A Desert(ed) Story Part 2 - Searching for a Friend

Story by Diamond Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of A Desert(ed) Story

Disclaimer: This story contains descriptions of actions of sexual nature between human and pokémon. If you are under aged in any way, feel free to do anything you like to do but do not read this. I do not own pokémon or any of the familiarities used in this story. The pokémon characters used, are used without permission.

Note: English is not my native language. There are bound to be spell and grammar mistakes.

"Let me out! Let me out!" Virgil tried to break out of the pokéball. The pokéball was moving frantically, but did not open. The Rocket was starting to get a little nervous from the way the pokéball was moving. He wanted to lose it, quick, before it opened. He was on his way towards one of the Rocket bases positioned in this region. Smoke started to appear from the ball. Virgil was trying to burn himself out of it. The ball was getting hot, but still didn't buckle under the pressure. When he arrived, the ball stopped moving. Virgil had given up on trying to get out, it just didn't work out.

"Sheila ....... forgive me."

It was getting dark outside. Sheila was still waiting for Virgil to come back. He said he wouldn't be back before sundown. But she was still waiting for his return. Jean and a few other of Sheila and Virgil's friends came by to answer Sheila's calls for water and food. They were surprised Virgil wasn't there to help her out in these difficult times. Sheila told all of them where he went, and when he was expecting to come back. They all knew how much Sheila mattered to him. It must have been very important for him to go there now. She took to sleep when the moon showed itself. She was too tired to wait for him much longer. And he did tell her he wasn't expecting to come back before sundown.

"He'll be here tomorrow morning. I'll kill him if he isn't...." Was the last thing she said before going to sleep.

Virgil was released, in a bright red light, in a big room of about 6 by 6 by 3 meters. Except for a small window with bars and a small, thick glass window in the door, the walls were completely made of steel and Iron. As soon as he got out, he shot a flamethrower at the Rockets that were standing behind a closing door. The flames hit the door, a moment before it closed, missing the rockets by a hair or so, before it closed completely. The rockets both let out a small sigh.

"That was close."

"I told ya he was strong. He missed you by a hair." He leaned against the door.

"Aaaahh, Jesus. That's hot. Gees." Virgil was still firing his flamethrower at the door. His throat slowly becoming a little sore. The door was starting to glow from the heat.

"Wow. Don't want to be in one room with this guy." They walked away from the red-hot door. The glass was starting to melt. He stopped his flamethrower, falling to the ground before coughing up a few clouds of smoke.

"I'm ... sorry, Sheila. It's just... too much." He curled himself up, preparing to sleep, keeping a close eye on whatever passed his door.

It was late in the morning before Sheila woke up. She looked outside. The Cacnea that stood there for so long, was still standing there, between a few rocks. She didn't see Virgil next to her.

"Virgil? This is not funny, come out..... Virgil. Virgil?" She stood up, and tried to reach the entrance, to see if he was anywhere near. She started to panic.

"Virgil?? VIRGIL!!!!!!" When he didn't come within a few minutes from her outburst, she tried to calm herself.

"Calm down, Sheila, calm down. He's probably off to get some food, or something to drink. Maybe he was so focused on the wall, he forgot the time. Maybe he's off to take a dump......... Aaaaaaahhhh, It's useless! Virgil, come back to me please! VIRGIL!!!!!" She screamed out loud for everyone in the desert to hear her call for the missing Flygon. She fell to her side, tears rapidly appearing in her eyes.


Virgil woke up from the sound of the door opening. He didn't hesitate for one second and threw his Flamethrower at it. The door quickly shut.

"It's only your breakfast." Virgil growled deeply at the sound.

"I guess that's a no. Well then, why am I still here. Off to the next one." The woman walked on. He heard an other door open, soon followed by a thankful sound.

"You're welcome."

Many shadows neared the crying Flygon female, Jean being the first one to land next to her. He helped her crying body up.

"Sheila, what's wrong?"

"It's .... Virgil. *sniff* He still hasn't *sniff* returned."

"Virgil .... I thought he ....." He embraced Sheila, trying to calm her down.

"He'll return ..... soon..... I hope." She took a nasty look at him.

"Don't you EVER doubt him. He will come back. I just don't know when. That is what bothers me." He continued the embrace. A small crowd of Flygon had gathered around Sheila and Jean. Nobody knew what was going on, but it couldn't be good. Sheila, one of the toughest females around, was crying.

"Sheila, Jean, What is going on." One of the females asked.

"Virgil is missing. He hasn't returned from his trip to the inscripted wall." Jean said. Everyone was immensely surprised by this. Virgil was rarely seen separated from Sheila, and they also knew that he always tried to keep his promises. Especially with Sheila.

"I'll go look for him." One of the males said.

"Me too." An other male said.

"I'll search too." A female said.

"Together we'll find him. All who join the search party, raise their claws." Jean held his claw up, soon followed by the majority of the 17 Flygon that have gathered.

"Great, them lets get started. Everybody go in an other direction. We'll meet here, when the sun is at its highest point." Jean said.

"Thank you, guys. This means a lot to me." Sheila said, still crying a little.

"Sheila. If he's in the desert, we'll find him in no time at all." He gave Sheila one last small hug, before he left off.

"Okay guys. Lets move out. Let the search for Virgil begin!"

Virgil was getting a little hungry and thirsty, but he ignored the feeling as he heard the door open again. An other rocket. He had come to take Virgil for training.

