Trinity of Love

Story by Dusk_Winterfang96 on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon Fics

Previously written story from my account. A prequel story to the story on there Veil Between Worlds. Might make some new stories in this universe but different from Veil Between Worlds.

A male Sceptile sat at the entrance to the cave that him and his two best friends called home. The Sceptile went by the name Logan and he watched as the snow came down, covering the forest in a thick white blanket. 'Looks like this winter's going to be a bad one.' He thought as it continued to come down. Thankfully before winter had arrived, Logan and his friends, a female Goodra named Belle and a male Typhlosion named Riley, had stocked up on both food and firewood, even then Logan knew of a few berry bushes that grew in the winter, should they need a few extra ones. With a sigh the Sceptile reached over to his right a placed a waist-high board across the entrance to help keep most of the snow from blowing in. With it done, he headed into the living room where Riley was sprawled out relaxing and reading a book from his mom on advanced Fire-type techniques and the smell of pastries baking drifted in from the kitchen where Belle was. Logan felt content. He was here riding out the harsh winter with two of his best friends and nothing could make him happier. Although, on the outer edges of his mind is a thought that prevails dispite attempts to bury and forget it: the idea of forming a polymorous triad with Belle and Riley. When he had realized that he was in love with both of his best friends, it had been a pretty shocking and upsetting realization. At first he tried to rationalize these newfound feelings, determine which one of the two he had stronger feelings for, but in the end Logan came to the conclusion that he couldn't pick one over the other and he couldn't imagine a scenario where he didn't had both Riley and Belle with him as lovers. Of course, there was no guarantee that the both of them would feel the same way. The Sceptile let out a sigh. He didn't want to risk his friendship with the both of them, so he decided that he'd simply wait until either Riley or Belle confessed to him. 'It's better this way. There's no guarantee that I could have the both of them. But even if I only get one of them, as long as I remain friends with the other, I'll be content.'

Belle sat at the table alongside Riley and Logan for lunch, and for a moment she allowed her thoughts to drift back to a conversation she had with her older brother two months ago. The older Goodra had implied that she was crushing on her two closest friends, an idea she had initially tried to deny. ("Seriously Seth? I'm not in love with Logan or Riley." "Come on Belle its pretty obvious that you love them like that. Hell, I pretty sure the two of them feel the same way." "Even if I did, what do I do if both of them feel that way about me?" "Make a lovers triad." "Seth..." "Hey I was being serious. Who knows, maybe the two of them are crushing on each other as well." "W-what?") Belle blushed slightly as she recalled the embarrassment she had felt after Seth had made the suggestion. Was it possible that they both did? She could personally see Logan as bisexual, though she felt it was a little less likely for Riley. Though at the same time... She pushed it aside, taking a bite from her Aspear berry pastry. There'd be no way that would be the case, she'd simply have to decide who she was willing to pick: the distant, but caring Sceptile who's past remained a mystery? Or the Typhlosion that she's known most of her life with an upbeat, outgoing, and firery personality. The more she contemplated it, the more she realized that she couldn't pick one over the other, the three of them were three separate pieces apart, but when together they made one complete whole. "You okay Belle? You seem to be zoning out there." "Hmm? Oh! Y-yeah! Of course!" She quickly returned to her food, though she had the feeling that Logan and Riley weren't fully convinced. Thankfully for Belle, the guys didn't decide to discuss it further. 'How do I tell them that I'm in love with both of them? What should I do?'

