Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 10

Story by Otter Ennui on SoFurry

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#11 of Rabbit Heart Part Two: The Spike


Nola (Rabbit)

Leon (Rabbit)

Rika (Fox)

Bad memories surface. Good things come.


To Those Who Wait

That night, we sat around on the floor of Leon's bedroom in a triangle, surrounding a silver platter of plates full of steamed carrots, spiced potatoes, and salad with shredded cheese and flax seed vinaigrette. Rika was eating roast duck, which smelled greasy and weird to me and Leon but Rika assured us was the finest food she'd ever had. "Even out there?" I asked incredulously.

Rika shrugged as she tore a string of meat off a leg. "I'm not saying I never had good food," she said as she swallowed, "but this is fancy. I wouldn't be able to afford to go anywhere that served roast duck. I couldn't even have afforded to cook it at home--not that you'd want me to. I'm not a a great cook. Least my kits didn't think--"

She paused, and her lip quivered, and she closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Leon and I glanced at each other. "Rika?" he asked in a shaky voice. "Do you already have a family out there?"

"Had," she corrected in the smallest voice I'd ever heard. "They're gone."

Immediately Leon and I both plucked her up and held her. She didn't cry, which shocked me. She'd been so emotional during our spat in the Yard, I thought that was normal for her. But when she mentioned her family, she didn't look upset. She looked defeated.

"The Inquisition came for us," Rika said, her voice no bigger than before. "They root out people who speak out against the Autocracy. Predators, not Herbivores. No Herbivores speak out against the government, because they're all slaves. Slaves don't get voices. But even those who the government claim have a voice, can't use it to question or criticize the Divine Hegemony of the Vosegian Autocratic State." She rattled off the full title of the Autocracy in a mocking, sing-song voice.

"Carmine told me not to speak up," she whimpered. Her face quivered, as if she wanted desperately to weep but her body wouldn't allow it. "He said, 'think about the kits, they might hurt the kits.' I loved Dessi and Lucern. I did. I loved them so much. But I... I called him a coward. I told him he hid behind our children instead of speaking out."

I stroked her back and Leon rubbed her little triangular ears. She still didn't cry. She looked like she would explode if she didn't, but something held her back. "The Inquisition came for us. Carmine had gone to a secret meeting of locals talking about forming a resistance, freeing Herbivore slaves. I didn't think he'd actually do something like that. Gods, why did he listen to me? T-There was an Inquisitorial spy..."

She buried her face in her hands. "They snitched to the Inquisition. Tore through the dissenters. Attacked them in their homes. Carmine fought back. Someone had alchemist's fire. They..." Her fingers trailed down her face as she stared in horror at the memory. "They burned. I heard my kits scream. They were trapped on the second floor as our house went up in flames. They brought me and my husband out and they..." She didn't finish the sentence. She didn't need to. "Sometimes I wished they'd killed me with my family."

I wondered if she included the time she'd spent with my brother, but mentally chastised myself immediately. That was unfair. Even if it did, could I blame her? She lost everything, all because she wanted to live in a better world. We squeezed her tighter, and she finally wept, but it wasn't loud or wailing. It was a quiet, broken sound. Aside from Mom's death, I don't think anything had ever made me more heartbroken in my life.

* * *

I knew after that, Rika's plan was a bust, at least for tonight. After a while, the little Vulpin excused herself to go clean up in the bathroom, leaving me alone on the floor of the living area with my brother. He stared out the window into the shifting horizon, pensive and clearly upset by what he'd learned. "I had no idea," he finally whispered.

I shook my head. "Bet there's not many who do. If I was her, I wouldn't wanna talk about it either."

He stared back down at our empty plates. "Yeah."

I wanted to cheer him up, but I wasn't sure how. "She's happy with you, though. Anybody can see that."

Leon snorted. "I wasn't fishing for sympathy."

My ear twitched. "Sorry. Just trying to help."

He scooted closer to me and pulled me into his chest with his metal arm. I buried my nose in the clean scent of his fur and squeaked. I hadn't intended to, but he didn't seem to mind. Rika came back out looking a little more composed, and moved over to her mate to plant a kiss on his snout. "I'm going to bed," she murmured. "It's been a long day."

To my surprise, she shuffled over to me and kissed me on the forehead. My ears switched sheepishly. "I don't deserve that," I mumbled.

"Well you got it anyway," Rika said with a smile, "so deal with it. Cutie."

I buried my face in my brother's fur again, this time mostly to hide my embarrassment.

"Want me to join you?" Leon asked.

Rika shook her head. "You're fine, baby. But don't be afraid to wake me up when you come in." She sauntered off to Leon's room--well, their room, I guess--and closed the door.