"Alright lazy boy. Its time for your.. Wooow...." He backed off when a flamethrower nearly hit him in the face. He slowly went out of the room. Virgil came charging at him with a glowing fist. The rocket closed the door as fast as he could. A loud bang was heard as Virgil hit the door with his fist, leaving a small dent in the 2 inch thick massive steel door.

"I guess this guy doesn't need training. Getting a dent in one of those doors is hard for even a fully evolved Machamp to do. Gees." He took his hat off and used it as a small fan, blowing a soft wind across his face, sweat dripping off of him. He saw a very angry Flygon behind the glass. He didn't feel save anymore behind the steel door. Virgil lay down again. He knew he couldn't get through the door, and he needed his strength to get out, later.

"Did anybody see Virgil?" Jean asked the search party. All shook their heads, some looking down in disappointment.

"We've searched everywhere. The forest, the Nikamew ruins, the plain. We didn't find him."

"I've been to the Inscripted wall, and even beyond the desert, near the broken rainbow. Nowhere."

"I don't think he's in the desert anymore. We've searched anywhere he could be. No Virgil. Maybe he isn't in the desert anymore."

"Why would he do that?"

"I might have an answer to that..." Everyone looked at Sheila now. She leaned on the entrance wall.

"Before I met Virgil in person, I saw a human with a Black shirt with a red R on it. He was followed by a very angry Dragonite. I don't know why, but he threw a ball away. Virgil was inside of that ball." Everyone was stunned by what Sheila just said.

"Virgil had ..... a Trainer?" Halona, one of the females on the search party asked. Halona was one of Virgil and Sheila's best friends. She didn't have a mate.

"Maybe that trainer found that ball, and a way to put him back in it. I could hardly get it open." Sheila said.

"If that is so, he could be anywhere. It would be almost hopeless to go search for him all over the world. That would be total madness." One of the males, Penha, said.

"Penha, Don't go overboard now. I'm sure we can find Virgil somehow. You said that that human had a red R on its shirt, right?"

"Yeah..." Sheila said. "What's with that?"

"That means he is a member of team Rocket. My papa once told me of an evil gang of people who wear shirt's with big R's on it. He once had an encounter with them. He told me that team Rocket is no good, and that every pokémon that wanted a free life, should never get in contact with them." Morathi said. Morathi was one of the eldest of the Flygon in the desert. He wasn't the strongest, but he knew more than many of the others together. Nobody, even Morathi himself, knew how old he exactly was. He was part of the search party too.

"Chances are, that Virgil's history isn't a pretty one. If he's part of that team Rocket, he may have got a long criminal record. From theft to assaulting. Maybe even murder. That team Rocket isn't afraid of anything illegal." Morathi said.

"No. Not Virgil. He isn't capable of such things. If he did do such things he must have been forced to do them. He is just too nice to do such things." Sheila said.

"What about Gilvir...." Jean said. Everybody fell silent. This added a new twist to the search.

"... I ... That may be it. Virgil is incapable of doing such things. Gilvir is an other story." Sheila said.

"I don't know Gilvir as I now Virgil. But what I do know, is that Gilvir wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone, when he wants to. Maybe even kill." Tears started to appear in Sheila's eyes when she said that.

"What if Gilvir did this. Gilvir doesn't like me. I wouldn't be surprised if he simply took over the body and left the desert." She started to cry when she thought of that possibility. Jean embraced Sheila, and took her in a soft hug.

"Gilvir can't just take over Virgil's body. You know that. Virgil is always aware of when such things happen, and he would do pretty much anything he could to stop him from leaving. And I'm sure he would be back by now if he would be able to. That he isn't here means that he was forced." Jean let go of Sheila and took a few steps back.

"I think it's that rocket guy that did it. And I don't think he would use Virgil this soon. He must have taken him somewhere, to get him tamed." Sheila gave a frightened look.

"Does that mean that ..... that he won't recognize me any more??" She looked very frightened.

"Most probably, .... yes. He wouldn't know any of us any more..... I'm sorry..." Sheila was now crying uncontrollably.

"Tomorrow we'll find out where he could be. It's too late now, we need rest." Jean nodded for all pokémon to leave, and take some rest, before he left off.

"Sheila, we'll find him, no matter what. It could only take a while. Please understand." Jean left.

Sheila just stood there crying. Jean was the only one here that was truly trying to help her. She felt a little attracted to him. Even in these times of trouble, for both Jean and Sheila, he still tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Bringing her food and water, when he could. Even when his own mate was in a same physical condition as she was. He was using a bowl only too familiar to her. The bowl Virgil gave him. The bowl she made personally. She stopped crying, as a thought of him passed her mind. She shook her head, trying to lose the thought. She was already mated to Virgil, she couldn't have an other mate.

Virgil was walking circles, he was thinking of how he could escape. A few Rockets had gathered in front of his door. He kept a tight look fixed on them. He told himself that if the door should open only one tiny bit, he would attack without mercy. He didn't know what they wanted, but it couldn't be good. He saw a Rocket nearing the door again. Virgil turned to the door. The rocket backed off again. He enjoyed their reaction. They were really afraid of him, and what he could do to them.

"Come on, man, do it. We don't have much time left."

"I don't want to get roasted, you do it if you want it so badly."

"Uh-huh. Not a chance. He would kill me, no sweat."

"If you boys just do as I will right now, all will be fine." The third rocket opened the door, only to find an other flamethrower being fired at him. He closed the door immediately. The fire only just missed him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The third rocket turned around. His left eyebrow was burned away, as well as a small part of his hear.

