Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' Another

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#5 of Love not Lost

Aidan turned in his sleep, reaching an arm out into the chilly breeze from the ceiling fan, searching. Not finding what it sought, the arm retracts to its owner, who stirs, eyes opening slowly. The cat sighed, and rolled over, tucking back under the thin white blanket and holding a pillow that still held the sweaty scent against his chest, burying his nose in it and nuzzling. He'd had a full size bed for years, but it'd never felt so large before, so empty. Downstairs, the clock struck one. He cursed under his breath, "damn school nights", and laid his head back down, and fell back to sleep quickly in exhaustion. Finally, after waking up like this over and again through the morning, the frenzied yells of an owner of a car lot signaled that it is finally time to get up and stay up. Aidan cuts him off with a hiss and the click of the radio button, then climbed groggily out of bed and made his way to the washroom with some clothes off the top of the pile. Thirty-three minutes and two bad renditions of A Woman Left Lonely later, He was climbing downstairs, brushing his still damp fur and putting in his earrings. Okay, just avoid the office, she'll be checking her email, go straight to kitchen. She was refilling her coffee mug. Shite. "Hi Mom, good morning." Aidan's mother stirred her cup slowly, "Hey Aidan, how'd you sleep?" "Poorly. Kept waking up." "Oh no, poor baby." "I'm fine, just need a little Earl Grey, and I'll be dandy." The adult cat looked down at her coffee, placing the spoon on top of an empty Sweet 'N' Low package, and looked up to her son's eyes. "I want you to know nothing's changed. I still love you, nothing is different." "I know, Mom, I know." He hugged her, letting the lie comfort her. Oh he knew she still loved him, but things were different, and it was as obvious as the bags under her eyes. After a few squeezes, he pulled back, wiping a single tear from her eye. "I gotta get breakfast, Mom." "Okay." And it was settled. Aidan went through his morning rituals, and soon stood sipping tea by the curb as Leo pulled up, looking so damn hot in those blue jeans. Aidan didn't apologize for his erection this time, and Leo actually grabbed it playfully when they got off at school. Aidan giggled and, after first making sure no one was around to see, kissed him softly on the cheek, and the couple strolled into the commons of the school building to await the first bell. A slender fox decked in rainbow, tight fitting clothes, darted up to Leo, rubbing up against him, "Hey hot stuff." Then he cast his gaze to Aidan, and he smiled, leaning forward playfully, "Hey Aidan." Aidan moved a few inches away from Leo's side subconsciously before responding, causing Leo to cast him a sideways glance. "Hey Ryan, how was your weekend?" Ryan looked at each carefully positioned face, smiled slowly, and leaned over backwards to look coyly up at the two, "Oh, a little yiff, some threeway, the usual. But it looks like maybe your weekend was a little more, shall we say, interesting?" Leo smiled, "Yeah, it was pretty interesting! Me and Aidan.." Aidan interrupted, trying to act natural and failing horribly, "having so much fun studying. It was so hard to get this lummox to learn statistics, but he finally got it, right Leo?" Leo's mouth hung open, "Yeah, um.. real pain, but I finally got it." Ryan smiled in triumph, turning so that he faced the pair head on, throwing up his arms in jubilation, "I KNEW IT!!! Haha, I knew you were on 'the dark side'! Haha, studying, I've used that one so many ti-mmmf, mmf." He had suddenly found a paw over his muzzle, holding it shut, and a white cat standing inches in front of him was whispering harshly, "Shut the.., Look, I dunno how you guessed it, but yes, me and Leo did... well..." Aidan turned pink under his fur, "But we sorta wanna keep it a secret, okay? Please, don't go shouting to the world, okay?" Aidan removed his paw, and immediately the fox started asking questions, "Who was on top? Oh yeah, Leo... Who acted first? How was it? How big is he? Did you enjoy it? How many times, How big was he?" As he asked his nonstop questions, a small crowd inched forward to see what