Leon's left hand reached up and stroked my ears. "I'm sorry if I upset you earlier," he said.

I lifted my head up to look at him. "I know you want me," I said. I tried not to sound reproachful, but I'm not entirely sure I succeeded. "So what is it? What is it really? Please talk to me."

Leon swallowed. His apprehension was all over his face. And something else, too--guilt maybe?

"I... I do," he whispered. "So bad, Nola. But we can't. It's not right."

"Says who?" I whimpered. I was already crying. Dammit, why was I always crying? Get it together, Nola!

"Says Van," he replied miserably.

I blinked. "Huh? How did Van know you were attracted to me? Did you say something to him?" I paused. "Oh, gods. He was a Telepath. He probably just read my mind."

"Nollie, we were eight," he chastised. "Were you really having lewd thoughts about me when we were eight?"

"Oh," I grumbled. "Well... no." My nose twitched. This wasn't adding up. "Then what are you talking about? Why did he tell you not to sleep with me when we were so young?"

"He didn't," Leon said. He looked constipated, he was so tense.

I pulled back from him and grabbed his hands in mine, facing him straight on. "Bro. What aren't you telling me?"

His lips trembled. "He said... 'what she did was wrong.' And... and it was. It was wrong. And I... I guess I internalized it."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but my heart sank anyway. Something about his face... "Who?" I asked hesitantly. I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. "What who did was wrong?"

Tears streamed form his face. "Mom."

My stomach churned for a moment, a half-remembered dream floating through my mind. "Leon?" I whispered. "What did Mom do?"

"When Blake..." He swallowed. "When he and I... when it happened. Mom watched, masturbated."

I dropped his hands from his, blinking hard, trying to wrap my head around what he'd said. "No. No Mom wouldn't do that."

Leon buried his face in his hands and just nodded. His shoulders twitched hard, then again. No sound came from him, but I knew he was sobbing. I should have put my arms around him, consoled him, but I couldn't move. Why, Mom? Why would you do that?

"V-Van k-killed her f-f-for it," Leon shuddered. "P-punched her in the... in the stomach. R-ruptured a t-tumor..."

My jaw clenched so hard my teeth creaked. "Why didn't you tell me?" I growled.

He didn't move his hands from his face, just shook his head vigorously. "I woulda had to t... tell you why he killed her," he sobbed. "You... you loved Mom so much... I couldn't... and... and I was scared you'd be mad at me... I'm sorry, Nollie..."

I sniffled and smacked his left arm. Hard. "You dummy!"

He crumpled in on himself. "I'm sorry..."

I grabbed his arms and pulled him into a fierce hug. He whimpered a little--I may have hugged a little too hard. "You're so stupid," I grumbled, tears streaming down my face. "I'm not mad at you. Well," I paused, kissing his shoulder, "okay. I'm mad you didn't tell me for so dang long. But what she did wasn't your fault." Gods, Mom... why? Why would you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you??

... What the fuck is wrong with me?

"That's why you won't sleep with me," I said, hugging him a little more gently. "Because Van said what she did was wrong, and you thought this was the same thing?"

Leon nodded.

"I love you," I said wryly, "but you are so freaking thick."

He pulled away from me, looking equal parts hurt and confused. I took his face in my paws, gently wiping the streams of tears out of his fur. "When Mom did that, you were just a kitten. You had no voice in the matter, not really."

"I liked it," he said flatly.

"I would've too," I said with a dismissive shrug. "Doesn't mean what she did was right. And especially not what Blake did. You're older now. You understand. You can choose. You have a voice."

"What--" He swallowed and tried again. "What you want to do is wrong too, though."

I frowned, dropping my hands from his face into my lap. "Maybe. I still want to do it. Mom didn't give you a choice. I am."

"And if I choose not to?" he asked. There was trepidation there, bordering on fear. I won't lie, it hurt to hear it.

"I wouldn't make you!" I said with maybe more vehemence than was strictly necessary.

He studied my face, sniffling. My eyes kept drifting to the three thin red lines across his right eye. I always seemed to hurt my brother, when all I wanted to do was love him. I was the worst.

"I... need to think," he whispered. I nodded and stood up. He grabbed my hand before I could walk away. "Whatever happens, Nollie, I do love you. More than life itself."

My cheeks heated up and I nodded with a little squeak. Dammit. "Love you too," I murmured, squeezed his hand, and hurried off to hide in my room before my squeaking got any louder.

* * *

"Gods, that boy is dense," Rika griped. We sat in the Yard watching Patrice and Tanya on the weights, Kiba sat playing Castles with herself nearby, scrambling off her seat to sit on the other side of the table to make her next move against herself. It was maybe the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

I turned back to Rika, whose fox nose was swishing back and forth as she scowled at Leon, who sat in a corner by himself, lost in thought. "He's not wrong, though," I said half-heartedly. "I mean... what Mom did really messed him up. Not his fault."

