Lynn's College Adventure 3

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#3 of Lynn Chapters

Jake picked Lynn up, putting the green dragon over his shoulder, and walked out of the elevator. She was still sobbing slightly, the thirteen floor ascension seeming to calm her down a little. He looked down the two halls and realized he had no idea which was her room was.

"Lynn? Where is your room?" he said softly, nuzzling her wing.

She squiggled off of his shoulder and covered her absolutely enormous breasts with her wings. Her hand poked out between her wings and handed him the key.

"This way," she said walking down the hall. Jake followed her feeling sad that she was so distraught. He watched and it seemed like her hips were bigger, but they were hard to see since her hair had grown down past her knees.

He stuck the key in the door and turned the knob, reveling her still rather bare room. Mostly, there were just school books scattered about, as if she had just decided to read them all night. He smiled lightly and watched as Lynn crawled on to the bed, trying to pull the covers over herself. However, her breasts had grown so much that the blanket barely covered her torso.

He walked over to the bed and knelt by it, wings fluttering, trying to get comfortable. He stroked her hair, hoping to coax her out of hiding. He was so surprised that she had never been told any of what would happen to her if this happened that he was not sure what to do. She slowly turned her head to look at him, her eyes misty.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to really do. I feel so many things right now and don't really know what to be feeling," she said,trying not to cry again.

"It is alright, Lynn. I'm here for you. It wasn't what I was expecting on my first day of college, but I can't complain about what I got."

Jake smiled at her. He was trying to encourage her to be happy about this and that it really was a good thing. He had heard of some dragons never finding a mate and being unhappy and lonely for a good part of their lives. She meekly smiled back at him.

"How do I fix my...this?" she asked gesturing to her huge boobs but being to modest to really say the actual word.

He touched one of them, feeling their softness in his claw. She moaned loudly. It was the first time she had ever really been touched in such a way. As his claws worked her breasts, she kissed him, suddenly feeling much better about herself for some reason. Perhaps it was because Jake was showing her that she was not a freak or abnormal.

"We, my dear, get rid of it by having sex," he said in a soft tone as he broke their kiss.

She looked at him with wide eyes. Sex? She thought that he was just going to make out with her, maybe get to know each other a little better. In the back of her mind, though, there was a little voice telling her it was the only option, the only thing to fix this small problem. She nodded slowly as she removed her wings, fully reveling her large boobs and toned abs.

He grinned at her hungrily, as if his mind had finally kicked on to what was happening. He moved his snout down to one breast and licked the nipple, earning him a slight amount of growth against his snout. Her hand was hanging off the side of the bed and she stroked his chest and his stomach, not quite comfortable enough to reach any farther.

He could feel himself start to get hard as he continued to suck on her growing breast. One of his claws reached for her pants, beginning to unbutton and unzip them. She gasped lightly at the motion of him removing her pants, suddenly realizing that her sex was even more sensitive then she thought. She could feel her breasts grow as the pressure of his snout against them almost became painful. He balanced it very well somehow, causing just enough pain against her breasts but balancing it out with gentle strokes against the out lips of her sex.

"I...I don't know do," Lynn said to him, pausing for a mixture of light moans and embarrassment.

He lifted his snout from her breast and looked at her, eyes caring, but hungry. He was not sure if he should also explain he was not very experienced either. Guys hated seeming like the bumbling virgin after all, particularly to a very hot woman.

"We shall just go with the flow," he said with a cheeky smile, taking her claw and placing it down by his slowly unsheathing member. He made a sound almost like a growl at her light and clumsy touch. Feeling her against his member sent a feeling similar to an electric shock up his body and made him shiver. She giggled, the tears all gone from her eyes which he took as a sure sign she was feeling a bit better.

He began to kiss her again, standing up so he could reach both of her breasts. They had grown so large that they were as wide across as his arm, which was rather handy. He could massage the farthest one and his arm could slowly brush against her other large breast and growing nipple.

His other arm was busy working on getting her wet by massaging her clit and pumping his talons in and out of her clit. That made her moan deeply into his mouth, each sound making his cock become more and more unsheathed. Lynn became even more comfortable she wrapped her claw around his cock and began to pump up and down. She was amazed at how slick his member was and how easy it was to move her hand up and down, giving it a little squeeze occasionally.

