Lustful Viper

Story by Bootleggz on SoFurry

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#3 of Monster (Hunter) Shots!

If you have any suggestions for a future one-shot involving anthro Monster Hunter monsters, let me know in the comments!

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It was a rather warm day in the Hoarfrost Reach, though all things considered that wasn't really saying much. A day like that in Hoarfrost was the equivalent of a chilly day in the Elder's Recess; the temperature didn't really change a whole lot. However, it warmed up just enough for animals to hop out of their burrows and search for food, and that meant monsters were on the hunt for those animals.

A Barioth sat down under a huge coniferous tree and tossed a chunk of meat he managed to snag into his mouth. The hunt had gone rather well; a herd of Popo were just grazing out in the open. Unlike most other small monsters, larger herbivorous small monsters like Aptonoth and Popo never really evolved or gained any sentience, throwing any morality out the window when it came to hunting and eating them.

Barioth was shocked no one had taken the herd out already, but he wasn't one to complain. With quick strikes and slashes, he targeted a one as the rest of the herd fled the scene, and afterwards he had a mountain of meat all to himself which he had taken far, far away from prying eyes and mouths. He found a nice tree, sat underneath it and rested to conserve his energy as he devoured his newly acquired prey.

At least for a time, as when we went to reach for another piece of juicy meat he found there wasn't any left, instead getting his claws covered in snow. He desperately patted the area next to him to see if he missed a piece, but it was all gone. Either he had a lot less than he was expecting or he was just very, very hungry. One would think that much meat would have satisfied him, but a quiet growl from his stomach told a different story.

"Ugh," Barioth grumbled, letting out a sigh and watching his cold breath fly up into the air, "I'm still so hungry. I'm never going to pack on weight at this point."

Barioth were incredibly agile and strong to boot, but moving around so quickly with a fur coat to keep them warm cost them a lot of energy. Most of the time they were able to maintain their energy with the heat generated from moving around so much, but to prevent overheating they would try not to engage in combat often, and as such there would eventually come a time when their energy would deplete. When that time came, Barioth would enter a form of hibernation for a few months.

The process was very simple: Eat as much as you could and gain lots of weight to sustain yourself while your body recovered its power. Remain like that for a few months and come back better than ever. All Barioth had to go through this process and as such many disputes and fights broke out over food. This Barioth was lucky enough to avoid all that for the most part, but he still needed to find more sustenance.

"Well, no point in sticking around here," Barioth got up from under the tree with a stretch, "Time to keep finding food or die trying."

Barioth looked around at his immediate surroundings: No Popo to be seen anywhere. He wasn't entirely surprised, they did tend to avoid predators whenever they could, but he felt it a little odd that not a single one even wandered close out of ignorance.

"Weird," Barioth tilted his head, "Usually there'd be at least a few. Maybe... Maybe there aren't a whole lot left in this area..."

Despite that worrying thought, Barioth's growling stomach pressed him to find something to sink his huge tusks into. While Barioth were carnivorous by nature, out of desperation they could eat fruits and other plants that often gave them the energy to press on, though it usually resulted in a sore stomach. This Barioth wanted to avoid such an outcome, but the more and more he looked around Hoarfrost with nothing to show for it he began to think that there might not be any other option.

Yet still he searched for something meaty. He searched and searched even as he saw a snowstorm rolling in, signalling the end of his potential hunt. He searched even as the snowstorm hit, covering the tracks he left behind almost immediately and forcing him to find shelters every now and then before continuing on.


Barioth figured as much with the sudden change of weather and temperature; warm "days" in Hoarfrost only lasted a few hours at most, starting from early afternoon and usually ending mid to late evening. It was even an unusually long day that day. It was the perfect opportunity for creatures of all sizes to come out and find food and Barioth completely botched it, his continuously growling stomach evidence of his failure.

He had found refuge in a small cave that kept most of the storm out. The cooler temperature wasn't a problem for Barioth's warm pelt and body, it was the flurry of snow that flew about. His species were incredible hunters that used the snow to camouflage themselves to sneak up on prey, and some even thrived in snowstorms such as the one raging outside.

