Group: Delusion

Story by Valanx on SoFurry

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A short disclaimer about the content - this story contains one character (age 14) who is under the legal age of consent (16) in his state and engages in sexual conduct. This is intended as a realistic portrayal of the behavior of high school students; it is an application of artistic license to a wholly fictional character not covered by the legislation of any real-world governmental body.


The full title of this project is The Group of Young Men with an Unusual, Unrealistic, and Unlikely Distribution of Sexual Orientations. It follows that this is a story about quite a few young men, and I'm not going to make any attempt to explain why so many of them are gay, despite the fact that they live in a society like ours where gays are a minority.

Group is a story about one year in the life of a high school, and thus it's difficult to piece events together; I've adopted a serial story-arc method of publishing. The various stories that make up Group are linked in a series (or, er, will be), but they're in the order that I publish them, because it would be confusing to undertake all the storylines and sub-plots at once (also it would rot my brain and break my typing fingers >..<). Each segment has a tag at the beginning showing when it takes place and which character is "holding the camera."

A number of stories have inspired the construction of this behemoth, but Teiran's High School Days deserves a special mention; it's the work that inspired me to attack a story with this kind of scope and depth, and also gave me the idea of writing about the many people you might meet in one high school.

I try not to use brand-names and trademarks in my writing. However, I really like cars. Thus, all the cars you'll encounter reading Group are from companies that don't exist and have names and histories that you won't find in dealerships. They do, however, usually bear some similarity to a particular real-world car, which can help you visualize if you're at all familiar with automobiles. In this story, you'll find...

Hraal Motor Company - Hraal is an old company that started up in 1908 and controlled the market until the sixties. Their primary rival in the old days was Laruch. In the sixties, and much moreso after the Oil Embargo in '73, Laruch began to compete more directly with Demion. Hraal took the backseat, struggling to modernize its fleet of gas-guzzling road-boats, and today it remains 'the other car company.'

Hraal Bolt - A model that originally appeared and became popular in Europe, the Bolt appeared in the US in 2003, and marked a major departure from Hraal's traditional design strategy. The Bolt is compact and relatively fuel-efficient. In appearance, it resembles the Ford Focus.

Monday, August 14th, 2:39 pm

C ** H **** **** U **** **** C **** **** K**

'where r u'

Chuck rolled his eyes and put down his backpack again on the desk so that he could use both paws. One downside to having a QWERTY phone was that it was impossible to use with one paw, but too small for both of his large thumbs to maneuver on comfortably.

'the bell just rang hold your nuts'

The halls were a nightmare to maneuver for at least ten minutes after the bell, and Chuck wasn't really small enough to crowd-surf with any sort of skill. He tried not to run into furs as he answered texts that had built up over the last block - it was just stupid to text in class on the first day of school, when you didn't know what teachers were going to be strict on the school's policy of "Take it Away and Have a Parent Come Pick it Up".

His phone vibrated in his paws and displayed an annoyingly demanding notice of "New Message from <douchebag> !"

'always knew u wanted to u fag the bell rang 4 mins ago'

The wolverine chewed on his lip. 'shut up allie' he responded, glad his brother hadn't said that to his face. Allie could get his temper riled like no one else, these days.

'look im not going to wait for u every day so step it up'

Chuck hit the door with his shoulder. The parking lot was a mess, having only two exits and easily a thousand cars wanting to get out at 2:35. He didn't see why Allie was in such a rush, they weren't going to be leaving any time soon.

The soccer-playing wolverine was sitting on the hood of his forest-green Hraal Bolt. He saw his fourteen-months-younger brother exit the door by the small gym, and immediately stood and gestured impatiently.

Annoyed, Chuck broke into a trot, fully intending to give Allie a piece of his mind. After all, the older wolverine couldn't leave him there, as much as he probably wanted to; Chuck would just text their mother, and then the county would go into lockdown for the duration of the ensuing natural disaster.

Unfortunately, just as he was getting near enough to break into a rant, someone several inches shorter and at least fifty pounds lighter than him darted into his path out of nowhere. Chuck was thrown off-balance and fell on his tail. The other guy was pitched to the ground as though he'd been tackled.

Chuck shook his head, imagining cartoonish stars and tweetybirds spinning around it, and blinked hard to try and clear his vision. Ow. He'd landed on his tail funny. That'd smart for a week. Allie was cracking up, of course.

The guy he'd rammed into was a rodent of some sort, and was about the size of your average middle schooler, though he didn't look that young after a good peer. His fur was a dusty gray with a brownish overcast, longish on his chin and head, and his eyes were small, sharp, and very dark. He heaved himself halfway up, so that his arms were supporting him, and looked at Chuck, winded.

"Shit, dude, I'm sorry," Chuck said, climbing to his feet and offering the rodent a paw. The smaller male accepted it, dusting himself off.

"That's all right, I should have paid more attention..." The rodent tilted his arm, craning his head around to see better. His elbow was red and sticky. "Darn."

"Are you okay?" Chuck asked belatedly. He probably could have snapped the little guy in half with one paw.

"Yeah, think so." The rodent poked his injury. "It's not squirting or anything. I'll go wash it off, I suppose." He looked up (quite a way up) at the wolverine. "I've seen you around, before, I think... what's your name again?"

"Chuck. Chuck Kastle." The rodent had an interesting voice, soft, with strong inflexion; it was kind of cool to listen to. He smelled faintly musky, a little odd, but rich and comforting. His scent was mild and unobtrusive.

"I'm Cody." Cody smiled at him. His face was interesting, too. His looks were very atypical, almost unusual, but not in a disturbing sort of way. Chuck kind of liked it. When he smiled, it shifted his whole face by degrees, like some sort of time-lapse image of a flower blooming. That dark shade in his eyes was fascinating.

"For chrissake, quit flirting with my brother so we can get out of here!" Allie groaned, flumping on the hood of his car.

Cody looked around sharply and immediately blushed furiously, his fur tufting on his cheeks and nose to reveal the scarlet skin beneath in fractured flashes. His ears flattened, and he tossed a glance back at Chuck. "S-sorry... I didn't mean..." he said, in a very small voice.

Chuck snarled. "God, Allie, why do you have to be such a fucking douchebag?!"

The larger wolverine shrugged and grinned at him, still slumped over his car. "Dunno. S'fun."

Chuck was torn between bashing his brother's head in and fracturing his kneecaps, but put off the decision to look to the mouse. As soon as he did, though, Cody took off, head low and tail whipping behind him. Chuck nearly called out after him, but something in his chest stopped him - under the anger, he was embarrassed himself, and didn't want to give Allie more ammunition in his favoured game of question-little-bro's-sexuality. He watched Cody run off into the crowd.

