A Streetdog's Dream Cum True 3

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please do continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.


Did I say lots of action in the last Streetdog story? 'cause this one's got it beat in my opinion. I do strongly suggest that anyone who wants to read this story read the first two chapters first, just so that you get the bulk of the story. Anyway, Jake and Zodiac are at it again, and with their two new friends, Cid and Kerreck. So if you enjoy lotsa cock, balls, and spooge, and maybe foursomes * grins *, then I think this story is worth a read.

Author's Note:

Well, guys, all these comments are helping a lot! The furotica portion of my brain must be turned on really high, 'cause I wrote this one within two days of posting the last one. * chuckles * Anyway, I'm pretty proud of this one, the 'Streetdog' stories always seem to come out a little better, maybe because I like the characters so much. This story isn't quite as heavy in plot as the last two, but the last two have quite a bit of plot, that's why I suggested reading them first. This one is mainly good ol' fashioned tail-waggin', tongue pantin', tailhole humpin', cock suckin', ball-slappin', gruntin', spooge-squirtin', messy, sticky gay yiff. Hope ya' guys like it. And as always, any kind of constructive comments are very helpful, they make me want to keep writing. ;) So you can mail any comments you have to [email protected] Enjoy!!

A Streetdog's Dream Cum True: Chapter III

I yawned as I opened my eyes; light was filtering in through the open windows. I yawned again, opening my muzzle wide, only to get a mouthful of fur. I coughed a little and then tried to move, but discovered that I was still in the middle of a very messy furpile. Dr. Cid and Kerreck were on either side of me, and Zodi was more or less on top. I pulled an arm free and the ensuing pulled fur due to the dried cum sticking my arm to Kerreck caused him to yelp, rousing the others.

Dr. Cid opened his eyes and looked around. "Ahh, a pleasant morning if ever there was one." His equine muzzle was next to my ear, and he gave it a lick. I heard a bit of a slurping noise as Zodiac pulled his limp lupine member free from Cid's tight horsey ass, and stood up, a wide grin across his muzzle.

Cid got up slowly, making sure to be careful not to pull any fur out, since we were cum-clued together and all. He stood up slowly and arched his back, his lean muscles flexing. The whole ordeal was enough to make me yiffy all over again. I didn't know if I could ever top last night's incredible experience, but my body and mind were sure willing to try.

I stood up and stretched myself, grinning toothily at the appraising ogles I earned from both Zodiac and Cedric. A third yawn escaped my muzzle before it turned into a wide grin. "Last night was wonderful, I've never cum so hard in my life."

Kerreck got up slowly, his muzzle covered in a crust of rottweiler spooge, thanks to the amazing blowjob he'd given me last night.

My thoughts returned to the past night's events. The taste of Cid's horsecock, the feeling of Kerreck suckling like a baby pup on my raging doggy cock...I felt my sheath bloat just a bit again, and blushed under my dark fur. I chanced glances at everyone else's sheaths, and noticed a similar condition.

Zodiac's soft, resounding voice broke the silent euphoria that engulfed the room. "Well, shall we shower? We certainly can't go out into public like this!" My love chuckled, and then grinned his diabolical grin. "On the other hand, it IS Saturday...perhaps we can...stay in?" Zodi licked his chops suggestively.

Cid smiled and chuckled, his paint coat rippling lightly with his mirth. "I'm fine with that. Saturday is usually my day to go to the Stable, my fitness club. But...I'm sure I'd get a very nice workout staying here."

"I'll do whatever my bosses want. If that's staying here, I have absolutely no problem with it. In fact, at a purely advisory standpoint, I would suggest that we all stay here for some * ahem * exercise." Kerreck grinned a toothy 'yote grin, and looked around at us.

I smiled and looked Zodi in the eye. "I'd love a little more collaboration on our collective project." I looked at both Cid and Kerreck in turn, and growled playfully, wanting full well to stay here and 'exercise'.

"Well, we should shower then." Zodiac led the way, and we all followed him through the hall and into the bathroom. Due to the size of Zodiac's one-floor apartment, the bathroom was quite large, and so was the shower-stall. There was plenty of room for all of us in the bathroom, and Zodiac opened the shower door, punching a couple of panels. Steamy hot water sprang forth from the giant showerhead that covered nearly the entire roof of the shower-stall. It was like a hard rain, warm and pleasant, and there would be more than enough for everybody.

I pinched Zodiac's cute, naked butt, and he yipped and turned around waggling a finger. "Naughty puppy...you'll pay for that."

I grinned and stuck my tongue out at him, knowing full well the consequences that my actions would have on us both in the future.

