Virility Plague 4

Story by DamonTeli on SoFurry

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At last the conclusion of this series. Clark, Ashley, Cole and Jack all deal with the effects of the virus. However the infection will have a wider scope than Clark could even imagine.

Big thanks to Segmentium for encouragement and editing help.

Clark the Ram struggled to catch his breath as unnatural lusts burned inside him. The massive hyper virile ram struggled to keep his mind on his vital work at the computer as he tried to formulate a solution to his growing problem. Growing problem indeed. His massive fuck stick was swelling larger with every second, just a few minutes ago his dick was about 20 inches long, now his grotesquely thick prick was at least 28 inches long. With every involuntary contraction of his swollen grapefruit sized taint his dick smacked the underside of the table and let loose a gush of reeking semen in enough volume to overflow a bucket with each shot. His cum was a literal biological hazard with its uncountable sperm concentration. It was so virile that it wasn't even a liquid any more. More like a dense chunky paste that stuck to every surface like glue. He could feel his own virility as his infectiously fertile sperm squirmed vigorously enough for him to clearly feel the tingles and countless pinpricks as the sperm rubbed against his sperm soaked legs, tickled the insides of this sperm blasting tool, and crashed around on the insides of his massive watermelon sized testicles.

Clark had infected himself with a targeted virus in an attempt to improve his virility but now it was totally out of control. He couldn't go five minutes without his balls heaving and spraying a disastrously large amount of sperm all over the lab. Other parts of his body kept improving and growing as well as his overly potent synthetic virus endlessly worked to make him more masculine and sexually potent. Clark had grown huge, he stood at least 8 feet tall at this point, to say he was muscular was a major understatement. His had the body of a Greek fertility deity, a deity on steroids in fact. No amount of exercise or diet could give a male a more perfect body. His biceps had grown into massive soccer balls of rock hard muscle and his thighs were larger than the torsos of some smaller men. His abs were perfectly defined and looked ready to burst from the skin of his stone hard belly. His bubbled rump had grown large and rounded enough to destroy any lower garment less stretchy than a pair of over-sized sweat pants. He had grown multiple sets of horns nearly a meter long each as the nearly toxic levels of hormones over-stimulated his secondary sexual characteristics. He looked almost demonic in appearance thanks to his record shattering crown of horns.

Clark grabbed the side of the metal table, the steel easily yielding to his virus enhanced strength. He couldn't take it anymore. His balls gurgled and groaned loud enough to shake him down to his marrow. His needs were growing too great. His had been cumming virtually nonstop for hours yet he felt like was ready to burst. He could feel quadrillions of sperm cells inside his godlike nuts, Clark could feel them try to force themselves into his cum tubes as they tried to fertilize something before he even had a chance to spill them. His wife Ashley lay inside a pool of his cum inside the bathroom from his previous hyper horny encounter. He knew he had to resist or else his need to fuck would make it impossible for him to finish his new antidote. He previous antidote was a failure, he knew he had to increase the potency if he wanted to stop the virilization cascade raging inside very cell of his body. It was his only hope.

Liters of cum sprayed from his dick despite him not having an orgasm as his body sought to fertilize everything insight. His musk soaked though everything in his lab. The windows were fogged from the stench of his creamy spillage and the sheer heat the giga-ram gave off from simply existing. He wanted a pair of wide ram hips to take his virile member, for him to burst inside a fertile pussy and flood it with his monstrously potent seed. He wanted to stuff every female in sight with his offspring. He wanted Ashley. We wanted his wife. He knew that she was certainly already pregnant from the cataclysmic sperm injection he gave her earlier but he didn't care. Clark managed to avoid running over to his wife but the need to breed flared inside his mind once again and he let out a deep bleet of pleasure and desperation as his dick exploded in a creamy nova of lead dense sperm.


If the wall near his desk was made of lesser material he would of blasted a hole though the wall with his own potency as Clark gritted his teeth, he rode the mind destroying waves of pleasure as he tried to establish some modicum control of his own breeding instincts. Cum too thick to truly flow submerged his massive hooves as it was forced to flow away from the back of the desk. Ropes of wiggling breeding porridge cascaded off of the back wall. Clark could feel the burning heat of his all impregnating wad as it piled under his poor computer desk, which was at this point more cum than metal. Clark let out a sigh of relief as his cumshots finally died down. But he knew it was only temporary as he could feel his balls throb and churn as they started to fill with another godly load within seconds.


