Spermatosaurus Camping Part 1

Story by ManyMates on SoFurry

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Camping with your mate, playing music long into the night around a campfire is the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. But this lovely dragon couple are in for much more than loving embraces in their tent when a feral, debased creature crashes their evening.

This was inspired by Draconicon's story, 'Night of the Spermatosaurus' and was written for Mohrahk

The Spermatosaurus species belongs to Katya-ra

Draconicon's story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1553432

MohRahk: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mohrahk

Kotya-na: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kotya-ra/

Emaza watched her mate hammer in the last stake to secure their tent, the dragoness quietly admiring the swell of his biceps as the mallet arched down to drive the wood snugly into the earth. Those black scales shone nearly purple in the midday sun, a compliment to her own deep blue hide. She smiled to herself as she finished setting up the last of the sound equipment, microphone stand, effect pedals, finishing by snapping the pop filter into place, unable to resist giving the chrome mic a clawed 'tap tap'. She had been looking forward to this outing for weeks, a night of outdoor music recording at the local camping grounds was hardly 'roughing it' like Doran had originally pitched, but she was grateful for any quality time spent with the love of her life. There was still the problem of recording while their noisy car ran to power their equipment, but there was still plenty of time in the day.

The dragoness was pulled out of her musing by her mate bending down to plant a kiss on her head, right next to her head frill where he knew she liked them.

"All done?" he asked, chipper as the day was hot, and it was the middle of august. Emaza reached out to hold his hand for a moment, swinging their arms like they'd done since high-school before answering, smiling fondly at him,

"Just need to get the laptop booted up, update Siren again probably,"

"Ugh," he complained, earning a giggle from her,

"And then yes, all done!" she said opening the laptop as the tall male ran the extension cord from the car's adaptor to their outdoor studio. "Any inspiration yet? Is the open air helping your creativity?" she asked, playfully messaging his head.

"Had it for a while, love," he assures her as he fetches their guitars. The blue dragoness' face turning a hue closer to purple for a moment as she blushed.

Within the next ten minutes the power sources were connected, guitars jacked, and amps waiting on standby. Sitting side by side, the mated pair of dragons slid their tails together in a loose spiral as they got comfortable. "Alright," Doren sighed out in triumph as he reached out to flip the amp out of standby, "lets get started!" he said confidently!

An ear piercing squeal blared from the machinery, splitting pain filling the couple's ears for a few moments before the feedback afflicted amp, laptop, and their car all underwent varying degrees of showering sparks before going dead. Emaza unclasped her hands from her ear holes, jaw dropped in disbelief.

"That...isn't good," she said, deflated.

"What?!" her deafened mate shouted next to her, causing the dragoness to clasp scaled hands over her ears again. Great....well, at least they had each other and the woods all to themselves.


Deep in the dense trees off the beaten paths, the sounds of snarls and howls beat across the boughs of trees. Hidden under that beastial, guttural calling were the sounds of debauchery. In time with every snarl, the wet slap of heavy, grapefruit sized balls impacting the exposed thighs of a leopard, fur matted with cum that spilled down to the feline's knees, his clothes long since ripped from his body to make way for a pointed, barbed cock that injected corrupting essence into his body as it raked his stretched tailhole. The caught hiker's toes curled with every thrust of those brown furred, feral hips. He had screamed at first when the hulking monstrosity bounded at him from the gully, called for help as he was pinned down on all fours, and even fought to escape as the eyeless, fanged beast forced his cock into his virgin ass. It didn't last long however, quickly devolving into long moans broken only by panting as the spermatosaurus' pheromones made quick work of his inhibitions.

The most striking feature was the total lack of eyes on the fanged monster's visage. Instead the thing's face was covered in rich brown fur, leading back to pointed and lengthy ears that were swept back for now. It's muzzle was long and narrow, ending in slitted nostrils that huffed at the leopard , drinking in his changing scent. It had a pair of fangs that poked downward from its muzzle that were so large they formed a bulge on the sides of its mouth near the front, a smaller pair behind suggesting that it's mouth was full of them. The deep brown spilled down it's back, a prickly mane composed of tight blades of fur gave the illusion of spines sweeping to the rear. From Emaza's place on the ground however, she saw much better the creamy, fluffy fur that spilled down its neck and hugged its barreled feral chest, leading between its massive front legs, attached to wide shoulders filled out with muscle giving it a huge front profile like a prehistoric sabretooth. It's huge paws however had long digits that seemed like they could grasp and hold if need be. The scent the beast radiated in proximity as he shook out that brown coat would sink into the prey's mind, all but erasing the cat's resistance to being bred.

