Deviant Delights #6 - Two Steps to the Left

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#6 of Deviant Delights

...and you will meet the Devil. Pride gathers the Deadly Sins to discuss what to do about Davin.

"Hmmmm? Why do we have to wait for Lust?" Maeryn asked, giving a sulky look that would have looked innocent on anyone other than the elder daemon Envy. Twirling a lock of his purple hair, he looked at Pride with puppy dog eyes. "I mean if we're gonna talk about Davin, does he really need to be here?"

"It does seem like a waste of my time," growled a suited individual. He looked to be more of a business-man, though his sunglasses and gaudy jewelry made him seem a bit more shady than most. Not to mention his slicked back hair and soul-patch screamed anything other than CEO of a major company, yet here he was. "And you know what I always say about time and money."

"Quiet down, you two," Pride commanded, causing them to fall in line. They had all met on neutral ground for the meeting, choosing a place close to where they all worked. They often had to deal with each other, so it had just been more convenient to live in the same city rather than constantly portal hop into each others' realms. "All will be revealed soon."

"I hope so," someone else yawned, wrapping his robe around his shoulders as he drank some more of his coffee. "This is pretty early for me as it is, though it's always a pleasure to see you of course."

"I'm sure, Sloth," Pride sighed. While he didn't dislike the daemon, he couldn't help but feel a natural enmity toward him because of his aspect. And yet, because there were so many prideful people who were also very lazy, they often worked together on various deals with mortals. It was a strange love-hate relationship they both endured. At the very least, Sloth was too lazy to usurp him. He was barely competent enough in his role as an elder daemon as it was... and yet, compared to so many other Sloth daemons, he was considered a 'busybody'.

"I really wish you two would use your names. Even if they are fake," Maeryn complained, though he didn't press the issue.

"Ugh, let them do whatever they want, Envy!" a hot-headed individual said, slamming the table with his fist. With a look from Pride, he took a few moments to do a breathing exercise or two before continuing. "It's not like that's important right now, you know? Think about someone else for once."

"I am always thinking about everyone else, all the time," Maeryn said, looking insulted at what Wrath had said. Everyone around him knew it was an act, though. "I mean, this year's fashion trends ALONE have been difficult to keep up with. And then there's all the influencers and makeup and... ugh. It's hard being me, you know? Unlike Gluttony over there, stuffing his face. How original..."

"Shuddup," a somewhat portly man said, half a maple bar donut stuffed into his face. Finishing his current bite, he wiped his mouth with a napkin before glaring at Envy. "You're just jealous I got the last one."

"God, am I really that obvious?" Envy sighed, blushing as he looked away. "Ah well. If Envy doesn't show up soon though, I think I'll just leave. This is taking for-ev-er..."

"Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen," a sultry voice said, causing all the Sins to look over toward the door. While Pride was unfazed by the daemon's sudden appearance, everyone's faces were a mixture of confusion, anger, or even admiration. "I had some affairs to get in order before I could join you."

"He can't even bother to come himself, huh?!" Wrath shouted, before doing a small breathing exercise. "...Where's Davin? We can't start without him."

"You haven't told them, yet?" Liam asked, watching as Pride shook his head. "Ah. I see... well, let me take my seat and we'll get started."

"Waiiiiiiiiit, you're Lust now?" Envy said, giggling as Liam took the spot Davin would normally have taken. "Or has he just lost his goddamn mind?"

"His claim is legitimate. I made sure of it myself," Pride said, a confident smile plastered on his face. "

"I think you'd better start from the beginning, Pride," Sloth said, even his face more alert now. "I welcome our new brother, of course, but what exactly happened to Davin?"

"He's gone off on another of his submission sprees," Pride sighed, causing everyone to groan with some level of frustration. When no one claimed to currently have him under their control or power, the room grew deathly silent. "Before any of you ask, I don't have him either. None of us do."

"Then who does? A human?" asked Gluttony, once he was done with his donut. Reaching for another, he slowly licked the frosting off one end as he spoke. "It wouldn't be the first time he's done the whole 'incubus summoning ritual' thing."

"Actually, it's Temperance," Liam spoke up, earning a glare from Pride. "Oh don't be like that. I know you like to draw this sort of thing out. I'm doing you a favor, really."

"...I suppose you are," Pride said, his ego satiated for the moment. "Then you can continue for me. No mistakes, now!"

"Last night, I was told to meet Davin in his office the next morning. Of course, instead of him I found a letter," Liam said, reciting his tale as if he'd practiced it a thousand times instead of just twice. "You all know how Davin enjoys his writing, but what it boils down to is this: if he wasn't back by the time I read that letter, that I should call Pride and tell him he was in Temperance's realm. In all honesty, I'm pretty sure he's been thinking of going back for a while now. You all know he was once a daemon of his."

"I guess that explains his kinks a little," Maeryn said, his expression and voice more serious for once. "Ugh, must be nice though, having an origin like that. I've always been an Envy daemon so I can't even imagine the sort of feelings he's going through now."

