Scaly Seduction

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#14 of Commissions

"A chance encounter at a cafe leaves a villain having a changed outlook"

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**A My Hero Academia Fanfiction:

Scaly Seduction** _by RVasil

Commissioned by: B3atFr3ak


Quirks were a beautiful thing.

They were a special trait given to 80 percent of the human population. They allowed the owners of them to do amazingly fantastical things. Some were simple: being able to squirt water out of their hands, or being able to levitate a small piece of paper. Others were far more complex, and most importantly, far more powerful: having immense strength, able to topple buildings with a flick of their wrist. Some could teleport instantaneously, others could paralyze people just by simply looking at them.

Quirks were different, unique, and wildly varied in scope. Naturally, with the onset of these borderline magical abilities, the world evolved to account for them. Quirks were like tools: things to be used in everyday life, and like with all tools, they could either be used for good or bad. Heroes came from all this: people who would stand as protectors of the masses, stopping Villains who seeked to use their Quirks for evil means. It was fantasy made reality.

And it was the reality that Shuichi lived in.

Most people wouldn't be familiar with Shuichi. To them he was just another face in the crowd, a walking lizard with purple hair. Such a sight wasn't uncommon; Quirks also had the ability of changing a person's physical appearance. Shuichi didn't do much to stand out either. He just kept to himself, and tried not to make too much eye contact. He ignored people, and they ignored him back. That's how he preferred it as it also kept his identity in secret. True, Shuichi wasn't any ordinary person.

In fact, he was a very dangerous person.

"...police are still investigating the recent string of attacks by the League of Villains." Shuichi stopped in front of the large TV, amidst a group of people as well who were curious about what was to be said. Photos of the League were flashed on screen, some grabbed from camera footage from nearby buildings whilst others were taken by civilians on the street. Majority of them were blurry, but some were clear enough that you could see the individuals plain as day. Shuichi recognized them all. One had Shigaraki, another was with Dabi. Then there was a photo of Kurogiri, and the next photo flashed was of Spinner.

He quietly huffed to himself. It always annoyed him how photos of himself never looked right. His face was thankfully covered, a small bandana wrapped around his eyes that had holes cut in to let him see through. It wasn't the most elegant looking mask, but it was amusingly more than enough to help keep his identity in secret. He knew it worked because the people around were staring right through him, even though they were just told that he was a dangerous criminal.

"Investigations are well underway in trying to figure out why the League attacked the caravan holding the now imprisoned Yakuza boss, Overhaul. If you have any information regarding the matter, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities."

Shuichi left. He himself wondered the same. He understood that it was part of the League's plan to get the Quirk Erasing Bullets that Overhaul had with him, but he never understood why it was necessary to attack the police force that were guarding it. Sure they were collateral damage, but he thought there should have been a better way. Small things like that cropped up in his mind. Shuichi looked back onto why he joined the League. He joined because he figured they were a group that were following Stain's ideals. Stain being the villain that advocated cleansing society: by means of ridding itself of False Heroes. People that were only in it for the money, and not necessarily doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.

Shuichi idolized Stain. He looked up to the man, and what he believed in. He wanted to be like him. Someone who was there to make sure that the heroes at the top were the people deserving to be there. In some sort of twisted way, it was like he was acting like a hero. This belief of his always kept him somewhat at odds with the League. An instance of it was back at the Training Camp. He, Magne, and Mr. Compress was tasked in capturing Bakugo, a student of Class 1A. Bakugo was the owner of an explosive Quirk, and the League figured having such a powerful Quirk amidst their ranks would make them more formidable.

The mission was arduous as the students of Class 1A, and the teachers that were with them, weren't exactly keen on giving up their classmate so easily. Shuichi and company had to fight; one that stood out to him the most was Izuku Midoriya. Young, agile, and skilled, Midoriya proved himself capable as he was the student that ultimately broke his own large sword. During their brief encounter, he understood immediately why Midoriya was considered by Stain as a true hero. There was no fear in the child's eyes when they met. Instead, it was filled with determination, selflessness, and courage to save a friend in need despite the odds.

Qualities becoming of a true hero.

If the League indeed followed Stain's ideals, why then were they so determined to kill the child?

It was questions like these that plagued Shuichi's mind. It caused him distress. That was why on his days off where there were no operations currently underway, and he was free to do with the day as he pleased, he went off to go to his favorite shop. Well, favorite would have been putting it a bit too strongly. It was a coffee shop he found himself frequenting as of late. No, it wasn't one of those franchise ones like Starbucks.

Yes, he was a villain who could easily kill people and have no remorse whatsoever, but he still had class.

It was a shop situated near the end of the street. Small, quaint, if a bit tacky, it was a hole in the wall establishment that could easily be dismissed for other options, but Shuichi nonetheless preferred it. Maybe it was the chill and quiet atmosphere. Maybe it was the wonderfully brewed coffee that was always served to him. Or maybe it was the smell of the freshly baked pastry on display that he found irresistible.

Who was he kidding? It was his favorite shop. The fact that it was also independently owned and the owner himself was the one manning the shop were extra bonus points.

The bell rang as the door swung open and Shuichi went in. "Good morning," the owner called out from behind the counter. Shuichi made a beeline forward and looked at the freshly baked goods on display. "What would you like to have?" he asked Shuichi.

The green lizard eyed the merchandise, scratching the bottom of his chin. The strawberry filled donuts looked enticing. "I'll have the donuts," he said, glancing at the owner.

"Anything else?"

"Cup of coffee as well," he added. "A latte."

The owner then began to ring up the cost of his order. Shuichi fished out his wallet and paid for it. "Okay...and your name is?"

He smiled. "Shuichi."

The owner smiled back at him. "Alright, Shuichi. Please take a seat. I'll be right with your order."

If there was one big thing Shuichi liked about the Dragon's Cave Cafe was that since it was a small establishment, there weren't a lot of people. There were probably only three of them inside the shop at the moment, the owner included. It eventually dwindled down to just him and the owner as the third person took his leave a few moments after. It was quiet, save for the soft music playing from the nearby radio. It was the perfect atmosphere for Shuichi to just sit down, relax, and for a moment, pretend that there was nothing wrong in the world. He rested his back on the sofa, letting out a light groan out of comfort.

