The Devil May Care 18

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#18 of The Devil May Care

Arnis goes to a carnival to occupy himself while his master is away, and encounters Mercy. Unfortunately, that means that he starts getting stupid again.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 18

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

Arnis might have been a Wrath demon, but that didn't mean that he didn't like to have fun. And not just in the bedroom, either. His Wrath was his power, but it wasn't all of him.

Of course, it did mean that the big bear had more of a grumble to him while he was walking through the flower gardens of the local park and people got in his way, but that was to be expected from bears, so he doubted that it made that much of an impression on people.

He was dressed in his usual leathers, from leather pants to a leather jacket, to a wife-beater shirt that probably should have been replaced and renamed a few decades ago. Thick boots tromped on the pathways of the park, marking them with his footprints, and he grumped to himself as he looked around.

There was a carnival in town, which was the main reason that he had come out here in the first place. Not because it was something that drew him, but because it was a good distraction to everything else that was going on. It meant that he could focus on that, rather than the irritation that was building in the back of his head towards his master. Ever since the devil had gone down to Hell and left him behind, he'd been rather annoyed. Sure, he might not have had fun at an all-incubi spa, but he could have hopped to one of the other brothel Houses down there and had his fun there.

Then again...I did kinda screw up...

Arnis pushed down that bit of Wrath at himself, knowing from prior experience that didn't help. The last time that he indulged in that, he'd ended up ripping off a part of his own aura and creating a series of little imps. Pesky things, and annoying when he had to rip them apart to get his power back. Didn't want to do that, particularly on the mortal plane.

He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets as he walked down the park paths, looking at the carnival again. Rides, game booths, the works. They would be a good distraction, he reminded himself, a very good distraction. He made his way towards them, trying not to get lost in his own head. Too many fires, too many burning moments in there for his comfort right then.

He'd just tossed a few bucks at the carnie that was running the entry booth when something caught his attention. The bear blinked, sure that he'd been imagining that white leather, but no. The crowds parted slightly, and there...

There was the tigress. There was Mercy. The bear demon blinked, feeling the warnings from before surging up in the back of his head, but one glance from her, and he was smiling. All smiles, for that matter, the anger forgotten for a few seconds as he walked through the crowd toward her. Several times, he ended up punching someone, and he might have - might have - sent them flying in his eagerness to get to her.

By the time that he stood in front of the tigress, all the warnings that his master and Seraph had given him had flown out the window, leaving him with nothing but the joy of the sexy tigress's presence.

"Well, well, well, when did you decide to mingle with the commoners?" he asked, sidling up to her.

She smirked at him, and there was a sort of power in that smirk that left him vaguely weak in the knees. Angel, holy, whatever. She was still that sort of woman that knew what she wanted, and there was not a Wrath demon in the world that wouldn't feel the challenge that she presented when she fixed someone with that stare. It was a demand to prove yourself, to be better, to be good enough.

Fuck, he loved that.

He offered her an arm, and the tigress took it. He freely ogled her, his eyes going over that skimpy crop-top that barely covered her chest and did nothing for her belly and shoulders. The same mini-skirt as before, too, the one that didn't quite go down to mid-thigh. He wondered if she had anything on under that leather thing. The leather boots were a nice match to his own, and he grinned as he realized what they looked like. Black and white. Ebony and Ivory.

Not at all in harmony, but who fucking cares?

"So, you here for anything in particular?"

"Oh, just to find something to occupy me," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Perhaps you might do for a moment. Or two."

"Heh, I can do for an hour."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"

"Tell me the terms, and I'll win that competition."

"Alright...Let's start with a ball-throw."

The ball-throw turned into an archery game, which turned into a dart-throwing game, which turned into a hammer game. All of them were easy for a Wrath demon. One might have thought that the bear was only good with stuff that allowed him to be strong, but no. Anything that was even vaguely related to a fight, he could find a way to be good at. Precision throws, hard hits, anything that could be related to beating down something that he hated, he was good at.

And he earned many prizes for the tigress. Plush animals, mostly, which he would have eagerly torn apart at her command. He set them down as they came to a small bench in the middle of the carnival, letting them rest on the dirt as the tigress sat down beside him.

Despite everything, he was completely head over heels for her. There was something about the way she walked, the way she talked, everything, that just seized him and dragged him along. It didn't even matter that she was holy and he was a demon. All that mattered was that he keep her attention, her affection.

