Descent Chapter 3

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of Jason Wolfe: Descent

**Chapter 3: We Are Family

Newroads, Wolfe Residence**

What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to a teenage boy?

The world ends.

Okay... second worst thing.

Said teenage boy is caught with his penis up his best friends ass by his dad.

Jason was literally frozen in place. He felt cold all over and his entire body had gone completely rigid. Connor - the best friend - was just a frightened.

Dan Wolfe stood at the doorway of the lounge just staring at the two aghast.

It was right about now that Jason wished V10 the Valiant hadn't disappeared off into god-knows-where. Knowing his father's thoughts would have kick-started his heart again.

Then Dan did the strangest thing...

His jaw snapped shut with a loud click and he bent over, picking up a pair of dog tags from the ground.

"You should be careful with these, Connor," the big wolf with short jet-black fur said. "Your parents would probably kill you if they found out."

Seeing as his father hadn't gone off on a tirade about Jason being 'unclean' or an 'abomination', Jason's heart resumed pounding in his chest at a thousand beats per second. He also started breathing again.

Dan handed the dog tags to Connor who took them wordlessly.

"I can see you two are busy," Dan said and now that Jason could see his father close up, he noted that Dan was fighting a grin and losing badly. "I'll just be upstairs and let you two get cleaned up. Did you want me to order pizza, Jason?"

"Erm... Okay..."

Dans sapphire-blue eyes turned to Connor. "Will you be staying for dinner, Connor?"

"S - Sure, Mr. Wolfe."

"Great." Dan bent over, gently cupping the base of Jason's neck in his free hand and kissed his son's forehead. "Love you, son."

He then turned and headed up the stairs whistling a cheery tune.

Jason just watched his father disappear, mortified that he hadn't gotten the berating that he rightly deserved. In his mind, he had committed the ultimate betrayal. Just the previous night, he had cuddled with his father - with a fair amount of kissing and undressing -but couldn't go through with any sexual acts beyond coating his father's muscular torso with his sperm caused by a wet dream. Now, that same father catches him screwing someone else on the couch.


He snapped out of his spiral of despair and turned to Connor who was smiling sheepishly at him. "Um... You mind not getting so excited? I think your dad wants to have dinner sometime tonight."

"Huh? What'd you mean?"

"You just got hard again."

There was no denying it.

Jason was aching for release.

Oh damn...

A realisation hit him like a ten tonne weight.

I get off on getting caught in the act...

His mind reeled with all the possibilities. He would drag Connor into a public restroom, dive into a cubicle and they'd grind into each other for over an hour while other men passed by. Every now and then, someone would peek under the door to see what was going on and Jason would just wink and grin invitingly.

Or they'd be in the back of a movie theatre, putting their own salty' topping' on their popcorn.

"Jason...? What are you thinking?"

"Terrible and yet strangely arousing thoughts..."

Connor groaned slightly and shifted his weight. "Yeah... Okay... But you mind? I'm... uh... a little uncomfortable being impaled on your dick like this."

He sighed and lay back down, on the couch so gravity wasn't pushing his cock further up Connors anal cavity. As the seconds ticked by, he fretted over what his father must be thinking. Some overly optimistic part of him suggested that his dad was just going about the evening normally - get undressed, change into some home clothes and call the pizza guy. The pessimistic side said he was either crying or fuming that his son would pick a high school fling over his own father.

Then there was the hormonal side...

... that suggested the image of his son hilted deep into a fit, feline classmate was so arousing that Dan was now pawing off in his room.

Connor pulled away and managed to slip off Jason cock. The tiger stretched and yawned loudly. Jason watched the muscles on Connors body flex with the effort and he had to remind himself Connor was on the football team. A nice set of abs were starting to form and Connors pecs were already well defined. While nowhere near the tremendous bulk of the other football players of Newroads High, Connor was certainly getting to that point.

Right now, he looked like he had leapt right out of a male model magazine and right into Jason's arms.

"You okay there, big wolf?"

"Just feeling like I've been kicked in the gut..."

Connor smiled warmly and bent over, their lips meeting and a sliver of warmth slipping back onto Jasons being.


Jason pulled away with a cry. "We - We cant do this!"

His friend stood back, utterly confused. "What?"

Despite knowing there was no way his father could hear him, Jason dropped his voice down to a whisper and said, "My dad's here..."

Connor laughed and sat down beside him. "Aw, I don't think he minds. Besides, I think he kinda liked it." He wrapped his arms around Jason's broader chest, bringing a whimper from the bigger wolf. Then Connor gave him a worried look. "You're not going back in, are you?"

"In where?"

"The closet?"

Jason thought about that...

"I don't think there ever was a closet..."

Not when the gods know you inside out...

Connor seemed to take that as a positive sign and patted his arm, pulling away and leaving Jason longing for his embrace. "Come on. Lets get dressed. I don't think your dad wants to have two naked teenage boys wandering around when the pizza guy arrives." He bent over and picked up Jasons shirt from the ground, showing off that perfectly firm butt of his.

Jason inclined his head to the side and felt a little bit of saliva gather at the corner of his lips.

No! Get a hold of yourself!

He shook his head free of those thoughts and sat numbly as Connor dressed himself again. But just watching Connor's trim, athletic body disappear beneath the folds of clothes made him whimper.