"Now that your little relationship mishap is over with, will you get in the car, please?" Allie said, in a long-suffering voice.

"Shut up, Allie. I'm not gay." Chuck said, tiredly opening the passenger-side door.

"Mhmm. That's why you haven't had a girlfriend since the third grade. Gotcha."

"Plenty of straight guys are single," Chuck reasoned. They'd literally had this conversation a hundred times, in various forms.

"Right. And plenty of closet-queers put on façades." Allie started the car and bulled his way out onto the main access lane out of the parking lot.

"Do you even know what that word means?"

"Sure. It's like a sweater. You put it on, and then furs can't see what's under it. You know, like a bra."

Bemused by his brother's incorrect but not entirely misguided explanation, Chuck ignored the vague implication of transvestitism that Allie, judging from his grin, was well aware of. "I can get a girl any time I want."

"But you don't want to. Which is why you're still a virgin."

"And how would you know if I wasn't?" Chuck said heatedly, tail lashing against the backseat. When they had this discussion and Allie wasn't controlling a two-thousand-pound piece of metal, this was usually where things got physical.

"I know, man. Once you've had tail, you just know."

Chuck gritted his teeth as they turned out onto Lerimull and started for home, and decided the time had finally come to do something. Anything. He'd get laid if it was the last thing he did. He'd show Allie if he had to film it. He wasn't gay.

Friday, August 25th, 7:02 pm

C ** H **** **** U **** **** C **** **** K**

Well. Here it was.

Chuck had folded and paid Allie twenty bucks to behave civilly and give him a ride to the Homecoming dance. Sure, it was pretty lame, picking your date up from the backseat of your brother's car, when his own date was already up front and loading her already-chalky fur up with more powder.

But, well, Yolanda didn't seem to mind.

Chuck had known the lemur chick since freshman year, and she'd always been the rather cheerful, rather sleazy example of cheap fashion that now inhabited the seat next to him. Nice enough girl, if you liked the slightly-anorexic look and didn't mind cardigans and overlarge tank tops. Tonight she was done up in a halter top that showed most of her stomach and was loose about the neck, and a fuzzy miniskirt. Chuck fully expected Allie to tease him later, but if Yolanda didn't have much of a sense of image, she did have the body to make up for it. No one from school would mock him once they started dancing and her ringed tail was flicking. Even with its additional, plastic glow-in-the-dark rings.

She was also well known to enjoy the company of a man. A wide selection of men, in fact. Chuck was counting on this, and, judging from the look she gave him when he asked her to the dance, she was, too.

Allie was true to his word and was completely polite on the drive over; in fact, he was rather quiet without anything snarky to say. His own date wasn't anything to rave about either, a moderately overweight lapine that Chuck didn't know, but the two girls took to chatting right off the bat and distilled some of the tension that would have filled the small car otherwise.

It bothered Chuck, as he sat there listening to their drivel, that he still hadn't seen the mouse he'd run into on the first day of school. The one who had started this mad endeavor to get under a girl's skirt. What was his name? Cody. That was it. He wondered where the little guy was. He didn't think it was a coincidence that they hadn't met; South might be a large school, but when you kept your eyes, ears, and nose out for someone in particular, it didn't usually take longer than a couple hours to find them. Unless, you know, they were avoiding you.

Oh well. Best not to fret himself about it, and focus on the task at paw.

The dance was already underway when they arrived, and so much the better, right? Chuck didn't go to school dances often, but it wasn't because he didn't like to dance. And Yolanda would have been at home in any rave, club, or venue this side of town. The two didn't have much to talk about, really; they had almost nothing in common except a very strong desire to get laid tonight (though for rather different reasons, Chuck was starting to realize). But that was all right. Yolanda was perfectly happy as long as she had a hunky wolverine to dance with. And grind on a bit.

And Chuck thought that was fine, too. Well, for a while.

"Whew!" Yolanda leaned back against him for a second. "I'm pooped. I'm gonna go grab some punch and chat a bit, all right? Come find me in a bit, mkay?" She disappeared into the crowd, glow-in-the-dark tail bobbing behind her, and Chuck drifted off of the dance floor, relieved to be away from the frisky thing for a moment. The way she'd been grinding and making eyes at him, he was surprised they weren't fucking in the bathroom right now.

Now having nothing to do, Chuck ambled back towards the south entrance of the cafeteria. Dances were usually held in the cafeteria, and were larger school-sponsored events, while smaller mixers were sponsored by a single club and were held in the small downstairs gym across the hall. At a very popular dance like Homecoming, the small gym was usually open as well, for furs who wanted to get out of the cramped, dark mix of Axe and bodies. Chuck decided to go see if that was the case today, and exited to the cafeteria's foyer, heading for the short hallway that lead to the gym.

Then he stopped.

A couple furs were hanging out in the hall that lead into the depths of the third floor. Some of them were stoners or shy freshmen who had showed up without a date and now had no one to dance with. Others were merely waiting for the bathroom.

One was a short mouse with a scruffy chin beard.

Chuck looked back to the gym's entrance, then turned and headed down the hall. It was sealed off before the main intersection and stairs, by one of those metal gates meant to keep students from vandalizing anything particularly important. He had the mouse cornered.

"Hey, Cody!"

The mouse, who had been staring at the floor on the other side of the hall from him, looked up sharply, then turned as if to scamper off down the hall, only to be reminded of the gate. He stopped, then looked back as if considering a flying leap over the wolverine's head.

"Come on, Cody, quit running away from me like I have the plague! Gosh, this is so stupid." Chuck looked around behind him, aware that everybody else in the hall was playing the role of unobtrusive spectator. "Look. I just want to say some things to you. Mostly that I'm sorry."

The little mouse eyed him warily.

"Look, can we just talk? Like, outside, or something?"

Cody considered him for a long moment, then nodded, still speechless. Chuck turned and walked back down the hall, glancing back behind him once or twice to make sure the mouse hadn't made a break for it. He hit the metal door bar with his fist, pushed it open one-pawed. Outside, it had gotten on into dusk, and was almost dark. Being a friday night, with no sports game going on, the parking lot lights were off, part of the new environmentally-friendly building alterations that qualified the school for a grant.

Chuck leaned against the brick wall and waited. The door was caught as it was almost closed, and the little mouse walked out reluctantly, giving him a hesitant look, then approaching and letting the door swing shut.