His oily musk drippinh balls heaved and pulsed inside his thick fur covered sack. His eyes widened as he could feel them recharging faster than ever, he could feel literally pounds of ram cum forming inside his nut sack with every beat of his racing heart. He could feel his own virility spiral out of control. Inside his nuts was a tornado of all-impregnating production, his freakishly healthly testicular tissues spawning trillions of angry swimmers every second. His balls were already the size of watermelons but they kept inflating as his reeking payload of musky cum accumulated. He could feel glands and overburdened tubes of his nuts distend with enough cum to supply a sperm bank for half a lifetime.

It was getting worse. It was like his body was trying to punish him for not following his instincts. For spilling his seed on the cold tiles of his lab instead of a fertile pussy. Clark thought for a moment that he was going to lose control for good this time. Visions of dripping pussy and cum spewing butts flashed in his eyes and he started to growl and buck as his breeding visions started to creep into his mind. But Clark was a very lucky ram as the cold monotone voice of the computer prevented him from falling into another sex crazed abyss.

Antidote completed.... Automatic injector ready for application. Warning.... Sample unstable. Suggest additional testing.

Clark had no time for tests. It was make or break. The second the metal cover of the fabricator opened to dispense the small auto-injector Clark grabbed it and promptly jammed it into his thigh. With a gentle hiss he felt the cool suspension flow into his body and Clark let out a sign of relief as he felt the burning heat inside his belly cool somewhat. He dropped the empty injector as he tried to catch his breath. For the first time he was able take his attention off of his massive cum spurting cock and he looked around in a mix of shock and despair. His personal laboratory was a ruin. Only by a miracle was he able to work out an antidote to his virility virus in this cum soaked swamp. The blue walls were now coated with thick clumps of white spermy paste and the floor had all but vanished in a thick coating of super potent ram semen. Millions of dollars of expensive lab equipment would need to be either replaced or given a power wash in order to be made presentable again. Virtually every piece of glassware or vaguely fragile apparatus lay shattered on the floor, knocked down by his frantic sex drunk movements, or simply exploded by the impact of one of his uncountable cumshots; laboratory grade Pyrex proving no match for his dense pasty breeding cream.

Clark got this his feet. He stomped about on the floor as he tried to steady himself. Broken glass crunched under him but his massive iron dense hooves were basically cut proof so he paid no mind. He looked down, taking a good long look at himself for the first time since he fucked Ashley in the bathroom. He didn't know if he should be horrified or elated as he realized that his little experiment had done to his body. He was gigantic in every was possible other than body fat. He now stood a little under 8 feet tall, his body was a solid wall of muscle. He blushed at his own body, he looked like some kind of sex beast that somehow absorbed the muscle from every contestant at a bodybuilding championship. His obliques were godly slabs of muscle fit only for a roided up titan and his abs were valleys of bloated power that one could get lost in if one wasn't careful. What really surprised him was his ass. His butt had grown into a massive bubble butt that jutted out obscenely more than a foot behind him, it almost looked a bit feminine it its curvature. He figured that a big butt was better for humping and thrusting and like everything else the virus had gone overboard.

Clark grabbed his semi hard ram cock in his hand as he felt its huge girth. The final growth spurt had caused his dick to grow to about 30 inches long and it was a thick as a 2 liter soda container when fully soft, although he knew that his girth would grow once he was fully hard. His nuts were monstrous. If not for the growth of the rest of his body he would be unable to carry such heavy cum factories around without mechanical assistance. They had swollen to the size of prize winning watermelons, although they would swell a bit larger when he was pent up. He could still feel his own virility, the pinpricks of countless sperm cells as they moved inside his nuts. He felt his nuts churn powerfully, constantly, they never stopped their potent gurgles of production antidote or not, this fertility boost was permanent and Clark knew that he would need to drain them often if he wanted avoid explosions of musky white in public.

Clark was still unbearably horny but he was in control of himself now. He figured that he should go check on his wife to see how she was holding up. As he waded though the mire of sperm to leave he was surprised when the locked door to his lab rattled and he heard the unmistakable sound of Ashley though it.

"CLARRKKK!!! Open the door! I need you!!!"

Clark didn't know what to think so he quickly unlocked the door. Before he had a chance to realize what was happening Ashley; Clark's curvy goat wife, barged though the now open door and embraced him. Her massive cum filled belly was gone but she also looked.... Taller? She was taller, Clark was sure of it. She had to be over 6 feet tall now. He still towered over her but he wasn't prepared for her new found weight and he almost slipped and fell to the floor. And Clark swore she looked like her hips had grown a bit. Oh no... the virus effected females as well he realized.

"Clark... why? So horny. What did you do to me," Ashley said as she looked at her husband in a mixture of confusion and lust.

