Hunting for bigfoot

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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Crsystal goes looking for bigfoot and gets everything she hoped for.

It was the first day of spring a very important day for Crystal and the start of the season for the young deer's favourite hobby. She'd spent days packing her car for the week long trip. One that would probably be the first of many. She was doing one last check of everything before she hit the road when a voice called out behind her and she fought to keep a scowl off her face.

"Hey Crystal! You heading to the beach too?" The voice belonged to James. A fox who had lived down the road since they were kids. Ever since he was old enough have an interest in woman he'd been trying everything to get into Crystal's pants. She turned to him with a forced smile.

"No James I'm going in the exact opposite direction. I'll be up in the mountains all week." The fox looked dejected. They were both 19, Crystal was slender but shapley and she always dressed to show it off. It drove the fox wild but he couldn't bring himself to fake enough of an interest in her hobby to tag along.

"So you think you're going to find him this time?" He asked. She shrugged while leaning into the back seat of her car to check her supplies. James's eyes were drawn to her ass, barley contained in her short shorts.

"Probably not this time. But I know I'm close. This is going to be the year I know it!" The fox nodded and rolled his eyes. Satisfied that everything was in order Crystal climbed into the car and got it started. James leaned in through the window.

"Well if you get bored up there give me a call. I'll show you something more exciting than hunting for Bigfoot." He winked at her and handed the deer his number, for what she was sure had to be the hundredth time. She took the scrap of paper and tossed it onto the seat next to her before peeling out of the driveway.

After a two hour drive and the time it took her to set up camp Crystal was still angry. It wasn't because James made fun of her, she was used to that. It was because the whole time he was leaning through the window he didn't even look at her, he was just staring down her shirt. She shrugged it off and pulled out her laptop to look at the footage form some trail cameras she'd left out all winter. In the comfort of her tent she went through it before drifting off for the night.

Just as the sun was starting to rise Crystal was heading out. She had a plan and a lead. One of her cameras on a northern trail had filmed something. She couldn't tell what it was but it didn't look like any other animals in the area. She set out with cameras and bait, no traps she didn't want to hurt it. She also had a secret weapon with her this time. Along the northern path she set up four cameras. She left a different pile of bait at the first three cameras. Each one was a suggestion she'd read about online. At the fourth camera she left a pile with all three baits and then took a few steps back to deploy her secret weapon. She took off her shorts and squatted down. The rumor was that bigfoot being a predator would smell the urine of prey and come looking for her. She didn't fully believe it but also couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. With her deed done she hiked up her shorts and began the trek back to camp. She'd only taken a few steps when she swore she heard something from the trees behind here. There she saw a set of eyes glaring out at her and the sound was unmistakably a growl. Letting out a startled yelp she turned and broke into a run but she didn't make it far. A tree root caught her foot and she tumbled down he trail. Then everything went dark as she hit her head.

When Crystal came to she was back in her tent. Her head was pounding and she had no memory of how she hot back there. Sitting up she found her sleeping bag and clothes bundled up under and around her like some kind of nest. Looking to the entrance of the tent it was wide but not unzipped, it had been torn open. Slowly she crawled to the opening and peered outside. The sun was still up but it was clearly now the middle of the afternoon. Here eyes fell on a large figure sitting by the fire pit and her jaw dropped. It was broad shouldered and covered in shaggy brown fur. Without thinking the deer approached the beast. He had turned out her cooler and was trying to figure out how to open the pull ring on some canned fruit.

"Fruit?" Asked startled. "No one I talked to said you liked fruit." The beast nodded and handed the can to her. Dumbfounded that he seemed to understand she opened it for him and handed it back. The bigfoot's eyes lit up and he upended the contents into his mouth. Then he picked up another can and delicately pulled the ring. He offered it to the woman and she shook her head. "I'm not hungry." He pushed it towards her more forcefully and when she pushed back the can spilled all over her shirt. Apologetically he used his giant hairy hand to brush the mess away. Then he froze as something else piqued his interest. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap. "Hey! Careful you brute!" She tried to struggle away but stopped when his hand began to explore under her shirt. "Oh!" She blushed while the rough palms of his hand probed her body.

