Of Shy Wolves and Sloppy Yeens

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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One night, at around 3AM, I said to myself that I wanted to write something wholesome, loving, and sloppy. "5k words, MAX," I said to myself, foolishly thinking that I'd stick to a maximum word count this time around. "Just a short romp in smut land."

Wolves, hyenas, and sloppy BJs. Put all those together and there's no way I can keep to a max word count. I fell in love with this lil' couple and just really wanted to explore as much of their relationship as I could in one extended scene.

"I wouldn't worry so much if I were you," I explained to the wolf, who fidgeted on a loveseat just the perfect size for his large build. "What I need most from you is to, you know, relax. Take a deep breath."

Everyone needed something a little different. It made getting to know people interesting. Made it fun. It was like trying to decipher the crossword puzzle of the day, only some people were puzzles I'd figured out long ago, and others were brand-new mysteries just waiting to be eagerly unraveled.

He began to stammer, words that choked themselves up into a knotted ball of gibberish as I set a slender finger to his lips. Even though I was physically smaller than him -- and as far as hyenas went, I was on the smaller end of my kind -- I couldn't help but almost feel his equal as I slowly inched closer to the beast. His eyes, shimmering brilliant with globules of silver, went wide in shock as he was plunged into a pit of abject anxiety.

"What if I don't -- I mean what if I'm not...?"

Some people loved to feel like they were in absolute control over me, twisting me up like some personal toy while using me to fuel their innermost desires. Others wanted to take a more submissive role, rather basking in the joys of being used in return. Then there were those who would rather have an experience that came closer to that which two lovers would share, intimate and slow yet so wonderfully intense.

I let my finger hang above his lips as I set my other hand just above his knee. Hadn't quite sat down on his lap yet -- it was those nervous words that had given me some pause once again. With a genuine smile I said to the wolf, "All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. I wouldn't worry about performing since," it was hard to do, but my eyes flicked from his own to that mass of throbbing meat barely hidden under his jeans, "you're so eager to go."

Finally came people like him. Collin was his name, although he preferred to go by Lin. Tall and handsome wolf. His fur was thick and white as snow, with only a small path of black that ran down the spine of his tail. Strong wolf too, and so very shy. It was incredibly endearing coming from a man as physically imposing as himself. The way he stammered and stopped, second-guessing himself, wondering if he'd said something wrong, hoping for every small bit of praise.

His whole body flushed with heat -- I could have curled up in his lap and purred myself to sleep with how warm he'd suddenly become -- as I'd said those words to him; letting my gaze linger on his tightly-restrained erection only flustered him more so.

"I'm sorry."

People like him? They never knew what they wanted. People like Lin always came into this expecting me to have all the answers for them. What did they want? What would they like? What would they hate? What would they love to experience all over again? They were rare, but...

"Don't apologize, dear." I could feel him trembling just beneath my fingertips. His right heel wouldn't stop stamping down on the warm rug beneath. One of his ears, a large thing that held itself so very upright above his head, flicked down in my direction, as if bowing, worshiping a deity. For a few more seconds I allowed myself to take in the sight of his criminally-restrained erection; I waited until I saw it thicken and throb before shifting my eyes back up to his. They were still wide and... and so gut-wrenchingly adorable. "We can slow down if you want. As long as you're-"

"I'm comfortable!" he stammered. I would have taken that as a lie if we hadn't already been through this just a few minutes ago. That look about his face -- desperation, and an eagerness to please me, even though he had no obligation to do so.

"Mmm. Okay. I was just making sure, Lin." Again I put my finger to his mouth, just a little lower this time. I wanted him to feel it barely touch his lower lip before it fell down across his chin. My other hand, I slowly slid it a little higher up his thigh, paying careful attention to those eyes, and those quivering lips, and all the little movements he made as fingers threatened to thread toward the inside of his thick leg. "Above all else, what's important to me is that you feel good. Okay?"

"Y-Yeah." Lin finally managed to give me a smile. It was such a small thing. He must not have been used to smiling, or barely did it anyway. Regardless of the fact, it was perfect. Suited his large and outwardly imposing frame. "Thank you."

He was receptive, welcoming to my touch. Eager to see what I'd do next, even if there were a million things running through his head. Lin spread his legs for me when my fingers teased into the inside of his thigh and he huffed in what I took to be satisfaction as I pressed my claws around the curve of his jaw. Although he was still tense around the shoulders, he finally allowed himself the chance to relax.

"Just be yourself," I encouraged as I finally moved to straddle his legs. Didn't move more forward than that because I wanted to make sure that this was what he wanted. Two arms went around his thick neck, fingers twining between one another just above his spine; "and, hey, you can put your hands on me, you know?"

"Are you sure?" he asked me. Even with all that uncertainty, and with the whisper with which he spoke, Lin still had such a wonderfully melodic tune to his words. If he just cradled me against his large body and spoke nonsense to me I would have considered this a day well spent. "I mean... I mean I know you're sure, but I'm just-"

It was a brief kiss, the one that I gave him. I just needed the wolf to shut up for a second. Yes, he had a wonderful voice, but lord did he need to learn how to use it.

The feeling of our lips brushing against one another sent a buzz down my spine that I usually only felt when I found myself in the arms of a partner that knew how to treat me right. It was rare -- it was wonderful. Already I was eager to do more with him: licking and biting and moaning in his ear to let him know just how much I adored him. Restraining myself... it was a task by its own right. That gentle grazing of lips, his rough against my soft, would have to do.

"Just grab me -- there, like that." He'd put his larger hands around my waist, but it was such a gentle and sweet touch that I could barely feel his fingers squeezing above the orange floral sundress I'd been wearing. I smiled at him as I stared into those eyes -- I took that small moment to savour his minty breath -- and then asked him, "Do I frighten you?"

He was at a loss of words, just as I'd wanted him to be. It was cute; big wolf getting all flustered and confused. But, most importantly, he didn't let go. Sure, Lin didn't hold me as tightly as I'd wanted him to, but he didn't let go. It was a start.

He couldn't pull away from me. He didn't want to pull away from me. But he was so scared of making the first move that I almost felt obligated to draw something out of him. It didn't bother me -- watching Lin react to everything I did was a treat in itself. "Let me rephrase that, hm? Is there something about me that you don't like?"

"No... no, not at all. I-I think you're wonderful."