Think of something else!

Start up conversation!

"So..." he began softly and a little shakily. The words, 'Wanna do it before my dad gets?' back were about to come tumbling out of his lips but he quickly reigned himself in. "... What's with the dog tags? If you don't mind me asking."

Connor regarded the dog tags he had slipped around his neck and gave Jason a sly smile. "What's with the pen?"

Jason glanced down at his own chest where Chronicle - his golden pen hanging from a thick, silver chain - rested between his pecs. "Um..."

An idea hit him.


Connor jumped back in shock as Jason quickly bolted up and began rummaging through the discarded clothing until he found what he was looking for. He sat back down on the couch and flipped open the black book that was still attached to his pants by a gold chain. Quickly, he found an empty page and prised the lid off Chronicle.

"You're not keeping a diary of your sexual escapades, are you?" Connor asked worriedly. "'Cuz thats a little weird..."

"I'm not," Jason answered, finding a blank page in Legacy and turning the book towards Connor. "Will you sign?"


This part, Jason realised, he was totally comfortable with admitting. "I like keeping the signatures of people I care about. Legacy was a..." He paused momentarily, wondering if he should tell Connor than the god responsible for writing the laws of existence itself gave it to him. "... a gift. And so is Chronicle, my pen. I only ever write in Legacy with Chronicle and I only keep people's signatures in Legacy so you don't have to worry about someone finding out wer'e boy-"

His tongue suddenly twisted upon itself and a lump formed in his throat.

Connor's eyes went wide and the tiger leaned forward, a suggestive smile on his face. "We're what?"

Jason just started laughing nervously in a high pitched tone. "Um... we're boys...?"

The tiger rolled his eyes while shaking his head and took Jasons two most treasured items. "It's a start." He signed Legacy and handed it back to Jason.

'We'll always be friends. Connor Stark,' was written on the page in Connors elegant cursive script.

"Now come on," Connor said, throwing him his shirt. "Get dressed! I think your dad is about done pawing off upstairs."

Jason yelped at the thought mostly because it was arousing and quickly got dressed. They waited patiently downstairs until Dan came back down in some running shorts and a white shirt. Jason was mesmerised at the fluid movements of his fathers huge, muscular thighs.

"Pizza is on its way," Dan reported, beaming broadly. "Hope meat lover's is okay."

"Is it ever," Connor answered with a lewd grin. He elbowed Jasons ribs, breaking the latter from Dan's hypnotic control.

"Did you two clean up?"

Jason exchanged glances with Connor, horror filling his entire being.

Had they?

What if there was this one tiny speck of sperm sitting somewhere out in the open?

He envisioned his father leaning over, collecting the speck on a finger and making a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue. Then, Dan would turn around and yell at them both, banning them from ever seeing each other.

Or worse.

No sex... ever.

Jason shook his head vigorously.

What the hell is wrong with me!?

"Don't worry about it," Dan said with a shrug after the long moment of silence. "We'll clean up after dinner. Do your parents know youre here, Connor?"

Connor gave a cry of shock.

"Theres a phone in the kitchen," Dan offered with a knowing smile. Connor bolted away. "You might also want to take a shower before dinner!"

Jason couldn't help but chuckle as he watched his boy - ahem - his best friend scramble for the phone.

Glad I'm not the only one that screams like a little girl...

Wait a second...

His sapphire-blue eyes slowly met a mirroring pair... His father was standing there looking so expectant.

Does he want me to kiss him?

Is it his 'turn' now...?

Or... does he just want to talk?

Jason just let out a small laugh that sounded like a piglet being slaughtered.

"You okay there, son?" Dan asked, turning his head ever so slightly to the left. His arms were crossed.

Is he posing...?


"Did you have a restful day?"

Okay... Just wants to talk... That's good...


"Were you okay food-wise?"

Yeah... Talk. Talk is good.


Jason was starting to calm and his voice lowering back to its normal pitch.

"Did you have fun?"




"We went to the movies!" Jason exclaimed suddenly, seeing the smile on Dans face grow. "Connor ditched halfway through school and we went to see Silver Breaker! Nothing happened at the theatre!"

Although, now that I think about it...

Jason hadn't realised it at the time but Connor tended to always lean towards him during movies... Whenever Connor went to reach for the popcorn, hed always rest a hand on Jason's thigh first with one hand...

And they shared the same drink!

Two straws but still!

It's nothing! Just being economical!

A jumbo drink and popcorn is way cheaper than getting two larges that we dont finish anyway!

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No!" Jason cried.

A scene from a romantic comedy played in his head. Right about now, he'd turn around and Connor would be standing at the door to the kitchen with a heartbroken look on his face. The tiger would say something about being just a fling and that the sex meant nothing before running off crying in the rain.

It wasn't raining but the thought was still there.

Jason turned...

Thankfully, Connor was still trying to talk down his parents over ditching school halfway through the day.

Thank god...

"I'm just glad youre happy, Jason," Dan said, stepping past him and patting his shoulders. "Take care of Connor, okay? He's had it rough."


How does...?


Dan turned, eyebrows raised. "Hmmm?"

"How do you know about Connor?"

As far as he knew, Jason had never told his father about his school life. Any mention of Connor was minimal at best. Maybe a few grunts here and there that sounded like 'Connor' but otherwise, Jason had never actually told Dan about his boyfr -


... best friend.

