
Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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A bit of a self-indulgent story, softer than my norm.

Set in an AU world of Biker Mice from Mars.

Sean's been through a lot and he's tried so many things to get through it.

When a new option is put on the table, he's eager to jump at it, and get his life back.

Or perhaps make a new one.

Stars Jizzal as a cameo.

Torq is the brainchild of Akcrazywolf

Thank you to all my proof readers for putting up with my sillyness. <3

A Quick Pit-Stop.

© Tsumi Moogle '20

Characters © Themselves.

'Is everything alright, sir?' The feline stewardess asked, head tilted with concern. Sean realized his grimace had snuck its way over his masked features. Gingerly adjusting himself in the too-small seat, he carefully unravelled his furrowed brow and pursed lips.

'Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just kinked my tail a bit.' The ferret replied. Everything wasn't alright, which was the reason he was on this flight in the first place. His travel cushion had long-since forgotten its shape, and the confined space for his legs had brought a number of old aches to the fore. He was quite certain he could feel the screws in his knee rattling and aged scar-work searing. The smile he gave the flight attendant didn't reach his eyes, but she seemed to accept it all the same. She rested a gentle hand on his shoulder.

'We'll be landing shortly.' the tiger offered, before continuing down the aisle, checking trays and seats were up.

Settling back into the too-stiff chair, Sean drew a small packet from his pocket to pluck one of the capsules from, and knocked it back. Carefully turning to glance out the window, he blinked past the ghostly reflection of his creamy face, out at the difference in the scenery. The wide, dark-blue of the ocean broken at last by an island. The flat shape of it spoke of how unnatural the land was, but the gleam of the sunlight off the curious angled buildings, wide streets, and arching pathways showed a care to craftsmanship. A small rattle of turbulence broke the ferret's consideration as his back twinged. Straightening up, he lidded his eyes again, trying instead to meditate. Soon.

The inside of the airport had something of a crisp air to it, bordering sterile. Whites were sharp, edgings in a buffed metal, the wide windows along the walk-way showing several run-ways, where a few regular planes were taxi'ing, and a couple of larger, unique looking jets hovered up from broader pads, turning in place to head off in their own directions. A number of his fellow passengers gawped, but continued their path up to Customs, finding themselves neatly dividing into lines designated by glowing directions on the tiled floor.

The island, Pit-stop was a curious, recentish development, and in its own way, a budding colony. When a number of extra-terrestrials, Martians, indeed, had arrived on earth, they had opted to band together, to make something for themselves. The world governments had been glad to welcome them, but taken time in permitting their terraforming initiatives.

The marvel of martian engineering had long-since quieted questions. Not to mention the advanced technologies the interplanetary visitors employed, had created quite the niche for trade.

A small panel beside the ferret illuminated with a pleasant chime. Glancing to it displaying '3' he turned his attention about the desks, until he found three, and found himself gawping as he staggered his way forward.

While he knew what Martians looked like: Like broad-framed mice with antennae, and often red eyes, the mustelid had never actually interacted with one. The Desk and seat his interviewer sat at, were sunk into the floor a little, to keep him at near the same height as the visitors. The ferret was certain if the chocolate-furred figure before him stood up, he would have nearly brushed 10 feet tall, not including his antennae.

The grin on the martian's face said he never got tired of that look. Lifting his arms, the immense mouse playfully flexed, making the button-up vest he wore creak a little as musculature sprung from beneath the disarming fur.

'Welcome to Pit-stop. Got your paperwork there?' Came the deeper voice, softer pitched Sean realized. In a way it was off-putting, in the same way that the sleeveless dress-shirt the martian wore seemed entirely out of place.

Blinking at the question, Sean adjusted his backpack to tug out the manilla folder, sliding it onto the desk with his passport. Despite his immense size, 'Stic', according to his name-badge, was quite dextrous in the smaller papers, scanning the passport, and reading over the manilla folder.

'First time, huh?'

The ferret nodded and stirred, resting his gloved arms on the desk to support himself a little. Even with the pill's assistance, the twinge never fully went away.

'Heck of a place, from what I could see from the middle aisle.' He offered, earning that broad, toothy grin again.

'Wait until you're outside scoping it out. Sure they gave you the paperwork about the basic rules?'

Nodding lightly, Sean didn't remark that he'd left it in the pocket of the seat ahead of him on the plane. It was pretty no-nonsense stuff anyway.

'Good, though going by your file, I don't reckon we'll have any issues.' Stic rumbled as he looked up from the doctor's referal to the ferret with a knowing gaze. 'Doc. Sterian's sent us so much road pizza.' he offered, inclining his head. 'Going to be trying out Martian medicine, huh?'

Nodding, Sean gave a soft huff.

'Well, I've tried damned near everything else, pardon my earthling.'

Stic chuckled modestly as he typed one-handed on a smooth-screen keyboard. 'Nono, you're fine. We tend to be a bit gruffer anyway. No big.' He rumbled, before nodding at a screen to his side, and tapping another button. His dextrous, fleshy tail neatly plucking up some printed sheets of paper from behind him, the martian stamped a few of the pages, and some of Sean's, before slipping them all into the manilla folder. Resting a band of leather over it, he settled the file before the ferret, who raised a questioning eyebrow.

'S'your swipe.' Stic smiled. 'Everyone's got one. Gets you into places, onto transport, pays your stuff. Good idea to keep it on for your whole trip. Has some other benefits, but Torq can teach you about those. Speaking of, he'll be your carer for the duration of the trip. You'll be shacking up with him, and he'll be escorting you around to any appointments as necessary. It's unlikely, but if you have any issues, first page of your paperwork's got a number. Call 'em up, tell 'em it's not working out, and they'll reassign you. But you'd be the first.' Stic chuckled.

Head buzzing with all the info, Sean nodded as he took the band to carefully settle about his wrist. Clipping it in place, it seemed to swell and shrink to fit, before resting as he slipped his paperwork into his bag.