was going on, and Catarina homed in on her fag's voice. "Oh look! Catarina!! She simply has to hear this!" "Hear what, foxy?" "Nothing!" Aidan exclaimed, "Nothing at all." "Oh, so it's a secret. It's not nice to keep secrets you know. And I'm a lady, I won't tell. C'mon, I'm your friend, Aidan, Leo,.." She gave a sideways glance to the fox, smirking, "Ryan?" Aidan tried to stop him, but Ryan just rolled his eyes in the cat's direction, smirking, "Let's just say that Leo here got very close to someone we know." Catarina's paw smacked her mouth in perfect shock, "Oh my, really?" She got up in Aidan's face, her muzzle almost touching his, "Did you let that lion in your ass? Oh Aidan!!" she threw herself back in a sudden display of joy, "I didn't know, how long have you..?" This time, Leo shooshed her, cutting her off with- "Mind trying to keep it a secret, Aidan doesn't really want to talk about that." Catarina got the hint, and slammed her mouth shut. But a few of the furs standing nearby were already whispering, and Aidan just ducked his head and began turning a brighter pink. Leo patted Aidan's back, "Hey, it's okay, some of those whispers I can tell are about me." Aidan muttered under his breath, "You and me. Let's go outside." There was a small glade of trees peppered with picnic tables outside the commons, where some of the odder cliques sat during lunch and which were always empty in the mornings, and Aidan began to gravitate toward the doors. Leo stood against the wall, next to Aidan, "What's the matter, are you okay?" Aidan sighed, flopping his back against the wall, leaning his head back so that his ears flattened against the cinderblocks, "Well.. I just... didn't want it to get out yet... Y'know? I haven't even.. I just got over it myself. I didn't want the whole world to know." Leo's ears flattened against his head, and Aidan could tell at a glance that he felt sorry for his mate. He raised his head a bit, "Well doesn't it bother you? They're out there whispering about you. Making assumptions. Telling intimate things about you and your mate." He looked down at the floor, embarrassed. "No, it really doesn't bother me. Because I know that I have you, and that you love me. The rest doesn't bother me." Aidan felt foolish now, but hid it as he replied, "That's sweet, Hon. And I do love you. But it does bother me a little. There are some furs I'd just rather not know." Nearby, someone whispered in a skunk's ear. They glanced over at the two, eyeing them, then slunk away slowly, nervously. Aidan saw it and groaned, "Like that!" he gestured in their vague direction, "People like me, but I don't know what they'd think about this! I don't like being feared or avoided." Leo lifted his head, following Aidan's gaze, then looked back at his little cat and shrugged. "Well, I suppose some furs fear what they don't understand." Aidan sighed, "Yeah, I guess so." And slipped a bit down the wall, paws in pockets. "I just don't like the idea of furs keeping away from me. I'm very social." "Oh well, doesn't mean you've changed. You're not a hairless monster on two legs. So why would anyone treat you different than Aidan? You're the same sweet kitty." "I know I'm the same. But that's not what I'm afraid of changing. Mom knows, and that changed things." "Oh well, let them think what they want." Leo pulled Aidan from the wall, hugging him and resting his chin on top of his white head. "At least I still have you." Aidan licked under Leo's chin, and pulled slowly out of the warm embrace. "Yeah, I guess that's all that matters. Gods I love you." He looked around the commons, trying to see if anyone was looking their way. Too many were. "C'mon. We can kiss outside by the trees. At least then, we can have a little privacy." Leo took Aidan's paw, walking him out and behind a tree, where he pinned the cat against the trunk and began kissing him. Aidan kissed back with equal passion, purring and wrapping his arms around the strong leonine neck as the rough bark caught at his shirt back, dragging it down a little as the lion pressed against him. Aidan could feel Leo's paws rubbing up and down his forearms. His tongue was slowly sliding into his maw when he stopped suddenly, having heard pawsteps in the grass, and backed away from the cat. Ryan emerged from