Why would he not want to be bred by the exotic beast? He had never been more aroused and willing as his own cock swelled to full mast within seconds, painting the forest floor white within minutes, only for him to want--no--NEED more. And the domineering beast would provide regardless of what the other male needed. The spermatosaurus would breed and rut while its cum dripping tongue curled possessively around the feline's agape muzzle, holding him at the perfect angle to plant his cock within his prey's rear to grant his seventh orgasm, bulging out the cat's belly even further, his shirt tearing finally under the stress of his swelling gut. Just as the bestial stud was about to begin round eight, a terrible screech reached his pointed ears above his smooth, pinning them down reflexively above his unsettling face.

The Spermatosaurus surveyed the heat markings in the area, sniffing deeply as well even as the sexually corrupted cat weakly thrust his body back into the thirteen inch barbed breeding pole impaling him. The monster could smell a male and a female downwind, over a dozen miles away, but the female would take every young he pumped into her, and the male would fall prey to his essence, becoming a corrupt breeder himself. The spermatosaurus lifted a hind leg to the changing cat's ass, pushing him forward and off of his still leaking length. The brown furred creature shook out its mane, dispersing his pheromones before turning his sightless face towards the sound, licking his protruding fangs with a white dripping tongue as he targeted new prey.

The spermatosaurus loped away leaving the leopard ,corrupted and changing as he whined and moaned for more of the predatory mating. He was left to his endless lust, Crawling after the monster that made him this way, a task that was increasingly difficult as his balls swelled to the point of having to spread his legs wide as he crawled to not crush them between his knees. The corrupted prey moaned at the churning in his nuts, expelling their contents onto the ground only to fill again in an instant and repeat, purging his former seed. Tremendous orbs swaying as he waddled on hands and knees. The feline's cock stretched in throbbing growth, mewling out as his underside produced nubs similar to the creature that raped him, bone filled protrusions that would become fleshy barbs. The cat moaned again, a bestial eye rolling cry of glee as his body twisted under the spermatosaurus influence. Soon, two more would meet the same fate.


"It's a shame we couldn't record all that," Emaza complained, waving campfire smoke from her face, her other arm resting on the guitar in her lap. Her manly man mate had the fire going as soon as twilight had drawn the cloudy sky into running pastels of orange and red. That in fact, was the inspiration for their newest song, 'Running Colors'.

"I'll remember it," she said, leaning over to rub her snout over her mate's, earning her a rumble from the drake. "I want this one at our wedding!" she told him in excitement, laying her head on his shoulder. Doren laughed incredulously,

"It's two weeks away, silly 'ness!" he said, putting his own guitar aside and hugging her close. "The band is gonna quit on us if we keep making changes, you know,"

"We can just play it ourselves?" she offered

"We'll be busy, I think." he retorted with a chuckle.

"Busy with what?"

"Getting married?" he offered, deadpan, "goofball," he finishes kissing the 'ness in her favorite spot next to her frill. She smiled, letting her eyes close as she hummed in satisfaction.

"Just wanted to hear you say it," she whispered, giving the male some pause as he pulled her a little closer.

"Well, maybe we can get the song into the set list if we tell them we wrote it right before our first time?" he asked hopefully. Emaza lifted a hand to lightly bap his face in a chastisement.

"No," she said good naturedly, "On our wedding night, we promised" she grumbled like a spoiled child, causing her mate to give a facetious groan.

"Oookaaaay," he conceded.

The dragoness spent what felt like years with her mate in the light of the campfire, crickets performing their own songs with owl hoots in the background. It was calming to be so far from the city proper, no car horns or loud pedestrians for miles to pollute the ambient sounds of nature. They were all alone out here and it was absolutely serene. Perhaps a little too peaceful for Doren, as she heard him yawn. "Yeesh, I think I'm about ready to bed down, you coming?" Emaza lifted her head to look around their small clearing,

"No, I'll be there soon but I feel like-- you have your headphones right?" she asked, not wanting to disturb her mate while he tried to sleep. The drake nodded,

"Yep, in the bag in the tent,"

"I feel like playing a little before bed, ya know? I don't get this often," she said gesturing to the nature around them. Doren laughed, disentangling from his mate to head to their tent.

