila, then the statue, then his tail for a while, then the Sheila again. "How come?" he replied.

"Because that statue is used to channel forth the spirit of Bahamut! Only the Dragon Shrine Caretaker is allowed to do that," Sheila answered. Quetza nodded for a while, staring at the statue. "Yeah, I could go for a sammich about now. So when do I get to touch the statue?"

Sheila rolled her eyes and placed Quetza away from the statue. "Alright, what's going to happen is that I'm going to channel the spirit of Bahamut into my body. He will then speak to you through me."

Quetza tilted his head. "So he's gonna be in your body, huh? Hmm.." Quetza contemplated for a moment what he would do if he ever possessed the body of a female dragoness. Blushing and pitching of tents ensued. Sheila ignored it as best as she could while taking off her parka. She picked up the statue and faced Quetza, holding the statue under her bosom, and closed her eyes. Quetza stared, slightly confused but mostly distracted by a snowbutterfly wafting its way around inside until flying too close to a torch and melting, leaving a gently-falling pair of wings to fall into the fire.

Quetza's attention was immediately grabbed again once a black glow enveloped Sheila. He watched in awe as the glow became a burning aura. The statue suddenly melted into the cerulean dragoness, her eyes opening wide and pupilless. Quetza's mouth quickly took the shape of a lowercase 'oh my' as Sheila suddenly began a metamorphosis.

Sheila's horns quickly lengthened and curled, extending down to her jawline. Her jaw became more pronounced and fangs jutted out from under her lips. Sheila's scales darkened to a dark blue, to a purple, and finally to a midnight black. She actually gained mass as well, growing a few inches all around. Spikes jutted from her in various spots, her tail lengthed, muscles became more pronounced, etc. Eventually, the aura died down, leaving an even more stunning example of dragoness booty than before.

Quetza's mouth was so open that squirrels had taken residence inside. He spit them out as the improved dragoness awoke.

"Uh...Sheila? Are you okay?" Quetza gingerly asked the ebony dragoness. She grinned, fangs protruding.

"Young dragon, Sheila is not here at the moment. You now speak to the one and only Bahamut," replied the dragoness, her voice deeper than before. Quetza gasped, scrambling about and finally getting in a worship position. He slammed his face into the floorboards, lifting it only to slam it back down. Bahamut chuckled.

"You're an odd one. Well, enough idling: tell the all-powerful Bahamut what you have to say!" the god-dragon bellowed. The mortal-dragon eep'd and stood up straight, saluting.

"Sir, requesting permission for wings, sir!" he announced, nervous and horny at the same time. The god-dragon chuckled once again.

"First of all, dear boy, I'll have you know that I'm no 'sir'," proclaimed Bahamut, "It's a common misconception, but I'm actually female in design."

Quetza's mandible fell off and rolled away. Quetza made a surprised noise and chased it about, only managing to kick it around when trying to pick it up. Bahamut giggled as Quetza finally recollected his jawbone and hooked it back on. A loud snap indicated it was successfully connected, then Quetza stood at attention in honor of the great apparently-god-dragoness.

"You're certainly not boring, are you? Anyway... you want wings, then? What proofs of courage and heroism do you have to show you deserve them?" Bahamut, or rather Bahamette, asked of Quetza. Quetza blinked, quickly attempting to recall the things that had occured until this moment. He snapped his fingers a few times, trying to remember, then pointing his finger up in realization.

"Your majesticalness! I have completed four great tasks to appease you and so I may get my wings and stuff!" Quetza shouted, stiff as a board. He then undid the Breastplate of Invulnerability +7 and presented it to Bahamette. "I successfully found the Breastplate of Whoosits in the Ice Cave!" Quetza dropped the Breastplate and fished around in his pocket, finally pulling out the butter knife King George III had given him. "I also completed the Trials of Something-or-Other and got the Sword of I-Don't-Remember!" He tossed it behind him, the knife clattering on the wooden floorboards, and fished in his pockets again. Finding nothing, he patted his hips and chest. Finding nothing still, he patted the entirity of his body, until finally locating his target in his hair. Quetza pulled out the empty vial Emma had given him earlier. "And I also got the Sorceress of the Lake to help me by giving me this doohickey, and I defeated that Kangaroo monster deal down the mountain!"