I probably shouldn't have told Rika what Leon had told me, but I thought maybe she could help. She loved him too, and maybe two people who loved him could help him break the guilt he was clearly experiencing. Rika sighed and patted my leg. "I know, I don't mean to sound callous. But he needs to not live in fear of old wounds. That's something I understand pretty well."

I reached down and stroked her little triangular ears. She purr-growled at me, which sent a pleasant little shiver up me. "I'm scared to push it. Maybe we should wait on your plan."

Rika shook her head vigorously. "Nope. Best time to do it is now. Tonight, I think, after dinner. You just follow my lead."

I gave her a wary look, but eventually sighed. "Alright. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Always," she chirped, and squeezed my butt. I felt my ears twitch and I moistened a little. Gods, this was going to be terrifying. I hoped it worked.

* * *

Rika kept sneaking winks at me all through dinner. It made me hard to concentrate on my vegetable stew when a cute fox was making suggestive signals every thirty seconds. After our plates were empty, Rika gave an adorable little burp, which I followed with a belch that rattled my diaphragm hard enough to hurt. Leon burst out laughing, and Rika looked downright terrified. "Mama Seina!" she cursed. "You got a demon in you, or what??"

"I got one in my mouth for sure," I said, smacking my lips. "That did not taste as good on the way out."

Rika made a face. "Gross."

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth," I grumbled. It really did taste like something had died on the way up my esophagus.

When I came back from the bathroom, Leon was closing the front door of the suite after putting our plates out, and Rika grabbed my hand and led me toward my bedroom. "Come on," she said to her mate, snatching his hand too as she passed him. "Let's sit and let this meal digest." Leon looked a little confused, but I just shrugged and let her lead us.

When we reached my room, she threw herself onto my bed and stretched out lazily, making herself at home. I also noted wryly that she'd positioned herself in such a way that Leon basically had to sit right next to me on the bed. How did she even do that?? The bed was enormous! And she was so small! The little Vulpin couldn't be more than three feet and change. It was like she warped the space of the bed with her presence so there was only a little island for me to sit with my brother uncomfortably, thrillingly close.

I hopped onto the bed and turned shyly to Leon, patting the bed next to me. He cleared his throat and sat down. My vow to remain naked stayed in effect, and to his credit, Leon had started walking around the suite fully nude himself after Rika had started doing it. He was right next to me, fur brushing fur, and I was pleased to see he was partially erect. So he didn't hate touching his sister naked, that was a plus. I leaned my head against him, and he reluctantly returned the gesture. Rika propped herself up on one elbow and watched us with a dopey grin on her face. It was far less ominous than her predator face.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Just... you two are so dang cute, that's all. I could eat you both up."

"Well I'm glad you two patched things up," Leon said sardonically.

"Oh, yes," I said, nodding against his shoulder. "We're friends now."

"Mm," Rika agreed, giving her mate a heavy-lidded stare. "And friends share."

Leon froze. Oh, sweet bunnyboy. So predictable. Rika hadn't even told me the details of her plan, but I knew as soon as the words left her mouth that this was it. She'd known exactly what would happen when she said it.

While I had him where I wanted him, I lifted my head to face him, and gently turned his cheek until we were staring eye-to-eye. "I want you," I said. Leon swallowed and shivered, still unable to move. "I know you want me too. Let me love you like I want to love you." I put a hand on his chest and felt his heart pounding against his ribs. "I won't make you. I'll never make you. I won't cajole or insinuate, or make you feel guilty for saying 'no.' But I know you want me. Please take me."

The boy finally found his voice. "It's--It's--"

"What?" Rika drawled. "Wrong? Says who? Who fucking cares here? Nobody. Ain't nobody here to judge you two. I think it's hot, personally. You love each other. You want each other. Have each other, for crying out loud."

Leon was still frozen. I sighed. "Well it's not happening without your consent, bro, so if you want me, you're gonna have to snap out of it and speak up."

He didn't speak, but he did snap out of it. He looked terrified and manic. I thought for sure he was going to bolt for his room. Instead, he gripped his sister by the shoulders, and he kissed me.

Not like before. Not sweet, nor just on the lips. There was no ambiguity in this kiss. It was passionate and aggressive. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and wrestled them together. I felt like I could weep, I was so happy. He tasted sweet with a hint of our dinner adding a dry, tart layer. I threw my arms around his neck and leaned into his kiss, twisting my tongue back and forth between my mouth and his.