The issue stemmed from sight. Hoarfrost was infamous for its terrible storms that flung snow everywhere and it was incredibly difficult to see anything in that sort of weather. Furthermore, the blowing ice stuck to a Barioth's fur and weighted it down, making hunting a lot more difficult. In a storm they were much more vulnerable, so they tended to avoid snowstorms due to this unless they were desperate.

And Barioth was starting to get desperate.

As he sat and leaned back on the wall of the cave, he looked at the back of the cave and saw several fruits growing from a crack in the ceiling. He didn't know how they were able to thrive in such a strange location, but he didn't really care either. They would've likely kept his energy until he could properly hunt again, but he didn't want to have to go through such a terrible ache later. Barioth looked out at the cave entrance and saw the still roaring storm outside. He weighed his options.

"...Fuck," he muttered, standing up and slowly approaching the sweet-smelling fruits.

Barioth harshly grabbed on off the vine and stared at it for a good while. Was he really about to eat something so disgusting to him? At that moment he didn't really have a choice in the matter at all. Slowly and cautiously he went to take a bite of the fruit. It came closer to his now open mouth, hesitating tasting the juices on his tongue.

Barioth almost bit down onto the fruit when he sniffed the air around him, instantly grabbing his attention. There was no mistaking it.

"...Meat?" he said to himself, immediately dropping the fruit on the floor and causing it to burst upon impact, "Did something die out there?"

The meat smelled as juicy as ever to Barioth, a smile creeping onto his face as he continued to sniff the air around him. He didn't know exactly where it was in the snowstorm, but he knew his nose would lead the way. As he stepped forward to follow the track, he picked up another smell. It was quite a fragrant scent, almost like perfume. It was coming from the same direction as the meat, but most interesting of all was the moment he smelled it, his penis twitched in its sheath.

"Huh?" Barioth looked down at his cock, still covered by the white patch of fur that protected it while not in use, "That was weird. It's not even mating season."

He shrugged it off, thinking it little more than just a small reaction to him finally tracking down meat to chow down on. Without much hesitation afterwards, he exited the cavern to track down his food. He immediately felt the change of temperature from the semi-warm cave to the blistering cold of the storm, though it wasn't anything his fur couldn't handle in terms of his own body heat.

Barioth sniffed the air to try and track down the source of the simply scrumptious scent, blindly walking through the snowstorm with only his nose as a guide. It was risky, but it was so worth it once he finally found what he was looking for:

A freshly dead Popo lying in the snow ripe to consume. It was massive too Barioth thought it was a dream come true that a Popo perished in the blizzard. It was probably lost from its herd, he had thought after realizing no other Popo were even closeby. Come to think of it he didn't even see any tracks from it or around it, though he chocked that fact up to be the snowstorm's fault. Barioth was too hungry to think about all that anyway.

He immediately tore open the Popo and started feasting on its fleshy insides. He could feel his hunger slowly drifting away from him, and though he knew this singular Popo wasn't going to be nearly enough for hibernation he wasn't one to pass up such a generous opportunity.

But as he ate, he noticed something weird about the Popo: For starters, its body was still warm, which was a bonus for Barioth but that couldn't have meant it died in the snow. And he hadn't noticed it before but there were several scratch marks all over its hide. He glided a hand over the furless parts of the herbivore where it was scratched and noticed the cuts ran deep.

"Wait a second," Barioth started to piece everything together, "This thing didn't die from the weather, it was ki-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence when he felt something prick him from behind, sending his entire body into literal shock. He couldn't move and could only barely breathe, and before he knew it he passed out, planting his face in the snow.

Barioth's awakening was slow, but he managed to open his eyes enough to see he wasn't in the same place as where he passed out. Instead he was in a cave, much like the one he took shelter in previously, only now illuminated by a warm fire. He tried to move but found himself unable to do so. Try as he may, he couldn't move a muscle. With his limited touch sense, he felt that he was resting on a soft bed likely made of fur and cotton from the region, so he wasn't uncomfortable at least.

He grunted as he struggled to move his body, but he couldn't feel anything below his neck. This sound attracted the attention of someone in the same room as him that he couldn't see due to being unable to move much besides his eyes and mouth.