Bahamette nodded in recognition. "Indeed, these are the tasks that you were destined to complete in order to receive your wings..." Quetza jumped in place, tail wagging and a large smile on his muzzle. Bahamette drew a grin on her face and continued, "...however..." Quetza stopped in midair, smile slightly smaller.

"However... there is one final thing you must do to receive your wings, my son," Bahamette's shirt suddenly slipped off, "and that is make love to me."

Quetza, still frozen in midair, stared at Bahamette as she began undressing herself. He suddenly found himself spinning backwards due to the propulsion of a gigantic nosebleed. He flew backwards and crashed into the backwall, landing on his butt on the floor. Bahamette was nude, revealing all Sheila was hiding under her parka and more thanks to Bahamette's enhancements. Her lucious, at least FF cup breasts stood pert. Her hips swayed gently, her tail swinging side to side in anticipation. And don't even get me started about her crotch, oh man.

Quetza's nose pratically exploded at the sight. He stuffed a towel into his nostril and coughed. One of them nasty blood loogies that form when the blood goes down your nasal passages to your mouth shot out and landed on his shirt, all gooey and red and ewwwww. Quetza cringed at the disgusting thing, but suddenly looked up to find Bahamette standing before him. She kneeled down, Quetza merely staring in awe.

"Aww, look at that, all over your shirt. Here, let me get that." Bahamette extended a claw and abruptly slashed through Quetza's shirt. She pulled it off rather roughly, smirking. By this time, the towel in Quetza's nostril had become soaked with blood. Bahamette swept her hand over Quetza's nose, then pulled out the towel. Quetza found that his nose had suddenly stopped bleeding, as well as having clearer sinuses.

Bahamette rose up and walked away from Quetza, her tail and hips swishing back and forth seductively. Quetza actually pawed at the air towards her like a cat, wishing for her to come back. She turned her head, a wide smile on her lips. "Well? C'mon, lover boy."

Quetza bolted up, very quickly ripping off his pants and underwear, his penis quite engorged. He practically tackled her, running into her and knocking her down onto the floor. Bahamette laughed as they collided with the floorboards.

"My my, aren't we eager?!" Bahamette presented herself to him, and Quetza was all but happy to oblige.

Chapter 11: I'll Make a Slave Out of You

"Mmm, that was wonderful, young one. You've done this before, haven't you?"

"*huff huff huff* You *pant* think? Yeah, I *pant huff* I guess I have."

The two dragons laid by each other on the hard floor, panting from their hours of hot lovemaking. The two had successfully orgasmed quite a few times in their throes of pleasure and were now resting. Quetza lit a cigarette and began puffing on it.

"Oh, you smoke?" Bahamette enquired.

"Nope." Quetza began hacking and coughing, the cigarette dropping out of his mouth and rolling away. After recovering from his fit, Quetza sat up and looked at Bahamette. "So do I get my wings now, ma'am sir ma'am?"

Bahamette tapped her finger on her chin. After a moment of thought, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, my dear, I believe you can have them now." Quetza literally catapulted himself into the air. He danced about, his spent genitals jiggling about as he wiggled his butt and threw his hands in the air as if he just did not care. Bahamette giggled as Quetza finished his victory dance with a knee-slide across the floor. This resulted in a lot of splinters in Quetza's knees, which led to a long, painful tweezer session.

After Quetza's knees became free from wood oppression, the two had recovered fully from their time together. Quetza stood before Bahamette, who cleared her throat and stood up straight in an official manner.

"I, Bahamut, goddess of all dragons, now bestow upon you your wings." Quetza could hardly keep his teeth from flying out of his mouth from happiness as the god-dragoness waved her hands over him. He shook with anticipation as he awaited the emergence of his new wings.

However, after about 15 minutes, nothing had happened, leaving Quetza puzzled. "Uh, Bahamut sir ma'am, I don't seem to have my wings!"