"It seems the call was too much for him to ignore, this time," Pride said, finishing for Liam. "You know how it is, Sloth."

"...Yeah. For a young elder daemon especially," Sloth said, yawning again as he settled down. "We all tolerated his little sprees because it distracted him from just bowing back down to Temperance, you know? Besides, it's nice to relax every once in a while. I should know, I do it all the time."

"I'm honestly surprised you leave your apartment at all," Liam said, causing Sloth to laugh. "Though you seem to clean up well, at least."

"Hey, just because I'm lazy doesn't mean I have to be a slob," Sloth said, sulking slightly. "It's just that the world outside is so exhausting. Hell the internet probably wouldn't exist as it is now without me."

"Debatable, but not the time for it," Pride said, getting them back on track. "The question is, what are we going to do about this?"

"...As tempting as it is for me to just leave him to his fate, I don't really want to be in charge," Liam admitted. "It feels good, don't get me wrong. Everything feels so very, very good. But this was kinda thrust onto me at the last minute... mmm.... thrust. Besides, I know Davin's been a friend to more than a few of you, so I'm up for just about anything you want to do. Anything."

"C-control yourself a little at least...!" Wrath said, blushing even as he grit his teeth. "Of course we're gonna go get him back, right?! No question!"

"No," Pride said, surprising everyone. "If he's given himself willingly, which I'm almost certain he has, then it's not enough to just 'go and get him'. The very fact Liam here is now Lust proves that he has abdicated his title. If he's that far under Temperance's sway, then it stands to reason he's probably given him all his power as well."

"You think he'd go that far after all he's worked for?" Greed asked, an incredulous look on his face at the mere suggestion. "Wait, but wouldn't that mean he's..."

"Not a lust daemon anymore," finished Gluttony, a slight belch coming from him as he patted his stomach. "Which means he'd be Temperance's plaything now."

"It's more than that," Liam said, his eyes gazing intensely at all of them in turn. "I think he went to get some mortals that Temperance took. While I was opening up the bar, there were a few employees who didn't show up for their shifts. They've been missing since last night, in fact. So it's likely his plan was to get them back, if he could. But you know how powerless my kind are in that realm. Yours too if I remember right, Gluttony."

"True," Gluttony said, stuffing his face with another donut. "He always makes sure his subjects have everything they could ever want or need. Gluttony is rarer than lust, there. I'd starve."

"You're not entirely useless there, Lust," Pride said, his steel-gray eyes seeming to stare through him. "Though if you went by yourself, you'd definitely join Davin. I don't think Gluttony cares either way though."

"I like Davin well enough, but I'm not stupid enough to go to that place," Gluttony said, shrugging. "Besides, Sloth and I have a thing with some mortals later. The gainer trend has been booming lately. Goodbye, six pack abs!"

"You're wel-come!" Envy said, trying not to look offended despite his tone. "It was my idea for dad bods to trend this year, you know? But ah... hm. If you're looking for some help, Pride... and by help I mean 'someone to make you look that much better', then I'll come. The idea of Temperance having Davin is almost too much for me to bear!"

"More like you don't want anyone else to have him, if you can't," Greed mumbled, though loud enough for Envy to hear. "I'll go too. I'm sure you'll do fine as Deviant Delight's new owner, Liam, but it's such a hassle dealing with a new business partner. I'd rather get back Davin if I can help it. But that all depends on Pride, hm?"

"It pisses me off to say this, but I can't go," Wrath grumbled. "I've been doing really well with my anger management classes, so unless I go absolutely apeshit over there then I'm likely to bow the knee just as much as Davin has. Can't risk that!"

"Then it's settled," Pride said, looking over to Liam. "What will you do?"

"Well, I do like to watch..." Liam said, unable to help himself. If he'd thought it was hard to resist his nature before, being an elder daemon was just so much more intoxicating. "I'll go. But only if you're there, Pride. I'm not going to be much use otherwise."

"Well then, meeting adjourned," Pride said, beaming wide at Liam's compliment. If it was a compliment. He wasn't complaining, either way. "Maybe next time, Wrath."

"Go fuck yourself!" Wrath yelled, before calming himself. "Just... let me know what happens, alright?"

As everyone left the room, either to prepare or to do their own thing, only Liam and Pride were left alone. Whether it was out of respect or because he was too busy looking him over, Liam didn't move from his seat as he waited for Pride's next move.

"You did well today," Pride said. "You're a natural at this."

"High praise, coming from Pride," Liam chuckled. "But if you say so then it must be true."

"I do say so," Pride said, rising from his chair. "I'll meet you at the bar with the others. Midnight. Don't be late."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Liam said, rising from his own seat. "So should I pick out some swimwear, or...?"

"I'll take care of everything," Pride said. "Just show up, boy."

"Yes, sir," moaned Liam, looking dreamily after Pride as the daemon turned to leave. He'd never give up his power to him, of course, but Liam really did enjoy the way he treated him. Maybe if he flattered him enough, he'd get to bottom for the powerful male. But no, that would have to come later, if at all. He had some preparations to make.


