Darian and Noriko: Hired Help

Story by Otter Ennui on SoFurry

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#5 of Bennett Family Shenanigans


Darian Bennett (Otter)

Noriko Hara (Rat)

Dane Bennett (Otter)

Darian gets a job. The boss works Darian over. Yes, Miss Hara.

Darian twisted the silver stud in their ear, a nervous habit they'd picked up in the last couple months since starting to wear them. They were feeling very gender-bent today, thus the silver instead of the pink ones. The chest bindings chafed a little, but they were starting to get used to it, which was a phenomenally liberating feeling.

"I really don't know, Daria," Noriko said, her face clearly apprehensive.

"Darian," they corrected. "I changed it. Little more androgynous."

"Oh!" Noriko's tail swished sheepishly. "Sorry. Right, you told me. I just forgot."

"S'okay," they said with a reassuring smile. "It was a pretty recent change, I'm still getting used to it myself."

"Right." The short, curvy Ysoki groomed her whiskers as she contemplated Darian's request. "Have you talked to Dane about this? I'll tell you right now, he's my best employee and I'm not going to make his life harder, so if he feels you'd be a distraction to him, I'm going to side with him on this one."

Darian cleared their throat uncomfortably, awkwardly adjusting their tight black blouse and running a paw through their short black head fur. It was brittle and stiff from the product they'd put in it to spike it in every direction. "No, I get it," they said with what they hoped was a reassuring smile. Dammit. You better say yes, Dane.

Noriko nodded. "That being said, if the charisma runs in the family, you'll make crazy tips. However, you're still technically too young to serve alcohol, so any drink orders will have to be brought to your tables by one of the other staff. I'm a small-time restaurant, and I can't have a shutdown because I violated a local ordinance. The lost revenue would kill me." Darian nodded vigorously. Noriko crossed her arms over her plump chest and wiggled her little rat nose thoughtfully. "Alright, I'll talk to Dane. If he's cool with it, you're hired. I'll get word to you by tomorrow."

Darian squealed, then caught herself, cleared her throat, and awkwardly offered Noriko her hand. "Thank you, Miss Hara."

"One more thing," Noriko said with a scowl. "Do not call me Miss Hara." She grasped their hand and shook it, her grip surprisingly strong for such a tiny claw. Darian couldn't help but notice that the nail on her middle and forefingers were clipped short, unlike the rest.

Filing that one away, Darian thought with a grin. "You got it, M--uh, Noriko."

Noriko chuckled and shook her head. "Nori to my friends. If you work here, you're a friend. Just, y'know--a friend I get to boss around and tell them what to do all the time."

"Sounds fun," Darian said, trying hard to make the statement as demure and innocent as possible.

Nori glanced at them suspiciously. "Yeah, you're definitely related to Dane," she said flatly. "Talk to you soon, Darian."

Second try, not bad. Even Dad is having more trouble than that. They supposed it wasn't entirely fair to Dad to make that comparison--he'd been calling them Daria for seventeen years. He still referred to Darian as "she" more often than not, even when they had the silver studs in, but he was trying, so they tried to be patient with him. He loved them, and that was the most important thing. They knew other trans and genderqueer kids in Crescent Haven hadn't been so lucky. They hurried out of the bar and into the warm Augst evening, walking down the cobbled street toward home.

Crescent Haven was mostly a quiet, idyllic beach town, with few visitors. Ship travel was almost entirely comprised of fishermen making rounds up and down the west coast of the continent. Because they faced the less-than-friendly neighbor of Saurok across the Meridian Ocean, Crescent Haven wasn't exactly a hotspot for travelers. Most ship travel was on the east coast of the continent, and the Tremlain Canal was weeks to the north. It left the town pretty isolated, overall, and steeped in some draconian laws and beliefs. Being an out non-binary queer, Darian's last year of school had been a fucking nightmare.

Now that they were graduated, they'd expected to want to book travel on the first ship out of here, maybe head to Etarak's Folly far to the northeast, but Darian had found themselves hesitant to leave. They knew why, even if they didn't like thinking about it: their family was here--but, specifically, Dane was here. Just thinking about him made them moisten a little, and immediately their cheeks heated up. The young Lontramar rubbed their thick otter whiskers as if that would make the heat go away.

