The History Teacher

Story by VitaiSlade on SoFurry

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Topic: A young German Shepherd gets detention...and a bit more than he bargained for.

**If you are not 18, don't read this yada-yada-yada. It contains some material that may be offensive to some readers, sexual acts between anthropomorhic animals. This story is purely fictional, anything relating to actual events or actual people is purely coincidental.**

[I'd love comments on this story. Constructive criticism and praise are always welcome.]

WARNING! Contains: Rimming, Semi-Rape, and Teacher/Student Sexual Relations

Kevin - An 18 year-old German Shepherd with an average build. With a height at 6'4, he is not one to be easily unnoticed. Very attractive with an 'interesting' sense of humor. Can sometimes be a bit clumsy.

Mr. Riley - A quiet, but stern Black Labrador. Coach of the basketball team and teacher of the World History class. With small glasses at the tip of his nose due to far-sidedness, he can be mistaken for a pushover, but is quite the opposite.

Jacob - A young wolf with a lean build. Grey fur with white eartips and pawtoes, he is a shy but intelligent 19 year-old male.

The History Teacher

"Ow! Stop that!" grumbled a golden-furred body as he was punched in the arm.

"Shut up, fleabag. You're gonna get us in trouble," said the german shepherd sitting beside him. Grinning, he continued, "You know you'd hit that ass too if you had the chance."

"No I wouldn't! She's an ugly twat," replied the retriever,"You have NO standards. You might as well go after Mrs. Saunders!"

"Eww, no...I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten-foo--"

"KEVIN!" shouted the Lab at the front of the classroom, "You're taking a TEST! When I say no chitter-chatter, I mean stop flapping your gums! Got it?"

"Yes sir," mumbled the shepherd.

"I don't think you do. Maybe you'd be better off learning how to keep quiet in detention. Now get back to work!"

Kevin's eyes squeezed shut at the thought. "Great...," he mumbled, "There goes the movie plans tonight."

It was the last class on a boiling hot, Friday afternoon. They always had World History tests this class and Kevin always managed to ruin his weekend plans before they ever started. He looked up at the clock. Only fifteen minutes left. Looking back down at his paper, he noticed only one or two answers filled in, the rest of the paper completely blank.

"Great... I'm going to fail this class," he thought to himself. "Summer school here I come..."

He didn't even bother filling in the rest. He simply turned his paper over and put his head on his paws.

"All finished, Kevin?" the teacher said from his desk.

The shepherd said nothing. Getting up, the large labrador sauntered over and snatched the paper out from underneath the young dog's sulking form. "Ah yes, nice answers. It looks as if you studied hard for this one," he said sarcastically. "At least you'll have something to complete in detention." Growling, he shoved the paper back into Kevin's paws.

BRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIINGGGG!!! The school bell shook the quiet classroom and mixed sighs of relief and nervousness filled the room as each furry handed his or her test in and left for the weekend.


Kevin sat silently in his chair, head on his paws, the halls growing quieter and quieter with each passing moment. His eyes soon wandered the room in boredom, not bothering to even look at his paper. It was a typical classroom. On the right there stood a large wooden desk with different models of history on it from throughout the world. On the left, a bulletin board with assorted papers and high-scoring reports pinned to it. Up front was of course the chalkboard and beside it sat the teachers desk, on top of which sat a gold placard with the name "Mr. Riley" etched across it in black script lettering. Mr. Riley himself seemed engrossed into the computer in front of him, a wry grin across his muzzle, his tongue sticking out at the side in concentration as he stared at the screen. Slight movement from the young dog caught his attention and he did a quick double-take before sitting back in his chair and placing his paw to his chin, as if thinking.

He turned to Kevin, "Do you WANT to fail this class, pup? You aren't even TRYING to complete your test or even guess at the answers. The very least you could do would be to TRY." Kevin lowered his head in shame, but said nothing. "Excuse me, I'm talking to you," growled the Lab. "Get up to the front of the classroom and start writing on the board."

The shepherds ears perked, "Write? ....write what Mr. Riley?" he questioned.

"I don't give a damn WHAT you write, but you aren't writing on that paper, so get up there and start writing on the chalkboard!"

The young canine's ears lowers as he slipped out of his chair and slowly moved his way to the chalkboard up front. Grabbing a piece of chalk, he looked up at the great black thing in front of him and placed the chalk to the porcelain. Just as he did so, he was interrupted. Kevin jumped in surprise as he felt a large form press up against him from behind. At 6'4 himself, the form behind him was slightly shorter, though a bit more built. A growl could be heard... and a rather predatory one, at that.

"Mr...Mr. Riley...?" he questioned again with a sliver of fear in his voice.

"Remember how I told you to keep quiet? Now would be a VERY good time to learn how to do just that," the teacher warned. Mr. Riley placed his hands at the hips of the young dog and slowly pushed his right paw down the Shepherds jeans. Kevin inhaled quickly and held his breath, not sure what to do as the other dog felt around. Soon, the paw reached its destination and groped the pup's furred balls and thickening shaft. Kevin couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the sudden attention, but it surely wasn't expected! Whimpering, he closed his eyes, dropping the chalk he had in his paw. He could feel his dick growing with desire as he came to realize what the teacher wanted from him.