"Oh?" spoke a feminine voice as smooth as silk, "You're awake. How lovely."

"Wh-Who are you?" Barioth asked, "Where am I?"

"You're in my place, silly boy," the voice answered as Barioth heard footsteps getting closer towards him, "I brought you here after you fell for my little trap."

"Your trap?" Barioth questioned before realizing he already knew the answer, "The Popo in the snowstorm. I knew it was too good to be true as soon as I smelled something else nearby."

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to work so soon," the voice continued, "It seems like today is my very lucky day, wouldn't you agree?"

The voice finally revealed its owner as she walked right beside Barioth and came into his view. Her small yet pert breasts with her impressive thighs and fluff on her long tail all wrapped up in bronze scales could only mean one thing: She was a Viper Tobi-Kadachi, a rare subspecies of the normally forest-dwelling monster that made her home in Hoarfrost.

And she had just captured Barioth.

She smiled as she looked over her prey, running a claw over his chest with a giggle and drawing circles where her finger went. It looked like Viper was trying to stimulate Barioth, but stopped and frowned when she finally realized something after witnessing Barioth's reaction to it, or rather a lack thereof.

"Oh right," she sighed, "You still can't feel much, can you? Shame, I suppose, but that lovely paralyzing toxin of mine will keep you just where I want you."

She spoke that last part with a smile, tapping Barioth's nose with her claw.

"Could you maybe let me go?" Barioth pleaded, already fully knowing the answer, "I'm sort of trying to do something important."

"Yes, yes, your annual hibernation," Viper mused with a smug smile, "To gorge yourself on as much meat as you can to recover your strength. I know all about you, Barioth; I know everything about your body; every last bit."

"So..." Barioth hummed, "Will you let me go then?"

"Let you go?" Viper answered his question with a question, laughing all the while, "Why would I let you go now? There's still so much work to be done, and I need you to do something very important for me."

"What do you want then?" Barioth raised a brow.

Viper suddenly leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "I want you to breed me."

"B-Breed you?" Barioth gasped.

"Mhm~," Viper giggled, rubbing her prey's cheek with her claw, "I want your cock deep inside me and I want you to give me a baby."

"W-Wait, what?!" Barioth shouted, "But we're completely different species! That wouldn't even work! Aren't there any male Tobi-Kadachi you can mate with?"

"No, there aren't," Viper grinned.

There was no such thing as a male Viper Tobi-Kadachi. It was an unfortunate evolutionary flaw; Vipers were naturally filled to the brim with estrogen, so much so that males hardly, if ever, were born. It eventually got to the point where males ceased to exist entirely. However, the Viper's body recognized the danger of extinction and evolved a rather unique reproductive alternative: They were able to breed with other species.

One would imagine that this too would eventually destroy their species' pure blood, but a Viper's genes were so powerful that they overwrote all of the father's genes as soon as a sperm fertilized an ovum. This, in turn, would birth children that were entirely Viper Tobi-Kadachi. On occasion they may have a tuft of white hair from a Barioth or sharper teeth from an Odogaron, but they were otherwise pure blooded.

"S-So then why me?" Barioth shuddered.

"No real reason," Viper shrugged, "You were just unlucky enough to fall right into my hands. Or perhaps lucky, depending on your view. Besides, you Barioth are the most compatible with us, and..."

She leaned in close and whispered in his ear again.

"...I love how thick and juicy your kind's cum tastes~," she giggled.

The way Viper said those words sent a shiver down Barioth's spine so powerful that even his paralyzed body could feel it.

"Aha! Not that I'll be tasting any today, mind you," she informed him, once again stepping away to laugh, "No, I need that cock of yours to pump my womb full of your virile seed. And I'll need every... last... drop of it."

"...And what makes you think I'll agree?" Barioth asked, knowing full well he wasn't in a position to bargain or even taunt for that matter.

"That little bite of mine insures you won't be going anywhere anytime soon," Viper laughed, "Tonight, you're all mine. And you're going to do everything I tell you to do."

"Why, or you'll kill me?" Barioth almost scoffed.

"No," Viper smiled, "Because you won't have a choice."

