The Ghost of Caesar- C2: The Long 15 and Longer Nights

Story by Lusankya777 on SoFurry

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#2 of Ghost of Caesar


Please be advised there will be lots of smutty wolf sex this chapter. Hence the "Longer Night".

Also, don't get jealous, of course wolves are better endowed than humans. On average, the best endowed Mammal species by ratio of body mass to dick size is the Grey Wolf. A horse is a foot long cause they weigh so damn much. More body mass, more blood, more blood to divert to a cock. Wolves have the best ratio of mammals. Big cats are pretty pathetic actually. Gorillas are hilariously undersized.

And for those of you who don't speak Latin (like me, I just know the science-y stuff that has bits of Latin, fuck if I know how to conjugate with it)

Me Pedicare= Fuck Me (as in requesting Gay Sex)

Cinaedus= means gay bottom basically

Necto= Tie, bind. In this sense its getting that wolf knot tied

Feto= Breed as in impregnate, I figured that was the closest to the modern, uh, usage for the term

Now I'm pretty sure I butchered the tenses and shit for these words, but like screw it. Remy learned Latin from half burnt textbooks scavenged by Caesar Legion morons. Don't expect high quality. The translation for Cinaedus I actually got from a really dirty Roman poem, so that should be pretty correct.

I could feel the sizzle of the midday Mojave sun beat down on the brim of my broad hat. My exposed ears felt the sting of the heat, I suspected they might blister a bit by tonight. Good thing I packed a tin of desert aloe.

The Long 15, a well traveled stretch of Old World interstate highway lay out seemingly without end before us. Little but dry lake beds, cactus and sagebrush for miles to either side of the ramrod straight faded-black road. The only noticeable change of scenery was the highway's meander up and down the hills, almost a dark wave along the deserts expanse; the light breeze and mirage of light bouncing off the ground only solidified the feeling of an ocean of sorts.

We passed by Jean late last night and made camp some 10 miles north, further than I had expected us to make it at the time. Doing the work of a pack brahmin ourselves, Wilkins, Max, Remy and I collapsed and slept like the dead with little regard for the others. I suppose Bill the guard kept watch and at one point Char did as well since she drank a whole bottle of whiskey before dawn broke. Breakfast had been a hurried affair, just basic trail food. Nothing fancy. Dinner tonight would be the real meal.

Wilkins and Char had the lead of the group, the vixen taking Jets duty of guiding the pack-beasts reins so she could chat with her friend. The dachshund was perched atop the mound of assorted gear and goods guiding the wagons course. I followed behind the wagon, Remy a few paces further back, with Bill and Max holding the rear. All of us except Jet were armed, but the morning had been awfully quiet and was likely to remain uneventful the rest of our journey.

Pretty nice having an army of robots clear the roads regularly. I'd seen the Securitrons in action only a handful of times, and only against animals. Rockets and lasers made short work of critters like bark scorpions or the occasional cazadore. People virtually never tangled with the Securitrons, at least those that knew what was good for them. It was a rare occurrence that Vegas' army had to fight bandits, raiders or slavers. They avoided the NVFS like the death sentence it was for them.

Hmm, since there really won't be anything to be on the lookout for, might as well relax a bit. Maybe chat with Remy a bit.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the silvery wolf. Apparently I startled him, because he also stopped dead, a look of embarrassment shot across his face, inner ears tinged red.

"Did I spook ya?" I asked, slipping beside him as Bill and Max walked past. The caravans movement forced Remy to break his stupor and continue on again, this time in stride with me.

"Oh, um, no, you didn't scare me or anything. I was just... looking. And I didn't expect you to turn around so suddenly." The lupe's eyes went down to his left boot rather than my own.

"Uh-huh. Looking at what? Me?" I cocked an eyebrow.

He looked my way, "Yeah, um, yeah your duster. It's an NCR ranger one, right?" I didn't believe that's precisely what he was ogling on me, but I'd roll with it.

I shook my head, "No, it's a Nevada Desert Rangers duster. NCR uses a darker colored one, dark brown almost black. This blends better with the Mojave desert. It's just the duster though, no riot gear underneath." I slipped a shoulder out of the well worn jacket, showing the short sleeve top I had underneath and a bit of exposed fur on my arm. His inner ears got even redder while his eyes were on my chest.