He pinched one of my nipples with a paw, and twisted, sending an electric jolt through my body, causing me to yip, and I tackled him into the shower, pushing him up against the far wall, sinking my muzzle onto his, pressing my chest against his, hard. He was quick to return the kiss, and I yipped into it as I felt the paw fondling my sheath from behind. I turned our muzzles to look sidewise, and I saw Cid's equine muzzle grinning widely as his paw worked my sheath. His own stud cock was already growing from its sheath.

I heard the shower door close, presumably as Kerreck entered. The little 'yote hadn't done much talking, but he'd certainly shown me just how yiffy and just how gay he was. He certainly knew how to handle a cock, and his muzzle had been divine the night before.

I broke the kiss, and licked Zodiac's neck, nibbling slightly, and once hard enough to make him yip, only because the hot equine stud behind me had squeezed my cock hard through my sheath.

It took me awhile before I finally noticed that my fur was pleasantly soaked with warm water. I looked into Zodiac's eyes again, my love as strong as a brightly burning flame in the cold wind of life. He was soaked, and almost looked comical. He would've looked comical, if he wasn't so damn cute, and hot to boot.

I cradled his muzzle in my paw, and gazed into his deep, ice blue eyes, and whispered, "I love you Zodi. I can't tell you how much I love you, I can't tell you how I feel, because it's deeper than words can portray. But I'll do my best to show you how much I love you."

Zodiac smiled softly and returned my gaze. "My love is deeper than the ocean, and stronger than the burning light of the sun for you, Jake. Nothing can ever change that. Now come here you big lug." He wrapped his paws around me, and pulled me into another kiss. I put my own paws behind his back, and returned the kiss and the embrace.

My claws clenched suddenly, digging into his back, and I tried to suck in a quick breath, pulling the kiss tighter. My eyes widened as I felt the sudden warmth and wash of breath as Cid buried his muzzle deep into my furry rear, his tongue probing at the entrance to my tight tunnel.

I relaxed after the surprise of the caress vanished, and Cid began to lick up and down my cleft, his long, muscular equine tongue working me wonderfully. Every lick, he started at my balls, and ran his tongue all the way up to the base of my tail, gaining shivers from me each time. He moved his muzzle under my balls, and sucked them into his muzzle, tugging at them, chewing on them just a bit, like a four-legged horse trying to pluck an apple from a tree. The effect was electrifying, and my claws dug into Zodiac's fur, our embrace ever the tighter. My puppy cock was edging even further from its sheath, more than half of it exposed, and nestled nicely in Zodiac's warm groin-fur.

Cid tugged again on my tan orbs, chewing on first one, and then the other, every lick and suck from his muzzle was heaven. My cock was growing by the inch, and would soon be fully exposed. The hot horse moved back to my ass, and found my tight pucker quickly. With a mighty thrust of his muzzle and tongue, his muscular appendage pushed into my rear, causing me to groan and push my fully exposed cock hard into Zodiac's warm, wet groin-fur.

I broke the kiss and moaned as Cid's experienced and very lithe tongue probed me deeply, sending chills up and down my spine. I whispered into Zodiac's ear between quick, short breaths, "Zodi...turn..around...love." He smiled and nibbled my ear a bit before obliging me and turning around. I grunted as Cid pushed his tongue even deeper into me, snuffling a bit as his nose pressed deep between my abused cheeks.

My paws roamed Zodiac's body, tweaking both of is nipples before moving down his muscular chest and belly. I nibbled at his ear, and left a little trail of kisses down the side of his neck as my paws reached their destination. I tickled the exposed tip of his cock, still feeling the warm water pouring down on me from above. I gripped his sheath hard, and tugged it up and down on his wolfcock. He winched his eyes shut and bared his teeth, growling in pleasure. My second paw moved down to tease and caress his orbs, squeezing on them gently, and then squeezing a bit harder as Cid whuffed and licked deeply into my tight tunnel. The horse's tongue was absolutely amazing.

My first paw continued to slide Zodiac's sheath up and down his own cock, but my second moved to his ass. I used a claw to trace up and down Zodi's crack before pushing it into his tight hole. He yipped a little in surprise, but relaxed again, and I pushed more of my finger into his tight ass. The water helped to lubricate a bit, and my finger slid in easily. I pushed it in up to the second bend, and twisted it a little, making Zodiac shiver. I grinned and pushed it in all the way to the knuckle, Zodiac's paws reached backward and raked through the fur on my sides, sending more chills up and down my back. I shivered and pushed my ass back into Cid's muzzle, and he whuffed again, twisting his muscular tongue around in my ass, moving it back and forth slowly. My grip on Zodiac's cock tightened, and my own cock throbbed in the heat of the wet fur on his back. I pushed a second finger into Zodiac's spasming tunnel, and he yipped again, but this time in pain as he was stretched suddenly.