'Down to the right behind me, baggage collection's dead ahead. Torq should be waiting for you outside in a few minutes. No rush. And once more, Welcome to Pit-stop.'

Reaching forward to shake, the ferret gawped again as Stic's hand closed around his hand, and half his forearm, shaking gently at least. Something told the mustelid that wasn't entirely part of the professionalism.

Heading down the hallway as directed, he came across the open collection area, A number of ticket scanners stood, awaiting a simple wave of a ticket over them. Sean perked his ears as the screen glowed with his name, and a simple breakdown of his luggage. His attention was drawn up to what appeared to be a magnetic device in the ceiling lowering, and delivering his bag with abright chime, as if pleased with itself.

Watching it return through a doorway near the ceiling to the inbound flights area, the ferret grinned despite himself, wheeling his bag towards the door, where a tall steely martian was nodding to people, a greeter, it seemed. Or maybe the mouse folks went to if something went awry. His red eyes found Sean and grinning charmingly, wished him a 'Hope you enjoy your visit, bro.' came the rougher tone, though the inflection was earnest enough.

Stepping out of the sliding doors, the Ferret could only stare, needing a slight nudge and 'Excuse me.' from a family to get out of the doorway, as vehicles roamed past, backdropped by a proper ground-view of the city. The buildings gleamed, their curves and shapes intricately designed with the odd cross-ways between them. Screens here or there flicked with advertisements, or information , and then there were the odd cars, sized up to match the figures driving them, but shockingly quiet by the same token. The mainstay of the traffic though, was a vast array of motorcycles. Cruisers, choppers, street-bikes, all fresh and gleaming and maintained, ridden by those immense mouse-like figures in varying styles of leathers and denim.

Sean-of-10-years-ago made a noise, as if he had crashed headlong into traffic and gone to biker heaven as he watched a few martians greeting their charges, friendly and playful, helping carry luggage with their tails as if the tightly packed cases were little more than twigs.

A short, sharp whistle caught his attention, and looking towards the source, found a martian, reclined against a broad cruiser with a handsome iridescent finish, staring right at him. He was, inevitably, tall, maybe near 9', clad in a T-shirt under a simple, aged riding jacket, slightly greyed, but still well-loved. A pair of thick, scuffed jeans, neatly cuffed around the ankles of a pair of sturdy boots. His fur, looking to be chocolate coloured, save the curious white mask of fur, looking almost like a skull framing his red eyes to match the red antennae standing the thick headfur, taller than his pierced, rounded ears.

With an easy, spry motion, the martian got to his booted feet from his resting position, and crossed the space to offer a fleshy-palmed hand, as he considered his charge.

The ferret felt a little sheepish in his aged jacket, more a throw-back to better times, over a simple pop-button shirt and jeans.

'Sean, right?' the martian offered in a smooth, easy voice that seemed a little out of place for a martian of his looks.

'That'd make you.. Torq?' The ferret replied, getting a more earnest shake as the martian nodded and grinned. His tail looped easily through the handle of his bag to lift.

'By name, at least.' the martian grinned, strolling back to and easing the bag into a saddle-bag, and smoothly settling on the bike. 'You hungry? Or just keen for somewhere to crash?'

'I kinda cheaped out on the flight, 'cause I was a bit unsure on the hotel aspect. Kinda hard to get some information about this place. Food would be great.'

Nodding, Torq offered the ferret his tail, to hold onto, lifting him gently onto the bike behind him.

'Lucky you, huh? Saving a fortune in that regard. You a burger man? or more for hotdogs?'

The ferret could almost feel a grin in his carer's words as he settled himself on the broad bike, glancing over the stylized martian-head logo tooled into the thick leather before him. There was no bashfulness about the martian, though his dextrous tail snaked once about the ferret like a make-shift seatbelt.

'Either's good, but right now, I'm feeling more for hotdogs.'

'My kinda man. Good choice.' Torq took a moment to tug an angular helmet over his head, before offering a smaller one back to the ferret.

Slipping it on and blinking as, like the wrist-band, the padding inside the helmet seemed to breathe, expanding to find the contours of the ferret's face, before the helmet adjusted accordingly, settling snug. Sean watched as Torq lifted a hand to tap a stud on the side of his helmet, and perked as the finest notes of connectivity buzzed in his ears.

'You good to hold onto me while we go?' That smooth voice suggesting he'd read some of his file.

'Good enough.' Sean returned after finding the stud on his own helmet. 'Maybe ease into it a bit, first? So I know what kind of bronco I'm riding?'

'Roger roger. You just hug my middle as best you can, and press up against my back. Should keep you stable.' Came the martian's voice, as he leaned a little over the bike.

A flash of instinct drew Sean's arms about the mouse's middle, squeezing himself against the sturdy frame. Heat grew softly in his cheeks as he subconsciously noted how built the martian was beneath his clothes.

Nudging the kickstand up with his boot, Torq gave a simple twist of one of the handles, and Sean gasped, feeling the beast between his legs come to life. The smooth purr reverberating through him in a nostalgic wave. Though he knew the sound of the bike would be strong, the helmet seemed apt at smothering out external noises.

The soft tug of motion as the bike began smoothly rolling out onto the street, and the smooth build as speed picked up had Sean squeezing tight. The familiar lap of the wind from Torq's slipstream at his body, and the slight blurring of Pitstop's sights bringing a budding grin to his face.

Eyes darting among the blurring cityscape, the ferret found in the Martians culture a curious penchant for familiarity. A moderate excess of 'Biker' bars, garages, part retailers, and even road house styled eateries, though much cleaner than those he remembered seeing on his trips along lone highways and dusty, isolated towns. The martian's own touch to the styles keeping them more modern with old-timey twists, rather than the other way around.

Even at the pace they were going, Sean found himself in awe of the size of the island. He'd certainly read about some parts of it, but to be dwarfed among the heart of it was still mind-boggling. The number of the interplanetary mice rather more vast than he'd ever considered.

The buildings changed gradually, giving the ferret more of a sensation of 'Down-town' than the neomodern looking welcome-party that was the air-port.