"Maybe I'll put that in our vows. See you in bed, love," he says getting up and heading for their tent while Emaza strums the open strings taking a deep breath,

"I won't be long!" she calls over her shoulder to him, turning back to the campfire, and the open world beyond it, before strumming the chords where they take her, closing her eyes as she hears the tent unzip and then reclose followed by the sounds of her fiancé settling in. The scaled songstress spent nearly an hour however, strumming along with the sounds of the night, the chirping of birds, the rattle of leaves high in the canopy of branches as the wind shifted direction, cool and balmy night air now soothing the other side of her face.

A shiver ran through her spine, causing her to sit up suddenly from her Forward leaning playing posture. She blinked her eyes at the sudden reaction from her body, looking around as if someone were to blame for the intrusive sensation. It hadn't gotten colder, and she was in front of a campfire regardless! She shook her head, Doren would keep her nice and warm in the tent, it was time for bed. She looked around one last time, taking a deep breath of the fresh, unpolluted air before bed.

Emaza made a shocked, breathy sound as she exhaled that breath, as if she'd been suddenly plunged into cold water, despite feeling the extreme opposite of cold now. The dragoness was immediately burning up, a flame feeding warmth to her body that seemed to be set right between her legs. She struggled to catch her breath, but it only made her suddenly hard nipples scrape torturously against her shirt as her chest rose and fell rapidly. The instrument in her arms might as well have been an alien artifact of long forgotten origin in her current state, fingers slipping across the strings uselessly as they clenched and gripped in passion. Her eyelids fluttered as she fought to keep her eyes from rolling in bliss. It was like her body was being electrified with lust, every nerve crackling with pent up energy screaming to be put to use. Through her hyperventilating breaths she caught scent of herself, the heady, sharp tang of dragoness.... In heat?! She wasn't...it was...that couldn't be! Despite the disbelief of going into heat twice in the span of a month, her slit was quickly soaking her sweat pants with an alarming amount of wetness, hot and filled with heating hormones that ran down her taint now, causing her tailhole to twitch.

Something was wrong with her, very very wrong. Trembling, she clumsily lifted her guitar to gingerly move it out of the way so she could stand, get to the tent, and have her fiancé drive her to a hospital! However, the uncoordinated movement caused an edge of the body to rub against her engorged slit, the thin lips of her draconic sex giving a needful shudder.

"Ahhnn....o-ooohhhh....." the dragoness groaned rapture. She'd never felt twinges of pleasure such as these up her spine from such a small touch...was it the guitar? Was that what made her feel so good? She had to make sure, had to know for certain! Wrapping her arms around the base of the neck where it met the body, she spread her legs enough to be able to fit the instrument between her legs, rolling her hips into the edge of the curved bottom. "O-O-OOOHHH...hah..yes...oh my g- mmMMMFF!" she strained wantonly as she humped her guitar, a present from her mate when he proposed to her, it was meant to be used to write music with him as they spent their lives together. RIght now however it was only good for jamming against her now quivering pussy as the varnished wooden edge of her guitar rubbed between her draconic lips through her soaked pants, mashing her panties into that crease. It did nothing to staunch the flow, her heating box wetting her pants with juicy lustful secretions all the way to her knees as she fell onto her back, parting her legs spread eagle to hump the instrument turned toy, discordant notes produced as she fucked the wood like a lover, the normally innocent female moaning like a whore into the night.

Her maw opened in a passionate scream as she locked her knees around the gift from Doren, the jerky snap of movement making a loud clunk on the body of the instrument as she shuddered in orgasm, driving her pussy hard into that smooth corner, jamming it against her clit. She panted for a few moments as her body went slack, euphoric from one of the strongest orgasms she'd ever had! Shaking, she waited for the afterglow to settle in, to come back to her senses.

it never came.