Ortun turned the page, fascinated by his latest read. It was about the treatises between several long-gone daemons who had posed as rival gods in order to grow their own followers among the mortal cults they reigned over, but in reality they were fast friends. Thank goodness they had been relatively non-violent, otherwise it could have caused a very bloody religious war. He was so engrossed in this that he bumped into something, his book crushing between himself and whatever was in the way.

"Oh! Sorry Davin," Ortun said, after a moment of confusion. Looking around, he realized he was in one of the gardens. Noting his place in his book, he removed his finger from the pages and closed it, hugging it to his chest.

"Hello, Ortun. No need for the eyes; I am uncloaked."

"What are you doing, exactly?" Ortun asked, tilting his head. Even though he said he was uncloaked, the merwolf might not have given him a second glance if he hadn't known he was there among the foliage and sea life. "Meditating?"

"I was recharging my body's energy with the sunlight. It is a good day for it," Davin said, his voice completely at peace. He had not bothered to open his eyes, though now he was swaying a bit more due to Ortun's accidental collision. He had somehow rooted himself within the ocean floor, much like the flora around him.

"I'll never get used to that," Ortun said, shaking his head. "I thought you fed from mortals?"

"Oh, I do," Davin said, shrugging. "A body has a limit, depending on its form. I do not need to eat or sleep, but I feel better if I do... though with the ability our lord provided me with, I am able to go without either for much longer. The energy you are thinking of is the limitless power within every daemon. Those who feed upon the energy of mortals, such as myself, and those who feed upon nature and its forces. Though only the former are more sapient. But you asked if I fed. Well, our lord provides me with all I truly need through him."

"What is that like?" Ortun asked, causing Davin to smile. "What?"

"I think you asked me that before, but... imagine how you feel when you focus upon Dylann. Now, take that feeling and imagine it is your very life source, as a plant is to the sunlight. Though I am immortal so long as I have that energy. This is part of the reason the mortal subjects of an elder daemon tend to live very long lives, especially those who are completely devoted to their lord's aspect. Like Zale."

"I see, I see," Ortun said, happy for the stimulating conversation. He tended to be the more curious out of all the advisors and scholars, but his bottomless need for more and more knowledge sometimes tired out even the wisest of them. He didn't mind, though. It meant more time researching some new topic or reading a fascinating book, such as he had been doing. But Davin had always been patient with him, always happy to answer any questions he had about him.

"How do your studies go?" Davin asked, after a minute or two of swaying with the tiny ocean currents in the garden. "I may have a few books to recommend about my kind, if you have not already read them all."

"Oh, they go well. I'm actually reading something for fun this time," Ortun said, holding up his book. Opening one eye, Davin simply smiled as he read the title.

"That is an interesting one," Davin chuckled. "Though some might find it a bit of a dry read."

"Don't know how anything is dry down here," Ortun laughed, twirling a few times to make his point. "But I know what you mean. Thanks for always listening to me, Davin. You're always so nice to me."

"I am here to serve our lord, and to ensure the happiness of his subjects. But it is good to call you a friend, as well," Davin said, seeming truly grateful for Ortun's company. "Would you like to know what it's like to be part plant?"

"From a scholarly perspective, yes. But if you had something more literal in mind, I will have to decline," Ortun said, shaking his head. "Don't you remember your first week here?"

"I spent days out here just... existing," Davin sighed contentedly as he somehow uprooted himself. Ortun was never sure how he did that. "But I hear you. Just give it some thought, okay? Come see me if you change your mind. But I believe I am done for today. Do you have anywhere to be, Ortun?"

"Not particularly, why?" Ortun asked, blushing somewhat as Davin took one of his hands and began leading him somewhere.

"I want to show you something," Davin said, taking Ortun's book and placing it gently on a nearby surface. "You could use some time outside of a book anyway. Hold tight."

Ortun did as he was told, hugging Davin tightly as the daemon clutched him close to his chest. Despite their bodies being against each other, neither felt more excited than they usually did as Davin propelled them both upwards with his powerful tail. Technically Ortun was the bigger of the two in length, but when it came to pure muscle and raw power the daemon had him completely overwhelmed. He helped with his own tail as well, swimming in rhythm with Davin. Were it not for his years of discipline and Davin's nature as a Temperance daemon, the two might have become very distracted with the way they rubbed against each other. Ortun would have been content to just spend the day that way, if it hadn't been for a sudden breaking of the surface and the feeling of air on his face.

"...I forgot I could breathe up here," Ortun said, blinking at how bright it was up here. "I forgot there even was a surface."

"Though no land above the ocean," Davin said, basking in the light shining upon them. His mane was slicked down, what little water there was still on him running down his exposed body. "So tell me something, Ortun. Why is there a city in the middle of the ocean, especially one that looks like it was built by land-dwelling beings? Surely you've read something about that."