"Right," Chuck said. "This is ridiculous. I'll start like this. I'm sorry my brother's a fucking douchebag. He's gotten it into his head that I like guys. I don't. I'm sorry you got caught up in it. I'm not mad at you or whatever it is you're thinking, this is between me and him. Now let's forget this shit ever happened and pretend we've never met." Chuck smiled. "Hi. I'm Chuck Kastle."

Cody looked up at him, smiled faintly, let it falter, then smiled again. "I'm Cody. Well... Yancey, actually. Yancey Macota. Call me Cody." His smile fell once more. "I... I thought you would..."

"Would what? I've never met you, remember?" Chuck said pointedly. "I'm glad I did, though, because you seem like a nice guy. Are you here with anyone?"

Cody looked at him oddly for a moment, then realized he meant 'here, at the dance'. "Oh. No, not really. I like dancing, kinda. Wanted to see what kind of music they play."

"You weren't dancing much when I found you."

"Oh. Er, no. It..." he scuffed his footpaw. "It takes me a bit to warm up to... situations like this. I'm kinda shy. Another fifteen minutes and I would have been dancing." He flashed a grin. "Maybe not with anyone, but..."

Chuck caught his eyes more by accident than anything else. They were so dark, but not an empty dark. A full, rich dark. "I like dancing."

Cody looked at him wordlessly.

Chuck shrugged mentally, continued. "I'm here with Yolanda. Know her? Probably not. What year are you, anyway?"

Cody blinked. "Oh. Um. I'm a freshman."

"Oh, really? I wouldn't've guessed, not with that little scruffy bit you got goin' on." Chuck rubbed at the mouse's chin.

Cody laughed. "Yeah, I know. It's true though. I'm only fourteen, you know." He scratched his chin. "Do you think I should trim it better? I just get kinda lazy..."

"No, no, it looks good!" Chuck said, emphatically. "I like it. Makes you look older. Makes you look nice."

Cody looked up at him. "Really?"

It was more the look in the mouse's eyes that clued the wolverine in; he hadn't realized he'd said anything weird. "Uh, er... yeah." Nice?!

Well, it... did. It made him look... nice. Quite nice. Chuck squirmed inside. What the fuck? How can I think that... He swallowed.

And those eyes...

Oh christ. This was... not good.

"Ah, heh... how about we go back inside, eh?" he said, uncomfortable. "I'll introduce you to Yolanda. You can hang out with us, if you like. Dance some. Course, she'll be all up on me as soon as I get back, but we can talk some, at least."

Cody nodded silently.

The wolverine walked back inside with a mouse trailing him, found his way to the punch table and got them both some (it was spiked, but he watered it down quite a bit with some soda from the bottle under the table). Then he located Yolanda with a complex suite of glowstick tracking, occasional sniffs, and filtering of background conversations for anything about fashion or sex.

"There she is." He went up and accosted the lemur. "Hey, babe. This is Cody. Freshman friend of mine."

Yolanda grinned and, to her credit, waved in a relatively friendly manner. "Bout time you got back. I'm ready to dance some, how about you, you musteline rapscallion?"

Chuck snorted a little. "Come here, then."

It wasn't hard to get used to a chick grinding on you. Chuck was even getting the hang of pawing breasts unobtrusively (Yolanda had been encouraging that). But after that discussion with Cody, his heart just wasn't in it. His eyes kept sliding back to the little mouse (who was quite an enthusiastic dancer, if a bit shy at first).

He didn't really think Cody looked... did he?

No. No, he wasn't gay, he was totally straight, which was why he was going to be fucking Yolanda later tonight.

...But, that wasn't true, was it? He was going to be fucking the lemur later tonight to prove that he wasn't gay. Not because he particularly wanted to.

Oh shit. This was bad.

But... he'd always known he was straight. Always. He'd never felt... faggish. Never wanted to do a guy. Smiling at Cody the way he kept doing... it had to be a fluke. He wasn't actually attracted to the mouse boy. If he got in Cody's pants he'd just get grossed out. Whereas Yolanda... well, she was kind of a slut. And not that hot in the face. He didn't really like her. But he knew as soon as he got her panties off he'd be ready to plough that thing. Yeah. That was what made him straight.

Still, Chuck was troubled the rest of the night, for the duration of the dance, and then on the way back in the car, and then when Yolanda invited him to come 'watch a movie' and told Allie not to wait for them. Chuck tipped his brother a wink; Allie rolled his eyes in a 'we'll-see' sort of way. The younger wolverine kept psyching himself up for what was seriously about to happen.

Yeah. He could do this. No problem, right?

Yolanda certainly knew what she wanted; the house was dark and she didn't even make the pretense of putting on a movie, but rather had Chuck on the couch and was making out with him before the wolverine could even get his bearings. Chuck tried not to think anymore, tried to just touch and tug and use his tongue, pulled at her top and got up under her skirt, on her thighs. Clothes were discarded, body parts were groped. The lot. And still, Chuck was telling himself. He could do this.

She had her paws in his boxers; everything else was on the floor. He was grinning and feeling her up, and then she had his boxers off and they were both naked, and it was time. Time do his thing.


Er... the boner's just supposed to show up, after a bit, right?

Come on, Chuck. You can totally do this. No problem. He got her on her back; she was breathing hard and licking his face and smelling of wild arousal. Now was totally the moment.

After a while, she moaned, "Come oooonnnn... Stick it in..."

And after a bit longer, more lucidly, "What's wrong, Chuck?"

Oh fuck. This was not good. "N-nothing... Just hang on a sec..."

She shifted; things came into contact, and it was a lot more obvious all of a sudden. "You're not even hard, are you?" she asked, more puzzled than anything else.

Well, now it was out in the open, and he had to admit it to himself. He wasn't. He was totally, completely Not Hard. He couldn't remember being this Not Hard in history lectures. In the STD unit of health. At his grandmother's nursing home. If his dick had been any floppier it would have shriveled up into a little black hole of negative sexual desire.

"Chuck?" She sat up halfway under him, and he suddenly lost all his nerve and crawled back off of her. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

"Chuck?" She stood, then, and he heard pawsteps, and then the light flicked on. He looked at her for a second, then down at himself, at the wrinkled opening to his long sheath, which was damp from where he'd been sticking it a minute ago.

Something made him grab the blanket that lay over the back of the couch and pull it over himself.

"Jesus christ, Chuck. Is that really it?" She sounded annoyed, disappointed. "God. Fuck. Fuck it! Here I thought a great big muscled guy like you could give me a time to remember." She stomped her paw, hard. "FUCK!"

