The prohibited Zone (part C-1)

Story by chevs on SoFurry

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#3 of Prohibited zone series

_The C-line seemed most popular, so I decided to write on that one first. This is the first part of the C-line, following up on part 2 of the Prohibited zone. I feel like I'm getting more into the story, but alas, you decide, I could really use your comment. Keep in mind that the C-line will contain watersports, but No scat.



The Prohibited Zone (part C-1)

The canine clenched his teeth, showered by, what to him, felt like verbal abuse. Through all his tries, the system had shown no signs of listening to his reasoning and pinned down to the table like he was, he decided to free himself playing along.

'Gee, I feel really tired.. Linda' Chevs said, even adding a fake yawn. 'I could use a nap. That would give you some time off too!' He raised his eyebrows and studied the female's reaction. Surely a simple system couldn't see through his plan?

Linda ruffled his head fur in a most demeaning way, before straightening the cute red tie of her uniform. 'Very well pup, it's sleepy time!' And just when he wanted to hop off the table, the tigress picked him up 'Let's get you into your crib, shall we?' She carried him off into the next room and once more, there was no protesting. What surprised the male most was that this large room was virtually untouched by the blast. A living room would have been the most fitting description, or a play room perhaps. There were several couches and chairs spread around the room, some light brown, others green, but all seemed brand new. His 'babysitter' walked towards a door on the far end of the room over the baby blue carpet, humming softly while Chevs had time to check his surroundings. The floor coverage seemed so thick and soft, that he would almost want to try lying down on it.

For a while he followed Linda's pink and white sporting shoes sinking into the soft carpet, stepping around all sorts of child's toys. Blocks, cars. Dolls. A few plastic soldiers. Lego. Only when his carrier held still, he looked up, his attention turning to the walls. Every single inch of it appeared hand painted. It had balloons, beautiful landscapes and pictures of fairy tales. Some of the visualized tales he knew, of others he couldn't even guess what they were. When the tigress showed no sign of moving any further, he followed her eyes and found the two standing right in front of a big mirror. Blood rushed to the canine's cheeks at the sight. There he was, in the arms of a girl, appearing to wear only a pair of big black bulky boxers. Even though he was a bit smaller than the robot, it looked more than a bit ridiculous, an adult wolf carried around like that.

When the tigress saw him looking back at her reflection, she smiled so very warmly and patted his overclothed rump. Was she trying to make things worse for him? 'Don't you look cute today?' She suggested to Chevs. When their eyes met, he was sure he recognized genuine care, maybe even love in those deep green eyes. From there, he let his eyes run over her perfect body. The white blouse, tight enough to make her breasts look even bigger, with the red tie hanging over them. The black pleated skirt, just an inch too long to show off her underwear and only a few inches too short from touching those white, thigh high socks. If it wasn't for his own embarrassment, he would certainly have been aroused. And as if the female had been satisfied with him reaching that thought, she marched on and opened the door to the next room. This one was pink. And with that about everything had been said. The walls were pink, the carpet was pink, made of an even softer material than the previous room and all the furniture it possessed was a crib and a closet.

Without further ado, Linda dropped him in the crib, that was only just big enough for his size. She opened the closet, which was stacked to the brim with clothes, mostly diapers and the same white, pink edged panties that he involuntarily wore as a first layer of underwear. When she returned with a faded pink shirt that stated -happy girl- in white writing, Chevs already had the boxers down to his knees and was about to untape the diaper. The tigress literally pounced onto him, holding his wrists together with one, inhumanly strong paw, tugging the boxers back into place. The poor canine could only look up at her as she just sat there on top of him, a leg on either side of his waist, the edge of her skirt tickling his chest. When he closed his eyes, he could even feel the material of her panties pressing against his tummy. Or was he imagining that? It felt just like the old days, when the two had wrestled playfully and where he would give her the idea that she could beat him, to then prove her wrong. Moments like that had usually turned into hot, bestial sex. This time however, there was no proving her wrong and certainly no yiffing. And from there, his mind wandered on. Would he even want that? She was a machine after all. Yet, so very real.

The wolf inhaled deeply and opened his eyes again when Linda stood back up. He blinked in confusion, as while he had been reliving a memory, she had worked him into the shirt. He had to admit one thing; he had certainly been very aroused. His sheath had stirred as if there had been a low current of electricity on it and the tip of his shaft was trying to poke out, restricted by the girlish underwear. Oh how heavenly the soft cotton felt, but how frustrating it was to be unable to grow an erection. The situation was easily fixed for him when he looked down, arousal lowering to a negative percentage, finding the shirt only just reaching his belly button.