Darian sighed and walked a little faster. Mom was cooking boiled clams tonight, nothing special, but suddenly they felt absolutely famished. "Gross brother-loving sluts need food too," they grumbled to the empty street, and immediately clamped a paw over their mouth, looking around to make sure no one heard them. A Scrofus couple far down the street were deep in conversation, their boar tusks gently rubbing against each other in a markedly intimate way. They were over fifty feet down from Darian and hadn't even appeared to notice their approach, let alone heard their slip of the tongue.

Gods, did Darian really love their brother like... that? They knew they were attracted to him, but that was something else entirely. To have that kind of... well, _romantic_love, they supposed, was not something they'd experienced. Plenty of girls and boys at their school had enjoyed some kinky fun with Darian, but they'd never had any real feelings for any of them. Darian had never even dated anyone.

They turned a corner onto Kendoro Way, a much busier thoroughfare with dozens of carts being pulled by feral donkeys and horses, and the sidewalks crammed with Anthropa heading home from the workday. Darian wondered why they'd be attracted to their brother, of all people. They weren't attracted to Alan, or Dad, or Mom--okay, that wasn't true, but they weren't as attracted. So why Dane? Well, aside from the obvious reasons, of course: gorgeous, smart, kind, laid back, funny, had killer taste in weed, a huge dick--

Oh. Well. Okay. They supposed those all kind of explained it.

Darian sighed and stopped at their front door, hesitating before going inside, and stared at the cream stucco walls and red-tiled roof of their Meridian-style one-story home that Mom had mostly built with her own two hands. They glanced back at the dark, stained cherrywood door and the gold cockatrice-head knocker, pondering.

Just thinking about Dane's cock had made the wetness worse, and it almost always felt a little... weird... getting aroused when they were feeling androgynous, like they were betraying some sacred, unspoken code by having an aroused pussy when they weren't supposed to have gendered stuff like genitalia. They knew, logically, that it was absolutely absurd, but the part of their brain that conjured the thought was not logical by any stretch.

Maybe it's time to put in the pinks, they thought. They stared down at the square brass doorknob. Dad had picked it out, and Mom had not even put up a fight. Darian thought the knob looked weird as fuck, but Dad was a weird dude and they loved him for it, so they had--just like their brothers--made a conscious effort to love the ugly-ass doorknob too.

Darian shook their head as they turned the weird blocky doorknob. The electric torches on the walls glowed a soft, warm orange across the den as they stepped inside and called, "I'm home."

Marina Bennett came striding out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on an apron that had once been white but was now stained with old blood on a vast majority of it. Mari had ever been a proponent of butchering one's own meat. Her husband was too squeamish to do it himself, so it fell on Mari, who was never one to shirk from a hard task. Darian glanced appreciatively at her rippling biceps and grinned. "You'd look hot if it wasn't for all the blood, Mom," they quipped.

Mari rolled her eyes. "Gosh, thanks, kiddo. Dinner's almost ready. Go tell the boys to get in here and set the table. Unless they're already too high, in which case you're gonna have to do it."

Darian groaned and headed through the den toward the door that opened into the back yard. Sure enough, Dane and Thomas Bennett were floating in the lazy river Tom had built, a joint in each of their mouths, and naked as the day they were born. Dad's dick wasn't quite so big as Dane's, but his balls were big enough that they touched the water through the hole in the inner tube. Not for the first time, Darian felt just a little jealous of Mom. Those things _had_to be an absolute blast to play with.

Darian cleared their throat. "Hey, bums!" they called. "Mom said to set the table. And dry off before you put your wet asses on the chairs, yeah? Nobody wants your butt water all over the seats."

Tom chuckled as he slowly paddled his way to the stairs at the end of the lazy river. "Yeah, yeah. We're getting there." Dane didn't respond, instead looking pointedly away from Darian as he floated forward, adjusting his junk as casually as possible.

Darian felt equal parts flattered and frustrated. Dane hadn't spoken much to them since the threesome with Bertie almost a month ago, and Darian was starting to panic a little. When they'd told Dane how they felt after the threesome, they hadn't expected Dane to just shut them out like this. Now they wished they'd never said anything. Feeling a lot less hungry all of a sudden, they hurried back inside to get to the bathroom before their father or brother.

Darian hadn't been as keen on joining their brother and father in nudity sessions since coming out as non-binary, especially when they were feeling more androgynous than feminine. Not that long ago, they enjoyed frolicking around the house without a stitch on, just like Dane and Dad, teasing Mom and Alan about being prudes. Now, they felt uncomfortable in their own skin when they were naked, but especially around Dane.