"S-sorry..." Chuck said, hesitantly.

"God. No, it's all right." She sighed roughly, looked at him, unabashedly naked. "Look, if you're just nervous, maybe we can try again in a little bit, okay? I mean, everyone's a virgin once."

Chuck knew, as soon as she said it, that there was no fucking way he was ever doing that again. Ever. He huddled under the blanket, ears drooping and flicked back. Never mind that his sheath had just been wedged between her labia. He didn't want her looking at him. He felt as shy as a freshman on his first day dressing out.

Yolanda saw the look in his eyes and groaned. "Shit. I know what this is. You're trying to prove something. You're a fag, aren't you?"

"No..." Chuck murmured. "No, I'm not..."

The lemur snorted. "Okay. Whatever you want to call yourself, then."

The wolverine swallowed, gathered the strands of his sanity up. "Look... can you just... leave the room for a bit? I need to get dressed..."

Yolanda opened her mouth to point out the nonsensicalness of her leaving the room considering how those clothes had been removed in the first place. Before the words left her mouth, though, they were intercepted by a sigh. "All right."

Once she was gone, Chuck pushed the blanket off and sat shyly on the couch, before pulling his boxers back on, followed by his pants, and then his shirt. Out in the hall, he could hear the Lemur on her cell phone. "Hey, Marvin... Yeah, look, I'm sorry I turned you down... I know... Well, I was thinking, maybe you and I could have our own private little dance back here at my place... Yeah, sure thing... All right... See you in a few."

After a bit, the lemur came back in and began dressing herself, seeming to be in better spirits. "Well, I had fun dancing, at least. Are you going to be okay getting home?"

Chuck jerked his head in a nod; he lived a good distance away, but it was walkable, if you had forty-five minutes or so. "Look... Yolanda... are you... can you, you know, not tell anyone about this?"

She shook her head in bemusement. "I think it's better if we both just forget this ever happened. I'm still getting laid tonight, and that's all I care about. You... I don't know what it was you were after, but I hope it won't cause me any more trouble."

Chuck swallowed. "Don't worry," he said softly, ears low. "It won't."

Five minutes later, he was walking down her street. It was chilly for August, enough that he would have been happier with a jacket.

Nice going, fucktard. Well, now that your plan to prove that you're not gay has been a dismal failure... what next?

Hell, that was more than a failure. That was a complete backfire.

Chuck squeezed his eyes closed and said it, bluntly. "Straight guys get boners when they're about to fuck chicks."

God. So this meant...

No. No. Maybe not. Calm down. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe this didn't mean anything.

And maybe repeating 'I'm not gay,' to the rhythm of his footsteps wouldn't make it any more true.

But, then, why didn't men turn him on? Why did he get so nervous and choked up whenever he thought about the fact that Cody had a cock? There was something weird about the way he liked the mouse, that was true, he couldn't deny that. But he knew as soon as he saw Cody's dick he'd freak out and go into blanket-huddle mode again.


He didn't actually want to have sex with a guy. With Cody. Did he?

Monday, August 28th, 3:01 pm

C ** H **** **** U **** **** C **** **** K**

Keeping his head low, Chuck had mostly avoided his brother over the weekend. Allie had, of course, gotten him alone in the car on the way to school, but fortunately hadn't thrown any curveballs. Still, Chuck remembered his description of virgins, "Once you've had tail, you just know." He got the sneaking suspicion, from the bright, hidden look in Allie's eyes, that his brother had been telling the truth. He knew nothing had gone down. And he knew he didn't have to say anything for it to bother the hell out of Chuck.

Chuck had just gotten out of a detention. Fortunately Allie had soccer practice today, so he didn't have to hear about Yolanda. Unfortunately, Allie had soccer practice today. So he had to wait until they got out to go home.

Chuck chewed on his claws for a second, backpack slung over one shoulder. He had stopped in the hallway on the first floor. He was standing so that he could see through the front windows of the library at an angle. On the far side of the library a couple of furs were sitting, talking. One was a cougar, an excitable sort, leaning in and going on and on about something; he was facing the window, more or less. Another was a coyote, another a thylacine. The last was facing away from the window. But Chuck figured he would recognize that short, gray-brown headfur and those rounded ears pretty much anywhere, now. They'd been haunting his mind, along with the rest of the body they were attached to, for the whole weekend.

Chuck's paw came into contact with the cold glass of the library door, and he jumped. He'd drifted closer without realizing, and was reaching out to push the door open.

The wolverine swallowed, and did so.

His footsteps seemed awfully loud, and he noticed every fur who glanced his direction as he entered the room and made a beeline for the four freshmen. He was trying hard not to blush, but he could feel his fur starting to bristle, just a bit, and his tail was knocking at the back of his legs with each step, wanting to curl between them.

"Hey... Cody..."

The four boys looked up at him and adopted being-addressed-by-an-upperclassman postures of nervousness. Cody, craning around in his seat, smiled once he saw who it was. "Oh. Hi, Chuck. Guys, this is Chuck, he's a friend of mine. These're Louie, Sam, and Erik."

Chuck gave the other three a token grin, which they returned. "Cody... can I talk to you for a sec?"

Cody smiled. "Again? Okay. Sure." He stood hesitantly. "Where..."

"We should... probably go out into the hall," Chuck said, barely keeping ahold of his blush.

"Okay. I'll be back in a sec, okay, guys?" he said, and Chuck was immensely thankful for the mouse's easy ability to blow off discomfort.

They left the library, and Chuck made a point of walking far enough down the hall that they wouldn't be seen from inside. Then he turned to the mouse.

"What's this about, anyway? Friday night?"

Chuck swallowed. "Yeah. Kind of. I..." He realized that he had no idea how the hell he was going to explain this. "I... okay. Look. I'm just... really confused about some things right now..." Chuck said, sighing with frustration and pawing at his forehead. "It's... hard to explain."

"Take your time," Cody said quietly, gone all solemn and serious.

Chuck flashed him a smile. "I'm... I'm not sure if you can help me out, but..." He swallowed, trying not to spend too long staring into Cody's eyes. That was dangerous; it made his voice stick in his throat and his knees grow weak. "Okay. Let's go at this from a different direction. Do you, um, maybe want to spend some time with me sometime?"

Cody blinked. "Well, sure." Getting over the odd manner of the question, he smiled wide. "Sure, Chuck, I'd like that. What did you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know, just, um, hanging out or something." Chuck rushed on, "I mean, if you're not busy or if you're not hanging out with other friends or something..."