Damn. If Dusk was straight...heh. Guess it's a good thing that the master's gay, because I get this beauty all to myself...

"I never thought I'd start falling for an angel," he said.

"You still haven't. I'm more than an angel."

"Heh, right. All that Christ stuff."

"It's more than 'stuff', and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah, but that's not as important as the woman that wears the name."

"You flatter me."

"You put yourself down," he said, giving what he hoped was a sexy growl.

At any rate, it didn't push her away, which was the important part. The tigress smiled at him, leaning back against the bench much as he did, spreading her arms out and letting her breasts fall a bit. His eyes dropped down to them, and he could already imagine how they'd look bouncing up and down if he could ever convince her to give his dick a ride.

The more time that he spent around her, the more he wondered how his master was able to resist this woman. She wasn't anger-inducing. She was...well, she was fantastic. She challenged people, and that was a good thing.

"So, uh, what made you want to come down here in the first place?" Arnis asked.

"Why do you want to know?"

"It's what you do with this, right? You talk to people when you're on a date."

"A date, hmm?"

"That's what we're on, right?"

The way that she tapped her chin, he knew that she'd not considered it that way before. He worried that he'd completely misread the whole situation, that he was doing something stupid, but then the tigress smiled.

"Yes, let's call it that."

"Well, sure."

"That means that you're paying for everything, of course," she said in a tone that could have been joking, or might not have been.

Either way, he was prepared. He grinned, pulling out his wallet and showing off the credit card that his master had given him.

"Unlimited. I can do whatever I like."

"Then why don't you get us some food? I think we're both...hungry."

The way that she let that word linger, the way that it rumbled through her throat, Arnis suddenly felt almost like he was half a Lust demon. There was such a throb that went through his body, such a sudden burst of energy, that he couldn't help himself. He was on his feet and running for one of the meat skewer stands without even thinking about it, and he only realized what he'd done when he was halfway back.

Hoooo boy...I'm getting ahead of myself...but fuck, this feels good...

He brought back several different skewers, from pork to beef to lamb, and offered the tigress her choice. She took the lamb, and he wondered if he should have been surprised about that.

"I guess you get a lot of that up in Heaven."

"Well, not so much these days, but we used to."

"Miss that?"

"Oh, a little bit. There's been a loss of reverence for us of late, but that should change soon."

"How do you figure?"

"Heh...I am Christ. I work in mysterious ways."

"I thought that was your dad."

"We're two parts of a three-part being."

"...Yeah, I've been meaning to ask, how does that three in one thing work?"

"Clumsily and incestuously."

"Really?!" Arnis asked, his eyes going wide.

"Heh, no. We stopped encouraging incest way back in the Roman days."

"Oh. Damn. That woulda been kinda kinky."

The tigress chuckled, shaking her head, but now he had the image of her literally getting fucked by her dad stuck in his head, and he couldn't get it to go away. He rubbed the back of his skull, trying to get his mind to think of something else, anything else, but it was like he had been forced to take that one image into his brain, and now it just wouldn't go away.

He forced himself to eat, instead, downing the pork immediately and then taking his time with the beef. It was always so much better up here than it was down in Hell. Sure, you got some spicy seasoning down there, but outside that, there was really not much flavor beyond burning your tongue off time and time again. At least the flavor up here had a bit of depth to it.

As he nibbled, the tigress reached over, gently rubbing his thigh. Just like that, his focus shifted again, and he grinned as she started rubbing along up his leg, towards his crotch. He growled happily to himself, spreading his legs slowly.

"Heh, you see some other meat you want?"

"Maybe, but not just yet..."

She stroked her fingers just up to the top of his thigh, stopping before she might have touched his package. He groaned under his breath.

"Come on, you tease."

"I like a little assurance of things, first."

"What kinda assurance?"

"Oh, just that you're not going to chicken out..."

"Mmmph. You think a Wrath demon would chicken out of anything?"

"I've known a few to do it."

"Not me! I'm better than that."

"Goooood. Then you won't mind pulling it out...right here...right now..."

The way that she smiled when she said that told him that she believed he was too much a coward, too bound a servant to break the mortal laws. Well, he'd show her. He had no fear regarding those.

With a soft growl of his own, the bear demon pulled down the zipper of his pants, his cock throbbing up and out right then and there. It was a stiff, thick thing, throbbing hard at nine inches long, eager and bouncing. It was quite thick, too, the sort of prick that was meant to destroy the hole that it was put in, rather than just bring pleasure to it. It was no Lust demon prick, but one that was meant to dominate, to break and push.