I slid my fingers in and out of his ass, all the while pushing back onto Cid's muzzle, wanting more of that wonderful tongue. But all too soon, he removed muzzle and tongue, moving down to give my dangling orbs one last quick lick before standing up, and rubbing his own paw up and down his throbbing 18-inch horse meat. The thought of taking that whole horsecock scared me a bit, but the need for it became stronger than the fear. The truth was, I wanted him to take me, make me his mare. Just like I was going to take Zodiac, and make him my bitch. I withdrew my fingers from Zodiac's hole, eliciting another yip from him, and positioned my engorged rottie cock at his entrance. He held his breath and leaned against the wall, waiting for me to push into him. My lust was almost incontrollable, Zodiac's familiar scent filled my nostrils, and finally, I pushed forward, the tip of my raging doggie meat sinking into Zodiac's tight, hot tunnel.

I licked Zodiac's neck gently as I pushed into him, savoring every inch of tight tunnel, sinking my cock to half its full length. I licked Zodiac's ear, and gave a strong thrust, pushing the rest of my throbbing member into his tight ass in one go. He angled his muzzle upwards and opened it as if to yell or howl, but nothing came out. His eyes were winched tightly shut, his ears laid back, his muzzle in a close-mouthed grimace, his teeth bared as he felt me impale him fully, my balls slapping against his.

I breathed softly on his ear, my own eyes closed, savoring the feeling of Zodiac's tight ass, when I suddenly felt the enlarged head of Cid's cock against my own tailhole. I barely had time to breathe before he pushed forward with a mighty thrust, spearing me on half of his eighteen inches. I yipped and whined, the pain greater than almost anything I could imagine, and pushed into Zodiac harder, bracing myself against the tiled wall with my free paw.

Cid's girth was almost as painful as his length, and this was only half of it. I continued to whine, and bit down on the side of Zodiac's neck, trying to silence myself. Zodiac yipped again at the sudden extra thrust, and at the sudden sharp bite on his neck. Cid pushed again, sinking another five inches of horsemeat into me. The burning in my ass started to fade as the pleasure at being so filled began to overpower it. My other paw was still locked in a death-grip around Zodiac's fully engorged and exposed wolfcock. Zodiac whimpered, and I yipped again as Cid thrust his final four inches of rock-hard horsecock into my spasming ass. I felt his giant equine balls impact my lesser canine ones, and I unloaded a spurt of pre into Zodiac's abused ass.

Cid whuffed and whispered into my ear. "You're quite...mm...tight, little dog. If you...weren't..already...unn...spoken for...I'd snap you up...in an instant..." I pushed back, impaling myself on Cid's wonderful horsemeat, and ground my ass into his groin.

"Well, my dear hot painted stud, I AM spoken for. But that doesn't stop a good yiff now does it?" I chuckled and pushed back into Zodiac's warm ass, feeling Cid's cock pull from mine just a bit. The effect made me shiver and grit my teeth. I licked Zodiac's ear again, and began a slow, steady rhythm, pumping my canine member in and out of his ass. He matched it quickly enough, meeting me on every stroke, and grunting softly as I bottomed out each time.

My own grunts were a little more audible as Cid started moving with my thrusts as well, and soon enough, I was fully buried on one half of the stroke, and fully screwed on the other half. The feeling was divine, I couldn't even explain it. Being in the middle of a furry foursome was incredible, it was one of the most erotic things I'd ever experienced.

Cid started to grunt as well, but I soon figured out that it was because Kerreck had buried his coyote cock into Cid's equine ass, and was matching his strokes with his own. Taking my love, and being taken by the big hot horse, who was being taken in turn by the horny coyote, drove me wild. My pace quickened a bit with every stroke, and soon, all four of us were pistoning in and out of each other's asses. I moved both my paws now to Zodiac's somewhat neglected length, and started stroking it in time with my thrusts, leaning my weight on him, and pushing him up against the wall. His paws left the ground on every thrust, and his cock rubbed hard against the smooth wet tile as I ground into him.

One of Cid's paws was roaming my upper body, while his other found its way to my groin, gripping my cock as best it could as I thrust in and out of Zodiac's hot ass. He moved it away from the point of union between Zodiac and I, and started to fondle my dangling orbs as they slapped against Zodiac's and Cid's in turn.

I licked Zodi's neck again, and took it gently in my teeth. His fur was soaked completely from the shower, and the warm water osmosed into my muzzle from his fur as my teeth worked their way to his sensitive skin. My primal instincts were beginning to take me as the scent of male musk in the shower built, despite the water pouring from the showerhead.