The rodent gave him a warmeyed look. "Chuck... I... yeah. Yeah, we can do whatever you want. Do you want to now?" His eyes lit up.

Chuck bit his lip. "Well, I'm mostly hanging around here because my brother has soccer practice. He gives me rides, you see. So I'm kind of stuck here for a while."

"Oh. Well, I can keep you company. I mean, if you want," Cody looked up at him shyly, tail flicking behind him.

"I... but... weren't you with your other friends..."

"If you'd rather I..."

"No, I only mean..."

Cody gave him an embarrassed sort of grin. "I'd... rather hang out with you, to tell you the truth. I'll... I'll go tell them." He dashed back into the library, leaving the wolverine literally shaking with nerves.

What the fuck am I doing? he asked himself, in a rare moment of sane thought.

Then Cody came back out and all thoughts were gone from his head.

They went and sat outside, on the grassy slope where they could see the soccer field and the tiny figures moving around on it. They talked. About random things. Cody got out his algebra homework, and Chuck helped him with it, probably a bit more than he should have. He didn't like to see the little mouse struggling. Chuck looked up to find the young mouse's eyes on him more and more often.

And finally, when it was getting late and the soccer team was heading for the locker rooms off the small gym, Chuck did something insane. Crazy. He shifted his paw and wrapped it around the mouse's.

Cody's breath caught; the wolverine heard it and shut his eyes reflexively, as if expecting an explosion. He couldn't stand to look at the rodent. He couldn't do it.

After a long, tense moment, Cody's paw moved, exerting pressure into the hold, curling around Chuck's in turn. The wolverine looked over at the mouse. Cody was blushing madly, worse even than when they had met, the first time. But he was smiling, and Chuck couldn't help smiling back.

Thursday, September 7th, 9:44 pm

C ** H **** **** U **** **** C **** **** K**

The teenage wolverine's knees hit the floor, and the hamburger he'd eaten half an hour ago hit the porcelain. Wiping his mouth with a groaning sort of whimper, Chuck hoped no one had heard him throwing up. Especially not Cody.

He flushed the toilet, still nervous enough that he was afraid it might not be over, but he stood and rinsed his mouth out, then began brushing his teeth thoroughly. Wouldn't do to have a mouthful of vomit if...

Oh god. What. The fuck. Was he doing?

In his room, parked in front of the TV, was a mouse two years younger than him. At first it had just been hanging out after school when Allie had practice. But then there was gaming together. Getting munchies together. Going to movies together. And it hadn't even been two weeks yet, since Chuck had suggested they spend time together in the first place.

There was more, too. At first it had just been holding paws. Not every day. Not for very long. After all, they were out in the open, where anyone (including, conceivably, Allie) could see them.

Things hadn't gone much further. But from what had happened thus far tonight... It looked like there was a definite 'yet' involved in that fact.

Oh. God.

Chuck spat and swished listerine around his fangs. They'd been watching a movie. Not the way Yolanda liked to 'watch movies,' legitimately on his futon watching Will Smith beat up some aliens. Holding paws under the blanket. Chuck's chest all fluttery and tight.

Until Cody's body had somehow moved closer, was leaning against him, and the mouse's skinny arm had reached around to touch his chest, wrap around it.

If Allie had walked in on that, neither of them would ever live it down. Not with how Chuck had started nuzzling at Cody's headfur. Why had he done that?

It had been... really tame. They hadn't even kissed, though Cody's nose had touched his, once.

And now Cody was watching TV, the movie over, and Chuck was throwing up in the bathroom.

"Not gay..." Chuck grumbled as he spat out listerine. This was... insane. But he hadn't gotten any harder from it than he had from Yolanda. He wasn't sure exactly how he felt about Cody, but he was sure about one thing; it was platonic. If he ever saw the mouse's tackle, he would most definitely not be turned on by it. Yeah.

Chuck nodded to himself. He believed that.

Still nervous, but not as badly so, he left the bathroom and returned to his room. Cody's dark eyes flicked to him as he entered. Watched as the wolverine pawed the doorhandle with sweaty palms, closing the door awkwardly. Followed Chuck with his eyes as the larger male came to sit back down beside him.

"Anything good on?" Chuck asked, the picture of nonchalance. As if everything were normal between them. As if they were just two buds hanging out on a school night. Which we are, he reminded himself.

Cody shook his head, though he continued to watch whatever was on. Chuck couldn't bring himself to focus on it. He pulled the blanket back over himself, leaned back with a sigh. "Tomorrow's Friday."

"TGIF," Cody responded.

"For real."

"Allie have practice?"


"Oh..." Cody said, disappointed.

"What time do you have to be home again?"

"Want me to leave?"

"No, I want you to stay. That's why I'm asking."

Cody shrugged. "My sister's off tomorrow, she'll be up laaate. Into the morning."

"Cool." Chuck smiled a little. "Going to stay with me here?"

"Nowhere else I'd rather be," Cody said. His tone was lazy, but Chuck knew him too well by now to think that he meant it from any sense of apathy. "Besides, I don't think she's even home yet." He grinned. "I don't have much of a choice."

Chuck laughed at that and gave him a rebuking poke, which was returned in kind. "So... what do you want to do?"

Cody looked away from the TV, threw his dark eyes at Chuck like some sort of weapon. "Oh... I don't know..."

There was something in his eyes, though. Cody had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do.

Chuck felt all tight in his chest again, but he smiled, with effort. Grabbing the mouse around the torso, he pulled Cody closer to him, until the little guy was nearly on top of him. "Let's just watch TV, then."

Cody leaned back into him, grinding against him a little bit. Chuck couldn't decide if that was an accident or not. Frankly, he didn't care. He was the one with his arms around the mouse, he was the one who had gotten the mouse's rear halfway onto his pelvis. He was the one who didn't know what the fuck he was doing, or why. He was the one who couldn't stop himself.

They did watch TV for a bit. Chuck's stomach was roiling with nervousness the whole time, but it was empty now. Cody smelled wonderful, and Chuck angled his muzzle so that his nose was half-buried in the mouse's shoulder. His paws wouldn't behave themselves, they wanted to do things.

Eventually, some part of him gave, and admitted that he wasn't nervous. He was scared out of his wits.

His paws shifted. One claw caught the hem of Cody's shirt. He thought he felt the mouse move just slightly. Then one paw moved just a bit, and one of his digits slid up under Cody's t-shirt.

Cody didn't move, but Chuck knew he wasn't paying any attention to the TV anymore.