The cruiser's steady rumble easing slowly, the ferret found a diner-style building their apparent goal, as Torq's smooth coasting brought them to a gentle stop, and lean as the kickstand dropped again. The chrome decor of the place gleamed handsomely in the afternoon sun, the tinted windows betraying the bar stools within, and a modicum of patrons.

Following Torq's lead in removing his helmet, Sean offered it up, and brushed at his hair, as his large partner did similarly. Glancing at a sign board near the door, the ferret blinked at unfamiliar scrawls, rounded-styled patterns, which he took to be martian writing, underscored with english, before perking his ears as Torq stood up. The mouse's tail braced about the smaller form to lift him, and gently ease him to the ground before unraveling. A grin visible on Torq's face, he sauntered towards the door to hold it open.

Though it was pleasantly warm outside, the cool air within the diner was still a nice reprive. The air hung slightly with the smell of rich, if faster foods, and the light bass of soft rock playing from a Juke box in a corner. The ferret stood for a moment, letting nostalgia wash through him, before Torq lightly ruffled his hair.

'You got a thing for hangin' in doorways, lil' bro?' The biker smirked, causing Sean's cheeks to warm slightly. Gazing over the booths near the windows, the ferret neatly hobbled to a spare one, and groaning at the cushy give of the plush-padded leather.

Torq had barely settled into the booth, before a frosty mug the size of a modest bucket was set infront of him. The fizzy tang of it bringing a grin to Sean's face.

'Root beer?' he quipped as the martian grinned up to the tall waitress, while not stocky, the ferret quickly realized as he gazed up at her, that her lean and curvy shape, modestly hidden under a denim vest, T-shirt and some curve hugging leather pants, was all wiry strength.

She could probably have handled Torq in an arm-wrestling match. The subtle grin she returned suggested that she probably -had-.

'Old habbit from the early days after the war. Was one of the early pleasures we got back to us. Bless Lowball and his bar.' Torq licked his lips and grinned.

'Got another one, have you doll? Another tourist? He looks a tasty little thing' quipped the waitress, running a hand through long locks of ebon hair to match her speckled fur and turning her red eyes to the ferret who swallowed and straightened himself up a little beneath her coy wink.

'Nawh, lil' bro here's off to the Garage tomorrow. Sean, this' Ride. And before you think it, don't.' The ferret flushed deeper, and offered up a hand.

'Pleasure, miss.' he managed to smile, finding her hand pleasingly soft, and her smile to match.

'It should be, Sugar. You'll be havin' the usual then?' She asked to Torq, smoothly offering the ferret a sizeable menu. His eyes perused several items, stomach quick to land on an option.

Opening his mouth to order, the ferret's eye caught a platter being walked out by another martian, roughly the size of his torso.

'..Is that one of the supremes..?' the ferret asked a little weakly, inviting Ride to turn her head.

'Hmm? That's the regular, doll.' Sean felt his stomach lurch.

'Right. Well, uh.. A rootbeer please, and maybe a.. quarter-serve of the Evening run Dog?'

'Earthling size, no worries, sugar. Get 'em all the time.' Ride smiled, giving the ferret a wink and taking the menu before tapping on a wrist-band. 'You boys sit tight, won't be long.'

'Besides, S'not the size, lil' bro, so long as you enjoy it.' Torq offered with a smirk at the ferret, and earning a quick slap with the tip of Ride's tail at his calf, making him snicker and rub at the spot.

Fixating on his wrist-band, the ferret gave a sheepish word of thanks as Ride eased a more modest sized mug before him, before taking a sip. The chilled fizz hitting his tongue made him pause, a delightful take on root-beer that he would assuredly have to find if they shipped.

The shift of Torq's large form before him, drew Sean's gaze up as his partner leaned to rest his elbows on the tabletop, A faint knowing gleam in his eyes.

'Ride knock somethin' loose li'l bro, or is that nerves I see?'

The ferret's burning face took on yet a darker shade of red, even as he managed not to choke on his drink. His eyes faintly following the waitress walking out another dish, before returning to Torq.

'Er.. It's just that she's.. kind of what we'd call an Amazon back home. It's.. a little bit intimidating. Honestly, No one warned me about the.. you know, size-difference.' Sean murmured meekly, releasing the mug and resting a cooled handpaw over the slight ache that was his knee. A knowing nod and chuckle met his words.

'Yeah, it's a lot for most earthlings to get used to. You should be proud though, you're the first partner I've had in my care who could manage to speak to me without stuttering.' Torq grinned, sipping at his drink with a delighted sigh.

'Well, truth be told, my first instinct seeing you was kind of 'Oh -shit-. Who did I piss off?' I mean, the mask look kinda stands out.. But your voice sort of undermined that.' The ferret managed with a flick of his tail.

'Yeah? And what about now?' Torq leaned back a little in the booth, as if to let the earthling look him over. Sean's eyes roamed over that firm build, the jacket, the relaxed look on the martian's face. Torq merely smirked as the ferret's response was to take another long draught of his root beer. When he came up for air, Sean instead tried to switch pace.

'How did things go with the others?' he asked with earnest curiousity. Chuckling, Torq nodded.

'My prior lil' bros? Recovered well enough to function again. Then high-tailed it out as soon as they could. They could barely keep their heads on their shoulders, to be surrounded by big sorts all the time. Heard tell they're doing just fine though.' The martian gave a faint, nonchalant shrug.

'Do you get.. paid by our healthcare or something? Or is it a kind of longer term-better gigs sort of thing?' the ferret stirred, glancing here or there among the foot traffic in the bar as he asked, martians moving here or there, sometimes accompanied by an earthling, though in a few instances, looking more like a trainee, rather than someone there for any medical issues.

Torq's muzzle pursed and he lightly waggled the fingers of one gloved paw, before seeming to realize he still had them on. Tugging them off smoothly to reveal the brown paws beneath, he leaned back in his chair.