Bahamette rubbed her chin, looking quite confused as well. "I'm not sure what's wrong... seems my godly powers aren't enough." Quetza's ears drooped and his tail fell dead on the floor. It appeared that our poor hero had given up hope. Bahamette hummed to herself, pondering. She snapped her fingers suddenly, awakening Quetza from his depressed mood.

"I have it! There's still one way to grant you what you wish, but it's a bit odd," Bahamette said. Quetza smiled, chuckling, "Well, I'm pretty odd, so it's okay!" Bahamette grinned, nodding. "Alright. Now, since my mere godly powers can't seem to do it, we must fall upon my maternal powers." Quetza nodded excitedly, then stopped, then tilted his head in confusion.

"That means, dear boy..." Bahamette sat down, then spread her legs. "...you must become my child." Quetza stared at her glistening vagina, dried liquids still staining her cobalt scales. He continued staring for a few moments before his head tilted again. Bahamette shook her head and smirked. "What I mean is that you must enter my uterus. There, my maternal powers will kick in and you will evolve, growing your wings. I will then release you once you are finished."

Quetza blinked, then crouched down, examining Bahamette's cunt. After a long stare, Quetza looked up at her face, stating, "I can't fit in there."

Bahamette giggled and gave him a seductive gaze. "Try."

A stupid grin ran across Quetza's muzzle, arousal began to creep back into his mind and crotch. He knelt down and began crawling towards Bahamette's open vagina. He looked up at her one last time and was reassured by her friendly smile. He weakly smiled back at her, then went back to her cooter. After a moment of pondering on how to do it, he decided to just ram himself in head-first.

"Aaaahn!!" Bahamette suddenly cried as Quetza's muzzle suddenly plowed into her lips. Although she was a god, her current earthly body was not beyond pleasure, obviously. Quetza had his mouth halfway into her uterus, but couldn't seem to get anymore into her. Bahamette panted, her gaze lowering to his. "Don't worry, dear, I'll help..." she managed to choke out before clenching her muscles.

Abruptly, Quetza found himself being sucked into Bahamette! Slowly he eased into her, his muzzle vanishing into her depths. The suction was still pulling at his head, but the sudden increase in size impeded progress. Bahamette took a deep breath, then clenched all her muscles as hard as she could. Quetza soon lost his vision as his noggin began entering Bahamette, her cunt growing impossibly large to accomodate the dragon. As his head fully popped in, Quetza heard the muffled moans and cries of the dragon-goddess. Further down this sticky and dark passage did Quetza slither as his neck and even shoulders followed his skull.

Suddenly Quetza's nose bumped into something. He couldn't move, so he couldn't really feel to see what it was, but it didn't matter as whatever it was broke open. A loud rour echoed as Quetza found himself to be entering a large sac of some sort, the womb most likely. Quetza was pulled in further and further, until finally his feet popped through the cervix and left Quetza in a fetal position inside Bahamette's womb. He blinked in the dark, liquid dripping onto him. All of a sudden, Quetza became very drowsy, as if he had just overdosed on NyQuil. The old NyQuil, with the alcohol, not this new bullcrap without the decongestant and good stuff. He quickly fell into a deep slumber...

Bahamette, meanwhile, was rubbing her enlarged belly. It had grown considerably from our hero's entering into it. She chuckled to herself between slight groans of pleasure. "Sorry about the deception, my boy, but you're just too good to give up..." She sat upright, clutching her engorged stomach and smirking an evil grin. "Alright, my baby, let's make you into my best sex slave yet..."

The god-dragoness took a deep breath and began to concentrate, focusing her godly powers into her abdomen. Unbeknownst to Quetza, powerful godly energy began to surge into his body. Changes began to occur to the slumbering dragon as his entire body trembled. He began to take a more feral form, his horns growing longer, as well as his fangs and claws. Spikes emerged from the crown of his skull down to the end of his tail, as well as out of his shoulders, elbows, and knees. His muscles rippled and grew, his build suddenly becoming that of a bodybuilder. Finally, Quetza's entire body began growing larger and larger, the tiny space he had been occupying quickly growing to accomodate him.