behind a bench. "Hey, I was wondering where you two went off to." He looked the lovers up and down, "Oh, sorry for interrupting. Geez, can't keep off each other for two seconds." He stopped for a second and appeared to be thinking. "You know, I lost my virginity pressed up against that very tree." Aidan and Leo both moved away from the tree, Leo's eyes tracing it up and down suspiciously. Ryan laughed, "Aw c'mon you guys! That was years ago." He emphasized "years" with a roll of his eyes. "Any cooties are all long gone by now." The fox glanced around the open expanse of trees, "Besides, if you were gonna avoid all the places I've fucked, well... this whole area at least is off limits. I'm slowly working my way through the whole campus. School sex is fun, you should try it." Leo shuddered and said under his breath to Aidan, "I feel dirty now." Aidan laughed out once, slapping his paw to cover his muzzle before more came out. Ryan had apparently not heard Leo, and gave the two cats an incredulous look, asking, "What's so funny?" Leo said, "Oh nothing. Just the thought of you up against a tree like that especially at school." Aidan laughed harder, letting it out now, using the tree bark to support himself. Ryan grinned evilly, "Y'know, Aidan, that's the exact spot where I came." Aidan froze, horrified, then pulled away from the trunk quickly, wiping his paw on his pants leg. "Thanks a lot, Ryan." "Aw c'mon. That was freshman year." The outside bell made a pitiful attempt at ringing, perking all three sets of ears, followed quickly by the muffled ring coming from inside, and suddenly the menagerie behind the glass was a huge moving mass, all headed toward the lockers. Aidan darted away from the sex tree, dragging Leo behind him as he rushed inside. "See ya at lunch?" The fox called after them questioningly, before shrugging and strolling off to his first period. The school day was long, and mostly uneventful for everyone. At lunch, Aidan brought Leo to another table to try and introduce him to a few other furs, and avoid Ryan. But the fox found them,"Gee, you'd think you guys were avoiding me." Leo shrugged, "No, not at all." Ryan made an elaborate show of sitting gracefully across from Leo, "Oh good. Hate to think I was cutting in." Partially through the meal, Leo jumped suddenly in the middle of a sentence. Aidan looked over quizzically, and asked, "What is it, Leo?" Leo looked down to see Ryan's paw rubbing at his leg. "Uhhh.." he glanced at the fox, who was nibbling a chip while eyeing Leo, "Uhh, nothing. I guess I just swatted myself with my tail and scared myself." the lion suggested, giving a half hearted chuckle. Aidan glared at Ryan across the table. Ryan shrugged, "What're you starin' at li'l ol' me for?" he asked, batting his lashes. Finally, at gym. Aidan had never really liked gym, but today, with the free shots of Lion rump he got, and all the guys in underwear, he was starting to get some voyeuristic pleasure from it. It was during one spell of studying Leo's rounded boxer briefs that he got caught by Sorto. He had just turned away from the pleasant view to pull on his gym shirt, when he caught sight of the hyena staring at him, seemingly surprised, from across the way. "Were you staring at something, fag?" "Umm, what do you mean? "I mean, I think I seen you staring at some of the guys in here. Even me." He stood up. "No, I swear I haven't been staring at you." Aidan lied. He couldn't really resist the striking blue briefs that had clung to the hyena's nice little package. The hyena advanced, and Aidan retreated, turning a bit more toward his locker and pulling out his gym shorts. Leo smiled at Aidan walking over to the cornered cat, "Gee, looks like you got caught. But I am flattered that you like to look at me at school." Aidan turned to Leo, "I don't think you're helping." Sorto turned to the lion with a sneer, "So, what, you like this queer eyeballing you?" "Aidan's not queer. He just got caught looking around. Can't furs look around the room?" "Man I know you a fag, Le-o." Sorto sneered. "Think what you want about me. But Aidan's innocent, he was just looking in your direction." Sorto growled and turned, muttering loudly, "Not the way he was lookin'. He was checkin' me out. Fuckin' queer." The last part was almost