Viper slowly turned around and gently brushed Barioth's face with the fluff of her tail, making sure it stayed there for a good while before finally taking it off and facing her prey once again. Barioth seemed confused by this strange action, thinking it was another of Viper's attempts to flirt with him. However, he then noticed a strange purple powder around his face.

"What's this?" Barioth asked, "What did you d- *mmph!*"

"Shhhhhh..." Viper hushed her prey, placing a finger on his mouth, "Hush now and let me take control. All of your worries will wash away, and all you have to do... is breathe..."

Barioth attempted to resist, but as Viper gently blew the powder further into his face, he couldn't stop himself. It took only a small breath of Viper's strange powder, but that was enough to feel a pleasant, almost euphoric feeling wash over him. He couldn't even think about what just happened; in fact, he found he couldn't think at all. And soon, his mind was put into a trance, his mind blank and his face expressionless.

On most occasions, a Viper Tobi-Kadachi's tail would contain a terrible poison powder that made prey weaker and easier to kill. But when a Viper went into heat, this powder became a powerful pheromone that entranced others and temporarily but completely wiped their brains, forcing the inhaler to obey a Viper's every command.

"Oh my, it worked that quick?" Viper laughed, teasing the tranced Barioth, "You must've really wanted to ravish my body, hm? Ahahaha! You're simply too cute."

"I... I..." Barioth struggled to find words to say, but the pheromones overtook his mind; he couldn't think of anything except for Viper Tobi-Kadachi, "I... live to serve you... mistress..."

"Mmm, that's a good boy~. Good, good boy," Viper smiled, licking her lips, "You're my little toy whom I can do whatever I want with now. Mmm, I can't wait to feel you inside me..."

She wasted no time in reaching her hand out and grabbing Barioth's large sack, giving it a firm squeeze and using her thumb to play with the sensitive gonads inside. Barioth gave her a quick and hushed moan, prompting Viper to continue playing with them. Her thumb glided over the base of Barioth's sheath, his cock twitching and starting to peek out.

"I bet you're so pent up," she said, gripping her prey's balls, "I'll be sure to suck every bit out of them. Of course I can't do that unless we're fully prepared."

Viper let go of his balls and walked around the bed before hopping onto Barioth's body. She slid herself over him until she planted herself right on top of Barioth's face, her pussy directly below his mouth. She pressed her body down on him, not caring in the slightest if he got hurt. After all, he was her fuck toy, and he wasn't allowed to have feelings.

"Lick my cunt, pet," Viper commanded.

"Yes, mistress," Barioth complied immediately.

Without question, he began sliding his tongue into Viper's pussy, licking every part of it and moistening it up.

"Ahhhnnn~" Viper moaned, "Good boy~... You must get it all wet for your cock to slide in easily," a smile appeared on her face as she looked down between Barioth's legs, "Ah, and speaking of, a tiny dick like that certainly won't satisfy me. Let's see if we can fix that little issue."

Her legs were just long enough to stretch out and touch her toy's still flaccid member with her feet. She stuck the prick between her toes and began rubbing up and down, feeling the cock stiffening. Viper watched as her pet's once small and useless cock slowly grew into a large and stiff one, feeling it throb and pulse between her feet as she used her toes to glide across the shaft and make sure every part of it was thoroughly rubbed.

Viper continued to stroke his cock with her soft feet until eventually she saw a dribble of clear liquid emerge from the tip of his now giant member. She laughed as she watched it roll down the head and onto what was left of his sheath, stretched and distorted from the sheer thickness of his prick. Some of it even dropped onto her feet, allowing her to rub it in and onto her pet's cock to very slightly lube it. At last her end of the job was complete, continuing to rub the member as it stood much larger than before, throbbing and twitching at every touch of her soft toes.

While she was preparing his penis for the imminent ritual, Viper let out another soft moan as she felt Barioth's tongue start to flick her clit. She gave his shoulder a harsh slap, leaving a red mark where she hit him and she stopped stroking his cock and flipped around to face him. She gave him a scolding look, looking right into his eyes.

"I didn't tell you to pleasure me, you worthless slave!" she growled, "Are you trying to make me appear weak? Your job was to make me wet for your cock and you can't even do that right. You're a bad boy, aren't you?"