The itch of orgasm was beginning to build in my abdomen, and my instincts took me. I became nothing more than a rutting canine about to tie and impregnate his bitch. I bit down hard on Zodiac's neck, the mating bite securing my prey until a more permanent tie could be established. At the same time, I felt a pinch on my shoulder as Cid took me into a mating hold. His instincts had taken him as well, nothing but his release mattered, and he was holding me, his mare, in place until he could inseminate me.

The itch in my abdomen became more insistent, and I thrust into Zodiac at a blinding pace, stopping for nothing. My knot began to form, and I pushed it into the sex-sore wolf with a mighty thrust, earning a yip. I smiled to myself, as I knew I was about to tie the wolf, cementing our mating. I felt Cid's cock swell within me, obviously preparing to deliver its precious load of life-giving, thick, creamy horse semen into my begging ass.

I thrust in quick, little jabs into Zodiac's spasming ass, and I felt his cock lurch as my knot tugged him. I slid my paws up and down his lupine shaft ferociously, wanting him to cover my paws with his spunk. Finally, Zodiac howled so loud I thought the glass wall of the shower might shatter, and his balls jumped as his cock pumped and throbbed. I moved a paw to just about in inch in front of his lupine member, and his cock jumped and finally pumped the first ropes of hot wolf seed to splatter against my paw. His sphincter clenched tight behind my knot and a second jet of steamy, sticky wolf cum splattered against my outstretched paw.

I released my mating bite, and moved the paw that had taken the first two shots of Zodiac's load to my muzzle. I licked it clean, tasting Zodiac's fresh wolf cum. The throbbing wolfcock in my paw, the taste of my love's warm cum fresh in my muzzle, the thick, hard horsecock forcing its way in and out of my ass, and the sphincter clenching so tightly behind my knot was all too much for me to handle, and I grunted loudly, closing my eyes and raising my muzzle into the warm water, finally loosing my load into Zodiac's warm, pulsing ass.

I pushed Zodiac into the wall, and lifted him from the shower floor, suspending his weight as the first jet of sticky, hot canine cum squirted into his ass. I grunted at the end of each thrust, hilting him deeply, unloading my abundant load of rottie semen into him, trying vainly to inseminate him, nothing but the incredible orgasm on my mind.

My own spasming sphincter gripped Cid's cock tightly, and I felt its head flare to an almost painful size as Cid neighed and whinnied loudly, pushing so hard into me that my own paws left the floor. And I felt the force and warmth as the first jet of thick, sticky horse seed blew into my ass. It felt like a fire hose had been jammed up my ass, and turned on at full blast. Each thrust and shot of hot stud cum was ecstasy. Push after push, whinny after whinny, pulse after throb, massive shot after massive shot of stud cream filled my ass quickly, the pressure bringing both pleasure and pain as I felt some of his horse-sized orgasm squeeze out around his cock and drip down my balls.

Zodiac humped desperately into my paw, and against the wall as his cock continued to unload volley after volley of sticky, sweet wolf cum onto his belly fur, the tiled wall, and my paw. My own cock wasn't done either as it continued to pulse and pump, sending squirt after squirt of rottie seed into my love's tight and abused ass. Cid was still in the throes of his massive orgasm as he pumped in and out of me, whinnying and pushing a jet of his fabulous, thick, life-giving sperm into my thirsty, unquenchable ass on every thrust, when I heard another ear-splitting howl.

Cid grunted and pushed extra hard into my tight ass, and I figured that Kerreck had just forced his knot into Cid's rear passage, tying him. Zodiac's motions faded, his orgasm finally coming to an end, and with one last pulse and weak shot of lupine seed, he sighed signaling the end of his incredible orgasm. My own orgasm began to fade as well, the power of my muscular contractions ebbing. The last few drops of my precious, warm rottie seed spilled into my love's ass, completing his insemination. But I knew we'd be standing there for quite some time, seeing that my knot was tied tightly behind his sphincter.

I gripped tightly behind Zodiac's knot with my clean paw, and slid my other paw up his cock, making sure to strip as much seed from it as I could, squeezing all the way, milking every last drop. Zodiac yipped and groaned as I removed the paw, and moved it to my muzzle, licking it clean as well, protecting it from the water as best I could, so as to get as much of Zodiac's wonderfully warm and tasty cum into my muzzle as possible.

I licked Zodiac's neck tenderly, but still growled at every thrust the big hot horse behind me made. The pleasure was intoxicating as his horse cock moved in and out of me slowly, every thrust in forcing more of his steamy equine seed out between my sphincter and his cock, the stream dripping from my balls almost continuously now. That horse sure had a lot of cum...but I knew that already, I'd sucked him dry just the night before.