"Lets just say, I had a change of mind." He said with his eyes wide open.

"I think, I'll go get a hat." He walked away, swaying from one side of the wall to the other. The other two rockets tried to hold in their laugh. It didn't help too much. Virgil was also laughing, but not because of the ridiculous look of that rocket. He loved the feeling of revenge versus one of those rockets. He wanted more, better.

"Now he is still in that cabin."

"We'll get him out later, when he's not that alert. It's too dangerous now." They walked away. Virgil sighed. He was glad they decided to leave. He lay down again. He saw that the sun was going down. The hall wasn't that busy anymore so he closed his eyes, getting some much needed sleep. He was getting pretty exhausted from the walking and attacking without eating or drinking anything.

Sheila was dreaming of Jean laying besides her. Licking her nose, kissing every place on her body. When Jean woke her up, she thought she was still in her dream.

"Hi, Jean." She looked drowsy at him.

"We're about to leave to find out where Virgil might be. I'm leaving Samantha and Fiona with you. I hope you don't mind some company." She knew that Samantha was Jean's mate. She was in a similar condition as Sheila was. They were very close. Fiona was one of the lonely females. She would take care of both of them while the boys were away. Sheila did want some company. She felt a little lonely in her cave she usually shared with Virgil.

"No. I'm fine with that. I would like some company. When will you be back?"

"I'll come back to bring Samantha and Fiona. Then I'm off to get info about where Virgil might be. I don't know how long that might take. Maybe even a few day's. I certainly hope it won't take that long." He went out of the cave. And flew off towards his own cave, where Samantha was waiting for him to take her to Sheila's cave. Samantha liked the idea of spending time with Sheila, though she did hope it wouldn't be too long.

"Jean, How long do you think it will take?" Samantha asked, while he carried her to Sheila's cave.

"I already told you I don't know exactly when I'll be back. Maybe barely an hour after leaving, maybe after a few days or so. I really can't tell." Samantha sighed.

"You know... You could be a little more specific. I always get that kind of answer, and I don't really like it. You now that."

"Yeah, I know. We'll be at Sheila's house in a few moments... Is that the kind of answer you want?"

"Yep. Precisely." She said, while the were slowly descending. Jean saw that Fiona had already arrived. There were footprints in the sand in front of the door.

"Honey, we're home!" He yelled into the cave. He got a small slap from Samantha on the back of his head.

"Be right there, honey." Fiona yelled back. Jean smiled. Still holding Samantha up.

"Hi, F-Fiona." Jean got an other slap of Samantha. This time in the face.

"What was that for?" He said, rubbing the place she slapped him.

"You know what that was for. Now let me go, Fiona can take over now." He let go of her. Fiona neared Samantha and took her inside.

"Welcome in my humble little cave. I haven't seen you in a while." Sheila said.

"Well, thank you. You've gotten a little bigger over time. Or is it me getting smaller." Samantha said. Fiona smiled at the two talking lady's. She let go of Samantha, laying her down in front of Sheila.

"If you two catch up on each other, I'll go get some water. Jean's orders." She smiled, and went out of the cave. Taking the old bowl with her.

"Fiona, could you do me a favor and take 6 large Palm leaves with you? I would like to teach this woman how to make a bowl." She looked at Samantha.

"Why? We've already got one."

"Because the one you've got now is old, and will fall apart soon. Besides, I don't want to be the only one that knows how to make them." Samantha smiled.

"Sure." She smiled back, and went on talking about what happened in the time they didn't see each other. Fiona regularly went out to get the lady's something to drink and eat, but when she didn't, she Listened to the stories the females were telling. Jean had already gathered the search party and he told them where they might find information. He also told them, they should go in pairs, because there were many trainers out of the desert where they were searching for information, that would want to catch a Flygon. Alone there would be a chance that one of them would be caught. In pairs, that chance was much smaller.

Jean went, together with Penha, to a police Station. In the hope one of the pokémon there knew anything about team Rocket's whereabouts.

Halona went, together with Morathi, to a pokémon center in the neighborhood, Morathi knew about. In the hope on of the Chansey or patients knew anything about team Rocket's base.

Two couples went together, towards the local battle park, one of them once heard about. They were with four because they knew some pretty strong pokémon were there. But also some wise and experienced pokémon with extensive knowledge about the environment.

The others went to places in the open, where many wild pokémon lived. In the hope somebody knew about team Rocket.

Virgil was still sleeping when the breakfast-lady cautiously came in. She knew what he tried to do the last time she met him.

"Good. He's asleep." She put a plate filled with cheap pokémon-food, and a bowl filled with water, near the door. She left, silently closing the door. Praying he would stay asleep while she closed the door. If he should escape, she would immediately be thrown out of the team, and literally out of the building.

A few minutes after the lady left, Virgil woke up. He smelled the food, it was a smell he knew, somehow. He walked over to the plate, picked it up, and threw it at the window that looked outside. He saw the bowl filled with water, he took a small sip, then did the same as he did with the food-plate. The fragments of the broken plates all over the floor. He cleaned a small patch of all the food and fragments, and lay down. He didn't go to sleep again, but stayed on watch, like he did before.


Jean and Penha neared the Police Station. They saw a small building, about two stories high, and not very big. They went inside. They woman behind the service desk was nearly startled to death when she saw two large, wild Flygon enter the small building. The woman called for officer Jenny, and her pokémon, saying it was an emergency. The officer Jenny ran in the waiting room where the two Flygon were standing. She called for her Growlith, 3 in total. The Growlith growled deeply at the two Flygon. They weren't impressed. Jean lowered to the Growlith's hight, and started to talk. Jenny was surprised by this reaction.

