Deviant Delights #4 - Merger and Acquisition

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#4 of Deviant Delights

Time flows differently in Dylann's realm, and it seems Zale and Ortun have been using it wisely. Meanwhile, Mark endures the cold in order to cozy up to a new flame that may very well change his life forever.

"Your form is off. If you throw it that way you won't get far. Instead try this..."

The merfox simply nodded as he watched his commander take his own harpoon and, after the towering merlion was sure he was being studied, he threw the harpoon lightning fast. It cut through the water like a guided missile, burying itself into the target beyond. With a wave of his hand, the harpoon retrieved itself before quickly returning to his hand. Every soldier was granted such a harpoon upon proving himself worthy of it, usually by graduating their basic training. The aquamarine weapon was heavily enchanted with sigils meant for a variety of purposes, most of them combat related.

"Do you understand, now?" the merlion said, looking down upon his pupil. His rainbow-hued eyes stared into him, causing the merfox to feel suddenly inspired. Taking the next training harpoon, he did his best to copy what he had seen, and soon his efforts were rewarded with the weapon hitting the target.

"I didn't do very well," he said, causing the merlion to chuckle.

"You hit the target, didn't you? We can work on precision later. Take what you have learned to do better with each throw. I will check on you later."

"Thank you, Commander Zale," the merfox said, turning his attention back to his training. Zale kept moving down the line, instructing or correcting each recruit in turn. Even when they made mistakes, he never once scolded them or raised his tone in anger, using patience and example to show them their errors and allowing them to learn that way. Not to say he was soft on them; his training was considered the most rigorous out of all the others, and yet those who managed to get through his lessons found themselves excelling in every aspect of their lives. It was as if his attitude rubbed off on them with every touch, every gaze into those eyes giving them the strength to carry themselves forward.

'How goes the training?' a voice in his head said, causing Zale to smile.

"It goes well, my lord. Our efficiency has increased threefold, and our newest recruits seem most promising," he said out loud. It wasn't an uncommon sight for one of Dylann's subjects to be seen talking out loud, even though a conversation could be held entirely inside one's head. It just seemed to make it more real to them, and to keep their minds from being too occupied while they moved about. Speaking kept them in the real world, as opposed to the internal world of their minds.

'Very good. You have done well, Zale.'

"No more than any in my station, master. But I am grateful you think me worthy of such praise."

'Come see me in my chambers, once you have finished for the day,' Dylann said, before closing their link once more. Granted, they were always linked as subject and master, but there was just something about his lord's presence speaking directly to his mind that caused him to bask in the afterglow for a moment. Snapping his attention back to his work, he moved on to the next recruit.


It was some hours later when Zale finally dismissed his charges, allowing them to rest and recuperate for the rest of the day. They had started early in the morning and had practiced until noon, as they had done every day. Sometimes he would throw in a bonus lesson, but he never wished to tire them too much. As he swam through the corridors, he passed by the entrance to the throne room and stopped to stare for a moment. A twinge of familiarity hit him, but not in the same way as someone who was familiar with the castle. As the feeling finally passed, he wondered at himself. This happened from time to time, but even so it was always disorienting. Continuing on, he navigated past merfolk of various mixes and species, all of whom bowed before his passing. He was second only to the lord of this realm, as was his counterpart Ortun. The merwolf and he had a special bond, having known each other their entire lives. Or at least, that was how it felt most days they were together. While they were not a couple, it was hard to tell they were only friends at first glance.

Finally arriving before a set of double doors, he ensured he was presentable before knocking upon the door. He was surprised when they opened for him; usually his lord would tell him to enter, and he would open the door himself. But this time Dylann was opening it for him, giving him a look he was not accustomed to.

"...You called for me, my lord?" Zale said, bowing his head in reverence.

"Come in, Zale. I require your presence," Dylann ordered, moving inside the room. Once Zale entered, he closed the doors behind him before turning to face him, his tail and arm fins aiding his navigation.

"You seem distracted, my lord," Zale said, worry upon his face. "What might I do to ease your burden?"

"It is nothing like that, Zale," Dylann said, the sea-goat reclining into a suspended bed of kelp. Normally kelp would float, but this was a special variety grown for all bedding and furniture for merfolk; not only would it stay at a certain depth depending on its construction, but it was extremely comfortable as well. Patting a spot next to him in the net-like bed, he waited until Zale obliged and reclined next to him. He was painfully aware of how close he was now, his cock throbbing even more as he relaxed in his arms.

"What do you intend with me, my lord?" Zale said, apprehensive despite his excitement.

"I have resisted for a long time, but I find you dominate my thoughts as of late," Dylann said, his navy blue eyes staring into Zale's rainbow gaze. "I simply wish to be close to you, though if you are not opposed to it, well..."

"Opposed to what, my lord?" Zale said, realizing just how close his face was to Dylann's.

"...I wish for you to be my lover," Dylann whispered, causing a shiver to travel through Zale. "But only if that is what you wish. This is not an order, but a confession of my feelings. What say you?"

"I am already yours, my lord," Zale said, smiling. "But I thought you would never want me that way. I have waited so long, hoping to catch your eye and favor. But what of Ortun?"