Somehow, the wolverine got up his courage again, and his paw shifted again, moved, and then his whole right paw was under Cody's shirt, the whole thing, resting on his bare stomach and trembling a little. Cody moved a little, arching his back. Just a bit. His breathing was rough. His head turned, enough to look at Chuck, enough to inflict those ebony eyes on him again.

"Chuck..." he whispered.

"Y... y-yeah?"

Cody opened his mouth a little, but seemed not to know what to say.

Chuck couldn't take it any longer. There was so much tension between them that he felt like it was ripping him apart. "C-cody... um..." His voice was as quiet as he could make it and still be heard. "Look..."


"Do you, um... want to... um... kiss? ...A, a little bit..."

Cody stared at him for a moment that seemed longer than speechlessness and shorter than hesitation, in some impossible way. "Y... yeah..."

Chuck could kiss. Kissing he could handle. And it was only kissing, right? Sure, it might not be normal. But the way he felt about Cody wasn't normal. It didn't make him gay.

Yeah. That made sense.

His mouth came into contact with the mouse's, and the contact between their lips seemed to set him afire. He held Cody close. And yeah. Kissed him.

Neither of the two boys dared to use their tongues, for the first kiss, and after it stopped they both spent an uncomfortable period avoiding each other's eyes, trying to reconcile with themselves how much they liked it.

Then, when both were ready (Chuck took a bit longer), there came the second one. And the third. All shy. Careful.

I don't want to stop, Chuck thought, and the feeling was powerful, drove him on to kiss with newfound enthusiasm, and finally to push Cody's head back into the futon and push his tongue out of his mouth. He licked a little at Cody's lips, and the mouse's eyes widened. Slitted, as the wolverine's tongue gave long, lapping strokes to either side of his slightly-open mouth, slow and sensual. And then closed. As Chuck bravely ventured where no-one had gone before (though he, of course, didn't know that this was Cody's first real kiss).

It was... different.

Chuck had kissed girls. He'd kissed girls plenty. French kissed enough to know what he was doing. Kissing Cody was... different. Of course, the mouse was a lot shyer in his mannerisms than any girl who would make out with a classmate under the bleachers during gym class. But there was something jerkier about the way he moved his tongue, something rougher and more solid about his narrow mouth. And it wasn't just his mouth. Chuck had his left arm around the mouse's torso, his right under his slim shoulders, and his chest and stomach were against the mouse's side. Cody's body wasn't soft, squishy, the way Yolanda's had been, for all her supermodel weight. He felt small and fragile. But he felt like a small, fragile brick building. If that made any sense. Everything about him was firm, un-rounded, un-blunted. Sure, the wolverine could have broken him up easily in a fight, but he wasn't soft.

Chuck liked it. Everything about it... him.

From there, both males found their courage, and their energy, and began to kiss with more fervor, more desire. Cody's hands went up to Chuck's shoulders, rubbed over his upper back. Chuck re-oriented himself so that he was on top of the mouse and got both paws under his shirt. Cody shivered as the wolverine's paws roved over his flat stomach, his bony ribcage. He twitched when Chuck's claws grazed one nipple, and then squirmed, breathing roughly, as Chuck rubbed at it. He broke the current kiss (Chuck had lost count) to make a soft noise. "O-ohh-hhh..."

Chuck smiled down at him. "Like that?"

"Yeah..." Cody cringed as Chuck's other paw found his other nipple, and then moved under him, unable to lie still, as Chuck gently massaged both with his thumbs. "Oh, Chuck..."

Hearing a guy say his name like that made Chuck duck his head and flick his ears back. He didn't bother stopping to question what he was doing. He knew he wouldn't have an answer.

Cody made another soft moaning noise, and Chuck shut him up with his mouth, kissing him and petting his whole chest now, marveling at how small the mouse was compared to his own barrel-sized ribcage.

The wolverine was enjoying himself. Yeah. That was true, and he could stand to admit it.

Cody trembled as the older teenager's paws returned to his abs, and Chuck grabbed the hem of his shirt. He didn't know why he wanted to get Cody out of his clothes; it was instinctual. A morbid fear lingered in the back of his mind; Cody, at this rate, would be expecting the wolverine to get him naked, and Chuck knew that once that happened he'd only feel disgusted. But still, he couldn't just stop. He liked Cody too much. It was a shame he had to be a guy, right?

Cody helped him get the t-shirt over his head, and then fumbled under the blanket for the wolverine's own shirt. They got that off. Chuck brushed his paw over Cody's nipple again, and the mouse arched his whole body. His crotch pressed up against the wolverine's lower abs, and oh, yeah, Cody was enjoying this, he was for-serious enjoying it. Chuck was surprised that the feel of the mouse's erection didn't put him off. Still, though, nothing wrong that he had a boner. That was okay. Chuck was feeling a little stiff himself; his head was definitely out. It didn't mean anything, they weren't going to have sex. No gayness here.

Cody was more forward, now, he'd started messing with the button on Chuck's jeans. He was crap at undoing jeans from the front, but after a while and a lot of distraction in the form of further kissing (and occasional nipple strokes, which Chuck kept performing with a sort of vindictive grin at the mouse's moaning), he managed to get Chuck's waistband down around his thighs. His paws met the woven cotton of Chuck's boxers, warm from the wolverine's body heat, and then daringly pressed into the crotch.

Chuck rolled his hips, grinning as the mouse groped him. What Cody had said at the dance was true. Give him time to get used to a situation, and all his shyness went out the window.

Cody's paw had hold of his sheath through his boxers. "You're... you're so big..." he gasped, in between kisses. His paw slid up to the damp part sticking out into the wolverine's underwear. "Ch-chuck..."

The wolverine, mind impaired by something as effective as alcohol, grunted, "Go ahead. Stick your paws in."

Cody did so, eagerly. Chuck shifted as the mouse's cold paws started toying with his junk. He felt a little awkward, but nowhere near huddling under a blanket and ordering Cody out of the room. And he didn't want Cody to stop, not at all. His cock was getting harder, poking out longer and longer, finding its way out the waistband that was held up by Cody's wrists. The mouse touched his slippery length, rubbed at it a little, kind of jacking it off, and Chuck moved his hips in response. That felt... good.

Cody attacked his own pants, then, and had them off much faster. Chuck's paws found the waistband of his tighty-whities, then the ridge sticking up in the front, under the fly. He didn't mind even this, touching Cody's cock. Warning bells were starting to go off in the back of Chuck's head, but he was ignoring them, and Cody was moaning cutely again. The wolverine pulled the younger male's underwear down, feeling the release of tension as the mouse's cock sprang out. His pawpads ran over soft fur, and slick, firm skin. Cody was crazy-sticky down there; likely he'd been leaking from having his nipples rubbed.