He looked up when he heard his name get called. "Shuichi?"


The owner walked up to him, tray of food and beverage in hand.

"Thank you," Shuichi said, happily taking his ordered meal. One thing that stood out to him was that the man's pale skin turned a warm orange color as he took off. It was a bit surprising, but Shuichi made it a point not to stare. It could have been related to the man's Quirk.

"If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask," the owner said, turning back to head to the counter. Shuichi nodded, taking a bite out of the donut he just ordered. He smiled, feeling that everything was right in the world. The strawberry was perfect, and the latte was well done to boot. There was a smiley face drawn on it using the cream. He felt his phone buzz, and that was when he decided to check out the notifications he had on him. It was Mr. Compress. He was asking him a favor if he could buy them lunch for later. That was, assuming he was going to have lunch back at the safehouse.

He began to type up a response. "What are you in the mood for?"

As Shuichi was distracted with his phone, the door to the Dragon's Cave Cafe opened and a group of customers arrived. Shuichi didn't pay them much heed, only taking a quick glance before going back to his phone. It was only then when he heard one of the individuals smack the counter top when his attention was drawn.

It seemed that an altercation was occurring. Or something even worse.

"I said, put the money in the bag, Kaio," the large man said, pointing what Shuichi recognized was a knife at the owner.

"You don't need to do this, you know that?" Kaio said, looking intently at the intimidating man. His orange skin shifted to that of a mustard yellow.

There were three of them. One was robbing Kaio, and the other two were doing a bad job at being a lookout. The fact that they hadn't noticed Shuichi tucked at the corner informed him that these were small time petty thugs who clearly didn't know what they were doing. Any normal person would have either fled or tried to call for help in regards to the situation. A hero would have already interverend. Shuichi? He was neither. If anything, he was indifferent. Although this was his favorite shop, he didn't feel obligated to step in. There were other people whose sole job was that. This was his day off, and he wasn't in the mood for fighting.

He went back to messaging Mr. Compress, only allotting half of his focus to pay attention to the interaction. Kaio started talking with the thugs, but in a low voice he couldn't hear. The music playing from the radio was louder than he was. Whatever Kaio had said seemingly got under the head thug's skin, as he reeled back, looking like someone had spat in his face.

"What did you say to me?" the man barked at Kaio.

Kaio meanwhile remained steadfast, standing still and eyes staring intently on the person he was conversing with. He had a level of focus that told Shuichi that this wasn't the first time he had done this. He took note of the fact that Kaio's skin was changing a slight hue of color: from yellow to a soft blue. Shuichi quietly observed, watching as the head thug's lackeys approached Kaio, asking what the hell was taking so long.

It was like the owner of the cafe casted a spell on them. Whatever level of intimidation they brought with them seemingly disappeared into thin air. Their shoulders slumped and the dangerous aura they carried with them dissipated. To Shuichi's surprise, they started backing off. He blinked, watching the trio who came in to try and rob Kaio leave empty handed, looking more distraught as ever.

At that point, his curiosity got the better of him.

He stood up, taking another donut with him and walked over to the counter. Kaio let out a sigh of relief, the color of his skin shifting from the blue, back to a pale white. "How did you do that?" Shuichi asked with genuine curiosity.

"Oh! Uh, do what?" Kaio asked, surprised at Shuichi's sudden interest.

"Those three tried to rob you right now," Shuichi answered. "Terribly, I might add. I was half expecting things to go bad back there. What did you do?" he asked, sitting at the chair by the counter. "Did you talk them out of it?" he added, half jokingly.

"I did," Kaio responded so nonchalantly it took Shuichi off guard.

Shuichi's mind immediately began to think critically. Was this the power of his Quirk? Did Kaio have the ability to influence people's way of thinking? He had to know. "You did?"

"It's my Quirk," Kaio explained. "It's called Empath. It allows me to feel and see the emotions of others."

Shuichi understood the first part of that sentence. "You can see people's emotions?"

Kaio nodded. A tinge of orange began to color his skin. It was barely noticeable, but Shuichi was close enough that he could see it. "I can," Kaio answered. "It's like...seeing color. You know how people associate red for anger? It's kind of like that. I see that in people, the way that I see you as colored purple at the moment, meaning that you are curious."

"Interesting, and you used this to talk those guys earlier to not rob you?"

"I did," Kaio answered. "My Quirk also allows me to manipulate people's emotions as well." He then sat back down, letting out a sigh. "But it can be draining on my mental faculties."

"You don't use it often then?"

Kaio shook his head. "No, and I don't like using it unless I have to. It's like..." He thought for a moment, trying to think of the right words. "It's like an invasion of the mind. It doesn't sit well with me that I can influence someone's actions just by thinking about it."

Shuichi let out a thoughtful hum. "I mean, other people might say otherwise. A Quirk like that can be considered very powerful under different circumstances." He then looked at him from the corner of his eyes. "You could even be a hero if you tried hard enough. I heard that's a lucrative opportunity."

He watched Kaio's reaction expectantly. Most of the people he came across nowadays had almost the same, if not, similar answers. If they were interested in becoming a hero, they would answer that they'd like to be one as the idea of becoming a symbol of good and justice like All Might was appealing to them. But their eyes would say otherwise: it told him that their intentions were far less noble, if a bit simpler. They were in it for the fame, the fortune, the glory, or all of the above.

"Lucrative?" Kaio asked, surprised at Shuichi's choice of words. "I mean I guess that's one way of looking at it. No," he answered. "I don't think I'm cut out to be a hero, and honestly I'd rather not be. For one thing, my Quirk isn't designed to be used for offensive purposes. It's more of a support type Quirk. The second one is," he then smiled at Shuichi. The light tint of orange on his skin became more visible. "If I did, who'd serve you coffee?"

Shuichi's train of thought was derailed. "W-what?" he blurted out, completely caught off guard by the man's statement.

Before he could ask him further, a commotion rang from behind them. Both Kaio and Shuichi turned their heads to see the robbers earlier bust through the door, and this time they brought reinforcements.