"I already know that," Ortun said, blushing as he looked up into Davin's eyes. The daemon had not let him go, and he had not made any effort to free himself. "Our lord was a god on Earth, and more than once. But as for the city, the humans called it Atlantis. Though it's been so long that only the palace remains, now. A shame, really; I would have liked to see it in all its glory."

"He didn't sink it for their sins, so much as he called his faithful to his realm," Davin said, smiling. "The world had grown wicked and many obeyed only their base instincts and desires. Dylann did not wish for the city to fall to them, so he brought them here. Most of the merfolk you see are descendants of that time, though he went by a different name then."

"Has he brought any mortals here since then?" Ortun asked, causing Davin to laugh heartily. "Did I say something funny?"

"Of the three most recent mortals he has brought home to us, I am looking at one right now. The other two would be Zale and Amon."

"...I keep forgetting," Ortun said, his memory jogged by his words. "It's so hard to think of myself as having been anything but Ortun for all my life."

The two simply tread the water, watching as the big white fluffy things in the sky - clouds, Ortun had to remind himself - slowly drifted by.

"You remember everything, don't you?" Ortun asked. "About me, I mean."

"I do. And I regret some of the things I have done, now that I am of Temperance once more," Davin said, a sad smile on his lips. "But in the end, it meant you got to come here and serve our lord. So I must be content with that knowledge."

"I don't remember what you do, though," Ortun sighed. "I feel like I used to be able to, but when I try to remember there's just... nothing there."

"You never forget a daemon, so long as they do not scrub themselves from your mind," prompted Davin, hugging him more tightly. "Though in this case, it is because I am no longer Lust. I assume many of your memories of my former self are tied to that title."

"...So I've forgotten how you once were, then," Ortun said, wonder and amazement in his eyes. "I didn't know that was possible."

"If I were to become Lust again, though I dread that thought," Davin said, shuddering with revulsion, "then you would remember everything I was as if it had never gone away. Unless you wish me to help you forget how I was before?"

"I don't know why I must forget anything at all," Ortun said, clearly frustrated. "I trust Dylann, but sometimes I just wish I could remember everything."

"Your memories are there," Davin reassured him, kissing him on the forehead. "But your mind is not an infinite vessel of knowledge. Even if it were, do you really want to remember that old life? If you did, you would not have forgotten so easily. You only miss it because you do not know what it is that you are missing."

"...I suppose that's true," Ortun sighed, leaning his head against Davin. "You're so warm, Davin, and the sun feels nice. Maybe I should be a plant for a while."

Laughing, Davin was seriously considering helping him out with that when he felt a pang of alarm cross his mind. Sensing his tension, Ortun merely held on tight and nodded, signaling for Davin to dive. They didn't need words, since Davin was rarely ever tense; he knew something was wrong just from his change in attitude. Focusing the power granted to him as a magician, Ortun managed to increase their movement speed dramatically as they swam in unison.

"...What is that?" Ortun asked, a massive shape coming into view on the horizon even as they headed toward where they sensed Dylann. He couldn't see it very clearly yet, especially because the water swirled violently around it in an orb shape. At first he thought it was swimming, but then he realized it was walking in a bubble of traveling air. Looking past the turbulence, however, he realized he could see what was causing the disturbance. It was a gigantic creature walking upon two legs... and it had wings and a tail.

"Tell me, what comes before a fall?" Davin asked, causing Ortun to wonder at the sudden riddle. Realizing the answer, he closed his eyes tightly.



Liam hated to admit it, but Pride had been right; this really was better than his idea. Watching the oceanic sights nearly whiz by with the gigantic daemon's every step, he couldn't help but feel very safe from his view atop one of his four horns. Normally Pride would never let him be on top, but he felt this was an exception rather than the rule. Besides, Liam felt the violet bipedal dragon was secretly enjoying this, though he'd never tell him that directly.

"Are we there yeeeeet?" he heard Maeryn shouting from a nearby horn. A sound like rolling thunder quickly silenced his usual antics, however. Liam realized quickly it was a growl; apparently the dragon was not in the mood right now.

"There they are," Greed said, sitting on the horn below his own. It was more for Liam's sake, since Pride began slowing his stride even before Greed pointed out an approaching number of merfolk on the horizon. Behind them he could see a beautiful structure made of some kind of gemstone... aquamarine was his guess, since that seemed to be a favorite of Dylann's wherever he went. It made more sense now though, seeing such a magnificent palace even from this far away.

Pride's final step brought them close enough for Liam to finally begin to make out their features, though the swirling water around their pocket of air made it difficult to do much other than determine color and shapes. As the orb began to shrink, however, the other daemons on top of his head took the hint and prepared themselves, using the conduit of power provided through Pride to form gills ahead of time. They weren't going full merfolk if they didn't have to, but it would really suck to drown right now. Once it was small enough, Pride's massive wings unfurled to each side as water rushed in; the effect was instantaneous, as a massive current of water flowed outward and into the army before them. It was only through Dylann's own power and Pride's caution that they were not swept entirely away; this was a display of power, not hostility. As many of the mortals looked upon him in awe, he crossed his scaled arms across his muscular chest and looked down upon them all.