Without thinking it through she discarded her top and her bra. The creature's nostrils flared and he grabbed at her breasts. The girl gasped. With his hands fully wrapped around her waist he lifted her chest to his face. His fat snake of a tongue pressed between her tits and traced up her throat. The heat of his breath on her made crystal tremble and she let out a moan. The beast took the opportunity to explore her mouth with his tongue. She flushed and gagged as it wiggled to the back of her throat. The bigfoot let her collapse into his lap. She gasped for air and he used the back of one finger to wipe the tears that rolled down her cheeks. While he did her trembling hands fell to her waist and she climbed out of her shorts.

"Come on you animal. Let's see if it's as big as they all say." Flinging her panties away she put a hand on the back of his and guided it down between her legs. She whimpered when he brushed her cunt and his eyes fell to her crotch. He worked a finger inside of her and she squirmed around him and gasped. He pulled his hand away and she grabbed at it trying to pull him back. The creature sniffed and licked his finger then his attitude changed. The bigfoot stood up to his full seven foot height and grabbed the deer by her brown pony tail.

"Hey! Take it easy!" She shouted as he dragged her along while he walked. "Where are we going?" The answer came quick when she was scooped up off the ground and dumped onto the hood of her car. He pinned her down with one hand pressed against her stomach and both stared at his crotch. A sheath had swollen up to emerge from his fur and a red flared cock head was beginning to show. The beast growled and took a step forward. What looked like a fourteen inch horse cock with an sizeable knot at the base freed itself from the sheath and slapped against her thigh welly. The deer gyrated her hips. "Come on big guy. This is why I'm here! Fuck me!" The beast bared his teeth and jammed his cock head against her quivering pussy. He gripped her by the shoulders and Crystal's tongue hung out of her mouth when he plowed his cock into her.

His shaft stabbed into her and his balls slapped against her ass. The deer's stomach bulged and her cunt was stretched wide. Her eyes rolled back and the beast growled as he fucked her wildly. The slapping of their bodies echoed through the trees and her knees shook while he drooled on her through gritted teeth. His knot smashed again and again against her now swollen pussy and her hands felt at the massive bulge in her stomach as it moved around. The beast moved his hands to her hips and roughly slammed his cock into her to try and force his knot into her small and shaking body but it wouldn't fit. He tried a second and a third time and the girl cried out under him. She reached out and grabbed handfuls of his fur while a orgasm rocked her body. With a grunt he held her against him as tightly as he could and his prick throbbed inside of her. She moaned and the bulge in her stomach grew bigger while hot blasts of cum filled her to overflowing. He stepped back and stared at the girl's panting form. Like a waterfall his seed gushed out of her cunt.

Crystal slid from the hood of the car and onto her knees. She reached out for the beasts drooping cock and lifted it to her face. She sniffed and his musk made her flush. Then she flicked out her tongue and tasted the remnants of cum still dropping from his head. She licked again and again while reaching out to cup his giant ballsack. With her other hand wrapped around his shaft her eyes went wide. He was getting hard again. "You're incredible!" She gasped and stood up. Walking back to the car she bent over the hood with a wide stance. With her white tuft of a tail wagging she spread her ass cheeks and chewed on her lip. The beast slammed his hands down on the car and she jumped. Then she giggled when she felt his flared cock press against the pucker of her asshole. "So you do know what I want." Then she said nothing she bit her lip and grunted when his cock filled her ass. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her off the ground. Using her like a cock sleeve her moved her up and down along his shaft. They both grunted and groaned while he abused her ass. This time the bigfoot pulled the girl down around his knot and she whimpered when her body stretched to accommodate him. He grunted and her whole body shook when his cock throbbed and blasted her guts with cum. Roughly the brute pulled her free and carried her back to her tent.

In the morning Crystal sat with her laptop and smiled widely. The dash cam in her car had filmed all of yesterday clearly. She was going home with proof the bigfoot was real. But no one was expecting her back for a week. For a moment she thought about James's offer to go to the beach. But then her eyes fell on a full can of fruit. She grabbed it and scampered out of the tent without even putting clothes on.

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