"He is desirable, yes," Dylann said, gently kissing Zale on the lips. It was like heaven to Zale, bliss flooding through him as he leaned into it before the sea-goat broke away. "But there is something about you that I find irresistible. While I am sure he could satisfy my more carnal desires as well as you can, it is your heart I wish to have beating next to mine."

"I desire this, as well," Zale said, his chest pressing against Dylann's as they drew closer to each other. "I have for years, though I have not forgotten the lessons that you have taught me."

"Has it truly been so long already?" Dylann said, causing Zale to nod. "I had not realized. How many years has it been since you came into my service, Zale?"

"I do not know the exact number. Perhaps a decade now? I confess my memory fails me at times," sighed Zale. "I also seem not to have aged a day, my lord. Why is that?"

"As one of those sworn to my service, your lifespan is significantly longer now," Dylann explained, though his eyes were more troubled now. "A decade is a drop in the ocean compared to how long you have yet to live. But it is unlike me not to keep track of the time. Tell me Zale, what do you remember of your life before becoming one of my warriors?"

"...It is very murky," Zale said, furrowing his brow. "I only remember a few people, and even then I am not certain of one of them."

"What are their names?"

"Davin, the elder daemon Lust. Maeryn, the elder daemon Envy. And... a lion...? I confess his name escapes me at the moment, though I feel like I have feelings for him. But surely he has forgotten me and moved on after so long?"

"It has been long for you, but not for him," Dylann said, even more concerned now. "While I am in this realm, time stretches much longer here than on Earth, remember? It may have been ten years here, more or less... but that would only mean perhaps an hour or two there. Depending on how close or far my realm is at this very moment, at least. The only time my realm and Earth are in sync is when I am there, as all you see here is merely an extension of my power."

"Forgive me my lord, but what realm is Earth, again?" Zale asked, confused even as his head began to pound. "Is it where I met those three?"

"Yes, and no," sighed Dylann. "I fear I would confuse you further if I went into specifics, but suffice it to say you are from Earth. It is a realm of land and water, and you were a lion who walked upon the land with two legs. Do you truly not remember that?"

"No. For as long as I know, I have been here," Zale said, tensing up. "Is there something wrong with me that I can't remember, my lord? Am I sick?"

"No. This was going to happen anyway," Dylann said, reassuring him. "There are some in my service who would remember more of their home-world, or less. All this simply means is that of all the things you can remember, only one of them you have any true attachment to. You will always remember meeting an elder daemon, due to our nature. As I have told you once before."

"I do remember you saying that now," Zale said, relaxing. After a moment his eyes lit up, a smile beaming across his face. "...Mark. His name is Mark. I remember that now, too."

"Do you love him?" Dylann asked hesitantly.

"...I don't know," Zale said. "I remember lusting for him. I remember living with him in a place where the only water there was came from a metal basin of some kind. But love? Maybe I hoped for such a thing, before all this. I would have to see him again to be sure. But I do know one thing for certain when it comes to love."

"And what is that, Zale?"

"I know that I am in love with you, my lord," Zale said, blushing. Before he could say anything else, he moaned in surprise as Dylann's mouth met his in a kiss of fierce passion. Recovering from his initial shock, he reciprocated as he wrapped his arms around his king's waist, his hands resting on his back. When they finally broke away from the kiss, they found they could not stop smiling and staring into each others' eyes.

"...I have an idea," Dylann said, using his power to lift them both from the bed. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course, my lord," Zale laughed, allowing the magic to flow over and through him.

"Then relax, and let my will dominate yours completely for now," Dylann said, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter. Zale's smile widened as his own eyes began to glow with the same power, his entire body going limp as he felt pure mindless bliss. Only his lord's will mattered, his body moving as his lord wished. He barely noticed Dylann moving to his side, keeping his eyes locked on his at all times even as their tails began to merge. Gold and aquamarine scales merged and alternated in intricate patterns, bones shifting and muscle mass increasing to compensate. For a moment the sensations became nearly unbearable as the merging reached their cocks, but as soon as their girth and length grew to its new combined size the part that was still Zale could feel his willpower being reinforced with Dylann's own.

"You are a vessel for me," Dylann said, causing Zale to nod even as their torsos began to merge and lengthen. Their arms stayed separate from each other, one set of arms below the other, but as the magic reached their neck and shoulders their arms became nearly indistinguishable from the other. Their fur was a mixture, the darker yellow of the merlion's fur forming to become markings and tattoo-like designs upon the off-white of Dylann's. All four arms stroked and teased their muscles and torso, and soon their heads were the only unchanged parts of them.

"What are you?" Dylann asked, giving him one more chance to turn back.

"...A vessel for you, lord," Zale said, his heavily tranced voice beginning to sound like Dylann's.

"If you truly accept this deep down, then kiss me," commanded the daemon, and without hesitation Zale's lips met Dylann's. Breaking away, Dylann's power began merging their necks and heads, a great pressure causing both to close their eyes as bones and tissue remolded themselves to combine both their features. When they opened their eyes again, they were momentarily disoriented as they readjusted to their new vision; it was nothing new for Dylann to see through four eyes, but Zale's own senses were confused until their minds began merging as one. It was soon impossible to tell where one began and the other ended, and as they felt the crown rotating above their head change slightly in its design they knew that the process had been completed.