Dan's sapphire-blue eyes switched to Connor's back as the tiger was making wild gestures in the air, obviously a little upset. Sympathy marred the big wolf's features.

"I work for a company involved in the lives of supers and ex-supers," Dan explained softly. "Connor's grandfather was a super. One of the more powerful. Titanitus."

Jason remembered Titanitus...

... and what happened to the poor guy.

Way before Jason was born, there was a time when supers or those who were empowered with special abilities were used for modern warfare. Countries scrambled to ensure that they had the largest number of super soldiers or at least the most powerful super soldier at their disposal. Needless to say, countless supers died in the wars that ensued as the power struggles became more over people instead of land and raw resources.

It was only when Negative X - the only super capable of negating all other supers powers while maintaining his own ability to control gravity - rallied the supers and lifted a large chunk of land off the planet and called it his own country did the war end. 'Reprieve' became the supers refuge and it would eventually evolve into the orbital space station that the Justice Guard uses today.

Negative X - despite being over a hundred and fifty years old - still resided inside Reprieve, ensuring that no super could use their powers within the walls of Reprieve, thus ending super-on-super conflict.

Titanitus was one of the unfortunate ones to die before Reprieve was founded.

"Connors granddad was Titanitus?"

Dan nodded grimly as Connor began yelling. "Yeah... But Connor's father and himself are both normal people. We checked. We've relocated families just like Connor's to try and give them the most average life they could possibly have considering the circumstances. But..."

Jason winced.

He knew what was coming.

"Titanitus went bad..."

His father nodded grimly. "Titanitus originally had the power to control the size and shape of his own body. He was able to become as tall as a skyscraper or as small as an atom at will. Then he defected and started attacking innocent people. He was... eliminated by Warhorse, Asteroid and Ankh."

It was a little scary how three superheroes were needed to take down one superhero gone bad...

"But then he came back," Jason finished, recalling the terrible new reports of a huge bloody monster rampaging through many of the eastern cities. Titanitus had returned and his powers had evolved. He became a creature of pure blood, able to morph into any shape and size. Images of the once-great hero leaping down people's throats and exploding -

Jason pushed the images out of his head.

"The Justice Guard still haven't been able to apprehend Titanitus," Dan finished grimly. "That's why we've been forced to move Connor's family time and again. This is the longest he's had to stay in any place for very long. We think Titanitus is capable of controlling someone as he inhabits them so we're unsure if he can actually be walking around amongst us now."

Just thinking of Connor's grandfather running around hunting his only kin filled Jason with a chilling sense of dread. But, at the same time, watching Connor lower his voice and start speaking rationally to whoever was on the other side of the phone made him realise he didn't want any harm to come to his boy-

Best friend! Best friend!

Get it through your head!

He's your best friend and not your boyfriend!



He decided to think of something else and regarded his father again. "So... you work for a company that relocates supers and their families, huh?"

Dan smiled faintly. "It's a dirty job. Lots of new identities and all that jazz. But even supers want families or retirement. That's where guys like me come in."


They both turned towards the door.

"Pizzas here," his father reported. "Go see if Connor is alright. I'll get the bill."


Jason headed into the kitchen, unsure what to do or say. Knowing about Connor's family history made him see the young tiger in a new light. He wondered how anyone could be as cheery and bright as Connor was most of the time.

Maybe it's his coping mechanism...

I growl and mope a lot... He just grins and bears it...


I wonder the better man is...?

Connor had hung up and was shaking slightly. Jason could hear him sobbing a little.

"Connor...? You okay?"

His best friend turned around, smiling brightly but with his eyes firmly shut, probably to keep the tears from coming out.

"Yeah! I... I just cant stay for dinner... I have to go home..."

That's a lie...

Jason didnt need superpowers or some deity of the mind to tell him that.

"Your parents told you that if you stayed over you might as well not go back home, right?"

Connors eyes sprang open and the tears flooded out, soaking into his soft, fluffy, orange fur. "How did you...?"

"Been watching too many daytime dramas," Jason admitted, grinning weakly and rubbing the back of his neck. "But you're welcome to stay..."

The smile on Connors face was still big... but it was sad and Jason felt his heartstrings being plucked with every one of the tiger's words. "Thanks, Jase but... I can't."

Dan came into the kitchen. "You two okay? Connor...?"

Connor sniffled a little. "I'm okay, Mr. Wolfe. I just cant stay... My parents want me back."

Jason turned towards his father, his eyes big and pleading, silently asking his dad to do something. He didn't want Connor to leave. Not like this.

"Did you need a ride?"

His heart broke.


Dan ignored him and placed the two extra large pizzas on the kitchen counter. "Connor?"

"I don't want to impose..." the tiger murmured.

Jason whirled around and seized Connor's shoulders. "You're not leaving! Screw your parents! You're having dinner here and then you'll spend the night! Tomorrow we'll -"

Dan's big, powerful hand fell on his shoulder, cutting off his words. "Jason, one dinner and one night isn't worth what Connor could lose. Just let it go."

Jason had to force himself to release Connor before he clenched his fists and raged quietly. Connor smiled up at him weakly before leaving with Dan out the front door. He heard Dan's convertible zoom out of the driveway.

The sad thing was, Jason knew he was being irrational.