Rika growled pleasantly next to us, stroking Leon's leg as he kissed me. "I do love seeing siblings getting along," she murmured. The luridness of the statement and my brother's aggressive mouth had me almost instantly soaked. At least I didn't have to worry about staining my pants--I'd been adhering to my no-clothes vow even after Rika moved in. I was starting to drip onto the bed.

Leon answered by pushing two fingers inside me, and I immediately started squeaking. I didn't feel embarrassed now, though. I knew nothing I did would make Leon judge me poorly. I could trust him.

The sensation of his fingers thrusting in and out of me was too much to bear. "S-stop," I whispered. "Wait. I'm gonna cum--"

"That's the point, honey," Rika said sarcastically.

I wanted to wait, to cum with him at the same time, but Leon wasn't having it. He kept thrusting, and my orgasm kept building. How? How?? He'd only been at it for less than a minute! But there it was. Maybe the thought of being fingered by my own brother was turning me on that much. Leon bent down and gathered up my left breast in his mouth and sucked greedily. I squirted all over my bedsheets.

Leon sucked harder and thrust a third finger inside me. I cried out in a quivering voice as juices sprayed out of me. Rika stared in awe at the puddle forming. I reached out for her and she took my hand. I pawed at her and tried to speak words. I wanted her to go down on me, drink me up while I squirted, but I couldn't word right then. Wording was not happening. Gushing was happening.

Eventually the wave crested, and the orgasm faded as Leon slowed the pace of his fingers. "Lick me," I whispered to Rika.

She shook her head. My face fell. She giggled. "I appreciate the offer, but this is your first together," she said. "It should just be you two. We'll have plenty of time to have fun with all three of us later." She sat up and kissed Leon's stomach, then reached up and kissed me on the lips. Kissing her while Leon was still steadily pumping three fingers into me made me start building up again. Rika pulled away, licked each of us on the lips, and hopped off the bed and out of the room. We watched her leave, then looked nervously at each other.

I broke the tension first. I pushed him down and onto the bed, gasping as the action pulled his fingers out of me. I leaned over him as I gently grasped his throbbing erection and stroked. "I want to do something," I said.

"Yes," he replied meekly, "I can see that."

I swatted his nose. "Don't be fresh with me." He grinned nervously, and it was so damn cute I pressed my face to his again, thrusting my tongue into his mouth as I stroked him. "Cum for me," I whispered, stroking faster. "Cum all over yourself. Do it for your sister."

That, uh. That worked. Like, really well. He immediately whimpered, bucking his hips against my hand as I jerked him hard. Within a few seconds of my request, his cock throbbed in my hand and he shot a load right into his own face up on his left cheek. He licked at it with his tongue, but he couldn't quite reach. The next glob hit him on the lips, which he sucked up excitedly. I didn't stop pumping on his cock, and it threw off my aim. The next spurt hit his chest, the one after went high and landed on one of the pillows, and the last two splattered weakly onto his belly. Perfect.

He panted heavily, staring at the mess I'd made. I kept stroking his cock, but now I did it at a slow, leisurely pace. I admired it for a minute, how it looked in my hands, the sheen of it, watching it slowly droop in my fingers. I turned back to my cum-soaked twin and smiled. "Messy boy," I murmured. He didn't respond. He looked like speech was out of the question at the moment.

I crawled up to him and licked a thick line of cum off his face. "Let me clean you up." Leon wheezed and closed his eyes, nodding his assent. I felt my hole moisten again from his flavor in my mouth as I lapped up the cream he'd spilled on himself with long, slow, deliberate licks. I took an especially long time to bathe his chest clean, sucking his nipple before turning my tongue bath southward. He gasped. He realized what I was doing. He had to have. I started this tongue bath over a year ago, and by the gods, I was finally going to end it the way I'd_wanted_ to end it.

I glanced down to see his flaccid cock stiffening again already. I could feel myself dripping down my legs as I licked cum off his sternum, then his abdomen, then his belly button, then his pubis, then one looooong lick down his pubic hair and inner thigh. His cock brushed against my ears as I descended, making me shiver and squeak. Finally, slowly, drawing it out as long as I could, I dragged my tongue back up his leg, around the base, and allll the way up the shaft.

I'd done it. With one final whimper of excitement, I pushed my head down and swallowed my twin brother's cock. Just having him in my mouth, after so long wanting it, made me close to another orgasm, but I didn't touch myself, not yet_._I slid my lips up and down his delicious length, licking his glans with each pass, until he started bucking his hips against my movements, trying to get more of himself into my mouth. His eagerness only made my dripping worse. I needed him in there, but I wanted to draw this out as long as I could. I pulled my mouth off his cock and looked up at him with heavy lids. "Eager, brother? You love fucking your sister's mouth?"

His ears went absolutely bananas. "I..."

