Spells of evil.

Story by KyAn30 on SoFurry

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A NSFW piece I've been working on to explore more themes of NSFW pieces. Bit of fanatsy.

The lion slowly roused from her sleep, stretching her arms and rubbing her eyes. She relaxed back into the bed, and looked around her room. She was living in a half way house after leaving an abusive relationship. All she had to her name was a backpack of the electronics she could grab, another bag of clothes and one box of other personal items and toiletries. She was grateful she'd been able to get as much as she could, and had a small trolley thing that she did get for camping for her to be able to carry some for the stuff easily.

It'd only been a few days, but she was already feeling freer and more settled than she had for several months. She hadn't even realised how restricted her life had become with that man. She turned on her phone, and after a few moments, saw a message from her mum that said 'Alicia, when you're ready, you can come back here. I'm so glad you're finally away from that beast.'

Alicia smiled sadly to herself. Her mum had been trying her best to get her to see what her ex was like. She sent a reply back, saying she'd try her best, but privately thinking that her ex knew where her mother lived, so didn't want to put her at risk just yet. Not for a few weeks at least. She's reported him to the police, but they hadn't found him yet.

Alicia got up carefully, still sore from a recent beating from her ex. It had been the stick that had broken the camels back, so to speak, and she'd left that night whilst he was passed out drunk. With the help of the staff and medical team at the half way house, she'd been slowly recovering, but it was obviously still hard.

Alicia breathed slowly through the pain, trying to feel grateful to find as good as a half way house as this, though it was only a few miles from her ex. She was on edge being so close, but knew the place had the best recommendation, and she knew, the best staff. She didn't think she could have found a better place so quickly, without running the risk of being held up by public transport or lack of money getting further away. She'd only been able to grab a handful of bank notes, and only about one hundred pounds to her name in a bank account that she'd been able to get her ex blocked to yesterday.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Alicia called out softly, her throat still a little sore from sleep and the latest strangulation. The half way house head, a sheep called Olivia, came in and smiled at her.

"Morning Alicia, I just wanted to check if you were up. We're going shopping for Christmas food and for the week ahead if you wanted to join us?" Olivia asked, her hooves slightly clomping together as she talked. Alicia thought for a second as she slowly stood up with a soft groan. Olivia gave her a sympathetic look. Alicia noticed it, but pretended she hadn't as she went over towards her day clothes.

"Actually, I could do with a breath of fresh air. That'd be nice, but could I have about ten minuets to get ready?"

"Of course, it was going to be after breakfast anyway. And you needn't worry, we'll be around to look after you." Olivia said with a soft smile. Alicia smiled back.

"Thank you, that is a comfort. I feel I trust many of you all already, to an extent." Alicia responded, pushing her fringe back slightly, and Olivia gave her a nod, still smiling and she left.

Alicia took off her night wear, leaving only her underwear. She looked at herself in the long length mirror on the wall at the end of her bed, caressing her body as she took in the deep bruises, starting to yellow towards the edges. She sighed, giving herself a disgusted look, before picking up the denim trousers and putting them on, pulling her tail through the hole under the belt line, and then her sleeveless top over her head, trying not to groan at the stretch.

She picked up her one strap small going out bag, put her keys, phone and passport into it. Last minuet, she put some painkillers in, and her Vaseline due to her dried lips. She pulled a thick jumper through the arm to carry it on the bag, and picked up a scarf and some gloves too. Alicia thought to herself she'd need a good winter coat at this point, and slipped her bank card into her jeans pocket.

She left her room, locking it after her, and slowly padded down the hallway and then down the stairway. She heard the hum of the other household members in the joint kitchen and dining room, and came in to a chorus of hello's and morning's. Alicia acknowledged the greeting, and took the last empty seat at the table.

Olivia smiled at Alicia as she put a plate of scrambled eggs on toast in front of her. Alicia smiled at Olivia in thanks and dug into the food, suddenly feeling very hungry. Once she finished, she helped herself to a glass of orange juice and poured some for the otter family, a mother called Bella and her twin boy and girl, a precocious pair that were very cautious but very friendly and polite.

Alicia helped with washing up, then got her shoes and jumper on as everyone else got ready. The group of eight people, including the otter family, Olivia and Alicia, along with one other member of staff and two other single housemates, started out from the house. The other four staff members and five other housemates didn't want to go or were busy, but the smaller group of eight were still happy to be in each others company in the crisp winter area.

Alicia breathed in the cold air as they walked down the quiet street, trees lining the pathway. Her breath came out in a steamy stream as their steps echoed around them, giving a slightly eerie feeling to the air. Cars trundles along the road ahead a short distance away, too far for the group to hear yet.

The group walked ahead of Alicia a little, the children running on a short distance, and the others talking in smaller numbers. Alicia smiled slightly at the group, following behind them and taking her time, not minding taking a moment for herself whilst walking with them. After a few seconds, the hairs raised on the back of her neck, and she looked behind her.