"So then," I gave him another kiss between words, not a grazing of lips but an audible peck that stole the breath from his lungs and set my core alight with a hunger for the wolf, "stop holding me like a porcelain doll and," I clamped my arms down around his neck, drawing him in close, earning a cute little oomph from Lin, as I growled into his ear, "grab me."

It must have been his anxieties finally whittling away, or perhaps a bit of that primal instinct people loved to talk about, but something in him must have clicked because he finally took a proper hold of my waist. Those strong fingers dug into my sundress and buried themselves into my soft flesh, almost instantly massaging whatever they could get at, drawing out of me a small and satisfied whimper that Lin most definitely heard.

"That's it," I said under my breath as I brought myself closer to his body. No longer did I sit on his knees -- that just wouldn't do -- but instead found my proper place right on his thighs. He couldn't ignore me even if he'd wanted to, and I had no intention of pretending like he wasn't enjoying himself in the slightest. "You're loving this. See, didn't that feel good?"

"It did," he admitted, his voice all throaty and comfortable. In a brief flash I watched as his eyes darkened to something closer to what I wanted out of him: comfort, lust, desire, greed, and all the other fun things I couldn't bring myself to think about in between; "and... are you -- did you like that?"

"Do you really need to ask that?" I pressed against his body and hid a moan as I felt the tip of my cock grind against his stomach. He hadn't seen it with how captivated he'd been with my face, but now he couldn't deny how badly I'd been tenting my sundress for him. He kept his nervous eyes on mine but I caught him chewing on the inside of his bottom lip. I thought for a moment that maybe I had been pushing the poor boy too much, too fast, but all those thoughts were torn away when I felt him pushing back against me, forcing my dick to be trapped between myself and him. "Hah! You're trying to fluster me!"

"You -- I..."

"Go on," I moaned, and again gave him another kiss, and then another, and... finally, the third one was one that the wolf had reciprocated in return. That simple action, all by itself, was enough to make me throb. He had to have felt it, with my member so tightly squeezed between our stomachs. Like a hard, warm embrace. Everything -- every little breath, and twitch, and slight shudder from either of us -- made it feel like I was going to burst from that wonderfully painful tightness on my groin. And with the fabric of my dress so roughly rubbing up against my crown, I... I swallowed what felt to me like a mouthful of saliva and finished. "Say it. Say what's on your mind, Lin. Don't be... f-hah... don't be nervous."

How was I already breathless, when he'd barely even grabbed me? It must have been that almost-dominant touch. Or was it the kiss?

"You're not wearing anything under... under your dress, are you?"

Did he really need to ask? For the sake of the poor boy, whose lip wouldn't stop trembling, I refrained from asking him that question. But I still gave him a look: just a slight tilt of my head, and a quirk of my brow, and a cheeky little smirk. It should have been more than enough of an answer for him. It should have been enough for me.

But god, forgive me. I just couldn't help myself.

"Maybe," I began as I allowed my hands to unwind themselves from one another so that they could begin their pilgrimage across the great expanse of his shoulders, "I am."

"Hmph." His little huff, which practically screamed doubt, drew laughter out of me. That, in turn, brought a much-needed warm smile to his face.

"Well, maybe I am! It's a possibility. Although, that means there's also a chance that... you know..." With my most innocent look my hands began their journey over the vast mountains that were his shoulders and into the little valleys formed by his collarbone; "there's also a chance that I'm not wearing anything under."

"It, ah..." He licked his lips and sharply breathed as I felt him throb underneath me. As a little reward -- although really I was more treating myself than him -- I rolled my hips and did my best to settle my bare ass against that bulging length. There shouldn't have been a doubt in his mind as to what the answer was, but... he was playing along all the same. "... feels like you're not-"

"Only one way to find out," I said to him, so rudely cutting the wolf off, but again I just couldn't help myself with him. With my legs thrown to either side of his, it was easy for me to rub against his pants and press tight to his groin. Borderline torture for the two of us, but god did it also feel good. It took everything for me to plant my hands firmly across his pecs and push back a little, enough to give us the space I needed to look down at myself and say to him, "Don't be shy. I promise I won't bite."

He couldn't keep his eyes off it, the silly wolf. Made me feel desired. It spoke of everything that I'd wanted from this little interaction. For only a moment did he turn his beautiful eyes up to look at me, wordlessly mouthing confirmation that this really was okay for him to do. I wanted to slap him as much as I wanted to embrace him because... lord did he keep me waiting, but he made himself out to be so much cuter than he had any right to be.

"It's alright, Lin," I began, one hand moving to hold him by the wrist while the other remained squarely on his body. His poor little heart -- raging at a thousand beats a minute, just about ready to pop in his strong, broad chest. And it only got worse as I pulled his hand from waist and brought it closer to my stomach. He was so wonderfully expressive with his nervousness and excitement. "Go at your pace, but..."

I allowed him to make the first move, though held it close to my throbbing tip. The orange of my sundress had become stained with a dark wet spot where the spade of my cock was so roughly rubbing up against. The fabric was so thin, and pulled taut against me, that the whole of my shaft had become perfectly outlined. I might as well not have been wearing anything at all.

Then, with a short breath, I said to him, "... I need to feel your hands on me."

Lin whimpered and frowned, but it wasn't that sad look that would normally have given me pause. This was... attractive, in a way. As if he were chastising himself for being so shy. I wanted to tell him that there was nothing to be embarrassed about -- it was cute and adorable and entirely endearing -- but the words slipped on my tongue and fell into my throat when the whole of his hand came down across the slightly-bulged underside of my dick.

"Hot," he said to me, his voice a low and trembling whisper, as he pressed it up against my stomach. His fingers didn't wrap around it -- no, he rather held it in place and allowed me to experience the wonderful sensation of having his surprisingly warm hand drape across it like a blanket.

Involuntary twitch, then a throb, and a deep pulse that pushed another small wave of my pre out against my sundress, deepening the stain, rubbing the rest of that sticky, salty, delicious residue across the surface of my tapered tip. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, confident in the knowledge that he wouldn't need my hand to guide his any longer.

"Y-Yeah," I stammered, a fat grin spread ear-to-ear, "you are."

I didn't have to look to know he was blushing. With both hands back on his body, I could really feel that hot wave of heat that radiated from his heart. Best part of it was that he wasn't even trying to hide it from me. He was loving this; in turn, so was I.