"I hope so," I murmured, running my tongue running up the underside of his cock. A glob of precum waited for me at the tip, and I suckled gently on the head to draw all of it out of him before looking back up into his eyes. "Because your sister loves you fucking her mouth." Yikes, that felt corny. Did I oversell it?

"You are... such a perv," he panted, caressing my head.

"Too much?" I asked meekly.

"No," he said, stroking my ears. "I love it. Be as filthy as you want."

"By your leave," I said with a grin, and brought his cock back into my mouth and all the way down, all the way to the base. He groaned and started fucking my mouth again with those awkward hip thrusts, making me gag. He stopped, looking alarmed at the noise, but I pulled off him with and gasped, "Don't stop! Gag me!"

He didn't need further encouragement, thankfully. He grabbed my ears and shoved me down onto his member again. Another gag, loud and convulsive, my esophagus momentarily clenching around his member. Tears streamed from my eyes as he fucked my throat. It was so filthy and lewd that I felt that orgasm building. I wasn't even touching myself, this was crazy! But I still wasn't sure I was going to cum again without some help, which was good. I wanted to wait for the right moment.

His thrusts became more erratic and his squeaks more frantic. He was building up to another orgasm, himself. I immediately pulled away from him, gasping and coughing as a thick stream of precum and saliva connected my lips to my brother's cock. He actually whined then, the cutie. "Why??"

"Not yet," I said, moving toward him and kissing him deeply. I let him roam around in my mouth for as long as he wanted so he could taste his own dick. When he pulled away from the kiss, I said, "Turn over, get on top of me."

We scrambled a little to get into place, me lying back on my bed and my brother hovering over me uncertainly, his wet rod bobbing and dripping pre. I spread my legs a little so he could see my sopping wet cunt and made a spinning motion with my finger.

"I want you to cum in my mouth," I said.

"Huh," he said in a shaky voice. "I was just about to say the same thing."

"Then get on top of me," I giggled.

After some awkward positioning, he finally knelt with his cock dangling directly in my face as he immediately buried his snout in between my legs and started licking. My brother is a boy of many talents, none of which he'd be likely to have admitted to. I was most pleased to add "cunnilingus journeyman" to the list. I wasn't ready to call him an expert, but he was much better at it than I thought he'd be. His technique was sloppy (he kept moving from one spot to another on me, never building up a rhythm, making it harder to orgasm than I'd have preferred) but what he lacked in skill, he made up for with enthusiasm. Nobody else I'd been with yet had his gusto. He drank from my dripping pussy like a parched man in a desert who had found an oasis.

"Push your tongue in," I whispered. "Like that... yes... Ohhh, gods..." I was already close. I grasped his dick and slipped it into my mouth, then grabbed his tight little ass and shoved it down, making him fuck my throat. Within seconds, he no longer needed my encouragement and managed on his own, though I kept hold of his ass. It felt nice.

The combination of his cock in my mouth and his tongue in my pussy finally did me in, and I got what I wanted. My orgasm built to a shuddering, moaning crescendo and I squirted my juices directly into my brother's mouth. Leon didn't hesitate. He gulped it down, growling with pleasure as he thrust in and out of my esophagus. His dick twitched hard inside my mouth, and I knew he was close to joining me. I shivered and gagged with every thrust, unable to breathe, every push into my mouth pushing another gush of girl-cum onto his waiting tongue.

Finally, his dick started pulsating, and I knew he was cumming. I didn't want it down my throat, though. I wanted it in my mouth. I wanted to hold it, savor it, swallow it little by little. I grasped his hips instead of his butt and pushed back a little. I had to force him up, because he was instinctively trying to bury his cock as far down my throat as it would go, but I managed to pull up so his dick was draped against my tongue. I coughed and gasped around his member, which was enough for him to reach the point of no return. I licked frantically at the head as the last of my juices soaked Leon's face. I suckled gently as he unleashed his load into my mouth, filling it with his bittersweet, delicious taste. I moaned and squealed as he kept thrusting his tongue into me even while he was cumming. Sweet brother. He was nothing if not a team player.

I pulled away from his dick, mouth full of his sticky goodness, and swished it around in my mouth, squeaking happily. In my short existence thus far, I could say without doubt that this was the happiest I'd been in my life. I started crying, but I figured the fresh tears would be lost in the stream of tears from gagging on his dick earlier. I let them flow as I savored his taste.

Leon didn't miss it, though. "Hey, Nola. Are you okay?"

Through my tears, I smiled and nodded. I made a come-hither motion with my finger. He crawled off me and brought his face to mine, leaning down for a kiss. I stopped him and opened my mouth to show him what I was holding. He panted, looking a little nervous, then nodded vigorously. I reached up and kissed him, sharing the yummy treat he'd given me. I could taste me in his mouth too. The way our flavors mixed together in each other's mouths... It felt right.