"S-Sorry, mistress..." Barioth moaned.

"Ah, are you truly sorry?" Viper teased.

Her toy nodded in response, "I'm a... good boy... really..."

"Perhaps you can make it up to me then," Viper laughed, "Let me punish you and I'll consider forgiving you."

"Anything... mistress..." Barioth nodded the best he could.

Viper was quick to shove her pussy onto her pet's mouth, filling his entire mouth and leaving very little room to breath. Barioth, knowing exactly what she wanted from him, began to lap up her pussy juices and leave much more saliva behind. He stuck his tongue in and out, making sure her beautiful cunt was lathered with his spit.

"Ahh, there we go," Viper smiled, "You did it without me even asking you. This was supposed to be your punishment, but it looks like you're a good boy after all."

"Good... boy..." Barioth spoke between licks.

"Do not speak, pet," Viper lightly scolded him, "Do your job and prepare me thoroughly."

Her toy didn't speak another word on the matter, just as his mistress commanded. He continued to moisten her pussy up until at long last it was sopping wet with his saliva, perfect for even the largest dicks to slide right in. But before she could get off of his face, she felt a surge flowing through her cunt until it exploded, releasing a wave of euphoria and a cry from Viper as she felt her juices explode over her pet's mouth.

"Ah~" she gasped, "Did you just... make me cum?"

"I-I'm sorry mistress," Barioth shuddered, "I'm... so sorry..."

"You just... made me cum," Viper looked at him with shock in her eyes, "No one's been able to make me..."

She gave him a devious smile.

"Aha, you're just full of surprises, my toy," Viper laughed, "It seems I really did hit the lottery with you. But I did say you shouldn't have pleasured me, and now look at what you've done; you've gone and made a mess."

"P-Please... forgive..." her pet begged.

"Clean all of this up," Viper demanded, crossing her arms, "Drink every drop of it and leave nothing behind. Then and only then will I consider forgiving you."

Barioth got to work immediately, using his tongue to lap up all of the juices that sprayed over his face and even around Viper's slit. She shivered as she felt his tongue exploring every curve of her lips, desperate to collect every bit of her femcum. Once he believed he got all of it, Barioth looked up at his mistress and made sure she was watching as he swallowed it all, much to her amusement.

"Ah, you did such a good job, my little pet," Viper giggled, "And for being such a good and submissive boy, I think you deserve a treat."

Viper wasted no time in planting a kiss on Barioth's lips, her hands caressing his cheeks as she lay on top of his chest which was now wet with his saliva from her pussy. As she continued the embrace, she flicked her tongue inside her pet's mouth and spat a strange liquid down his throat, which Barioth didn't hesitate to gulp down. When she was sure it was enough, she backed away from the kiss and gave him a warm smile.

"Did you like that?" Viper asked her toy.

"Mhm..." Barioth whimpered, his head able to nod a lot more now.

"Move your arms," Viper commanded.

Barioth knew he wouldn't be able to, but not wanting to displease his mistress he tried anyway. To his surprise, or as much surprise as he could muster, he found he could once again feel his body and move his limbs. At last he could feel the warmth of the room, as well as his now throbbing cock eager to enter a certain hole. He wiggled his arms around and alerted his mistress, who gave him a warm smile.

"There we go," Viper pressed her body against his, pushing her breasts into his face and whispering into his ear, "I gave you my paralysis antidote. Now you can do a lot more than just lay here and take it. I want to feel you ravish my insides, but I want YOU to do it, my little pet."

"Th-Thank you... mistress..." Barioth gently nodded, "I don't... deserve it..."

"Now get up," Viper demanded, sliding off of her toy's body.

Barioth was slow to comply as he was still getting used to having his body be functional again, but that didn't stop him from proceeding anyway. It took a while, a minute at the most, but eventually he was able to lift his body up and sit on the side of the bed, his feet now touching the floor of the cave. Viper smiled as she saw his still erect shaft twitching in the air, precum still leaking from the tip and now featuring an impressive knot. Barioth looked up at Viper before trying to continue her request, but found his legs to be still waking up and couldn't quite stand up.