Mercy reached over, giving him a good squeeze right under the head, and he let out a growl of deep satisfaction at the feeling. Yeah, that was what he was hoping for, what he was looking for.

"Mmm, you're bigger than I expected."

"Heh, not as big as master, but big enough."

"I've seen him naked. I'm sure that you have, too."

"Well, once, but he doesn't do anything for me. Straight-arrow."

"Or at least straight," she whispered in his ear, stroking her thumb right along his urethra, dragging it down the bulge along the bottom of his shaft.

Arnis was growling deep in his throat, deep in his chest from the hot pleasure that was already building down there. He could feel the way that she was teasing him, knew that this was more of a tease than a full act to completion. If she pulled her hand back, if she decided to blue-ball him, he wouldn't have been surprised at that, either.

But that didn't matter to him. What mattered was what was going on right then, right there, and what was going on right then, right there was pleasure.

He groaned, thrusting up against her fingers, feeling them slide along his cock right down to his balls. So far, none of the other carnival-goers had noticed them, and he was almost sure that was down to Mercy's power. She probably didn't want to expose herself, so she was hiding him.

That, or she wanted to keep his fat cock to herself. She was possessive enough for that.

As she tickled his balls, making them rise a little bit further, he felt her nibbling along his neck, working up to his ears. He groaned, trying to reach for her, but she slapped his hand back.

"No, no, not yet..."


"I'll let you touch...if you're good..."


"Tigress...I hunt what I want..."

He groaned as she gave his balls a squeeze. Not hard, but just dominantly enough to tell him that she could go harder if she wanted to, if she decided that it was needed. The way that she worked him, the way that she teased him, was making him lose his mind. He thrust upwards again, pre-cum spurting from his cock to the ground.

"Don't lose it yet...don't disappoint me..."

"Mmmph...I can last..."

"You better."

She bit his ear again, not hard, but enough for him to feel the points of her fangs. He gritted his teeth, feeling the entirely strange feeling of being hunted, not sure if he liked it, but not sure if he disliked it, either.

As her thumb rose along the bottom of his cock, rubbing all the way to the sensitive head, he felt his needs rising with it. It was almost like she was running her finger along a slide-switch, turning him on more and more as her fingers traveled along his dick.

"It's nice to know at least one of his...servants...are straight. At least I don't have to worry about you fucking him."

"He doesn't get fucked by any of us," he muttered, groaning, unable to help himself. "He always does the fucking."

"And that is one way that he might be redeemed. He doesn't want to be filled. He just wants to fill."

"Heh...still...still think you can convince the boss to give himself up to you?"

"I think that it's possible."

"He's gay, Mercy...maybe I can do..."

The way that she suddenly gripped the head of his cock, bringing her other hand over to start polishing the tip, shut him up right then and there. Not so much because of fear, but because of all that pre and the extensive pressure on the head of his cock, it was almost impossible to speak without moaning louder than anyone could ignore.


"That's it...just enjoy it...and stop saying stupid things..."

He groaned, gripping the bench with both clawed hands, trying to keep his head on straight. Or...something. Something like that.

He huffed and puffed until she finally stopped the hard polishing, his head spinning from the near-orgasm. He wanted to just do something to her, to have the chance to take something back, to use her as she was using him, but there was no way for him to do that. She was too good at keeping control for herself.

No sooner had she stopped the hard strokes and polishing than she was back to the slow ones, rubbing his cock, encouraging the pre-squirts through the air. The bear had never been worked up that fast before; she could have given a succubus lessons.

The tigress leaned over him again, licking his ear softly.

"But why do you think your master can't be changed, hmm? Is he that devoted to the lot of you?"

"He's - mmmph - devoted, yeah, but - ah - he's gone, right now."


"Gone down to Hell..."

"I see...and why does that have anything to do with this?"

"He's down in Lord Onsen's brothel, heh. Surrounded by cock. It's why he didn't let - mmmph - didn't let me come with him. He didn't want me to be surrounded by that when I'm straight."


She didn't sound pleased, but he didn't care. He just groaned as he felt her leaning down, stroking her fingers along his shaft, her breath puffing over the head. They were right there in public, and it was only her power that kept them from being seen. What if she decided to take it further? What if she -

No, she didn't. In fact, she pulled her hands from him completely, just as he expected, and just as he had expected, he got the bluest of blue balls. Arnis groaned, hunching over almost immediately as he tumbled off the bench, hitting the ground.