Riley later lay in the living room staring at the cave ceiling. As much as he enjoyed training, he still enjoyed the lazy days of winter since he had first come to live in the forest. He still remembered meeting Belle for the first time. As he and his twin sister Amber were the new kids in the forest, it was kinda hard to make new friends, especially since they were Fire-types and most of the other kids were Grass or Bug-types. Which was when he then met Belle. The female Goomy had approached him and Amber, introduced herself and expressed her desire to get to know them. Then about nine years later he'd end up meeting Logan when he and his mom moved to Omega Forest. The Grovyle had went to several lengths to keep others away, except for a Berloom named Barry who's parents were apparently friends of Logan's mom. Riley and Belle though saw someone who was desperate need of companionship. Even now, the two of them and both Amber and Barry remained Logan's only friends and they still knew fairly little about the Sceptile. Riley's red eyes glanced over to focus on said Sceptile, who was laying a few feet away reading, though his gaze unfocused and glazed over with drowsiness. Riley allowed a yawn to overtake him. He stretched his arms out over his head and then brought them down to rest on his plump stomach. Another yawn came to him and it was then that he figured he'd let sleep come to him. As Riley dosed, a talk he had last month with Amber came forward from the depths of his mind. ("So Riley, how have things been since you, Logan and Belle moved in together two years ago? I've been meaning to ask but it always seemed to slip my mind." "It's been pretty great so far." "I bet. Especially since you've got both of your crushes living in the same cave as you." "What? Amber it's not like that." "Oh come on Riley, its so Arecus damn obvious that you've got the hots for them." "Look. I admit that Belle is rather beautiful, but it just wouldn't work out. As for Logan, he probably doesn't even..." "Riley, I think you should go for it. Let them know how you feel." "But what if they don't feel the same way? What if I destroyed our friendship by saying it?" "Would you rather live the rest of your life without telling them? Regret not saying anything as your love goes unrequited? As they fall for someone else? Are you willing to risk that?" "I...") Riley opened his eyes to stare back at the ceiling. He briefly pondered on that discussion, he did find Belle to be incredibly beautiful and her warmth and kindness added to it. Then there was Logan who Riley did find attractive, though it wasn't due to the Sceptile being a male. Riley couldn't really explain it, he was in love with Logan, the same as Belle but it kinda had more to do with what Logan was like and not so much his sex and he was willing to accept that he was in love with another male, though at the same time he liked Logan for how he showed his more friendly and relaxed side to those he trusted. Plus Riley kinda considered the mystery around Logan's past intriguing, sure he hoped to one day learn the truth, but at the same time he enjoyed the sense of mystery around him. "Hey guys? Could we talk for a moment?" Sitting up, Riley turned to look at Belle. "Sure Belle." "What's up?" Logan drowsily added.

Belle nervously stood looking at two of the most important mons in her life. Riley was awake and focused while Logan was rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes. "I've been doing some thinking today about some things." "Like what?" Riley asked. Belle wrung her hands together, trying to find the words to tell them. "Belle? You okay?" "I am Logan, its just that...I was wondering if you and Riley could give me some advice." "Okay." "I...have a friend who has a crush on two different guys, but they like both of them the same amount and can't imagine picking one over the other. What do you guys think they should do?" "Hmm. Maybe you could tell them to talk to these guys and figure something out." Riley suggested. "Like what though?" "Like... starting a polygamous relationship with them?" "R-really?" Belle was kinda surprised to hear Riley suggest that. She looked over at Logan who had his head down and seemed to be deep in thought. "Something wrong Logan?" Riley turned to face the Sceptile as well. "I get the feeling that there's something that you're not telling us." "Why would you think that? Hahaha. Of course I'm not hiding anything." "Belle, just tell us. You know you can tell us anything right?" "I know Riley but..." "Belle please. Just let me and Logan know what is wrong." "What I asked the two of you... was something I was wondering and..." "The friend you mentioned is actually you. So..." "Me and Riley are the guys that you're crushing on?" Belle could only nod as fear that everything she had built with these two was going to come crashing down. She kept her eyes on the ground, tears welling up in them. "Belle." She looked up to see Riley standing in front of her, with Logan not far behind him. Riley reached up to place his right hand on her cheek, using his thumb to wipe at her tears. "Belle. You don't need to cry." "But Riley..." "No buts. Truthfully, I feel the same way." "Really?" "Yeah. Didn't know what to say or if I deserved the affection." "Riley..." "Belle. Riley." The two turned to face Logan, feeling a bit embarrassed that they had momentarily forgotten he was there. His arms were crossed, gaze averted and on the ground, and his face red from blushing. "Logan?" "What's up?" "Guys, I...I love you both as well. I just wasn't sure what to say or if I should say anything at all." "Oh, Logan." "Honestly, I could see the two of you getting together with one another. *Sigh* You're both so much like them." "Them?" Riley inquired. "Look if the both of want to be together, I won't get between the two of you." "But Logan, it wouldn't be the same without you." Belle replied. "Seriously?" "Yes." "I feel the same way too Logan." "Guys..." Belle quickly stepped forward, pulling both males into a hug. While Logan and Riley were both used to getting slimey hugs from her, this time it marked a change in their relationship. Riley's lips soon found Belle's, pulling her in for her first kiss and after a few moments he directed his attention to Logan, taking the Sceptile by surprise. Once Riley finished, Belle choose that moment to smooch Logan as well. "Let's..." Belle was breathless in wake of the two kisses. "Let's lay down out here, just the three us." "Sure. I'm down for cuddling with my goo dragon and grass lizard." Riley replied. The trio settled down on a pile of the cushions that they used in the living room, with Logan positioned in the middle of Belle and Riley. Silence soon lingered, with the muffled sound of the wind blowing outside and soft snoring of Riley who'd fallen asleep.