"My enhancement virus seems to have affected you dear. Umm.... let me get you a dose of the antidote. Let me go please."

Ashley was stronger than she looked and she held on to him as if her life depended on it. He realized that he couldn't get her to let go, not without using an ungentlemanly amount of force. He needed to activate the medical fabricator but he couldn't reach the console. Luckily he didn't actually need to be at the console to get it to work.

"Computer synthesize last work order compound 24 Alpha, 100cc intravenous format. Thank the stars for voice activation," Clark said as he tried to gently push his hyper randy wife off him. She was starting to lick his toned belly and her hands explored his vast maleness. His natural musk clearly making her condition worse as her breathing started to become rapid and heavy. Across the room Clark heard the computer reply with a series of sharp beeps and the monotone voice of the inbuilt digital assistant.

Confirmed. Production of compound 24 Alpha is in progress. Estimated time until completion of order.... 24 minutes...

Clark groaned as he realized that it would take some time for fabricator to make another batch of the antidote after it had just finished making the last dose. He hoped that Ashley wouldn't mutate too much in the meantime. Although his hopes were dashed as he looked back at his wife. Her eyes were glazed over with lust and he could feel that her skin was becoming hotter somehow. Her furry breasts started to slowly inflate against his body and he felt her swollen teats start to become moist with milk. He watched in amazement as she started to grow taller, his height advantage starting to become less substantial. Clark started to feel dizzy. Even with the virus in this body effectively eliminated he had still been left with the libido of a sexual demigod and he found himself placing his hands against her wide hips. He gulped as he felt her pelvis start to burgeon in size it was slow but it was noticeable, her hips starting to grow from curvy mom hips into something more akin to an ancient fertility idol with every second. His balls started to ache and he saw that they were starting to churn with increasing intensity, the ache soon becoming a deep and red hot throb that reverberated inside his furry cum sack. He remembered his previous fantasies about hordes of hyper fertile breeding goats throwing themselves at him and he felt his godly dick start to harden and press against Ashley's soft belly....

Across the street Cole and Jack managed to get into their bedroom. Or rather the virus infected Cole had thrown his wolf husband across his shoulder and toss him onto the bed. Cole the fox had been infected by a shower of Clark's hyper fertile semen while in the bath. The virility of the ram enough to infect the entire neighborhood at this point via the town water supply. The virility virus had transformed the twinky fox into a massive 8 foot tall adonis with an arm thick canine cock and melon sized balls full to bursting with musky cum. Jack the wolf looked at his new and improved mate with no small amount of concern as he eyed Cole's massive pre dripping member.

Cole towered over him his massive nut sack throbbing and growling as the sperm filled payload within swirled and churned endlessly, becoming more and more potent every second. Cole's ball sack was coated in the same oily hormone leaden sweat that was the calling card of the virility plague and the musk was becoming so potent that Jack's eyes were starting to water. Cole stood at the edge of the bed as he looked at Jack with a piercing lust that made the wolf at once aroused and fearful.

"Umm... hold up big guy going to need to lube up first," Jack said. As he tried to roll off the bed to scrounge around for the bottle of lube hiding among all their assorted bedroom clutter a muscular paw stopped him in his tracks and rolled him back onto his belly.

"No need babe," Jack said as he playfully smacked his weighty canine cock against Jack muscular behind.

"I got all the lube you need right here wolfy"

Jack's eyes perked up as he started to feel his butt cheeks and lower back become wet with something slimy and as he looked over his shoulder he saw Cole's dick leaking massive amounts of pre-cum all over him. His massive dong was leaking more clear thick pre than most males full orgasm by several orders of magnitude. His ass cheeks quickly become soaked as his horny giga-fox lover leaked all over him. Before he could say anything Jack felt Cole's meaty hands grab both of his cheeks and spread them wide before placing his huge cockhead in between. Cole's dick started to violently suddenly gush pre as the virus super charged his reproductive organs, the prospect of a hole to fuck over stimulating him. In a matter of second Jack's hole was soaked in what looked like an entire bucket fluid, entire cups of precum were pumped out and around his ass cheeks from this lewd hotdogging session.

"There. I think that more than a whole bottle of lube don't you think," Cole said as he got on his hands and knees above Jack, the bed sagging under his weight.

Cole lifted his dick from between Jack's muscular ass cheeks before slowly pressing the tip into Jack's hole. Jack gulped as he felt his untrained hole strain to accommodate Cole's arm sized canine dong. Jack was usually not a bottom but the unnatural musk pouring off of his virus enhance husband was making him feel dizzy and the weight of the towering fox made him feel strangely safe. He felt bubbly and calm in a way he never experienced in sex before. Jack didn't realize what was happening to him as first, but as the searing flashes of strain from being filled with the fist sized tip of Jack's cock slowly morphed into an intense pleasurable throbbing he realized. He was becoming more submissive.