Realizing he must be staring a bit too obviously, his ears folded back and he abruptly turned his gaze forward. "I've heard of the old Desert Rangers, I bet there's not many of those jackets left in the wasteland. The most interesting thing I ever owned was an old pre-war holo-video set. Found it while salvaging with my brother near our village back East, a ways bit north of the Grand Canyon. It was a sort of all in one player for a decently sized archive of films. Apparently older stuff fit easier on holotapes, than say a recording made just before the Great War. It was filled with classic films and a few radio dramas from the 20th and early 21st centuries. Not really very practical stuff, I admit, but some of the stuff on it was really entertaining", he tilted his head in wistful recollection.

I don't think he expected my ears to perk and my sudden jolt of excitement. "Oh, wow, really? Do you still have them? I would love to make a copy! Oh, tell me about your favorite."

"Really? Oh, uh, I didn't think most anyone would be so interested in old films. They weren't really, uh, valuable, exactly."

"What? No of course they're valuable. Even if the Old World considered them gutter trash, if they survived this long, they're important artifacts. Heritage. Our history. There's an archive back in New Vegas with public facing terminals in the Lucky 38 and all the city's schools have network access. I've seen this machine they use to copy old pre-war books into the computers so that way even if the book is destroyed there's a copy of it in the archives. Even books with missing pages get added. One of the librarians explained it was so if they had two partially damaged copies of the same book, they could compare em to each other and fill in the gaps to get a complete book out of them. I spent a good bit of time in the 38s library room." He seemed enraptured by my description of the city's archive process.

"Really? Wow, it sounds amazing! I really wish I had the holo-player still. I... well I don't have it." He looked to the pavement, the brief hint of excitement now replaced by sorrow. "My brother wasn't exactly pleased with how much time I spent with it. He, uh, he destroyed it one day while I was out. To teach me a lesson."

I tried to empathize as best I could. Being an only pup made it tricky. "You mentioned your brother the other night, something about how he'd be pissed with you drinking. I take it you're trying to put some distance between you and him?" I added the second part quietly.

"Yeah. Something like that." He almost whispered.

"Well, I'd be happy to help you find a place to stay in New Vegas, if you plan on sticking around. My dad works for the House, uh, in a direct capacity. So things like arranging an apartment or getting some refrigerator coil on a freight train to Jean aren't terribly big problems to handle." I chuckled with a bit of embarrassment. I didn't like flaunting my connections like that normally, but well, let's face it I was trying to impress this wolf.

Remy looked at me with wide eyed disbelief, "Really? I thought the House only communicated with city employees through the robots? Wait, there was some staff... a council of top city leaders, right, some merchant baron, a doctor, the city watch commander, a..." He stopped, the gears turning as the dots connected in his mind.

"The city commander, a bear named Boone. And Char said her Aunt was a big important merchant in the city.

. They're related to them!" If his face could get any more pale, it would have.

"Hehe, aren't you a clever one? Yeah, let's just say we don't go advertising who we are, but that it isn't really a secret. It's a well known secret of sorts around the city. Sorta gets out when we do dumb shit like break into the Wrangler when it's closed and we 'borrow' the stage. And the booze. Anyone else would have been at the mercy of the Securitrons. We sorta just got grounded. That was Max's sixteenth birthday party."

"Oh and I should mention I'm Max's adopted brother. Jet's grandmother is the elder of the Boomers, so he gets almost as much leeway as we do." I added, a bit offhandedly. Only part of that statement was true of course. One of the tricks to a convincing lie was to always sandwich your lie with truths and brush past it quickly. Trick your own body into not giving up tells.

"Anyhow, the Families know who we are and the Securitrons do too, so it's not hard to ask favors of just about anyone." I gave a shrug and a mischievous smirk. "That's why we needed to go all the way to Goodsprings to really have fun."

The silver lupe laughed, "Well I for one am really glad you did! Is it hard being so... infamous around the city? I mean, do people treat you differently? What are the Families like? Are there any neat stories you can tell me about what happened after the Battle? It's really all just rumors and stuff, no one I've ever met knows much about how Vegas secured independence. OH, do you know anything about the Courier?!"

I gave that one some thought. There were once upon a time just three Families working for Mr.House, reformed tribes recruited to run New Vegas: The Chairmen, the Omerttas and the White Glove Society. After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, leadership among the Three was changed, and two more tribes joined as Families. The Kings of Freeside and the Boomers both received status as managing factions. Additional responsibilities and administrative functions were assigned to each group, ensuring Vegas had a proper civil government.