a whisper as he went back to his locker. Ryan strolled over, "Letting your new lifestyle out, are ya?" "Oh shut up Ryan." Aidan said, pushing the fox lightly so that he stumbled. Then turned to Leo, "Thanks, you really did help there." "Eh, it's what I'm here for." Leo shrugged, sliding his shorts on over Aidan's eyecandy. "Still, thanks." The cat said, shoving the fox again, who was about to interject. Leo reached out, turning his lover to face the lockers, "Oh, and, by the way, put on your shorts. They'll hide something that's about to peek out." Aidan blushed and slipped on the tiny black shorts of his gym uniform. "It's your fault." He said, turning his head toward Leo, tongue out, then returning to his clothes. Leo turned, whipping Aidan's rear with his tail, "That's also what I'm here for." "So true, so very true." Ryan said, suddenly right beside the big cat, grabbing his own shorts lewdly, with a big playful grin on his muzzle. Leo smiled, and almost replied, but they were called to go to the weight room before he could. Aidan frowned, saying sarcastically, "Ah great, weight lifting." Leo said the same thing, but with more enthusiasm, and he actually meant it. Aidan cast him a sideways glance, "You enjoy the weight room? I find it tedious and painful." Leo shrugged, "Well, I sorta hafta like it, unless you don't want me to look this way." Aidan gave the big lion a look, and then turned and shook his head. "Okay, kiddoes, pick your spotter! One group will have to do three." Aidan immediately grabbed Leo, and walked over to a bench. Surprisingly, Ryan already seemed to have another guy picked out, and hung on him until he gave in. All the teams were set up, except one jaguar girl. Aidan waved and called, "Hey Jess, c'mon over here!" She ran over and plopped down on the bench. "So, how are you boys?" Leo smiled, walking up to her, "Hi, I'm doing great, how are you?" Jess smiled prettily, turning her head slightly, "Oh I'm good. Oh, and you, Aidan?" She turned her head toward him. "Umm, I'm good." He was trying to ignore something he thought he'd seen in her when she talked to Leo. Aidan hesitated, "Umm, so who's going first?" Leo tilted his head in mock thought, "Umm, you!" he lightly shoved the cat toward the bench. Aidan stumbled back and sat down on the cold vinyl. "Uhh... Really? Are you sure? 'Cause someone else can go first." Jess joined in the fun, "Oh, c'mon, you can go. You gotta eventually." She teased. "Fine!" Aidan threw up his arms in surrender. "get the weights." He lay down on the bench and gripped the bar. Leo walked over to the weight rack, "Okay, how much weight do you want me to put on?" Aidan shrugged, "Whatever's average. 70?" "That's pretty low." "Oh, 100?" Jess sniggered, "That's still kinda low, kitty." "120?" "120'll work." Leo grabbed the weights and slid them on, carefully screwing on the holder after them. Aidan gripped the bar nervously, "Okay, I think I got this, how many reps?" Leo responded, "I think they said ten." Jess nodded, "Yeah, ten." "Okay, ten'll work." Aidan muttered, then lifted the bar, grunting a bit as he raised the weights, and slowly began to do reps. He started off slow, then got sloppier and faster as he went, up until eight, when his arms began to quake, and by ten, he let the bar collapse into the holder. He imagined that he heard someone hide a laugh in the room, but didn't care as he shuffled over to the water fountain and took a long sip. Leo patted his back, "That was... good, Aidan, just keep on working at it." Aidan swallowed and nodded, "Yeah. Who's next?" Jess volunteered, and asked Leo to up the weight. 125, 150. "A little more." Leo nodded and slid on another twenty-five pound weight. "Perfect, thanks, Leo!" She said, climbing on and grabbing the bar confidently, as Aidan hid his face in his paw. Leo smiled as he watched over Jess do a much nicer job at weight lifting, finally finishing with a huffing push, and then standing to get a drink, saying, "Whoo, that was fun." Aidan thought maybe her butt wiggled more than usual when she walked away from the two. "Alright, my turn! Add more!" Aidan looked at the rack, "How much more. It's at 175." "Add another... 