"Do you know anything about Team Rocket?" Jean said.

"Huh?? What??" The lead Growlith said.

"Do you know anything about Team Rocket? We belief one of our friends has been kidnapped by one of them."

"Sure I do. Okay guys, they're alright, they've only got a problem." The Growlith stopped growling, and sat down. To the immense surprise of Jenny and the woman behind the desk.

"We've always had problems with that Team Rocket. Stealing pokémon and stuff."

"That, I know. But do you know where we could find our friend?" Penha asked.

"Many people and pokémon ask the same question. But we, sadly, don't know the answer. At least WE, Growlith don't know it. Perhaps she does. The problem is .... we don't know how to communicate with them in a way we both understand properly." The Growlith looked at Jenny, and then at the woman behind the desk. Penha followed where he was looking at, while Jean kept looking at the three Growlith.

"Anything else?" The Growlith looked at Jean. Penha, however started to near Jenny. He looked down at her. She didn't move. The Flygon said something she couldn't understand. The Flygon hit himself at his head, after he realized she didn't understand what he said.

"Wait one moment, I think I have a solution." Jenny walked away. Penha was a little surprised by the reaction, but did as she told him. She soon returned with a few thick picture-books, which were labeled A to G, H to N, O to U and V to Z. He realized they were her means of communication with pokémon.

"Jean? Do you know anything about human letters?" Penha asked, looking at him.

"Nope, nothing. Why?" Jean answered.

"Let me handle this." One of the Growlith said. "You said a friend was kidnapped, right?" Jean nodded. The Growlith neared Jenny, who put the books on the ground. She could only guess what they were talking about, but what the Growlith did was speaking sentences to her. She looked at the Growlith as it was looking up the pictures that corresponded with what the Flygon wanted to know. He pointed to the pictures. Jenny looked at them and the words that stood next to them. The first picture was one showing a football team. The translation was 'Team'. The second picture was one with a Rocket. The translation was 'Rocket'. Jenny wrote down the words Growlith pointed at. The third picture was one showing a person with a black hat, covering its face, pulling an other person. The translation was 'Kidnapped'. The fourth picture was one showing 2 humans, holding hands. The translation was 'Friend'. He Growlith looked at Jenny.

"Are you finished?" The Growlith nodded.

"Okay. Team, Rocket, Kidnapped and Friend.... Team Rocket Kidnapped Friend? So Team Rocket kidnapped one of their friends?" The Growlith nodded and pointed at an other picture, showing a confused face with small pictures of 4 different places. The translation was 'Where'. The second picture he pointed at was one with a very large building, with a big logo of some kind on it. The translation was 'Base, Headquarters'.

"Where and Base or Headquarters. Where is Headquarters. So they want to know where team Rocket's Base is?" The Growlith nodded, and looked at the two Flygon, that were a little surprised by the speed of the communication between them.

"We've had training for these kind of cases." The Growlith said. Jenny went back again. Sounds of archives open and close were heard.

"Jenny? What are you doing? You know that is my job." The woman said, as she went to the back, helping her. She soon came back with a few large files.

"These are the files that contain most of the information we have on Team Rocket. As you can see, It's quite much. They've been busy quite long now. Lets see what I can find. You'd better take a seat. This could take a while." The Growlith went back to their places, at the back of the building. The Flygon lay down together near the desk. Talking a little with each other.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Not by a long shot."

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet."

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Only a short while more."

"Are we there yet?"

"In a few hours maybe." He was getting a little agitated.

"Are we there yet?"

"Maybe it would go faster if you didn't ask that question over and over again." Jean said, with an angry face.

"....... Are we there yet?......"

Jean stood up, and went to lie down on the other side of the room. "Practice some patience."

"...... Are we there yet?....."

"YES! Found it!" Penha was surprised by the sudden outburst of the woman. It was like she understood what he said.

"Team Rocket has got a base near Rosebury City. It was too large to invade, so it should still be there. It is the largest base in the region known. Spies have said that it contains a large hallway with large cabins in which the strongest pokémon of team Rocket were put to rest. The cabins have gotten walls with thicknesses ranging from a quarter of an inch to 2,5 inch thick steel and Iron. All the cabins have got a small, thick, glass window through which, the pokémon could be observed, without danger for the team-members." The two Flygon were smiling at the woman.

"Thanks a lot, miss. You've saved us a lot of work." He said to her.

"You're welcome." She didn't know what exactly he said, but he was smiling, and that was all she needed to know. She smiled back at the Flygon that gave her such a startle when they entered.

"Now go and save that friend of yours. You know where he is. Go!" Jean nodded thankfully, and left the small building. Penha was already waiting for him.

"Well, lets go! What are you waiting for, lets inform Sheila!" Jean and Penha took off, letting a small cloud of dust appear from the wind.

Halona arrived at the local pokémon center. Morathi was not far behind, but he was panting.

"Come on, old guy. This isn't a far trip. You're nearly there." Morathi landed with a small bang.

"You tell me if this is a far trip, when you're as old as I am." Morathi said.

"That could be a problem. We don't know how old you are." She smiled. Morathi smiled too.