He pulled away and wrapped me in his arms, lying on his side with me pressed against him. I nuzzled his chin with my ears. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. "I didn't hurt you--?"

I giggled and licked his neck. "If you'd have hurt me, I'd have liked it. But you didn't. Sometimes we cry when we're happy, too, Leon."

He squeezed me tight. It felt a little strange, one arm soft and warm and furry and the other arm sleek, cool metal, but I didn't hate it either. "I'm happy too," he said. "I felt like such a freak for liking it whenever you touched me, or... or bathed me."

"Or when I'd snuggle against your morning wood and try to make you 'accidentally' penetrate me?" I offered, pulling away a little so I could see his reaction.

His eyes went wide. "Wha--all those times were on purpose?"

I grinned and kissed him. "Mmm. It was so dang frustrating that it never worked. I've wanted you forever."

His nose wiggled with equal parts embarrassment and pleasure. "Me too. I'm sorry I fought it for so long."

I licked under his chin. "Don't be. We did it when you were ready. I wouldn't have it any other way."

He held me close, his metal arm squeezing me gently but firmly against his firm chest. Feeling his small but tightly-packed pectoral muscles under my cheek made me moisten again, just a little. His lithe, lean frame felt so good under my paws. "I love you, sis," he whispered. "So much it hurts."

"I love you too, Leon." I stroked his flagging member slowly, not so much to get him ready for another round, but just to feel it in my hands. I'd fantasized about it for so long that actually being allowed to touch it, play with it, was mesmerizing. The way his foreskin slid up and down with each stroke, revealing the head still covered in a few sticky strands of his cum. I hunched over and licked them off, eliciting a pleasant gasp from my brother. I kissed the tip as it began to harden again in my hand.

I looked up at him. "Eager for more?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Mm." I crawled up his body until our noses touched, and he kissed me softly, slowly, gently probing my mouth. I gave his tongue a playful lick as it entered, and he shivered. When I pulled away, he looked apprehensive. I paused, studying his face as a tiny nugget of concern burrowed into my brain.

"Leon," I whispered, "answer me honestly. Do you regret this?"

To his credit, he didn't fire off a knee-jerk answer. He considered for several seconds, then said, "No. I wanted this. You wanted this. After everything we've been through, I'd say we deserve some happiness, and you make me happy. Also you taste really good."

I giggled and kissed him. "That's my line," I muttered.

We lay against each other for a moment, kissing and stroking and exploring each other's bodies as if they were brand new to us--and I guess they were, in a way. Certainly I'd never been able to trace my finger around the tight, soft curve of his furry nuts, nor had he allowed himself to pinch and rub my nipples, feeling them pebble and harden under his rough ministrations. Within a couple minutes, we were both riled up and ready to go again. His cock was swollen and throbbing between our pressed bodies, and I moved myself up and down a little, eliciting a whimper from my brother's sweet lips.

"Leon," I whispered.

"Yeah?" he whispered back. I think he knew what I was about to ask, and both of us were scared and excited for me to ask it.

"I... I know you want to make a family with Rika. But I was wondering if... you would make a family with... me, too?"

He didn't say yes, he just kissed me. The fear and excitement and desperation and joy in it was all the answer I needed. I draped my leg over his to give his dick access to me, and with maybe the most indescribable pleasure I'd ever felt, my brother's stiff cock slipped into my pussy.

I'd had Patrice in me already, of course, and admittedly Patrice was thicker than my brother, but while I liked Patrice, I didn't love him. The feeling of consummating the love and longing I'd had for my sweet, brilliant, sensitive, adorably dopey brother for over a year was... Well. Leon could probably figure out the words, but I couldn't.

He didn't use words, though. He used his dick, which was what I wanted him to be using at the moment anyway. Our angle didn't offer him great thrusting power, but he didn't need to. I could see he was on the verge of another orgasm as soon as he entered me. The fact that after two loads he could cum this quick inside of me was exciting. I wasn't worried about me having another orgasm--Leon had satisfied me plenty. What I needed was for him to breed me.

"Cum inside me," I whispered plaintively into his mouth as he tried to kiss me. "Breed your sister. Give me your kittens. I want it."

He didn't need further coaxing. I shuddered and moaned as his third load painted my insides. The thought of carrying my own brother's children made me quiver and drip. Fuck it, I thought. I'm close anyway. I shoved my hand down and rubbed my clit furiously as he pumped his seed into me.

"Yes," I whimpered with a squeak, "cum in me. Breed me." My hand rubbed furiously, and by the time Leon was shaking with the last expulsion, I sprayed his crotch and tummy with my juices, screaming with the overwhelming pleasure of it.