'S'complicated. Think of it..' he paused for a moment, pondering. '..Think of it kinda like that 'eBay' thing you earthers have. You do business, and if you do it honestly, you get a good word put in for you. You do a shitty job, and everyone who goes to work with you is gunna know about it. Sort of a browny-points system. 'Carers' get a few extra creds, but there's other perks.' He nodded towards a more honey-furred martian sitting at the bar with a skunk beside him. 'Horse over there's had a few boys in his side-car. He's got the privelige to interact with you guys more one on one, even take on a protege if he likes. His boy, Jay's a sweet thing.'

Carefully turning to regard the martian who had a robotic arm warmly draped about the skunk's shoulders, giving him a soft squeeze against his side, the ferret couldn't help a smile, nodding.

'Jeez, didn't think you guys would be big on the whole karma deal, but still, sounds like it works. ...Hey, Torq, thanks for being up to carting me about. I'll appologize in advance if I get a bit nippy from the screws and bolts.'

Torq's chortle was a warming sound.

'You're fine lil' bro. But job like yours, won't be getting the Martian treatment, sweet as you'd probably look with a prosthetic. Nawh, spinal stuff is generally reserved for some of the stuff we reverse-engineered off of plutarkians about a decade ago.'

'The.. what?'

'Plutarkians- ..Right.' Torq puffed a small breath out, eyes widened momentarily in a stunned look. 'Sometimes forget not everyone's a few years out of a war.' He hitched his smile again. 'Mean, slimy suckers who were looking to drain our planet of resources. Figured bands of roaming mice weren't going to kick up too much of a stink on a dusty planet.'

'And we were only too happy to prove 'em wrong doll.' Ride smiled as she slide two trays down on the table. Giving a soft grin to the ferret before she walked off to another booth. Sean grinned as he watched Torq's head trying unsubtly to follow. At least until the ferret's eyes caught the strip of paper under his plate, hidden from the mouse. Carefully unfolding it, he found curvy writing.

'Come see me once you're done at the garage for a tune-up.' Followed by a number.

Pocketing the paper with his face burning, the earthling fixated on his hotdog, stuffing his mouth vigorously.

After paying with a simple swipe of his wristband over a scanner, and a tour of a wider section of the small island state, Torq brought his bike in to another smooth halt beyond a smooth-gliding roller door. Slipping off his helmet, Sean took in the garage, a clean place, save a small portion of the floor which looked to have seen a leak or two of oil, or something akin. Walls lined with tool-boxes, gleaming parts, and a couple of screens, which he was certain showed some kind of diagnostics, despite being in martian. A neatly sliding autodoor parting before the mouse's immense form, he stood aside to wave an arm about.

'Welcome to your new abode, lil' bro.' he rumbled, letting the ferret take in the open-living room with kitchen to one side, and large windows opposite, looking out to the street. Sized up appropriately, the place somewhat loomed, a couple plush looking couches with thick pillows around a low glass table which housed several magazines. Stairs leading to an upstairs loft hid the bathroom, and two bedroom areas. 'Only rules: wipe your feet, clean up after yourself, and otherwise, enjoy. Might snag a shower. Your bunk's the room on the right, though ah.. door's open if you need anything... or get lonely.' The chocolate martian lightly ruffled the ferret's hair, before carrying his bag up the stairs, neatly settling it in the guest room and continuing to the bathroom, slipping his jacket off with a grin.

Probably because the ferret was watching, Sean realized, following in the mouse's wake to peek into the bedroom.

Sparse, but clean, the bed was enormous, and invited him to carefully clamber up onto it. The give to it was quite enjoyable, he found as he sat down, and carefully eased his sneakers and jacket free before he settled back into the plush pillows.

The weight of the day clung to him as he stared at the ceiling. The weariness of the long flight, the shock of meeting the locals, and the thrills of cruising down the road again, the weight of the diner's delectable food, all of it invited him to sleep, the suggestions of sleep at the corners of his mind.. But he realized his heart pounded just slightly within him. Nerves. What awaited him, his anticipation, his concerns. It all rested on the next day, on an unfamiliar technology, from another -other- alien race. If it didn't work, what would he do then..?

Gingerly easing onto his side, the ferret tugged his pillow down softly, squeezing into it with a small sigh.

At least until his ears pricked to the sound of the water stopping. He lay in silence, aware of the chain of events.. the sound of a furdryer humming, the light scrubbing of incisors, even the faint shuff of fabric.. And then the swish of the automatic door and footsteps heading down the hall.

Sean lay for a few more minutes in quiet contemplation, before carefully sitting himself up. Gently undoing his shirt, he let it slide free, before getting to his feet and following after the faded footsteps.

Lighting in the house seemed to be automated, as a few of them gently hummed into a soft glow. A pause at the bathroom door revealed all he expected of a bathroom, the shower quite sizeable indeed, toilet, and sink with a vanity mirror closet recessed into the wall.

Continuing on, the ferret paused before his host's door, looking in. A similar layout to his own, though there were a number of posters on the wall. Long, low chests of drawers on which sat a number of photos, and a couple of slim screens showing a slide show of others. A couple of rough looking medals, and what appeared to be a very space-aged pistol-styled blaster within a glass case.

Torq's thick boots lay neatly along the doorway, his jacket set up over his bed. The martian himself was laid out over the mattress, blankets bunched a little down his feet, the sheet draped over his legs and mid-section, letting the mustelid gaze over the sturdy shape of the martian's torso and pebbled abs in unbroken chocolate fur. At least until he realized Torq's red eyes had lifted from the device he'd been tapping away on, to fix right on him.

'Everything okay, lil' bro? Not just here for the gun-show, I bet?' he offered with a warm grin. A soft incline of his head beckoned the smaller form in.

'Not really, just, sleep didn't seem to want to come.' Sean offered softly, earning a slow nod from the mouse.

'With tomorrow looming? Yeah, I bet.' the martian rumbled and petted the bed beside him. 'Know the feeling well. Evening before any big push, that feeling was ripe back home. ..Often found a warm body helped.' Torq's eyes met Sean's slightly widening ones. 'Not like that, lil' bro. Not before you're up for it.' he chuckled, and slipped the device aside, to welcome the ferret's form onto the bed.