There was another yip and a howl from behind Cid, and I imagined Kerreck was forcing his coyote cum as deep into the hot horse's ass as he could. Cid grunted as the last of his humongous equine orgasm spilled into my overfilled, over-pressured ass. I loved every bit of it, and I moved my free paw, which I'd licked clean, down to my balls to intercept a bit of the horse-seed that was dripping off of them. I put my paw to my mouth and 'mmed' as I tasted the horse's essence. It wasn't as good as Zodiac's in my opinion, but I WAS a bit biased, being that I loved Zodi with all my heart and soul and such.

Another audible grunt came from behind Cid as the young 'yote finished pumping his load of steamy coyote seed into Cid's tight tunnel. I smiled and kissed each of Zodiac's ears in turn, fairly satiated, just enjoying the feeling of his tight hole clamped behind my knot, and the thick eighteen inches that were stuffed fully into my ass along with a proportional load of horse cum.

We just stood under the flowing water, enjoying each other's bodies completely, our hungers satiated for the time being. Zodiac gained enough presence of mind to punch another panel, and soap mixed with the water pouring down from above. The frothy white stuff covered us, soaking into our fur, cleaning on its way in.

I whispered softly into Zodiac's ear, "Even my actions cannot describe my love, Zodi."

He smiled softly, his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall. I licked his muzzle softly, and wrapped my free paw about him, my other paw still occupied as it gripped behind his knot.

The shower was wonderful, all these friendly people around me and * ahem * in me, was a wonderful feeling. But the best part of all was sharing another tie with Zodiac. I felt closest to him when we were tied, it was as if our very souls were joined in a wonderful dance. The warm feeling spread throughout my body, and my mind drifted into all my thoughts of Zodiac.

It was several minutes before I finally felt my knot shrinking. Cid grunted, and I figured that Kerreck had probably pulled out. Cid did the same; I could feel the long string of horse cum, and the gush from my gaping hole as he removed his massive equine member. I felt him as he pushed his tongue gently into my crack, licking up the mess that he'd made of it, his tongue surprisingly gentle as it reached into me for his excess seed.

I licked Zodiac's muzzle once more, and drew my hips backward slowly, my cock popping out of his hole with an audible slurp. It receded quickly into its sheath, and I released Zodiac's cock so that it could do the same. A small string of puppy cum connected my cock to Zodiac's ass until I stepped far enough back for it to sever. I turned Zodiac around, and kissed him deeply, my eyes closed, my paws roaming up and down his back. I pulled him close, as close as my arms could manage, and held him for what seemed like an eternity.

We broke the kiss lingeringly, and proceeded to start grooming each other. All four of us started massaging the soap into each other's fur, cleaning every bit, and making sure to get every spot. Then Zodiac pushed another panel, and the water cleared. We helped rinse each other off, and Zodiac finally stopped the flow of water. He pushed a fourth panel, and jets of warm air blew in at us from all angles. All four walls, the ceiling, and even the floor. The jets of air didn't take long to dry us, and we all stepped from the shower-stall, each of us a worse fuzzball than the last. Zodiac brought out several combs and brushes, and we helped comb out each other's fur, making quick work of it.

Finally we all stepped from the bathroom. Assorted clothing was scattered rather haphazardly about the living room. Everything from suit-coats to underwear. Zodiac brought out three fresh T-shirts and three pair of long cloth shorts from his personal armoire for Kerreck, himself, and me. He handed us our clothing and looked at Cid apologetically, "Sorry, big horse, I don't have anything your size."

Cid shrugged, "That's okay, I have some extra casual clothes down in my office. I can just wear those."

I looked around, of course, Zodiac's outfit fit him perfectly, and the shorts fit me fine, but the shirt was a little loose. And the shirt practically hung off of Kerreck's fine frame. He had to cinch the drawstring tight on the waistband of his pair of shorts to keep them on.

"How about lunch, eh?" Zodiac piped up. I looked up at the clock and was amazed to see that it was already afternoon. My stomach grumbled as I thought about food, and Zodiac grinned. "I'll take that as a yes."

We all went to the elevator, and went to the lobby (after a short visit to the mailroom to get Cid some clothes). Channy gave us her famous eye. The voluptuous vixen smirked, licking her lips. No doubt she was curious as she saw us all leaving together, especially since Cid and Kerreck weren't normally in the building on Saturdays. The casual clothing was probably a further hint to things we might've possibly done. "So, boys, why didn't you invite me to the party?"