"Hey fucker!" cried out the thug Shuichi figured was the leader of this ragtag group of five people. "I don't know what you fucking did, but now I'm pissed off." He tapped the baseball bat in his hand menacingly. "I was being nice earlier when I tried to rob you!" He pointed the baseball bat to Kaio. "But now I'm thinking I'm just going to beat you to a pulp." That was when his piercing gaze landed on Shuichi. "Unless you're interested in getting your face rearranged, beat it lizard!"

Shuichi took a deep breath and sighed. Today was shaping up to be a good day too. He glanced at Kaio and saw that the man was visibly exhausted. His skin had turned yellow, and Shuichi figured it was out of fear. Even if Kaio tried to run, the thugs would easily catch him out in the street, and they'd beat him senseless to an inch of his life. His eyes flicked towards the clock on the wall. The nearest hero agency was a few blocks down, and by his rough estimates, he had about ten minutes before said hero would pass the street as part of his daily rounds.

Shuichi stood up, stretching his neck slightly. "Good grief, and today's my day off too."

"You say something, lizard?" The head thug said, glaring at him. Him and his lackeys were slowly approaching them. Shuichi could feel Kaio's nervousness from behind him. He turned his head briefly to address him. "Stay behind the counter."

"W-what?" Kaio blurted out.

Before Kaio could say another word, the tension in the air popped like a balloon. A fight ensued. The thugs charged at Shuichi. He held his ground, using whatever was closest to him as a weapon. He ended up grabbing hold of the coffee cup he was using to bash the head of the first thug who got near him. Hot coffee splashed all over, the hot liquid making the other thugs flinch.

"You bastard!" cried the head thug. He raced towards Shuichi, waving his baseball bat around like a maniac.

Shuichi huffed. He quickly countered the blunt weapon, masterfully swatting the man's hand away. The baseball bat flew across the air, and he jumped catching it perfectly. Without skipping a beat, he began to smack the heads of the thugs who retaliated upon seeing their boss get disarmed. Bodies flew left and right as Shuichi smacked them away with his powerful swings. Kaio was taken aback. He never imagined that the lizard was that strong. Who was he?

The head thug was lying a few paces from the brawl, and was now recovering from getting hit with the bat. "Fuck!" The head thug said, nursing the side of his face. "Now I'm really angry!" He reached into his pocket and grabbed a knife. He took hold of it and charged straight at Shuichi.

"Watch out!" Kaio shouted. While he expected a brawl, he didn't expect for things to get this serious.

The head thug slashed and stabbed violently, enraged and clearly out for blood. Shuichi however kept his cool. It was almost like watching a professional dancer. Each step and each movement were all exact and calculated. Kaio was left speechless as Shuichi evaded with finesse and grace. With fast and precise movements, Shuichi grabbed hold of the head thug's hand and swatted the pocket knife from him effortlessly. The sharp weapon flew across the air and Shuichi kicked it away. It flew straight across the room and embedded itself against the wall.

"You want to try that again?!" Shuichi cried out, angered that his day off was ruined completely.

The thugs looked visibly distraught. A silent agreement came between them and they all nodded almost in unison. They quickly scattered, running towards the exit. This was a battle they clearly lost.

"Yeah! You better run!" Shuichi shouted at them, feeling his anger subside.

The commotion and ruckus soon ended, and the adrenaline coursing through Shuichi's body began to subside. He collapsed onto the nearby chair, trying his best to catch his breath. Kaio jumped over the counter and walked over to Shuichi. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Shuichi said, trying to swat the man away. Maybe drinking coffee today at this cafe was a bad idea. He then jumped when he felt Kaio's hand touch his. "You're bleeding!" he cried out.

"What?" Shuichi then looked and sure enough, there was a visibly gash on his left arm. It wasn't deep to cause serious damage, but deep enough that it had started to bleed. "Oh fuck," he said nonchalantly. The tone of his voice, and the lack of concern for his own safety alarmed Kaio. Shuichi didn't notice it however, as he was far too annoyed at his own injury. "The guy must have nicked me at some point." Great, he'll have to bandage this up back at the safehouse. The antiseptic was going to make it sting. He was about to stand up when Kaio forced him to sit back down. "H-hey! What the hell?"

"Sit down!" Kaio shouted. "I'm going to get the first aid kit."

Shuichi was left dumbfounded as the man rushed out the room frantically. It wasn't anything fatal. It didn't even hurt that much to begin with. Shuichi wasn't a stranger to injuries. Being the villain that he was, it came with the territory. The League coming up short in finances meant that he didn't have easy access to anaesthetics to help dull the pain either. The nights spent recovering after a bout with a hero were plenty and it taught him extreme levels of pain tolerance. After all, when a fight got rough he still needed to be able to do a tactical retreat even though it was hard to breathe with broken ribs.

Kaio eventually ran back into the room, eyes wild and his breathing ragged. In his hands was what Shuichi could see was a first aid kit with dust still coating the edges. It looked like it hadn't been used in ages. Kaio placed it on the table and opened it, his hands visibly shaking from the adrenaline coursing through him. Shuichi noted that his skin color was now a sickly yellow: he assumed he was scared. Was it off the blood?

"Shit, I should have paid more attention in class. I need to dress the wound first..."

What soon followed was Kaio painstakingly applying his knowledge, or rather, miniscule knowledge of first aid. It became clear to Shuichi that Kaio had no idea what he was doing, but the effort the man put in wasn't lost to him. What baffled Shuichi was why Kaio was doing this for him. "Relax," he said, giving Kaio instructions on what he should be doing. "Take deep breaths. Trust me, this isn't as serious as you think it is."

"Are you kidding?!" Kaio cried out, his demeanor seemingly teetering back and forth between panic and relief. "You lost so much blood!"

Shuichi rolled his eyes. "It's nothing. I've lost more before." He then flinched, feeling a slight tinge of pain roll across his left arm. Kaio was now dabbing the alcohol soaked cotton ball on his wound. He apologized profusely. "You're fine," Shuichi assured him.

Trying to divert their conversation to something more positive, Kaio then said, "thanks."

Shuich's brow rose. "For what?"

Their eyes met, and Shuichi now saw that the yellow from Kaio's skin was shifting to a more warm orange. "For saving me," Kaio answered.

It was at that point that Shuichi felt a certain sense of satisfaction swelling from his chest. Was...was this how heroes felt? "Y-you're welcome," he answered. "It's nothing really. I'm used to fighting. It's in my line of work."

