The Prohibited Zone (part D-1)

Story by chevs on SoFurry

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#4 of Prohibited zone series

_The D-line was by far the most requested in the comments and I have to say: I'm not disappointed! For the ones that dozed off, this is the messy story line, including scat. Don't say I didn't warn you! (follow up of part C-1)



The Prohibited Zone (part D-1)

Fast, heavy panting and the occasional groan were the only sounds that filled the room when the first beams of light from the rising sun fell through the window. With the interior existing of such bright colors, the place was quickly lighting up. It was a happening that the imprisoned wolf looked upon with mixed feelings. Sure, the improved sight would make it easier to take the clothing off, but it also confronted him all the more with how he currently looked. So much anger he felt, for the malfunctioning system he had accidentally stumbled upon. Of course, the running program didn't mean to do him any harm. In fact, it probably thought it was doing him a favor, but that only made it worse.

Chevs shivered in effort as he pulled his knees up to his chin while lying on his back, tugging off the boxers. He clenched his jaws upon one another as hard as he could. The pressure was so strong, the pain immense. He felt like he was about to burst, but he had to hold on. Just a little longer. There was no way in hell he was going to wet himself like a baby. With trembling paws, he ripped the tapes off the diaper and shoved it aside in a hurry. Last were the panties that hugged his groin just a little too hard. He cursed loudly at the tiny space he had, once more having to pull his knees up to his chin. The rising sun brought light deeper into the room and a single beam reflected in the metal ending of the bottle he had been drinking from the night before. 'Yes. Yes, much better than releasing it all over the carpet' He stuttered to himself, but there was so little time. With his right paw he reached for the underwear, with his left for the bottle, but with both he didn't have much luck. The bottle was securely attached to the metal bar, something he should have remembered from when he tried to drink from it and the tight cotton clung to his groin, the pre cum from the night before forming a sticky connection between his fur and the delicate material.

Too little time. He yelled in frustration and pain when his body wouldn't wait any longer, forcing the first stream of urine out powerfully. It soaked right into the panties and dripped onto his legs. The canine winced, managing to cut off the stream and hold out a little longer. Tugging the underwear down no longer worked now that it was wet, not even with two paws, giving him no other choice than to roll the dripping underwear down his legs. He managed to get it to his knees before the dam burst. Saving himself further humiliation, he rolled onto his side before the stream could hit his chest. It soaked into the mattress, until the whimpering wolf pressed himself up against the metal bars, his sheath just sticking out of the caging.

Squeezing the bars tightly with his paws, he could do nothing but watch a puddle form on top of the pink carpet, before it soaked in. For at least the first twenty seconds, pissing hurt like hell, the emptying of his bladder giving no immediate relieve, evolutionary punishment for having waited too long. The scent was strong and musky, the color a deep dark yellow, as was to be expected in the morning. The whole room reeked of it by the time the pain turned into incredible pleasure. He rested his head on his shoulder and let out a heavy sigh. For a couple of seconds, his situation didn't seem so bad. His body had been in intense distress and now that problem had been solved. It was all that mattered.

His newfound joy wasn't to last. The door, first opening slowly, ended up flying against the wall. A small crack formed in the paint, where the door handle smashed against the wall. In the door opening stood the tigress and she did not look happy. He probably wasn't making it better with the small yellow stream still trickling on the carpet. Three steps and she stood before him, one shoe sinking in the wet carpet. Three seconds and she had removed the top of the crib. Another three and the front bars were removed. Linda raised his chin, forcing him to look into her eyes. Deep green and full of anger. Passion? Her face only inches removed from his own. She had always looked sexy when she was displeased. 'You know how they teach puppies not to do their business inside?' She snarled. He had a pretty good idea how they were taught, but he certainly wasn't going to feed her that thought. He didn't need to either. She pressed a strong paw on the top of his head and forced it into the wet carpet. He struggled and sputtered, but was no match for her, especially not when she sat down on his back. 'P-please!' He begged, paws frantically searching for something steady to hold onto. 'I'll never do it again!' Needing oxygen, he inhaled a lot more of the bitter scent than he had liked to. 'I'll clean it up myself!'

Linda didn't seem impressed by his promises, interrupting them with a firm spank on his left butt cheek. 'Did I not warn you about this, girl?!' She demanded from him. He kept his lips locked, kicking his legs at her in vain. Another spank, this time to his right ass cheek. Was she really spanking him? This tigress? Linda? He wished for it to be a delusion, he wished for it to be a nightmare. He would even agree on it being a perverted dream, but the next slap to his rear proved it was nothing but real. Such force did she put behind the slapping, that the skin started to glow red soon enough, but she just wouldn't stop. Left, right. Left, right, left. Left, right, left. Not with a hair on his body would he have believed that his bum could hurt so much, if he hadn't experienced this specific spanking. Within the minute, she had gotten him past growling, cursing and screaming, to bawling loudly. 'Did I not warn you about this, girl?!' She repeated with the exact same voice as before, as if she was replaying a recorded tape. Tears streamed down the canine's cheeks, mixing with the urine in his face fur. 'Yes!' He admitted sobbing. 'Yes you warned me!' And with that, the tigress rested her assault.