50." Aidan nodded and gathered the weights in his tired arms, carrying one at a time, until Jess came and sped it up. Then the cat took spotting position behind Leo, watching the lion in his small uniform take up the bar in his paws. Leo lifted twice, then stopped, "Add fifty more." Aidan stared at the stronger male, open-mawed, "Are you sure?" but Jess was already loading the weights, and he had to run and help. Leo went through the reps quickly, not seeming to even break a sweat, as the other two cats, and a few other furs who had finished already, watched in awe. Finally, he set the bar back in the holders, and sat up. But before Aidan could walk over to him, Jess was already hanging on the lion by the neck, praising his strength and ability. Aidan lowered his head and mumbled quietly to himself, waiting for the moment to pass, and that girl to get off his man. Sorto sneered in the background, "Why do all the fags get the chicks?" Then he mumbled something in Spanish, and turned his back on the group. Jess turned on him, "Okay, what is your deal, bud? What has he done to you?" The hyena wrenched back around violently, barking, "He's a queer!" Jess looked back at Leo, giving a pleading look "Leo, tell this idiot that he's wrong!" Leo just smiled at her and shrugged, "Well, half right." Jess drew her head back with a puzzled look, then pulled it back in to whisper, "What? What are you saying?" Sorto took the jaguar's reaction as a sign, "Haha, so he admits he's a fuckin' pansy, even when he's got a hot girl in his fuckin' lap!" While the hyena shouted thus, Leo replied quietly back, "Well, I mean that I like both boys and girls." Again Jess recoiled, but not as much, and she tilted her head quizzically, "Really? That's cute!" she smiled broadly, and lay back to think on the bench, then sat up again quickly, "So... are you... Available?" she asked suggestively. Leo shook his head, his mane swishing over his face with the motion, "No, sadly, I am not." She placed her finger on her lips for a second, "Well, I wanna ask if it's Ryan, but he's too... ," she quickly glanced over at the fox as he teased the husky he was supposed to be spotting, "yeah... It's not him...." Someone blew a whistle, and the class began filing out as she stood saying the last part. Leo looked at Aidan from the corner of his eye. The cat was walking slowly and shyly, avoiding others. then he turned back to Jess, "Well, maybe one day you'll meet him. Back in the locker room, Leo was half undressed and Aidan was jumping around trying to remove his shorts, when Ryan walked up to the lion, in nothing but a tight fitting pair of undies. "Hey Leo, can you help me with something?" Leo shrugged, throwing his shirt over his shoulder, "Sure. What is it?" Aidan tilted an ear their way, but the fox dragged the larger male by the paw to a vacant part of the locker room, where they spoke in whispers below Aidan's hearing. Leo returned in a few seconds, shaking his head and laughing slightly, "I can't believe he asked me that." Aidan perked up, "Asked you what?" "He needs help with anatomy homework." Aidan raised an eyebrow, "Actual anatomy homework, or code?" "I don't know with Ryan." Leo responded. Then added, "But he seemed sincere." "Well, did he go into anymore information? How'd he say it?" "Well, he said his class is learning about all the species. And he says tonight he's got homework on 'large cat anatomy'." Aidan laughed, leaning back a bit as he did so, "Oh man., whoo... Sounds like a come-on to me. Lemme guess, is he also in art and needs a model?" "I'm afraid to ask." Leo responded nervously. Aidan smiled and poked Leo, "Oh, I can ask'im if you like. I'm not afraid!" "Oh, that's all right. I'm gonna just go ahead and take you home, and then head over to his place." Aidan looked back at Leo, surprised, "So you agreed? I really think that he's trying to get in your pants. I mean, he's gotten straight guys before..." he warned. Leo shrugged, "Eh, no worries. It's Ryan, what's the worst he can do?" Aidan smirked, "Use his feminine charm on ya?" Aidan still fretted a small amount on the ride back to his house, but kept silent as he kissed Leo goodbye and watched him ride away. About ten minutes later, Leo pulled over for the third time. Damn this was a confusing neighborhood. He glanced down at the directions the fox had hastily scribbled, only to find that he had just