Bahamette moaned in euphoria as her stomach began enlarging as the dragon within her grew. She wanted this one big, and that's what she intended to make him. Bigger and bigger the dragon grew, as well as the god-dragoness' belly. It expanded past her feet; Bahamette knew she couldn't release him in this position, so she quickly rose up and onto her enormous stomach as it continued growing.

Finally, when Bahamette could no longer hope to touch the floor, she halted her new sex slave's growth, with her stomach at a whopping ten feet across. She panted in pleasure and exhaustion, but knew her work was far from done. Bahamette patted her enormous stomach, then began pushing with all her might. Nothing seemed to come of it until something suddenly began poking out of her cunt. It looked to be the very end of Quetza's muzzle! She groaned, pushing the huge dragon out of her. Slowly Quetza began to emerge from her depths, her juices glistening off his scales. His large form slowly slid out of Bahamette, her loud cries and moans of pleasure somehow not wakening the transformed dragon.

At last, after a long hour and many orgasms later, Bahamette pushed the final bits of Quetza out of her, a final climax hitting her and sending juices splattering all over the floorboards and her new slave. She lay on her tinier stomach, panting heavily from exhaustion. After a long recuperation period, the god-dragoness became strong enough to stand and walk over to Quetza.

Quetza had become truly enormous, taking up nearly half of the room. His muscles tensed even as he breathed, showing off his toned physique. He had also become sharper, with spikes and fangs and horns and claws most pointy. Bahamette meandered over to the dragon's muzzle, nearly big enough to fit half of her in it. She waved her hand before the dragon's eyes, which snapped open. The dragon rose up and up. Quetza was attempting to stand up, despite the ceiling. He crashed through it, his head poking out of the roof, a dazed and empty look in his eyes.

Bahamette circled around her newest slave, examining him and nodding in approval. "Yes, you're almost perfect..." She stopped suddenly in front of him, staring at his crotch. It had grown proportionately with him, but it wasn't all that impressive considering what his new job description was. She tapped her finger on her chin, thinking. "...but not quite perfect. Let's fix that."

She walked up to his genitals and reached up, swaying her hand over them. Quetza suddenly growled as his organs began growing. Slowly they descended down, enlarging and engorging as if they were being filled like water balloons. Bigger they became, Bahamette licking her chops as his penis extended past his knees and his balls grew to the size of basketballs. It didn't stop there, either, oh no. I'm much too big of a pervert to just stop there.

Quetza groaned animalistically as his cock and balls continued growing. The huge dragon couldn't stand anymore and fell, crashing his head into the edge of the hole his head had made, landing on his knees. His penis continued slithering along, finally stopping its long growth, nearly touching the opposite wall. His balls had filled tremendously, stretching back behind him and overtaking his feet.

Bahamette giggled. "That's better. Alright, my slave, time to do your duty..." The god-dragoness bent down onto her knees and hands over Quetza's cock, licking it with her long tounge. The transformed dragon let out a low growl as his penis began to harden, growing even larger. It bumped into the wall then broke through it, the snow outside only exciting the sex slave even more. His balls even began growing larger from the pleasure, his tail being lifted by their growth. Quetza's penis finally became fully hard, at least a fourth of his penis out in the snow and his testicles impossibly big.

The god-dragoness chuckled. "Let's get some foreplay in."

Chapter 12: The Final Chapter! Break the Spell, Quetza!

Bahamette sauntered out into the cold toward Quetza's head, intent on doing the nasty. Quetza gruffly panted, his balls tight and his penis engorged. Outside, Bahamette got on her knees once more, lifting her tail and looking back at her slave's gigantic appendage, nearly as wide as she was tall. She backed slowly towards Quetza's cock, her exposed pussy nearing his head. The transformed dragon wanted to release into his master again and again, but knew that only she could tell him when to climax. He awaited her patiently, his mind a complete blank canvas save his loyalty to her.

Bahamette suddenly bumped back into Quetza's cock and rubbed her rear end against her slave's head, smearing it with juices. The slave dragon roared, wanting to mate badly but submissing to his master's will. The god-dragoness laughed, the area around Quetza's cockslit gleaming with her cum. Quetza could feel the cum in his testicles sloshing about, wishing to be released.