While he was still recovering from the most unpleasant experience, she grabbed him by the neck fur and dragged him right out through the door, back into what looked like a living room and then straight into the next room. The grip she had on him didn't feel all that strong, maybe only forceful enough to get him to where she wanted, but not nearly enough to restrain him. Feeling a chance to escape, his senses went in to overdrive. A large bathroom. Clean as a whistle. Black marble stones and the kind of lighting that made the place look sterile. A wooden table with a towel over it in the exact middle of it, several leather straps connected to the edges. Details his mind processed in less than a second. Still, he felt he was wasting time on unimportant circumstances. He struggled to his feet, gave a good pull to the right and managed to pull his neck free from her paw.

In the time he blinked his eyes, he had already visualized the way out.

In the time he blinked his eyes, he felt the freedom.

In the time he blinked, he fell to the floor, a wet pair of panties still holding his knees together.

The wolf smacked to the stone floor. Wincing in pain, he was picked up by the tigress and placed on the wooden table. 'Now, let's get to teaching you to use those diapers, shall we?' She stated with the sweetest voice, while pushing his front paws to the corners of the table, strapping them in real good. He gazed up at her in confusion as she ran the next strap over the middle of the table, effectively pinning his waist to the table. She showed no sign of having noticed his attempt of escaping and where she previously had been raging with anger, she now treated him like a cute little puppy again.

'There's a toilet right over there, just let me show you I'm able to use it!' The wolf pleaded, shaken up from having his freedom snatched away from him at the very last moment. Linda shook her head, rolling the panties down his legs and pushing his ankles against his ass cheeks, placing the last leather straps to press his upper legs against his lower legs, thereby totally immobilizing him. 'I can't have you messing all over the place' She told him. 'Babysitters that can't keep their puppies under control get fired'

The wolf had a pretty good idea what being fired would mean for a computer system and as it seemed she had been programmed to be as real as possible, he could imagine how important getting him under control would be for her. As he followed her every move, he groaned softly, the towel not being thick enough to make lying down on the table comfortable.

The tigress brought the underwear she had taken off his legs to her nose and inhaled deeply, her eyes brightening. 'So these you will use?' She exclaimed happily. 'Why didn't you just say so?' It was as if he had suddenly put her in the best of moods, something he found an ominous sign. She opened a large cabinet, half of it stacked to the brim with clothing, the other half containing all sorts of medicine. For Chevs, there was no moving or struggling to get free, something that gave a strange kind of peace, but when she walked up to him with a needle and a ball gag, rest made place for fear. 'This might hurt a little' She alerted him.

What was she thinking, using a ball gag on someone she thought a pup? 'No needles, no needles! Anything but needles!' The canine managed to scream out, before the plastic was forced into his muzzle and the strap connected on the back of his head.

Briefly, he trembled all over, preparing to have a needle stabbed into his skin, but she put it away. 'Not a fan of needles?' The surprised female asked him, taking a box from the cabinet. She made her way around the table, gently patting his exposed rear. 'Well, it's your choice after all.' With huge eyes, he watched Linda take out a plastic glove, which she snapped around her paw. She ignored his shaking head and paid no notice to his wriggling ass, that could hardly move with those bonds anyway.

After the tigress had squirted a generous amount of what he thought was lube on her paw, she smeared the white greasy substance all over her index and middle finger. When the glove touched his rear, their eyes met. His pleading, hers naughty and defiant. The look his ex had always given him when she was about to do something he had told her not to. 'This is fully necessary' She commented, but it didn't quite feel as if she was only taking necessary steps, the tip of her thumb sliding through his ass crack, circling around his tightly puckered hole. He braced himself several times, but not once did she go through with it. Only when he had given up clenching every muscle he had in his body, with every small movement he saw, did she slide her middle finger in until her paw blocked it from going any further. His tail hole didn't resist the well lubed finger even a bit, but it was more uncomfortable than he could ever have imagined. The sudden entrance left the walls of his bowels stinging, a highly unwanted burning sensation, while his anal muscles contracted strongly around the intruding finger. Linda grinned as the wolf kept shaking his head in every direction when she began twirling her finger inside, even moving the finger back and forth a little. She didn't make a rhythm out of it, soon pulling the finger fully out and plunging it back in. His sphincter spasmed helplessly, something that made her giggle softly, until he was loose enough to plunge the second finger in. With two of them twisting and moving about inside of him, the wolf tugged aggressively at the bonds, his face flushing all red. His sheath had already stirred and the tip of his cock was sliding out, while he was certainly not aroused.