"We... are one," they said in amazement, looking into the nearby mirror. "But of course we are. Why would we not be?"

They spent the next few moments admiring their handiwork, watching their dark-brown and white streaked mane float around their head. The horns had thickened and grown, more to accommodate for the extra bone mass than anything. What surprised them was that the aquamarine crown was gilded with gold, intricate designs blending with and complimenting the gemstone.

"Even that far, hm?" they said, one of them smiling with their sharpened teeth. The muzzle was more feline than goat now, though there was clear influence from the latter. Their four eyes were rainbow-hued, though the blues were even deeper than before within the swirling depths of their square irises. One pair was set slightly higher and wider than the other set, and they noticed quickly that their field of view was significantly expanded as a result.

A knock at the door caused them to jump, though more-so the part that was Zale. For a moment they hesitated, but then they realized it did not matter. It was their realm, and these were their subjects. The reassuring thought caused the both of them to nod before turning to the door.

"Enter," their combined voice rang out; it was Dylann's voice, but deeper and more wild than before. "But remain calm."

"Remain calm? Are you well, my l- what in the deep blue sea...?" Ortun said, dropping his book. The heavy tome floated down before hitting the ground, forgotten as the merwolf stared in utter bewilderment."

"Do we frighten you?" asked Dylann, his name representing them both now.

"...Zale? Is that you in there with our lord?" asked Ortun, smiling despite himself. His scholarly mind had taken over now, causing him to swim around to get a better look at the now much-larger being.

"Zale is with us, yes," Dylann said, nodding. "We would have you join us as well, but we would have to first attune to this new body for some years first. It would be too dangerous otherwise."

"Is it... permanent?"

"Not until we are fully attuned, though we understand your concern," Dylann said, reassuring the merwolf. "We have done this before, but never with a mortal. Even so, his soul is separate enough from the rest of us that Zale is not in any danger of becoming a true daemon. We were surprised and humbled that he so easily surrendered it to our charge, however. You see it up there, in our halo."

"And it's safe up there?"

"The crown was ever only a visual representation of our power," Dylann said, smiling. "He is safe deep within; Dylann will not let him be harmed. But we were just about to leave. Do you require something of us before we set off, Ortun?"

"Well, I was here to ask if there was anything special my lord wished to have for dinner tonight, but I see that will have to wait now," Ortun said, chuckling. "But if there is anything you wish me to do in your absence, then I would be more than happy to see it done."

"Cancel all of our appointments for tonight, though ensure the palace servants are properly fed and taken care of," Dylann said, the two of them smiling together. "We will be going through the Maelstrom for a bit in the meantime."

"...Is that wise, my lord?"

"We believe so. Though we are unsure what mortal form we shall take once we reach Earth."

"...Might I make a suggestion? I believe I am well-versed enough from my studies about the realms, though only because of your wonderful library," Ortun said, a thrill running through him as his lord drew closer to him.

"We are listening," Dylann said, their ears neither fully lion nor goat turning towards him as the magician began to tell them what he had in mind.


Mark sighed, checking his watch again. He had started wearing a watch at Rick's suggestion, due to how much he forgot to go and get him for his shift when Mark's was over. He was still just so used to doing everything himself. Davin had always offered to hire more help for him, but he'd always refused until Rick had become a lion like himself. There had just been something about the human even before he became a fur that had caught his attention. Maybe it was because he often reminded him of when he was human, himself.

Rick was usually punctual, but obviously with the interview with Temperance he was going to be a bit late this time depending on how it went. When two hours had passed, however, he had started to grow worried. As if sensing his distress, he felt a charge of electricity run through his senses, stimulating him. Feeling himself grow erect again, he readjusted himself without shame despite the few people in the alleyway. While he was out here, he could only sense feelings from Davin and vice versa, but only when they were focusing on it. Even then, he had to be by the door. Shivering, he wrapped his leather jacket around himself. It was getting colder, and the snow was starting to stick to his mane. Burying his hand into a pocket, he fished out his pack of cigarettes and expertly brought one to his lips. Damn, it was his last one... tossing the box into the nearby bin, he searched around for his lighter before he grumbled. Had he left it inside? Fuck.

"Might I be of assistance?" a voice said from nearby. Turning, his eyes cross as he saw the flame from the lighter dancing before his eyes. Bringing the cigarette to it, he waited for the end to light before taking a drag. With fresh nicotine running through his system, he exhaled and shuddered with pleasure.

"Thanks, um... wow," Mark said, his cigarette almost falling from his hands as he felt his cock twitch.

"I'll take that as a compliment," the stranger said, pocketing their own lighter. "I don't do this sort of thing very often, but it's nice to be appreciated by someone who clearly knows what they want."

"I... um," Mark said, clearing his throat. He took the awkward moment to look the new arrival up and down. Clearly they worked out, their muscular physique obvious from the tank top that stretched tightly against their body. The tie-dye nature of it contrasted sharply with the black leather jacket they wore, and if Mark hadn't known any better he'd have almost thought it was his own with how closely they matched. In fact, didn't that lighter look a lot like his own, as well? Before he could question it too much, he found himself crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, smiling. "You here for the bar? Go on inside... unless you want to stand out here for a bit and keep me company."