Cole slowly pressed his dick deeper into Jack's depths. Although he realized that he needed to be careful as Jack was far too small to accommodate his new hyper sized member without injury. Still Cole would breed him the best he could as he slowly sawed the first six inches of his member in and out of Jack's tight but immaculately lubricated hole. Although his ears perked up when he heard that Jack was softly whining under him.

"Hey are you ok pup," Cole asked as he slowed his pace, not wanting to accidentally hurt his lover.

Jack craned his head around to look at the massive muscle bound fox pinning him to the bed before saying.

"Yes. Please more," Cole thought he had a strange look in his eye, a mixture a lust and listlessness.

Cole didn't need any more explanation than that as he picked up the pace. He fucked Jack's ass as deep as he could and slid more and more of his member into the horny wolf below him. Jack was only so deep and he stopped when he felt like the strain was becoming to much. He was able to get about ten of so inches of throbbing meat into Jack, an impressive accomplishment considering their size difference. Jack wasn't a small wolf for sure, quite the opposite considering how much of a gym rat he was. It was Cole's love of bigger musclebound lovers that ignited their relationship in the first place. However now the tables were turned as Cole was at least two feet taller and more than twice the weight of the former alpha wolf. Cole kept a fucking Jack in earnest, his massive cum bloated balls smacking Jack's thighs as he increased his speed as much as he dare. The tightness of Jack hole was making his nut sack ache and he knew it wouldn't be long before he let lose inside his mate.

Jack's breathing increased as he felt a strange warmth in his belly surge. His vision blurred and he felt the bubbly feeling bouncing in his brain increase until it felt like a rubber band being pulled tight. He never bottomed in his life. Why did it feel so good? His asshole started to glow with a hot reverberating sensation as his bowels started to fill with Cole's ever growing stream of virility virus infected pre. Jack moaned piteously, something the studly wolf had never done before in his life. No this wasn't what normally happened. He was an alpha. Wasn't he? He briefly felt a pang of worry start to grip him but his ass throbbed hard around Cole's member and his worries soon evaporated at the sensation. The wolf's toes curled as his asshole pulsed with newly discovered pleasure. Jack wanted more. No. He needed more. He lifted his pelvis off the bed slightly in an attempt to stuff more thick fox dick up his suddenly hungry ass.

Cole felt Jack's ass start to clench and tighten in a way that he didn't know was possible. The huge fox huffed and puffed as he felt his need to fuck increase. He rammed as much cock into his husband as he could until the tightness excruciating. Cole looked down at Jack and saw that he looked like he was hyper ventilating a bit, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth as if he was in a deep drunken stupor. Jack wanted more of his cock, but Cole knew that he was too big to fill him up any more.

Suddenly Cole heard a soft but noticeable cracking sound. It was enough for the horny fox to stop once again, suddenly worried that he had somehow broken Jack in someway with his bulk and magnum dong. Although Jack didn't seem to be in any pain. In fact Cole watched as the wolf threw his head back and groan in unabashed pleasure, the wolf's hips started to shake before they swelled outward. The difference was minor but still easy to spot. At the same time Jack ass cheeks started to groan before suddenly starting to inflate with dense muscle and followed by an ample coating of jiggly fat.

Jack howled in pleasure as his rear end continued to grow. He needed more of his alpha, more cock, more cum, more muscle, more everything. Jack's ass felt empty despite Cole's dick inside him and he whimpered in need as his pelvis widened again. Cole didn't understand what was happening but why it was happening didn't matter. All he knew was that it was hot. And as he plunged his dick again into Jack's increasingly muscular and active rear end he found that he could go deeper then he could a few seconds ago. He thrust as hard as he could into Jack, he desperately wanted to go on forever but as his virus augmented nuts tensed up he knew that he was mere seconds from blowing his loud. He increased the speed of his thrusting. His need to breed overriding his previous caution as his nuts groaned and burned, overflowing with a disastrous amount of thick unnaturally fertile fox cum. At this point Jack's whole body was being pressed violently into the mattress; the bed frame creaked and slid a few feet around the room from the weight and force of the mega fox's fearsome rutting. Cole let out a feral howl of need as his massive balls clenched so violently that they seemed to shrink down to near half their full size, a millisecond later his dick let loose a creamy explosion is cum into Jack.