This was Connor's affairs, not his own. It wasn't fair to ask his best friend to choose being family and friendship. Especially when the friend he was sleeping with couldn't even admit they were more than friends.

That didn't stop Jason from knocking the pizza to the floor and running up the stairs into his room. He slammed the door to his room shut, tearing the doorhandle from its supports and cracking the doorframe slightly.

He didn't care.

Jason threw himself at his bed and buried his face into his pillow.

A strange mix of emotions filled him. Some angry, some sad... most just confusing. Tears seeped out from his eyes but each tear told a different story; almost like his right eye was crying because he was mad his dad would betray him like that while his left was just sad Connor had to leave.

At that point, he expected some No One to appear and give him their impartial analysis of what had occurred. Maybe tell him that he was being such a big drama queen about the whole thing. As bad an actor as Silver Soul in that dodgy chick-flick. Just reading the same clich lines that had been regurgitated over and over by the movie industry with different faces and different places.

But... nothing.

Maybe I should ask...?

No... He wasn't feeling much up to talking right now...

Jason wasn't sure how long he had been sulking in his room but when he heard his fathers car drive up, he recalled he had just thrown two large pizzas on the ground and broken the door to his room.


He shifted under the covers of his bed and hoped Dan would think he was asleep.

The front door opened and shut.

Even from so far upstairs, he could hear his father sigh. Soft but deliberate steps echoed up the stairs and Jason shut his eyes, praying that Dan wouldn't come to his door.

No such luck.

Light spilled into his room as Dan pushed the door open.

"You're mad."

Jason wanted to leap out of his bed and shout, 'Damn straight I'm mad!' but just couldn't bring himself to do it. Every ounce of his being knew he was the guilty party here. But, like a child, he wasn going to admit it and instead opted to pretend it would all go away.

"You and Connor are close," Dan said, moving a little closer. He shut the door behind him, plunging the entire room into darkness. "I can already tell and it wasn't just the sex either."

Somehow, having his father say 'sex' just made Jason feel really awkward.

Oh god, is this the 'sex talk'?

"As creepy as it sounds, Jason, I have been keeping an eye on you. It's how I knew where to send all the money when you moved between your friends' houses. When you and Connor met for the first time, things just clicked. I know. It was just the way you smiled so easily and how you walked with a spring in your step every time you were around him."

What? Does he have me bugged or something?

Jason was starting to feel that he should've just started yelling. This conversation was seriously starting to scare him...

"But you"re not at that point yet where you and Connor can go around demanding you choose each other over family. I think even you can see that."

I can... And it hurt like hell knowing it's mostly because of me...

"And it's not just you," Dan continued, standing at the foot of his bed, "or your inability to admit he's your boyfriend."

Jason cringed at the word.

"If Connor was ready to close that gap, he would've told you who his grandfather was... or that his father is a raging alcoholic... and that his mother is a hypochondriac. Connor has a lot of problems, Jason. If he hasn't shared them with you... then I really don't think you're ready to be making decisions for him."

"I'm not banning you from seeing him either... Just... Give it time, okay? Just because people get together, marry, get divorced and then marry again in the span of two hours in the movies, it doesn't mean you have to do the same. Take your time. Growing up his hard. Becoming a man is something totally different."

Dan stroked his shoulder. "Anyway... Goodnight, son. There's some pizza in the fridge."

There is...?

Jason turned to his father questioningly. "But I knocked all the pizza to the ground..."

Dan smirked. "Yeah but I figured you'd get pissed if and when the drama unfolded so I kept one in the lounge room where you were unlikely to find it if you went on a rampage."

That's... That's pretty clever.

"Thanks, dad..."

"No problem, kiddo."

Dan turned away but suddenly jerked to a halt.

For a second, Jason wondered why that had happened... Then he realised he was holding his father's hand tightly.

"You can let go now, Jason."


His head told him to say, 'Okay' ... but his rapidly beating heart and growing erection were telling him to say, 'I don't want to.'

It was two against one.

Slowly, Jason pulled his father closer. Dan's eyes were wide in shock and he was blinking as rapidly as Jasons heart was beating. All Jason could hear was pounding of blood in his ears. Time lapsed. The seconds that his lips and those of his father were not touching lay forgotten and Jason was completely consumed in the warming touch of Dan's tongue against his. They folded into Jason's bed, wrapped within each other's loving embrace.

Jason slipped out from beneath the covers and ran his hand over his father's chest, rock-hard muscle resisting every push and stroke. In the back of his mind, he wondered how a guy tasked with relocating supers and their families could be so fit. Then that same part of his head mentioned that he really didn't mind.

The rest of his thoughts screamed, 'Hell yeah!'

His fathers warm breath washed over his face as they pulled apart.

"Jason... I... I dont know..."

For a second, Jason hesitated. He saw the insecurity in his father's eyes... The fear there and possibilities of the future swirling around in those beautiful, glistening, sapphire orbs.

You know what...?

"I do."

He buried his muzzle into his father's neck, running his tongue across the thick vein there and the bulging muscles. Dan gasped in shock and pleasure, moaning as Jason reached for his fathers waistband and pulled the running shorts clean off. A slick, warm rod of wolf meat slipped under Jasons shirt and ran up his abs.