passed the last turn. The lion grumbled and turned, arriving minutes later at Ryan's house. It was big, and new. Bright red bricks stretched over a two story home into which both his and Aidan's house could've fit, with big glass windows everywhere. He knocked, and a few seconds later a tired looking vixen opened the door. "Oh hey, you must be one of Ryan's 'friends'." She put special emphasis on the last word, Leo was already starting to get the feeling that she dealt with a lot of guys coming through that door. "Yeah, hi! I'm Leo." He said, extending a paw, which was ignored. "He's upstairs." She said unenthusiastically with a tilt of her head toward a large, twisting staircase. Leo glanced over his shoulder at the foot of the stairs, wondering why she was being so detached, then headed up. At the top of the stairs, there was an office to one side, and an angular hallway to the other. From somewhere down this, soft music was seeping under a door. He walked to it, knocking at a door covered in flowers. A small vixen flung it open angrily, her expression changing in seconds on seeing the lion. "Oh, hey. Umm, you're looking for Ryan, aren't you?" Leo nodded, "Yeah." She gestured stiffly three doors down, "In there. Try to keep it down, please." She said as she closed the door. Leo stood in front of the door, scratching his head for a second, "Keep it quiet? Oh geez, what does Ryan do in this house?" Leo walked down to the indicated door, where a rainbow ribbon looped around, finally tying into a bow over the doorknob. He shook his head, "Why didn't I guess this was his room before?" he mumbled as he reached up and knocked. Ryan flung the door open, "Dammit Christy I don't have your CD-yoh hey Leo, how are you? Hope you found us easily." The fox said, leaning in toward the surprised lion. Leo was pulled by his paw into the fox's room, which wafted vapors of lavender, and stopped in his tracks. "Oh my lord.." he mumbled, taking in the sight of plush animals everywhere, a bed coated in throw pillows, candles and candle stubs, some lit, and everywhere draping fabric. A camera lay sideways on a dresser, pointing in the general area of the bed. Ryan turned toward the lion, "I'm sorry, did you say something, ah never mind." Then, seeing the lion's face, "Like it? I did it all myself. Dad had it originally covered in Gold Cup posters." He sneered, turning his nose up slightly before leading the larger male toward the bed. "Here, have a seat, want anything to drink? Kool Aid, a snack?" "Eh, no thanks. But maybe we should get started on your homework." "Okay, if you're sure. Umm, okay, well, we were studying large cat anatomy, and I wanted a live model... soo, would you mind taking off your shirt?" Leo blushed under his fur. "Umm, Ryan, I thought you were just gonna ask questions for your survey." Ryan waved his paws, "Oh no, it's not just a survey. I gotta do a chart and diagram, too. Didn't I tell you?" he tried to ask cutely. Leo shrugged in surrender, "Well okay, I guess it is just my shirt." Leo reached down, grabbing the lower hem of his shirt, then pulled it up slowly, his muscles flexing and stretching as each was slowly revealed to the fox, who had begun to lean in from his vantage on a nearby chair, licking his lips unconsciously at the sight of the golden chest and the mane trailing down below the belt. He fell out of his chair just as Leo's head popped from the collar. He stood back up quickly, "Umm, I'm okay, that's good, thanks Leo." Leo shrugged, "Well, uh, yeah. If it helps." "Yes, thank you. Okay, now for the survey. Then we'll do the diagram." Leo smiled nervously, "You're not really doing your homework are you?" Ryan replied rather smoothly, "Of course I am, what makes you think I'm deceiving you?" Leo counted on his fingers, "Your mom, your sister, the candles, the fact that you didn't warn me about the shirt..." "Well," Ryan interrupted, "So maybe I have had a lot of guys here for the other type of 'studying' (his paws flashed air quotes as he said this), but I really am studying anatomy." Leo raised an eyebrow, "And big cats?" "Well, yes. We were studying big cats." "Were, Ryan?" "Well," Ryan slunk slowly up to Leo's side, "We were studying, we'll be having a quiz, but mostly, I was interested in a certain big lion," his