"It's been a long time, Dylann," the massive voice boomed, the ground beneath his feet shaking with every word. Steam rose from his nostrils steadily, giving him the effect of a fire-breathing dragon from some old fairy-tale. "I hear you've been busy, lately."

"What business have you here, Pride?" a soothing voice rang out, seemingly all around them in the water. If it wasn't for Pride, Liam felt like he might have knelt right then and there. "Who is up there on your head? I don't recognize one of them."

"Surely you have not forgotten Envy?" Pride said, plucking the small daemon from one horn with his fingertips. "Nor have you forgotten Greed, I imagine. But I am surprised you do not recognize Lust when it is right in front of you? Are you blinded that much by my majesty? Or are you simply a fool?"

"Watch your tongue in my realm," warned Dylann, though to Liam it felt less a threat and more a formality. He was saving face, wasn't he? "But surely you didn't come here just to mock me?"

"No, I have not," Pride said, a bored sound in his voice. "But it would seem you've been very sinful, Temperance. Weren't you supposed to be doing an audit of Davin's recent work? You told me as much when the Unity of Virtues sent you to me. I gave you my blessing to do your work then, but that did not include poaching three mortals and Davin himself from his own bar."

"They are here willingly!" Dylann said, waving his trident in defiance. Yet, from up here, it seemed as if Liam could almost pick him up like he was some kind of doll. How deep was this ocean, anyway? "You can ask them yourself, if you must!"

"Yes, ask them while they are under the influence of your nature, in the very realm you call home. What an intelligent idea," Pride sarcastically replied, curling his lip in scorn. "Do you think that little of me, Dylann? Of course you do. You won't even use my name."

"I assumed you would wish me to use your title instead of your name, but if it will speed this along then I will oblige you, Lucian."

"That is not the name I mean, but Lucian will be fine. We are not enemies yet, even as you strut about with your little toys and wave your magic stick at me. Though if I were you, seeing such a majestic creature such as myself making his way to my heart of power... I might do much the same. But luckily for us both, I am not you."

"If I used your true name against you, it would get us nowhere!" Dylann said, his voice everywhere and nowhere around them. "You'd simply turn on me with mine! Isn't it enough for you to be able to use my power in my own realm?"

"As you can do in mine. It's good you remember that, at least," Lucian chuckled, the dragon whiskers around his muzzle floating in the current. "Show me the mortals as well as Davin. I will not ask again."

"I will do so, but only so that you might see I speak the truth," Dylann said, pointing his trident up at him. "But if you truly wish to examine them, then perhaps you should consider shrinking down to our level a bit more? If you truly are here in a peaceful manner, that is."

"...So be it. If only to show my goodwill," Lucian said, obviously disgusted at the thought of decreasing his size. It wasn't often he got to exert the full force of his form's power outside his own realm, the crimson halo-like crown floating above him glowing as he channeled it. As he shrank, the light bounced off his scales in various ways to betray the multicolored nature of it, dancing from purple to blue to red and back to purple. The effect was breathtaking for those caught unawares.

"There, happy?" Lucian said, still a head or two taller than Dylann was. The other three daemons had long since began floating downward, though by the time they touched down there were already two merfolk to each side of the sea-goat. Liam had to admit, they were handsome and beautiful in their own ways. He barely recognized Davin, though; if it wasn't for the way he smirked at them all, he would have assumed it was someone else entirely.

"So it's true," Liam said, surprised his voice worked this well underwater. Part of the magic helping him to breathe with gills, he assumed. He was glad he had thought to wear swim trunks; Maeryn was clearly not enjoying himself with his expensive clothes being ruined, and Greed looked absolutely silly with all his jewelry and sunglasses. Kind of like a fish out of water... or a bird in it maybe. He wasn't sure what saying worked here. It was all so bizarre.

"Lust, I assume," Dylann said, his eyes scanning him. "At least you wore something. I half expected you to be naked."

"I'm not that desperate yet, Temperance," Liam said, a confidence swelling through him. He wasn't sure if it was Pride or just his own nature now, but it didn't matter. "I'd have worn my Sunday best, but... well, you can see how Maeryn fared over there."

"I told you I didn't want to be in the water, Pride!" Maeryn complained, though there was a serious look in his eyes all the same. "But I'll forgive you this once, I guess."

"Allow me to introduce you to my seconds," Dylann said, gesturing to each of the other mermen in turn. "Amon, my master of the shadows, and his second in command Davin... though you know each other already. This is Zale, my commander and close companion, and finally we have Ortun, my chief advisor and magician."

"Your 'close' companion, hm?" Liam asked, his suspicions confirmed when Zale shifted his eyes away slightly. "Closer than that, it seems..."

"Enough, Lust," Pride growled, silencing him. Turning back to Dylann, he gestured one hand to his left. "This is Liam Theodoric, the next Lust. So you can see how we knew to come here."

"It really is you, isn't it Liam?" Davin asked, his voice sounding very strange to Liam. It wasn't so much eerie as it was different from what he remembered; gone was any hint of lust or vanity. It didn't sit right with him at all.