"That's not what I-"

Kissed him. Hard. Deep as I could make it. Put my lips to his and spread them apart to invite him in. Needed him to know that I wanted this, so I licked his bottom lip and moaned what should have been his name, but instead it came off as needy and desperate for his touch. He inadvertently massaged my dick as I squeezed the two of us together, his hand pressing tighter across its surface, bringing itself higher up my shaft then settling a little closer to my knot.

He didn't give me his tongue, not yet at least. But I could see his lips parting slightly just as I pulled away from them. I licked them again, letting the taste of me hang right there so that he could savour it on his own terms, as I swallowed up his delicious breath and internalized it as a part of my greater whole. As he tasted me on his tongue, I said to the wolf, "It's exactly what I meant."

Lin rewarded me by holding to my shaft just a little more tightly. Still above my sundress -- I needed that hand to explore a little more already -- but his hold was so exquisitely intimate that I found myself almost not caring about my clothes any longer. There was more of a grip now, still as delicate of a touch as his hands had been on my waist. It teased me. It almost made me beg for more. Without prompt he stroked my shaft, and when I opened my eyes I found that he'd been staring longingly into my face.

I, in turn, took to exploring under the depths of his shirt. His fur was as soft as I'd imagined it to be, cut close across his stomach but spreading out in great waves of foamy white as I felt around his back. His nipples were small, hard-cut, piercing, and he moaned when I held those tight buds between my fingers. I longed to savour them as I had his lips; a desire that burned as deeply as the one I had for his tongue.

"Hot," I echoed back at him, finding his nervous little smile fitting. His eyes were on me, over me, around me, through me. They searched for... a truth, perhaps, in what I was telling him. Trying to find out if I was being dishonest.

Look into my eyes, I'd so wanted to tell him, and say to me that I'm not being truthful.

Between index and thumb I held his nipples, somehow stiffening more than they'd already been, and gently coaxed them to life through his state of arousal as hand dared to grip me with newfound boldness. He said to me with as much confidence as he could muster, "You're not wearing anything under the dress," and I replied, with equal amounts of confidence, and then a little more;

"Have a look. Promise I won't bite."

So he did, that wonderful wolf, as I tweaked his nipples to further encourage those exploratory thoughts. I nearly protested as he pulled his hand away from my twitching member but grinned with absolute glee when I felt those couple of fingers hooking into the hem of my sundress.

He'd barely grazed his fingers against my balls but it was just enough to shoot an awful chill up my spine. And it'd been enough for him to know. Of course it had to be enough. He felt it. He felt me twitch, shudder, and moan his name as he touched me.

But he still looked, pulling his head back, lifting up the hem of my dress, exposing me to cold air and hot body.

Slightly-furred balls first, bunched tight to my groin, shuddering as they were observed and adored. Then he revealed my sheath wrapped so tight to the base of my cock that it almost hurt me, and that ball of nerves and pleasure that sat comfortably and somewhat swollen just above it, pulsing with life, eager to swell under Lin's ceaseless desire. Cotton fabric teased the underside of my shaft, where bulging cumvein was prodded at by curious finger -- sturdy and tight, yet also malleable to the touch, begging for more than such a simple gesture. Finally, finally, "Finally," it slipped over that spaded head, exposing the full length of my red-tinged, veiny, delicate, hard, swollen, needy cock to him. Bubbling up from the inside, frothing at the tip, gushing out a weak river of precum that now flowed from tip to shaft and around my knot, so that it may mat to my sheath and roll across my small balls.

"You're..." He looked at it for a long time, not at a complete loss of words it seemed, and for some reason I found myself nervous with expectation. I knew that he liked what he saw, he loved what he felt, he desired what he could now have, but did he like it? Did he love it? Did he desire it?

Did he like me? Did he love me? Did he desire me?

He still said nothing.

It was only a second. A brief, painful, and gut-wrenching second. Nothing but staring, observing, perceiving. He didn't touch me. He didn't breathe. He spoke, wordless, breathless, and then cleared his throat and said nothing to me.

"W-Well?" I asked him as my hands journeyed down from his nipples to the great foamy sea that was his stomach, teasing at his navel before coming to a sudden and hooked stop at the hem of his pants. Nervous... excited... afraid. This wasn't me -- this was me. He made me this. "Go on. Say it already. You have me all --you..."

Finally he glanced up at me, tearing those eyes away from my cock which for the longest time wouldn't stop leaking that nectar I'd found myself craving. And when he looked at me... god, when looked at me I knew my answer with the certainty of which he'd known the answer to my own set of questions beforehand.

He liked me. He loved me. He desired me. He-

"You're beautiful."

I kissed him. I loved him. I adored him.

And he finally gave me tongue. As I slammed my lips against his, holding his head in both my hands, he finally allowed me to taste what I'd been craving for so long.

We met halfway at first, and I closed my eyes and moaned so deeply into him that he must have felt it at his core with as much certainty as he must have felt how badly I'd wanted him. His tongue was rough and it scalded my own, but I couldn't get enough of it. I rubbed it against mine, savouring every little inch, exploring its length, wrestling and trying to hammer it down only to find that Lin wasn't relenting, and in fact he had more control over me than what he'd let on at first. He must have loved the way I tasted, just as much as I loved him, because I felt his fingers tighten around my body, holding me hard, as a deep growl formed in his chest. He sent it through his tongue to mine, down my throat, straight to my heart which ached with need and love and greed, leaving me hot, boiling my blood...

He didn't warn me, and instead pushed it into my maw in one sudden and quick beat. I opened my eyes and saw that he'd closed his own -- so lost in the passion of the moment he was. His tongue forced mine to accommodate its intrusive length as it squirmed and slurped and twisted itself across me. Lin was feeding me his mint-fresh breath. I... I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't control myself. I grinded up against him, practically masturbating myself with our bodies, as I greedily sucked on his long tongue.

I'd be tasting him for the rest of the day.

"Mmmph!" I caught him moaning as I thrusted against him, forcing the wolf to feel my length twitching, at the same time as my bare ass continuously massaged that thick length of flesh that was just about ready to rend his pants apart. He was ready to explode. I needed to...

Now it was my tongue in his own mouth. He tried to fight it back, to take some control, to make me feel like I was his, but now it was my turn to make him feel loved and wanted. So I did exactly as he'd done to me, wrestling with his tongue, forcing him to taste me on every single one of his taste buds. And he did exactly as I'd done, accommodating my smaller length, sucking on my tongue, bucking hips up against my ass to masturbate himself against my body in the same fashion as I was doing to him.