"Clearly," Kaio remarked. He then grabbed the bandages from the first aid kit and began to wrap Shuichi's arm. "I don't think I've seen anyone move like that. Are you sure you're not a Hero?" His color shifted from the warm orange to a now more vivid purple. Kaio was curious. Shuichi shook his head. His identity was something he wasn't keen on sharing with anyone, for very obvious reasons. "No, I'm not," he answered firmly.

"What do you do for a living then?"

Shuichi paused. He was mentally thankful for the written script Mr. Compress had them memorize. At first he thought it was stupid. But looking back, it made sense. If they were ever incognito in public and someone asked them about personal details, they had a solid fake story to tell that sounded convincing enough. "Private security," Shuichi answered, looking at Kaio.

"What, like a bodyguard?"

Shuichi shrugged. "Sometimes. Other times, we're just guarding an item a rich person wants to make sure is kept safe. We do not deal with villains however. We leave that to the professional." Shuichi made sure that his tone was flat. He didn't exactly want Kaio to take note of his disdain for heroes that weren't true heroes.

"I can see why you easily dispatched those goons then," Kaio answered. By this point, he was done with bandaging Shuichi's arm. He was cleaning up the materials he used and putting them back into the first aid kit when Shuichi asked him, "do they come here often?"


"Those thugs," Shuichi answered.

Kaio sighed. "They do." His skin tone shifted from the previous color to a more solemn grey. "Most of the time I've managed to turn them away with my Quirk. They haven't been as bold as of late, but ever since All Might retired it looks like they decided to make a comeback." He closed the first aid kit and sealed it shut. "I've asked the hero agency nearby to maybe increase their patrols, but criminal activity has been on the rise as of late, so they're already spread thin to begin with."

"Well don't worry," Shuichi said. "I'll be around."

"You will?" There was a sparkle in Kaio's eyes. The solemn grey went away and was replaced with the vibrant orange.

Shuichi felt a tinge of red forming at his cheeks. His mouth was saying things faster than his mind could process them. "Er, I mean, I love the coffee," he answered. With the way Kaio was looking at him, it felt hard to speak for some reason.

Kaio's warm smile made Shuichi's heart jump. "I'll be sure to keep making them for you then."

Shuichi left the cafe soon after, walking with a skip after every step.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The days that soon followed seemingly melded together for Shuichi. He hated downtimes between operations. While it was nice that they get to just sit around and do whatever, the fact that they were sitting around and doing whatever was what made him detest it. Unfortunately, League operations couldn't be rushed. Shigaraki and the others were busy ironing out plans for their next big operation, and careful planning was necessary to make sure everything went smoothly. Shuichi normally played videogames, watched movies on the television, or maybe read some manga to help pass the time. But something had changed.

Even Mr. Compress had noticed it.

"Are you heading out?" he asked, looking up from the book he was reading. He watched as Shuichi began tying his sneakers at the door. "Are you going to that cafe again?"

Shuichi paused. For some odd reason he felt inclined to lie. "Uh, no."

Mr. Compress's brows narrowed. "Are you sure?" He held his gaze for a brief moment before ultimately relenting. "Well, whatever. If you are, buy me those raisin bonnets they have. I love those."

"Sure thing," Shuichi said, heading out of the safehouse.

Shuichi didn't want to admit it, but somewhere down the line, he made it a point to visit the cafe before doing whatever errands he had planned for the morning. In his mind he reasoned it as a routine, something to follow whenever he headed out. But in reality, it was something far, far simpler.

"Oh hey Shuichi!" Kaio's greeting and warm smile made Shuichi's day. "What will you be having?"

He let out a playful hum. "I don't know." He eyed the menu and he wasn't really in the mood for anything in particular. "Why don't you surprise me?"

Kaio was caught off guard by his statement. He thought for a moment then nodded. "Alright. I'll whip up something for you."

"How much is it?"

"Consider it on the house," he said, moving away from the register and grabbing one of the plastic cups that was behind him. "A token of appreciation for my favorite customer." The wink made Shuichi blush. Shuichi cleared his throat, turning around to look at something else to distract him. The shop was empty, and it was already nearing 11 in the morning. Business seemed slow today.

"Are you sure?" Shuichi asked, looking back at Kaio who seemed quite happy with what he was doing. "I'd rather not put you in the red."

"Ehh, it's fine," Kaio answered, waving a dismissive hand at him. "Today's just one of those slow days I guess." He then finished up behind the counter. "Here you go! A Hazelnut Bianco Latte."

Shuichi took the plastic cup with him and immediately noticed that Kaio took the time to design something with the foam. It was in the shape of a heart. His eyes flickered to Kaio's. "That's cute."

Kaio visibly perked up. His skin tone shifted to that of a vibrant orange. "Thank you. I thought it would be appropriate for you." He then leaned onto the counter, propping himself up with a hand. "So, do you have anything fun to do today?"

"Well, after I'm done here with my latte, I need to do a few errands. I have to pay for our electric bill."

"Oh, sounds fun. Can I come?"

Shuichi nearly spit out the coffee he was drinking. He took a moment to regain his composure. "W-what? What about your shop?"

"I could close early today, it's fine." Kaio stood up and began walking towards the door. As if to emphasize his point, he turned the 'open' sign over to the 'closed' side. "I could just hang out with you. If you don't mind that is."

Every rational part of Shuichi at that moment told him what he needed to hear. However, it seemed his mouth could talk faster than he could think. "Sure," he answered. "But it's not my fault if you get bored."

"When I'm with you, I'm never bored."

Shuichi knew in himself that this was a bad decision. While he didn't have anything personal against Kaio, he knew that this relationship they had could never be anything more. In fact it shouldn't even exist. He was putting himself and the League in danger for befriending Kaio. Not to mention putting Kaio himself in danger for getting associated with him.

But damn it, he was in the mood to make bad decisions.

As much as Shuichi hated to admit it, he enjoyed Kaio's company. Kaio's bright personality was infectious. The smile on his face never faded, and conversation between the two of them flowed like a river. They talked about anything and everything. What movies each other watched, what videogames they played in their spare time, and even what manga they were reading. Shuichi was embarrassed at first to admit his interests, but was relieved to see that Kaio was just as a big fan as he was.

