A Draconic Cave Exploration #2

Story by Kotelette on SoFurry

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#2 of One-Shots

After Lisa transformed into a male dragon and enjoyed her new form, she forgets more and more about her past human form and starts to think she has always been a male dragon. One day she comes upon another female dragon and her transformed brain tries convincing her to mate with her. Will she give in to these desires?

The idea for this follow-up was suggested by Mysteryben.

Since Lisa's transformation into a beautifully muscular anthropomorphic male dragon, 2 days had passed, and Lisa managed to supply herself with water from a nearby lake and the meat of a sheep that grazed in a nearby pasture. She was very delighted that she managed to cook the meat with her own fire and liked the fact that she was able to care for herself, the option of returning to her real home obviously having been of the table given her new form.

And there was one other thing that kept her from returning; her mind was changing too. Lisa forgot more and more of her human memories and started to believe more and more that she'd always been a dragon. When she first noticed this, she got really worried, but after a while she realized that her whole life consisted of finding dragon evidence, and now she had become one, so why should she resist the full transformation.

One additional fact that she forgot more and more, was the fact that she was originally female. The fact that she constantly admired her muscles and cock in the past days made the forgetting especially easy.


As the sun set on this breathtaking landscape another dragon that had previously been a human as well, set her landing flight towards the cave. The previously male human was called Jake and had discovered the cave and its drawing on a bike trip just a few days earlier than Lisa. After he'd been transformed and explored his new female body similarly like Lisa did, 'she' had left the cave to go on a long flying trip over the nearby landscapes and cities. And today was the day 'she' returned from 'her' trip, preferring the secureness and aloneness of the cave.

[From now on, the pronouns are directed to their dragon forms; Jake -> She Lisa -> He]

Lisa sat on the elevated stone of the caves entrance and watched the beautiful sunset and listened to the sounds of nature around him, until suddenly, a black dot appeared in the sun. He squinted his eyes and tried to make out what it was.

Is this another dragon?!

He couldn't believe what he saw, but as the dragon came closer and closer, it was undeniable that this was in fact another dragon, remarkably similar to himself. He didn't know what to do, his heart rate increasing drastically, being completely taken by surprise to see another dragon, so he just kept sitting there and hoped the other dragon wouldn't hurt him.

Jake was similarly confused to find another dragon sitting at the cave's entrance. Due to her having been transformed for quite a bit longer, she'd completely forgotten by now that she had ever been a male human, the dragon part of her brain having completely adopted the primal thinking of a female dragon. This caused her brain to tingle upon seeing another dragon that could potentially become her mate.

Jake finally landed at the cave entrance right next to Lisa who now finally stood up to take a proper look at this new dragon. Upon sniffing the air and inhaling the foreign dragon's scent, his brain tingled just like Jake's did. He walked closer to the dragon and got a more detailed scent impression of it, Jake doing the same. Lisa then noticed that the dragon was female, his brain instantly telling him that this could be a potential mate.

Why should I mate with her?! I am a male!

Lisa was very confused, he felt like something wasn't right, but his thought statement sounded right. He felt like he wasn't really male, but his entire body and most of his brain convinced him that she was and has always been a male dragon and that she should mate with this female dragon.

Jake discovered Lisa's dragon gender now as well, her brain similarly urging her to mate with this dragon, but she had already forgotten completely what she was previously.

After they inhaled more and more of their scents that were biologically designed to entice mating, Jake couldn't resist it any longer and reached out her right arm to place it on Lisa's muscular pectorals. This took Lisa by surprise and he got goose bumps all over by the foreign touch, not being used to somebody else touching them. Jake continued her exploration by running her paw over Lisa's abdominals. Jake's female part really enjoyed feeling these strong muscles while Lisa greatly enjoyed somebody else worshiping his strong muscles. All this admiration heightened Lisa's arousal greatly, causing his cock to emerge from its sheath.

Jake loved seeing this and wanted to continue her exploration of this beautiful cock, but she stopped herself and first made eye contact with Lisa to see if he was okay with it. Lisa nodded warmly, eagerly agreeing to her pleasuring him.