Thinking of his abs, Jason moved his hands under his fathers shirt and ran them over that glorious six-pack that only now he admitted he was envious of.

"God, dad," he murmured, licking his lips in anticipation. "I hope I can be as big as you one day."

Dan grinned at him a little wickedly. "Heh, so you like your men big, eh, son? Muscles get you off?"

In response, Jason leaned over to his father's right bicep and kissed it. He ran his tongue up down to his fathers bulging forearm, taking in every crevasse, every mountain and every vein that pushed past even the short, black fur. Then, he made his way back up on the underside of Dan's arm, pushing it upwards above Dan's head. His muzzle buried into Dans armpit, burying deep into the thick fur there and taking in the musky, heady scent. It was more exotic than Connor's scent. Whether it was the fact that it was his father's scent or just the fact that was just how his father smelled like, Jason could feel every scent molecule run down his nasal cavities and send electrical bolts into his brain, urging him further and further.

Dan chuckled suddenly. "Hey, Jase."

Jason pulled away, grinning like a complete idiot. "Yeah, dad?"

"Check this out."

Dan sat up slightly took a deep breath... and then flexed, a loud growl building deep within his chest. Jasons eyes bulged as his father's shirt ripped where Dan's massive muscles expanded from the effort. Tears cut through the sleeves and right down his fathers chest, exposing the huge, bulging pecs. A tremendous roar escaped Dans lips as he struck a double-bicep pose and threw aside the last remnants of his shirt.

Jason would've cummed there and then if he wasn't so busy devouring every inch of his father's herculean body.

"Whatcha think?" Dan asked, grinning from ear to ear.

His response...

Jason pounced, pinning his father to the bed and burying his muzzle right between those two mountains of his fathers pecs. Dan laughed and said something about a good answer before gasping as Jason begun running his tongue in circles around his father's nipples. Jason leaned in further, puckering his lips right over his fathers left nipple and giving it a tiny suck.

"Jason !"

Aw crap! Did I hurt him!?

He sat up suddenly. "Y- Yeah?"

Dan was grinning. "Where'd" - he had to gasp for air - "Where'd you learn that?"

Jason couldn't help but mirror Dan's grin as he leaned down and kissed his father. "Instinct."

"Good instincts."

"I got good genes."

His licked his fathers ears as Dan reached down and pulled down his sons shorts. For the second time that night, Jason felt the cold touch his fully erect cock. That chilling feeling was quickly erased as Dan wrapped his massive, meaty hand over the organ along with his own ten inch cock. The sensation of his dick pressed up against his father's was... was... just...

There was no word for it.

Dan began drawing long, slow strokes along the length of their penises, coaxing a thick layer of pre-cum out of their cumslits. Jason was panting hard as he clung onto his father, paralysed with pleasure. He let his father do all the work as the strokes grew steadily faster. Dan reached around his shoulders, pulling them closer together.

For an instant, Jason lost all sensation even the building sensation of a climax in his groin as he locked eyes with his dad.

Instead of time lapsing, time slowed.

Jason tilted his head to the right... Dan to the left...

They drew closer...

Jasons right arm slipped around his father's thick neck, pulling his father's lips a fraction nearer.

Dan's left leg curled around Jason's right, those huge thighs pressing up against Jason's.

A little closer...

Jason's left hand slipped behind Dan, seizing those luscious glutes and squeezing them hard.

... a bit closer...

In tandem, their tails curled around their bodies, wrapping around the others waist.

Jason's lips pulled open...

Dan's lips pulled open...

Tongues reached out tentatively... saliva slipping from their edges. Jason was absently aware of a trickle of his drool dropping onto his fathers collarbone, travelling along the thick steel-like bone before disappearing into the valley his father's chest made.

Their lips locked...

And Jason took a long, deep breath of his fathers scent.

That building feeling in his groin came back and Jason moaned into his father's throat just as Dan did the same into his.

I -I -I cant !

Jason tore his lips away from Dans and arched his back, letting loose a tremendous howl that shook the entire house as his warm, sticky cum sprayed all over his father's face and chest. At the same time, Dan shot his load, mixing the two milky-white mixtures onto his impressive body.

A wave of exhaustion hit Jason and he collapsed onto his father's chest, getting some of their mixed seed onto his chest and face. He rolled onto his back, gasping for breath and staring at the ceiling. His mind was blurry and his thoughts scrambled. Strangely, no part of him was appalled or horrified. It was all pleased...

... except one part that was left unsatisfied...

He glanced at his fathers cum-covered face and knew exactly what to do to sate that raging beast.

"Hey dad...?"

"Yes, son?"

"Hold still."

Jason leaned over as he ran his tongue over his father's face, licking up every drop of semen and relishing the salty taste. As he swallowed, the silky liquid slipped down his throat, warming every fibre of his being as it went down.

Dan was looking up at him... smiling.

They really didnt need to say anything...

... but still...

"I love you, Jason."

"I love you too, dad."


When morning came around, Jason felt like he could conquer the world. He bounced down the stairs thinking that even if his some supervillain came charging through the door and demanded he put on a spandex uniform, he wouldn't mind.

Well... Maybe a little...

But still!

He stopped in at the kitchen entrance.


Dan was in his suit again and mixing up some oatmeal.

Wait... It's a non-meat breakfast...

Is he trying to apologise for something?