Suddenly, as Bahamette continued her foreplay with her slave, something clicked. Quetza found himself inside a metaphorical representation of his mind, which was pretty empty as one might suspect. He looked around at the endless white about him. When he looked down at himself, he was back to normal size.

"Hey!" Quetza suddenly raised his head at the sudden voice, his eyes settling upon a familiar sight. There before him was the orbacle, the very being that had given him his quest. "You idiot! You're failing the final task! I did not come to you so you could fail, dagnabbit!" Quetza stared at the orbacle quizzically before another voice caught his attention.

"Hey, man! You can't let her beat you!" Bobby appeared, along with his new bride. "You've gotten through worse than this! Fight it!" Quetza stared at these two as well, confused as to what was going on.

"Mwop!" shouted an army of land-jellyfish.

"Yeah, you're stronger than this!" Quetza was surprised to see Amy the otter and a bust of the gigantic kangaroo Jen. "You taught us that we could love each other so much more! You can't give up!"

"That's right, Quetza," came a final voice behind him. Quetza spun around and laid eyes upon a familiar figure. "You made a promise to me, Quetza. You have to fight, for me!"

"For us!" cried the rest of those around Quetza. His gaze spun around at the various people now surrounding him in a circle.

"You can fight it, Quetza!"


"Fight it!"

"You can do it!"

Quetza clutched his head, falling to his knees, a pulsating headache gripping his noggin. He gritted his teeth, the incredible pressure within his temples pounding at his skull. He fell to his knees, the pain nearly overtaking him. Quetza was about to fall unconcious once more, when suddenly he felt a warm prescence against his scales. He opened his eyes, looking upon that beautiful face...

Bahamette giggled maliciously as her tounge lolled around Quetza's head, his groans and growls pleasing her to no end. She wanted him in her, but she was all too pleased to see his pleasure mount higher and higher. Suddenly, Quetza's eyes snapped open as everything came back to him, including his willpower. He growled once again, but this time in anger.

Bahamette's tounge froze in confusion as she raised her head, trying to see through the hole Quetza's cock had made in the building. Suddenly the penis rose up as Quetza stood up, Bahamette stumbling backward in the snow. His head reappeared through the hole in the ceiling. Bahamette could see in his eyes that he had regained control of himself.

"No, that's impossible! He couldn't possibly break my grip on his mind!" cried the shocked goddess. Quetza growled loudly, then roared as he burst his body through the Dragon Shrine, splinters flying everywhere as he stomped towards Bahamette. Bahamette stood her ground, growling herself.

"Alright, slave, I'll teach you who's the master!" Bahamette thrust her hands at the huge dragon, but nothing appeared to happen. She looked at her hands and tried again, resulting in nothing once more. "Damnit, I must have used all my energy transforming him! I need to rechar--" She yelped as she abruptly began lifting into the air. Quetza had picked her up with his hand and was raising her up to his face. He stared at the god-dragoness, anger in his eyes.

"S-See here! I am the god of all dragons and you WILL obey me!!" she shouted at the enraged giant. Quetza merely smirked. She tilted her head slightly in puzzlement before she noticed that Quetza's other hand was absent. She looked behind her to see that it was hefting Quetza's enormous cock. Quetza raised it up, the tip extending up almost past his head.

"W-What're you doing?! Stop it, I command you!" Bahamette futilely commanded before she was lifted higher and over the tip of his engorged penis. The god-dragoness struggled against his grip but couldn't break it, her powers still drained.

"You'll turn me back to normal or I'll fill you so full of sperm you'll explode!" Quetza yelled at the god-dragoness, his voice so animalistic that the words would be lost to anyone but a dragon.

"H-Haha! Are you stupid?! You can't kill me! You'll only be killing the caretaker of the Shrine!" Bahamette nervously shouted back. Quetza's smirk widened.

"I'm willing to take that chance," he replied. The dragoness panicked, struggling harder to break free of Quetza's grasp, all in vain.