"He really got to you, didn't he?" Liam sighed. "Ah, I'll shut up. Daddy's talking after all."

"Don't call me that," Pride said, rolling his ruby eyes. Instead of the whites of the eyes showing where one might expect however, there was merely black instead. "You already know Maeryn, and this is obviously Mammon, the elder daemon Greed."

"Manny to my friends, of course," Mammon said, holding up a peace sign. "Though you should call me Mammon. We're not really here on a social visit."

"Forgive me, my lord, but why are we not repelling these invaders? They obviously do not have your best interests in mind," Zale said, a flash of anger in his eyes as he stared at the dragon. "They refuse to even swim like us in your own realm."

"They are not here to wage war, and even if they were there would be nothing you could do to keep them from coming through the Maelstrom time and time again," Dylann patiently explained. "I know you don't like it, Zale, but they did stop to talk instead of breaking down my door. Again."

"I'd apologize, but we both know that'd be a lie," Lucian said, smiling at some old memory. "Now are you going to invite us in, or shall we do business out here amidst the common rabble?"

"I suppose it would be best if we spoke in private," Dylann relented, sensing the wisdom beyond the arrogance. "You can be reasonable, it seems."

"You don't get to where I am without a good head on your shoulders," Lucian boasted. He did not wait for an invitation as he began walking toward the palace, water being displaced with air as he made it easier for himself.

"H-hey, what about us?!" Liam nearly shouted, fighting against the immense pressure of the water against his legs as he tried to hurry after him.

"I suppose I will have to help you with that," Dylann said, his aquamarine trident glowing as an aura surrounded the three other daemons, tethering them to his weapon like a strange trio of balloons. They weren't completely helpless of course, but it was much easier than trying to swim after the others. Though it was obvious Maeryn wasn't happy with it, crossing his arms and sulking like some spoiled puppy on a leash. It was rather cute actually, Liam realized. But that was sort of Envy's whole thing lately. Being so cute people couldn't help but be jealous of him, or for him. It wasn't until they were finally through a set of doors that he felt the magic place him on top of some sort of makeshift seat, which he soon realized had been crafted for two-legged people like him.

"I will not be sitting, since I do not usually use this room, but feel free to make yourselves as comfortable as you can. I do not often receive land-dwelling guests here, as you can well imagine."

"I will stand as well," Lucian said, refusing to shrink down for the tiny stool that had been provided for him. It was a power play, and he was going to ignore it. To acknowledge it meant he either had to sit on it and look silly, or be offended and look like some spoiled dignitary.

"Very well, let us begin," Dylann said, dismissing everyone else from the room save for the daemons and his seconds, the doors closing and locking them inside in order to keep out anyone else until the conclusion of their meeting.

"First of all, before we begin any sort of talk or examination or what have you," Lucian said, his eyes glowing with immense power as the water began to drain from the room, escaping to who knew where. "We should even the playing field a bit, hm? Give them legs, Dylann. You too."

"I don't take orders from you, but it just so happens I agree this time," Dylann said, his own power shining forth. Soon his tail split into two legs; while it had the shape and form of goat legs, he had scales and clawed feet where hooves should have been as what remained became a mixture somewhere between that of a fish and a crocodile's tail. The other mermen found themselves in a similar position, unsteady on their new legs as they tested them out for the very first time, save for Ortun who simply sat in one of the seats and crossed one leg over the other.

"I see one of you has set foot outside the ocean, at least," Lucian scoffed, though his eyes betrayed his pride at Ortun's affinity. "Have you seen much of the other realms, Ortun?"

"I have, with my lord's protection and permission," Ortun said, bowing his head with respect. "Though only some of the closer ones. But I am glad to see Pride is not all bluster and bravado, as well. You are truly a powerful specimen of an elder daemon, not to mention civil where it counts."

"You flatter me..." Lucian said, soaking up the praise into his own energy. "But this is not why we are here, competent as you are. Though perhaps we may converse later, depending on how this goes."

"This is weird," Zale said, his hand clenching and releasing his harpoon over and over again. "I mean, the air. It feels so dry in here."

"It is cold, as well," Amon complained, his face in a permanent scowl. "I hate the cold. It makes me feel... bad, somehow."

"Will you warm them at least, Elder Pride?" Davin asked, his request humble as he bowed his head.

"To think you'd go back to Temperance after showing so much promise," Lucian said, clearly disgusted even as a magical fire sprouted in the middle of the table. It had the same color mixture as his scales, but they were at least warmed by it. "If you'd told me that last week I'd have thought you were joking. Please tell me you had the sense not to give him your true name, at least?"

"He did give it to me, if you must know," Dylann said, causing Lucian's eyes to bulge in shock once more. "You suspected it, or else you would not have mentioned it. Why act so surprised, Lucian?"

"I expected it, yet upon hearing the truth I can't help but be shocked!" Lucian growled, slamming a clawedd hand down on the table. A chip of aquamarine flew from one of the claws digging into its surface, though a quick bit of magic from Dylann and the table was good as new.