We laid there, still connected, shuddering and shaking and whimpering, as we came down from the high of our congress. It was also a little chilly--the Spike was kept surprisingly cool, and we were lying in a wide pool of rapidly chilling cum from both of us. Plus, my head was sticking to the pillow--I hadn't realized I'd lain down on the one he'd sprayed with his load earlier.

"This bed is absolutely soaked," I informed him.

"Yuh," he panted. "I noticed."

"It's really fucking sexy."

"Language," Leon said with a grin.

"Fuck you," I snarked, licking his lips.

"In a minute," he said. "I need... a breather."

I giggled and kissed him, slow and languid and sensuous. It felt lazy and warm, like syrup. "I'll hold you to that, bro."

"Please... please do."

"We do need to get up though, before all this soaks into the mattress."

He groaned and nuzzled my neck. I flicked his nose and rolled off the bed. He didn't move, so I grabbed the sheets and yanked them out from under him. He fell to the floor with a thump and a groan. Rika peeked her head into the room, saw Leon on the floor and scowled at me playfully. "You broke my toy!"

I giggled. "He'll heal. He's a tough bun." I finished pulling the sheets off and shoved them into the hamper, then walked over to my brother, who was face-down on the floor. I slapped his ass playfully. "We need to wash off, we're all sticky. How about a hot bath?"

"Mmph," Leon muttered in agreement.

* * *

An hour later, we were in the enormous tub together, all three of us. Rika had insisted we wait an hour. "Give the seed some time to take root," She'd said. "Hot water ain't good for it."

So we waited, lying in a cuddle puddle on the floor of my bedroom, until I could not stand the cool air on my sticky fur a second longer and we piled into the bath. Leon and I snuggled, with Rika sitting on our laps in the water. Leon's M-steel arm rested across the sink nearby. Agnes had assured him water wouldn't hurt it as long as he didn't remain submerged too long, but he liked to take it off in the bath anyway, so he could wash away the dead skin that built up under the plates.

I had my head rested against my brother's right shoulder while I ran a finger up and down Rika's spine. She made a noise that wasn't quite a purr and wasn't quite a growl, but somewhere in between, and it made me shiver despite the hot water.

"Cleaning service," Rika suddenly announced, and started licking my fur. I shivered again and squeaked. Her little tongue felt amazing as she bathed my neck, chin, breasts--anything that was above water. Leon watched her hungrily, a look on his face I couldn't quite place. He seemed... proud? Maybe? Or maybe just pleased? I wasn't sure, but it was a happy look, whatever it was, so I was okay with it.

When Rika reached my breasts, she tongued my nipples enthusiastically, and I moaned in response. "Bite it," I whispered. Rika only hesitated for a moment, glancing up at me questioningly. I nodded and she chomped down, hard enough to pierce my skin, and I cried out as little droplets of blood splashed out of the tiny puncture wounds. I raised a paw out of the water and gently caressed Rika's head. "Drink me." Rika lapped at my blood, and the effect was... ah, what's that word? Transformative.

She quickly stopped being gentle. She licked and sucked greedily at the wound, growling at the taste of fresh blood. I had no idea she'd have such an enthusiastic reaction. It was actually a little scary. But Rika didn't bite again without permission, just kept licking the droplets of blood as they showed up on my areola and sucking roughly on the nipple. I just knew I was leaking juice into the tub now. Her tongue and teeth felt amazing, the sharp stabs of pain when she dragged her tongue over the wound mixing with the shivering pleasure when that same tongue moved over my nipple.

Leon watched with a mixture of horror and fascination, and I could see his dick harden under the water. I reached down and rubbed my fingers against Rika's slit, pushing one of them into her as she sucked on my nipple wound, this time with little squeaking growls intermingled as I fingered her. "Bite me again," I moaned. "The other one." Rika latched onto my right nipple and bit down hard. I wailed and pushed her muzzle against me as she licked wildly. Little droplets of blood hit the water, swirling into lazy shapes.

I looked at my brother and bit my lip. "Hey. Rika got left out of all the fun earlier. Her turn to play."

Leon swallowed and nodded. I gently pulled Rika away from me. She grasped cutely at my tit as it moved away from her. "Aww," she grumbled. She didn't grumble long, though, because I sat her down in Leon's lap, impaling her on his hard shaft. She let out a low "oooo" as I moved her up and down it a few times. She got her feet under her and started doing it herself, leaning back against her mate and reaching her little paws up to caress his cheeks. Her normally poofy tail stuck out like a soaked willow reed between them, wagging back and forth happily. Leon grunted and started thrusting against her downward movements.