It just felt so damn weird. It wasn't so much like they felt they lacked the right parts, but rather it was more a sense of unfamiliarity with their own body, like the body they inhabited now wasn't the same as the girly one they'd been born into and grown up in, and they still had to get used to it.

Darian stared in the bathroom mirror, at the face that felt at once liberatingly androgynous and frighteningly alien. They'd never felt exactly themselves when they looked in the mirror before coming out. They thought admitting who they were would magically erase that feeling, but sometimes it resurfaced. Some days they had the strength to endure the sense of dissonance. Today wasn't one of those days. Darian tugged the studs out of their ears and threw them irritably into a drawer in the vanity, pulling out the pink studs.

They reached under their blouse and tugged at the chest binder, wiggling it down and off. Darian's breasts weren't particularly large, but they still bounced a little when they popped out of the binder. Darian quickly pushed in the pink studs and snapped their clasps. They pulled their blouse all the way off and stared at the mirror, waiting to feel one way or the other about the breasts staring back at them and the feminine studs shining in their ears. The change in wardrobe did not suddenly make them feel more like a girl. Darian balled their fists against the counter of the vanity, lip quivering.

The door to the bathroom swung open and Dane walked in, still naked, and froze in his tracks. "Oh. Uh. Sorry. I was just gonna grab a towel--"

Darian started crying.

Dane immediately walked over and hugged them. "Hey, sis, you okay?" Darian shook their head and buried their face in his fur, shuddering with their sobs. Dane didn't say anything else, just held them. It felt so good to get affection from him, they were almost scared to stop crying. This felt nice.

"I'm s-s-sorry," they sobbed.

Dane shook his head and shushed them, rubbing his chin in their stiff hair.

Darian took a deep, shuddering breath and looked up at him. Their mascara had run down their fur in thick black rivulets. "I m... missed you."

Dane's ears twitched and he looked down. "I'm sorry."

"Don't want sorry," Darian sniffled, pressing their cheek into his chest. "Just want my b...brother back."

"Hey," he said, holding them a little tighter. "I didn't go anywhere, not really. I just needed to clear my head. That thing with Bertie got kind of intense. I still love you, and I'm still here for you. Okay?"

They sniffled and nodded, rubbing their face against his chest in the process. When they pulled away, their runny mascara had left a long black smear on his brown fur. "Sorry," they mumbled, looking sheepishly down. That was when they noticed Dane was sporting a partial erection. They stared at it for several seconds before Dane's uncomfortable cough brought Darian back to their senses. "Uh," they offered helpfully.

Dane swallowed. "I'm flattered you find it so interesting, but... um..."

Darian buried their head in their hands. "Gods, I'm the worst. I'm sorry."

Dane answered the way he usually did, by hugging them again. "Shut it, dork," he grumbled, holding Darian close. They buried their face in his soft chest fur again and felt themselves moisten. It was torturous to have their hands all over him and not be ravishing him. The gods really were cruel. Darian felt their hand start to drift from his waist downward, but forced themselves to stop. He was touching them again, talking to them. Don't fucking ruin it, stupid.

Dane pressed against them a little more firmly, and his cock brushed their leg, stiffening in the process. Darian swallowed. If Mom or Dad caught Dane cuddling his sibling with a boner, they probably wouldn't take it well, but Darian didn't want to let go. They wanted him to press harder, rub his cock against their leg, dry-hump them like they were just a nasty catch rag for his cum...

Darian felt their panties soak and they had to push themselves slowly away from their brother. "Did... did you need the bathroom?" they asked hoarsely.

Dane gave a little sigh. "Uh... mm... um... what?"

Darian gave him a sidelong glance. "You still high, bro?"

Dane grinned. "Usually."

Darian shook her head. "I asked if you needed the bathroom."

"Oh." Dane shook his head and grabbed a towel. "Nope, just getting a towel. Mom throws a fit when I get water on the dining room chairs."

"Okay." Dane turned to leave, but Darian said, "Bro?"

Dane paused and looked at them with those heavy-lidded eyes of his that made them even wetter. Fuck. Definitely gonna have to masturbate before dinner. They cleared their throat. "Uh. I have a question. And you're probably gonna wanna say 'no,' but I am begging you to say 'yes.' But at least hear me out first."

Dane looked concerned, so Darian pressed themselves against him and looked up at him with their best puppy-dog eyes. Dane suddenly had difficulty breathing, and put a trembling hand on the small of Darian's back. "W... uh... what's the question?"