Instead as her form stopped convulsing, and her thighs ceased knocking against the guitar, her lust only returned full force despite the seat of her pants darkening from the fem-cum absorbed there. She sat up on her elbows, looking almost accusingly at her crotch area, mostly obscured by the guitar. What was happening to her?! She'd never had a heat this bad in her life, she needed to....what did she need? She struggled to clear her head, to keep her thoughts off of her soaking wet pussy throbbing with need, her clit sticking out of its hood and begging for a nice hard rubbing. Or how good it would feel to splash the inside of her pants with more fem-cum. "FUCK...dammit...can't..hfff," she lamented, before carelessly knocking her most treasured possession aside to clatter on the loam, clearing a path for her hand to slip under the waistband of her sweats, wasting no time to jam her palm against her clit, causing fireworks behind her eyes as she arched her back, raking the ground with her free hand to draw long grooves with her claws in the dirt. Her feet followed the example, digitigrade appendages clawing at the earth in turn into a mess. The dragoness whined, enslaved by her arousal as she rubbed herself noisily due to how absolutely marinated her crotch was in female lubrication, wet smacks and and squelches ringing out into the empty forest.

She hadn't let go like this for some time, she didn't want to tease her mate. It would be so cruel to do so with their promise of chastity until marriage. How would he be able to resist the smell of her heat? That sirens call to his cock to spring from his slit and into hers, stir her box into a frothy mess of cum and wetness, spilling over thier thighs as she was filled until her pussy overflows and splashes over his balls and-


The dragoness let her head fall back, giving her an upside-down view of their tent, no lights from within or movement she could see. "Doreeen! D-...mff..hah..hah...I...I need your h-hep...help....help me cum! P-please...please fuck me Doren! Doren? DOORREEEEN!" She snarled as she jammed two fingers into her cunt, thrusting them in and out hard enough to to make her breast wobble back and forth on her chest. "D...Dooooreeeennnnn nnff...nfff..p..please..." she whined, her inhibitions eroding under the constant waves of lust. What was once a paradise of virtue and innocence was now a drowned sandbar, disappearing under an irresistible storm of pheromones . Emaza growled like a feral dragoness as she plowed herself with her hand, her pants slapping wetly against her wrist as she worked herself towards another orgasm, pining for the sensation of losing her mind to bliss again.


Emaza was so zealous in her pursuit of lust that she never heard the bear sized thing creeping up on her from the woodline, carefully placing its paws every step away from dried leaves and twigs. It's pointed red cock throbbed and released large amounts of milky white excitement onto the forest floor. Its whiplike tongue lashed around his eyless muzzle in anticipation, watching the dragoness' core temperature rising and rising as her body entered heat. The beast was cunning, approaching silently as not to provoke the female to call to her mate for aid. Soon the fire was warming his side as he leaned in to inhale her heating aroma, driving his brain wild with predatory need. He silently encircled her with his over twenty feet of tail, the loops not yet touching her. Once she lay in a cage of strong muscles and fur, the monster would strike, curling her up and abducting the prey to breed and change.


The now heating dragoness was climbing to her height quicker now, fingers stirring her clenching insides, the need coming to her faster and stronger. Two fingers pumped in and out of her slit as fast as they could despite the cramps beginning from carrying on this way. Her moans of brainless delight pushed away all other sounds, including those that would have saved her. Around her elbows she felt something soft, thick, and very long brush them. Had Doren brought a blanket to fuck on?

The Dragoness lazily lifted her eyelids, having to fight her eyes to stop rolling into her skull and focus. Her shriek of fright was silenced by an absurdly long tail wrapping around her short snout, and no later did that same length tighten down around her torso, binding her arms tight to her sides, and locking her legs together. "MMmmmmnnn! NNnnnmmm!" she cried in a muted plea, but the faceless creature paid her little mind as it began pawing away with her in tow, pulled across the ground. Wiggling with all her might, she only managed to roll herself around in the coils of tail, uncomfortably throwing herself around.

The dragoness was leaving the camp quickly and entering the woods as this monster's captive, the light and warmth traded for growls and pants...and the intense musk of a male. Looking up from where she was being dragged, she could see his nearly basketball sized nuts swinging behind him. It made her mind seize up in forceful want, an unnatural lust for their contents to spread inside her during an intense mating. She shook her head shamefully in her restraints as her mons throbbed in favor. Focused as she was on tuning out the intrusive urges, she didn't notice how many trees had gone by or which direction they had traveled, so when they stopped and the thing turned to roll her over with a nudge from his muzzle she was completely lost and alone with it.

Suddenly she was spinning, tumbling shoulder over shoulder as the coil that contained her was unfurled, depositing her into a wet, hot heap on the ground. Her view of the forest canopy was obscured by the monster's barreled chest, which she pushed against to no avail with frantic hands and hammering fists. She was helpless to save herself as it brought its paws to her shoulders, pinning her down.