"Please refrain from damaging my property further, Lucian. Or do you want the mortals here to think of you as some clumsy beast with a temper? Speaking of temper, where is Wrath?"

"He's taking anger management classes, if you can believe it," Maeryn said, giggling. He was already dry and comfortable in the room, and with it his mood had improved. "Not that it matters. It's always better at one of these meetings when he's not around to shout us all down."

"More importantly, why are you here?" purred Amon, clearly bored of the conversation already as he warmed his paws against the fire. "Surely you must have better things to do than visit us here, elder? Unless you have come to submit to our lord, as well?"

"Oh, you're an interesting one," Lucian said, smiling at Amon. "Handsome, lustful and prideful... what were you thinking when you made this one, Dylann? Or were you finally too horny to care?"

"He was, um... merged with me, actually," Zale spoke up, clearly embarrassed even as Dylann gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder. "Most of those ideas were mine, I think? It's hard to think of him as anything else now, really. I only know he used to be something else before, and only because I helped transform him myself."

"I'm pretty sure that's Mark, then," Liam said, brushing a hand through his orange hair as he looked Amon up and down. "I have to say, you look good as a catfish."

"I am not a catfish," Amon said, clearly insulted. "Even if I am part lion."

"I'm only teasing," Liam said, laughing a bit. "But... why the giant tool, dude?"

"If you want to know, come closer and I'll show you..." Amon began saying, before an outstretched hand from Dylann caused him to stop. "Well... maybe later. I don't know who Mark is, but you seem to think I'm him, yes? That's what we're talking about."

"Well if he's Mark," Mammon said, putting his sunglasses on top of his head as he looked at the other two. "Then according to what you've all told me, that one's Seth and the golden catfish is Zale."

"I'm not a catfish either..." Zale growled, rolling his shimmering rainbow eyes.

"Hey, at least you're my favorite color," shrugged Mammon, putting his boots up on the table. "So should we make ourselves comfortable now Pride, or are we gonna human it up some more? There's plenty of room, you know."

"Not for you and my wings," Lucian said, stretching his wings out to prove a point. Though Liam wasn't sure what point he was trying to prove, since there would still have been plenty of room for all of them. Still, he could take a hint. He did kind of wish he hadn't brought swim trunks now. Maybe he should've listened to Lucian when he said he'd take care of things... and yet, he knew his physique was beginning to draw a few looks from the others, especially 'Amon'.

"I assume you've come to collect them?" Dylann asked, getting the topic back on track. Sighing, Lucian shrugged and nodded. "I thought so."

"Well, it's more that we've come for Davin," Liam clarified. "Though we'll take the mortals too if they're not fully committed to this job. I guess you could call it a job, right?"

"We are fully devoted to him!" Zale shouted, zeal in his voice and fervor in his eyes. "There is nothing you can do t-"

"Silence, kitten," Pride said, his eyes glowing again. "I think, perhaps, that I didn't even the playing field enough. Don't you think so Dylann?"

"What are you...?" Dylann began asking, before all three of the mortals clutched their heads in pain. "What are you doing?! Stop! You're hurting them!"

"I am being gentle, but we don't have all day for them to remember. A little pain is a small price to pay for the return of all their memories, don't you think?"

"Holy shit!" Seth cried, still in his current form but with a look of familiarity in his eyes. "Shit shit shit shit shit-"

"Fuuuuuuuuuck!" Mark nearly screamed, before wincing at his own volume and closing a hand over his mouth. He was still clenching his jaw as he tried to look around the room, anger on his face.

"...Oh, so that's what I was forgetting," Rick said, deflating from the defiant posture he had held only moments before. "What? It's not like I've never had a hangover, guys. It sucks but I can think for myself again... well. As me again. I guess? But there's a lot to process. I need to think."

"It's a bit confusing, yeah," Seth sighed. It was clear he could still remember his time with Dylann, but now he looked conflicted on how to act or what to do as he clutched a book to his chest.

"I wish you hadn't done it that way," Dylann sighed, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Necessary or not, you only do whatever sates your own ego without any thought of the consequences for..."

"I think he was trying to help," Mark interrupted, shaking his head. "I mean... I understand why he did it. Even if it was rough, even if he did it to make himself look good... restoring our memory was the only way to do this, wasn't it?"

"To make a proper choice free from both our influences, yes," said Lucian, before turning his gaze to Davin. "A shame I cannot do the same to you, but that was your own fault."

"I'd ask why I'm so turned on right now, but well... I already know why," Seth said, blushing under his fur. "Maybe we should talk about something else before I... yeah. Let's talk about something else. A choice, is it? What choice then?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Maeryn said, clearly bored already. "He's letting you go back to Earth if you want, dummy. And he's making it so Billy over there can't put ideas in your head, even by accident."

"...Billy?" Liam said, chuckling slightly. "Um... sorry, Temperance. You have to admit it was at least a little bit funny."