"Well, it is a bit cold out... but I suppose I could spare a few moments out here," chuckled the man, scratching the longish beard adorning his chin. A chinstrap followed up his jawline to connect to the hair on his head and give off the impression of some sort of wild beast, though all of it was dyed a dark blue. A bit of a red blush formed on the man's tanned face, though his eyes were anything but bashful as they eyed him up and down. If it hadn't been for his nose, which appeared to have been broken at some point in the past, he could have passed for some kind of model. Mark found it way more attractive, however; this was a man who could fight as well as look good.

"...I'm Mark," the bouncer said, clearly infatuated already. Taking another drag from his cigarette, his face was brimming with nothing but pure confidence. "We could head inside together. I'm overdue for my break anyway."

"Nah, I'm good out here. I like the snow," the man said, staring up at the sky. "You might be warmer if you stood by me, though."

"Ah... I really shouldn't step away from the door, but..." Mark said, clearly conflicted. Sighing, he mentally signaled the feeling that he was going on break before stepping toward the man, who was leaning against the wall opposite the door. He already felt the mental connection sever after two steps, but it wasn't like that was new. He didn't live at the bar, after all.

"There you go. Relax," encouraged the man, watching as Mark rested his shoulder against the brick wall, facing him.

"I didn't catch your name, handsome," Mark said. "Though you sure seem familiar..."

"Maybe we met in a past life," suggested the man, bringing his own cigarette to his mouth before lighting it. Something about his voice soothed him, tugging at something inside him as he listened. "And I didn't give my name, Mark... though you can call me Zale, I suppose. Everyone else does."

"That's not a name I hear every day," Mark chuckled. "I like it. Why haven't I seen you around here before? Think I would've noticed someone like you."

"You're acting like I'm a tall glass of water," Zale said, resting his elbow on his arm as he propped up his cigarette hand.

"Well, I am dying of thirst," growled Mark, taking the opportunity. It wasn't his first choice of a pick-up line, but right now he was too horny to care. "We could have some fun, I bet."

"Are you seeing anyone, Mark? Before we do anything I need to know that."

"...Yeah, sorta. We're not official but I keep trying to drop the hint that I'd like more. Maybe I'm being too subtle... and it doesn't help I'm poly-amorous, so..."

"Hm... so you have a boyfriend, sort of," teased Zale, smiling. "Well, I'm sure if he were here he'd probably be as excited as you are now."

"You think so?" Mark said, walking a bit closer. They were almost touching now, their body heat mingling between them. He wasn't too much shorter than himself, and Mark found himself constantly ogling his muscles... especially those meaty pecs jutting out from his too small shirt. He almost reached out to grope him, but stopped himself. What was he even thinking? That would have been way too fast.

"You like what you see, yet you hold yourself back," Zale said, sounding impressed as he looked up at Mark's sheepish grin. "Go ahead, I don't mind. Everything in moderation, yeah?"

"Oh, don't worry. I know how to... go slow," Mark said, taking the invitation to lean in close. He wasn't sure if it was just how horny he was, or how fascinating this man was to him, but he felt his skin tingling as their lips touched. As much as he wanted to explore that mouth right away, there was something gentle but passionate about that kiss that caused him to pause and enjoy the moment. The first to break away was Zale, leaving Mark to stare into space as he gathered his senses. "...Wow. Now that's a kiss."

"I'd have thought you'd be halfway down my throat by now, but you were very gentle," Zale said, blushing. "You dropped your cigarette, by the way."

"I did? Ah f-... um, well... I guess it's fine," sighed Mark, suddenly watching his words. When did he get so fidgety? This wasn't like him at all. "...I mean, it was my last one, but I can buy more on the way home. Besides, I'm craving more than nicotine right now..."

"Here, have one of mine, if you want," offered Zale, holding up a cigarette and his lighter in one hand. He must have pulled them out when Mark wasn't watching, but after a moment's hesitation he gratefully took them. Lighting it up, he gave the lighter back before inhaling. His eyes bugged out a bit as he felt a little different. Exhaling, he watched the snow fall in silence with Zale, both just enjoying the night.

"What brand is this?" he eventually asked, resting his head against the wall. "It's not medicinal, is it?"

"No, nothing like that," Zale said. "I don't smoke these too often, but I like them well enough. Here's the box if you wanna see it."

Taking the cigarette pack from him, he chuckled a bit at the symbol of a Capricorn on the front. The name of the brand wasn't familiar to him, but just staring at the wavy designs helped him feel calmer somehow.

"It's funny..." he said, handing it back. "I know a man who'd probably love these."

"Who, Dylann?" Zale asked, causing the lion to jump in surprise. "Oh, don't be like that. I work for him. Of course I'd know his name."

"...I see," Mark said, slightly wary of his words now. "...What's his job, again?"

"Depends which one you mean," chuckled Zale, dropping the spent cigarette from his hands onto the ground. Crushing it, he turned toward Mark and took another step, slowly wrapping his arms around his waist. "His day job, as you would say, is a lawyer for a firm downtown. You probably know the one since he comes here every so often."

"Oh, so you work at his firm, then," Mark said. When Zale shook his head, Mark cocked an eyebrow. "No? You said you worked for him..."