She let out a scream of desperation, thrashing her head about between those bulky paws, trying to shake that awfully invasive scent out of her snout. The beasts musk fell over her like formless blanket, turning her mind against itself. She could feel herself slipping, her want starting to fight for dominance over her fear. She dug her claws into the ground, pulling up fists full of dirt as she locked her whole body out to stop her legs from spreading whorishly. The furred thing lifted a rear leg and dragged it across her pants, tearing them away to expose her bare nethers, shamefully wet and quivering from the forest breeze across it's sensitive soft scales.

"N-noo..can't- AHH!" She yelps as that heavy bestial cock slaps down on her belly, the monster growling as hurriedly shuffles into position above her, sliding that cock lower and lower across her belly. In a final act to protect her body from defilement, she locks her knees together, even covering her mons wetly with her tail, stifling the moan at that contact against it. Her four legged assailant snarls in her face, long tongue unfurling to curl around her neck as drool drips onto her face. Yet another shriek pierces the night, resolving into a shaking groan as that cock jabs into her thighs, against her tail, and into her crotch. The barbs stinging her, injecting her with corrupt fluids that burned in her bloodstream, causing her heart to hammer in fear and lust to spread that icor throughout her body, causing her back to arc and her and breath to catch.

The predator took it's opening, dropping his hips low and thrusting forward to wedge his breeding meat between her protecting tail crotch, jamming against her slit, the barbs retracting their bony protrusions mercifully as its pointed tip slowly sank into the stubbornly spreading slit. The spermatosaurus cock was built to take prey willing or not, the tapered point sinking into the formally virgin cunt. Emaza could only crack her muzzle open in a silent scream as it just kept going, every millimeter it traveled being the deepest anything had ever penetrated her. The dragoness' first time was made easier by the squelching wetness paired with the swallowing motion of her interior walls as it took him deeper and deeper. From the start of that penetration up until his oversized balls knocked into her ass, her body twitched and jerked in unwanted, but irrepressible pleasure. Emaza's mind spun like a coin being tossed into a well, flipping between wanting this awful experience to end, or wanting this blissful pleasure to last forever. The monster didn't give her time to decide as he was already was pulling his cunt stretching amount of cock back out, dripping the female's arousal over her tailhole as he did, and quickly shoving back in.


The dragoness moaned freely as her attacker began to truly rut her, taking the heating female like an animal. The fucking was without care or thought for her pleasure. It was clear after the first several thrusts into her spread slit that this creature existed to fulfill its endless need, something Emaza would soon come to understand as she began to change under him.

The hot, gooey pre of the monster heated up her insides and sent shivers up her rocking form, thrown back and forth a few inches at a time from the rough humping that soon had Emaza's tongue flopped from her mouth as her rational mind was forced deep down under mounting pleasure. As she panted and occasionally moaned that tongue began to slim to needle thinness, more length added on as it began to curl and twitch in front of her muzzle, dripping a faintly white, sticky substance that wasn't drool. With her eyes rolled so far back into her skull she could only see the vivid colors of her mind burning with need, she couldn't see that her tongue much resembled the one wrapped around her neck now as inch after inch, and then foot after foot of whiplike tongue pushed free, no longer draconic, altered and perverted.

The Dragoness' wish had resolved itself, deigning to let herself be ravaged now as she begged for more through sharp moans and uncouth grunts of primal lust, her muscles tensing and relaxing in convulsive euphoria as the thing slammed down into her. Why wouldn't she want this rutting? What was better than a hard rutting that left her pregnant and full of cum? The ferocity, the roughness, was quickly becoming something she wanted in a mate rather than something to endure. She WANTED her hips slammed into the ground by his, how else was he supposed to ensure his cum soaked her eggs? There was no other way to be fucked than laying out under a wild animal as heavy balls slapped ones ass every second!