We were... we were just using one another. It's what I wanted. It's what he wanted. I loved it.

Back and forth we swapped tongues, taking control, domming and submitting, taking turns to make the other feel like they were the only thing that was important in this world, till we were aching at our lungs and desperate for just one proper breath of air. Even then I didn't let him go, not for a few more seconds, not until I gave his tongue one last lick inside his mouth.

What connected us was a thick string of arching saliva, a mixture of his own and mine, that I couldn't stop staring at. I let it fall on the palm of my hand and, while staring into his eyes, licked it all up while moaning under my panting breaths.

"You're incredible," he whispered, and I nodded and replied;

"I know. And you? You're absolutely stunning."

Between us was a mess of precum that I never wanted to clean up. No... I did want it cleaned, but...

"Do you want a taste?"

I didn't wait for an answer. My finger had come down across my dick in the moment that I'd said those words. Such a simple touch, just under my crown, was enough for me to whimper with need, causing my dick to swell, gushing out more pre. It was for him, the one that I collected on two of my fingers, fresh and hot from the source. Brought it up to his lips while I squeezed the two of us together, just so that I could continue leaking against his body, and said;

"Taste me."

He didn't hesitate. It's what I loved about him. So lost in everything he was that I could just... I could have told him to get on his knees and bark, and he'd have done it at a moment's notice. His lips fell around my fingers, his tongue working over them, across them, between them, lapping up every small drop of my nectar, before he hungrily and needily sucked on the full length of my fingers.

All of it, I thought to myself as I watched him suck on my fingers and felt him buck against my ass, to please me. He didn't have to do it -- god forbid if he ever felt like I was forcing him to try anything. But he... he did it because he knew I loved it.

And so he loved it in return.

"Good boy," I whispered, and his ears twitched, his breath hitched, and he throbbed so hard I thought for a second that he came in his pants. He liked that -- of course he liked that. Other hand reached behind my back; despite his strong grip I managed to lift myself just enough to slip my hand underneath. I wanted to feel him swell beneath my fingers. God he was thick. "Who's my good boy?"

That was the kicker. I felt him shiver and blush and try to turn his head away as I said those words, even as he continued to greedily suck on my fingers and as I felt him react just how I'd wanted, with a swelling of his cock and what I hoped was a gush of pre. He must have been a mess in there. I almost watered at the mouth just thinking of what he'd taste like and how much he had yet to offer me.

I drew my fingers from his mouth, not without silent protest on his part as he tried to hold them in, and carefully traced the length of his jawline till I reached up to the back of his right ear. Forced him to look into my eyes as he and I both panted for a breath we'd lost once again. Then I teased, barely massaging the length of his lupine ear as I also squeezed my fingers above the length of his shaft. It didn't even bother me that I was sitting atop my hand -- He was worth it.

"You loved how I tasted, didn't you?" He gulped, almost comical with how audible it was, but before he could say anything I continued. "Well, tell me what it tasted like."

"Come on," he said, embarrassed and shy. His ear grew hotter than boiling water beneath my fingers and I loved it. Loved it like I loved his cock, and his body, and his delicious personality; "you already know."

"Oh believe me, I know what I taste like, and I think I'm quite delicious. I want to know what you tasted." I gave him a smile and a lick of his lips that he so wonderfully met with the tip of his tongue, then further encouraged him by calling him, "My sweet boy."

He shivered and moaned as his body pressed up against my hand, demanding for me to give his member another tight squeeze. He'd earned it, I figured, with those looks he was giving me, like a man who could barely keep himself from digging into his last meal. Lin licked at dry lips -- I followed that little sideways arc of his tongue as it dashed from one end to the other, hopefully tasting me in the process -- and then spoke with a sort of reverence to his voice that only further encouraged my lust for the wolf;

"God you taste amazing," he said to me, swallowing as if he could still feel it at the tip of his tongue. Like some vain attempt at getting that last hint of my sweet juice. "Like... like honey. Sweet, salty, bitter honey, I-"

"I don't taste like honey, dear," I teased, having grinned so much now that my cheeks were starting to ache but I just couldn't stop. "Salty? Yes. Bitter? A little... crass, but I guess that's one way of putting it. But honey?" I scoffed, rolled my eyes -- had he not better way of-

Now he cut me off, from my thoughts instead of spoken words, as both his hands twisted just below my short tail to grab me by my ass. I had to give it to him, he really was a wolf when he got a bit of confidence in him. The way he groped me, possessive and obsessive... god I almost screamed his name. I certainly did arch my back for him, giving the wolf more to work with. I knew what I had, a good palmable ass to play with. It's about time he got to working it like I'd wanted.

The words out of his lips? Honest truth, every last one of them. Not a hint of a lie in them. He said in a low whisper, but with nary a bit of a tremble to his words, "I tasted honey. The sweetest, warmest, most savoury bit of honey I've ever had in my life."

"God, Lin. You really-"

"And I thought to myself, 'This can't be right. Honey? Sweet? I... I don't taste like that.' But I just kept licking, and sucking, and savouring, and swallowing and all I could taste was that honey. I couldn't get enough of it." His smile spread, contagious like the common cold, followed by a small bit of laughter that I found myself echoing into his chest as I buried my head into his body. Why did he have to - "Now you're the one that's embarrassed."

"You did that on purpose." I closed my eyes and nipped at his shirt, breathed in his powerful musky scent, all the while I rolled back my ass into his hands. He'd slipped them under my sundress. He was... squeezing my ass, spreading my cheeks, not doing enough to reach my hole and scratch that heated itch, yet somehow managing to tease me all the same.

"I was being honest," he replied before so suddenly adding, "and I want more."

"More, huh?"

"Please," he asked, pleaded, begged. And all in that time he still handled me like a proper toy. Lin could've just taken what he wanted.

Shy boy. Sweet boy.

"Who's to say that you can't have it?" I settled back against those hands, having gulped down that small wave of embarrassment that he'd showered me with. "But I want you to take it straight from the tap."


"No. No complaints. No doubts." I put a finger to his lips. I'd meant to shush him, but instead he took my digit into his maw and began to suck and lick up the full length of it. I could feel teeth, sharp contrast to that hot and soft tongue. "I... I... I want to feel your tongue on me, Lin. I want you to swallow me up and - OH!"