Okay. Something was definitely wrong. Chuck was coming out of it now. He was touching Cody's cock. Like, bare. Nothing in between his paws and the mouse's tool. And he was still rock-hard. This wasn't right.

Uncertain, the wolverine slowed, then threw the blankets off with a jerk. Cody's eyes came open with a start, and he looked up at Chuck, breath heaving in his chest. Chuck could see his penis. Right there between his legs, sticking out of his sheath, glistening in the dim light from the TV. A couple inches shorter than the wolverine's, average length at most, a bit short at worst. Slim, curved, with a sharply graded head. Chuck could smell it. It smelled like sweat and sex and Cody.

Chuck's boner twitched, feeling hot along its length, and wet at the tip. He looked down, and watched a string of precum make its way down to land on Cody's thigh.

Oh god. Oh god. I'm hard and that's his cock and oh god this is it, this is officially gay, very gay, oh god I can't be gay please don't let me be gay oh god I'm not gay I'm not gay imnotgay. Why the fuck did I get myself into this situation? No, this can't be right, please, this has to be some sort of jok-imnOTGAYohgod breathe Chuck, calm down, don't freak out, you're not gay, it'll go down in a second, please go down, please, I can't seriously be getting harder, oh god why won't it go down?

"Chuck..." Cody said, a little nervous in tone. "What's wrong?"

Chuck looked at him. Swallowed. With an enormous effort, he did two things.

First, he took control of the raging hurricane of fear and horror in his brain, and told it, quite simply, Shut up! Everything shut off, and he moved it to a mental shelf and promised himself he'd deal with it later.

Second, he gathered his courage once more, and smiled. "Nothing. Just... wanted to be able to look at you." It was a lie. But it was also true.

Cody smiled up at him. "Okay..." He shivered a little. "You'll have to keep me warm..." He licked his nose expectantly.

Without hesitation, Chuck let himself down on top of the mouse, pressing his erection against Cody's and wrapping his arms around him. "Better?"

Cody licked his nose, this time. "Yeah..."

"What do you want to do, now that we're like this?" Chuck asked, kissing the mouse again.

When he could talk, Cody murmured. "Um... well... this is kind of my first time..."

"Mine too. Well... the first one that counts, really."

"Oh..." Cody leaned into another kiss. "Mmph-Okay. I... I'm a little nervous about this... I don't know..."

Chuck licked the mouse's ear. "I have an idea."


"Let's lay..." Chuck shifted them both sideways with a sort of hopping lift, and gravity did the rest, flipping the wolverine so he was horizontal across the futon, with the mouse atop him. " this, and then..." He rolled, and got up, Cody looking up at him from amongst the blankets.

Chuck stretched a bit, to show off his muscles, his cock bobbing between his legs. Then he lay down the same way Cody was, but in the opposite direction, having to fold his legs up a bit to keep them on the futon. He figured Cody had an inkling of what he wanted to do, now, but the mouse still gasped when he got a tongue to the penis.

"Ch-chuck..." he moaned, softly, hips trembling as the wolverine took the end of his cock into his mouth. Chuck had no idea what he was doing, to be frank, but figured if he sucked and licked enough it would end well. And minded his teeth, had to remember that. He twitched as he felt wet licks on his own cock, and then the hot, engulfing sensation that his tongue had been experiencing for the past hour.

The wolverine pulled the mouse's dick further into his mouth. For a penis... it tasted pretty good. Salty, but not strongly so. And kind of like how Cody smelled, only a little richer and more masculine. The mouse seemed to be a pretty squirty guy; precum started flowing from the end of his tool right at the start, and would shoot out in time with its twitches.

Meanwhile, Chuck's own erection was starting to get into serious sex mode. Sure, the wolverine jacked off. He rarely did it to porn; he didn't find watching other furs having sex very interesting. Though, for the first time, he wondered if he'd have the same reaction to gay porn. But, in any case, he wasn't unaccustomed to what things felt like. What he wasn't used to was the intensity. Everything felt a hell of a lot achier, particularly in his stomach, with Cody on his cock like that, sucking and getting it all spit-covered. The mouse couldn't deepthroat him; he tried a couple times, but invariable gagged and had to back off. Chuck eventually petted his head gently to tell him it was okay, and Cody did just fine getting him worked up using his tongue on the wolverine's head.

As for Cody's cock, it was definitely not going to win any prizes in the size department, but it still made the older male choke if he pushed too hard at the base. He could get the whole length into his muzzle, and he was absurdly proud of that. He sucked and sucked, holding onto Cody's thighs, feeling his muscles grow more and more tense, watching his tail thrash harder and harder.

Finally, Chuck conceded that he was going to blow first. He could feel things getting tight in his balls, behind them, and everything felt hot and too good. He let go of Cody's boner, panting. "Cody... I'm... I... yeah... That."

Cody nodded a little, enough that Chuck could feel it through his cock. Chuck hung on to the other male's legs and tried not to make too much noise as he came.

Cody reeled back at the first squirt, taking it right in the back of the throat and gagging pretty bad. He didn't pull off, though, rather just kept the wolverine's head in his mouth and sucked on that, stroking the shaft with his paws. That was fine with Chuck. At the last second, he realized he wasn't going to be able to keep himself from yelling, and seized the blankets in his jaws, squeezing them closed tightly and grunting long and hard into cotton that ended up soaked with his saliva. It seemed to last much longer than normal; he just kept going and going, first in great big squirts that Cody tried to swallow, then in smaller little jets, and finally in little weak shots that were more forceful inside him than they needed to be to squirt out such a minuscule contribution of semen. It felt like his whole crotch was on fire, a fire that slowly died out, much more slowly than it ought, until he felt sore and wonderful.

Cody pulled off of him, and Chuck released the blankets from his jaws. Spitting them out, he wasn't surprised to see his teeth had put holes in them. Hopefully no one would notice.

Cody looked down at him, and Chuck looked tiredly at the little mouse's face, smeared with cum that had leaked out of his mouth. "Watch your claws next time."

Chuck blinked, and then realized he was gripping Cody's thighs so tightly that his claws were digging into his flesh. "Oh, shit. Sorry. I just... that was intense. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Cody shook his head. "I don't think so. Might be bleeding a bit. Definitely will have bruises. But I don't mind that so much."

The wolverine smiled. "Here. I'll make it up to you."