Sexual Content(If uninterested than skip ahead)

It was about a half hour later when Logan started to awake. As he slightly shifted in Riley and Belle's embrace, he quickly became aware of was not only his own throbbing erection, but that of Riley's pressing into his hip. His face burned with embarrassment and he attempted to extract himself from the Typhlosion and Goodra but unfortunately for the Sceptile, they had an iron grip on him and had no intention in letting him go. Regardless he continued to struggle, but it only succeeded in waking up Riley and Belle. It quickly lead an incredibly awkward moment as the three of them separated and sat in a circle, all avoiding eye contact. In the moment that all three of them made eye contact, they knew what each other wanted and that there was no need for words. Riley looked directly at Logan before motioning toward Belle, who instead crawled toward Riley, getting a closer look at his foot long throbbing red member. Riley gasped in surprise but leaned back a little and parted his legs some regardless. Belle could smell the spicy scented musk coming from the Fire-type's cock and she honestly liked it. She slowly stuck her tounge out and licked it from base to tip, prompting Riley to let out a low moan. Belle continued her licking, admiring both cock and the plump furred sack under it. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Logan bashfully inching over. She motioned with her left hand for him to come closer, willing to share the Typhlosion cock with him. Riley was loving the feeling of the Goodra's tounge sliding on his cock and let out a gasp as he suddenly felt another tounge join Belle's. Looking down he saw that Logan had joined in, his green eyes staring up at him. He also took notice of how both of their tounges differed from each others: Logan's was felt wide and was slightly rougher than Belle's, who's tounge was smoother, moister, and slightly slimey. He watched as the two of the came up, temporarily stopping their cock licking to make out with each other, their tounges in one another mouths, wrestling for dominance. Riley wasn't sure how long it went on, but he nevertheless enjoyed watching them and started liking his lips, anticipating his chance with either of them. The two parted lips, tounges out, a strand of saliva suspended from them. Belle's lips soon met his own and soon after she made contact, he moaned into her mouth as he felt Logan start sucking on the tip of his cock, his tounge swirling around it. Before long he could feeling that telltale feeling of pressure, the oncoming orgasm. Riley pulled back from Belle before addressing Logan. "Logan. Wait...hah." The Sceptile paused and removed the dick from his mouth, sitting up to look Riley in the eye, licking pre-cum from his lips. "Not yet. I don't want to cum yet." "Who do you want be with first then Riley?" It was a pretty big descion and Riley mulled it over a couple moments before deciding on; "Logan." The Sceptile in question seemed surprised to have been chosen first. "Are you sure you want to start with me Riley? I mean I-." "Yes I want to start with you." he interrupted. "Not many Pokemon make you their first choice. I know earlier I chose Belle for my first kiss, but this time." Riley leaned in and pulled the Grass-type into a deep kiss. Pulling away he stared into his eyes, his right hand reaching up to cup Logan's left cheek. "I'm you as the first one to rut." "Riley, I..." Riley practically pounced on him, pushing him onto his back and hovering over him. He planted a quick kiss on Logan's lips before moving down, taking a moment to admire his cock and then turned toward the Sceptile's ass. "Can you get on your hands and knees?" Riley watched as the Sceptile complied, tail raised and prepared for what came next. Riley took a brief moment to admire the chubby Sceptile's ass. He stepped forward, placed his hands on Logan's waist, and positioned his cock at his ass. "Ready Logan?" The Sceptile in question took a deep breath and let it out. "I am Riley." He slowly started to press his cock in, causing the two of them to groan. "Logan...your so tight." " feel so damn thick." Riley kept easing in until he'd got every last inch buried into the Sceptile's ass. Logan was left panting from the penetration and as his body adjusted to Riley's member. "Ready?" "Yes." Riley pulled back until only the tip remained inside, then thrust forward shoving himself back in. Logan moaned in response and continued to as Riley continued his trusting. Belle couldn't help but rub and finger at her cunt. She honestly found it rather hot watching the two males loved the most having a go at each other, knowing that soon one of them would be having a go at her. Riley paused for a moment to pull Logan into an upright position before resuming his fucking. The two of them were soon panting and moaning once more, Logan enjoying the feeling of the other male's sack slapping against his rear. Riley pulled his partner into a sloppy kiss and with his free hand he reached down to grip Logan's own cock, finding that he was already jerking himself off and decided to