Darian bit her lip, tracing her forefingers through the fur along his clavicle. "I... I wanna work at the Feral Barrel. With you." They looked up at him pleadingly. "I think I'd be really good there! And I need a job anyway, and--"

Dane sighed with blatant relief. "Oh thank the gods."

"--but you have to, it'll be so much fun! Please?" Darian paused and blinked. "Wait, what?"

"I thought you were going to ask for... something else." He coughed. "Anyway, yes. The answer is yes, I'll work with you."

Darian squealed and kissed him. It was just on the lips, no tongue or anything, but it sent electric currents from Darian's mouth all the way down to their pussy, which throbbed from the connection. Dane pulled back and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Look, I honestly want to put what happened last month behind us and get back to normal. No more hiding from you, I promise. And we always have fun together, so fuck it. Why not? But you gotta promise to work hard. I like Nori." He paused, then rubbed the back of his neck. "Like, a lot. I don't wanna lose that job. Or... or her, for that matter."

Darian giggled and smushed his cheeks. "You got a girlfriend!"

Dane scowled and pushed their hands away. "She's not my girlfriend. Just a friend. Who, uh. Also happens to be a spectacular fuck." His ears practically vibrated, they twitched so hard.

Darian's eyes went wide. "Ooh! Think she's into girls?"

Dane grunted. "Yes, she is." He narrowed his eyes at them. Considering how bloodshot they were from the weed, the effect was a little eerie. "Wait a minute. You're not gonna fuck my boss, are you?"

Darian scoffed. "Wha--me??"

Dane rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You are gonna fuck my boss."

Darian rubbed their right foot with their left, not making eye contact. "I mean, you're poly and everything, so it's not a big deal, right?"

Dane hesitated. "I-I guess not? It's weird though. Right? It feels weird."

Darian looked back up at him. "Dane, I know what your dick tastes like. Weird is kind of our normal."

Dane's eyes bulged. "Wh--? No. No, it was not you." His voice became very small. "Was it?"

Darian thought back to their threesome, when Dane had been blindfolded and getting fellated, wondering whose mouth exactly had been on his cock. They thought about letting him stew on the question for a while, but as amusing as they found his discomfort, they decided to be nice. "No, it was Bertie," they admitted. "But I did kiss him directly afterward." They leaned in close. "You taste amazing, by the way."

Darian licked his nose and brushed past him into the hallway, shirtless and itching to get the rest of their clothes off and put on something a little more feminine, leaving their poor brother standing nude in the bathroom with a raging erection.

* * *

Darian stepped into the dim light of the Feral Barrel. At three in the afternoon, none of the electric torches were lit, and the smoked glass of the windows didn't let in much light. Shafts of orange and gold spilled across empty tables. A single lonely-looking Cervid sat at a table near the back, his impressive splay of antlers coated in just enough dimness that he looked like he was wearing a crown of shadows. Darian stared for longer than was probably appropriate before peeling themselves away to look toward the bar.

A handsome Equus was busy stocking the shelves with bottles of brown liquor. Darian bounded over, adjusting their T-shirt over their bound chest, and cleared their throat. When the cute Equus turned his long face to meet them, they grinned. "Hi! I'm Darian. Who are you?"

The Equus squinted at them with mock suspicion. "Too old for you, probably."

Darian feigned hurt. "I would never take advantage of a wholesome-looking gentleman such as yourself! Not without your express permission, anyway." They winked.

The Equus blew out a breath. It sounded a lot like a whinny, but Darian had the good grace not to mention it. "Oh, man, you are definitely Dane's sister."

Darian pouted, making an effort to ignore the gendering. "Yeesh. Does everyone already know who I am? I'm not gonna get to have any fun."

He laughed. "I doubt that. Dane seems to find a way, I'm sure you will too. I'm Zach, by the way."

Darian smiled sweetly. "Hi Zach Who's Too Old For Me. Nice to meet you."

Zach smirked. "Uh huh. Something tells me that wouldn't deter you. I'm not really that much older than you, though. I'm twenty-six. You just look... well. Let's say 'illicitly young.'"

Darian snorted. "I'm seventeen, you creep. I'm legal."

Zach nodded somberly. "That is excellent news."

Darian chewed their lip. They wanted to keep flirting with the cute Equus boy behind the bar, but they also didn't want to be late on their first day. "Excellent, huh? I'll keep that in mind. Boss lady in?"