"Lets get inside, old guy." Morathi didn't really like how she continued to call him 'old guy', but he didn't pay much attention to it, as she entered the building through the automatic doors. He soon followed. He stopped when he noticed that all the attention was drawn to them. All the trainers that were eating, waiting for their pokémon or just people that were inside were looking at them. Morathi let out a small yell, as he felt something grab his tail. It was the automatic door trying to close itself. Most of the people were startled by this sound. Food was spilled all over their clothing. Some were laughing, some were just sitting there like nothing ever happened. Halona started walking again, towards the desk Nurse Joy was standing behind. Morathi was still standing in the doorway, taking care of his tail's end. Halona noticed the Chansey that was standing behind the desk.

"Can I help you?" The Chansey asked.

"Yes please. A friend of ours disappeared yesterday. We think Team Rocket may be involved in it. Do you maybe know where he could be?" The Chansey gave a scared look. Like she had just seen a ghost.

"T-T-Team Rocket??? N-No. I'm glad I don't know where they are. I would never want to see them again." Halona looked surprised by the answer the Chansey gave. Joy noticed this all, and looked curiously at the Chansey, that ran off towards the end of the hall, and entered the kitchen.

"Okay, I don't know what it was you were talking about, but if you scare one of the Chansey, I must ask you to leave." She pointed at the door.

Halona sighed, and walked to the door. Morathi was still taking care of his tail. She grabbed Morathi by the tail and dragged him out of the building.

"Would you let go of my tail, I'm perfectly able to walk myself, thank you." She let go of the tail, and let out a small growl. She told him what happened, and left off.

"Not much of a warm welcome." He said. He followed her towards the desert.

The four Flygon arrived at the entrance of the local Battle Park. They were a little reluctant to go in. Afraid of strong pokémon, but they knew what had to be done, and got inside. Without paying any toll of course.

"Who should we ask for information? There are so many pokémon here." Demi said.

"Lets go for one of the strongest pokémon here. Strength usually means experience and knowledge." Lore said.

"I say, lets go for a pokémon that is known for intelligence. Like an Alakazam for instance." Nicole said.

"Both great idea's. Lets get ourself killed! I think we should ask a not so strong pokémon. At least we're safe." Theo said. They landed in front of the great door that represented the entrance of the park.

"Well..... Here it is. Lets get in." The door was locked. They couldn't get in.

"Look, a notice!" They all looked at the piece of cardboard. Theo picked it up. It said:

"Battle Park closed for renovations and rest period. It will open next Monday."

"You now what it says?" Nicole asked.

".... Not a single letter seems familiar...." Theo said.

"Well. The door is locked, maybe they are closed?" Demi said.

"A famous Battle park? Closed? Don't think so."

"What else could be an explanation?"

"The notice says it all. And I've got no idea what is says."

"Well.... What to do?"

"Go home... I guess. There is nothing we could do here."

"I agree. Besides, Sheila would forgive us if we couldn't even get in..... Right?"

"Oh, boy. Biiiig Trouble. ...Uhuh...." Theo said.

He led the group off the abandoned battle park and took off, heading for 'home'.

"Come on Flo, you're the smallest. Convince them we mean no harm." She poked her.

"Why should I do that, Fran. If you are so marvelous." She poked her back.

"Because You, are the least threatening to them." She poked her again.

"Yeah, but they still run away from me. If You didn't have to act so scary, they would now cooperate." She poked her another time.

"Stop poking me, poker." She poked her again.

"Only if you stop poking me." She poked her again. They kept poking each other. Slowly getting more agitated, they started to grab each other. Shacking each other. The Rattata were watching the whole time. And were starting to laugh, after being scared so much by a little scheme from Fran. Fran and Flo were still standing pushing each other the other way.

"Sister love..."

"Breaks all boundaries. Come on Varen, lets pull them from each other."

"Already on my way Vance." They walked over to the fighting sisters.

"Okay, break it up, we don't want any of you hurt." The brothers pulled their mates away from each other. The Rattata were laughing.

"She started poking first."

"No I was not. She was."

"Knock it off. This isn't helping."

"Maybe it is." Varen pointed at the laughing Rattata. Varen let go of Flo. Vance was now in the middle of the female's firing line.

"Eh, Varen. A little help would be nice." He didn't pay attention.

"Hey little guys. Do you know anything about a human team called Team Rocket?" Varen asked the Rattata.

"Flo, lets attack." She started to poke Vance. Flo started to poke too.

"Hey, what's happening. Varen. Varen! I'm being attacked!" He started to wiggle from being poked by the two females.

"We don't know about a human team called Team Rocket." One of the Rattata said.

"But maybe papa knows." An other Rattata said. He walked away, followed by the other three Rattata.

The two females started to tickle Vance.

"Varen. Varen, where are you *haha* going? *hahaha* A little help? *hahaha*"

"You like it?" Fran said. "I've got more where that came from."

"No. *hahahaha* Please stop. *hahaha*" Flo let go of Vance. She knew he was Fran's now. She followed Varen, startling the Rattata a bit. They kept going on, however, until they stopped by a small hill.

"Papa, someone's here to ask you something." The oldest Rattata said. The father came out. He saw his children standing there. He smiled.

"Who wants to ask me, what?" He asked.

"He does. He wants to know something about team rocket." The Rattata pointed at the large Flygon. The father nearly got a heart attack.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. We just want to know something. Do you know where the Headquarters of the human gang Team Rocket is?" Varen asked him in the nicest voice he knew.