"So be it!" Quetza jammed the squirming Bahamette down onto his cock. She screamed as her pussy stretched over his head. He continued pulling down, her hips and waist widening as more and more of the cock entered her. Soon she was impaled all the way up to her chest, the entirety of his enormous head inside of her. Quetza then began feverishly rubbing his swollen appendage with one hand, the pressure-caused pleasure quickly overtaking his mind. He also swiveled the god-dragoness about with his other hand, causing her to groan and cry in pleasure, her uterus and womb impossibly stretched considering even the previous occurances of the day.

Quetza grunted and groaned as the pressure increased further and further. Combined with the feelings of Bahamette's moist cunt around his penis and her euphoric moans quickly caused him to begin climaxing. He stopped swivelling the dragoness and quickly clamped his fingers down on her muzzle. Cum began to collect and engorge his urethra, ballooning it visibly underneath Bahamette. She continued groaning and struggling in protest, a final attempt to get free. However, Quetza could hold it no longer and the plugged sperm exploded forth with a roar.

Bahamette's screams were muffled by Quetza's fingers as cum surged into her belly, the first rope causing it to expand nearly three feet out by itself. More and more cum spit out of his head directly into Bahamette, the cum having nowhere else to go due to her plugged mouth. Her stomach grew more and more, sloshing downward, causing her to slip downward on Quetza's penis, only enticing him to cum even more. Even her breasts were surging forward with growth.

Bahamette wiggled about, her limbs getting overwhelmed by the massive amount of semen entering her body. She was quickly growing more and more terrified; she knew she couldn't take much more, and, unbeknownst to Quetza, she had actually made Quetza unable to ever be fully satisfied. This meant that he would cum until she told him to stop, causing it to build in his scrotum once again. However, since she no longer had any hold on him, he would just keep cumming forever.

Quetza panted and groaned, his climax only growing as he continued cumming into the ballooning god-dragoness. Her limbs had vanished under her sloshing body, more than half of Quetza's cock hidden underneath her. He thought about why he hadn't stopped cumming yet, but he didn't rightly care at the moment.

Bahamette's body creaked loudly; she knew she would explode at this rate. Bahamette knew that the only way to get out of this was to change him back to normal. She clenched her eyes shut and concentrated despite the situation. Quetza, lost in pleasure, noticed his constant spray of cum was beginning to ebb. Slowly it changed to a stream, then occassional shots, then an abrupt stop.

Suddenly, Quetza found himself shrinking, spikes vanishing under scale and teeth and horns fading to smaller sizes. His cock shrank as well, the huge taut balloon of a dragoness falling off and landing softly in the snow, sloshing about like a waterbed. Soon Quetza found himself his original size. He laughed in glee at the sight and danced a bit at his victory.

A moan from the god-dragoness brought Quetza back to reality. He ran over to her, then walked cautiously over to her head. It was nearly buried in all the swollen flesh, but it was clear she was going to be okay. She glared at Quetza, a mix of rage and sadness in her eyes.

"Well, I hope you're happy," she painfully stated.

"I'm sorry, Bahamut, but... but you lied to me! You said you'd give me wings, and you made me your sex slave!"

The dragoness frowned, sighing. "I know, dear... it's just... a dragon like you comes along once in a millenium! I couldn't let you get away from me..."

"I didn't realize I was that good in bed." Quetza blinked, mildly shocked. The dragoness managed a chuckle, her body jiggling.

"I'm sorry, my boy, I shouldn't have lied to you." Quetza smiled, nodding.

The goddess sighed. "I wish I could make it up to you, but unfortunately I wasn't lying when I said my godly powers couldn't give you your wings."

Quetza's smile, despite what you might think, remained on his face, wide as ever. "That's okay, Bahamut. I realize now that wings aren't important to me anymore. I've made such good friends and had so much fun on this journey that...well, it was all worthwhile."

The two stared silently at the world below the mountain, the sun beginning to set.

"...wait!" Quetza looked over at Bahamette at the sound of her exclamation. "I know what I can do for you! It's not exactly what you wanted, but I think it'll be just as good..."