Now I was definitely dripping, and being in bathwater couldn't hide it anymore. I stood up, water cascading down my wet fur, and hunkered over my brother's mouth. He locked eyes with me as he pushed his snout into my pussy and started lapping at me. Somewhere under me, Rika grasped my thighs and stroked them, using them as leverage to push down against her natural buoyancy so she could bounce harder on my brother's cock.

A warmth started in my stomach that was different than the feeling when my orgasms took me. It had nothing to do with sex--or at least, not only to do with it--and everything to do with a sense of completeness, like the three of us were meant to be here, now, loving each other. Like it was destiny.

Although... it may have helped that I had another orgasm coming on.

I didn't have much left in me for squirting, but I did dribble juices down his mouth and chin as I gushed. "Down!" Rika gasped. "Me now!" I giggled and obliged, despite the fact that I had to peel away from Leon's wet snout to do it. I came down and her narrow muzzle just penetrated right into me. She was even able to open her jaws inside me just enough to let her tongue out and lick eagerly at my vaginal walls. She paid special attention to the roof of my vagina, just barely reaching my g-spot with her tongue. She was also moving her muzzle in and out of me as she moved up and down on my brother's rod.

Rika growled hungrily, in rapid, staccato bursts, as she crested.

Leon grunted and moaned breathily as his cock started to shudder.

I screamed as I poured more juices down Rika's face.

Things got a little blurry after that. Her orgasm, my orgasm, Leon's orgasm all melted into one enormous pile of screaming, growling, shuddering bliss. I know I pushed her muzzle even deeper into me, enough that her cold little nose touched my button and sent another wave through me. I think Leon buried his face in there too, at some point, because I felt something wet on my clit. Rika just kept growling and wailing inside me and it felt.... wow.

Eventually we all came down a little, and I slid back into the water. Rika pulled herself off my brother's flagging cock to slosh over to me and give me a big wet kiss. She tasted like me. "I..." Exhaustion kept me from finishing the statement. I had to take a few panting breaths before I tried again. "I came all over you... sorry...."

"You kidding?" Rika said playfully, licking some of my juices off her nose. "That was fucking awesome. You taste so fucking good, honey." She buried her face in my chest. "Thank you for... the... the blood. We Predators don't really eat raw anymore, but sometimes it's... nice. To just have a taste."

"I'll admit, you looked a little scary doing it," I said sheepishly. "But... I kinda liked it too. Scary, but hot."

Rika's ears flicked bashfully. "Aw, thanks baby. I'm sorry I scared you. I wouldn't ever hurt you though, not without permission." She kissed my neck again and nuzzled into me. "I like you a lot."

It was my turn to get bashful. "Well shucks. I like you too, Rika."

"Nerds," Leon said, his head draped off the side of the tub as he panted hard. Rika splashed him in the face. He coughed and sputtered. Rika giggled, then ducked when he tried to splash her back. This had the simultaneous effect of causing Rika to go under the surface (what was even the point of ducking the splash, then?) and me taking the water to the face.

I looked at Leon with murderous intent. "Uh," he gulped. "Sorry?"

I grabbed the back of his head and dunked him.

* * *

After we toweled off (and soaked up the enormous puddles on the floor from our vigorous bath) we all collapsed on Leon's bed. Mine needed to air-dry before I put sheets on it. Leon and I both ended up on either side of Rika. She kissed me, then Leon, then curled herself into a little ball against Leon's chest, but grasped my hand and wrapped it around her. It was easy to forget by her size that she was actually older than us. That had mattered to me once, but now I couldn't for the life of me figure out why.

Leon looked at her and a small tear leaked out of his eye and into his fur. I touched his face with my other hand, the one not clutched by Rika. He smiled at me. I guess he saw the worry on my face because he shook his head. "Sometimes we cry because we're happy."

I leaned across Rika and kissed him. I would never get over how good that felt. I licked Rika's ear, which flicked a little but didn't cause her to stir, and nuzzled up against them both. Our family had grown by one, and I remembered sheepishly how hard I'd fought against it for no good reason. This was bliss. "Sometimes we do," I muttered.

Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Epilogue

Epilogue Adrianna Geist stared at the shadow on the horizon, watching it slowly grow against the settingsun like a tumor. She knew who was on that ship. She couldn't say how she knew, exactly, but she...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 12

Chapter 12 On February 20th, 1218 AV, two hours before sunset, we spotted her: the _Twilight Promise_, a single-mast sailing ship with two broadsides and a crew of doubtless veterans of the sea, at least...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 11

Chapter 11 Thedaysleading up to hitting the _Twilight Promise_ were terrifying. Geist gaveme back my bosun title; I don't think she much trusted Itsuo anymore, and I guess I proved myself with the...

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