"Oh, I do... though I'm usually a bit more reserved than this. Working for Temperance tends to get one hot and bothered on occasion."

"...Huh..." Mark said, nodding. "So that explains a few things..."

"Like how you've been showing a bit more self-discipline? Then again, you always did do that. So dutiful, denying yourself pleasures just so those inside the bar could be left in peace."

"You've been watching me?" Mark asked, curious.

"Would it bother you if I said yes?" Zale said, smiling when Mark didn't draw away from him. Kissing his bare chest, he looked up at Mark to see him staring at him with desire.

"I think it's hot," Mark growled, wrapping his own arms around the man. "Should we head back to my place or yours? Assuming you wanna do this still..."

"I think mine will suffice," Zale chuckled, gripping him tighter. "Hold your breath."

"Why would I-" Mark began to ask, before he saw the wall rippling. Immediately breathing in, he held his breath as Zale's deceptive strength pulled them both in. He felt water rushing around them both, and in a panic he gasped before realizing he couldn't breathe. But before he felt like he was going to drown, he felt himself being scooped up out of the roiling waves and a bubble of air forming around him, pushing back the water as he knelt and coughed his lungs out.

"Normally we'd be more gentle, Mark," a voice said from above. Feeling his blood freeze, he looked up to see something that kept him on his knees in fear and awe.

"...W- aghh... dammit..." Mark spluttered, coughing once more. Taking a few breaths, he looked up again before he found his voice. "...We?"

"We are Zale, but we are also Dylann," the sea-goat said, though he looked far different than what Davin had described him as. "Though... we suppose you know Zale by the name of Rick."

"What have you done with him, Dylann?!" Mark weakly shouted, feeling anger rising within him. He felt foolish and humiliated, having fallen for such a cheap trick. But then, he didn't think he'd get kidnapped by an elder daemon, either.

"Nothing he did not choose to do," Dylann said, as they continued traveling. Mark realized they were in an ocean, and the bubble of air protecting him was literally just that, a bubble. "It was his idea to bring you here, once we saw you in that alleyway."

"Yeah but I didn't ask to be brought here!"

"Didn't you, though? 'My place, or yours', remember? You left that choice to us, and we chose. This is our realm, our 'place'. Though we do not intend to keep you here unless you wish to stay, of course. We only ask you hear us out first."

"...Fine," Mark said, grumbling. It was obvious the daemon could hear him, so he didn't feel the need to shout anymore. "But tell me why you're fused with my boyfriend first..."

"He didn't expect it at first, but he did accept it in case you are wondering. But the fusion was to show him... us... what it was like. And it has been time since we have merged with another, even temporarily."

"...Oh, so it's not forever, then..." Mark said, shaking his head. This was getting a bit overwhelming. If he were in any true danger, though, he was sure his boss would come find him. Besides, this was Temperance he was dealing with. A Cardinal Virtue!

"Why did you tempt me back there? You might as well have been my boss..."

"We were not lying about our interest in you... most of that interest from Zale, of course," Dylann said, smiling. "And besides, Davin acts more like a Temperance daemon than he does as Lust. Can you deny this?"

"...I don't have much experience with other daemons besides him and some of the other elders," Mark said, shrugging. "But he always makes sure we're sober before we drive, he makes sure we don't drink too much... I suppose that does sound like you, doesn't it?"

"Yet many of his motivations are because of pleasure. Someone who drinks too much ruins the fun for many others, or passes out before that pleasure can keep going. Gluttony might enjoy such a thing, but Lust? It would be like..."

"Like having sex and finishing up before your partner does, then leaving them frustrated," Mark said, wincing. "Well, maybe that's too graphic. Sorry."

"You're not completely wrong, though. There's a bit of overlap even between Virtues and Sins... which is why we always thought those titles were a bit lacking. Still, it helps mortals distinguish us a bit better and helps us focus our intentions better, so we cannot say they are completely useless."

Before Mark could ask anything else, a shadow passed over them. Looking around he realized they had entered some sort of structure made of aquamarine. After a bit longer, they entered what looked to be the throne room. At first it looked as if the massive sea-goat wouldn't fit his throne, but with a quick wave of his hand the throne grew and readjusted itself to fit his new dimensions. As he turned and let the momentum carry him into his seat, he relaxed and brought Mark up into his field of vision.

"...What do you want with me?" Mark asked, still kneeling. He hadn't bothered to stand, since he hadn't wanted to get tossed around during the trip. But now, he found he didn't have the energy or will to stand under that gaze, and he hadn't even begun to do anything to him yet.

"We would like you, if you are willing to serve us," Dylann said, his unmasked and combined voice making Mark feel weak. "Though only if you would choose to do so."

"And why would I choose that?"

"Your motivations would be your own, though look around and tell us what you see from our servants. They cannot hear us, so do not be afraid of speaking your mind."

Mark looked around, angry at first until he realized most of them seemed... aroused. But despite, they all went about their duties with smiles on their faces, occasionally bowing to their king despite his new appearance. Mark couldn't help but feel fascinated by the variety of hybrid mermen. He felt himself getting hard again despite himself, which caused him to blush when he realized Dylann probably knew exactly what he was feeling.

"You're saying I could be like that, basically," Mark said, eventually finding his voice.