The orbacle continued foretelling the future and sending people off to do weird quests and the like. It enjoys its job very much, especially since none of the people he now meets is as silly as Quetza was.

The Coat Man is still selling coats by the Ice Cavern. Business has been good, especially when he began advertising his special coats on the Internet. He even started a franchise.

The door in the Ice Cavern, now free of guarding the Breastplate of Invulnerability +7, spends its time having wild parties and playing Monopoly with furniture.

Dora the Explorer is still dead under a rockslide. Thank God.

King George III eventually retired from the crown and left his kingdom in the capable hands of his daughter and Bobby. Bobby rules the kingdom with a kind but strict heart, like a father who'll whip you with his belt and then take you to get ice cream to make sure everything's cool. The King's daughter is still wearing that awesome bikini, and Bobby, of course, does not complain. They have done it often.

The tentacle monster was deemed a terrible way to find heirs to the throne by the new king, and was therefore released back into the wild. It later became a successful stockbroker, selling many people stock in the new Coat Man's Sexy Coats franchise.

The land-jellyfish eventually gained the lethargy to create a political system, thereby instating the new Kingdom of the Land-Jellyfish. It is a successful exporter of bananas and Timberland boots. And yes, they still go 'mwop.'

The ski-lift clerk quit his job as a ski-lift clerk to become a musician. He began a band called 'The Ski-Lift Clerks.' They were successful for a short time, but eventually faded from the public eye until their hit song Put That in the Lift (And It'll Take You Up) appeared on Guitar Hero 7 as the third song in the fourth set. It was deemed 'An average song. It's not all that hard; the solo was a little difficult, but once you master hammer-ons, the challenge isn't even present anymore.'"

Jen and Amy moved off the Motherhorn to a nice little home by the beach. Due to the magic of Emma's potion, Jen's balls continuously fill up with sperm, so the couple must mate every three hours, lest Jen's balls overtake the shoreline. Thus, Jen mainly spends hir time rubbing hirself, and Amy mainly spends her time as a giant balloon full of spunk. Their relationship has never been stronger.

Sheila, the Dragon Shrine's caretaker, was confused as to why she was impossibly huge and filled with sperm when she later awoke. She had many, many, many kids, though she doesn't recall the experience she had with Quetza, being possessed at the time. Thus, she has come to the conclusion that the great god Bahamut mated with his loyal servant and gave her the gift of fertility and maternity. She now spends her days raising her many children, telling them legends of their 'father' and taking care of the rebuilt Dragon Shrine.

Bahamette continues being the goddess of all dragons. She missed Quetza often, but soon discovered that there was a plethora of dragon males willing to get dirty with her and be her sex slave, so it was no big loss. She eventually went on to win the Dragon Boi Harem Show championship with her prized slave, Awesomebutt.

And what of Quetza, you ask?...


"I really thought you had forgotten me. I was so worried--"

"No way! You know, without the thought of you, I wouldn't have made it!"

"Heh, sure... so, what're you thinking of?"

"Oh, y'know. Things."

"I meant specifically."

"Oh. You should've mentioned that. Well, lesse...I guess I'm thinking 'How do I fly this stupid thing?'"

"What?? You don't know how to fly this thing?!"

"Of course not! You think I instantly know how to fly planes?"

"Oh dear sweet God! We're going to die!! We--"

"Oh calm down, I'm just yankin' yer chain."

"..." A loud smack.

"Ow!" The plane faltered in the air slightly before regaining altitude.

"So, where do you wanna land?"

"Oh... anywhere is good. As long as it's cozy and warm. Also preferably a place where we can have sex as soon as we get out of the plane."

"Gotcha, babe. You prep your diamaframmajigger and I'll get us to the perfect spot."

The plane soared through the air, the two occupants leaning on one another as they flew toward the sun...

The moral of this story is that with perseverence, courage, intuitiveness, hope, and some good friends, all of your dreams and more can come true. Also, don't piss me off, or I'll rape you with jellyfish.


The End.

Send comments and criticisms to [email protected]! All characters are copyright to me! Thanks!