Those hands; such large powerful hands on such strong arms. They grabbed me tight, the tightest they'd ever had. Felt like they were going to leave a permanent imprint on my ass. It ached. It burned. I loved it. And then, with only his strong growl as warning, the wolf lifted me up his body as if I were nothing but a bag of feathers to him. I grabbed at him, any part of him, desperately trying to keep my balance while also scratching and kissing and licking and moaning and... and...

... and I curled around his head like a pup would curl around a campfire, grabbing tight to the sofa's backrest, cursing him out as I worked through the sudden sense of vertigo that overcome me, and finally moaning when I felt the tip of my cock press hard against the underside of his chin.

"You're insane!" I stammered out. I'd wanted to sound mad but... "H-Hah! Ahahah! You're actually insane!" ... I couldn't help my laughter. Nobody had ever grabbed me like this before. And certainly I'd never expected it out of him.

Finally cracked that shell, got at the sweet yolk that'd been stewing on the inside. And a part of me... for it to be me that got to experience it was just...

I could hear him licking his lips as I dug my claws into the plush cushions of his sofa. Would have apologized for the damage had he not said to me in his beautifully soft-spoken voice, "You're beautiful." I knew what he was talking about; not just my dick that throbbed right up against his chin, or my body for that matter, but me.

It had to be. He was always so...

"Just..." I lost my breath as I felt his own graze my slick shaft. Lips threatened to part for my tip. Tongue called out in silent need for what I had to offer. He made me feel like a heated bitch as nerves exploded in a tidal wave of absolute rapture. And he hadn't taken me in yet. He was just... "I need you. Now. Please."

Everything froze. Tail went straight and stiff, my arms and legs locking up around his head like a cage, my lungs refusing to take another breath, my throat seizing up and tightening to the point that I couldn't even swallow.

I couldn't even say his name, praise his efforts, and moan my appreciation.

All I felt was a hot breath of air against my cock, followed quickly by the burning of a tongue that slid from knot to tip. He did the moaning for me as he savoured me and everything that I had to offer him. Large thing, that tongue. So easily cradled the underside of my dick -- and all my concentration focused so squarely on all those nerves that I couldn't help but feel like my whole body was being stimulated in much the same way. Just a wave of disorienting warmth and pleasure, like being thrown into a warm pool.

Did I need him, or did he need me? I had no answers. I wanted no answers. I'd wanted to fuck those cute lips since I set my eyes on them, and with how eagerly he took my drooling tip into his maw I knew that he'd wanted to taste more of me since he saw my dick. That's all that mattered now -- we were enjoying one another and there was no stopping that.

"My sweet boy." Somehow managed to scratch at the back of his neck, lavishing him with praise as I felt myself be drawn into the depths of that wonderful muzzle. "Hah! You're a natural."

He responded by giving what he'd taken into him, my head and a good portion of my shaft, an eager lick that made me momentarily swell with a need that built up from deep in my heart and pooled at my core, making itself known as more of that 'honey', as he so wonderfully put it. Honey for his eager tongue, which I felt him swallow as cheeks contracted tight around my dick and a pressure, like a sudden vacuum, threatened to drive me deeper into his throat.

"I wanted this since I saw you," I said to Lin as I wrapped my legs just under the pits of his arms and put my hands back to the plush sofa -- careful with my claws now; I didn't want the wolf to be upset with me once this was all said and done, "God, that tongue. Just... just like that, Lin. Lick every little part of me." Bit on the inside of my cheek as I pushed hips against lips. He didn't so much as stammer a muffled complaint as he accommodated my average length -- made me feel like a king. "I... I need to..."

There was no sense in even trying to tell him anymore. What else could I have done? With how tight he held to my ass -- god those hands just wouldn't stop kneading my doughy flesh, spreading me apart and pulling my cheeks tight to one another -- I had nowhere to go but forward. Into his mouth. Down his throat. Gushing and spilling thickening pre as balls held so painfully tight to my groin. His hot breath kept washing across their surface, over and over again, making them pulse and ache as I shot another, stronger bit of pre down his throat.

I grabbed at whatever I could get, nearly meowling with pleasure and almost barking with glee, and drew my hips back until the tip of my cock was barely squeezed between those tight lips. He wouldn't let me go out all the way -- Lin refused to let himself be empty for more than a second. Wanted me in him. Tasting me. Loving me. So I obliged the poor wolf, the beautiful wolf, the wonderful wolf, and slowly pushed my cock into him as deep as he could take me.

His tongue worked as hard as I did, rubbing across my bulging cumvein, almost magically following every pulse of precum that made it thicken and throb. I felt my knot press against his snout and I cried out in silent praise for this absolute adonis of a man. I was a mess down there and I loved it. Could feel his thick saliva spilling from between his lips, a wonderful mix of his spit and my precum, rolling across my sensitive knot and coating my balls, cooling against them, growing hot when he breathed out, cooling again...

Torture. Such wonderful torture. I'd been left a sloppy mess.

And god did it take everything in me to keep from just sitting inside that wonderful embrace his mouth was giving me. I could have just stayed here, wrapped around his head the way I was, till he licked and sucked and brought me to the climax I so desperately found myself craving. I could have -

Hips back, lips tight, and when I felt him shudder under me I slammed back home with more force than I'd intended. Lin groaned and, for a second, convulsed at the sudden pressure of my cock pushing into his throat. Enough to give me pause as I felt my heart sink. Enough to get me to stammer out a careful, "Are you okay?" before he answered by moaning loudly, straight into my cock, shooting hard shivers up my spine, setting my tail wagging, as I arched my back and nodded in understanding and forced more of me into more of him.

How long did we stay like this, I wonder? So tightly-squeezed against one another, working so perfectly to fulfil each other's needs like gears in a well-oiled machine. I drew my hips back and he gave me the leeway, the space, the permission to do so, and when I slammed back home he urged me along with a strong push of large hands against my ass, throwing out any doubt I might have had that I was being too forceful and inconsiderate with the wolf.

He wanted me to be rough. Feeding my desires, enabling my behaviours. He loved that I was taking his mouth like my own little toy. It's probably what he'd wanted from the start.

We couldn't have been longer than a minute or two before I worked myself up to a frenzy. That resounding wet clap of my hips against his face, balls to his chin, was the choir to our love. My breathless and desperate panting was the proof that my needy desires were being fulfilled. His moaning, gulping, and choking became the fuel that pushed me along that upward path of pleasure, till finally I felt myself reaching the very peak of this wild mountain.