While Dan was a voracious carnivore at heart, Jason was pretty much an omnivore and was happy to eat absolutely anything.

Except anything with tentacles. If the creatures was sliced up so that the tentacles weren't visible, hed be fine but anything vaguely resembling tentacles and he wouldn't touch it even if he was wearing a hazmat suit.

On the previous note, however, if Dan was cooking up something that wasn't meat based... it meant he was trying to make up for something. Dan kept feeding Jason blueberry waffles during their 'cooldown period'.

"Hey, Jase," Dan replied, smiling very faintly and placing the oatmeal on the counter. "I've got to go to work today."

"It's the weekend!"

I was hoping we could do some father-son stuff...

... and maybe some other not-so-father-son stuff...

He shook the last thing out of his head.

"I know but there's a super that needs my help badly," Dan answered, picking up his gold-plated briefcase from the floor. "I can't turn her down. She's moving into a new school on Monday and if I don't get all her paperwork done, she'll just get exposed."

"Can't somebody else do it?"

Dan groaned as he adjusted his tie. It was surprising how deceptive formal business attire could be. Dan's bodybuilders build was hidden very well and Jason knew what that build looked like beneath all that clothing. "Someone was meant to do it. But then she got swamped with family issues and she covered for me while I was... um..." Dan glanced at him for a second before looking away. "... away."

"Oh... I see... Have fun at work then..."

Dan swept up to him, using his free hand to cup the back of Jason's head and pull him closer, kissing him passionately... and apologetically. When they pulled away, there was no way Jason could be mad.

"Listen, I should have all the work done by tonight. We'll have all of tomorrow to ourselves. Okay?"

Jason forced a smile. "Yeah..." Then that smile became genuine as the idea of that ham roast rekindled in his brain. "Yeah! I'll see you tonight!"

Grinning, Dan headed for the door. Then he stopped and turned back to his son, giving Jason a severe look. "And don't bother Connor."


There goes the majority of my day...

"I won't," he groaned in the typical childish groan.

"Love you."

"Right back at ya."

Dan disappeared out the front door and Jason watched his father drive off in that sleek, jet-black convertible with the blue speed stripes. He had no idea why he wasn't impressed the first time he saw his dad drive up in that monster. The fact that it had a DIE-NOW licence plate was just as wicked.

Sighing, Jason wondered what he would do to fill the rest of his day.

In the three weeks he spent raging over his fathers return, he mostly spent his day locked up in his room and doing homework. Remembering that his Social Studies grades had to pick up and that he had missed yesterday's class, he resolved to start picking up the slack.

But first, breakfast.

Jason wolfed down the oatmeal in short order and found himself still a little ravenous. He prepared another sachet of the oatmeal before regarding the rather pathetic clump of dried oats at the bottom of the bowl. Frowning, he opened another sachet and poured it in. The clump still looked a bit small.

One more...

Satisfied, he applied the appropriate amounts of milk and stuck it in the microwave.

While the oatmeal cooked away, he flicked on the TV in the kitchen.

As always, there was news on some superhero escapade.

"There's never anything good on in the mornings," he muttered, reaching for the remote.

"Kevin Riley, Heir to the Riley Empire, has formally announced that the company he founded, Road to Dawn, will be investing twenty billion dollars into research for stable, reliable acquisition of superpowers."

Jason froze. "Kevin...?"

The screen showed his middle school friend, Kevin Riley, standing on the podium at a press conference. There were cameras going off everywhere and Kevin was surrounded by a multitude of big, burly guards.

The microwave finished with the oatmeal and he carried it over to the counter while keeping his eyes on the TV.

"Yes," Kevin announced, grinning broadly, "Enria is falling into a state of disrepair caused by more than a few of the so called artificial superpowers going awry and causing severe psychological damage to the recipient. Road to Dawn hopes to find a way to ensure that the process of acquiring these superpowers can be stabilised and will not have any of the long-term detrimental effects current methods possess."

"There is a growing number of superheroes going rogue and supervillains in our world and in response, we can only give power to those we trust to bring order to our crumbling world."

A few questions were asked but Jason wasn't listening.

Whoa... Kevin is really pushing it envelope...

Artificial powers were controversial at best. Many traditionalists preferred superheroes who obtained their powers the normal way and grew up with them instead of merely buying the powers on the market. Others were fearful that giving powers to anyone could lead to another series of wars just like the one that Titanitus was involved in.

However, there was an overwhelming number of people - mostly teenagers, pre-teens or people going through their mid-life crisis - that wanted these powers to drastically change their otherwise boring lives.

Jason switched off the TV and mulled over the newscast while shovelling the oatmeal into his mouth. When he bit into thin air, he glanced down and noticed he had finished the three satchets of oatmeal he had prepared.

And yet I'm still hungry...

With a shrug, he washed his bowl before heading up the stairs to the upstairs bathroom. A brief glance at his reflection told him that he was growing up to be just like his father. While not as built as Dan, he was certainly getting there.

Jason couldn't help it.

He flexed a little and just imagined what it would be like to be as big as his dad and for the two of them to be in the same bed.

No... Save it for tonight...

Jason felt a grin on his face as he headed into the shower and got rid of the smell of sweat and his father off him. While he would miss the scent, he didn't want to get any more surprise visits and end up having to explain why he smelled like his dad and sex. There were already a number of backup explanations in his head - one of which was that he was tricked by his fathers evil clone in order to dishearten Dan.