Zach chuckled and jerked his head toward the door behind the bar. Darian stepped over to a section of bar that swung up on hinges, practically frolicking as they pranced through the door into the back, ignoring Zach's raised eyebrow. They wouldn't let his bemusement ruin their mood. This was already a great day. They'd woken up feeling like they were in the right body for the first time in days, and had actually enjoyed putting on the "uniform" for the Feral Barrel: tight black slacks, a poofy white blouse, and a form-fitting crimson vest. Darian had opted out of the optional bow-tie--they couldn't pull it off, so they didn't bother. Even still, it cut a deliciously androgynous figure in the mirror, and Darian was pleased.

Darian slipped into the back, where a series of wood stoves piped smoke up through cast-iron chimneys out the ceiling. Even with the chimneys, the heat was immediate and almost overwhelming. Mid-August was still sweltering, and even the half-dozen open windows couldn't let out enough of the heat from the stoves to cool the wide kitchen. Two Lepa moved swiftly back and forth from the wood stoves to a fire pit with a spit rotating, roasting a feral boar. Despite having to work with meat, the two Herbivores seemed unperturbed as they shaved thin slices off the beast's flank to make the day's lunch special: shaved ham sandwiches and carrot stew. The heady scent of the stew's spices drifted past Darian's nostrils as they moved through the kitchen toward the back, looking for their new boss.

They finally found Noriko in the root cellar, far in the back. Heavy breathing and whimpers drifted out of the partially open door. Darian paused in mid-step, bringing a paw to their mouth. Was she...? They slowly pried the door open another few inches and peered inside.

The root cellar was down a short, narrow set of stairs, with long metal shelves lining either side of the slender room. There were no electric lights in the cellar, so the only light came from the sliver of open doorway, revealing over a dozen crates and boxes sitting on the shelves. The top shelves were packed full of huge ice blocks--Darian could see mist drifting off them and down to the shelves below. Narrow gutters on the edge of the top shelves caught the slowly melting ice-water and drained it into buckets on the dirt floor.

Leaning against one of the shelves' support beams, Noriko had her pants around her ankles and two fingers buried deep in her pussy, the other hand groping one of her ample breasts. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she worked her little digits in and out, biting her lip and whimpering quietly. Darian immediately felt themselves moisten, and gently stroked their own pussy through the tight leather of their pants. Gods, even their libido was playing nice.

Best. Day. Ever.

Noriko squeaked hard as she buried the two fingers of her little rat claw all the way up to the third knuckle. For a moment Darian thought she'd start adding fingers, but instead, Noriko gave a squeaky, frustrated growl and stopped, shoving her fingers into her mouth and sucking furiously. Darian swallowed. Holy shit, no wonder Dane's smitten.

Darian adjusted their pants, checked their hair was nice and spiky, and knocked twice on the door. They heard Noriko frantically scramble to pull up their pants before Darian threw open the door and stepped in. Noriko was still trying to pull her tight pants over her thick thighs. Her fat labia spilled out over the top of the slacks, and a small, shiny metal hoop pierced her clitoral hood. Noriko froze like she'd been caught stealing.

"Hi boss!" Darian said cheerfully, stepping down the stairwell and leaving the door open above so they could see where they were going. "Cute piercing."

Noriko's whiskers danced madly as she finished pulling up her pants, somehow making stuffing her wide hips into those too-small slacks look easy. Darian could swear they saw the faint outline of her hood piercing through the fabric, and found they couldn't take their eyes off it. Finally Noriko cleared her throat, and Darian looked up to see her looking ready to die of embarrassment. "Eyes up here, sweetie," she said gruffly. "I uh... I-it's Tax Day. Always real anxious day for me, so I need to relieve a little stress. Sorry you had to see that."

Darian snorted. "I'm not. You're gorgeous."

Nori preened her whiskers. "Flatterer. Must run in the family."

Darian clasped their hands behind them and arched their back a little. Even with their chest bound down, it cut an alluring curve. Even Darian, critical as they were of their own body, enjoyed watching themselves arch in the mirror. "Mm," Darian said sweetly. "It's not the only thing."

Nori swallowed. "Damn," she said thickly. "You're like a booby-trapped cake, you know that?"

Darian smirked. "I don't know what you mean, boss."

Nori stepped forward and reached out as if to touch Darian, but pulled her claw away at the last second with a resigned sigh. "Because as much as I wanna eat you, it would be a very bad idea."

"Afraid I might blow up in your mouth?" Darian asked, raising one eyebrow. "Or hoping I will?"

