Can Never Be

Story by Fiskerton on SoFurry

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#2 of Blacker's Empire

Disclaimer: This story contains gay furry sex. If you are underage or are offended by this, turn back now before it's too late!

Hmm... Well it's a story. Let me know what you guys think.

I've always loved the city. Really, who wouldn't? Bright lights hypnotize both locals and tourists into taking the bait set by cunning marketing professionals. The flashes of tourist cameras rival them in their ability to blind as they create a realistic mimic of what would otherwise be a wonderful sight. Smells that make your mouth water linger in the air twenty-four seven wafting from the nearby high-quality restaurants. Skyscrapers tower over the heads of people passing by, luring tourists to tilt their heads until their neck snaps from looking straight up. I suppose I look like a tourist myself with my plain blue jeans and black shirt, but I like to think that the fedora set slightly askew between my pointy husky ears makes me stand out a little as I walk among the sightseers. All in all, the City Square is certainly a very exciting place to be in during the night.

But, that's not what I'm in the city for on this particular night. Walking down 8th Ave, the tall skyscrapers gradually devolve into their less modern counterparts. On both sides, the business makes way for the residential as office buildings become apartments. Crowded apartments at that. Skinny, tight-packed buildings that had multiple apartments stacked right on top of each other. The architects who designed these buildings obviously thought that their occupants wouldn't mind no actual living space or privacy. I'm glad I live up in the Brink.

Turning right onto 17th street, I immediately notice the huge line in front of a bright vibrating building. Blacker's, as it is fondly called, lives up to its extremely long list of noise complaints from its neighbors, which are ironically clubs and bars themselves. The bass thumps are loud enough to register on a Richter scale, and indeed I find my heart trying to jump out of my chest as I approach said building.

Completely ignoring the line of people waiting, and also their surprised and outraged looks, I walk straight to the door. Grinning widely, I find a big buff Doberman looking like he's going to kill me just by staring at me through his mirrored sunglasses. At first I thought he was naked, but at second glance I notice he is just wearing a black shirt and black pants tight enough that I can see the fabric literally strain to keep his muscles in. I swear, Blacker keeps making his employees wear tighter clothes every week. Soon the dress code will be just naked.

"Hey, Rex," I shout above the thumping, doing a little wave salute combination. I get a grunt and a shrug in response. Rex Kildall's name matches his personality and appearance way too much. It's a big guy, an alpha's name. Every time I see him, I wonder if his name is a prophecy of something awesome to come.

However, I'm on pretty good terms with the Doberman bouncer and I doubt he'll kill me anytime soon. As I walk over to him, he doesn't even flinch; simply staring straight ahead. Taking my hand out of my pants pocket, I deftly place a five dollar bill inside the front of his pants and shove it deep, and I mean deep, inside. I look to my left and give a sly smile to the people in line mentally saying to them, that's how it's done, bitches. After taking a moment or two to insert the bill into his Bad Puppy Boxers, go ahead and ask me how I know what kind of boxers he wears, and give a hard squeeze his bulging sheath, just a tease, I pat his well-toned chest and give him my biggest smile before walking into the club, to the shouts of anger from the line of waiting people.

The moment I step through the second set of double doors, I can't even hear myself think anymore. The hypnotic bass and multi-colored strobe lights completely dominate the senses as I walk around the perimeter of the room. Anyone above forty coming here would probably suffer from a seizure or two. I watch the dancing teenagers and adults alike as they move to the music and grind against each other, most likely horny as hell. I even spot a cute young red fox at the bar talking to the coyote bartender. The young man's tail is wagging so hard, he might just wag it right off his ass. Chuckling a bit to myself at the thought, I continue my journey to the back of the club.