Eventually their conversation shifted to talking about hero work when they happened to see a hero taking down a criminal. A crowd had formed around the triumphant man, standing proudly in front of a criminal who was beaten and bruised. The criminal wasn't dead, just more so visibly defeated as he clearly was no match for the hero he went up against. The crowd around them were cheering, shouting the hero's name and singing his praises. Shuichi wasn't one of them. To his surprise, Kaio wasn't one either. The two continued walking around, eventually ending up in a nearby park. That was when Shuichi decided to spring the question.

"I noticed you weren't cheering earlier for the big hero," Shuichi said, handing Kaio an ice cream he bought for him. It was vanilla flavored. "You aren't a big fan?"

"Thank you," Shuhichi said. "It's my favorite. And to answer your question, no. I'm not."

Shuichi sat next to him, taking a lick of his rocky road flavored ice cream. "Why's that?"

"I told you my Quirk right?" Shuichi nodded. "Well, looking at that hero earlier, I don't think he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He seemed far happier when people started cheering for him, instead of when he was actually doing the heroics."

Shuichi blinked. "You mean, you were able to tell that he was a fake?"

Kaio nodded. "People like that don't deserve to be called heroes. They're just doing it for the money, the fame, the glory, or all of the above." He looked at the ice cream he had. "If only it was as easy as black and white. Unfortunately life isn't as cut and dry."

"What above villains then?" Shuichi asked. "What do you think about them?"

The man thought for a moment. His current skin tone was just a neutral white. "I don't approve of what they're doing, but the causes they fight are somewhat understandable."

"You understand what they're fighting for?"

"I think I do." Kaio stuck a tongue out to eat his ice cream. "I'm not blind, Shuichi. I know that there are some problems with the world we live in. We idolize heroes like they're some kind of superstar. We avoid changing ourselves for the better because we know that the heroes will always come along to solve our problems for us." He took another lick of his ice cream. "Ever since All Might retired, I've realized that we value heroes too much, and think they're the solution to every problem we have. We forget the fact that we ourselves have the power to change things just as much as they do." He then paused. "At least that's what I think," he said. "I could be wrong. What do I know?" He chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment. His skin tone shifted to a light hue of pink.

"No no," Shuichi replied, looking at Kaio as if seeing him in a new light. "I...totally get what you're trying to say."

"I probably sound like a villain with a manifesto, huh?" Kaio said. He then did his best impression of trying to look menacing, but it ended up just making him more adorable in Shuichi's eyes.

That was it. That was all it took. Whatever hesitation Shuichi had about this relationship with Kaio was now out the window. Now knowing that Kaio was at least on the same wavelength as him made Shuichi happy. It informed him that they really had a lot in common: from hobbies, down right to ideology. But as he spent the afternoon with him further, a dreaded feeling began to crept up at the bottom of Shuichi's stomach. Even IF they did have a lot in common, one fact was clear: Shuichi was a villain, and Kaio was a civilian. Although Kaio might understand where Shuich was coming from, that didn't mean that Kaio would be sympathetic to his cause.

The lizard thought about it deeply as he went home that day. He enjoyed being around Kaio. Kaio made him feel things he never knew he could. Kaio's smile made his heart flutter, and being around Kaio made Shuichi happy. It made Shuichi feel...normal. His life up to this point had been anything but. If he weren't fighting heroes, he was busy trying to survive. He was a criminal, and if his identity were to be known, he was going to go to prison. He could only seek solace in the company of his own villains.

Kaio's arrival broke that notion for him. As he faded off to sleep for the evening, one thought lingered in his mind: would Kaio still like him if he ever confessed who he was?

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The next day came and went.

Shuichi barely registered himself eating breakfast. His thoughts were far too concerned with this relationship he had with Kaio. He awoke that morning feeling guilty; feeling like he had been lying to Kaio after all this time. He knew it was for a perfectly good reason, but that didn't stop the guilt that was coursing through him. Even Mr. Compress took note of his withdrawn and conflicted behavior.

"You alright?" Mr. Compress asked.

Shuichi blinked, snapping back to reality. "Y-yeah, I am. Why?"

"You've been staring at that piece of bread like it owes you money. Is something bothering you?"

Shuichi was surprised. He was? "I-I'm good. I'm good, sorry. I was just thinking about something."

"Are you thinking about that barista?"

Shuichi nearly gagged on the glass of water he was drinking. "H-how did you..."

Mr. Compress looked at him. "You were talking in your sleep, and you were muttering his name. I guessed it was from the cafe you've been going to for a while now. Judging from your reaction I was right." He took a drink from his glass of water. "Have you kissed him yet?"

Shuichi blushed furiously. "No! What on earth are you talking about?"

Mr. Compress just laughed heartily. "Ah, I remember when I was young and was smitten once. It felt like everything was right in the world." He then looked at Shuichi. "Obviously, you can't tell this person who we are. If he finds out well..." He made a sign of chopping his head off. "Do you understand?"

The gravity and seriousness of the threat wasn't lost on Shuichi. It weighed on his mind as he walked the streets of the city. He wasn't heading into any place in particular. His mind was too confused and frankly unsure. He knew that he needed to stop seeing Kaio; for both their sakes. But a part of him felt crushed just by thinking of the notion. As if to put him on the spot, a voice broke his train of thought.


The lizard looked up. To his surprise, he was at the Dragon's Cave Cafe. It would seem he had been walking subconsciously towards it. Kaio, the source of all his problems, was standing by the door. He had that familiar warm smile that tore at Shuichi's insides. "Come in," Kaio said. Before he could even say anything else, Kaio grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him in.

The cafe was quiet, saved for the soft music playing. Some of the chairs were still upturned and placed on the tables. "Late opening today?" Shuichi asked. He figured small talk would help get his mind off things.

"Yeah," Kaio answered. "I woke up late this morning. I apologize for the mess."

"Oh, it's fine," Shuich responded.

Kaio then perked up. His skin shifted to an orange color. "So do you want coffee? I can whip you something up since you're here."

Shuichi paused before deciding to just go for it. He couldn't bear it any longer. He needed to talk to Kaio. "I, uh, wanted to talk to you."

Kaio's brow rose, along with his skin shifting to a purple color. "About what?"