_ Skkkrrrrrrrtrtrt _

Within seconds Jack felt his gut start to swell with gallons of cement thick fox seed. There were no individual shots of cum, Cole's breeding tool had evolved far beyond anything that weak and mundane, his dick simply started spraying sperm into Jack like a broken fire hydrant. His belly was already slightly bloated from Cole's precum. Now however his belly burgeoned in size in leaps and bounds. Almost immediately the last of his sculpted abs vanished as his belly grew, at first it looked like the wolf had swallowed a cantaloupe whole, but it didn't stop there. His belly kept growing until he looked like he was 9 month pregnant. Yet the swelling didn't stop. The pressure of his belly was actually starting to lift him and Cole upwards off the bed. Cole realized what was happening; he grabbed Jack around the chest before rolling on his back, Jack now looking up at the ceiling as Cole kept unloading his monster load into him. Jack's gut gurgled while his asshole locked itself around Cole's dick, his newly fuck hungry ass not wanting a single drop of creamy goodness to be lost. Jack felt his intestines distend from the unstoppable tide of spunk as it filled out every spare cubic inch of his gi track. He felt the thick breeding goo breach his stomach as started to fill backwards. Jack gave a slight burp and he tasted musk and salt as his stomach continued to fill and then overfill with his wonderful lover's overwhelming virility.

Jack felt dizzy yet so horny. Cole's cum was everything. It was inside him, it was outside him, he needed more. It was never enough. Jack's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his stomach gave up the battle, unable to contain another drop of the fox's spunk Jack tasted cum before it started to gush out of his mouth. It gushed a few feet up into the air before gravity took over and the dense cum wads crashed down on Cole and Jack like water balloons full of glue. The pressure of the cum also flooded his sinus. The smell was so extreme that it finally brought Jack to orgasm; the all powerful reek threatening to burn out his sensitive canine senses. His own rock hard canine cock sprayed a few gushes of cum, tiny and totally lost among of the fountain of fox cum now destroying their bedroom but it was still the best release of his life.

It wasn't stopping however. And Jack needed to breathe. Jacked waved his hands frantically and managed to smack Cole lightly on his muzzle. Cole was startled and he opened his eyes. He was shocked with how swollen Jack had become and as he heard his wet desperate gurgles he realized what was happening.

"Oh crap Jack hang on!"

Cole lifted Jack up and off of his spurting dick. No longer being contained by Jack's body a nova of cum splattered off of jack's backside, coating Cole in a massive tide of white. Cole huffed in need as he rolled the nearly round wolf off to his side of the bed before grabbing his dick and rubbing it desperately. He had nearly drowned his husband in his seed but his balls still felt like their were seconds away from bursting. He roared again as jets of cum stabbed at the ceiling, he came with so much force that Cole started to punch holes in the wood with an ultra dense tar thick beam of all-impregnating fox jizz. Cum cascaded down on upon them, at this point there was so much of it their bed wasn't a bed anymore, it was a soft sponge of fabric coated in a nearly foot thick layer of cum, unable to flow off or absorb into the sheets due to its sickening thickness it simply piled on the both of them. There was so much of it that Cole started to worry that his dick would never stop. Luckily although his balls sure felt bottomless before getting his dick wet they were not (damn near close to bottomless though), and soon his ejaculation started to temper off.

Cole finally relaxed as the last pulses of cum shot out of his massive member, knocking some assorted junk off of the night stand next to the bed. Cole let out a deep sigh as he lay in the bed enjoying the afterglow. He was nearly about to fall asleep in the cum soaked bed before he started to wonder what had become of Jack. He looked over and saw the cum filled wolf zonked out next to him with an expression of bliss on his face. Well that was a good sign he thought. Cole was about to nod off himself before Jack suddenly started to howl loud enough to scare the fox off of the bed, he fell unceremoniously on the cum saturated floor before getting his bearings and looking to see what was going on.

Jack's entire body including his cum filled gut was writhing and pulsating, his stomach gurgling as he started to fill out as if the massive wad of cum within was pumping him full of power. Cole remembered his own transformation and realized what was happening, he didn't know if he should be aroused or worried. The wolf's body started to pack on pound of dense muscle, his already well defined biceps exploded violently into cannon ball sized globes of power, neither the coating of cum nor his fur could hide the snake thick veins that started to spread like growing spiderwebs all across his body as the massive virus filled load altered his body. His spine cracked and stretched as Cole gained inches in height every second, his back became a thick landscape of muscle as it swelled with muscle in unison. Within seconds Jack was at least eight feet tall, perhaps even taller than Cole.