Then the mouse's cock was back in his mouth, and Cody was making little mouselike squeaks and moaning. Chuck gave him a little tap with his tail, and the rodent tried to quiet down. Finally, he buried his muzzle in the blankets, rather like Chuck. The wolverine relinquished his grip on Cody's legs to hold his rear, cup his soft-furred scrotum, which was pressing itself tightly to his abdomen. He tugged on it a little. The mouse was close.

"Unghhh... Chuck... Just a bit more... Oh, fuck..." Cody's breathing funked out, and he stuffed his nose into the mattress. Chuck sucked, one paw on the mouse's balls. He felt when the mouse's cock went all stiff and wouldn't twitch back down on its own, and he felt the first surge of muscles contracting behind Cody's balls. He could hear Cody squealing into the mattress. Then there was cum in his mouth, quite a bit of it, and he gulped it down as fast as he could, trying not to gag and mostly succeeding.

It tasted... decidedly odd. Kind of bitter, definitely salty. Sort of like how sports drinks taste - it didn't taste like a sports drink, but it was weird in the same sort of way. Still, though, Chuck couldn't say he didn't like it. It was kind of strong. But he could definitely get used to the flavor.

Cody didn't take as long as the wolverine, and didn't jizz nearly as much, but from the sounds he made, it felt just as good. When he was done, and Chuck could hear him panting and feel his mousey prick getting soft in his mouth, the wolverine swallowed thoroughly and pulled back. He stood, shakily, and reversed direction, and in a moment Cody was back in his arms and their soft cocks were flopping against each other.

Cody smiled at him, a little hesitant, and Chuck smiled back. "Did you... like doing that?"

The mouse considered. "I... yeah. Yeah, I did."

Chuck nodded. "Good. I did too."

"I just... I can't believe this is happening," Cody said, weakly. "I can't believe I just... did it... had my first time... with a guy. With you."

Yeah. Chuck couldn't believe it either. There was a whole shelf-full of insanity waiting for him, as soon as he didn't have the comfort of Cody and his nice-smelling fur to ward it off. "Well, it wasn't... you know... serious." His mind filled him with helpful images of what fucking Cody under the tail might feel like.

"I, yeah, but it's still the first time I've done... anything. With another fur." The mouse shifted into a more comfortable position. "I'm not ready to go all the way yet. Heck. I'm not even sure if I was ready to do this."

"You did... want it, right?" Chuck asked, with a chill.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course," Cody said, hearing what he was implying. He laughed a little. "God, did I want it, I couldn't bear how long it took you to make some sort of move... I just... wonder if I'm going to regret it." He made a small noise. "I'm... only fourteen, you know."

"Yeah." Chuck spent a moment dwelling on that.

"And..." Cody sighed. "I don't know. I still don't understand why... Why I like you so much in the first place," he admitted. "It's just... weird."

He didn't say it, but Chuck knew he meant their shared gender. "Yeah. Yeah, it is. I... that's why. Why I took so long. A little... confused."

"Oh..." Cody smiled at him a little. "Well... it was really good. And I really like you. And you're a great kisser."

Amused, Chuck licked some of his own cum off of Cody's face. It wasn't nearly as pleasant-tasting as the mouse's, rather extremely bitter, and he suddenly felt sorry for the poor guy, having to swallow that.

They held each other for a long time. Chuck was just delaying the inevitable, and he knew it. But he could bask in the good feelings of being with Cody, like this. Ignore any question of why he felt that way, and what (the fuck) he was going to do about it. And it was nice. Feeling the mouse breathe. Feeling their fur against each other.

When he eventually confronted his own problems, it would be good to know. It felt... so nice.

So right.

At length, Cody moved a little. "I... should get home..."

"What time is it?" Chuck asked. Cody could see out into the room from his position.

"Almost half past one."

"Holy shit."

Cody smiled at him. "Time well-spent, I think."

Inexplicably, Chuck felt a little choked up. "Y-yeah."

Cody licked him on the nose.

They got up, and performed the arduous and occasionally confusing task of getting their clothes back on their proper owners. Chuck only realized he had Cody's pants on when they wouldn't button. Whey they were clothed again and Chuck had licked Cody's face over thoroughly to clean the last of the cum out of his fur (this got rather heated and ended up being a more thorough tonguing than was strictly necessary), they dared to leave the room once more.

Cody gave his sister a buzz, and she arrived fifteen minutes later. The mouse gave the wolverine a little wave as he stepped off the porch. "Text me, okay?" Chuck nodded and watched him get in the car and speed off into the night.

Finally, the wolverine, knowing it wouldn't be long before he broke down and started freaking out, shut the door and headed back towards his room.

Halfway there, Allie came out of the bathroom, headbanging to something on his mp3 player. As soon as he saw his brother, he stopped, and pulled one earphone out. "Oh. Have you been out somewhere? I haven't seen you all night."

"Er..." Chuck tried to think of what to say.

Allie tilted his head. "Hey..." He looked around for their parents, then lowered his voice. "Damn, dude. You been fucked?"

Chuck's jaw dropped. "I... Yeah... How the fuck did you know?"

Allie laughed. "Told you, didn't I? Once you've done it, you just know. Also you smell like cum. Go take a shower before mom gets a whiff of you." He gave Chuck a slap on the shoulder. "Way to get some pussy, kid. Still think you're a cockslut, but I can handle having a bisexual brother."

"Shut up, Allie," Chuck groaned, the response so instinctual he didn't need to think about it. If he had, he might have started cackling at the irony and never stopped. Here, all along, all he had to do to convince Allie he wasn't gay was lose his virginity with a guy.

The younger wolverine retreated to the bathroom, removed his clothes once more, and turned the water on. Then he sat in the corner of the tub... and waited for the wave to break.


This story makes a pretty crappy introduction to Group, but it's the first chunk of Group that I have completely finished, so it's going up. Once the Max-Eli-Trenton triangle gets underway you'll understand a lot more about SSHS and the chronology of things. You will also see stories about a number of side-characters in this - Allie is a recurring character, and the cougar in the library, Louie, has his own chunk that's mostly finished. Sam, the coyote in the library, has a brother named Max who is one of Group's major characters; you'll likely see a lot of Max later.

There will probably be a sequel chunk that features Chuck and Cody, because they still need to cross the boundary of anal sex and Chuck needs to get over his issues. I didn't mean to have all of this be from Chuck's perspective, but that's just how it came out; Cody will probably tell most of the second part.

I apologize for the random M/F halfway through - I didn't tag it as such because it ends the way it does, and the story goes the way it does. Hope it didn't scar any of you gay boys ;).