"Aw, poor boy," Viper teased, "You don't need to get all the way up, my pet. Here..." Viper sat and laid down on the ground, spreading her legs apart and grabbing the underside of her thighs, holding them in place, "You can just flop right down onto me. Carefully though! We wouldn't want to hurt either of us, would we?"

Barioth shook his head before doing as he was told, slowly sliding off the bed and onto the floor before moving his body over Viper and coming face to face with her. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before looking down and watching his throbbing cock eager to enter her pussy, unable to help herself from a quick giggle as she knew how desperate her toy must've been.

"Go slowly," Viper commanded, "Relish every moment."

"Mhm..." Barioth nodded.

He grabbed his cock and guided it into Viper's wet pussy, wasting no time in gently pushing it into her drenched entrance. Viper could feel her lips spread from the sheer size of the ice wyvern's penis, and she couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure as it continued to slide deeper and deeper into her cavern.

"Ahhhnn~" she licked her lips, "That's a good boy, just like that. I wanna feel every inch of your length as I clench you down and keep you right where I want you."

Barioth said nothing in response, only carrying out what his mistress asked of him and pushing himself deeper into her tight cunt. He eventually hilted his cock where his knot began, but before he could push the fleshy lock inside her, Viper stopped her from doing so.

"Ah, ah, ah," she pressed a finger on his lips, stopping him from continuing, "If you knot me, we'll be stuck for quite a while. I'm sure we both want to go our separate ways afterwards, so no knotting today, okay?"

"Anything for... you, mistress..." Barioth nodded.

"Good boy~," Viper smiled with a laugh, "Now start thrusting, pet. I don't want to waste a moment longer."

Barioth slowly slid out and back into his owner, just as she ordered him to. He pushed into her cunt with a rhythm that couldn't be replicated by anyone not under Viper's spell, each thrust sending wave after wave of pleasure into her loins. But soon she grew bored of the speed, desiring more.

"Faster!" Viper demanded.

Her toy picked up the pace, thrusting into her pussy at a faster pace. Each thrust hit his knot against her lips and covering it with her, or rather his, juices. Every time it slid out and back in, it would create a wet, erotic sound that drove Viper insane.

"Even faster!" Viper shouted, "Don't you dare stop!"

Barioth once again went faster, plunging into his mistress with incredible force. He went so fast that each time his cock slammed into her pussy, juices exploded everywhere and made an absolute mess. Neither cared, only focusing and desiring each other in the moment.

"Mmm, yes~!" Viper cried out, "Keep going, just like that! Keep- *unf*... thrusting into me like that! I bet you wanna cum inside me, huh? You wanna cum, don't you?"

Barioth nodded with a whimper.

"Ah, but you can't cum yet," Viper grinned, "Not until I say you can, understand me? If you cum without permission, you're gonna be punished very, very, very hard."

"N-No, I'm..." Barioth shook his head as he continued to thrust, "I'm a... g-good boy... I won't... c-cum unless... mistress... wants it..."

"Yes, such a good boy~!" Viper giggled, "Then how about we flip the script a little?"

Barioth couldn't react fast enough as Viper wrapped her legs around his back and pushed him to the ground, flipping each other and switching the roles. Not that he could react to it much other than a gasp of surprise and pleasure. He almost pushed his knot into his mistress, but used every fibre of what little remained of his being to stop himself from upsetting her. Viper pinned her pet down, grabbing his shoulders with her hands and looking deep into his entranced eyes.

"Now it's time for ME to have some fun," Viper smiled, "Who said you could take all the glory for knocking me up?"

"I'm sorry," Barioth whimpered.

"Aw, such a good boy for apologizing like that," Viper giggled, "So obedient and strong... I know that together we'll make beautiful children."

She looked down and could see, no; FEEL her pet's shaft throbbing inside of her pussy, desperate to continue and release inside of her. She laughed before she gave him exactly what he wanted, sliding up and down on his cock and feeling its girth fill every nook and cranny of her hole.

"Do you like that, huh?" she asked him, to which Barioth responded with a whimper of affirmation, "That's good. You just leave everything to me, big boy~. Remember, no cumming until I say so, okay?"