There's a reason why Blacker's is the most popular gay club in the country. In truth, the club is a front for the sexier activities behind the scenes, one of which I am heading for now. Passing through the door marked Employees Only, I find myself in a small room with two elevator doors to the right and left. Amazingly enough, the music of the main room sounds as if it is a hundred miles away. The thumping is very limited in here, and once more I am amazed at the engineering of this building. Pressing the down button on the wall, a small sound chimes as the right door opens. The elevator floor is a gold-colored carpet while the walls are covered in red velvet along with a gold-painted metal handrail. Very fancy, I know, but Blacker is a very indulgent man. I press the B button at the bottom of the column and the elevator doors close with another tiny chime.

The basement of Blacker's is nice and cool as opposed to the oppressive heat upstairs generated by light and body. The plush carpet feels nice under my bare feet as I walk over the reception desk. A red-orange fox looks up from his paperwork. Recognizing me, he gives a huge welcoming smile.

"Mr. Cross!" he greeted me with such enthusiasm, as if he's trying to keep his job or something. "Always a pleasure to see you. Shall I prepare the regular room?"

"Yes please, Max," I reply in a cool tone. After a thought, I add, "Is he available?"

"Hm? Yes of course!" He laughs heartily, "You know we always save him". Pressing a small button, he speaks to a microphone, "Al, come up here, please." Soon, a slim raccoon a little bit shorter than me comes practically bouncing into the room from the attached hallway. "Al, take Mr. Cross to room five and make sure he has everything he needs."

Nodding enthusiastically, he leads me through the hall up to a door marked with a five so artistically designed I only realized it was a five the third time I came here. Opening the door, he leads me into a small, intimate room containing a queen-sized bed, covered in fresh white sheets, and a heavy wooden chest at its foot. A fat candle on the bedside table illuminates just enough of the room to make the atmosphere romantic. Beyond that, nothing much else adorns the walls other than a soothing cream color with matching light brown carpet.

"Is the room satisfactory, Mr. Cross?" asks the coon.

"Yes, thank you, Al."

Beaming, Al bows and closes the door. Exhaling, I remove my shirt and fedora and toss them casually onto the floor. I stretch out and scratch my chest fur, eliciting a small groan as I do. It's been a long day. Looking down on my body, I realize I let myself go a little. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a belly or anything, but the tone I gained from being a college track runner needs a bit of maintenance at the moment.

Walking over to the chest, I open it and begin rummaging around. It is filled with the usual toys Blacker's Sex Shoppe offers: dildos of various sizes and species, cock rings, leather harnesses, collars and leashes, the list goes on. I'm always amazed everything can fit inside.

My inventory of the chest is interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mr. Cross?" a deep voice shouts.

"Yeah, come in!" I shout back. The doors and walls around here are very thick, for obvious reasons.

The door creaks open and two of the most beautiful canines, a timber wolf and a German shepherd, I have ever seen in my life walk into the room. Sexual gods, they're the kind of guys who should be on porn films getting worshipped by a harem of women. Every part of their body simply bulges with perfectly sculpted muscle. The ancient Greeks couldn't have asked for more perfect models. The fox at the desk, being the great guy he is, remembered I like my men wearing leather and had instructed these two to wear a simple x-shaped harness along with wristbands and anklets. My dick strains against my pants just staring at these two.

But Max sent me two? Must be a special occasion. Ok, I can work with that.

I recognize the wolf, having fooled around with him before, and give him a smile, which he promptly returns with an ear-to-ear grin. I guess he remembers how great I am in bed. But the German shepherd seems a little shyer, looking down at the floor and avoiding eye contact with me. He fidgets with his hands and has his tail curled down. I get a kind of puzzled, curious look on my face. The wolf notices this and promptly nudges the dog with his elbow and gestures with a flick of his head to look up. He does so and manages a small smile before breaking eye contact and looking towards something else again.

The wolf clears his throat. "Sorry for him, Mr. Cross. He's new."

"That's fine, Jack. All the more fun for me." I get a quick glance from the pup, but he upholds his coy demeanor. For such a buff guy, he sure is acting bottom-y. I suspect it's an act, or something. As I approach him, he stiffens up as I reach out and touch his rock hard abs. Despite being groomed short to accentuate the muscles, it still felt plush and soft, and has a vaguely citrus smell. Quality is always a priority at Blacker's. I turn back to the timber wolf. "Jack, why don't you get comfortable on the bed?"