'Can't have you taking off your padding now, can I honey? When you wet, who will have to clean the mattress? Yes that's right, me. So if you're not willing to use them, that is something I will have to teach you.' The girl spoke as she raised the thick metal bars of the open side of the crib. The words alone sounded rather threatening, but her tone was all roses.

Chevs gazed up at her in consternation. 'Why would they give a system such humanly traits?' He requested aloud, to no one in particular. The babysitter that had been forced upon him seemed to grow a more realistic character by the second, showing less faults in her programming.

The tigresses face showed immense pain at the spoken words and she clenched her jaws upon one another as if she restrained herself from replying immediately. She easily picked up a thick metal plate, that he wouldn't have been able to move in years, and placed it on top of the crib. It was exactly the right size. The wolf's eyes widened in horror when he heard the sound of a lock falling into place from every corner of the metal plate. 'You don't think I'm real.' Linda spoke softly. 'You know, that really hurts puppy' Disappointment was thick in her voice.

Bewildered, the wolf scooted against the bars to still be able to look at her. 'How can your system be so sophisticated, yet not..'He growled loudly, ruled by panic and anger. 'Yet not Fucking understand I'm not a pup and certainly Not a girl! You have to let me out right now! If I don't..' He fell silent. From his low position he looked right under her skirt, only inches removed from her red panties. He stared, both paw's fingers taking hold of a metal bar, transfixed by how he could exactly make out the shape of her labia, the perfect camel toe. When he took his next breath, female genital pheromones entered his system through his nose. The canine's body worked exactly like it was supposed to. In less than a second the chemical's code was decrypted, translated into an electric signal and transported through neurons and synapses. Instantly his body went into overdrive to produce testosterone and before long, it felt like he had more of that hormone in his veins than he had blood.

Linda kneeled down and looked right into his eyes as she connected a milk bottle to one of the bars. It had a small metal tube that pointed into the crib. She slid a paw over Chev's cheek and then walked off, dimming the unnatural light of the room to zero. 'Good night puppy.' She said with the nicest tone as if no conversation had just transpired and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

It took him a couple of hundred of breaths to calm himself down, the testosterone left without use feeling like a real downer. There he sat, in the darkness, chin pressed to his knees because the metal plate was positioned so low, the only light coming from the moon. He couldn't even see the yellow ball directly through the window, but what he did spot, was the building of a wall, higher than his sight could reach. 'Help!' He yelled, knowing full well no one would hear him. Even the tigress didn't come for him. 'Help' He repeated softly to himself, pressing his paws to the temples of his head, rubbing softly. A full day of worrying had left him with a headache. Twenty four hours. He had at least twenty-four and at maximum forty-eight hours to get out of the zone, if he estimated the current time correctly.

The panicking male put his shoulders against the bars, his feet against those on the other side and pressed as hard as he could. When they wouldn't move even a bit, he started ramming his shoulders against the metal spiles and finally put his teeth on them. A few minutes later none of the bars had even a scratch on them, while he himself was left with a couple of bruises and sore jaws. He rolled on his side and pulled himself in a foetus position, where he bit his lower lip, but couldn't stop his eyes from watering. At one point he started sobbing softly, tears rolling down his cheeks. Chevs certainly wasn't one to cry soon, hell, he hadn't cried for years, but he wasn't ashamed of doing so now. If any situation would allow it, this was it.

Again, it felt like hours passed by, but he had no way of tracking time. Somewhere in the deepest of night, thirst really hit the poor wolf. He hadn't drunk anything since noon and the crying had dehydrated him. He eyed the bottle and rolled over. Surely she.. He shook his head. Surely the System wouldn't want him to drink like a hamster? No, he wouldn't lower himself to that.

The male coughed and rubbed a paw over his sore throat. Who was he kidding? There was no one here to see him and he had to be at his best strength. Or at least survive. He sat up for as much as possible and tried to bend his neck enough to wrap his lips around the short, metal ending of the bottle. The position was far from ideal and when he attempted to drink, he only got a couple of drops on his tongue, but a thick trickle of the white milk running down his chin. Groaning, he tried again, forcing his muscles in impossible positions, but still he was rewarded with a stream of milk that soaked a stripe of his neck fur and wettened the top of the ridiculous shirt. Chevs gasped in Exasperation and lay back down. He stared at the bottle for a while, taking a deep breath and then forcing himself past the humiliating aspect of it. He stretched his neck out, paws on the bars and from there, he could just wrap his lips around the tube ending, laying on his back. Once the first droplets ran down his dry throat he found out just how thirsty he really was and began to suck strongly and greedily on the bottle. Mouthful after mouthful he gulped down until he was only sucking down air. He let himself fall back on the mattress, licking his lips clean, panting lightly through his nose. A stomach filled with nothing but milk wasn't the most fulfilling feeling, but at least he had his thirst solved. With a deep sigh, the wolf closed his eyes. The harsh day had been taxing and with a sudden filled tummy, his body sent him into a deep sleep.