Her lower body began to flex upward, rolling into the bestial rutting she was now willingly part of, lifting her once slender legs to see they were slowly bulking up, becoming stronger with each splash of monster essence inside her from that dripping length while she lifted her legs and tucked them back in submission. As she watched the monster's cock plunge inside her and pull back, flinging her juices against her thighs she let out an unnatural growl, one that was meant to rutt, breed, rutt and breed was meant to call out when they were fucked just right. As she gave in further to her simplifying need, her jaw ached and pinched. Her long spermatosoaurus tongue curled around her front most teeth as they pushed from her gums. Emaza's draconic teeth were always sharp, but now they surged down in flowing enamel into fangs that pushed past her lower lip into curved predatory sabers. The teeth behind those followed suite as she drooled down them, her saliva becoming tinged white and thickening as a pair of similarly wicked fangs pushed upward from her lower jaw. The tongue lashing, drooling, the monstrous visage of the dragoness had completely overtaken the shy, innocent face long buried under a monstrous, feral mask.

She could feel her mate's tongue sliding around her neck, coiling around her neck further, leaving a heady musky saliva behind as foot after foot of tongue wound around her neck to let the tip reach from that coil and slither into her shirt. She hissed appreciatively at the tongue sliding over her sensitive breasts. That whip-like tongue left wet bulges beneath the fabric as it sought its target. As that tip found her nipple Emaza let out a whimpering moan, wetly pressing against it eagerly with a clear purpose. The tongue pushed until her nipple was forced partially into her breast and forming a dimple there for a few moments. She threw her head back as the divet popped back as the tip of that tongue entered her breast, that began to warm and tingle in ecstasy as a pleasant throbbing began. The beast was panting above her through long teeth from their mating as he wormed around inside her breast for a few moments before pulling it free, her breast distending toward it as it withdrew until popping free. Her rapist turned lover turned the thin, dripping tongue on its twin now, pushing into her nipple again to Emaza's delight as the heat billowed inside, filling it until the fatty gland throbbed in such an erotic way. Each beat of her heart seemed to cause them pleasure now. It was enough to push Emaza into her first orgasm with a partner.

Her toes curled in ecstasy, throwing her head back as every fiber of the once dragoness tensed with bliss. Those once vestigial toeclaws lengthen, growing, becoming stronger and deadlier, just like her. Her cunt spasmed around that monster's cock, greadily swallowing around it to suck the cum out of those enormous testicles that slapped her ass while they mated. She didn't have to wait long however as the monster slurped its tongue back into his head, letting out a roar as he dropped his hips into her, pushing forward on the tips of his rear paw-toes, getting a few inches deeper to plunge into her womb. Her cervix kissing that point briefly before gulping it down all at once. Emaza could feel the moment that cock began filling her with corrupt, monstrous cum. The beast pinned down her hips with his own as he seeded her, each throb passing more cum through that cock, stretching her tunnel even more as her belly pushed out with each one. She was overwhelmed with a sense of completion, of rightness. She was meant to be pumped full of cum, to be bred over and over until she was ready to burst. She reached up to run her hands down her mate's feral chest, watching the claws push out into wicked rakes as her transformation entered its final stages.

While they both rode their wet, messy, life creating orgasms, Emaza's breasts expanded to the point of causing tears in her formally loose shirt. Before she could tear the fabric to ribbons, her heavy tits sprung free, wobbling towards her sides from the weight the monster essence and milk filled mammaries now held. Emaza squeezed one, growling in lust as the sensitive breast sprayed thick white cream on the forest floor. The sound deepened as the female's form grew in every direction. Over the course of a minute her body filled out to almost match the proportions of her rotund gut. She could hear the sound of quivering muscle and creaking bone as Emaza became taller, her muscles harder. When her body finished its growth, she was at least eight feet tall, three feet across shoulder to shoulder. Even with her impossible size, her tail kept spooling out longer and longer, shuddering all the while. 10 feet long, then 12, longer still until it matched her mate's, 20 feet of scaled tail that she passionately twisted with his to insure they stayed joined at the hips. WIth her corruption complete, she crossed her legs above the spermatosaurus' haunches, now close enough to his bestial size and appearance.

As she pulled him close his balls seemed to grow larger, swelling with more cum to fill her with. Emaza opened her fanged maw to beg for more, but only howeld with glee as the brown furred beast stood back up on his rear paws suddenly only to slam back down into her, quickly falling into another rutting. Emaza was ready and wanting, rolling her hips roughly into the monster's, now a monster herself. As they slapped together in clumsy and uncoordinated need, Emaza could feel something jostling in her belly. For a moment, she began to question what it could be. Quickly however the thought was pushed deep down by the thrusts into her messy vent, her mind simplifying into heat again as she was bred, laying out beneath her new mate.