All these reforms came under fruition due to a certain Courier and key figure of the events leading up to the Battle. He negotiated a new treaty with the NCR, formalizing a true New Vegas city-state, formed a Governing Council, and integrated several other towns around the Mojave into the new government while both the Republic and Legion withdrew. Rumors persisted that Mr.House had been replaced by the Courier in some sort of coup, but no one could agree on who he was, exactly, or even if Mr.House had been a real person to begin with. Even the Couriers species was hotly debated in bars and saloons across the Mojave. Many people, of course, had met the man, most without knowing it. The Courier of New Vegas remained an enigma to the wasteland. The only concrete evidence anyone had of the Courier decades after the Battle were his agents of the Governing Council and The House network itself. Ultimately, when one looked past the staggering growth of the city in the last 30 years, it remained essentially the same as it did under Mr.House, albeit with a little less looming war. Securitrons and Eyebots delivered edicts to the Families, the Casinos stayed open for business and travelers from across the Southwest flocked to Sin City just to lose the clothes off their backs. A rowdy place, wild and free but still orderly enough to be civilized, mostly clean and safe as one could hope for in the wasteland.

Now, of course I couldn't tell Remy much beyond any of that. Any details about the laser and missile grid tucked under the Lucky 38's roof might arouse suspicion as to how I know that. Or how the Brotherhood of Steel was quietly escorted East in exchange for robbing some major caches of advanced tech right from under the NCRs nose. Or that there is a radioactive murder-cloud in a hidden position to shield the Dam from invasion. Or that Helios One had an orbital death ray. Or that there was a teleportation network setup along key points in the Mojave. He didn't need to know that I knew these things, Hell, Max and Char didn't know half these things. My dad told me about it all though.

"Hmm, yeah I suppose Jet could tell you more about the families, since he's a member of them. The crazy Dachs is a boomer. And really, the Governing Council wasn't too terribly involved with the whole Battle for the Dam. Each member had a small role, just a piece of the puzzle. So, like, no one really knows the entire story, not even us." I gave Remy a wide grin, "But as for juicy gossip on the Courier: there's supposed to be this room in the Lucky 38 that's got an Old World machine capable of keeping you alive forever. Supposedly, the old Mr.House was killed in his pod so the machine should be inactive, but for some reason the power draw on the tower never changed. People say the Courier replaced House in the immortality machine, and now he IS the House computer network!" I emphasized the last part with both paws held wide as if it were some campfire ghost story, and much to my delight, Remy jumped back a good foot or two.

Even scared, Remy was cute as all hell.


"Lucas, ye' fuckin shit, stahp wulfin down the fuckin stew or there aint gonna be any left fer anyone else." Char scolded me.

"You gave Max just as much, Char, quit your whining. If you drank a little less, maybe you'd see how much you're putting in the bowls in the first place" I stuck my tongue at her playfully and took my sizable helping to the fireside.

The fox huffed and tossed the serving spoon back into the pot, "Fine, I wasn't hungry anyhow, I jus need me liquid diet". Unsurprisingly, she had yet another bottle of whiskey plucked from thin air. Char threw herself down next to the fire across from me.

Max sat a bit behind her, with Jet to their left (my right) around the fire. Wilkins and Bill sat far to my left, just at the edge of the fire's glow. Kept as close to the Brahmin as she could, I guess. She had an odd affection for the animals, I already figured that much out. I don't know how the Coyote slept so close to the smell though.

Remy was the last at the kettle, a cast iron cauldron of sorts with a hearty stew made from all the leftover ingredients taken from the Goodsprings store. He seemed a bit confused at it's contents. A sniff quickly settled all doubts and he served himself a sizable helping of the steaming broth and padded over to the fire. I gave a wave and he settled down next to me.

I shot him a smile between slurps of stew. As typical of wolves, neither of us felt much for talking while we ate. Words weren't acceptable while we had food still in front of us.

Unlike us more ravenous lupines, Max, Jet and Char chatted about the trip thus far. We'd made it to the Vegas Valley proper, the glow of the city not only visible but individual buildings of the skyline quite clear. Wouldn't be more than half a day come morning to get to the inhabited section of the city. South Vegas was still mostly rubble, so caravans skirted around the south edge of the valley to the train station near the Repconn building. If a merchant was lucky, they could load up their brahmin on a train right there and ride into the city. Of course the schedule for the trains wasn't publicly available so it was left to sheer chance to catch a northbound train stopped at that station. We'd be going all the way to the McCarran Gate, where hopefully we could waltz past the Securitrons without being recognized.

Yeah, I still needed to work out that part of the plan a bit more.