But none of them really seemed that plausible.



Jason leapt as far away as he could from the shower door.

Standing outside was a figure that he couldnt quite make out but guessing by the fact he hadn't heard anyone enter, it was probably a No One.

"Do you guys always have to catch me when I'm half-naked?" he snapped. He considered the soap bubbles conveniently placed over his privates as clothing.

"At those times or when you are on the verge of having sex," replied the cool, metallic voice.

It was T13 the Traveller of time.

"Just give me a second and I'll be out."

"Take all the time you need."

If that was a pun, Jason ruled it to be a bad one. He left the shower a second later and dried himself off under the impassive gaze of the armoured T13. Still feeling a little self-conscious, he kept his back to the No One. Once he was fully dressed, he turned to the No One.


T13 reached into his coat and pulled out what appeared to be two hundred dollars in cash. "This is yours."


"We had a running bet last night. I bet that you would get intimate with your father but there would not be any truly compromising acts. I obviously won."

Jason blushed and felt his self-esteem plummet. He felt like some dog at the tracks being bet on for the entertainment of others.

"Um... Why are you giving it to me?"

"What does an entity who controls time itself need money for? Besides, I foresee you will want to use this influx of cash for tomorrow's outing with Connor to the State Fair."

That was true.

He didn't want to ask his dad for money and he was very low on funds.

Plus, he would look like a real douche if he got Connor to pay for everything...


He took the wad of cash.

A thought crossed his mind.

"So who lost exactly?"

"D8 the Derelict, I5 the Ingenious, K12 the Karmic and A11 the Gates of Ascension."

That was a little comforting that the majority of the No Ones were acting behind his decision. Though, still having No Ones betting against him was a little disconcerting...

"If it helps, D8 bet against you simply because R3 bet with you. He has a little vendetta against R3 after a particular incident. I5 convinced K12 to bet the same simply because she knew you would need funds and the small amount D8 was betting would not be enough. A11 cast his lot with D8 because he thought it would help 'even the odds'."

"Oh... In that case..."

Jason shoved the cash into his pocket and thanked T13, leaving the bathroom to head back down into the kitchen. He became painfully aware that T13 wasn't leaving him alone as he was going down the stairs.

"Was there something else?" he asked.

"One more thing. Have you seen F6 the Facilitator lately?"


The Facilitator was the No One who governed the Body, supposedly capable of altering the physical shape of anything and anyone. He was a step down from S-Zero who controlled Space, the latter being capable of destroying and creating matter at a whim while F6 was just able to manipulate it. Last Jason recalled, F6 was a tall wolf with snow-white fur and three pairs of wings jutting out of his back. The top pair were white and feathery, the middle were leathery and webbed while the bottom were just skeletons of wings. F6 kept his features hidden with an metal helm that concealed most of his facial features but allowed his jaw to move for talking.

"Hang on," Jason began. "I thought F6's title was 'the Patriarch' not 'the Facilitator'."

"Ah, of course. You are unaware. F6 recently had his title changed by R3 as part of a joke. He was originally 'F6 the Facilitator' but because of a certain event, he was given the title 'the Patriarch'."

Well... I didnt know that...

"No. I haven't seen F6 lately. Why?"

"No reason. We just want to rub in that title a little more and he has been avoiding us." T13 turned around to leave. "Oh, and this time, it is the mailman."

Jason inclined his head to the side. "What?"


He made the mistake of turning towards the front door and when he glanced back T13 was gone.


He promised himself one day he would not look away and he'd keep his eyes on the No Ones as they disappeared. Part of him suspected that if he kept looking they'd never vanish.

But that was for another time.

He headed for the front door and pulled it open.

Sure enough, the mailman stood there with a rather large, brown package.

"Delivery for Jason Wolfe?"


Am I expecting something...?

He glanced at the ceiling momentarily.

Should I be expecting something...?

That's me, he said, turning back to the red haired human.

"Sign here please."

After going through all the procedures for the package, Jason took the rather heavy paper package into the lounge. The senders address was '1 Starmoor Drive'.

That's Kevins address!

Jason tore into the package. He hadn't heard from Kevin for months ever since he had attended Vale Riley's funeral. His heart was beating hard. Gifts from Kevin were always needlessly expensive and extravagant. He recalled his fourteenth birthday where he received a new game console complete with a collection of twenty of the top rating games. Too bad he didn't have a TV and neither did Jen's family. Kevin got him a flat screen TV the follow day complete a surround-sound system.

Jason left all that with Jen as a way of thanking her for taking care of him until his father came to pick him up.

He was disappointed... sort of.

Inside were several pamphlets about the risks and benefits of undertaking artificial superpower implant procedures and a background on Road to Dawn Inc.

But, the one thing that really caught him off-guard was the small letter officially inviting Jason to be one of the first people to undertake a super-secret procedure to obtain superpowers.


The smell of honey-glazed roast ham was wafting through the air by the time Dan returned home. The big wolf stopped at the front door and sniffed the air.

"Jase...? What's that smell?"

Jason sat at the dining table, hands firmly clasped together and trying desperately to hide the shaking in his entire body.

"It's dinner."