He nodded, remembering his orders clearly as they were all he could think about.

Viper continued to bounce on his erect shaft, making sure not to accidentally lock herself on her pet's admittedly huge knot. Oh how desperately she wanted to feel that orb of flesh inside her cunt, but she knew it'd be half an hour at the earliest before they separated. She likely could have popped off of him by force, but that would cause both parties serious pain, which she definitely didn't want.

She too picked up the pace of her bouncing, desperate to finally feel her pet's load inside of her. Viper looked down and noticed that Barioth was starting to become very uncomfortable, and with a large throb of his cock she immediately realized why. She gave him a smile, placing a hand on his cheek as she continued to ride him.

"Aw, you feel like cumming, don't you?" Viper asked him, to which he quickly nodded, "But if you cum now it won't be enough. Just keep building it up inside you, okay? It may hurt now, but I promise it will be so worth it."

It took every ounce of his strength to stop himself from blowing his load. He so desperately, desperately wanted to cum, but if his mistress said no then he wasn't allowed to. He could feel his balls start to ache, his cock begin to fill with semen as he held all of it back by tightening his shaft. It was hell, but he was willing to do anything for his mistress.

"Mmm~, I can tell you're ready," Viper giggled, "Tell me how much you wanna cum inside me. Do you wanna cum?"

Barioth nodded.

"Do you wanna cum inside of my pussy, big boy?"

Barioth once again nodded, much quicker this time.

"Do you wanna pump your seed deep inside of me? Huh?"

With a desperate whimper, he once again nodded.

"I bet you wanna fill me up so bad," Viper teased as her bouncing once again got faster, "I bet you wanna pump your thick cum into my womb and get me pregnant, don't you? Well?"

"Y-Yes!" Barioth shouted, "I wanna cum! P-Please let me cum, mistress!"

"Then do it!" Viper demanded, "Thrust it deep inside me! I wanna feel your cum in my cunt! Fill my belly with your spawn! Pump me full of your babies! Knock me up! BREED ME!"

That was all Barioth needed to hear.

With his mistress's permission as she flopped down on his cock at the top of his knot, his shaft throbbed as he let a torrent of spunk fill her needy pussy. He grunted with every pump as his seed burst out of his dick at an incredible rate, flooding Viper's womb with his virile sperm.

Viper felt it immediately, his hot jizz hitting the back of her womb and surprising her, fully expecting the ice wyvern's semen to be much colder. She certainly wasn't complaining as every rope of cum that entered her body left her with a warm and pleasant sensation. So much had been pumped inside her womb that it began to expand her belly, much to her amusement.

Though Barioth's ejactulation lasted quite a while from being pent up for so long, he at last pumped out his last rope and all that remained were dribbles of cum spurting out his tip. He heaved in exhaustion, feeling wholly satisfied with what just transpired. Viper, feeling that her toy didn't have anything left to give, decided it was time to slide off of her pet's now cum-covered cock, a soft popping noise emanating from their separation.

Immediately after she did so, she reached down and pinched her pussy lips together, a thin mucus gently dripping out from her slit as she did so. After a few seconds, she released her pussy and gave a satisfied smile as she saw it all sealed up, keeping Barioth's baby batter within her to do its work. Most wyverns had such a bodily feature to prevent sperm from escaping before they were able to impregnate a female.

Viper let out a laugh as she stood up over Barioth's collapsed body and rubbed her now expanded belly, playing with the cum inside her womb.

"Ah, that should be more than enough," she giggled, "I don't think you spared a drop. Every last bit got shot inside me. You must've really wanted to impregnate me, huh?"

Barioth could barely think, and yet despite such a huge load he was still conscious enough to give his mistress a slow nod.

"Mmmm~," she pat her belly, "I can feel them, you know; I can feel your swimmers inside me, searching for something to breed. Does it satisfy you to know that even as we speak your sperm are attacking my defenseless eggs?"

Her pet said nothing, feeling himself slowly drift off to sleep.

"Aw, you did so much for me today, big boy~," Viper teased, falling to her knees and leaning over Barioth's body, pressing her belly into his own, "We made beautiful children here today, I can feel it. I know they're going to be strong just like their daddy. You're such a good, good boy~."