His canine cock grew in size becoming a meaty red tool nearly 18 inches long as his balls swelled to the size of large coconuts. Jack's dick started to leak a dangerous amount of precum that added to the pool of male fluid all around them.

Jack's belly started to shrink rapidly as the cum started to assimilating into his body. Soon his abs were visible again and they too bulged his skin has they grew ridiculously defined and heavy. Jack's legs grew to nearly four times their previous size, becoming tree trunks of power much like Cole, however unlike Cole Jack's pelvis started to grow in size once again becoming absolutely feminine as his hips eclipsed the width of his bulky shoulders. Jack let out a deep sigh of pleasure and as he gripped his butt it started to balloon in size too. His butt morphed from a round muscle butt into a jiggling yet still well supported pair of globes, his hands some became lost as his ass cheeks seemed to consume them with their fat coated bulk. It was a huge impractical booty designed only to be fucked as it jutted out more than three feet behind him. Jack started to finger his asshole and whine in need, his hole visibly pulsed with a white hot dirty hunger as if it had transformed into an infinite void.

Cole in the meantime was already rock hard from the lewd show and he stood up, his balls feeling heavy once more. But before he could take a step forward Jack looked in his direction and screamed one simple word.

"CAAAAAAWWWWKKKK,"Jack leaped from the bed and tackled the Cole with enough force to send them both crashing through the drywall into the hallway.

Later the neighbors would hear howls of pleasure and need in addition to the sounds of furniture being smashed. Windows would be broken and on occasion a thick stream of white cum would shoot out to stain the grass with a few streaks of white. Although as the virus spread in the small town with increasing rapidity the residents would soon find themselves too distracted to notice......

Clark rubbed his massive cock in between Ashley's growing breasts. His overflowing balls coating them both with a musky layer of sperm. Ashley wouldn't stop growing. Her breasts were now huge spheres that were several times the width of her shoulders, they leaked a rich sweet smelling cream in enough abundance to create a massive puddle of motherly goodness around them. She was huge now in every way, only a couple inches shorter than his 8 foot tall frame but at least as heavy if not more so due to her growing breeding assets. Her hips had widened from an impressive but reasonable child bearing girth into something almost cow like, her hips were now at least five times the width of her narrow feminine shoulders. She had been exposed to the primary virus from patient zero (Clark) and now it was out of control, turning her into a fuck hungry breeding beast designed only to have as many offspring as possible, fast as possible, and as easily as possible. Her belly had swelled not with pregnancy (yet) but with breeding flesh, her womb rapidly swelling in size until it started to permanently bulge her abdomen. Two pulsing masses were visible from the outside as well, her ovaries now coated in the virus mutated with shocking speed. They grew until they were at least as big as coconuts, they contracted every few seconds releasing thousands of eggs into her already ova flooded tubes, actually distending them with potential offspring. Clark was almost too horny too care but he genuinely feared that if he was to cum in her ravenous pussy his wife might literally burst from the rigors of pregnancy beyond what nature envisioned.

But he needed to empty his balls into her. All of his fantasies were coming true and he would not be denied. The antidote would take a few more minutes to prepare. Just one more fuck couldn't hurt right? Clark stopped sliding his dick in between her breasts and started to gently tease the entrance to her feminine honey hole. The sensation causing her to sweet gush nectar all over his penis. Not wanting to waste anymore time Clark grabbed her around the small of her back and thrust inside her. Her face contorted into a mask of desperate almost manic pleasure and her cunt contracted around his member with a vice like grip, the sensation causing Clark to bleat softly in lust. It was like her body was designed to meet his every need; considering the effects of the virus that wasn't too far from the truth. Ashley howled in need as her every sense was overload with sensations. His handsome face, his omnipresent musk, his godly member. She wanted it all. Her pussy burst into orgasm causing Clark to moan as her depths tightened again. But the orgasms didn't stop, like a chain of firecrackers her pussy kept igniting with waves of hot pleasure, she sprayed nectar with such force and abundance that Clark felt like his crotch and thighs were being power-washed. Ashley took hold of Clark by his horns nearly bearing him into the ground due to her newfound weight but he managed to brace himself and remain standing. Ashley's eyes were glassy yet focused as she rubbed and worshiped his massive rack of thick horns like she was pleasuring a fat cock. Clearly the virus had intensified her horn fetish.... Not that Clark was complaining, that's what they were for right?