In front of him was a bigger spread that he had hoped to achieve. He had spent the entire day cooking, trying to forget the letter he had received from Kevin but only partially succeeding. There was a roast ham sitting as a centrepiece to the entire table, several roast vegetables, couscous, teriyaki chicken kebabs, garlic prawns and even a lobster. A triple chocolate mousse cake was also sitting in the fridge.

The No Ones kept giving him the ingredients he wanted and none of them commented on the feverish pace he was cooking.

"Whoa," was all his dad could say from the entrance to the dining room. "Jason... When did all this happen?"

"Between about ten this morning to thirty minutes ago," Jason answered, his voice going back to that nervous, high-pitched stammer.

"Where'd you get all the ingredients? And the money?"

That, Jason had planned for...

He stood up and squared his shoulder. "Dad... I got a package from Kevin today."

He hoped that the simple fact the package came from Kevin would cause his father to immediately assume the package had come with a fair amount of cash.

"Kevin?" Dan asked, setting down his gold-plated briefcase beside his chair which was on the opposite end of the table. "Kevin Riley? The multimillion dollar heir of Vale Riley?"

"Multi_billion_," Jason corrected softly. "And yeah... That's the one."

Dan was suddenly very worried. "About... what...?"

Jason marched down the length of the table stiffly, Kevin's letter in his hand. He handed it to Dan wordlessly. His eyes watched his fathers closely, watching them dart from side to side as they skimmed the latter. That lump in his throat grew bigger and its brother the black hole in his stomach joined in the fun.

Dans mouth slowly hung open as he reached the end of the letter.

It seemed his father regarded the last sections of the letter for an eternity.

Jason had memorised the missive. He had gone over it about twenty times since receiving it. Starting off with a gentle 'hello' and 'how are you', the letter quickly became hard and formal, explaining the aspirations of Road to Dawn Inc. and what it stood for. There was a lot of stuff about nobility, honour and equality before getting into the stuff about the procedure.

Finally, it invited Jason to go to the Road to Dawn Headquarters right here in Newroads to be one of the first to undergo 'transcendence'.

His mind reeled with all the possibilities... First and foremost, he still held an aversion to superheroes and becoming one because of a corporation even if it was a friend's corporation made him feel like he was selling his soul to the Devil. On the other hand, if he became a superhero, he could protect people like Connor from tragedy...

"Are you going to do it...?" his father asked.

Jason took a deep breath. "I was hoping you could tell me what you thought first..."

"It doesn't matter what I think, Jason. Its your life. No matter what decision you make, I'll always stand by you."

Aw man... I was hoping hed give me a straight, 'yes' or 'no'...

"I... I dont want to..." he whispered, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I mean... It sounds great and I know you've got a high opinion of superheroes but... I... I'd rather be normal."

Dan looked disappointed as he sighed and averted his gaze.

I knew it!

He wanted me to take it.

"But if you want me to - "

Dans response was simple. His father lifted the letter in his hand and held it over the candle burning at the centre of the dining table. Jason watched with widened eyes as the letter caught fire and was consumed in the orange flames.

"Jason," Dan said slowly, "I'm proud of you."


Dan smiled at him as he shook the embers away from his fingers. "Despite all the pressure around you, despite the fact you know I'd like you to be a superhero and Kevin's insistence, you've stayed true to yourself. That's what counts. I'm proud of you."

Jason felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips and a sigh of relief slipped out between his fangs. "Oh... Good. So you don't mind that my true self is a gay superhero-hating neurotic teenager?"

His father's smile grew broader. "As long as you dont mind that your dad is a gay superhero-loving horndog with a crush on his son."

What came next was pretty natural.

The two of them hugged and Jason felt the relief seep through his entire body, pushing away a lot of uncertainty and fear.

At least I admitted I'm gay...

He shared one kiss with his father before saying they should start eating or the food will get cold.

Suddenly, he regretted positioning Dan's plate all the way on the other end of the table.

"So you cook when youre stressed?" Dan asked, taking a slice of ham. "You thinking of cooking as your career after you graduate?"

"Maybe," Jason answered with a shrug, taking some kebabs. "That or medicine."


"I don't think anyone else will have their own perfect anatomical reference," Jason grinned lewdly at his father who just laughed.

They weren't even ten minutes into their dinner when the doorbell rang.

Jason exchanged glances with Dan.

"You didn't invite Connor over, did you?" Dan asked, suddenly suspicious.

"No! I told you I wouldn't call him!"

Besides, I had other things on my mind...

Jason got up and headed to the front door, wondering who would be calling at this hour. The weather was also pretty terrible. Just as T13 predicted it was pouring outside. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Lightning was yet to be seen but was sure to follow.

He twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open slowly.

His heart leapt into his throat and a single word jumped out of his mouth... well... a name, really.


The lithe tiger looked up at him meekly from under his wet, brown hair. He was soaked to the bone and there was a red suitcase in his hands that looked like it had been stuffed rather hastily. The leg of a pair of denim jeans were hanging out of the edge, completely soaked.

"Hey, Jase... Can... Can I stay here for the night?"

Oh no...

His heart, which was currently in his throat, was gripped by the cold hand of fear and pushed into his stomach where the awaiting black hole gobbled it up hungrily.

"My parents found out I'm gay... They kicked me out of the house."