Grinning, he nods and does a quick good luck gesture to the new guy. I think the poor dog gulped.

Turning my attention back to the German shepherd, I explore more of his upper body, moving from the abs to the chest. Out of politeness, considering I'm invading his personal space, I try to strike up a conversation. "So, cutie, you got a name?" I ask as I circle a sensitive nipple with the tip of my claw.

"J-Jacob, Mr. Cross sir." Militaristic and formal. I hate that.

I continue on, not showing my annoyance. "Mmm... That's a nice name, Jacob." I wander onto his right, from my point of view, bicep, tracing out the contours of his muscles. They are so well-defined I feel like it's an elementary school exercise to trace the dotted line. "Jacob..." I say again slowly, savoring it. I press my body against him a bit closer. The remarkable size of his bulge pressing against my own does not escape my attention, and I don't think my erection escapes his notice either, as I look up into a muzzle staring straight ahead. Both canines are a bit taller than me, just the way I like them. What I don't like though, is a stick in the mud. "You really should relax a bit, Jacob. After all, we're here to have fun," I lick a taut pink nipple in emphasis, and I feel him shudder against me. Interesting.

I play a bit more with his nipple, nibbling and sucking gently, and I feel his stiff posture weaken gradually. Breaking this puppy is going to be easier than I thought. My hands wander down his sculpted back as my muzzle makes its way down the front, kissing and licking along his treasure trail. The scent of the leather combined with the fruity smell of his fur makes my dick swell with excitement, straining to break their denim confines. Behind me I can hear Jack stroking himself, his pre making wet smacking sounds from being rubbed against his meat. I'm glad someone's enjoying the show.

Both my hands and muzzle reach their destinations simultaneously as my knees hit the floor. My eager paws begin to massage and squeeze Jacob's well toned ass. His tail slightly raised, I make slight passes at the German shepherd's crack and gently press against his hole, teasing the poor pup. Meanwhile, I shove my muzzle into the nether region between his thigh and sheath, marveling at the softness of the thicker fur. It is moist, but not sweaty, maybe just back from a shower, but it still felt divine.

I smirk to myself as I smell progress, literally. Jacob's musk, thick and male, begins to permeate the air. Extracting myself from my plushy paradise, I find his pink little poker peeking out of his sheath. Taking a quick glance up, I have to suppress a giggle as I see Jacob visibly trying to stay at attention. He really can't hold back much longer. The German shepherd is biting his quivering lower lip, panting hard through his whistling nose. I can't stand to see him in this state much longer, so I decide to give him a little nudge.

"Oh, what have we here?" I say innocently. Jacob looks down as I grab his sheath. Pulling it down slightly, I take tiny expert swipes at the exposed tip. Once more, the German shepherd shudders visibly, making me smirk. I love it.

I take the pink tip into my mouth, sucking softly, keeping mostly to tongue. I stare up at him with a puppy face on and he immediately shuts his eyes and looks away. Surprisingly, his hand drifts onto the back of my head, pushing gently once in awhile. Chuckling quietly, I redouble my efforts. My hard work is rewarded as I feel his cock grow inside my muzzle, hardening and widening with each throb. I pull down the rest of his sheath to expose his knot, near fully formed so quickly.

Taking my muzzle off his dick for a moment, I look up to admire my handiwork. Poor Jacob finally let go of his lip and is just panting hard now, almost whining a bit. His eyes are still closed and his head is tilted back towards the ceiling. Due to the absence of my mouth, he is showing a great amount of restraint in not touching his own shaft, instead dragging his claws along his chest and abdominal fur. His posture is still pretty rigid, but I can see a great amount of shivering in pleasure as I breathe on his needy cock.

So I figure, what the hell. I grabbed the base of his huge fat dick with my right hand and shove my muzzle down almost to the hilt. That breaks Jacob. He suddenly lets out a long lusty moan and his knees give out a little, pulling some of his cock out of my muzzle. But, he makes up for it by placing both paws behind my head and forcefully thrusting into my mouth. My ears and eyebrows rise in surprise, but it is the good kind of surprise, like an unexpected present. I've finally gotten this German shepherd's dominant side to come out. Perfect.