Where to start? He wasn't who he said he was? That they shouldn't meet with each other anymore? That meeting each other was a terrible decision on his part? That the coffee here wasn't really that good and the only reason Shuichi kept coming back was because of Kaio? He was at a loss for words. Kaio watched as Shuichi's mouth opened and closed, as if struggling to form words. "What is it?" Kaio asked, holding back a smile. "You can tell me anything." Kaio walked up to him.

"We...I'm..." Shuichi sighed angrily. He was never good at talking about how he felt to other people. "This...whatever this...thing is between can't work."

Kaio stared at him. For a brief moment he looked confused, his skin tone shifting to an earthy brown. Then, Shuichi saw the gears turning inside his head. His expressions softened to something neutral. He couldn't tell what Kaio was thinking at the current moment. "Why not?" Kaio spoke so softly Shuichi wasn't sure if he heard him at all.

Shuichi looked away, unable to meet Kaio's gaze. He was worried that seeing his face would make it hurt more. "I'm..." Shuichi closed his eyes. He knew what was on the line here. He knew that under any circumstances he shouldn't disclose any information about himself. "I'm not who you think I am." His mouth talked words his mind couldn't comprehend. Instinct was guiding him more than rational thought. It was becoming harder to think, so he decided to just stop thinking altogether. He turned back to look at Kaio who was silent. His skin tone was white; his expression was quiet. Shuichi couldn't read the man at all. When he spoke, it caught Shuichi off guard.

"But I do."

Shuichi blinked. "You do?"

Kaio wordlessly walked towards the counter, and Shuich felt obligated to follow. Questions buzzed in Shuichi's head. What did Kaio mean? What was he talking about? "I know who you are, Shuichi," Kaio continued. "I figured it out."

The lizard stopped in his steps. He felt a chill go down his spine. "W-what?"

"I know who you are, Shuichi," Kaio continued. "Or should I say, Spinner."

In the blink of an eye, Shuichi's body moved. Kaio barely even registered the motion. One moment, he was standing a few paces away from him. The next, Shuichi was standing intimidatingly next to him. "How do you know that name?" Shuichi asked, his voice still and serious. His gaze was unwavering.

"I was curious, so I decided to do some light research," Kaio answered. There was no hint of fear in his voice. "I looked up private security that was working in the area. There were none. I've never seen anyone fight like you before. I thought you were a hero, but you told me otherwise. That's when I figured...what if you were instead a..."

"Since when?"

"Ever since you saved me," Kaio answered. His color shifted to a clear pale white. "I'm not afraid of you Shuichi, no matter who you are or what you did."

Shuichi sighed. "I'm a villain, Kaio," he spoke softly, as if speaking any louder would break whatever was shared between them. "I've done horrific things." He looked at Kaio seriously. "I could kill you."

Shuichi wasn't sure what he wanted to see in Kaio. Fear? Rejection? Disgust? He half expected Kaio to turn to a shade of color that represented an emotion in that spectrum. But he never did. The white hue of his skin stayed the same. Seconds ticked by and it felt like an eternity. The silence was only broken when Kaio finally answered. "Do you want to kill me?" The question was asked so nonchalantly, it almost felt like a joke with no clear punchline. In a flash of movement, Shuichi lunged at Kaio, grabbing him by his collar. Kaio looked briefly surprised but reverted to being calm. The two stared at one another. Kaio looked determined in his belief, whilst Shuichi looked conflicted. Shuichi's hands shook.

"I...need to kill you," Shuichi said, seemingly having trouble speaking words. "It's imperative that no one finds out about us." He said the words yet his resolve wasn't there. "But...I can't..."

It was at that point that Kaio acted. He leaned forward and kissed Shuichi, completely catching him off guard. Shuichi's initial reaction was understandable. He raised his hands up to try and push Kaio away. But when he was about to, he found himself unable to do so. Whether it was his resolve disintegrating completely, or his decision to finally accept what they had between them and throw caution to the wind, he could not tell. For at that moment, what mattered was him finally getting intimate with Kaio. The two eventually separated, Kaio looking at Shuichi and him looking back. Neither spoke for what felt like an eternity, just content to just hold each other close.

Eventually, it was Shuichi that spoke. "We shouldn't be doing this," he whispered.

"I don't care," Kaio answered. "I just want this." His eyes flickered up to Shuichi's. "I just want you."

Kaio leaned back once more, and this time Shuichi reciprocated. He stopped thinking altogether and decided to just go with the flow. The kiss was slow, tender, and yet it felt like the most exciting thing in the entire world. Shuichi was lost in his emotions. Over the course of days they had spent together, his heart had grown fond of Kaio. The barista had become important to him, and even more so important than the League. He wasn't sure where things were going to go from here on out, but at the current moment he didn't care. He was just content to have things the way they are.

The two separated a few seconds later, their breathing hot and heavy. Kaio looked at Shuichi and a sly smile formed across his face. "My bedroom's upstairs," he remarked. "I don't even need my Quirk to know how much you want this."

Shuichi blushed. With one quick movement, he swept Kaio off his feet and lifted him. A few moments later, the door to the bedroom opened and the two lovers entered the fray. Shuichi masterfully threw Kaio towards the bed, the man letting out a light scream as he was tossed like a bag of potatoes. Shuichi didn't let up and joined him soon after. The two were soon locked in a tight embrace, making out passionately on the bed. Both were lost to their emotions, savoring the moment. If Shuichi had his eyes opened, he would have seen Kaio turning bright orange to signify his immense happiness. Hands began to roam all over. It was at this point they paused to allow themselves to breathe.

Wordlessly, Shuichi let up, allowing Kaio to sit upright. He stood back a few paces and began to undress. Kaio licked his lips, excited to see what his lover had to offer. In his eyes, Shuichi's body was perfect. The lizard had a small frame, but had all the muscles in all the right places. It was clear to Kaio how Shuichi easily dispatched problems whenever he encountered them. Flat abs, and perfectly toned muscles made Kaio drool. It was when Shuichi paused as he held his belt buckle made Kaio ask. "What's wrong?" Amidst the blushing cheeks, Kaio could see a hint of hesitation on Shuichi's face. Not of what they were doing, but of what he was showing. He was shy. "Is something the matter?" Kaio asked, standing up once more. He reached outwards to comfort Shuichi who moaned under his light touch.