"N-N-N-No, n-n-n-never h-h-heard of them. N-N-Now, if you w-would excuse me, I've j-just w-wet myself." The father Rattata turned around, leaving a small yellow trail behind him as he walked off to the small river that was flowing a few yards away.

"He must have really needed to go." He turned around. He saw Flo staring in his face.

"Hi, Varen." She gave him a lick on the nose. She pushed him on his back and started to nuzzle and kiss him passionately. Varen was getting a little aroused by this behavior. His cock started to peek through his sheath.

"Yay, a peepshow!" One of the younger Rattata said.

"Whoops.... Sorry, go on...." Varen and Flo were looking a little mad at him. The Rattata was a little scared by that reaction, but kept standing there.

"Looks like we have a little naughty kid looking." Varen said.

"Lets go. I feel better when I don't know if somebody's watching, or not." Flo said. She helped Varen up, and walked deeper into the forest. Varen followed her, making sure the Rattata didn't follow them.

Fran and Vance were already having a very good time. Their moans could be heard, though very faintly, at the place where the Rattata had their home. Vance was laying on top of Fran. His cock rapidly sliding in and out of Fran's cavity. Fran was moaning with every thrust Vance gave, and there were a lot of those. His cock was touching the female's soft insides as he was moving inside of her, slowly speeding op the pace of the thrusts. He was also moaning as he felt her insides convulsing around his member. She was getting very close. Vance was getting close too, his member leaking large amounts of pre-cum inside of her, lubricating the walls of the tight female hole. Fran yelled, as a wave of female cum raged through her cavity, a wave of pleasure flowing both ways. The wave of Fran love juices compelled Vance's reproduction-organs to release all of his seed. The member was slowly increasing the intensity of the flow of the male's white sticky fluid. Vance felt as if his brain would explode from all the pleasure that he got from it. He yelled out loud, letting Fran know he was enjoying this moment as much as she did. After the feeling died out, and the stream of seed stopped, both Fran and Vance were panting heavily. They were exhausted, and yet, so full of energy. Vance lay down next to her.

"I might wanna do this again sometime." He said.

"I'll be waiting, and waiting some more, until that day comes." She gave him a lick on the nose, before she closed her eyes, to take a quick nap, in the arms of Vance.

Flo and Varen arrived at small open space, barely big enough to accommodate a Snorlax that was sleeping.

"This looks like a good place." Flo said.

"A bit small, but it's big enough. Now. Where were we..."

"Right here..." She pushed in on his back and started to nuzzle and kiss him again. Varen's cock, that had retracted a bit, was growing again. It had reached its full length in a few seconds. Varen was really enjoying all this attention. Flo broke up the kiss as she felt the member hitting her belly over and over. She picked it up and started to lick the tip of it. Varen was moaning by the feeling of her soft tung touching the tip of his member. She started to lick the entire thing. From the balls to the tip. The long licks enticed Varen to start leaking pre. He was moaning every time she licked it. She eventually put her mouth over the saliva and pre covered member, and started to suck on it. Slowly moving up and down over Varen's cock. She tasted the pre. It tasted a little salty to her. She continued to suck up the salty pre. She didn't like the taste, but didn't dislike it either, and if it would please Varen... She suddenly felt a small stream of an other liquid appear from his cock. It was his cum. She let go of the cock and saw the sticky white fluid spray everywhere. Most of it landed on Varen's belly, and the rest of it landed on Flo or the ground surrounding them.

"I think we need a bath." Varen said.

"Ho ho, I'm not finished yet. There is something else I want to do." She licked his resting member, which immediately came back to life. She went to lay on the cum covered male, and positioned her behind for easy entrance.

"You know the drill." She gave him a kiss on the mouth, and pushed the lively cock inside of her. She moaned. Varen turned around, causing Flo to fall gently on her back. He continued the movements Flo wanted. Slowly increasing the speed of the humping. She moaned at the feeling of a large stick-like pole enter her body. Now it was Flo having pleasure. Varen closed his eyes. He wanted more of the delicious feeling of the insides of Flo gently rubbing his member. Varen sped up only a bit, trying to find the best rhythm of humping Flo. Flo moaned in delight as she felt the cock moving inside of her with at very nice pace. Varen moaned too. His member already was starting to leak pre again. Flo moaned by the feeling of the warm and pleasant fluid enter her tight hole. A Wave of pleasure went through her as her orgasm took over, convulsing around Varen's member. Trying to drag him deeper inside. A small wave of her love liquids flowed out of her, onto Varen's crotch, when he hit her. He loved the warm liquid. His own orgasm started to show up again. His cock started to spew his seed again, though in a lower quantities as just before. Flo was a little disappointed by that, but she still embraced the feeling of the warm seed inside of her. After his seed stopped flowing, he humped her a few more times before falling onto her, completely exhausted by his activity's of the past few hours. She let him stay on her. She liked the cooling feeling of his cum covered belly. They were both panting. Flo closed her eyes. She needed to rest. Varen saw it and decided that if she did it, he would too. After all, he was very tired too. He closed his eyes, and rested his head next to that of Flo.


"... And when I turned around, he fell, right on his but. He was scared out of his wits. He even wet himself!" Both Sheila and Samantha laughed.

"I gave him a bath afterwards. He apologized, and kept silent the rest of the day." She laughed a bit.

"Ok. Now its your turn."

"Okay. Let me think.... A while ago, when I told him I was pregnant-"

"Great news, Sheila! We might know where Virgil is kept!" Jean yelled. Sheila immediately looked at him with a hopeful face.