"Sorry Channy, no girls were allowed." Zodiac chuckled, and we all followed him out of the building.

The city was as busy as ever, cars racing up and down the streets, people walking between buildings and coming out of sub-rail stations. The hustle and bustle was remarkable, even on a Saturday afternoon.

We all walked to the small café that Zodiac and I had met at, enjoying the fairly clean air. The raunchy Miss Wendy greeted us.

"What'll it be, boys?" The middle-aged rabbit smiled a bit.

The food was good as always, and we ate our lunches leisurely. None of us was on any kind of time restraint, so we didn't see any need to rush. We talked a lot, and Wendy chimed in a few times. After we finished, we headed back for the Morphtech building. Channy wasn't there to harass us since she was only at the building until one on Saturdays. We went directly back to Zodiac's 104th floor apartment, and plopped down on assorted sofas, recliners and whatever else we could find.

Zodiac picked up the TV remote and flicked it on. It was a simple nature show. You know, the usual, showing wild four-legged wolves out in the forest. He switched a couple of channels, and then grinned his characteristic diabolical grin, and typed in channel 69. The TV flashed to a screen and the announcer's voice started in mid-sentence, "And now back to our exclusive presentation of Cum Foxes 4."

The screen flashed to three foxes engaged in what looked like a ferocious orgy. One of the hot vulpines was laying on a kitchen table, a second was straddling his shoulders, pushing his cock hard into the first one's mouth, and the third was fucking the first with a passion.

Glances passed around the room, and everyone's' sheaths started to stir. Zodiac chuckled like a child who'd done something naughty.

The foxes all looked to be in their late teen years, and they were going at it like it was their first time. "Oh gomph...mphuck me Astin....argh..." The first fox was trying to talk around the cock being shoved in and out of his muzzle, with limited success. The second fox kept riding the first one's muzzle like nothing else, and the third one grunted with every thrust.

"Oh jeeze...this is making me hot all over again." Cid started stroking his sheath softly through the fabric of his shorts.

Zodiac grinned at me. I knew that that was what he meant to do. Today was going to be all about yiffing, and Zodi wanted more. He gestured at Kerreck and I, and we got up almost inaudibly, coming at Cid from behind. Zodiac gave us an attack signal, and we all three pounced on the big horse, pushing his back flat into the soft cushions of the couch he was laying on. Kerreck locked his muzzle into a kiss before he could even neigh in surprise, and Zodiac and I made short work of his shorts, pulling them off very quickly.

The horse's giant rod was already exposing itself, and I gave it a quick lick. Zodiac reached a hindpaw to kick the release, and the sofa slammed down into a daybed with a clang. The grunts of the young foxes on TV could still be heard rather clearly, and it only egged us on.

I moved my muzzle to the horse's giant balls, sucking and tugging on them. Zodiac moved to the horse's somewhat stretched hole, and started sucking gently on his pucker. Kerreck turned around, presenting his ass to Cid's muzzle, and started sucking on his massive member.

"Oh, gods...unnh..." Cid gripped the fabric of the daybed tight in his paws as our three muzzles worked his genitals over in proper fashion. Kerreck grunted as Cid employed that wonderful tongue of his, probing into the 'yote's ass.

I chewed lightly on his orbs, enjoying the satisfying grunts coming from his muzzle. I felt his paws roam over my head, trying to touch all of the fur that was giving him such pleasure. He bit his lower lip and then sunk his tongue back into the coyote's unexercised ass. Kerreck grunted again, but continued to slurp the horse's length, which had almost met its full potential.

My own cock had extended completely, and was aching to be taken care of. I noticed a similar condition between Zodiac's legs, and I pushed him on the floor, rolling with him. I turned around and sunk my muzzle around his wonderful cock, and grunted as he did the same, engulfing my rottie pride with that hot muzzle. I chuckled to myself at the thought of fulfilling the porno channel's name...69.

The muffled grunts coming from above, along with the grunts issuing from the TV speakers was overwhelming, and the fresh male musk joined the odors that were left over from the night before, combining in an intoxicating cocktail for my nose. It drove me wild, and I emptied a little spurt of pre into Zodiac's muzzle. I grazed his sensitive flesh with my teeth, and gained a similar response. Our own grunts joined all the others, and the room was filled only with the male animalistic noises that accompanied mating.

Zodiac took his muzzle from my puppy cock, and pulled his own wolfcock from my muzzle. He grinned and gave me a "shh" gesture, signaling me to get up. I did and he whispered in my ear. I grinned and agreed it was a good idea. Kerreck had turned around and was teasing the head of the big stallion's cock with the fur in his crack, and Cid's eyes were closed.