I held to his head now, pressing in as tightly as I could, almost threatened to lodge my knot into his mouth. Licked my lips and tried to speak, tried to scream, or even cry out in the throes of pleasure but that river of words got caught up in my throat, leaving only my pathetic and wanton whimpering for him to savour.

And savour he did. Lin knew that I was reaching my end, were it with how hard I throbbed, or how I scratched at the back of his neck, or how my casual thrusting had become a feral-like humping against his mouth. He brought me back until only the tip was held between his lips, licked my hole, allowed his tongue to fall flat and hard against the underside of my head, and then he swallowed me down to the knot.

Rough, wet, hot tongue gliding across the surface of my cock. He embraced me with his mouth, making it feel like I'd just slipped into a warm bath. Gasped as the pressure built at my core and clawed and scratched and -

... and I burst, and the warmth I'd been feeling blossomed into an intense heat that burned as hot as the sun, setting my skin alight with the same intensity with which it tingled and buzzed.

I drooled as I came, more a common beast than anything else, relishing in the knowledge that Lin was swallowing down every last drop. God I could feel it gushing straight to the back of his throat, one strong jet after another. And just when I thought it was over, Lin curled his tongue around my tip and massaged my sensitive head and I twitched, and shivered, and begged for the wolf to stop just as much as I ordered him to keep going because I could feel it building up in me again -- the very last throes of my orgasm. One last trek over that hill, with me so dutifully carried in his arms. The wolf gave me no chance to rest, not until I'd delivered to his waiting tongue that last portion of my bounty. Weak, more a dribble than a powerful squirt, but thick. Enough for him to moan and spread it across his tongue and swallow it all down like the parched dog that he was.

The first word out of him as I finally slipped out of his maw, all coated in a mess of his saliva and my seed, was, "Honey." It took everything I had to not roll my eyes or verbally smack him because I still felt so good.

"You shush," was all that I could tell him, barely a whisper as I felt his grip on my ass soften a touch. Holding tight to him became a necessity -- didn't feel like falling backward from the height he'd had me at; "and help me down, and-and let me kiss you."

First I bit his bottom lip, and the wolf did the same to me. Then I licked the tip of his tongue and found, to my surprise, that the taste of my own cock mingled with his strong flavour was more enticing than I thought it would be. Not even enticing -- this was borderline addiction-inducing. I pushed my tongue as deep into his mouth as I could go, my arms holding tight around his neck, tasting my dick and my cum, while I moaned my birdsong for him.

His eyes were so full of tenderness and love. What did he see in mine?

"You're beautiful," he said to me again, then nuzzled his large nose to the side of my neck, arms around my waist to keep me from moving as that snout rubbed against my fur and tickled my sensitive skin. "God, you're a beautiful yeen."

"You keep saying that," I complained, or I tried to complain, but I found myself with lips to the side of his head so I could kiss, and kiss, and then kiss some more. The flower petals of my heart were blooming. "What's gotten into you."

"You did," replied Lin so confidently and so gently. "That was incredible."

"Was it?" I teased. When he let me sit back against his lap I couldn't help but feel his dick still throbbing hard against his pants. The least he could have done was let it out, but... looks like he was just too focused on me. "Satisfied, are you?"

I ground down against his length before he could even think. I didn't want those stray little thoughts getting in the way of what he really wanted. He wasn't satisfied -- not yet. But when he spoke, the words out of that sweet little mouth were, "You were incredible."

"Flatter me all you want, dear. You know I'll eat it up." I cocked my head, smirked, set a hand to his chest, and squeezed down against his groin. Even my flagging cock twitched with life at that. "But I'm not done with you, and you aren't done with me. Right?"

His confidence? That little smirk he had playing at his lips? Gone. Not in the bad way, but there was something in his eyes that spoke more of sudden realization at what was to come.

Did he really think that things would end with a simple blowjob? As wonderful as it was, "I still need to make you cum."

"C-Come on. You don't have to-"

"I don't have to make you cum?" I asked him innocently, even as I spread my legs to the sides of his body and hugged my ass against his thighs. Everything was positioned perfectly enough so that his bulging length, that thick monster he had hidden away from me was pressed snug between my cheeks. With every one of his throbs I could feel my backdoor clenching. Anxiety and anticipation drove me on. "Really. That's what you're going to say to me now?"

"N-No. Not I was-"


"-just saying that you don't have to... you know, say it like that?"

"Say what?" I teased again, finger drawing lazy eights across his pecs. That shirt needed to go.

"I just..." There was that shy nature to him again.

"Silly wolf," I whispered, drawing myself close, grazing his lips with mine, grabbing fur and eating his breath, "so eager to please others, so confident in what you can do for me, but turn the tables and you turn into a yowling little pup. Don't you want me to make you feel good? Because I'll make you see stars, hun."

He kissed me, and although I swear I felt a growl run up through his tongue and into my own, all he did was run his tongue along the length of mine. It shut me up well enough, leaving me wishing for more as he drew it from my mouth for what felt like the hundredth time. Could have spent the rest of the night kissing him.

"Make me see stars, then." I smiled. He grinned. Those large hands worked themselves under my sundress then tugged the fabric up, slowly, carefully, his eyes on me, doing to my body what he'd done to my dick. I lifted my arms and sighed with relief as a cold chill wracked me; he then swept me up in his hot breath as he devoured my lithe form and spotted amber fur with his very looks.

"I promise you..." I began while hastily undoing the knot of his trousers. That damned button -- felt like it didn't want to let go. Didn't help how distracting he was with those hands. Eager wolf, always looking to please me. Touching me in places he shouldn't have, places that he knew would make me twitch and moan and shudder in delight. Somehow I found myself at a loss of words; what had I wanted to tell him?

Lin touched my nipples as I finally got his pants down around his knees. Barely hidden by his boxers was the length of his shaft, swollen and aching for a simple touch. When I met his eyes I saw something closer to anxiety in them -- he must have caught my devious smirk. As a warning I put my finger to his lips like I'd done before and said to the wolf as I slipped off his lap, "I'm going to have fun with you."

Then I said it again as I got on my knees, settled between his legs, my head trapped between those thick and powerful thighs. He was tenting those boxers hard, and I could tell he'd already made a mess of himself. Barely gave the tip of his shaft a slight flick of my finger before he throbbed and gushed into the damp fabric once again. Then I grabbed tight to the middle of his thick shaft, barely able to wrap my fingers all the way around with his boxers in the way, and marveled at the feeling of him thickening and swelling over and over, his cock fighting to jump against the tight embrace of my hand.