Darian could actually see Nori's cheeks flush under her facial fur as she glanced at the open door behind them. "Okay, let's get out of here before we melt all the damn ice. That stuff ain't cheap around here. Come on, there's some paperwork for you to sign." She brushed past Darian, and the Lontramar couldn't help but think her hand gently brushing Darian's thigh hadn't been accidental. They shivered pleasantly and followed the Ysoki out of the cellar.

"Yes, Miss Hara," they said as demurely as they could manage.

Nori glanced behind her and her whiskers twitched violently. "Dangit, stop calling me that," she grumbled. "It's... having an effect on me."

Darian lowered their gaze bashfully, but thought, You're not exactly convincing me to stop. Maybe that was the point. Gods, they hoped so. They were about ready to ruin their leather pants with how wet they were.

* * *

Darian scowled at the stack of papers in front of them. Nori had left them to fill out the forms while she continued getting the bar ready for dinner rush in an hour. "Be back to check on your progress in twenty, okay hon?" She hadn't even waited for Darian's response, just dashed out of the room to do... whatever it was she did. Darian was admittedly curious to see how it all ran. That is, they had a general idea of how a restaurant worked, but they had never seen it up close. It was kind of exciting.

Nerd, they chastised as they filled out a line with their address. Not for the first time, looking at their parent's home address made them a little irritated with themselves. They were an adult now, they should have their own place, not mooching off their parents anymore. That's why you got a job, dummy, they reminded themselves. Except... that wasn't entirely true. They'd picked up this job to spend more time with Dane. The money was honestly secondary. But, they'd made a promise to him to do the job right. Last thing they wanted was to mess things up for their brother with Noriko.

On that note, should they have flirted so heavily with her? Would sleeping with the boss make things weird between them? Between Dane? It was really hard to think rationally, when all Darian could picture was the little Ysoki's wild shock of half-shaved purple and blue hair, her full lips and immaculate slate-gray fur, and most of all, the thick lips of her soaked pussy while she fingered herself, her little hood piercing jouncing up and down with the thrusts of her digits.

Darian bit their lip hard enough to bring themselves back to focus on the task at hand. Nori was definitely going to be a distraction. Well, they'd worked with beguiling people before. Once, in alchemy lab, they'd been partnered with a Cervid boy with tiny nubs for antlers. He'd been so unbearably androgynous they could hardly take their eyes off him. They'd had to do an alkaline-base comparison paper together, and they'd kept their pants on long enough to get the project done (but not a second longer, to the Cervid boy's surprise and Darian's absolute delight).

Darian bent down and got to work filling out the rest of the stack of paperwork. Work first, play later. They could handle that.

Five minutes later, the paperwork was signed and Darian had their pants around their knees with three fingers buried inside them, panting heavily. They now regretted wearing the chest binder--for the first time in quite a while, they actually wanted to play with all their parts while androgynous. It almost never happened. Half of them hoped Nori wouldn't walk in on them soaking her poor wooden chair with their juices, knowing it would be awkward as Hells. The other half wanted it desperately, just to see what Nori would do.

Two minutes later, they got to find out.

The door to the office swung open. Darian froze with their fingers in their pussy. The other hand had unfastened their vest, slipped under their shirt, and pulled down the chest binder so they could pinch and pull at their nipples, but now that hand was as frozen as the rest of their body.

"Whew!" Nori said cheerfully as she nudged the door closed and walked around to the other side of her desk. She set a small, opaque green bottle down as she plopped into the poofy chair behind her desk, crossing her legs on the desktop casually. "I swear this town drinks more liquor than the rest of the country combined." She only now seemed to realize the compromising state she'd found Darian in, and her whiskers danced again. "Oh. Well, Hells. Guess I brought the liquor for nothing. Probably shouldn't have offered it. I could get in big trouble, you being underage and all."

Darian cleared their throat. "Well, it's a stupid law anyway. I'm old enough to be considered an adult but not to drink? Dumb."

Nori bit her lip. "Agreed. Regardless, you, uh... look really good right now."

Darian finally gathered their wits a little and smirked at Nori. "Thank you, Miss Hara. I'm glad you like what you see."

Nori clamped a hand down on her vibrating whiskers sheepishly. "Gods, that really does have an effect. It's even worse than when your brother says it."

Darian plucked up their courage and started slowly moving their fingers in and out of their pussy again. Sure enough, Nori's eyes locked on the movement of their arm (she couldn't see the actual action over the desk). "I can stop saying it, if you like, Miss Hara," they said huskily.