Barioth heard that last part, smiling before sleep finally overtook him.

"You look so cute when you sleep," Viper mused, "I could so easily drag you out into the snow and leave you to die, but you were just so obedient to me. I think you deserve a nice reward when you finally wake up."

She planted a kiss on his forehead before finally leaving him alone in the cave as the fire she started raged on and kept him nice and warm.

Barioth slowly awoke once again, stretching his arms with a long grunt and a satisfied smile. He smacked his lips, and stayed in place for a moment longer as he looked around to see where he was. That was when all of a sudden his memory began flooding back to him, and he screamed.

"ARGH! That witch!" he shouted to no one, slamming his fists onto the ground beneath him, "What did she do to me while I was out? WAIT!"

He quickly placed a hand on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt his heart beating beneath his palm. So he wasn't dead quite yet, and yet for some reason he still felt like the devil drained his soul from him. Or maybe it was the fact his balls felt a lot emptier than usual.

"She had her way with me," he realized, "But how come I... don't remember anything?"

He lay there, trying to recall what had happened thus far.

"I was looking for food," he recollected, "that Viper Tobi-Kadachi had kidnapped me and she waved her tail in front of me and... that's all I can remember. What did she even do?"

It was then that he noticed a piece of paper was stuck to his chest fur. Curious how it got there, he ripped it off with a tinge of pain and saw that there was writing on it. There was no doubt about it, it had to be from his captor.

"Good morning, future daddy," it read, "Thanks for all your baby batter. I definitely got a few buns cooking in my oven now."

"She... fucked me while I was out?" Barioth read the note in horror, "I... She... I'm gonna be a dad?! G-Gods!"

He shook himself together and continued to read the note.

"And thanks for being such a good boy as well," the note continued, "And good boys get rewarded. I gave you a little bit of compensation for all your hard work in knocking me up. You were so good I wouldn't mind meeting up again sometime. Maybe you can even meet your daughters too. Until then, enjoy the meal, big boy."

"Holy shit," Barioth placed a hand on his forehead, "What even the fuck? What the hell's going on? And what's this about a mea-?"

He sniffed the air around him and picked up a scent that immediately got his attention. It was a scent all too familiar to him: the unmistakable juicy smell of fresh meat. He noticed that it was coming from outside the cavern, so with the note in hand he got up from the ground and followed the smell.

Outside he noticed that not only had the blizzard gone away, but it was also morning. It seemed like he slept all night. More importantly the smell led him to a truly beautiful sight: Before him was a dead Popo, the largest one he had ever seen in his life. To his surprise it hadn't been eaten already by the nocturnal scavengers of Hoarfrost; this prize was all his.

"Oh my god," he laughed, "This... This'll be enough to get me ready for hibernation!"

He felt his stomach growl.

"And just in time too," he pat his belly, "I don't think I could've lasted another day," he looked at the Popo and realized something, "Did... Did that Viper catch this for me?"

He looked down at the note in his hands and reread a part that stood out to him.

"I wouldn't mind meeting up again sometime," it read. Something about those words caused Barioth's penis to twitch once again in its sheath.

Despite Viper Tobi-Kadachi kidnapping him and essentially raping him for her own benefit, something about the way she wrote that implied Barioth wasn't just a one-time fling. In fact, it sounded like she even cared for him. And if that note was true, it meant he was about to be a father to at least a few bouncing baby Vipers. His captor was inviting him into her life, a means of compensation for her actions.

"You know what?" Barioth smiled as he looked back up at the mountain of meat before him, "I think... I think I'd like that very much."

Protector of the New World

Rain pelted on the leaves of the Ancient Forest as thunder bolted through the sky. Monsters throughout the woods ran through the foliage in an attempt to escape the torrent of rain, their feet wet with mud and covered in leaves; they had never seen...

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Paolumu in Heat

_"This sucks..."_ Paolumu huffed as she leaned back on the coral giving her shade. The Coral Highlands was in a constant and extreme cycle of birth, death and rebirth that every living creature there relied on to survive; when a monster sensed the end...

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