"Really? Where?"

"The human at the Police station said that there was a large Team Rocket base near Rosebury City. We don't know for sure if he's there, but the chances are damned high. She said it had cabins for holding strong pokémon, and Virgil is certainly no softy." Sheila's hopeful face faded as a question rose to her mind.

"That is all good news and stuff, but... Where is Rosebury City?" She looked questioning at Jean. Jean looked at Penha, who was already standing besides him.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you know where Rosebury City is?" Jean asked.

"Well, of course!" All of them were looking at him with a surprised look.

"It was my home, before I went out of my family's house, trying to find my own place to live. I stumbled upon this desert, and my mate, by accident. And I decided to stay." They all still gave him a surprised look. Sheila started to smile again.

"There is one downside, however. It is a two-day journey. Minimum." Sheila's smile disappeared again.

"That means I'm going to have to wait an other 4 days, at least, before I'll see my Virgil again." Penha nodded.

"Eh, Samantha... You'll have to stay here during that time too. I'll be going too. We'll need every bit of help we can get. I hope Fiona doesn't mind staying here for that long." Jean said, a bit disappointed.

"I'll go tell Fiona, and ask if she would do it." Penha said, before he left for the stream. He was certain she had to be there. Jean spotted Halona and Morathi coming his way. They had come back from the pokémon center. Halona wasn't very happy. He could tell.

"Any luck?" He asked. Halona didn't answer. The tired Morathi did answer.

"No. *pant* We were kicked out of the center.. *pant* ... before we could ask anyone else but the Chansey. *pant*" He said.

"Well. No matter, we already found out where he could be. And before you ask where that is, You'll hear it when the rest comes back, tomorrow morning." The two confused Flygon nodded and went off to their places, not too far from the meeting place.

"Jean. Could you do me a favor. I would like you to stay with me tonight. Of course, if you don't mind, Sheila." Sheila shook her head. She knew that she wanted him close by her before he left off on his quest to find Virgil. She winked for Jean to come closer. She whispered something in his ear.

"Not too much noise, okay." She smiled at him.

"Okay." Was his short but powerful reaction.

Demi, Lore, Nicole and Theo arrived at the entrance of Sheila's cave. They looked inside to find Jean, Sheila and Samantha in it. Jean was holding Samantha when he saw the 4 Flygon standing in front of the cave.

"We didn't even get in. It was locked." Lore said.

"That means, no info." Theo said, in an answering tone. He was expecting a reaction from Sheila, but he didn't get one. She went on laying there, looking at them. As if she didn't really care.

"Guys, we already know where the chances are likely to find him. Come back tomorrow morning." Judging from how long it too for him, Penha, Halona, Morathi, Demi, Lore, Nicole and Theo to get back, he figured it wouldn't be long before the two twins, Vance and Varen and Flo and Fran, came back, and he lay down between Sheila and Samantha. He was a little tired from all the excitement, and he closed his eyes for a quick nap.

"He's cute, isn't he?" Samantha said.

"He sure is. And he's helping me a lot. I owe him a great deal already."

"Wow, 2 girls thinking I'm cute. This must be my lucky life." Jean said, with his eyes still closed.

"Ow, take a look. We aren't girls... ...We are women." They cuddled up with him, squeezing him between them.

"Fiona is Okay with it.... Oh. I see I'm disturbing something." Penha said, when he saw Jean with Samantha and Sheila.

"I'll just leave then." He turned round.

"It's nothing special, just cuddling a little." Samantha said. He turned around to face them again.

"When are we going to leave?" Penha asked.

"Tomorrow morning. In front of this cave." Jean said, a little drowsy. Penha nodded and went out of the cave.

It was near sundown before the twins came back. Flo and Varen were both covered in Varen's cum.

"So you had a little fun, while you should have been searching, huh?" Jean said.

"... Eh.... Yeah. Only a little." Varen blushed. Jean smiled.

"Go get yourself clean, and go to sleep. Tomorrow we'll meet you here, before sunrise. I'll tell you all you'll need to know by then." He nodded for them to go away. Jean went back inside, and lay down next to Samantha, to get some more rest.

"You know, those kids are really going to like the trip. Being out of the desert sure made something happen." Jean said.

"And what will happen when they see Virgil? They don't know him as good as you do. They've only just evolved." Samantha said.

"You're talking like Virgil is a bad person." Sheila said, getting a little angry.

"Take it easy, Sheila, you know that that isn't true." Jean said.

"Yeah, I know. But I ...... never mind...." She looked an other way. Trying to avoid eye contact with Jean and Samantha.

"You're worried sick about him, aren't you." Samantha said.

"Why shouldn't I be. He's been away for 2 days now, and I only know where he MIGHT be. And if he were to be there it would take at least four more days for me to see him again. You don't know how that feels. Jean has always been there for you, since you met him. He never left you alone for more than half a day, when he did leave you alone. He's never had such problems as Virgil did." She was crying heavily. Her tears hit the floor of the cave.

"I miss him... *sniff* ... I miss him so much already...." She went deeper into the cave. She needed to be alone for a moment. Samantha blamed herself for Sheila's outburst. She knew Sheila was in a lot of emotional stress, but she still made that comment. Jean saw her expression change.

"Don't blame yourself, Samantha. Sheila isn't really in control of herself. She would never say such things if she would be in control of herself." He gave her a small hug, and lay down besides her, like she wanted him. He was still hearing Sheila cry. He wanted to go there, to comfort Sheila, but he didn't. He knew she wanted to be alone. He went closer to Samantha, and put his head near hers. He purred, earning himself a small lick on the cheek. He closed his eyes once again, and went to sleep.