Instead of responding, Nori unfastened her vest, letting her breasts droop a little under her blouse. Darian realized the vest was actually part corset, with a wire frame underneath and support cups. That was pretty damn clever--they'd have to look into one maybe, for their more feminine days.

Right now, though, they wanted Noriko to start playing with herself the way they were. They moved their fingers a little faster, never breaking eye contact with Noriko. The Ysoki swallowed and bit her lip, as if debating whether to take this any further. Darian knew which way they wanted Nori to lean, so they decided to help her decision along.

"W... would you like to taste me?" they whispered, a little more meekly than they'd intended. "I taste even better than my brother, I promise."

Nori swallowed again, one hand absently massaging her right breast. "I'm almost scared to ask, but... how do you know what your brother tastes like?"

Darian grinned wickedly but didn't answer. Let her come to her own conclusions.

Nori definitely did just that. She looked equal parts stricken and painfully aroused. She unbuttoned her slacks and pulled them down past her knees, revealing her wet, swollen lips again. Darian wanted to taste them so badly it hurt, but they didn't want to push this any farther than Nori was willing to go.

After watching each other masturbate for several minutes, Nori whispered, "We ain't got much time before the dinner rush. Get over here and let me eat you."

"Yes, Miss Hara," Darian chirped, and stood up, wiggling out of their remaining clothing before striding around the desk. Sitting down as she was, Nori's snout didn't quite reach Darian's tight little opening, so they hunkered down the last few inches. The rat girl's cold nose made Darian gasp as she planted her mouth over the entirety of Darian's slit and licked enthusiastically.

Darian shuddered and whimpered, grasping Nori's hair and pushing her harder into their slit. They could feel the juices dripping onto Nori's tongue as she worked herself in and out of their pussy. A familiar tightness began building in their groin, and Darian started humping Nori's mouth insistently, quivering and moaning as the orgasm approached. Nori dug her little claws into Darian's firm ass cheeks and slurped voraciously.

Just as they began to crest, feeling the wave about to engulf them, Nori pulled her snout away. Her facial fur was soaked in Darian's pussy juice, and she gasped for air, wide eyes staring appreciatively at her nubile employee. Darian nearly screamed. "I was almost there!"

"I know," Nori said, eyes flashing playfully. "That's why I stopped. Get on your knees, girl."

Darian started to complain again, and Noriko stood up and slapped her. Darian gasped, the shock of it sending another wave of pleasure through her. "I'm the boss here," Noriko whispered, gripping Darian by the cheeks. "Remember that, sweetie." She stroked Darian's cheek, eyes heavy-lidded and her voice husky. "Who's the boss?"

Darian shuddered. "You are, Miss Hara."

Nori made a little squeaking mrrl sound in the back of her throat. "Fucking right, I am. Now get. On. Your. Knees."

Darian didn't hesitate again. They dropped to their knees and immediately buried their snout in Noriko's thick labia. They gathered up one lip in their mouth and sucked and tugged on it. "Fffuck," Noriko snarled. "Harder."

Darian clamped down gently on the Ysoki's pussy lip--too hard and her Predator teeth might cut her, too soft and she might be punished--and sucked and tugged, lapping along its length in her mouth with her little pink tongue. "Harder," Nori whimpered. "Yank on it. Bite it."

Instead, Darian let go hesitantly. "But Miss Hara, my teeth are--"

Noriko grabbed her by the throat and clamped down with shocking strength for her diminutive size. Darian gasped, feeling their own pussy absolutely dripping. "Don't fucking question me again," Noriko snarled, squeezing a little tighter on their throat. Darian saw little stars start exploding around the edges of their vision. If Nori kept this up, they'd pass out. Or cum. Maybe both. Gods, they hoped both.

"Y... yes... M... Misss..." Darian choked.

Noriko released their throat and shoved their muzzle back down on her pussy. "Good. Bite. Hard. Just enough to draw blood. Make me scream."

Darian chewed gently on Noriko's pussy lip as they tried to build up the courage to do what Nori asked. Tasting blood didn't always bring out the best characteristics in a Predator. They were scared of what they might do when they tasted it.

When was the last time they'd had fresh blood, come to think of it? They vaguely remembered a birthday party when they were seven or eight, and their dad feeding them a little of the raw steak, and things got a little blurry after that. They'd woken up sore and very satisfied. Sometimes they wondered what they'd done in that time, but usually decided it was best not to dwell on it.