Shuichi seemingly struggled to find the right words, and it was only with Kaio's encouragement that he decided to say what was bothering him. "I'm...different," he answered.

Kaio's brow rose. "What do you mean?"

Shuichi decided to just be honest. "I don't have external genitalia. It's a side effect of my Quirk as it changed my physiology." After seeing Kaio's blank expression, he then decided to put it simply, "My penis is weird."

Kaio couldn't help but smile. "You're more concerned about my reaction to your penis being weird than me discovering you're a villain? You're adorable, you know that." He then reached out towards Shuichi's belt buckle and helped him undo it, much to the lizard's embarrassment. "It's fine. I won't judge," Kaio replied, trying to keep Shuichi calm. The belt loosened and Kaio pulled down to undress Shuichi completely.

Shuichi held his breath. He hoped that Kaio wouldn't be turned off by his appearance. His lower half was different compared to a normal male. Instead of cock and balls, he had a slit. It was all internal. To his surprise however, his worry was unfounded. Kaio let out a curious, if a bit excited, 'ooh' more than anything else. "Wow," Kaio continued, reaching forward to touch Shuichi's nethers. The lizard instinctively stiffened, letting out a low moan. He was sensitive down there after all. "We should move to the bed."

Shuichi did so, kicking off his jeans and underwear towards the side. He could hear Kaio undressing behind him. He turned his head, and his eyes were given a treat. Unlike him Kaio was far more slender in appearance. He wasn't fit, nor was he fat; he was perfectly straddling the middle line. Shuichi could feel himself get heated seeing Kaio finally naked and free. Even more so upon seeing Kaio's erect cock pointed straight at him. Kaio literally turned pink at the sight of Shuichi's gaze. "Stop staring," he remarked, shyly trying to cover himself.

"And miss all this eye candy?" Shuichi said.

Kaio pouted, but eventually relented, walking over to him on the bed. "Lie down; I want to see if I can get you all worked up."

It took a bit of maneuvering, but the both of them got into a more comfortable position a few minutes afterwards. They were in the classic 69. Kaio was at the top, with Shuichi on the bottom. Shuichi helped himself to Kaio's stiff erection. The man's cock was of modest size, accompanied by a nice set of hanging balls. The lizard happily stuck his tongue out, suckling and teasing the tip of the engorged tip. He used his free hand to squeeze and tug at Kaio's balls. They felt soft and tender in Shuichi's grip, and each pull made Kaio moan out tenderly.

Kaio on the other hand was busy with Shuichi's crotch. Admittedly it was his first time dealing with a slit, but he didn't let it deter him from having some fun. He started off slow at first, experimenting to see what worked. He stuck his tongue, licking the sides of Shuichi's opening. It was wet, and the taste felt familiar. Upon a second helping he realized what it was: it was pre. Shuichi's hard cock was leaking copious amounts from the inside. He just needed to coax it out. Kaio then continued his efforts: licking, rubbing, and a combination of the two to bring out Shuichi's erection. He was rewarded a few minutes after. It slid out almost effortlessly. It wasn't shaped like a normal cock, but it was a cock nonetheless. It was thick at the base but eventually tapered off to be a more pointed tip. It looked different, almost alien. It fascinated Kaio. Before long, he opened his mouth to get a taste of it.

Shuichi let out a heavy breath, his crotch jerking slightly at the foreign sensation. He could do very little against Kaio's enthusiasm while working on his crotch. The man was like a machine. Kaio sucked like a man thirsty for water. His head bobbed up and down the oddly shaped spire, using his tongue to circle and paint it. Lewd slurps emanated from the room as the two continued with their foreplay, the excitement building up. Shuichi decided to go a little further. Moving his hand up slightly, he began to play with Kaio's ass. It was bubbly, firm yet very soft to the touch. It was like an expensive pillow that was very rare to come by. Shuichi decided to insert a finger into Kaio's winking star and he immediately got a reaction. Kaio shot upright, as if a bolt of lightning travelled down his spine. Shuichi could feel Kaio's ass clamp down on his finger. He chuckled.

"You're not used to having stuff up your butt are you?"

"I've used toys before," Kaio responded. "You just surprised me, is all."

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Shuichi said, gently pushing Kaio away. After a brief moment of arranging themselves, Shuichi got into position.

Kaio laid on the bed and watched as Shuichi aligned himself towards his ass. Kaio could feel his breathing pick up, and his heart race. "Don't be," he said confidently to the man. "I can handle you." He did have bigger toys than Shuichi, but they were just that: toys. Toys would never amount to the real thing, and at the back of his mind he wondered if he really was prepared for it. It was when Shuichi rammed himself in, that Kaio realized he made a mistake. The man cried out in pain, reflexively kicking upwards and accidentally kicking Shuichi in the gut. Shuichi himself felt the wind was knocked out of his lungs.

"Fuck!" Shuichi shouted, reeling backwards. "What was that for?"

"We're going to need lube," Kaio said, looking both very apologetic and embarrassed. His skin had turned visibly pink. Shuichi just glared at him, before looking to where he was pointing. Shuichi took the bottle of lube from the nightstand and began to copiously spread it on his cock as well as Kaio's backside. The cool liquid felt refreshing for the both of them.

It was moments later when they tried again. "This time, instead of kicking me, just tell me if you're in pain."

Even with the lube helping things along, Shuichi still had difficulty penetrating Kaio. The man was just tight, seemingly tighter than anything Shuichi had fucked before. He could feel every bump, every curve, every minor detail that served as Kaio's backside. He closed his eyes, trying to focus on what he was doing, but the cute little moans that Kaio let out were very distracting. Kaio was in a different world entirely. At first he felt pain. Shuichi was very big, and Kaio could feel his legs go numb after a few short minutes. The pain eventually subsided and was soon replaced with pleasure, as Shuichi began rubbing up against his prostate. Shuichi kept going further and further until he went deep completely. For a brief moment he stayed there, letting him and Kaio get used to the sensations.