Jacob thrusts in and out of my hot willing muzzle with gusto, using his paws to thrust as deep as possible each time. Being the blowjob enthusiast that I am, I suck hard every time he pulls out, making hot slurping sounds and earning me a series of short lusty grunts. Taking one of his big furry nuts in my left hand, I squeeze hard, eliciting a lust-drunk moan from the pup. With my left hand busy fondling, my right hand decides it wants to do something too, like wander behind Jacob and push my middle finger into his ass. Jacob shouts out loud, senses overwhelmed.

Feeling left out, Jack walks over to us, erection in hand. The buff wolf stands next to Jacob and starts slapping my right cheek with his cock, demanding attention. As reluctant as I am to let the pup's cock go, I am enticed by the musk of the thicker, juicier wolf dick digging into my cheek.

Making a swift transition, I begin sucking off Jack in earnest while bringing my left hand to jack off Jacob. Knowing my preferences, the wolf places a paw behind my head, but thrusts only slightly. He leaves me to do most of the bobbing, allowing me greater control over the pace and pleasure. My right hand switches tailholes and soon Jack is grunting as much as Jacob is. In a couple minutes, I have two lust-crazed moaning canines in my hands.

The impatient Jacob, deciding he doesn't want to settle for just a handjob, pokes the tip of his dick into the corner of my mouth, competing with Jack's thicker cock for attention. I may love doggy dick, but even I know I can't fit two in my muzzle at a time. I throw Jacob a bone, figuratively, and switch over. His tongue hangs out panting in obvious bliss, thrusting even harder than before. My left hand resumes fondling his balls as my right moves from hole to cock on the wolf. Saliva makes a great lube as Jack speeds up his thrusting to match Jacob's, masturbating himself with my hand.

Both were close, judging by the frequency of their grunts and shouts. Looking up, I find them making out above me, moaning into each other's muzzles. Jesus, my dick feels like it's going to rip through my jeans. I slip off Jacob's dick and place the tips of both canine cocks on my muzzle, sucking hard and working them over with my tongue mercilessly. I rub their shafts vigorously up and down, pushing them closer and closer to their edge.

The two of them come at the same time, flooding my mouth with an overload of spunk. I swallow as much as I can, loving the sweet-salty taste of canine seed; but with two cocks in my mouth, I can't close it properly and a lot drips onto my chest and pants.

I'm startled by how much cum Jacob has, still shooting a long time after Jack had stopped. I monopolize the German shepherd's cock, milking and sucking it to the last drop. Meanwhile, Jack drops to his knees and begins to lick the spilt semen off my fur, making generous swipes at my nipples with his expert tongue. If it wasn't for my pants being in the way, I would've come right then and there. After the last drop comes out Jacob's dick, I lick it clean, exploring every vein and bulge for the slightest trace of cum.

Jacob's knees give way under him and he collapses onto all fours, still reeling from his intense orgasm. Judging from his actions, it seems like it was the best orgasm he's ever had in his life, which of course strokes my ego like no other. I laugh softly, ruffling his fur a bit and petting him.

Jack's hand directs my muzzle to his and he encloses my lips in a kiss. To my great surprise, I taste salty-sweet seed in his muzzle. The generous wolf saved up all the jizz he licked off, sharing it with me as a present. Of course, I accept wholeheartedly, thrusting my tongue into his muzzle and scooping up all the cum. He reciprocates by licking my teeth, inside and out, coating every nook and cranny with semen. We break off after a couple minutes and I swallow the rest of their load with delight.

We resume our make-out session and I find my hands wandering down his muscular body, back down to his cock. Even after about just five minutes, Jack is already getting hard again. Just what I'd expect from a Blacker's. I climb on top of him, grinding my hips against his. He lies down on his back and explores my ass, squeezing through the jeans and making me moan.