"I'm saying you could be happier here, especially because 'Rick' is already happy here. The only reason we came to get you was because you were important to him, so we wished to show you what you were missing. He wished to share this with you, too."

"As your slave, I bet..."

"None here are slaves, for all serve willingly," Dylann said, a note of anger in his voice. "If we wanted you to be our 'slave' you would already be lost. We would also not keep someone against their will, for their defiance would weaken us overall."

"...So submission feeds you, too?" Mark said, feeling even smaller. What was wrong with him? Then again, he had started feeling this way when he'd smoked that cigarette. "Did you poison me so I'd feed you with my energy?"

"No, those were truly meant to relax you," Dylann said. "Why? What is it you are feeling right now? Be honest."

"I... feel weak," Mark said, feeling some sort of magic flow through him that made him unable to lie. He was hesitant to tell the truth, but not because he wished to lie. It was simply hard to speak his mind at times. "I thought maybe I could be stronger with Davin teaching me, especially after he gave me what I desired... but there's always a bigger fish, isn't there? I'm still so, so weak..."

"It's humbling, isn't it?" Dylann gently said, a note of concern in their voice. "Do you know what we find humbling?"

"My boyfriend or you?"

"Both of us. Zale is humbled by our power, and in much the same way felt so weak and small compared to everything else. Even before our interview had concluded, he was on his knees in subservience to us. That was ten years ago."

"...Ten? Are we that far away from Earth then?" Mark asked, watching the sea-goat nod. "Damn. I guess boss isn't gonna find me anytime soon, huh?"

"Even if he were here, he would not be able to do anything against me in my own realm. Though, we would still release you to him if you chose to go with him. Just as we will let you go should you choose to leave after we are done speaking. We will escort you ourselves."

"Without Rick though..." sighed Mark, feeling a pang in his heart. Why did he feel that way? Sure they were boyfriends, but he wasn't his first one. He'd broken up with guys for dumber reasons.

"As for Dylann, he is humbled by them. That they chose to serve when they could have left him alone in this place. That they would elevate him to the status of a god among them, knowing full well he is just another elder daemon. Many were grateful in the same way you were grateful to Lust. Many more simply sought purpose. All are here willingly. Including 'Rick'."

"Why do you call him Zale, though, if you know his name?"

"Because Zale is his name, now. He is one of us. One of them. You can see him in us, if you look hard enough."

"...You do look a bit more... lion-ish, huh?" Mark asked, finally getting a good look at his face after everything that happened. "...Yeah, I know that smile. No wonder you knew how to push my buttons like that. All that flirting came from him, didn't it?"

"Mostly, though we would be lying if we said Dylann did not also find you desirable," Dylann said, causing Mark to blush. "Though you would need to be bigger if we did anything at all."

"Yeah, no shit..." Mark laughed, somehow feeling more at ease with the joke. Lying down on his back, he closed his eyes as he rested in the massive hand, the feeling of a heartbeat within the flesh soothing him. "I can just leave then? No questions asked?"

"Well, one question asked," Dylann said, eliciting another chuckle from Mark.

"Ask away, then," Mark said, feeling very tired. "Not like I can't hear you with a voice like that."

"Would you be willing to spend some time here in our realm, as one of our subjects? A temporary arrangement, of course, but you would be able to experience what they did."

"They? Oh, damn. You probably interviewed Seth too, didn't you?"

"He is here, yes. Ortun, now. He is under the same arrangement that I offer you, along with Zale."

"He's been gone for a couple hours, and you say ten years..." Mark said, shaking his head in amazement. "Fuck it. I'll try anything once..."

"You say that, but we can feel what you're feeling right now," Dylann said, smiling. "You've grown tired of night after night of hookups and one-night stands. You're curious what it would be like to serve us instead of Lust. To see what Rick saw."

"...And with a voice like that, I just could melt," Mark admitted. "I have no contract so I am not betraying anything. You are also not in trouble, I guess, though maybe you should give me a bit more warning next time. So let's do it."

"...Then hold your breath. Again. This bubble will pop," Dylann said, immediately giving more warning that cause Mark to stiffen up. Quickly breathing in, he closed his eyes just as the bubble disappeared, the water rushing in to fill the gap.


Mark floated before Dylann, looking over his new body. The black scales of his tail glittered in the light as he moved it, testing it out of curiosity. He had grown massive, though compared to Dylann he was still so small. His muscles had kept their proportions, though he couldn't stop rubbing his hands over his soft, sleek fur; he could feel that water would simply slough off him now. His mane floated freely around his head, having grown a bit much like the giant being before him. Red lines traced up the sides of his body, wrapping around toward his back as they met with the dorsal fin along his spine, black scales outlined by red ones as they traveled from lion to fish flesh. His forearm fins had a similar design, though the webbing between his fingers was as black as his tail. It all reminded him of leather and rubber, though when he tested it with a finger he could definitely tell he was part fish now.

"How do you feel?" Dylann finally asked, snapping Mark out of his examination.

"Oh! Um, I honestly thought I'd feel weaker than this... but I feel even stronger than before. Yet I don't feel like I need to do anything with this strength. It's there, but..."

"You don't have anything to prove, and nothing is owed," Dylann said, finishing his thought.