Settling back, Sean stirred to find the hinted warmth of his host comfortable against him. The fur rather finer, softer than he'd expected, as were the muscles they muted. Swallowing gently as he rested, somewhat stiffly positioned against the martian's body.

'You ever.. been to the Garage?' the ferret found himself asking, glancing up to Torq's red eyes watching him.

'Yeah. Few years back when I first arrived. Reason I came here, actually.' The martian murmured a little, and sat up. The soft shuff of the sheet being tossed aside pointedly drew Sean's attention, sitting up carefully.

Torq had shifted one of his legs, crossing it over, and letting the earthling see the gleam of smooth metal plates, and refined looking, thick metallic cording, among a few rounded joints.

His leg from just above the knee was prosthetic. Not with a skeletal look, but a fully formed shape. Sean felt his jaw drop, glancing to the mouse then back to his leg.

'Your..' he murmured, feeling gently along the plated shape.

'Last few days of the war. We were all geared up for a final push. Axel's group detonated their distraction, and we got to hauling ass and taking names. Got into the plutarkian's outpost, missed one of them hiding in the corner like scum. One high-powered plasma-surge later, I'm on a stretcher, and celebrating our victory in a pain-haze. Got some good stuff, rather than the more make-shift they had to make do with back on the red planet.

Not state of the art or nothin', and the weapons are decommissioned.' He gave a small shrug, watching the ferret's fingers tapping, and feeling gently. 'Sensors work almost as good as the old one. I can feel that.' The burly martian chuckled, as the mustelid looked over the mouse's sole, having treaded pads on the bottom. Plastered over the heel of the broad foot, the insignia of the martian head. A faint grin reached his face, before the leg eased down beside its fleshy twin.

'It's kinda fitting, in a way.' Sean mused, easing onto his back with a soft sigh.

'I reckon so. ...So, fair's fair, lil' bro. What daring feat landed you in the scrap heap?' Torq asked, resting his chin on a hand, and regarding the smaller male.

'Been into bikes pretty much my whole life. Noisy, fast little things as a kid. Motocross, and casual riding. ..Casual as one could get on the bikes I enjoyed.' he earned a knowing chuckle from the mouse. 'Late night ride, I caught the bumper of a drunk-driver cruising through a red.'

Torq's soft hiss of sympathy earned a soft nod. 'Outfit did what it could, but I hit the ground, and was gone. Woke up a month later in hospital. Skin grafts, casts with metal sticking out of them, and doctors saying I'd probably never walk again.'

'Well, at least you're in the right place now, lil' bro.' Torq smiled, to try and displace the shadows that had welled in the ferret's eyes. 'We know a thing or two about road pizza. Like I was saying earlier, s'unlikely they'll go in to give you something like mine.' the mouse nodded to his leg. 'But sure as all roads run to the garden, you'll be on a bike of your own, come weeks end.' He finished with a gentle ruffle to the ferret's hair.

Smiling faintly for the sensation, the ferret gave a soft nuzzle against the martian's palm, before a soft weight draped over him. Watching the mouse's tail lift, he realized Torq had blanketed his jacket over him. The soft scent of the sturdy leather and martian bringing a faint noise of contentment from the mustelid.

Glancing up to the mouse's smiling face, Sean couldn't help smiling in turn, nestling himself down, before the soft pressure of Torq's arm draped over him too, and softly snugged him in against his front. Almost like a plush toy the ferret thought with a moment's amusement, before lidding his eyes and breathing slow. The gentle brush of strong fingers along his cheek soothing him as sleep crept its way in proper.

The soft brush of Torq's nose against his cheek softly roused the ferret from his slumber. Bleary-eyed, he glanced around the room, slatted windows seeming slightly ajar to let a modicum of morning light in.

'Already..?' Sean murmured plaintively, earning a soft chuckle as the mouse sat up slowly.

'Roger, roger. Unfortunately, they have you booked in early. Woulda liked to let you sleep in. You're pretty comfy.' The martian gave a roguish grin, before getting to his mismatched feet and stretching, in little more than a pair of snug-fitted briefs. Sean couldn't help his gaze lingering over the martian's curves, before carefully easing to his feet too. 'I'll get us some fuel for the day, you snag a shower.'

Giving an affirmative grunt that bubbled into a chuckle as the taller form gave him a familiar ruffle, he wandered after the shapely back down the hall, and after fetching his towel and letting the door shut behind him, the ferret got to his morning ablutions. The shower, a multi-faceted device that adjusted direction or pressure with touches on a rounded nodule on the wall.

A fresh set of clothes, and a slightly oversized side of eggs later, the ferret found himself once more hugging against the broad back of the martian on that rumbling purr of a bike. The early morning city a little quieter than he anticipated. A finger nudged his helmet's stud.

'..No morning rat-race here?' he quipped curiously, gasping at the tail giving him a gentle, almost warning squeeze.

'Careful with that word, li'l bro. But no, not quite running the same race as most of you earthers. Do a lot of late night trade. Goods running, parts maintenance is mostly overseen by AI and skeleton crews to just make sure things're running smooth. Lot of us'll be out later, enjoying the breeze, just being, really.'

'Sounds pretty idylic. So, if something happens, or someone needs something?' Sean asked, watching the odd bike slowly overtaking them, catching a nod of acknowledgement from the odd leather clad male.

'A call goes out. A shop opens up. We help each other out.' Torq replied, turning off the main strip down another road, and soon pulling up out front of a wide, mirror-windowed building. One of them having been turned into a screen, it displayed 'Pitstop Med-Tech.' And several martian techs beneath.

Getting his feet back to solid ground with Torq's assistance, Sean tugged his folder from the saddle-bag, and swallowed a little nervously as he approached the doors. The soft weight of his carer's broad, gloved hand on his shoulder helped alleviate at least a little of his nerves as he approached the front counter, and the mouse behind it. Her spikish mohawk made the earthling pause, but she gave him a perfectly professional smile all the same.