Jake was happy to see that he accepted her touch and placed her paw upon his now beautifully erect shaft, eagerly exploring its texture.

Lisa's muscles were already impressive, but his cock was indescribable. All these veins and ridges getting Jake incredibly wet, increasing her smell to a whole other level, what to Lisa didn't go unnoticed, arousing him even more. Jake began pumping the cock, resulting in precum leaking from the tip. She couldn't resist the enticing sight of it and licked it off, enjoying the taste greatly, urging her to take the whole shaft into her maw. And so she did, eagerly taking more and more of the gorgeous organ into her mouth, careful with her teeth as to not hurt him.

Lisa was overwhelmed with pleasure by another dragon taking his sensitive shaft into her maw, resulting in him moaning out loudly. She enjoyed his moans immensely, the tip of his member now bumping against her throat, causing the tip of his member to get massaged and release a tasty spurt of precum every time she swallowed. Jake greatly enjoyed feeling all the pronounced veins and ridges of his cock inside of her throat, enticing her go deeper until her maw bumped against his balls. Lisa's whole one-foot member was now encased in Jake's throat, her throat being beautifully stretched every time Lisa tensed his cock from the stimulation. Lisa could swear having been able to see his cock twitching through Jake's throat, only arousing him even more. Jake now went up and down on Lisa's cock, eliciting even more pronounced moans from him, the immense pleasure of having his whole cock submerged and stroked by her warm maw getting him closer and closer to orgasm.

Jake noticed by the twitching of Lisa's cock how he was nearing his orgasm, causing her to instinctively remove her maw from it, not wanting the cum to be 'waisted' in her maw, but instinctively desiring it to be properly disposed in her pussy.

Lisa was very disappointed that his cock wasn't in her warm maw anymore but understood her intention when she rolled herself onto her back, exposing her needy and wet pussy. Lisa quickly followed her, positioning himself upon her, lining up his cock with her ready cunt. He looked her in the eyes asking for permission and upon receiving it, lowered his hard member into her slick cunt.

They both instantly moaned upon contact, the feeling of her needy pussy finally being stimulated with a real cock, and his needy cock finally being embraced by a real pussy, driving them both mad with pleasure.

After getting a good feeling of their respective organs, Lisa began moving his cock, first slow and then faster, in and out of Jake's pussy, educing loud moans from both of them. Lisa had loved the feeling of his cock inside her maw greatly but this, this was a whole other level. It felt so slick and even warmer than her maw, and his whole member managed to fit inside of it without being bent at the end. Lisa used the incredible sensitivity of his cock to explore her pussy, trying to find the spot that caused her to moan the most. And after a bit of delightfully pleasurable exploring, he finally found it. He now intently tried thrusting his cock specifically against that spot, causing Jake to roar out in pleasure, her pussy currently intensively squeezing and rippling around his shaft, sending all kinds of amazing pleasure signals to her brain.

Lisa was especially proud in this situation to have all that muscle mass because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to thrust his entire length rapidly in and out of her cunt in this position, barely having anything proper to support herself on.

Lisa felt how Jake was nearing her orgasm, the rippling and squeezing of her pussy walls incredibly evident to his sensitive member even while thrusting. He himself was getting dangerously close to it as well, the fact that his cock already was incredibly close to orgasm in her maw greatly shortening the time it took him.

And then, after five more vigorous thrusts, they came. Jake's pussy intensively rippling and squeezing around his shaft, desperately milking everything he'd got out of him, while Lisa's cock violently spasmed, spraying rope after rope of hot rich potent dragon cum into her womb. His cock pulsated quite a long time, properly disposing his enormous load, making sure she would definitely be impregnated.

After both of their organs calmed down and were completely spent, Lisa carefully removed his entire length from her cunt, resulting in a few last moans erupting from both of them due to the friction. A bit of cum was now leaking out of her cunt, but most of it was properly disposed where it belonged, in its place would now grow eggs, so that Lisa and Jake could raise their own dragon children and start a family, as themselves now fully transformed dragons.