"I suppose I can see the humor in it," Dylann said, though he was clearly not amused himself. "But he is speaking the truth. It seems our temporary arrangement has come to an end after all. I had hoped for it to be longer, but... perhaps I have been lying to myself this whole time. Selfish and dishonest in my attempts to justify my own actions."

"No, they're simply confusing your heart, my lord," Davin said, defending Dylann. "You know how it is with them, always causing division among your followers wherever they go."

"Oh, so it's 'them' now, is it?" Liam said, clearly insulted. "You, the former Lust, drawing lines between your old friends and coworkers, and the boss you're whoring yourself out to now?"

"How dare y-" Dylann began, before Lucian's laugh drowned them all out. Even when he wasn't towering over the land, his voice boomed and shook them to the core.

"No no, this will be fun! Let them play this out, Dylann!" Lucian said, clearly not about to take no for an answer. "Or do you think his loyalty is so easily shaken that he needs you to hold him by the hand at every turn? Some champion, if he can't even do this by himself!"

"Champion? That gives me an idea," Liam said, a mischievous look in his eyes. "I am issuing a challenge against Davin and, by extension, Temperance. What do you say, Dylann? Me against Davin?"

"Oh, this is getting interesting!" Mammon said, already fishing out his wallet and slamming a bill down. "Fifty on Davin."

"Really? On Davin? We're here to get him back, not make money off of him," Maeryn said, a clearly judgmental tone in his voice as he narrowed his eyes at Mammon. Though almost immediately he took out his own cuter wallet. "...A hundred on Liam."

"Can you two knock it off?" Lucian grumbled, looking to Dylann. "A challenge is being issued, Temperance. It'd be a great dishonor if Lust couldn't get justice for this insult against him and, more importantly, me."

"What are your terms," Dylann said, ignoring them all as he focused on Liam. "If I had my way we'd talk this out, but if I don't set the stage now then Lucian will. I'd rather not have him damage any more of my realm if we can help it. Those footprints alone..."

"My terms are as such: winner takes all," Liam said, causing Lucian and Mammon to smile even wider. "If I win, Davin will be turned over to me, along with half of your current power."

"Half his power?!" Zale spluttered. "But-!"

"Hey hey, I'm low-balling here, actually," Liam said, smiling at the merlion. "I know for a fact Davin gave more than that to him. But this way it's more fair, right? Plus it'd be a headache trying to figure out the exact measurement, so... yeah. That's what's at stake."

"Are you okay with this?" Dylann asked Davin, who simply nodded. "Very well, that will suffice. But what if Davin wins, Liam? What will you offer up that is of equal value to me?"

"If I lose, which I doubt is going to happen," Liam said, winking at Davin. "Well, I'll do the same as my boss there. Abdicate my title and join you as one of your sexy mermen servants. Honestly, now that I say that out loud, the idea is kinda hot... but still. It means you'd get me and all my power."

"And if that is somehow not enough," Lucian said, chiming in when it looked like Dylann might still refuse, "then I will promise you that we will all leave and forfeit our claim to Davin, should he prevail. But no matter what, the mortals should be free from the influences of Sin and Virtue while they decide their fates this time. You do remember how hard it is for mortals to think for themselves when they're constantly basking in the powers of our presence and our realms, yes? Or did you really forget something so obvious?"

"I would be lying if I said I had forgotten that," sighed Dylann. "When Zale... when Rick knelt before me without me even having to ask, I felt something stir deep inside me that I have not felt in centuries. I longed for the days my worshippers would come to the ocean and offer me tribute, or to bring more mortals to see my glory and receive my blessings. I have grown very selfish and conceited, haven't I? Very well, Liam, I'll agree to those terms. Davin is willing to fight for me, and I cannot just hand him over to an elder daemon who has yet to prove himself to me; I need to know you have what it takes to rule, as others have done before you. We will deal with the others afterwards, though they may watch if they wish."

"Good! Then the only thing left to settle is what game our champions will be playing!" Lucian laughed, causing both Davin and Liam to look at the dragon in confusion. "What? You didn't think either of you would get to decide that, did you? This isn't your realm, and Dylann sure as hell isn't going to let me use my idea. Greco-Roman wrestling, just like ancient times. Assuming you were curious."

"You know why that would be a bad idea," Dylann said, shaking his head. "I know you think it's to 'prove men were men' or whatever, but naked bodies slicked with oil and rubbing against each other is the last thing any of us need right now."

"AhhHH! Ffffff-ughhhhh..." Seth said, slamming a fist onto the table as he fell forward, panting and moaning as his free hand was suddenly occupied with something. Temperance quickly realized his blunder as Seth kept pumping his cock as quickly as he could, desparate for more even as he visibly tried to stop himself. "I... I'm sorry! I couldn't hold it in, and I... God! When was the last time I... nnnngh! I forgot how good this feels!"

As Lucian roared with laughter and Liam gave a low whistle at how much Seth was cumming, Dylann's eyes glowed with power as he hastily waved his trident. Everything faded to black for the contestants, the room filling back up with water before opening up to an empty room.