"Woah!" I shout. In a surprising display of dominance and strength, Jacob has picked me up by the waistline of my jeans. I am genuinely taken aback and thrilled at the same time as the pup turned alpha carries me over to the bed and throws me unceremoniously onto the sheets. He climbs on top of me and straddles my chest, pinning my arms down with his hands.

I lie on my back and look up into Jacob's eyes. They weren't the eyes of the shy puppy that entered this room. They have turned into the lust-filled eyes of a primal beast needing to breed. Jacob isn't thinking anymore. I've seen it many times, and have even experienced it once, when I was having my first time. Man, he must really be a virgin. My grin couldn't have been wider.

Jacob forces his lips onto mine, thrusting his tongue nearly into my throat, completely dominating me. As he rapes my mouth with his tongue, I feel his heavy cock on my chest growing once more. He begins dry humping into the air, dragging pre through my chest and neck fur. I especially feel the impression of his heavy, still cum-filled balls sliding up and down and I just start coming into my jeans. Oh god, the pleasure. My body convulses with the pleasure of orgasm, and I moan like a bitch, but I know I still have a long way to go with these two. With sheer intense, and I mean intense, willpower, I manage to stop my ejaculation. God, I hope I never have to do such a thing again. It is both ridiculously hard and agonizing to just put a cap on all that pleasure.

The German shepherd breaks our kiss and leaves me panting on the bed. I've never felt so slutty. But, I don't have time to rest. My new alpha immediately replaces tongue with cock and begins to thrust hard. Jacob slides his knees up to my armpits and he grabs a handful of my hair, using that handhold to push deeper into my throat. He muzzle fucks me with a primal lust, in and out, in and out without mercy, powerful hips shoving his cock without tiring. The wooden bed bumps against the wall with a loud thunk every time he pushes into my muzzle, which I'm sure can be heard all the way to the main room. Heck, he even starts growling at me and it just turns me on all the more. Jacob's thrusts are too fast, but I suck when I can and generously apply my tongue. He has just found a new, arguably better sex drive, and I am all too willing to help him as his bitch.

On the other side of Jacob, Jack has the kindness to take my wet, jizzed in pants off. After much leg struggling, to which I wasn't paying a lot of attention due to the German shepherd in my muzzle, the wolf finally gets my jeans off and throws them onto my discarded clothes pile on the floor.

But, I knew from experience that this wolf is cruel and an expert at torture. Taking advantage of my already heightened sensitivity from the semi-climax, he simply grabs my shaft below my knot and breathes onto my cock. No sucking, no rubbing, no kissing, no nothing; just breathing on it. It is agony, pure and simple. I start squirming my lower body, humping up into empty air blindly. I can't see past my buff German shepherd, but I know Jack's mouth is open, yet I can't seem to land a hit into his muzzle. All the while, the tortuous breath, dancing on my cock, tempting me to the point of desperation. I moan, I whine, I groan, but that cruel wolf won't budge.

To make matters more interesting, and worse for me, Jack decides to shove two fingers up my hole, lubed with his own saliva. I bend my knees up, exposing my tailhole to his mercy, in the hopes that it'll be enough to make me cum. But such ideas are false hopes. The wolf expertly avoids any kind of vital g-spot, thrusting in and out simply to set my ass on blissful fire; getting me to the edge, but not pushing me over.

And all the while, that tortuous breath. What a cruel wolf. I bet he's grinning that sadist's grin of his.

Jacob's sweat drips onto me and mingles with my own as we both struggle to climax. Judging from his thrusting, the German shepherd is very near, getting faster and deeper. I suck his cock harder on each pull out. Even with my struggles against Jack the Terrible, my desire for doggy cum has not died down any.

With a howl born of pure lust, Jacob thrusts as deep as possible down my throat and empties his balls for the second time tonight. Even after a short recovery period, he manages to shoot about as much as before, which, frankly, baffles me. What the heck do they feed this guy? But, hey, I'm not complaining here as I greedily drink up all of it, again milking him for every drop out of his ridiculously prolific balls.