"Yes! Exactly," Mark said, looking up at Dylann before he dropped his gaze. "Um... what do I do, though?"

"What do you want to do?" Dylann asked. "Keep in mind, you can still leave, if you wish. Do you want us to escort you to the Maelstrom? The portal between worlds in this realm?"

"I don't want to leave yet," Mark said, shaking his head. "I seriously thought about it at first, but no. I don't want to leave... so I submit to you, lord. As I once submitted to Lust."

"Are you certain? We will give the same warning we gave to Rick and Seth; beyond this point, there is no turning back. We will fully expect you to be immersed in this experience from now on. This is your last chance to leave."

"No, lord! I submit!" Mark shouted, before feeling power pulse through him. As light poured from his eyes and his muscles bulged even more, he could feel even his deepest desires shifting in their priority. "Oh fuck..."

He was barely aware of his surroundings, but he could at least tell that there were others watching him, waiting to see what he would become. His black scales seemed to absorb all light as his fur turned a much darker brown, though as the red lines swirled around even more it became harder and harder to see him, the runes and spells inscribed upon him cloaking him from those whose perception was unaided. His mane changed to red as well, and around his waist red scales formed a sort of belt, though his arousal was still on full display like everyone else in the room. Though unlike them, the runes even etched themselves upon his manhood, causing it to double in size and girth. Moaning in pleasure, he was surprised how good it felt not to orgasm right then and there, the growth and changes in his body only second to how good it was to submit to his new lord and master. He could feel them in his mind, and he finally understood why everyone around him had the same smile upon their faces as he now did. As the glow faded from his eyes, everyone could see they had changed to a bright red.

"What am I, my lord?" he chuckled, testing himself out. He instinctively knew that by focusing, he could make himself appear nearly invisible, blending into his surroundings. "No, more importantly; what is my new name? I assume that's what comes next, if I'm to follow in the wake of my friends."

"Your new name shall be Amon; when you strike, let it be secret. When you must reveal yourself, let it be with the roar of battle. As for what your role is, what do you believe it to be?"

"...I see," Amon said, humbled at the knowledge within his mind. "I had not realized it was within me already. I am... well, it's a secret, I suppose. Forget I was here."

As his runes glowed, everyone around them seemed to go back to their business as if there wasn't a massive merlion floating among them all. Laughing, he looked up at Dylann with adoration.

"Oh, a shadowfin," said a voice nearby. Turning, he saw a merwolf swim into the room, his eyes glowing as they stared directly at him. "So he has joined us after all, my lord? Or should I begin saying lords from now on?"

"You jest, but... we may remain this way for some time," Dylann said, clearly content as he was. "Though perhaps you should remind us when the time comes to separate. We do not wish to fail to notice another ten years passing us by... that would make this permanent for certain."

"Has it really been so long already?" Ortun asked, shaking his head. "I had barely noticed. Oh, but I am ignoring you again Mark. Even with my abilities it is difficult for me to focus on you."

"I don't see how you could fail to notice, Ortun," he said, the name springing easily to his lips even as he gestured at his arousal. "And you just missed my naming. I am Amon now."

"A good name," Ortun said, nodding. "And... I see. My lord, which side of you gave him that... aspect?"

"It will prove an extra challenge," said Dylann, though whether his smirk was from the sea-goat or the merlion inside him was anyone's guess.

"It does serve a purpose, however," Amon said, the lines around his cock glowing brightly. "Would you like to see?"

"What is it I should be... seeing..." Ortun said, his mouth slacking as he felt desire bubbling up within him. Before he realized he was heading toward Amon, that cock dominating his vision before the light disappeared. Snapping back to his senses, he realized what had just happened and felt mortified.

"Don't worry, I would never cause either of us to give in to lust and rob our lord of our energy," Amon said, turning away as he swam toward Dylann. "But it should be a reminder that even we are not immune to such desires."

"I will... keep that lesson in mind," Ortun said, shaking his head as he fought his own needs. He opened his mind to the daemons around them, and was soon able to bring himself under control. "Why would you ever need that ability?"

"I am sure there are many reasons," Amon purred, his fish-like whiskers bobbing up and down as he swam around the room to test his body even more. "But I can think of one important one: to distract lust daemons if they ever choose to invade our realm and threaten our master. Though they will have to find me, first."

"Unorthodox... but effective. It will take a massive amount of self-control, however."

"Then I will start my training today, won't I my lord?"

"Yes, you shall," Dylann said, smiling. "Your new life begins today."


"Even if I did remember, lord, it seems that there is nothing left for me there," Ortun answered, continuing to write within the book he always carried. The merwolf had tried to write with normal implements on his small excursions to less aquatic realms, but they never felt as comfortable as the special ink and parchment used here. "But now that you mention Earth, I had found a journal of mine from years and years ago. While I do not remember some of the things it speaks of, it did prompt me to study Earth itself for some time. As well as many other realms along the way. To think there is so much more than even our realm! Fascinating. But why ask about my old life, lord? All I remember or care to remember is here with you."

"I had to be sure," Dylann said, scratching his mane with one hand while the other three rested upon their respective armrests. "I am humbled by your devotion and willingness to leave behind that world to join mine."