We lay down on either side of the stallion, laying perpendicular to him, and interlaced our legs with his, and each other's. The horse was too wrapped up in Kerreck's treatment to really notice who or what the extra limbs belonged to. Zodiac and I scooted together, bringing our well-lubricated cocks together, and then slid up the daybed, positioning them at Cid's rear entry, still sufficiently wet due to Zodiac's earlier tongue treatment.

Zodiac gripped our cocks, holding them tightly together, and counted down, "Three, two, one, NOW!" Zodiac and I thrust up together, spearing the horse on both our cocks. Cid's eyes opened wide and he whinnied in surprise and pain. He'd never taken anything as big as his own cock before, we were just showing him what it was like.

"Ohh...gods..." I growled at the feeling of fucking a tight hole, but being against another cock at the same time. This threatened to beat this morning, and that was saying a lot! Kerreck looked back at us and smiled, growling playfully.

Zodiac and I just held our full depth in Cid's ass for a while reveling in the feeling that it gave us. I was extra hot now, and nothing was going to stop me from fucking Cid completely against my love's own hot cock.

Kerreck turned forward and silenced Cid's cries of pain with his muzzle, supporting Cid's cock, and sliding back onto it, pushing the horse to his absolute limits trying to hold back from cumming right away.

Zodiac and I started thrusting our cocks in and out of Cid's stretched tailhole, rubbing hard against each other the whole time. I let my paws run up and down Cid's abdomen, exploring his beautiful paint-coated body. Kerreck matched our thrusts with his own slides up and down Cid's throbbing horsehood, letting it go a little deeper on each thrust, wincing on each thrust as the horse stretched him further than he'd ever been before.

Zodiac and I picked up the pace, our pre starting to slick each other's cocks, and the tight hole surrounding them. Kerreck braced himself on Cid's shoulders, and took his full length, wincing and whining just a bit. He bent his muzzle down to kiss Cid firmly, trying to silence his own whines, and then he matched our pace, impaling himself on the horse's shaft all while we impaled Cid with both of our cocks at the same time.

Cid grunted partially from pleasure, but also from pain at being so stretched. Our speed was picking up as the familiar tingle began to build in my groin, warning me that my orgasm was on its way. Almost as if we were thinking as one, Zodiac and I thrust hard, pushing our knots deep into Cid's ass. The stallion scream-whinnied in pain as his hole was stretched incredibly, our knots burying themselves in his ass. The tight sphincter behind my knot, and the feeling of Zodiac's engorged, throbbing wolfcock against my own doggie member was all too much. The sensitive flesh against the sensitive flesh in Cid's hot equine ass, and the grunts coming from our own furgy and the one on the TV drove me over the edge, and Zodiac and I howled in unison as our cocks throbbed together, against each other within that hot horsey butt, and I felt our cum jet against our cocks before splattering and spraying deep into Cid's rear passage.

The feeling of two cocks throbbing and cumming in his ass at the same time was more than the stallion could handle, and he thrust up mightily, tugging Zodiac and I along with him, spearing his horsecock as deeply into Kerreck as he could, his second load of the day jetting into the sex-sore coyote's ass with the force and pressure of a fire hose. His huge cock throbbed and spasmed, stretching Kerreck even further. The giant equine member throbbed and pumped, each pump stretching Kerreck's hole, and unloading hot sticky ropes of horse seed into his thirsty ass.

Zodiac and I kept howling as we thrust in little sparks, squirting more and more wolf and dog cum into him. My cock throbbed almost painfully against Zodiac's, and the orgasm was so intense that I thought I would faint.

Meanwhile Cid was experiencing something similar as his head and body thrashed right and left, up and down, any way it could, wildly, both paws jerking on Kerreck's abused member viciously, trying to milk it. It seemed that it was working, because Kerreck grunted and bent down to take Cid's shoulder in a sharp bite as his cock unloosed his second load of the day. The hot ropes of thick, sticky coyote cum jetted onto Cid's belly and paws.

Zodiac and I thrust desperately against each other and into Cid's ass as our orgasms ripped through our bodies, our sweat soaking into the fabric on the daybed from our exertion, our faces winched into grimaces of painful pleasure. Squirt after squirt of joint canine and lupine seed pushed into Cid's tight, spasming ass. Until finally, Zodiac and I both sighed, letting our tongues loll out to pant, our cocks locked together firmly in the big horse's tight tunnel.

Most of Cid's horse-sized orgasm was starting to squeeze out from Kerreck's tightly gripping ass, saturating Cid's balls and groin-fur, warming his skin. Kerreck kept thrusting wildly into Cid's tightly gripping paws, squirting his load of 'yote seed all over Cid's belly and chest, a few ropes of it launching far enough to splatter across Cid's lips. He immediately darted his tongue out to lap up the precious fluid, drinking it like nectar, savoring its taste as well as he could, even in the throes of his own mighty orgasm.