Exhausted from two intense orgasms in a row, Jacob collapses down on top of me. His muzzle lands right next to my pointed ear and starts to tickle me with his breath. Panting and sweating, I turn my head and look at him. He looks so cute sleeping, truly like a puppy.

But, unfortunately, I have no time to marvel at the inhuman adorableness of a sleeping puppy. I still have my own orgasm to take care of. Shaking Jacob off me, I sit up and confront my torturer. As I suspected, his open muzzle is very near my cock, just breathing on it. Perfect.

Quickly, I grab the back of Jack's head and thrust my own throbbing canine shaft into his warm inviting muzzle. I think he was a bit surprised as at the point, his muzzle opens wide enough for me to push all the way past my knot, effectively tying me to the wolf's mouth. With a howl of my own, I spray the back of Jack's throat with my pent up, sexually frustrated seed, shooting with a force I have never experienced before. Jacob's animal lust seems to have rubbed off on me.

As I empty the contents of my own furry orbs into Jack, I bend over his head, shoving his head between my sweaty chest and even sweatier crotch, and continue to hump rapidly into his muzzle within the distance my knot allows. Serves him right anyway, torturing me like that, but I bet he's enjoying this too. My own musk, not as dominating as theirs, but strong in its own right, hits my nose full blast and I let out an aftershock groan. With the final few spurts, spots appear before my eyes, blinding me for a few moments. I can hear Jack panting underneath me, my seed and his saliva drooling onto my thighs.

Like Jacob, I collapse back down onto the bed, reveling in the afterglow. Expertly, Jack removes his muzzle from the tie and climbs up on top of me. We French kiss again, but no cum to share this time. It is the gentle kiss of two lovers simply enjoying each other's company.

After a few minutes, I break the kiss. Jack and I are both panting from the night's events. For now, I am content to simply watch the flickering light of the candle dance in Jack's eyes. Out of all the people I've ever met, Jack is the best. He's loving and caring, yet dominating and protective. He knows what I love and what I hate; my hopes and dreams. Hell, he's basically my partner, my lover. But, such love is star-crossed. He's a prostitute. Worse yet, he's bound to Blacker by contract. How could they build a life of their own?

He presses his nose against mine. I press back. Our tails intertwine. For awhile, I am happy. I watch as the candle's final embers burn out in Jack's eyes and my thoughts turn philosophical. Maybe that's an omen? A premonition that this love will never be? I wonder what Jack thinks. Does he feel the same as I do?

Does he love me as much as I love him?

Darkness encloses us lovers, at least that's what I like to think of us. I feel his weight descend upon me and his hand slip into mine. A slight peck on my cheek, and I know he loves me. I nuzzle into the crook of his neck, into the soft, thick, citrus-smelling fur I love so much, a smile on my muzzle. I could have stayed like this forever, even if it couldn't last that long.

A whisper tickles my ear.

"Hey, are you ready for round three?"

My eyes shoot open. "What?!" I shout loudly. Jacob, whom we completely forgot about, yelps and falls off the bed.

I try to get up, much to the distress of the wolf on top of me. Jack gets on his knees, allowing me to prop myself up on my elbows. "Wait, wait, what? Round three? What do you mean round three?"

"Oh come on, Lucas. Surely you haven't forgotten my still raging erection? You got enough time to recover already." There is no more light so I can't see, but I can definitely feel its hardness and heat against my crotch.

Frowning, I realize I did completely forget it. I got too lost in my thoughts.

"Besides," Jack continues, "I haven't even claimed your ass yet tonight! You've been so focused on Jacob."

Well, I do have to agree with that. Jacob completely dominated my attention. "Alright, Jack. For you."

I can't see, but I'm pretty sure he has the widest grin ever on right now. He grabs hold of me and rolls over, reversing our positions so he's below and I'm on top. He always claimed he likes fucking up more than down.