That night the trapped male had many nightmares; some rational, where he would be locked in the zone forever or had his ex girlfriend laughing her ass off at his current position. Others irrational, abstract scary things filling him with fear. However, the last dream he had, started much more promising. Wrestling in the grass with Linda, in the middle of nowhere with the warm sun shining down on the two, he got to prove he was so much stronger than her. He tickled her and she laughed. He bit her neck playfully, she moaned. He kissed her, she tried to slide her tongue into his muzzle. Her hair was all ruffled up with grass sprites and a twig or two in it. When the tigress squirmed about to get on top, the proud canine ripped off her panties with a powerful roar and lowered his boxers to free his throbbing erection. A thick drop of pre slowly arose from his piss slit and he smeared it all over her sex when he ran the tip of his length between and around the outer lips of her female genitalia. Just once, he penetrated her pussy deeply and when he pulled it out, several strands of her sublime female juices glittered in the sun, connecting his sporting member to her beautiful orifice. She begged for getting more. She begged for getting it deeper. And she would get it too, but not where she had meant it. Always before, she had sternly denied him access to the puckered pink hole, but on this amazing day he was fully in control and he would take exactly what he wanted. And so, the tip of the wet, sticky member pressed against her tail hole briefly. He didn't see the tip disappear between her soft furred butt cheeks, nor did he see how every inch slid into her, but he really wished he could have seen her rear muscles spasm helplessly around his thick meat. Instead, he studied her face, watched it briefly fill with anger, pain and protest, but also saw her roll back her eyes. Heard her moan louder than she ever had. He remembered feeling his groin fur touch her ass. He remembered thinking of how he coated the walls of her bowels with both his and her pre-orgasmic juices and how he shivered in delight at the thought. When he was fully embedded into her, he grabbed her hips and tried to force himself in even deeper. All he could think of was how tight she was and how badly he had to pee. So tight that it hurt, hurt badly, but it was pain he happily took for granted. 'Honey, I have to take a piss real badly. You don't mind if I do it now, do you?' He whispered sweetly to the tigress under him and was rewarded by a slap in the face that made his surroundings fade to black.

The canine yelped and brought a paw up to his cheek, wide awake. There was no pain, like he would expect. Not there at least. He had a full sized erection where there was no room for it and his bladder felt like it was about to burst. He rolled on his side, but it didn't make things better, maybe even worse. It was hard to estimate the percentage of pain at such a high level of it. His condition slowly sank back in and he whimpered loudly. 'Linda!' He waited, but things remained silent. 'Linda, I need to pee, you have to let me out!' Still nothing. The immense pain took care of his erection, before long it had retreated back into his sheath, but his bladder was getting worse. His eyes darted to the closed door. He could see things better now, the sun was coming up, meaning it was probably around seven or eight AM. He already knew there was no way out of the crib, but there wasn't a single chance he was going to wet himself, oh no. He clenched his teeth and tried to think clearly. The only other option seemed to be undoing the two layers of underwear and the diaper, which was going to be tricky in such a confined space, and then press himself up against the bars, to piss all over the pink carpet. He rolled on his back again and raised his legs a bit, fingers sliding around the waistband of the boxers. There he hesitated. She did mention teaching him to use the diaper if he wouldn't use it himself. Whatever she meant with that, it couldn't be good. Even though his bladder was telling him he was almost out of time, he thought things through again, before deciding.

**C2: Fearing punishment, you decide to wet the diaper like the 'babysitter' told you.

D1: Too proud to wet yourself like a pup, you decide to get out of everything you're wearing and water the carpet.**

_And a friendly reminder:

*The C-line will include watersports, but not scat.

*The D-line has scat as well. This line will get utterly messy, so avoid that if you're not into it.

*All lines will include age play (while all characters will be above eighteen), and some gradation of sissification.

don't forget to leave your comment, please!


The Prohibited Zone (part 2)

_First of all, I'd like to **apologize** for posting such a **small amount of words**._ _It's not without **reason** though, I needed this small piece of story to try out this thing where I split the **story** into **different lines** , containing...

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The Prohibited Zone (part 1)

_I've never considered myself a good writer, and I've never had much passion for it either. English isn't my mother language either; please keep that in mind when you stumble on grammar errors. I'm a great fan of reading diaper stories and for the ones...

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