The clink of my spoon scraping empty bowl brought my attention to my lap. Damn, pretty good for almost-rotten foodstuff. Of course Max was fairly decent with cooking on the trail, he'd done all the cooking. Char's idea of a gourmet seasoned meal was cinnamon flavored whiskey. I can't say she was wrong, but my pallet wasn't limited to just Cassidy family cuisine.

I took a small cup of hot water by the campfire and splashed it in my bowl, rinsing out the trace broth and finally sticking the cutlery with the mess kit. I caught Remy eyeing the bottom of his bowl, the familiar thought of licking it clean so plainly on his mind. I snagged his bowl from his paws and cleaned it as well before he could embarrass himself. He'd probably thank me later.

The group unpacked the various bedrolls and claimed spots around the campsite. With my thick fur, I didn't want to be so close to the fire, so set up along the edge furthest from the Brahmin. Our caravan master kept near her pack animals, Bill and Char between her and the road, Max and Jet near the fire, Remy on the far edge a few feet from me.

Wilkins and Char bickered about who'd take first watch, eventually settling on playing a game of cards to settle the matter. Suffice to say, the Vixen got to sleep the whole night without responsibility. Bill had second and I offered to take third, breaking up the next nine hours between us. I quickly set my pipboy to wake me at 4 am for my shift, threw my duster over me as a makeshift blanket and then proceeded to crash for the night.


The familiar vibration against my arm alerting me to my pipboy alarm going off stirred me from slumber. At least I thought that's what the rumbling would have been if it wasn't on my right arm. Propped on my left side, back to the road, I had my pipboy arm under my duster, which was bunched up as a pillow. My right arm was draped over a warm body.

My eyes fluttered open, natural lupine night vision seeing fairly well with the provided by the subtle glow of New Vegas behind me. Well, I could see fairly well the fact most of my vision was obstructed by the top of Remy's head. With my muzzle angled down while I slept, his forehead was pressed along the top of my muzzle, in an extremely affectionate canine manner. He had moved his sleeping mat alongside mine, wrapped my paw around his waist and likewise held onto me.

I don't think I've ever been terribly romantic, there simply isn't much room for romance in the world anymore, but sweet fuck was this the most romantic thing I've ever heard of. Let alone done with someone!

I wonder if he had intended it? Maybe he just meant to sleep next to me, for warmth maybe. Then just sorta did the rest in his sleep. Almost as if in response to my thoughts, he gave a light snore, mostly a rumble of his chest. The sensation that had woken me up.

Accidental, got it. Well, part of it was anyhow.

Time. What was the time. Can't check without disturbing him. Holy fuck, he smelled like pine. I wanted more. Lets see if I can shift just a bit. Pick my head up slowly, get a look at the rest of camp. There! I could see Bill pacing around the campfire, his laser rifle hanging casually from his side as he took a puff from a cigarette. Uggh. Nasty fucking things. Well, at least it's not my shift yet.

I set my head back down to be met with Remy's golden eyes. He didn't move for what felt like a small eternity, maybe not sure if he was awake or not.

I tested to see how aware of the situation he was with a light whisper, "I noticed you made yourself comfortable here with me." My nose bumped against his own as I spoke; the close, intimate contact profoundly arousing to me.

He shifted his arm as if to pull away, stopping as he realized my arm was around him as well. I didn't plan on letting go until he did. He knew I knew full well where my paw was. Full well where he placed it. At this point there had to have been little doubt for the wolf that he wasn't going to just be able to pretend he wasn't cuddling me in my sleep.

Seeing how caught he was, Remy spoke up in a whisper of his own, "I, uh. I Don't know what I was thinking. I should have asked to, uh, touch you like this." his ears flattened and I could feel his muscles tense under his shirt and fur.

I tapped my nose to his. "I would have been happy to let you, had you just asked." I paused for a moment. "Is there anything you would like to ask of me?", I arched my eyebrows just enough that he would see.

I swear I could see the blush under the dense fur of his cheeks.

"Could I, could I kiss you?" he stammered out. The light of New Vegas, in all its dazzling color seemed to brighten his face in just that moment.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his, as close as we were already it felt as if I had to cross a room to make contact. I savored the glimmer of lights across his golden eyes as I closed the distance, the glare of synthetic red colored lights reflecting off those irises as our lips met.

I pressed my tongue against his teeth, he opened his jaw a bit more giving my nimble appendage the room it needed to enter his muzzle. I licked along his upper teeth, slowly and sensually running back further into his mouth. His warm tongue met my own and pressed with need against each other, the taste of the other intoxicating.