Of course, right then was when the field that kept people from seeing them wore off, and he had to curl into an even tighter ball to keep from showing off his cock and balls to the world. At least he got a view up Mercy's skirt...and she wasn't wearing any panties, just as he thought.

Eventually, they left the carnival, though he was the one still carrying all the prizes. Not that they were that heavy, but they were bulky, and it meant that he couldn't put an arm around her as he walked her from the center to the borders of the big, bustling place. The bear would have liked the chance to put his hands on her, to enjoy her, but she seemed almost determined to keep that from happening.

He didn't understand it, but he had been enjoying the feeling of her so close, and now, it was denied him.

They reached the edge of the carnival, stepping outside its bounds. Arnis offered her the plush animals, but she didn't take them. Not even one. He let them fall to the ground, reaching out for her hand.

She looked almost annoyed at him, but when he leaned in, she smiled. He wasn't sure if it was forced or not, but she smiled.

"I had a good time," he said.

"Hmm. It was a good time."

That wasn't the same thing, but at least it was something. The bear tried to smile again, but his was a bit shaky this time.

"Will we do this again?"

"Oh, I'm sure we will...later. Much later."


" last thing before I go."



"What about him?"

"When did he leave for Hell?"

"Um, last night?" Arnis said, thinking about it. "Yeah, last night. I don't think he's going to be back for another day or two."


"Wha - mmph."

She patted his crotch a few times, chuckling softly as he completely cut off whatever it was he was saying to focus on that. The tigress leaned in, stroking his cheek.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

"Well, if you're sure..."

He leaned in, hoping to get a kiss. Instead, the tigress disappeared, and he fell flat on his face, slamming into the dirt.

Arnis grunted from the impact, feeling the sudden pain clearing his head in a way that nothing else had done. The bear gripped his nose, rubbing away the impact pain from landing flat on it. The pain of humiliation that came afterward, however, was far, far worse.

"Shit...shit, shit, shit..."

Arnis leaped to his feet, glancing back at the plush animals. What the hell had come over him with all that? Why the hell had he abandoned the way that a Wrath demon was supposed to behave? This was...

This was...

This had to be her. This had to be Mercy's doing, fucking with his head and fucking with him.

The question was, why?

The tigress appeared again on the bright, neon sign that overlooked one of the local grocery stores. She sat there, kicking her legs idly, using a bit of her power to wipe away the juices that had started pouring out from between her thighs. The tigress didn't like the feeling of that when it wasn't to do with Dusk, so she was going to say that it hadn't happened. Thus, it hadn't.

Being the daughter of God was a good way to work with denial.

As she kicked her legs impatiently, she scanned the parking lot for the store for any sign of the other servants of her one true love. Dusk had taken a number of men, but there were two in this world that seemed to be rather important to him. Important, close, and altogether problematic in the way that they encouraged him to stick to his own gay nature.

If he would just take me...

That would solve so many problems, but it seemed that he would need to be educated, as would the sluts that had been there to make the problem worse.

There. She saw them driving up, the orca and the stallion. They were so close now, buddies, but they were indulging each other in the same sin as they indulged her love-to-be with. They were constantly fucking each other, constantly pushing each other to try different things. She had seen that when she had been spying on the penthouse, when she had been looking for Dusk.

Gone to Hell, and without so much as telling me...

He was making her chase him, and while that was enjoyable to an extent, he was pushing his luck. She was more than willing to be a forgiving mistress, but she needed to know that he would eventually do as he was told. So far, he had gone out of his way to infuriate her, to show that he was 'independent', and she could no longer brook that. It was time for her to take steps.

As the car came to a halt, she willed herself forward. The child of God had many of the powers of her forebear, and while was not omnipresent in all parts of the world, she could still wish herself to be anywhere and suddenly be there. There were some exceptions - the wards that Dusk had put around his tower had kept her from pushing in there easily, and she would have to cause damage to it to pass through - but they were few and far between. A car like this was nothing.

Neither the horse nor the orca knew what had happened before she brought her will down upon them. It didn't even need a hammer or a bat. All she needed to do was fix her will upon them, and they were battered into unconsciousness.

As the blue glow of her aura faded from her eyes, she looked at the driver and the passenger in the car. They were both completely out of it, unconscious. They hadn't even gotten the chance to take off their seatbelts.


Mercy opened the doors, humming to herself as she pushed one body, then the other into the backseat. It wasn't perfectly comfortable, but her powers would keep them from waking up until it was time. They would learn.