"You have not been speaking in the plural for some time, my lord," Ortun remarked, though he bowed his head at the compliment anyway. "Is something wrong?"

"No. It is simply that our minds and hearts are so nearly inseparable that we might as well be one now. My attunement is nearly complete."

"Will you separate, then?" Ortun prompted. "I had intended to remind you next week, but it seems you are merging faster than that."

"I should, yes," Dylann said, sighing. "But every time I think of it, the part of us that is Zale is filled with so much distress that I cannot bring myself to do it."

"What would happen if you stayed this way, my lord? You both seem to enjoy it so," purred a voice from nearby, causing Ortun to jump as Amon brushed past him.

"You mean what would happen to Zale's soul," Dylann sighed. "It would join with my essence, and we would both be an elder daemon. A much more powerful one, at that; his utter devotion and submission to me permeates to his very core, granting me fresh power that I have not known in some time. He would not be gone, but joined as one with me."

"To consume a mortal's soul in such a way is... wrong, my lord. Is it not?" Ortun asked, concerned. "You have said so yourself on many occasions."

"This is not consumption, but more a transcendence. Apotheosis, even," Dylann replied, smirking. "Though yes, it seems that way to an outside observer, does it not? I would not be leaving an empty body behind to act on its desires and memories, using the soul as pure nourishment. To merge with another, even a mortal, is an intimate experience. He will be me. I will be him. The last time I experienced such a feeling was forever and a day ago."

"So what would that make me?" Amon asked, his red eyes lazily scanning the area as he swam around his throne. "I am grateful you liberated me from whatever world I was once a part of, but did you not find me because of Zale?"

"Do you have feelings for us? Him?" Dylann asked, correcting himself. "I know we... he, has feelings for you."

"It was more lust than anything, but a small part of me has been growing ever since I swore my fealty to you," Amon said, light dancing around and through him. The illusion would have convinced anyone else they were either dreaming or hallucinating his presence. "Though I always felt protective of him, I know that much. I do not remember much of my former life, but I do know that perhaps I would have loved him, in time. He is special to me."

"You are special to him as well. To me," Dylann said, a tenderness in his voice as he brushed the passing merlion with one hand. "Though the last time either of us confessed feelings to another, we merged as one. It had been my intention only to show him what it was like, but perhaps the merging went too well. His desires are my own now, and mine his."

"Then I will continue to serve you and he as one," Amon said, satisfied. "As I have always done, my lord. Your glory shall radiate from this place, your subjects basking in your new form's power and authority."

"You are our lord and master," Ortun said, agreeing. "But my concerns stem from the other Virtues and Sins. What will they think of this? I know it is not in your heart to wage war upon them."

"The other Virtues know. How could they not?" Dylann asked, chuckling. "They have been watching me for some time now, though to them it has been less or more time depending on where they are now. If they wished to stop me they could, for I am the least powerful of all the Virtues even as I am now. As for the Sins, the only one who might care at all would be Lust, and as his domain opposes mine his abilities would be severely dampened here."

"So long as you yourself do not fall to desire," Ortun said, almost hesitant to say the words. "Not that I believe you would ever do such a thing, my lord. But as your advisor, I must remind you all the same."

"It is true, I have been indulging lately," Dylann sighed. "But as much as I have enjoyed this, I have given up much as well. I have more power, but I have used that power to expand and nourish the realm as much as myself and my servants. Even the Maelstrom is stronger these days."

"Mmm, so that is why we have had less trespassers," Amon said, smiling. "Only the stronger ones have infiltrated as of late, though we are quick to find and incapacitate them. Seems whether they are daemon or mortal, kings must deal with spies eventually."

Dylann laughed at that, prompting several others to feel the same mirth. They were always at ease when their lord was, and they shared in his worries. It had taken some time to get used to his new form, but once they had everyone had found their devotion to him deepening, which had further powered him. It was almost like ancient times when he had been worshiped daily as a god, before the age of science and reason had destroyed faith in him. Though he had willingly stepped down from that role eventually, since it was never his desire to rule over those who did not wish for his guidance.

"Lust would not be aware yet, though he knows we have brought two of you to our realm. We have been waiting for the day he will arrive, however. Are you certain you do not wish to return to Earth, Ortun? You are one of the two I speak of."

"Why would I return to a place I do not remember or care for, my lord? I am yours to the end," Ortun said, pure bliss on his face as he looked upon his god. "Even my journal suggests at some point I had begun hoping you would never let me go, even should Lust come to collect us."

"Would he even recognize me, my lord?" Amon asked, concern on his face. "To serve you has been my greatest purpose in life. I would feel so hollow without your presence..."

"He might suspect, but my power shields you from the eyes of other daemons in our realm," Dylann answered. "Besides, he has no claim to you. You once said you had no contract with him. It is a bit rude to take you without informing him first, I admit, but it is the same as if... well, as if someone had quit their job on Earth and found employment with someone else. He cannot touch you, so long as what you have told me is true."

"Contracts... Zale has a contract," Amon said, worried. "Well, Rick does. A full year, I believe? I remember Davin speaking of it at one point."

"I already work as a lawyer in that realm. It would be no trouble to also work part-time as a bouncer for his club, if it comes to that."

"Glad to hear it, brother," said Davin, his voice echoing through the room and their ears.