'You must be Sean. Right on time.' She gave a nod to Torq and shared a fist-bump with her kin, before smiling. 'Crank will be along in just a moment.' she turned to Torq again. 'We'll give you a buzz when he's out of recovery.'

'Cheers, sis.' Torq nodded, before easing down on a knee as Sean turned to look to him. 'I'll see you soon, lil' bro.' he rumbled, giving the smaller figure an affirming squeeze, before easing to his boots as a doorway opened to admit a slightly shorter martian in ashen grey streaks. The idea of Doctor titles, and white coats all seemed a foregone notion as Crank strolled out. An older mouse, by the lines on his face, but his steely gaze and stride were quite direct. A pair of dark jeans, a long-sleeve shirt on his broad form gave him more the air of a lumberjack, than a medical technician, but the appraising look he gave the ferret quelled Sean's silent misgivings.

'No time like the now, then.' He rumbled in a slightly gravelly voice. Gesturing to the doorway for the earthling. He watched the ferret in motion, before following him. Sean gazed back at Torq grinning bolsteringly before the door slid shut behind Crank.

He was lead patiently into an examination room. The ashen mouse accepting the file to peruse, and nodding as he eyed over the systematic list of injuries, and subsequent attempts at recovery.

'Plenty of decent work your folks did.' Crank mused as his tail swayed behind him. 'Gives us a solid foundation to work with. You'll be a little ginger for a while after the treatment, but I'd say you'll be at, if not just shy of 100% within three months.'

The ferret stared a little at the martian, feeling his eyes welling slightly.

'The pain?' he asked with cautious hope.

'If everything goes well, gone. I've put cases a lot worse than yours back together.' Crank said, the smile on his face clearly a reward from the ferret's tone.

Turning the ferret, he gestured to a sectioned off chamber. 'lose the threads, 'scept your unders if you're nervous, and just in there. I'll get you to hold real still while we image you. Eyes closed.'

Stripping down without issue, the ferret stepped into the chamber. Closing his eyes, he heard the soft hum of the machine, ears perking to the sound of several somethings circling around his ears, and smoothly inching their way down. In their wake, he felt a soft buzz, but held himself still despite it.

It didn't take long for the imaging to finish, and once his feet had finished buzzing, the chamber gave a soft chime. Opening his eyes, he watched as several hovering orbs retreated up into the ceiling of the chamber, each housing a small lens.

'Gives us a direct image to work with.' Crank advised, as he beckoned the ferret along to another room. This one wider, with sterile flooring, and large, smoothly polished pods around a vat. The vat filled with a clear green liquid.

'...Can't say this doesn't make me think of scifi horror.' the ferret mused warily, earning a soft chuckle.

'A common feeling to the earthers that come here.' Crank nodded. 'This is where the magic happens. Long and short of it, we'll be pinpointing your injuries, and infusing them with a take on plutarkian mutagens. All tested, and safe for earthers.' Crank added at the ferret's raised eyebrows. 'Not like it used to be for us. But you don't need that sordid story. With some guidance on how things -should- be, the mix, and all, it should create an approximation of what was.'

'..And the screws and rods and things?' Sean asked as he considered the vat.

'You leave the muss and fuss to me.' Crank guided him beside the glass tube, where a muzzle-mask on a tube lowered down. The martian looked to Sean, and the tube. 'Ready for this? F'you want to back out, now's the time. No harm no foul.'

Staring at the mask, then the vat, the mustelid slowly shook his head.

'Let's do it.' he murmured, earning a soft rub on his scarred back.

'Alright.' Crank rumbled, helping affix the mask about the ferret's muzzle. Once it was soundly in place, a snap of his fingers saw an unfolding brace ease down from the ceiling. Guiding it gently around the ferret's back and under his arms, the martian waved his hand.

Sean gasped a little in the mask as his feet left the ground. The device lifting him over the tank, and gently lowering him down.

The liquid within was thicker than water, and comfortably warm. Soon fully submerged, the ferret blinked his eyes gently in the fluid, able to see without much issue. From what he surmised to be speakers, Crank's voice reached him.

'Alright Sean, here we go. You just breathe slow, count back from five, and we'll get this beast rolling.'

With the limited space in the mask, Sean took a slow breath, and murmured.

'Five... Four... Thr...'

His eyes closed before he realized it.

They fluttered open again slowly, just an instant later. Or so he felt.

His vision was blurry, though no longer green. A slow blink brought things into focus.

He was on a bed, draped by a sheet. The room around him dimly lit, but revealing several other empty beds, and a small table beside him with his neatly folded clothes and a small bag.

Sitting up was a struggle, and not for the usual reason. He wasn't certain that thick weights weren't attached to his extremities. Not to mention the faint tingle he felt in one of his hands.

Focusing on that, he realized he felt it in several places. Prominently his damaged places.

The door to the room slid open, to admit Crank. The martian looking over the ferret with a smile and waved a hand, brightening the lights.

'Welcome back.'

'Did-' Speaking felt like Sean had a mouthful of cotton. '..Did it go okay?'

'All signs to the positive. One way to be sure though.' Crank approached the bed, to gently take the ferret's leg. 'Slow breath now. No sleeping agent this time, promise.' The martian winked with a smirk, before gently flexing the grasped leg.

Sean's wince was instinctive. Before confusion, then widening-eyed delight passed over his features. There was no crack. No stiff limitation, no soft sting. The martian's careful movements testing his range of motion reaffirming his delight.

He lifted his arms slowly to grasp Crank's offered forearm, which lifted him up to a sitting position. Once more the urge to wince nearly got the better of him, but the movement was smooth. He realized his back muscles still felt a bit strange, but not painful. He shakily rested his face against the martian's broad arm, quivering a little with joyous relief. Small, grateful sobs rocked him as he smiled.

'Thank you.' he sniffed thickly, earning another bolstering brush along his back.