Virgil was still laying in the place he had been laying for the entire day, thinking about everything. The cabin was still littered with all the fragments and food remains. He had been visited by some Rockets that day, one of them tried to get him to move, by poking him with a stick. Virgil grabbed the stick and broke it into 16 different pieces. The Rocket didn't want to agitate Virgil, and left. He knew what he wanted to know. That Virgil was still alive, and that he, apparently, lost the will to fight.

Virgil was getting thinner, and he was thirsty all the time now. He felt himself getting weaker as the seconds, then minutes, then hours passed by. He was wondering how Sheila was. He left her without asking one of their friends for help.

"I was so stupid to leave Sheila alone." He said to himself. He softly started to cry, as he thought of what could have happened to her. Al sorts of thoughts passed his mind. He didn't notice the broom that was softly and swiftly going through his cabin. His eyes were closed most of the time, so he didn't see the rockets that were discussing things in front of his door. They were discussing what to do with him. His body was only moving thanks to his breathing, so he did seem a bit lifeless. One of the Rockets opened the door. Virgil turned his head to look at the intruder. The Rocket stopped moving, his heart starting to beat a little faster. He liked this feeling of fear. Adrenalin pumping through his body, driving him to move closer. Virgil followed the Rockets movements, and made signs that his company was unwanted. He growled deeply, as the Rocket didn't slow his movements. He stood up, rising to his full hight, trying to scare the Rocket away. It worked only half, as the Rocket only stopped advancing, and not back away like he wanted. The rockets behind the door took a deep breath as they saw the Flygon near their colleague. He growled deeply as he lowered his head to look at the Rocket face-to-face. The Rocket didn't back off, acting like he didn't fear whatever he had in mind with him. Virgil found this all very interesting. He hit the rocket with a small punch in the belly. The Rocket just stood there like he didn't feel a thing. An evil smile appeared on Virgil's face. He charged his mega Punch and hit the Rocket in the same place again. This time punching him into the Steel wall. The Rocket fell to the ground, holding himself at the place Virgil hit him. One of the other Rockets came in, to help his colleague. Virgil turned around. He lay down again. He had done his damage.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll ... be fine. He did hit me quite hard." The Rocket took a look at the Flygon.

"I'll be back for more, later." Virgil returned this sentence with a agreeing growl. The Rocket stood up with the help of his colleague, and went out of the room. The door closed again, letting Virgil have his rest again. He closed his eyes, when he saw that the sun had already gone down, and he went to sleep.


The sun hadn't yet risen when Jean woke up. The first thing he saw was Sheila laying next to him, nicely cuddled up to him. She was still sleeping silently when he tried to stand up. He was held down by Samantha's arm, wrapped around him. She was also still asleep, though not as silently like Sheila. He gave her a soft kiss and removed her arm from his back. He saw Fiona sleep on the other side of the room, she was on her back. A very attractive position. He ignored his primitive instincts, and went out of the cave to have a drink for himself at the stream. He took the bowl with him, just to fill it up with the water from the stream.

When he arrived at the stream, he saw that the stream was exceptionally low on water. He could barely find enough water to fill the bowl. He took many small sips, instead of the usual gulping of liters of water in one go. He saw that the sky was darkening a bit. He knew that the sun had already risen by now, but he could barely see the difference between midnight and now.

"Finally. It's about time." He smiled while he said that. He took a few more small sips and left off to deliver the bowl, that was almost full, to his mate and her friend.

When he returned, he saw that most of the search party had already gathered in front of the cave. Surprisingly, only Morathi was missing.

"That old guy will come soon. Don't worry. Now, tell us. Where are we going?" Halona asked.

"I'll tell you once I've delivered this." He put he bowl with water in front of the two sleeping females, and looked at the still sleeping Fiona. Again, he had to fight his primitive instincts as he left the cave.

"Now you've delivered you goods, tell us what we want to know." Halona said.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Jean asked.

"When the next toilet break is. I have to go..." Theo said.

"Now, if you really need to. It's going to be a long tr-"

"Thanks." Theo said as he interrupted Jean. He ran over to a large rock, and hid at the other end. Sounds of relief were heard not too long after that.

"Now where were we?" Jean asked.

"You were about to say where we were going." Morathi said.

"Ah.. That.. Okay. We are going to Rosebury City. Actually, a large building near it, but for now Rosebury City itself will do." Jean answered.

"And where might Rosebury City be?" One of the search party asked.

"Penha is going to make sure we get there. He's been there before." Jean said, his face turned to Penha. Penha took a step forward, and set his wings so that he could take off.

"Lets wait for Theo before we go." Nicole said. Everyone was startled by the sight of a thunderbolt near the Forest. A loud bang was heard about 30 seconds later. Raindrops started to fall not too long after the bang. Theo appeared from behind the rock. He looked like he was enjoying the rain.

The rain season had finally started.

"Lets go. Before the rain gets out of hand." Penha took off, closely followed by the eleven other Flygon, that were part of the Search party. It was beginning to rain harder. The sound nearly deafening.

Samantha woke up. She saw that Jean had already left.

"... Good luck...."

She turned to face Fiona. She was still sleeping in that strange way of hers.

Samantha was nearly startled to death when she heard a yell of pain coming from Sheila......

To be continued.....