Clark was amazed at how easily she was taking his massive 30 inch long cum cannon but he figured that with her almost comically wide hips and massive growth spurt she could now easily handle even the most grotesquely over sized pillars of male anatomy with ease. Standing up was becoming difficult however. He wanted to really fuck her hard and deep so he could really give her eggs a thick coating of his seed. She bent his knees and rammed his dick as hard as he could into her snatch causing her to relax somewhat from the overwhelming sensation of her hungry pussy being filled to bursting with dick. Clark made his move and managed to lower her to the cum covered tile floor without even taking his dick out of her. She didn't mind at all. She was his as long as he kept his cock inside her. He put her on her side and lifted her right leg in order to gain extra leverage before starting to fuck her in a spooning position. Clark's balls rumbled with production, the sperm inside them multiplying uncontrollably as trillions, quadrillions, quintillions of sperm cells flooded his hyper potent testicles. The air around his super charged nut sack seemed to shimmer with not only heat but with an almost toxic level of musk.

Clark felt the sperm wiggling in his balls become almost painful and he knew that he couldn't hold on any longer. Clark started to lose control again. He stopped his rhythmic pace and started to slam himself into Ashley like a horny animal. He started to froth and his eyes went wild as Ashley screamed loudly enough to probably scare the neighbors. Clark was going to explode. He wanted this so badly, at last he could start a family. Clark's cum bloated testicles let out a long tortuous groan as they pulsed violently and pulled up into this groin. Clark let out a bleat that could be at once pleasure, pain or any combination of the two before the floor started to rumble as his balls seemed to roar in unison with him. Clark's dick exploded into a nova of semi-soild cum deep inside Ashley's pussy. Within seconds her womb, her tubes, her ovaries bloated with gallons upon gallons of spunk, sperm counts so high that new computing technology would be needed to estimate its virility with any amount of accuracy. Ashley knew she was pregnant, the all-impregnating tide of hyper charged sperm soon found every egg within her bloated and enhanced reproductive system. Her ovaries surged and spasmed as if having an orgasm of their own and let out a variable explosion of eggs, millions of them were instantly fertilized upon release. Ashley would likely be pregnant for the rest of her life but she didn't care. Why would she mind bearing children for such a stud?

Ashley's belly was swollen to a size bigger than the rest of her body at this point but even she had limits and soon the pressure forced the cum to rocket from her slit as Clark kept gushing inside her. Clark still kept letting loose as the level of chunky sperm started to increase by inches every minute. The amount of musk in such a tight space turned the lab into a sauna. It took nearly ten minutes for Clark to stop cumming. By the time he was done they were both partially submerged in spunk. The lab was a total loss, he would have to have the whole thing demolished and rebuilt. Oh well... it was worth it.


Clark was able to dose himself and his wife after he had finished emptying his nuts into her virus juiced womb. The effects were immediate and their sexual characteristics stopped enhancing before they transformed into non-sentient sex fiends. However Clark had no idea what wonderful chaos his accidental cum shot into the town plumbing system had caused. The entire town he lived in had been infected with the virus. It effected any adult male or female in the population regardless of species. It mostly improved the overall libido and fertility of the entire population by an order a magnitude. All across the community bedrooms were flooded with vast pools of thick musky sperm as males gave their swelling mates basin bursting injections of cream. Condoms burst under the onslaught of multi gallon cum shots, birth control pills were overridden by virus induced mutations, and even previously barren women found themselves massively pregnant. Amazingly there were reports of a handful of pregnancies from females that had undergone hysterectomies. Homosexual males were actually transformed even more severely as prolonged exposure to fluids from other infected males cause their bodies to improve endlessly as the genetic payload of the virus forced them to compete with each other on a cellular level even as they made love. Apparently a gay couple, fox and a wolf, had been found rutting in the local park eventually turning the small decorative fish pond nearby into a sperm soaked swamp. They both had to ride to the local clinic in the bed of a heavy duty pickup truck they had grown so huge.

Clark was able to raise the alert and using the resources of the biotech firm he worked at he was able to produce and distribute his counter agent in record time. Still the "damage" was done. Some coped with the changes better than others. Local indecency laws were relaxed in order to give the citizens time to gain a modicum of control of their passions, the only other alternative was to arrest every person in town for lewdness at some point. Although in truth the local police officers were having enough trouble with their own fiery needs. In fact during a force meeting the chief of police, a rather large and studly chestnut stallion, underestimated the potency of his nearly ground scraping nuts (extraordinary even by the town's new standards). Dispute his best efforts his testicles couldn't withstand being without release during his hour long presentation and eventually his chest bumping virus strengthened horse cock burst his pants before coating the first couple rows of staff and officers in reeking cum. The poor overly blessed stallion reportedly ran off the stage in embarrassment only to flood out the men's restrooms with semen.