Next thing Alicia knew, she was in a small clearing surrounded by thick trees. She jolted back a little, looking around her in slight panic. She had no idea of how she got there, or how long had passed. She didn't recognise the area, and wondered where the others were. Still looking around her quickly, she caught a scent on the wind, and her shoulders stiffened. She knew that scent, and it was one she hadn't want to smell again, let alone so soon after getting away from it.

Alicia looked around slowly to her right and slightly behind her, and saw him. Her ex, Peter, the one fox she never wanted to see again. He swaggered forward, like there was nothing wrong, nor like any time had passed since they last saw each other. Like she never wanted to see him again, like he never did what he had done to her at all.

"I see it worked." He drawled, giving her a smug smile.

"What worked?" Alicia croaked out, feeling that her throat had almost closed up and dried up all at the same time.

"The pheromone spell," Peter replied, still walking towards her and stopping a few feet away from her. Alicia was already on edge and tensed up more as he got closer. "it allowed me to bring you here without a struggle."

"And why would you want me to be back? I got away from you for my own good. Why can't you leave me be?"

"Alicia, Alicia," Peter whispered, waving a hand and his smile widening, stepping forward to stroke her cheek. Alicia was so tense, she couldn't move even if she'd wanted to. "don't worry your pretty head about all that. All that matters is we're back together after a hard few days."

Alicia finally got feeling back into her arms and knocked his hand off her face. Peter looked slightly angry, before grinning and giving a little bark of a laugh.

"Still spunky as always, at least you haven't changed.... too much," He cocked his head to the right as he stared at her. "you are different.... though. I'm trying to figure it out."

"Maybe actually getting away from you did more good for me than staying with you," Alicia retorted, taking a step back and turning around, walking away. Peter quickly caught up and grabbed her arm. Alicia glared at him, wrenching her arm out of his hand. "get your grubby paws off me!"

He seemed to ripple as he let go, and as Alicia stared at him, things seemed to come out of his back, slithering up and reaching around him towards her. They stopped just in front of her, and she had to take a step back to see what they were properly. They seemed to be some sort of tentacles, and Alicia was appalled that Peter had seemed to succumb to some sort of dark magic, though she really didn't expect anything less from him.

"You like?" Peter smiled slyly, cocking his head as the tips of the tentacle's moved a little too, as though in emphasis.

"You're a demon..." Alicia hissed before trying to run again. She barely got three steps before each of her wrists and ankles were grabbed and she was lifted up in the air.

"Now now, Alicia...." Peter drawled, sounding delighted as he turned her around in the air, the tentacles twisting around so she could be held facing him. His eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips reached up to his eyes as he looked her up and down. "this is going to be fun! This will teach you to leave me again!"

Alicia gasped as the tentacles grabbed bunches of her clothes and tore them off. She shivered in the cold air, goose bumps quickly breaking out all over her skin as her teeth started to chatter. Peter held her for a few seconds as she shivered in just her underwear, trying to curl in on herself for warmth and dignity.

"This will be fun..." Peter whispered, bringing Alicia closer to him so she was just a few feet away. Alicia looked up at him, saw the malicious look in his eye, and felt the first licks of fear as tentacles started to move towards her. The look in his eyes turned to desire, and Alicia gasped again as a couple tentacles slipped her pants down, letting her ankles go for a moment to let the pants drop to the ground, and then grabbing them again.

"Please....don't..." Alicia whimpered, her teeth still chattering. Peter looked at her again, a corner of his mouth pulling up again in a sly smile.

"I'll make you beg even more..... just in a different way." He chuckled, a tentacle reaching for underneath her. Alicia gasped, and squirmed as the tip of the tentacle brushed back and forwards across the opening of her vagina. Her knees jerked up, but Peter pulled her legs back down, laughing as he opened her legs a little more.

Alicia started to breath heavily as the movement increased, the tip occasionally going into the opening as it cut across it.

"Peter..... please..." Alicia moaned, and Peter glanced up at her, before looking down again.

"Just the sort of the thing I was after..." He breathed.

"No!" Alicia cried out as the tip inserted itself into her. It squelched as it penetrated deeply into her. Alicia cried out in pain as it pulled out a little and then pushed back deeper into her, extending her stomach slightly. Its rhythm increased as it continued to pull out and in. It then seemed to grow in width as it continued to penetrate her.

"Yes.....Yes." Peter breathed, hunching over slightly as another tentacle moved to behind her. The original tentacle pulled out, dripping, but hovering close as the other tentacle went to her anus. It hovered around, moving its tip around her butthole, and slowly but surely inserted itself in her.

"Oh god, no!" Alicia yelled as both tentacles started to pump and strain inside her at the same time, but it caused her to feel things she'd never felt before. She'd never been penetrated from behind before, it hurt, but as both tentacles pumped rhythmically, it gave her an unusual feeling of both sides being pleasured at the same time.