"Fuck, you're big," Kaio remarked, leaning back lethargically on the pillows. His entire skin was a bright orange, and Shuichi could see a light blush painting the man's cheeks. Seeing Kaio's pleasured face spurned Shuichi on and he began to pull out. A long drawn out moan escaped Kaio's mouth in response. Shuichi stopped midway, before going back in. A gentle rocking back and forth rhythm soon followed. Each thrust had Shuichi moaning for more. Sweat dripped from both of their bodies as they made noises in the bedroom. The bed itself creaked under their combined weights. The supports rubbed against the wooden flooring. Shuichi had picked up the pace and Kaio was riding high on the pleasure train.

But that wasn't the end of it. Shuichi decided to switch things up. Without skipping a beat, the man grabbed hold of Kaio with his strong arms. At first Kaio wondered what he was doing. He was about to ask when the sudden movement caught him off guard. In a flurry of motion Shuichi carried Kaio towards the wall, and to Kaio's surprise, began to stick to it. Kaio found himself sandwiched between Shuichi and the wall, the man easily keeping him suspended a few feet up there. "A little adventurous?" he remarked, doing his best to sound witty.

"Fuck yeah," Shuichi responded.

The fucking continued, Shuichi practically ramming Kaio towards the wall. Kaio clung onto Shuichi, holding on for what felt like dear life. Kaio's cock ached and trembled, and before long, he lost control. Kaio ejaculated, crying out loudly on Shuichi's ears. White hot cum shot out of his tip, making a mess of both his and Shuichi's stomachs. Shuichi himself struggled as Kaio's ass clamped down tightly in response to the orgasm.

It didn't take long for him to reach his peak as well.

Shuichi's thrusts became erratic, losing all semblance of rhythm and form. A few minutes later, he reached his end. Shuichi shouted loudly, going for one last deep thrust before emptying himself completely into Kaio. The man's internal drained themselves on his partner, spilling ropes upon ropes of cum into Kaio's backside. The sheer volume of it cost the excess amount to spill outwards, dripping onto the bed below them. Shuichi felt his head spin, his hands clutching tightly onto Kaio. His hips eventually relented, stopping their thrusts as he reached the end of his climax.

With one last heavy breath, Shuichi leaned back, taking Kaio with him. Kaio let out a light gasp as they both fell back onto the bed, completely exhausted and spent. The adrenaline and the pleasure coursing through them proving to be a very crazy combination. Neither spoke for what felt like minutes, just content to hold each other and listen to each other's tired breaths.

"Fuck," Kaio said, breaking the silence between them. "That was the best fuck I've ever had."

"Me too," Shuichi answered. He leaned back on the bed, exhaustion finally catching up to him. At that moment in time, he just wanted to take a nap.

"Shuichi," Kaio said, getting his attention. "Please tell me this isn't a one time thing."

The lizard looked up to see Kaio staring back at him with pleading eyes. He didn't even have to think about it that hard. How could he say no? Shuichi sighed. "Of course not."

Kaio nodded, feeling content to lay his head on Shuichi's chest. "What about your situation though? For what it's worth, your secret is safe with me."

Shuichi smiled for a brief moment before looking contemplative. "I don't know. It's complicated. For now, I'm just glad to have this moment with you." He pulled Kaio closer to him. Shuichi wasn't sure how things were going to go now, or what this relationship he had with Kaio would mean for him in the future. But what he did know was that he was happy that he had this relationship, and he wasn't going to give it up.

Unbeknownst to the two lovers in that room however, was a circular glass that was placed at the far corner of the room. It was small enough to be unnoticeable, but big enough that it reflected images properly. It was tilted at just the right angle that images would be reflected back towards another circular glass that was placed just a bit outside, near the balcony. That glass at the balcony was the same, and this time it was tilted upwards, pointing to another circular glass that was placed from across the building. If someone were to see these odd pieces of glass at the current moment, they would be able to see two individuals that were looking at it.

"Aw, how cute," one individual named Mirror said. "They finally had sex."

The man next to him, named Chimera, was just quietly grumbling under his breath. "It took them long enough." He leaned back in his chair, crumpling up the bag of chips he had on his hand. "It was stupid that they didn't act on their feelings earlier but hey, at least we have progress now." He glanced at Mirror who was just grinning at him. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Mirror replied in a sing-song voice. He sat up right, stretching his tense muscles. He had been sitting in position and voyeuristically watching for the hour or so. "I just remembered your face when I confessed to you. You looked like a lost puppy."

"You shut your mouth," Chimera snapped back. "Or I'll make you."

Mirror just chuckled heartily. "Yeah, I know, big guy. I'll be glad to choke on your cock later."

Chimera just rolled his eyes. "So, what now? It seems this Spinner guy isn't really much of a threat." He reached down and looked at the pile of folders they had at the side. It was a bunch of dossiers, and contained information on the various members of the League of Villains. Chimera closed the file on Spinner, and reached for the one he was looking for. "I think this Twice fellow should be the one we kill first."

"Agreed," Mirror responded. "I'll talk to Zero."

Mirror reached for the radio and dialed in the frequency. It buzzed for a few minutes before the line connected and their handler, Agent Zero, answered, "what is it?"

"This Spinner guy's a dead end," Mirror began. "I think we should switch to a different person."

"Who do you have in mind?" Zero asked.

Chimera handed Mirror the file. "We're thinking of this guy called Twice."

There was a moment of silence, and Mirror could hear Zero filing through what sounded like paperwork at the other end. "Okay. I'll pass the word to our inside operative. Keep me posted." And with that, the line died.

"Can we head home now?" Chimera asked.

"Are you asking me that because you're bored, or because you're horny from the show we just watched?"

Chimera just frowned. "Yes."

Mirror just chuckled, letting out a sigh. "Fine, let's go."

As the two operatives began to clear out from their current position, Shuichi and Kaio were snuggling up closer to one another on the bed, back at the bedroom. The latter couple was completely oblivious to the events that were transpiring outside of their little bubble. All that mattered, was that they had each other in their arms.

**Author's Notes:

This is a commission I've had done in quite a while. I only just posted it now because I've been wanting to post stories leading up to Halloween.

Anyways, this is another installment in the My Hero Academia commissions so far. We get to see Shuichi Iguchi. I admit, I love the guy's design myself. I wish we saw him more in the anime. Though, judging from the manga, I think we're definitely going to see him more. :D**

A Space Adventure

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking. ...

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D's Get Degrees

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking. ...

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From Prisoners to Partners

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking. ...

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