No more words need be said. I immediately start to work on his cock, still painfully erect after all this time. I grab it between my ass cheeks and rub it up and down inside my valley of ultra soft fur, occasionally giving a squeeze. Jack moans and grabs my hips as I feel pre starting to dribble out and coat my crack. Thankfully it does because it reminds me that I need to lube up before I can ever take Jack's fat dick. Reaching over to the bedside table, I open the drawer and fish out one of several bottles of lube that can be found inside. They're all of different brands, but in the darkness they're all the same.

Separating my ass from his cock, much to his disappointment, I squeeze a copious amount of lube onto my palm and reach back behind me. Working out of instinct, I paw around for his cock, making him squirm in anticipation. He must think I'm teasing him or something, when in fact I just can't see. Finally finding his knot, at least I hope it's his knot, I grab his shaft and begin to lube it liberally. It is, after all, a gigantic wolf cock. After I'm satisfied with how slick his dick is, I lube up my own tailhole, inserting a finger or two quickly to loosen up. All the while, I can feel Jack humping and squirming in need. I suppose I've made him wait long enough.

I position my hole above the tip of his cock. "Ready, Jack?"

"For an eternity now, just do it," he replies with a moan.

These Blacker's guys are always so impatient. Slowly, painfully slowly, at least for him, I slide down his shaft. I gasp and moan as I feel each inch of his cock penetrate me, become a part of me. Every few inches I would give a squeeze before continuing, making Jack groan out in pleasure. His hands diligently press down on my hips, urging me to take more, to take it all. Well, I'm more than happy to oblige as I receive the last couple inches before his knot.

With a squeeze of my anus, I start the journey back up to the tip, taking the same slow pace. Hey, if he's going to torture me, he should expect me to reciprocate. I let my hands roam across his chest and abs, paying special attention to the nipples. That is to say, I pinch and twist them, and Jack loves it. His groans every time I do it say more than enough. After I reach the tip again, his hands start becoming more forceful and I start giving more control to Jack. The second dip is just a little bit faster, but no less pleasurable than the first. I moan again as I reach his knot, squeezing this incredible cock inside me.

"Ungghhh..." A groan from the floor alerts us to the presence of Jacob, awake again. We both freeze, holding our breaths. "What happened?" It seems the brief nap has snapped him out of his primal lust. "Wait a minute," He sniffs the air. "I smell lube and musk. You guys are doing it aren't you?" I manage to stifle a giggle. "Well, I'm not gonna be left outta this. Where is that thing?..." A few sounds. "Aha!"

My ears flick as I hear the unmistakable squelching sound of lube pouring out of the bottle. The bed shakes as Jacob gets back on. I feel him pawing around, reaching up my leg and eventually finding my tailhole.

"Aha! You guys already started without me. Seems like Jack's already in there primed and ready. No matter. I'm sure a second one won't hurt, much."

Oh god, he's serious. What happened to that shy thing? "W-wait, Jacob!" I stammer, "I'm not sure if I can fit two in there at once!"

"Nonsense!" he replies with enthusiasm, "You're a husky."

What the hell does that have to do with anything? "No, I'm serious here Ja-oof!" I grunt as I feel his weight behind me, forcing me down onto Jack's chest. I get sandwiched vertically between two really buff canines, lucky me. "Jack, aren't you going to say anything about this?!" I am seriously panicking now. I haven't done anything like this, believe it or not.

"I'm... actually kind of curious..." Jack says hesitatingly.

"Wha...? Et tu, Jack? I thought you'd be on my side with this." I feel his hand give mine a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Well, if Jack wants to try, I guess I can. Who knows it could be fun. "Hey, Jacob?"

"Yeah?" Jacob responds. Squelching noises come from behind as he finishes lubing up his cock.

I feel him line up his shaft with my hole. "J-Just be gentle, ok?"

"Sure thing!" And with that, he begins to push in. It seems okay. First couple inches are no problem. It hurts a little but Jack's hand squeezing mine gives me comfort. But then it reaches the fatter parts of Jacob's dick and it begins to hurt like hell. I start screaming; Jack's hand isn't doing it for me anymore. Luckily, Jack is quick to think of a solution. He puts a hand behind my head and slams me into a rough kiss, stifling my yells and reassuring me at the same time.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jacob's cock is fully inside me, to the knot, along with Jack's. I take a moment to adjust to this feeling. My ass is on a new level of fire. Jesus, I have two gigantic doggy dicks inside me.

