Silver Stream Memory 31

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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"No," I responded almost yawning with a sigh.

"You're throwing away too much needed things," Cardia phased in protesting.

"Awww.... shuddap. You broke your silence," I snapped at him gritting my teeth.

"But!" Cardia started to say.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed stepping up and blasting him back with a bolt. He started at me so I threw him into the water and went out into the middle of the lake and pummeled him as he pummeled me back.

Cardia made at Ava to fire a blast at her whereas I dunked his head under water and choked the life out of him and wove him around me as a belt which he still struggled to get free of me but which I kept catching or holding on. He then drug me across the lake pulling but I simply laid back and let my self dream and got comfortable letting my mind wander.

"Acknowledge the rest as good," Cardia screamed back at me as he continued on.

"Just for that I will say no," I told him.

"No," Cardia screamed thrashing about still wrapped around and held in place by me. I caught his head and brought him right beside me.

"Don't make me hungry," I said dreamily rubbing my face against his. He was stock still.

"I want to taste you," I said inserting his head into my mouth wholly and gulped him down quickly with relish nearly sucking him in and I felt him expand my throat and his head situate in my stomach and I pushed his kicking feet but the did not go in. Then I flexed my mouth and jaw getting one foot just in and swallowed taking the other foot moslty in and my stomach started to burn but it didn't hurt the rest of me. I just sat there with my hands on my belly as his feet dangled out and I stroked my hardening dick.

"Ooohmph, you require me to finish you off," I said around his feet as I slouched back and grabbed hold of both feet with my hand.

"Ugh, you stupid fool, why did you do that," I said to myself as his feet slid in further due to my lounging back, "Thought so," I remarked pushign in and swallowing Cardia's feet more.

Wri shuddered and Ava closed her eyes and froze for a moment while I did that.