Distant orange neon danced across the mirrors of his eyes, his grip on my waist firming up, his right paw coming from underneath him to meet my left. His tongue danced with mine across the roof of his muzzle, and slipped past the invader pressing back to my lips. Adjusting slightly, our dexterous lupine tongues explored each other's muzzle freely, paws following soon after.

I rubbed small circles along the small of his back, slipping his flannel shit up enough to run my paw underneath. His coarse, silver fur ran between my fingers. I pressed him tighter into our embrace, my muzzle locking tighter with his. I felt his tail wag with a steady pace, as the repressed desire for me he'd held back these last two days had finally broken free.

His right paw slid down to join his left in unbuttoning my shirt, I was taken aback at his forwardness. Half way through the third button, I broke the kiss with a heavy breath, "How far you want to go is up to you, Remy."

I knew I had my answer when I saw the blue-purple lights pass over his yellow eyes, the need hazed over any sensible argument against continuing. We were at a roadside camp? The others were right over there? A feral ghoul might leap out of the brush and attack? None of that mattered to those neon-tinted eyes.

The buttons down my shirt were the first to go, his muzzle and paws flying across my chest as he pressed me back, nose buried in my fur. He rubbed my pecs, pressing his muzzle further down, I quickly undid my belt and loosened my pants enough for him. By the time his scent exploration of my abdomen had reached my lower belly, he pressed down lower, paws guiding my pants and boxers off down to my mid-thighs. My wolfhood stood on full display to Remy, about two inches already peaked out of my sheath. The silver wolf pressed his muzzle against it as he had my face earlier, inhaling the musk from my dense black groin fur. His tongue lapped out along my scrotum, teasing out another inch from my sheath.

"Oh, Remy. I want you so bad." I crooned, running a paw along his head.

To my utmost pleasure, he placed a paw on my sheath and his lips on my tip, taking the first part of my tapered cock into his warm muzzle. I gasped, I had to hold back a moan. I couldn't tell where Bill had gone, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was Remy.

Whether through experience or pure intuition, Remy worked my sheath back with precision and he slipped my wolf cock into his maw. No teeth grazed my tender flesh, just blissfully flesh.

He had maybe six inches removed from its fuzzy pouch and down his muzzle before he pulled back with a breathless gasp. Heh, alright, so maybe not experienced. Damn, still amazing for a beginner.

He panted lightly, and I locked eyes with him. "Your clothes are in the way" I teased, and reached out to unbutton his shirt. His garment came off quick enough, haphazardly thrown to the side. I rolled him over for a turn at exploring his body. He smelled like pine, all down his thick, silvery fur. It was denser than my coat, he must have grown up somewhere colder. I'd only known the smell of pine from trips to Mt.Charleston, and damn, did I want more of this smell.

I worked my way down as he had done to me, coming to his belt. I swiftly undid it myself, having slightly more practice with removing another males belt than he seemed to with the blowjob. Dragging his pants off below his knees, my face went right to his groin. The silver fur turned almost white on his sheath and balls, I gently held his orbs with a paw and tugged them back. That got a needy whine and practically shot his rocket to full mast immediately. I shifted the last of his sheath back, the budding swell of his knot starting already. He clearly wanted this badly. I ran my tongue from the base to tip and got a few drops of pre from him as a reward. About seven inches from the base of his knot to tip. Hmm, yeah, not the biggest weapon to holster, but well within my limits.

I slid his shaft between my teeth and took the first four inches into my muzzle, lashing my tongue along the veiny organ in my maw. Just because I could, I went to outdo him; pulling back to the tip, sliding down to a fifth inch, back up again, then down to the base. My nose pressed his fur, taking in that wonderful pine smell as I breathed in. I could taste more salty pre on my tongue as he dripped into my maw.

After a good 30 seconds of suckling on his entire length, I pulled back off, a thin trail of drool between my lips and his tip. I licked out and lapped it up. He had a good amount of saliva glistening across his lupine shaft.

"Yeah, I can show you a thing or two about how to use your muzzle, if you'd like. Or we can go further. Up to you." I smiled at him.

His eyes hadn't abated in hunger even a fraction, only grown. He let a soft growl, and said something I didn't quite understand, "Me Pedicare."

I cocked my head confused. "What was that? Pedicure? Oh wait that was Latin wasn't it?"

He shook his head in shock, lust-haze broken enough to realize I didn't understand him. "Oh uh, yeah sorry, I told you I was raised out East. Uh, Pedicare, uh, it, well... lets see how to say this in English. Ergo Cinaedus, I'm a bottom I guess is the best translation. I'd... I would like it if you claimed me." his blush obvious and scent of embarrassment clear now that I was better acquainted with him.