Suddenly, the fingers were gone, which only made the burning sensation more apparent, but they came back. Not once, not twice, but three whole times did he see and feel her take a pill between her fingers and shove it deeply up his ass, giving him no chance to shove them back out. As quick as it had started, it seemed to have ended, for she rolled the glove off her paw and threw it in the trash bin under the sink. 'There we go honey, all done.' Said the female triumphantly, when she took out five plastic bags from the cabinet. All the wolf could do was mumble loudly into the gag as out of each one, she took one of those white panties with a pink waistband, before taking the straps off his legs. Humiliated and bound down, he didn't even consider kicking at her when she put him in girlish underwear, after girlish underwear. All five of them went up his legs and around his groin. The first was a little less tight than the last one he had been given, but when he had all of the cotton clothing tucked in place, he still felt them hugging his privates strongly.

Daring a glance down, he found it looked rather bulky and with so many layers of underwear, one couldn't even make out the form of his sheath anymore. The straps went off and finally the gag as well. The tigress picked him up as she had before, carrying him to the playing room.

'Those pills..' He started, but she cut him off 'You know what they are.' His tummy made a loud gurgling noise, something that he would have been embarrassed about at any other time, but right now it was the least of his worries. 'Can I please u..' but the tigress stopped him once more 'no' Her voice was kinder this time. She let him down on the couch, where he hugged himself tightly, a strong pressure rising inside. As she sat down next to him, cramps began hitting him. The kind of cramps that would make any person run for the bathroom praying to make it. It was what Chevs did as well, but looking back on it, he wished he hadn't. The second he attempted to dash off, Linda pounced him down and together they rolled over the blue, heavenly soft floor. She pinned his arms down above his head, pushing his legs open while lying on top of him. If she had had been male, he would have thought he was being raped. At first he struggled and yelled at her, but it wasn't long before the cramping became so bad that he held completely still, afraid that if he'd move, he wouldn't be able to hold it back. Every muscle in his body strained with effort, a drop of sweat running down the side of his head.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, plates in the ceiling moved aside and cameras whirled down on all sides of him, perfectly recording his horror struck face. Linda seemed to think elaboration was necessary. 'We can watch this later, to make sure you'll learn how it Should be d..' Her eyes changed from green to blue and back again. '9.06 AM.' Twice. The third time they stayed blue and with it, her programmed personality seemed to have changed completely. 'What's the matter honey, can't stand losing a good wrestling match?' The system seemed to get more unstable by the second; unsure as to what personality the representative of it should carry. 'L-linda, you have get off of me' The canine in distress stuttered.

'Why? You can't stand me riding on top for once?' The tigress teased him, guiding his legs around her waist and pressing her wet groin against his bulging stack of underwear. She licked her lips most seductively and released his paws, to stroke her long brown hair out of her face. A shiver went down his spine, as in her aroused eyes, he recognized every bit that Linda had ever been to him. 'P-plea..' She pressed her lips against his and gave him a most passionate kiss, while giving a strong buck against his groin with her hips.

Sweat ran down his brow and he grunted shamefully during the forced kiss. The moment she pressed himself up against him, he lost the battle, throwing his head back into his neck. 'L-li-indaaa!' Noisily, the first air found its way out of his rear and then there was no stopping it. His sphincter spasmed and burned when the first contents of his bowels made its way into the delicate, white panties. It wasn't just pressed or shot into his underwear, every sound he heard and every spasm he felt told him the first few squirts literally exploded into the clothing. All too well, he felt how his poop wasn't hard, nor watery, but more like a thick kind of mud. With the force of a geyser, new wave after new wave of his mess found the white cotton with every muscle contraction he had, until even the rear of the last one turned brown of color. Tears reformed in his eyes as he could make out exactly how every bit was pressed into his rear fur, all mashed up.

Whenever the poor wolf would think back on it, he would remember vividly how he moaned in shameful pleasure at getting rid of the awfully painful pressure. He would remember exactly how he grabbed one of Linda's arms, needing something to hold onto. He would remember how his ears twitched when they picked up the torrent of shameful noises, yes, and the nausea he felt when his nose picked up on the scent. And never, never would he forget how he felt the girlish underwear bulge out heavily at the rear, how the mess was pressed all over his balls and sheath and how he was sure he could feel some of it trickle out of one of the leg holes.

But most, most of all, he would remember seeing through watery eyes; the horror, disbelieve and disgust on the beautiful face of the tigress he had never stopped loving.

I think I might write on the other story-lines first now, but ideas of how to continue this one would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe I should end it here? Let me know what you think!