Still it wasn't all bad. The virus gave almost supernatural health to anyone infected with it. Aching knees and wasted arms became bulging muscle bound steel pillars, book worms that had never spent a day in the gym found themselves with muscles so huge they needed to wear tarps in public until they could buy new clothes. People with poor vision found that they could now see so sharply it gave them temporary head aches in the beginning. And older individuals were effectively restored to youth, the local retirement center even had to close down as a newly created horde of horny super studs and fertile sex goddesses rampaged around the building, the virility virus giving the old and infirm residents a particularly violent shock to their systems. Still none of them could really complain. The population adapted. Men's bathrooms were retrofitted with industrial grade penis milkers so male citizens could empty themselves into the now reinforced plumbing network with convenience and a measure of cleanliness. Sex toys such as dildos became extremely popular among both females and males, and self cleaning private "relaxation booths" were installed in some public areas and most work places. Again to avoid accidents and to prevent loss of productivity. Local business leaders especially feared that their workers would be too busy fucking to actually get any work done. To their surprise they found that their employees now possessed an incredible manic energy, even though they had to take frequent breaks to ... relax, overall business was booming.

One of the greatest challenges was finding clothing that fit their newly enhanced bodies. Most males had to give up on underwear entirely in favor of loose fitting loincloths that gave their arm sized dongs and titanic nuts room to move around. Women now wore either lose elastic skirts capable of containing their hyper fertile breeding hips, or if they needed to be modest, full body gowns. Although modest is a rather inappropriate word, when your hips and ass are wider than most door-frames even a nun's habit is going to have difficulty hiding your curves. The most difficult part was dealing with all of the pregnancies. The town government provided pregnant couples and women with a stipend based on the number of expected children in preparation. While local hospital and clinic set aside dozens of spare maternity wards for the coming baby boom.

For Clark the whole situation could have been a disaster for him. But instead he found that he was now the CEO of Lilith biotech. Derivatives of the virus he had created had be purified and used for a number of treatments and products both for enhancing ones sex life and curing disease. Although what really put him on the fact track was the fact that it could be used as an anti-aging treatment. The first of it's kind proven to be successful and the huge ram leaned back in his new office chair as he watched Lilith Bio LLC's share price sky rocket during morning trading. Thing were going to be very fine indeed from now on. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the heavy sounds of hooves pierced the silence before Ashley walked into his office.

"Clark it's 1:30 pm. Are you going to get your ass to bed for our midday fun or am I going to have to spend my afternoon with my toy collection like yesterday," Ashley said, looking more curious and annoyed than angry.

_ Grooonannn _

Clark's balls roiled audibly and started to ache at the sight of Ashley's naked body. She was huge. Her massively pregnant belly looked like it made up nearly half of her total mass and her furry breasts had to be as big as medicine balls. The only other part of her Clark could see were her sofa crushing hips that jutted out to her sides, they made her look like she was capable of giving birth to fully formed adults rather than newborns, and they left her with a truly expansive thigh gap. Clark got up from his chair and walked over confidently. He placed his head against her massive belly as he rubbed it.

"Yeah. Heh heh all your fault. But you said you wanted children. Well now we are having 18. Are you happy," Ashley said as she rubbed his bulky neck. She started to relax and felt herself grow wet from the thick spicy smell of his omnipresent musk, a smell that always sent shivers of lust and need no matter how many times she had encountered it. The sent of a true alpha male isn't something you ever get used to, it's something you enjoy and relish in.

"Yes. But lets have more Ash," Clark said as he lifted her massive form in a herculean display of power. He hauled her all the way to their bed before setting her down. Clark's dick was rock hard, all 30 inches and he felt his spermatozoa tickling the inside of his nuts like they always did at the scent of a fertile hole to stuff with offspring.

"Let's see just how fertile that belly really is."

Dragon Fertility

Inside a vast subterranean labyrinth the sound of heavy footfalls echoed off the walls. The gentle breathing of a great beast caused the puddles of crystal clear spring water on the limestone floor to vibrate as it stalked though the airy cave. Othys...

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The Hunger

**Chapter 1** A bunny toiled under the piercing white light of a buzzing overhead florescent light in his garage, apparatus and various unknowable contraptions of chemical synthesis beeped and bubbled as Damon grabbed a glass beaker in order to...

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Virility Plague 3

The sound of a shower echoed in the bathroom of a fox as he washed up after a hard day at work. The red furred fox thoroughly enjoying the hot water on his skin. Cole the Fox lived just one house down from Clark and he was totally ignorant of the...

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