They would learn.

Andrew groaned when consciousness returned. He had no idea what had happened; all he knew was that he had put the car in park, and then he could see nothing but blue. It was like being surrounded by sky, falling through it, and then darkness. As he opened his eyes, the blue was replaced with white.

A lot of white.

The walls were lined with incandescent bulbs, almost looking like something between a Las Vegas show and a dressing room. He looked up to his wrists, seeing that he was tied up to an x-frame by his wrists and ankles, both with white leather rather than black or pink. He blinked a few times, glancing over to his right, and was surprised to see that Peter was in the same exact situation.

"What the hell?" he muttered.


"Peter, you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. Don't know what happened. You?"

"Not a clue."

"Oh, boys..."

They both whipped their heads further back, looking over their shoulders.

There, standing in nothing but a white-leather corset and a pair of white panties, was a tigress. A very powerful-looking tigress, who had a paddle in one hand and a flogger in the other. She looked utterly mad, both in the insane way and in the angry way, and Andrew shivered as he felt the paddle sliding along the curve of his rump.

"Who...what are you?" he muttered.

"I am Mercy."

"That's a pretty good stage name," Peter said.


The flogger came down on the orca's ass, and the big guy arched his back in obvious discomfort from the impact. The paddle came down a second later on Andrew's rump, and he felt the same sudden stinging pain.


"The two of you are to be punished," she said.

"For what?" Andrew grunted.

"For leading Dusk further down the road of temptation."

"Leading him? He leads - Nnngh!"

Andrew bit his lip at the sudden smack across his rump, the heat building up almost immediately. He huffed softly, forcing himself to breathe slowly as the burning started to go down again. He could feel the heat settling into his ass from the paddling, though, and he doubted that it was going to get better.

As he hissed from the heat from the paddling, the tigress stepped closer to them. She put the paddle and flogger down in midair, leaving them floating there somehow. Her clawed fingers dragged down their backs, and Andrew shivered as she came dangerously close to cutting into him with that gesture.

"If you think that you aren't partially responsible, you are most incorrect," the tigress whispered. "Dusk finds himself indulged every day by the pair of you...and without you poisoning him, it will be easier to bring him to my side..."

"You're crazy," the stallion muttered.

"Do you want to say that again? A little louder, perhaps? I think that I might have misheard you," she said.

"Mmmph...I said, you're crazy."

"...And you are stupid."


The paddle came down, and she didn't even seem to have to move her hand. Andrew arched his back against the x-frame, thrusting his hips forward in a vain attempt to get away from the paddle, in a way to escape from the pain that just didn't work. He hissed under his breath, fighting to keep from being as affected by it, but it was harsh, hard, and fast.


"The pair of you will learn what it means to defy the daughter of God," she said, shaking her head. "Perhaps by the end of this, I will not only cure Dusk of his defiance, but the pair of you of your vices."

Andrew hissed under his breath, knowing that if he said anything, it would only piss her off more. The last thing that he wanted to do was to find out just what this bitch could do to him if she got really mad.

Yet, at the same time, he knew that she'd only get more pissed off the longer that he held out. He glanced at Peter, and he could tell that the orca was having the same thought. The pair of them were stuck good and tight, and with what they were seeing, they already knew that this woman had similar powers to Dusk, to their master. That meant that she could turn reality upside-down if she really wanted.

Crack, crack CRACK!

Another series of spanks, and his ass burned all the hotter, his teeth gritting together tightly. His collar pulled a bit tighter around his neck, drawing his attention down to it rather than to the burning sensation across his rump. Somehow, that tightness, that sudden grip, was a comfort.

Master will find us. Master will help us.

He didn't say it out loud, but somehow, the tigress seemed to know that he'd thought it. She gripped his face with clawed fingers, turning his muzzle around to face her.

"Why do you want to pursue a life of sin? Why do you want him to own you?"


"Because why?" she hissed.

"Because he does it well."

"Hmmph. If you would submit to anything, you should submit to my father..." She shook her head. "Well...perhaps I can convince you of that, over time..."

The End

Summary: Arnis goes to a carnival to occupy himself while his master is away, and encounters Mercy. Unfortunately, that means that he starts getting stupid again.

Tags: M/F, bear, tigress, demon, holy, masturbation, teasing, exhibitionism, daring, risky, public, femdom, bondage, horse, orca, series, paddling, spanking, manipulation, blue balls, corruption, control,