Mr. Riley grinned as he felt the young dog squirm. "You like that, do ya pup?" he said, pulling his paw out and placing it at the front of the jeans. The teacher quickly unbuttoned and pulled off the restricting outerwear and underwear too. "Mmmmmmm," he huffed as he stared at the young canines slender form. "Who would have guessed such a poor student would have such an immaculate body?" Mr. Riley pushed heavily on Kevins form and forced him against the chalkboard. Sliding his paws down over the dogs back and ass, he squeezed and then pulled the shepherds ass apart. Licking his lips hungrily, Mr. Riley pushed his muzzle into the young pups tailhole, slurping at and tasting him. He drug his tongue over the puckered hole, slowly lapping at it, then pushing his tongue inside, wanting to taste every bit of the young stud. Kevin yelped in pleasure and excitement, his cock now fully extended out of it's confining sheath. Pre dripped heavily from the tip, his whole body shivering in ecstacy at the sudden attention. When the Lab pulled back, the teacher could only smile in delight. Looking over his new toy once more, he unzipped his own pants and exposed his own throbbing red flesh.

"Don't you move, pup...or this will be more painful than it has to be," he smiled and pushed himself against the now lubed up tailhole in front of him. The other dog winced, but nodded in acknowledgement of his teachers words. Thrusting forward, the older dog dove into the tight ass of his student, growling and quickly beginning to pick up pace, bucking his hips roughly against the virgin pup. Kevin whined and stretched out his body as if it would help in taking his teachers large dick, but it didn't take long before that knot grew even larger, and grew quickly. Mr. Riley shoved deep and exploded into Kevin's ass, tying with the shepherd and making him yelp in pain. Mr. Riley shuddered in ecstacy as his orgasm ripped through his body. Claws unsheathed and gripped the other canine's shoulders tight until the pleasure began to subside.

"Mmmfffff....good boy," he stated plainly as he reached around to grab Kevin's still throbbing dick. "I suppose you've earned yourself a little fun as well." Shifting around behind his student, still stuffed in his ass, Mr. Riley began to stroke at the red shaft. Kevin, already nearly there, only took a bit more encouragement before he shot off all over the chalkboard in front of him. Shuddering and convulsing in his own orgasm, he didn't even notice the older dog pop out of his ass. It was when he felt the spooge dripping down the inside of his leg and a wet tongue licking it up that he realized what was happening.

"Oh gods...." he whined lustfully, gripping the chalkboard. His head began to spin...suddenly realizing just what had just happened. He squeezed his eyes shut and imagined the sequence over again, slowly collapsing to the floor.

When he awoke, he was still on the floor in the front of the room. He was fully dressed and no evidence of anything was to be found. He looked towards Mr. Rileys desk and gave a weak smile. The teacher peered around his computer screen and looked over the shepherd. "Awake now, are we? I was afraid you'd gotten so bored of writing, you'd just died on your paws," Mr. Riley said sarcastically. Kevin looked up. Above him was a full chalkboard of what looked to be random history quotes, written by his paw.

"Oh, I graded your test for you, by the way. Very well done, Kevin."

The Lab outstretched a paw to the young dog, the test paper in it. Kevin slowly lifted himself and took the paper. At the top was written, "Good job!" with an 'A' circled at the top. The first two questions were marked wrong, but the rest of the paper, even the essay portion, showed a perfect score.

"Th... Thank you Mr. Riley," he said, still a bit dazed.

"Oh, and you're done for the day. Have a good weekend," the teacher said with a smile.

Kevin got up and turned to the door. Stumbling over to it he turned back slowly, "Mr. Riley...did we...?"

"Did we what?" replied the Lab.

"Uh...nevermind," the young dog said as he walked out of the classroom.

Pushing the door open, he began to walk to his car. Passing a young wolf just outside the room, he stopped and turned. The wolf immediately started blushing and hid his face.

"Who are you?" Kevin asked sternly.

"Oh...heh... me? I err... I'm Jacob," he said as he flattened his ears nervously as if he were trying to hide something. "I err....I gotta go!" He mumbled and darted off in the opposite direction, clinging to a few textbooks.

Kevin's eyes squinted in curiosity of the wolf...but he didn't pursue him. Instead, he turned and headed to his car, the empty halls of the school an eerie quiet. Hurredly, he trotted to the parking lot and headed home.

~Written by Vitai Slade

Any character(s) portrayed in this short story relating to actual fursona's is purely coincidental.

A Tigers' Fantasy...Come True

\*\*If you are not 18, don't read this yada-yada-yada. It contains some material that may be offensive to some readers, sexual acts between an anthro tiger and an anthro husky. This story is purely fictional, anything relating to actual events or...

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A Tigers' Fantasy

\*\*If you are not 18, don't read this yada-yada-yada. It contains some material that may be offensive to some readers, sexual acts between an anthro tiger and an anthro husky. This story is purely fictional, anything relating to actual events or...

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