Despite her repulsiveness and denial, she groaned against her will in pleasure as the movement of both tentacles slowly increased in speed. Peter grinned, breathing heavily, as tentacles wrapped around her stomach and let go of her arms and legs. She relaxed back against the support of the tentacles, both tentacles pumping deeply inside her, bulging her stomach against the tentacles around her stomach. It still hurt, but it also sent waves of pleasure through her.

Another tentacle moved to in front of her face, but she didn't see it right away as she had closed her eyes in disgust and pleasure. Once she felt it touch her cheek, her eyes flew open in shock, and the tentacle forced itself passed her barely protesting lips and towards the back of her throat. She tried to bite it, but another tentacle wrapped around her forehead and pulled her head back, another pulled her chin down gently, allowing for easy access for the tentacle to slip down her throat.

"That's good..." Peter breathed as it continued to slip down her throat, Alicia gagging slightly. After a few moments, the feeling passed as the tentacle moved up and down her throat. Alicia hadn't had much time to draw in breath, and was barely able to get air in. All three tentacles continued to move in and out of her whilst staying inside of her.

Thirty seconds later, all three pulled out. Alicia retched as bile and cum heaved out of her mouth. Peter pulled her up in a upright position as she shivered in the cold, coughing and heaving, dripping from every orifice. Alicia looked up with pure hatred at Peter, as he seemed to stand in a relaxed position in front of her.

"You monster..." Alicia spat at him, coughing again and spitting out the last bit of white liquid onto the floor. It froze as it hit the floor, and Peter looked at it before looking back up.

"Oh come on, don't pretend you didn't enjoy it," Peter grinned, moving her closer so there was barely a inch from each other.

"Keep me away from you." Alicia hissed, kicking out at him. Peter reacted quickly, holding her ankles again and going for her wrist too, just in case.

"Just the spirit I love..... Now, let me remind you of the good times," He said slowly, but almost lovingly, and he moved her to a almost kneeled position in front of him. Alicia looked back up at him in fear as he used his hands to undo his trousers. "Oh, how have I missed this..."

Alicia tried to moved again, but the tentacles held her firm. His penis was already ready by the time he was doing his zipper, and it burst out of the fly, standing erect and right in front of her face. Her eyes went almost crossed eyed to look at it as his hips shivered, holding off for a moment.

Alicia didn't have time to respond or even know what was happening when he shoved his taught penis into her mouth. Alicia chocked again as its full four inches hit the back of her throat and slid down it, unable to stop it due to the thickness and the sheer force of the penetration.

Peter shivered in delight as he moved his hips slowly at first, then getting slightly quicker, Alicia trying to move her head back, but he prepared for this. He moved a tentacle to hold her head in place again, and as Alicia tried to strain again, he felt her slacken slightly, just letting him get what he was doing over with.

After a few seconds, he pulled his hips away from her, and moved her up a little to allow for her cold but wet opening to hover just in front of his face. He cocked his head a little, smiling slowly.

"Just kill me..." He barely heard Alicia whisper, and he moved her so she was facing him. Her lolled head moved so she was looking at him with a almost dead look in her eye.

"Ah, that won't happen for a long time, a very long time..." Peter breathed. He continued to violate her for another twenty minuets, trying new and different ways that his normal body wouldn't have allowed. Once he was finally done, Alicia laid on the ground, spent and wishing for death even more than when she was with him in the last few days.

The tentacles withdrew back into him as he bent over Alicia, as her breathing slowed and was shallow. Her eyes were open, and she looked up at the beast in front of her, that she wished she'd never met even more so all those months back.

"Until next time." He said as he sauntered away. Alicia howled in agony, in absolute despair that he could call her to him whenever he wanted to now. Over her cries, she didn't hear him grunt in pain as a bullet went through his head, his head moving sideward, before the rest of his body as he fell to the ground.

A few moments later, she heard footsteps and she tried to scramble away, despite her battered and even more bruised body. A police officer held his hands up, showing he was unarmed. As Alicia took her clothes up to get at least a little bit of dignity, she recognised him as one of the officers from her case. He bent down to get to eye level with her.

"I'm sorry we didn't get here soon enough..." He whispered, holding his hand out hesitantly. Alicia's eyes welled up as she cried out her pain and anguish.

Foxes first night.

"This food smells so amazing!" The female fox said, licking her lips as she held the food in her lap as the male fox drove the car along the road. "Mmmm," the male fox said in agreement, taking a long sniff too whilst keeping...

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The fox and the butterfly.

Lounging gently back on the grass, the female fox took a deep breath of fresh summer air. Her eyes squinted against the blazing sun, she pulled her tail from under her lower back and swished it lazily from her shoulder to her leg left as she shielded...

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The start of something new.

The train sped through the country side, occasionally jerking the passengers in their seats. A corner took most of them by surprise by jostling them more than usual, causing one woman's earphones to fall out and almost lose her place in her book as she...

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