'S'what we do. Now, you settle back down while we organize your lift. He's not too far off. We'll be organizing some physio, as you earthers call it, to help even things out. Forthe next few days, you be sure to take it easy while your body adjusts. You'll probably be feeling pretty sleepy, that's a known side effect of the treatment. We're working on it, but it's nothin' to worry.' Crank smiled, that same rewarded look on his face as he helped the ferret lay back, before straightening up and heading out of the room.

Sean lay, rubbing his eyes softly with the back of an arm. The idea of his aches and pains, all but gone, keeping his smile wide.

The door opened again before long, revealing Torq's frame. The mouse grinning softly as he moved beside the bed.

'How d'you feel, lil' bro?' He asked, ruffling the ferret's chest and earning a soft pat on the back of a broad hand.

'Honestly? Kinda muggy, but.. not in pain.' He met the martian's eyes, grinning faintly.

'Sounds like a good thing I brought the side-car then.' Torq chuckled. 'Can't have you rag-dolling off the back of the bike and have you landed straight back in here. You ready to go?'

'...Does Ride's Diner deliver?' the ferret asked hopefully as he sat up, starting to get dressed with the martian's help.

'Not normally.' the skull-masked mouse grinned, tugging up the bag from the table and turning to show it to the ferret. Sean's ears perked at the screws and rods within. 'Souvenir.' the martian grinned gently before offering a hand to his ward as the mustelid carefully tried to slide himself from the bed.

He caught the hand as his legs wobbled threateningly before collapsing under him. Rather than the floor meeting him though, he found Torq's arms bracing him. The martian grinned softly and hefted the smaller male up into his arms obligingly.

'My hero.' The ferret snickered softly, ging a small nose against a broad shoulder as the biker made his way through the Garage, and back to his bike. The side-car, a sleek, colour matched extension pleasantly cushy. Tugging on his offered helmet once Torq had slid him into it, the mustelid found his body indeed quite wearied already. Tugging on his seatbelt, he braced as Torq revved the bike to life, starting to cruise home. With the Martian tapping on his helmet as he went, Sean settled into the slightly vibrating side-car, eyelids heavy. Every odd turn of the bike roused him from dozing off, until he realized another bike had pulled up alongside Torq's.

The lacing up the side of the leather pants brought him the realization that Ride herself had intercepted them, and glancing up, blinked as she handed over a sizeable carry box to Torq, who neatly lowered the warmed food into the side-car, only to bump wristbands with his fellow biker.

Gawping, he watched as she pulled away from them, and felt, rather than heard as her engine roared, and lifted the bike into a wheelie, cruising ahead and off down a turn-off.

Sean could only meekly hold onto the box, grinning sheepishly.

When they pulled to a stop in Torq's garage, Sean eased his helmet free, to offer to his friend tromping about the bike to take the box and lift him out easily.

'Did you order this en route..?' he smiled, sniffing over the box.

'Roger, roger.' grinned the mouse. 'You said you were hungry. Plus she can't help showing off for earthers. Thought you'd enjoy the show, lil' bro.' he chuckled as he carried the ferret inside.

The mustelid perked his ears, finding himself settled on the martian's bed again, as Torq tugged off his boots and gloves, and lightly settled himself behind his charge.

'How's it all feeling?' the mouse asked warmly, as the ferret took a bite of his hotdog.

'Tingle's wearing off a bit.' Sean murmured thickly. 'It's-.. I think it's almost getting back to normal. ..How's it look?'

A broad hand gently leaned him forward, lifting his shirt to slowly brush fingertips along either side of the ferret's back. They were rather softer than he'd expected.

'Like clean fur, 'scept part of your spots stops in a line. Probably laser work.' Torq mused aloud, trailing a finger along that spot and sending a visible shiver up the ferret's back. The ferret managed to keep hold of his hotdog, swallowing heavily.

'That-.. that was new.' The ferret murmured, looking back, as the mouse's muzzle spread in a knowing grin. The backs of a pair of claws traced over that spot, earning a soft squeak from the mustelid, who had to put his meal down. 'H-hey!' he chirped, not so much annoyed, as sheepish at the martian's skull'd face brightening.

'That, was one of the cutest things I've ever heard.' the biker chuckled, and rubbed a palm along the ferret's back, before slowing. 'You need me to stop, lil' bro?'

Sean's tremulous smile held, and he slowly shook his head, wriggling back against the pillows, as the martian eased around beside him. His broad hands slow, and gentle, methodical as they gently brushed along the smaller frame. Along one thigh softly, taking a moment to cup a knee with his palm and feel here and there. Soft twitches were evidence of the tingles toying with the earthling, as Sean gasped and bit his lip, but maintained himself as Torq gently thumbed along his footpaw, tracing the padded sole and brushing a thumb-tip along the arch, earning a jerk and squeak of laughter from his charge.

Wriggling where he lay, Sean stirred, padding his free paw at the martian, trying to wrangle that broad hand, trap it.. whilst his own hands lightly undid his shirt. The soft pop of his buttons drew Torq's red eyes, and for a moment, their gazes held, before the playful grin on the large mouse warmed. Lightly thumbing the hems of the earthling's pants, he drew them down softly as Sean loosened them, and lifted himself slightly, letting them draw free.

Those broad hands returned, this time tracing both legs at once. Pausing at those spots that made the ferret tense and twitch, kneading gently along outter calves, cupping under thighs and brushing up along the mustelid's hips.

The ferret tried not to heed the blush in his cheeks as the martian's warm palms glided over his stomach, up along his chest to rest over his thumping heart. The soft creak of Torq's outfit as the martian leaned in made the ferret perk gently. The warm bump of his carer's nose-pad earned one in kind.

'Gonna need a bit of work to handle one of our bikes, lil' bro.' Torq murmured in a soft undertone, smiling. 'I'd like to help get you there, though. F'you want.'

'I'd like that, bro.' The ferret whispered back softly, feeling the tilt in the biker's frame, before the martian's lips met his own gently. A soft brush of the large male's antennae along his forehead sent a gentle thrum through Sean's spine as he lifted his arms to drape about Torq's neck.