assist him. The passion in the room was firey hot for all three mons, and soon it was about to boil over. "Hah...hah...Riley...I.." "I know. Me too." "Don't hold back." Riley spead up his thrusts and strokes, which was quickly becoming too much for Logan. The Sceptile was soon pushed over the edge and his cock erupted, spewing his seed onto the floor. Riley soon followed after, going balls deep and filling Logan with load of his own. The two moaned in escesty as they rode out their orgasms, before devolving into exhausted panting. "Fuck...that...that was better than I thought it would be." Riley panted out. "What'd you think Logan?" Logan however didn't give a reply that wasn't tired pants. "Glad to hear it. I take it you enjoyed the show Belle?" "Yes. Arceus that was hot." "Heh. Good. It alright if I go a round with Belle while you catch your breath?" Logan nodded in response, before looking back at the Typhlosion who's was still buried in him. "Okay. After it'll be your turn with her." Riley gave the Sceptile a quick kiss before pulling himself out of his ass. "Damn. I really filled you didn't I?" Riley helped ease Logan back to rest on his elbows and crawled over to were Belle waited. "I've been waiting for this. Riley, I've honestly dreamt of you rutting me." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah. A dream that soon grew to include Logan." "Soon enough Belle, your dream is going to come true." The two briefly locked lips, taking a few moments to swap saliva before breaking contact. "So...want me to start with-." "No need Riley." "You sure?" "Yeah. My valley is naturally moist due to being a Goodra, but after watching you and Logan go at it..." "I understand. You ready then?" "Yes." "Alright." Riley adjusted himself so that his dick hovered over her entrance and with a nod from Belle, plunged himself into her depths with a wet squelch. "Ahhh. Riley..." And thus Riley began his thrusting, each drive back in making a wet squelch. Dispite having cummed moments earlier, Riley was still capable of screwing Belle just as well as he had Logan. Belle wrapped her arms around Riley, holding him closer and drawing him into a passionate kiss. Riley started to pick up the pace, their lips separating as Belle moaned in response. "Riley...Riley I'm-!" "Don't hold back. I'm close also." "Fill me Riley! Let me have it." "Okay. Here it comes!" With a shout, Riley came and started to pump the Dragon-type full. Belle reached her climax as well, adding to the puddle of mixed fluids beneath them. "Hah...hah...fuck. Fuck that was intense." "Y-yeah. Yeah it was." "So how do you plan to-." Riley wasn't able to finish as he felt Logan embrace him from behind and then get flipped around so that his back was pressed against the Grass-type's front. "Wait! What are you guys-?" "Thought it would be more fun if all three of us went at the same time." He heard Logan murmer in his ear. "Glad Belle could tell what I was thinking." "Relax Riley and just enjoy the ride. I'm sure Logan's going to enjoy tapping that chubby Typhlosion ass of yours." It is not." "Riley please. It's so beautifully plump, kinda like a Sitrus berry." Riley let out an annoyed huff, but regardless resigned himself to the sandwiched position he was in and the teasing about how plump his butt was. "Anyway we ready to do this?" "I am." Belle remarked. "Yeah." Logan answered. "Okay then. Let's do this." First matter of business was of course for Logan's cock to be slipped into Riley's ass. The Fire-type let out a gasping hiss as Logan pressed into him. Sure Riley had felt how girthy the other male's dick was, but it was another thing to be feeling it pierce his virgin ass. "Ready?" Logan asked. "Ready." Riley and Belle replied in unison. Belle started to lift herself off of Riley's dick while Logan slowly withdrew his before shoving it back in, while Belle speared herself back down on Riley. The three of them soon fell into a smooth rhythm of passionate lovemaking, the cave echoing with the sounds of wet squelching, the smacking of skin on skin contact and moans of escesty from all three of them. "S-shit guys..." "I'm nearly there Riley." "M-me too!" "Together guys. Let's do it together." And with cries of orgasmic bliss, all three of them came.

End of Sexual Content

The trio flopped onto their sides, Riley still smushed in between Logan and Belle. "T-that was..." Riley gasped. "Yeah." Logan agreed. "We made quite a mess, didn't we?" Belle remarked. "Yeah, we did." Riley replied. "We can worry about cleaning up later. After all that I'm starving." "Same here." Belle giggled in response but ultimately agreed with them. "Come on then. I'll throw something together for us and then we'll the living room straightened out." The three of them extracted themselves from one another and stood up to stretch themselves out. Riley and Belle then found themselves being pulled into a threeway kiss by Logan. It was somewhat awkward but enjoyable nevertheless. "Together forever?" Logan asked. "Together forever." Belle and Riley replied in unison.

Hellish Desires Part 1

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