Jack moves first, slipping his dick out of me slowly. He groans as the sensitive underbelly of his cock slides against Jacob's. It is sort of a relief to have one cock coming out, and a little bit pleasurable.

But these two have an interesting trick up their sleeves. As Jacob begins to pull out, Jack starts pushing in. As Jacob begins to push in, Jack starts pulling out. I get the feeling of slipping in and sliding out at the same time. It is painful at first, but gradually I get used to it. Pain gives way to pleasure as my ass adjusts to the new sensations. When one pulls out, the other enters. Soon, their pace quickens as they get the rhythm, basically rapid-fire assaulting my ass. I can't even move, simply moan and groan along with them in a chorus of lust, as the pleasure I usually feel during anal sex is doubled, no tripled, from the double penetration I'm receiving. Before I knew it, my cock is hard again and is being rubbed between me and Jack's fur each time one of them pushes on my prostate. At double the rate I'm used to, I'm not going to last long.

Pretty soon, we're all extremely near our climaxes. To me it sounds like there are twenty guys in here all moaning and groaning the way we were vocalizing our lust. That's how intense this two cock thing is for me. Being pounded over and over like a machine gun, it just feels so goddamn good.

I try to hold in the orgasm so that I can enjoy more of this newfound pleasure, but I just can't. I shout out and it flows out of me in a torrent, spewing more than I thought I could for a second time around. My seed coats both my and Jack's chest, some even landing in Jack's open mouth. That's how far I shot. Wave after wave of bliss pours out of me.

As they near their climaxes, their thrusts start to sync and it becomes one huge double cock size thrust. With one last push and groan, they both climax as deep into my bowels as they can, shortly after my own climax. It is as if a dam had burst inside me, and is now washing me in hot, hot seed. My ass cannot handle such volume and it starts to trickle as a waterfall down my legs and onto the bed. Man, I'm such a cum dumpster.

The intensity of this whole thing left us all exhausted, and I black out.

Next thing I know, the raccoon from yesterday is knocking on the door of room five. "Mr. Cross! It is eight in the morning! I know that as a regular you're allowed to sleep overnight, but I must insist you leave immediately! I need to prepare this room for the next client!"

Groaning, I feel a furry weight on me and realize Jacob is still on me, meaning Jack is still under me.

"Hey," I hear the familiar voice of the wolf I love so much. "Good morning."

"G'morning," I mumble sleepily, but with a smile on my face.

"I think you better leave, or Boss Blacker won't let you come back."

"Heh, yeah right. He won't cut me off..." But just in case, I heave Jacob off me. Despite falling onto the floor, he doesn't wake. Poor pup is tuckered out. I get up and feel around for my clothes. Even though it is morning, the room is still underground and candle-less. Finding them, I reluctantly put them on.

At the door, Jack and I share one final kiss before I open it. "Don't miss me too much, ok?" Jack says softly.

"I'll try," I say back smiling, knowing it futile. I always miss him. One last hug and we part. Looking back one last time at the lover I'll never have, I walk back down the hall to the elevator.

At the reception desk, I am hailed by Max. "So? How was he? The new guy I mean."

I press the up button on the wall. "So that was your doing? He was fine. A bit shy but okay."

"Just okay? Not, oh my god he's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen?" Max asks quizzically.

"Maybe for you, but I've already seen the most gorgeous thing in the world." The elevator chimes and I step inside. I give a goodbye wave to Max as the door closes.

Frowning, Max's eyebrows furrowed. He punched a button on his microphone and waited for the static to clear.

"Well?" a voice from the microphone asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Blacker," Max sighed. "Jacob couldn't do it. He still loves him."

Silence. "...Next time, Jack won't interfere." Static ensued.

Max sat back on his chair, sighing.