Now it was staring them in the face again. "Do it," Noriko snapped again, panting hard. "Make me bleed in your mouth. Make me cum."

Darian shoved two fingers inside Nori as they continued chewing lightly on her labia. The Ysoki gasped and moaned, pushing a hand hard against the back of Darian's head. They bit down a little harder on her, making her yelp and squirm against their face and fingers. Darian could feel their own wetness running down their leg now. "Harder, you stupid bitch! Fucking bite me!" She sounded on the verge of cumming.

Darian bit down hard. Nori screamed.

Then not one, but two fluids poured into Darian's mouth: one was sweet and thick, like syrup, the other was sweet and coppery. Darian eagerly lapped at the tiny puncture marks in Nori's pussy, still thrusting their fingers hard and fast into her.

Nori didn't stop screaming, and clamped her thighs around Darian's head, pinning them down into her crotch, burying their short snout inside her. Their vision started to haze a little as the potent taste of hot blood dripped into their mouth. They grabbed the wounded area between their lips and sucked hard. More blood shot into their mouth, coating their tongue. Nori's pussy gushed all over their face and chin, and Darian struggled to drink it all.

Things got fuzzy for a while, and when they came back to their senses, Nori had their face in her hands, kissing them passionately. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you thank you thank you."

"Uh huh," Darian murmured. "Welcome."

"Hope I wasn't too rough," Nori said bashfully. "I, uh... don't get to do that much."

Darian shook their head, not trusting themselves to speak.

Nori gingerly pulled up her pants, wincing as they passed over her wounded vagina. "Fuck, that's gonna hurt for a minute," she whimpered. Darian opened their mouth to apologize, but Nori clamped a hand over it. "Don't you fucking dare apologize for being a good girl," she said with a grin. "I told you to do it and you did. I'm so happy the new girl is so good at following orders." She grabbed Darian's head and pulled them down for another long, languid kiss, their tongues twisting in each other's mouths.

When they finally pulled away, Darian murmured, "Is it my turn, Miss Hara?" They were so wet they were ready to burst.

"Oh, gods no," Noriko said with a wicked smile. "You don't get to cum until you finish your first shift. And you'd better do a good job, or I won't finish you."

Darian was ready to cry. A whole shift with no release? "But that's not fair," they mewled.

"You're my bitch," Noriko said, licking their nose. "You don't get to have fair. You get to have me fuck your tight little cunt with a strap-on if you're a good girl. That's what you get to have."

Darian's own pussy throbbed painfully. The torture would be excruciating, but they had to admit they were still sopping wet just thinking about it. "Yes, Miss Hara," they whispered.

Nori tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Your brother is covering the second half of Zach's shift tonight. Maybe we should tease him a little. What do you think, honey?" She ran one little clawed finger down the side of Darian's cheek, and they shivered as their juices ran down their leg in rivulets.

Darian slowly put their clothes back on after wiping up some of the cum dripping down their leg. The super-tight pants were especially torturous, lightly rubbing their clit through friction, not enough to cum but just enough to keep them perpetually aroused. They slid the binder back up over their tits and put the blouse and vest back on. Checking the small mirror next to Nori's desk, they saw their lip gloss was smeared and their mascara had run slightly. Gods, what a mess.

"Fix the gloss," Noriko whispered, nibbling their ear, "but leave the mascara as-is. You look well-fucked. I love it."

Well, they couldn't say 'no' to their new boss, now could they?

* * *

Ten minutes later, Darian walked into the dining room with a slight wobble in their step, hand in hand with Noriko. As soon as they entered, Nori squeezed their hand gently and winked before bounding off to the bar, where Dane Bennett stood mixing a tray of drinks for Clara, the Sekhet waitress who would be training Darian.

Dane stopped with mixer in hand mid-shake, stared at Nori and Darian, and cried, "Oh for--on your first day??"

Darian blushed furiously, eyes cast down. They couldn't see behind the bar, but they knew he was hiding an erection back there. He had to be.

Darian meekly hobbled over to Clara, who was staring in both shock and amusement at her boss and new co-worker, before winking at Dane. "Really does run in the family, don't it?"

Dane buried his face in his hand. Darian stared down at the floor, their pussy throbbing with a needful ache at the thought of Dane's hidden erection and what Noriko would do to them after their shift. But only if they were good. They had to be good.

Best. Day. Ever.

Dane, Bertie, and Daria: Three's Company

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Facing Demons 4: Just Rewards

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Facing Demons 3: Better Rest

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