He melted as my tongue met his tip, feeding me that unrestrained moan that I'd wanted to draw out of him. My rough tongue through that fabric must have been a unique sensation for him, something that I wanted to believe he'd never experienced up until this point in his life. And then there was my breath as I panted into him, washing over him in increasingly desperate waves as I lapped and licked, as if trying to wash away all that delicious precum with my tongue.

I was teasing myself more than him, honestly. Above all else I wanted to have him bulging my throat and choking me out with that slab of meat. Yet, now that I was so willingly trapped between his knees, I found myself eager to make him enjoy this for as long as I could. I treasured all his little reactions.

"Please don't stop," he begged as fingers worked themselves around the back of my ears. I obliged, nodding, letting go of his dick so that I could watch it twitch and bounce under the loose restraints of his underwear before diving back in for more.

His aroma was strong: that mix of sex and dick musk and sweat and... it made my head spin; centred all my thoughts and emotions and focus on only his groin and all the things that I could and wanted to do. It radiated an intense heat that threatened to burn the tip of my nose when I went in for another taste. All of it drew me in like a light in the depths of a dark and murky ocean: dangerous and exotic, pulling me away from my rational thoughts, leaving me lost and confused and so ready to be devoured.

And I was more than willing.

"You're not honey," I said to the wolf after giving him another strong lick that was met with a wave of precum which he gushed so hard it seeped through the fabric of his boxers to dribble against my eagerly waiting tongue. Lin didn't look at me -- his eyes were closed tight, all tense and wound up as tightly as his hands held to my head; "but bitter and salty and not very sweet."

Didn't look at me still. Good. Don't look at me. Wanted him to feel everything that I was doing to him. Embrace it. But he still spoke, a sweet hitched voice from a sweet boy, and said, "T-That's... Come on, I-"

"Hey," I interrupted, softly this time, as I leaned forward to breathe sharply against his dick -- concentrated gust of air, cold first to make him shiver, then warm to relax him, and then cold once more to remind him of how sharp pleasure could be; "never said that was a bad thing, did I?"

"Sounded like you..." Like I didn't like it? And even if he did believe that, then why did he still hold so tight to me? Because he didn't want to let me go. Because he knew that I loved his taste. "I'm just... sorry, ignore me. Just don't stop."

"Hah! No, I'm not going to ignore you. I'm not going to stop, either, but that much is given already, isn't it?" Little reassuring pat on the inside of his thigh. His muscles spasmed under my touch. "You taste bitter and salty, and it sits so heavy on my tongue, and I think that's wonderful. I love it." Lick. Feel him twitch. Pressed my lips right above where his head was barely hidden by his moist boxers and suckled hungrily on that fat tip, moaning so he could feel dull vibrations, lapping away like a hungry kitten drinking from his bowl of milk. I could just barely taste him. The taste of his cock had seeped into the fabric of his boxers but it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough until-

I popped off his dick with an audible "Aaahh!" if only to embarrass him, watching with a grin as he threw an arm across his eyes. He couldn't hide his blushing smile.

"You're a thick boy, aren't you?"

"Stop," he moaned, half-hearted. If the twitching of his cock shadowed the beating of his heart, then he really did love it when I said these things.

"My good boy," I whispered, sultry and needy and throaty, as I worked my hands into the insides of his boxers via his legs. Like crossing a vast and arid desert to reach the oasis that lay at the centre of it all. It was slow, deliberately so. I wanted him to feel my claws scratching up his thighs, sliding and clicking and tapping away with pointed tips that would never dare threaten to pierce the skin of this living god. "My thick boy. That you've kept this thing in your pants this long is criminal."

God I loved it when he blushed for me. Moaned for me. Made it known to me just how badly he wanted this. Urged me along with the strong scent of his sex that only grew in strength with every passing second. Enticing me with his sweet melodic words.

"That's alright. It's why I'm here. Making sure we fix that little mistake, hm?"

"Yes," he said, his voice rumbling in my chest as I finally reached that forbidden treasure of his, "please. I need you."

He was going to fill me out perfectly. It's a sentence that I kept thinking to myself as my left hand wrapped around his thick shaft and my right moved down to cup his swollen balls. Lin wasn't tremendously large -- I'd seen bigger in my life -- yet I knew from the moment I felt him throb under my care that he'd be absolutely perfect.

My perfect boy.

I gave his balls a light squeeze and rolled them between my fingers, further encouraging him to spill more of that bountiful pre that had no end in sight. Felt heavy in my hands too -- he must have been feeling pent up after the face-fucking that I gave him, so packed full of that prodigious seed that he must have been close to bursting. Churning, shuddering, swelling, begging for the stimulation that would finally grant them the release they so desperately craved.

Then I began stroking him, slowly, with a short up-and-down motion because his boxers hardly gave my hand the room to move. It was exactly what I wanted to give him, though. Nothing too much that would make him blow his load right then and there. He still didn't look, just like I'd wanted, but now he kept throwing his head left and right, letting it roll across his shoulders while biting hard on his bottom lip.

"Big boy," I teased him. He loved hearing this. "God, I can barely wrap my fingers around you. Can you feel it?" He nodded. Of course he'd nod. Even if he wasn't thinking of doing it, the man would react to anything and everything I said and did. "And these balls, so heavy with your cum. You should've told me that you were this pent up. I would've treated you first."

"I-" He stopped, then swallowed, and finally found the words he'd been looking for, "-love this. I love this." It was like he'd stumbled into a realization. His eureka moment. Divine epiphany. "This feels so good. This feels so fu-so good."

"I'm glad," I said to him while fondling his balls, stroking his shaft, and licking his head above those boxers, "because I want you to feel like a king."

My king. My divine lord. My everything.

Patience was a virtue that I no longer had. I needed to taste him, all of him. Had to have him sitting heavy on my tongue and filling out my mouth to the perfect shape of his shaft. I let go of his balls, not leaving them without one little tickle of a scratch to make his thighs close around my head, and hooked my fingers in the fabric of his boxers. "Lift," I ordered, and tugged them down with little fanfare when the wolf did as I said.

His cock had barely tasted a moment of fresh air before I had my tongue against it, licking up along the shaft of that thick and veiny red rocket. What Lin lacked in length he more than made up for in girth and weight. It was like he'd been so specifically sculpted to stretch out any hole that he ever put himself into, and the thought of it... I was already dripping again, arousal and excitement getting the better of my thoughts.