Finally, Cid's pace slackened, and the last few drops of precious stallion seed spilled into Kerreck's abused bottom. Kerreck's own orgasm subsided as well, as the last weak spurts of coyote cream squirted onto Cid's belly.

We all sighed collectively, and Kerreck settled down comfortably on Cid's heaving chest. After lunch and the incredible yiff we'd just had, we were all ready for a little nap, so we nodded off one by one, I was the last.

* * *

I awoke to wan light filtering in through the window, I glanced up at the clock and was surprised to see that six had come and gone. The TV now showed a program where a tiger dom was abusing a poor husky sub who was chained to a table.

Zodiac was just laying there, smiling at me. We both withdrew slowly, our cocks slurping out of Cid's ass, allowing just a bit of collective wolf and dog cum to drip out. We both shivered as our cocks parted after being against one another for so long, and our shiver and withdrawal roused Cid, who, in turn, woke up Kerreck.

The young coyote got up slowly and shivered as Cid's limp, but still rather sizable, horsecock pulled out of him, withdrawing into its sheath. He stood up and gave all three of us a tender lick on the muzzle, and started getting dressed. Cid got up and kissed both Zodiac and I on the way up. He walked over to Kerreck and gave him a deep-muzzle kiss, smiling and looking into his eyes. I thought I might've seen a spark or two between the coyote and horse, but I resolved not to presume.

Cid too got dressed and smiled. "Thanks for the wonderful weekend guys, we'll have to come and visit more often..."

Zodiac chuckled, "You know you're welcome any time Cid. And you too Kerreck. I look forward to another weekend at the office in the near future." My wolf lover chuckled and waved. "We'll see you guys later."

The two waved back, and I waved to them as well, and they left without further word.

Zodiac smiled and stood up, turning off the Channel 69 porn, and told me to stay put, he'd be right back.

I did as I was told, and he headed off to our bedroom. I heard some rummaging and some shuffling of fabric, and he came out with a small black strip of cloth. He smiled and tied it behind my head, securing the blindfold. "Now, come with me into the bedroom."

Once again, I followed his instructions, and he led me down the hall to the bedroom. He guided me to sit on the bed. Soft romantic music was playing, and the outdoors scene in the corner made all sorts of relaxing sounds, as well as a small breeze to circulate through the room. I heard Zodiac putting something on, and he left me little kisses everywhere on my body, causing me to giggle a bit, since I didn't know when or where he'd kiss me.

Finally he untied my blindfold, and removed the cloth from my eyes. It was amazing, the entire room was lit by the soft orange glow of candles flickering in the soft breeze. Clean silken sheets covered the bed, and they were pleasing to my paws. I looked up at Zodiac, and he was dressed in what looked like his best suit. He looked so handsome, cute, and hot. I couldn't believe my luck in finding love with him. He looked rather better than me, seeing that I was naked and my fur was thoroughly mussed.

He walked up to me and smiled softly. "I've waited for this moment for a long time, and I've been saving this for a very special occasion, my love." Zodiac got to his knees and produced a black velvet box, open to reveal a simple gold band with something around its circumference. My breath caught in my throat, and Zodiac looked deeply into my eyes.

"Jake, would you honor me by wearing this ring, made from gold and a braid of my very own fur? And would you honor me, Jake, by calling my your lifemate?"

The tears welled up in my eyes and soaked the fur on my snout. I nodded a little and pulled him into a hug, kissing him deeply. "Of course, Zodiac, of course. I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. I would be honored to be your lifemate!" I kissed him again, trying to convey my joy and love to him, but unsuccessfully, as it was much too great for simple words or gestures to convey.

"I love you, Jake. Thank you." He took my left hand and pushed the ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly, and it felt wonderful, a symbol of our true and undying love for each other.

I kissed Zodiac again, and we held each other, we just held each other for what seemed like eternity. "I want nothing more than to spend my life with you."

"And I with you." I knew that I'd remember this night for the rest of my life. The day my love and I were mated for life.

The END * gasp * * slight pause * of this chapter I mean. * silly grin *

Hey guys, thanx for taking the time to read, and a special thank you to the judges for taking the time to seriously critique my story. I hope it was worth your time, all of you. Thanx to everyone, I'm really proud of this chapter, so please, e-mail your comments to me at [email protected]


Chronicles of Cyro Part II

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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The Chronicles of Cyro

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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A Streetdog's Dream Cum True 2

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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