The Martian's broad hands continued tracing the ferret's frame, more than just examining the Garage's handiwork. It slowed though, over the ferret's abdomen, resting gently, and letting the mustelid ease up on the kiss to take a breath.

'And as much as we'd both like this, I can feel you're just about to crash as it is.' the mouse murmured, tongue tracing his lips fondly. His ward chuckled and nodded in agreement. 'We'll park this one for now, until you're feeling a bit more on your feet, hmm?'

'Roger, roger.' Sean replied, making the martian grin proudly, and lean in to kiss his forehead.

'You settle back lil' bro.' Torq rumbled gently, 'Don't have to be back at the garage for a couple days for your check-ups, so you can rest up. Might have a trick from the red planet which'll help, f'you're good for it?' He asked gently. Sean's half-lidded eyes, the mouse realized, were more sleep encroaching than bedroom eyes. The ferret managed to nod, before yawning as his body broke through the last vestiges of his resistance. Sinking into the pillows, he let sleep take him again, the last image of Torq gently lifting his legs, softly pecking his toes.

The blankets stirred. Sean followed suit, sure that Torq was shifting in his sleep. They stirred on his otherside, and atop him too, he realized. Opening his eyes, the ferret found he couldn't see much. Perhaps it was still late at night, though it was very warm.

The soft, but very distinct noise of a soft, rolling squish brought the ferret to the awareness that the bedding was slick. His rousing mind slowly gaining traction, he brushed a hand along the thick blankets roiling about him. Blankets that weren't blankets at all. The flesh yielded to his touch just slightly.

'T-Torq..!?' He sputtered in concern, before the walls gently tensed about him, and almost hugged his gently bundled frame.

'Mmh..? Oh, you're up, lil' bro.' The voice rolled around him, almost through him. A gentle weight rested against his shoulder through the flesh, stroking gently. 'Before you blow a gasket, you're safe.'

'But I'm-' The ferret started nervously.

'Yep. And have been for better part of the night. Relax.' the mouse's voice softened, more to soothe. 'Like I said, old trick from home. Some nights, a jacket wouldn't cut it. Mouse'd need somewhere safe, with someone they trust. S'warm, s'soft, s'mostly quiet. Close your eyes and listen for sec.'

Almost begrudgingly, Sean obliged, though closing his eyes made no difference to his vision. His ears twitched gently, listening..

There were the odd slick noises around him. Almost rhythmic, almost as rhythmic as the soft thump from above him. Slower than an earthling's heartbeat, he was certain. And the gentle rush of Torq's breathing.

He could match his own to it, finding the sensation rather comfortable. ..if alien. The mustelid couldn't help a small smile.

'Dawn ain't for a while, so, f'you want, you can curl back up. Haven't got anything planned, so nothing to disturb you.' Torq's voice rolled over him like the pillowy walls.

'You sure..?' the ferret murmured gently, even as he softly shifted, nuzzling along the walls to settle himself.

'Feels nice for me too, lil' bro. Go on, wake up when you're ready.' Torq murmured, stroking gently over his distended abdominals, tracing the vague shapes of the ferret within.

'Roger, roger.' Sean murmured again, smiling as he nestled, listening again to the mouse's heartbeat pumping away about him.

When Sean roused anew, he gave a ginger stretch, finding the limitations of those walls snugged about him. Torq's attention turned to the waking ferret, and with a smile, he rumbled.

'Morning, sleepy head. Nose up towards my heartbeat now, and keep nice and relaxed.' he urged, glad that the ferret at least responded well to that advice. Tensing gently, he started wringing the mustelid back up, as he rolled smoothly to his feet, to walk to the shower.

As flesh squeezed about him, the ferret's face softly scrunched. It was a bizzare sensation to feel, the slick, strong walls undulating, roiling upwards to draw him up, and over the back of the martian's tongue.

Torq's jaws spread and the glare of the bathroom lights made the soggy mustelid close his eyes tight. Feeling instead as the mouse's broad hands guided him up, and softly embraced him, until he could hold him under the stream of the water.

'There he is.' Torq grinned gently, nosing the slicked ferret. 'How're you feeling today, lil' bro?'

'...Hungry.' Sean admitted honestly. 'And the tingles from yesterday are mostly gone.'

'Sounds like you're recovering well. Wanna try your legs out a bit? Help unkink you from your sleep?' The wry smirk on the martian's face made Sean squint playfully, but nodding, he straightened his legs as the martian eased him down. He held to the martian's broad forearm as his soles settled on the warm tiles. But after a few little stirs and sways, Sean smiled as he stood, and turned about to hug against the larger form's abdominals.

'Everything okay, lil' bro?' the martian smiled, holding the ferret to him gently.

'Yeah, just... wondering who I have to talk to, about staying on longer.' Sean murmured cozily, leaning back to admire the water trailing down the mouse's body, curving musculature well.

'If you're serious, Garage'll put your paperwork in, once they're happy with your rehab.' Torq said, his antennae perked. 'You let Crank know, and he'll put it on your file.'

'Roger, roger. ..Have to let Ride know too, so she can schedule my tune-up.' He grinned up to the martian, earning a hearty chuckle and nod in kind, Torq snagging the shampoo to start soaping his new lil' bro proper, up. He'd have a lot to catch up on.


Time in Lewd

Time in Lewd © Tsumi Moogle '19 Characters © Themselves. The otter's cookie-like ears flicked as the merry jingle of the door announced another addition to the already worrisome late-morning crowd. Mercifully, a hearty number were busy perusing...

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A Fine Venn-tage.

A fine Venn-tage. © Tsumi Moogle '19 Characters © Themselves. He felt fortunate at the least to have his friend there. One familiar face from their recent college days that gave him at least a toe in the social door, even if it felt as though it...

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Crumbling Grades

Crumbling Grades © Tsumi Moogle '18 Characters © Themselves The rabbit's lips pursed as he regarded his wand. Dragon heartstring, with the ivory sheen of its polished surface, perfectly straight, with a tiny serpent spiraled about its form,...

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