"Slow down," he asked of me, but all I did was ignore the wolf as I dragged my tongue up and down his precum-coated shaft, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of my warm muscle rolling across those bulging veins that twitched and pulsed along with the rest of his mast. If he'd wanted me to slow down he wouldn't have been holding my head tight to his groin, stuffing my nose into his fat sheath, dragging me down both willingly and forcefully to his heavy sack so I could worship them the way they deserved to be. "Don't stop," he then said as I left him a sloppy mess of saliva and precum. "More!" And his grip on me was so tight I could feel his fingers digging into my skull, and I wanted more of that. So much more.

How much precum had I swallowed already? I'd stuffed my belly with his excitement as I wrapped my lips around him and suckled on his fat head but I couldn't get enough. It felt like my mouth was stretching itself to its limits as I started taking him down to my throat but it didn't stop me from planting a sloppy kiss on his raging knot. Looked up at him and gave the wolf a wink when our eyes met while I rubbed the full length of my tongue up and down his engorged cumvein, pushing out more of that thickening pre to my waiting throat.

I eagerly swallowed him up like he had done to me. Again, and again, and again I brought him out until my lips had barely managed to squeeze down on the tapered tip of his canine cock, where I flicked the tip of my tongue against his urethra and inwardly giggled at his loud, shocked, and confused gasp, before I took him back down till my tongue was squeezed tight between my lips and his knot, jaw stretched to an aching limit, in a deliberately slow movement that had forced him to feel every last inch of him get wrapped up in a wet and hot blanket of muscle and teeth and tongue and maw.

One hand to his balls, still slimy with my slobber, and the other tight across his knot since I had no hope of taking that beast of a bitch-breaker into my mouth, even with how badly I might have wanted to do so. To think -- me sitting obediently between his knees, my mouth tied to his dick, all the while he continuously forced me to swallow down one squirt after another of his virile cum. I throbbed, so painfully erect just by thinking about it, and humped at the air like the slutty hyena that I was while bobbing my head to a wild and frenzied rhythm.

"Good boy!" he moaned, and I rewarded him with another sloppy kiss of his knot when he forcefully impaled me on his shaft. "You're fucking-fucking incredible! I can't... I can't keep..." He was struggling to keep his breath steady. Lin didn't even have to tell me -- I could feel his cock twitching and thickening as balls tensed up in my grasp, ready to spill that bountiful harvest all across my insides. But I wanted to hear him say it. Say it! "I'm going to cum! I... Fuck, you're going to make me cum!"

There'd be no stopping it. Not that his body would allow him to do so after being so thoroughly driven to these depths of depravity. Even if that had failed, I'd have personally made sure he came for me right here. I wanted -- I needed him inside me. That thick, hot, strong, musky -

Lin stretched me out the widest I'd ever had to as his knot swelled against my lips. I grabbed tight to the base of it with both hands and squeezed, mimicking what my ass would have been doing to that ball of flesh, finally doing the wolf in. With a groan he held me in place, no care in the world if I could breathe or think, and shot his first strong, long, hot, and heavy load straight down my throat.

I gagged -- first time I had done so since I started going down on him -- and obediently swallowed as a second shot came in after the first. Then a third, fourth, fifth... I closed my eyes and worked my lips, tongue, and throat around his cock, coaxing out every last drop he had to offer even after I'd lost count of how many times the wolf had came into my mouth. His semen was all I could taste now, overpowering even the taste of his cock and tongue and every little part of him that I'd previously had the pleasure of savouring. It stuffed every corner of me, seeping between teeth, pooling below my tongue, clinging to the roof of my mouth. It clogged up my throat, making it impossible for me to breathe, forcing me to hold my breath for as long as I could because this was where I belonged: on my knees between his legs, stuffed up with that girthy cock, taking him down to the knot while I pleasured him with every fibre of my heart and soul.

My good boy. My adonis. My king. My god.

My everything.

"You're beautiful," he said again -- no matter how many times he said, it always felt like the first time to me. Always felt like he really did mean it. That phrase, coming from his lips, never lost an iota of its meaning. "Incredible. A-Amazing. Simply... just..."

I found cum spilling from my lips as I dragged his cock from my mouth, coating more of his shaft in a messy mix of it and my slobber, rolling across his balls, dribbling on the couch, spilling across the floor. God... we made a mess, one which I felt eager to clean up as I leaned down to drag my tongue from his balls to the very tip of his shaft. Sensitive shy wolf -- he moaned and twitched and closed his legs tight around me just as I did that.

"Shut up," I whispered at him, teasing. I'd never really meant it; "and let me kiss you."

Arms came down around me before I could even get back on my feet. I was back on his lap once more, cradled in his strong grip, nestled tightly against an erection that was starting to fall. Hot. Strong. Comfortable. His lips came to mine. Our tongues met each other one more time.

I melted. I tasted him. I loved him.

Gave him some of his cum so he could taste it too. Felt him swallow it. Listened to him moan. He loved it.

"How's that," I asked him. All I got as a reply was a content sigh, a deep breath, and a satisfied moan. "Everything you wanted it to be?"

There was silence -- such a lovely silence where all I could make out were our two hearts still struggling to find their rhythm. And then he said to me, his voice back to that low and shy nature I'd come to adore, "Better than I could have imagined."

"Good," I whispered, my nose to his, my skin buzzing in delight as we held one another, "cause we're only just getting started."

I ran my hand along the curve of his jaw -- the wolf almost purred at my touch -- and gave him a strong, possessive, and eager lick.

"My sweet boy."

The Final Voyage of Captain Alva - The End

Two years ago, Captain Alva called out to me while I drifted from stall to stall alongside Harbourside Bazaar. "Vulper," she said with a voice that the captain had never used again, "come here." She had not been the first Welk I'd ever talked to, but...

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His True Colours

It had not been a particularly busy morning at the Carleigh Crown hotel. Jack had just finished booking a family of three - only the second interaction he'd had with anyone since the start of his shift - before he'd slumped against the marble...

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The Final Voyage of Captain Alva - Ch.3

I awoke long before the sun shined its orange rays over the horizon. It wasn't by choice -- long from it, I would rather have spent another few hours tucked into my thin and dusty blankets, trying to draw what little comforting warmth I could get out...

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