fingers tip-toed over Leo's mane with the last two words, and the fox leaned his muzzle closer to the lion's. "You must know I'm attracted to you, Leo." He brushed his muzzle against the lion's, "But I have this to say in my defense," Ryan grabbed the back of Leo's head, and pressed his lips to the lion's, turning his head and closing his eyes as he stole the kiss from the shocked male. Leo blinked twice in surprise, then leaned into the kiss. Ryan took this as a signal, and began ruffling Leo's chest mane, pushing back on him slightly toward the mattress. Leo slid his large tongue against Ryan's lips, which parted willingly, then slid it inside, to meet the fox's. Ryan gasped softly, pressing Leo so that he was now lying down on the fox's bed. Ryan broke the kiss, and sat up straddled over Leo's crotch, panting gently. "Wait here." He said as he stood, then crossed the room and turned the lock on the door, then flipped the light switch as he turned back, leaving the few candles as balls of light in the darkened room. As Leo's eyes adjusted to the dark, he could hear soft paw pads cross the floor, and the rustle of clothing. Seconds later, Leo was able to make out the form of Ryan as he walked back to the bed, then climbed back on, nude, holding himself over the lion. "Okay, Leo." Leo looked down, seeing the head of ryan's member peeking from his sheath, and petted the fox's cheek gently with the back of his paw. Ryan murred and rubbed against the paw, as Leo felt the fox unzipping his pants and his paw brush against the cock that was already peeking from the lion's boxer briefs. Leo sat up, pushing the slender body off of him, "I don't think I can do this, Ryan." Ryan grabbed the hem of the larger male's underwear, tugging them down to the knees, "Why not, Leo?" He grasped the hardening lion cock in his paw, giving it a slight squeeze, "I can tell that you want it." Leo looked down smiling and pushed the paw away, cupping his crotch to try and hide it, "I know I would, Ryan, and I know you would like it, too, but I'm seeing someone now, you know that." Ryan placed his paw over Leo's, squeezing it rather than pulling it away, "Aidan won't have to know, Leo. Who would tell him? Besides, did you ever say it was an exclusive relationship? Would he do the same thing in your place?" Leo looked into the fox's golden eyes, thinking for a second, "I dunno. He never said anything." Ryan smiled, and climbed back over the other male, his paw still cupped around Leo's, "Well then, why don't we?" he kissed Leo's lips again. "I swear I'm a good yiff." Leo hugged the fox, and set him on the bed. Then he stood and began to dress, "I'm sorry, I just don't think that I can do this without Aidan's permission, Ryan." Ryan sighed, reached over, and turned on a lamp that let a small halo of light into the room, encompassing the fox and lighting parts of Leo's body as they slipped into cotton. "Okay Leo, I understand." He reached down for what turned out to be his thong, and slid it back on, making sure to give Leo a good flash of his rump, tail raised, but the lion had already opened the door. "You're a good guy!" Ryan yelled after him as Leo walked into the hall and toward the stairs. Then, hearing the lion's footfalls on the carpeted stair treads, he snapped his fingers, and sighed as he reached for his pants. Aidan lay in his bed, as thoughts raced around inside his mind. Creedence was playing on his turntable, but he didn't even notice as the needle slid past the last song and jumped over the label again and again. "Oh please Lord, don't let Ryan get him." He whispered to the spinning ceiling fan over his head. His ear cocked to the side, as the window made a grunt, and then Aidan sat up as Leo slid it open, and climbed over the sill from the tree outside. "Hey hon." Aidan jumped over to Leo, wrapping his arms around the strong chest. "Leo! I'm so glad you're here!" He nuzzled his head into the thick mane. "Ryan tried to sleep with you, didn't he?" Leo shushed the cat, lay him back on the bed, and covered his love in the quilt, laying next to him over the covers. Aidan purred and wrapped his arms around Leo and nuzzled into his mane, "I love you." He whispered. "I love you, too." Leo whispered back, stroking Aidan's head softly until he fell asleep.