I leaned forward and kissed him again. "If that's what you want, how could I possibly refuse?"

Pressed against him, my wolfhood was pressed against his, our red flesh touching, streaking each other with our pre. I'd need to use that. I was already slick, so adding as much of his fluid as I could to my shaft would only help. He was laying on his back, I'd positioned between his legs with our meat together. Once I was satisfied my cock was sufficiently wet with our natural canine lube, I tapped his hip and he flung his legs up and I held him in place, essentially folding him in half and giving me clear access to his tailhole.

I brought my lips near his hole and spat a sizable amount into the spread orifice, he shuddered a bit at the contact. Next, I lined up my tip, to a pleasured moan from Remy.

"If I'm too much, tell me, ok? I don't want to hurt you. We only go as far as you want it, ok?"

Remy nodded in understanding and whispered "Me Feto, Alpha."

I took that as a go ahead and slid in. Sweet fuck, he felt so damn tight. I don't know if he'd actually be taken back here.

He probably had, from the squeal of joy he made as I sunk in, he was loving it. I was just three inches in too. By the fifth, his eyes rolled back. By the seventh, his tongue fell out of his muzzle. By the time I hilted my ninth inch he was shaking.

I stayed deathly still to allow him time to adjust, but apparently after 30 seconds he got impatient and began pressing himself against me, trying to fit me in further. "Me Pedicare, me pedicare! Oh Lucas!".

Not caring if we woke up the whole caravan, I went to work meeting his request. The first seven inches came out then sunk back in, eliciting a bark from the silver wolf. Remy tried to wrap a paw around his own rock hard member, but every time mine withdrew his body went limp and each time it plummeted back in his mind shattered. He got nowhere with pawing himself off. I'd just have to finish that off for him.

I rocked in and out of his tight tailhole, that ring squeezing all the blood vessels in my cock with its warm embrace. I needed to fill him so badly. I needed to sink my lupine meat into him. Those whines and whimpers were driving me crazy!

I picked up pace, now at a rythme of a second in a second out a second back in.

"Yes! Yes! Lucas! Yes! OooooHhh! Yes!" he begged underneath me. All I could manage was a growl in reply. A needy, possessive growl. I needed to dominate him.

I doubled my rythme. I could feel my knot start to swell. I'd need to get that in soon I was going to tie him. A distant part of my mind recalled I should probably ask if that's what he wanted.

"Necto! Necto! Necto! Oh-fuck-tie-lucas-tie-me-necto! Fucking tie me!" Remy whined, breaking back and forth between languages.

That answers that.

My half-swollen knot slammed against his ring, I pressed with savage need, hammering with reckless abandon until it slipped in.

"Oh yes! Fuck! Yes, oh such a big fucking knot, yes!" the lupe dropped his tongue from his muzzle once again, panting in desperate need. I bucked my hips with each small thrust I had space to make, knowing full well the bliss Remy must be in as my bulb presses down on his pleasure button. Briefly remembering his cock bouncing untended in front of me, I firmly grip the base of his knot and tug upwards.

Remy's knot throbbed intensely, and his muzzle broke in an ear-piercing howl as his lupine seed sprayed all over his abdomen, my chest and a bit into my open muzzle. I snapped up the bits I could, the pressure of his clenched muscles behind my own full knot taking my full attention as I unload my own wolfish cum into his body. Pulse after pulse blew out my cock and deep into Remy, I could feel with immense pride at how much less room there suddenly was inside him.

It was a good minute before I realized I broke out into wolfsong too. My chest heaved from such a sizable howl and such... exertion, I practically collapsed down onto Remy. His cock still leaked between us and mine still leaked in him, securely held in place by my knot.

We panted for another minute or so, and he rolled us onto our sides, still joined at the hip. I wouldn't of had it any other way of course. His lips found mine and we sank into yet another kiss, this one a bit less heated. I could taste his wolf cum on both our tongues, damn he shot all over both of us. Our fur must've been a matted mess.

Fuck it, thats a problem for later. Right now, I got a really hot, really romantic wolf in my arms. We sat like that for what seemed like days, our muzzles and eyes locked. I could see nothing but blinding white light coming from those yellow eyes, pure, unfiltered light. I refused to look away. I wanted to keep him in my arms forever.

Speaking of arms, my left arm began to quietly buzz and vibrate, as my alarm went off announcing it was 4am.