Rapture began to take them, their moans being mixed with giggles and whispers. Her breasts still grew with every new sensation and as he finally hit her spot they ballooned outwards with enough force to surprise, causing the kiss to break and a look of surprise on his face. If the green scales on her face could show a blush she would have been bright red and still panting from the sudden amount of pleasure he had caused. As she tried to look away from him, she realized that his cock had also grown. A thought crossed her mind, as if she was trying to figure out why only his cock had expanded as to where there was a rather visible increase in her breasts, hair and wings.

It quickly passed through though, as he climbed on top of her. Her body tensed, not because of it's unpreparedness, but because of her minds uncertainty. She looked up at him as his large cock laid upon her breasts. She began to lick the tip, a mixture of curiosity and fear compelling her to do so. As she heard him begin to moan lightly she lapped at his growing cock more, her tongue running the length of it.

His body shuddered at the sensation. Neither of them knew what to do or what would happen, which made him almost more excited. His balls were beginning to throb, his seed wanting to enter his new mate. Her growing breasts began to engulf his girth between them, his cock's weight making her cleavage part and close back over him. The pressure of her giant tits and the motions of her tongue began to drive him crazy. He fell over, his claws on either side of her head.

"So very good," he said in a mumble. Lynn smiled up at him and squished her huge breasts tighter around his cock. His eyes closed in pleasure as she began to massage her breasts against his cock. She had never really done anything like this, yet, it seemed rather natural to do this.

As she experimented farther she found herself further aroused by his moans and gasps. She could feel the familiar wetness growing between her legs and covering the sheets around her. She noticed her sensitivity grow as his tail lightly brushed the outer lips of her sex. She began to gasp not only from the feeling between her legs, but also the growing pressure on her chest from both her breasts and him. She placed her claws on either side of him and lifted him up, as though he was only a pillow.

"I couldn't breath," she said as she put him down next to her. He looked at her with wide eyes, startled by the fact she just lifted him up as if he were nothing.

"That...that is fine. Ummmm..." he said, lightly poking at her breasts, "you seem to be getting bigger."

She tried to move her head to look down, but just found her snout being stifled. She looked back up at him and sighed.

"Yeah, I am. I'm getting much wetter too."

Jake laid down next to her, stroking long hair. She cast her eyes in his direction as a light smile played across her snout. Her breathing was still labored, but much better than it was. He rolled back on top of her, this time lining up their pelvises and trying not to put so much pressure on her growing tits.

"Should we really do this?" she said softly, a slight look of fear in her eyes despite the smile on her lips. He simple nodded and roughly pushed his large, thick, and pre-cum covered cock into her cunt.

Lynn screamed out as she felt herself break and hot liquid rush from her sex. The sheets started to become dyed with red as the two of them just laid there connected. Lynn had tears streaming from her eyes and Jake tried to stroke her snout and calm her down.

She slowly relaxed under him as the pulsing member in her cunt slowly shifted from an unpleasant feeling to pleasure. She lifted her head and kissed him passionately which Jake took as a go ahead to continue. He clumsily thrusted into her, his hips not quite able to preform the necessary motions in a fluid action.

Yet, it was still pleasurable, his moans slowly becoming deeper and more primal. As a rhythm began to form, her tits began to slowly rock back and forth and as they continued, her hips began to match his, causing his cock to penetrate her deeper. How all two and a half feet were fitting inside of her, she was not sure, but at the same time it wasn't in the forefront of her mind.

As Jake began to slam harder and harder into her the large tits that now took up most of her torso were violently moving, hitting her in the snout and bouncing against his chest. There was a sudden pain in her lower half as her hips and pelvis began to change. She felt the area with her claws and could feel her once straight hips becoming more shapely and....wider! She blinked and removed her claws immediately a little freaked by what was happening. She held on to Jake and flipped him over to his back. What just happened? What was she doing?

Lynn sat on top of the black and yellow dragon frozen. She watched as his scales glistened from the afternoon sun that was trickling in through her window. His eyes looked expectant and she tried to rock her now enlarged hips.

"I really do not know what to do here," she said.

"I don't know either," he said, taking his claws and placing them on either side of her hips, "but I can try and guide you."

He began to gently move her back and forth on him, never breaking his eyes contact. The feel of her weight on top of him was fantastic and he was amazed that her cut took him in all the way up to the hilt, but he mostly focused on her face. As her body started to move on it's own he moved his claws up the side of her body, feeling each arch of her scales and the significant change in body. As his claws found her breasts he began to lightly massage them.

The feelings that ran up and down her body made her light on fire. Gone were the thoughts of pain and torture and only present was the feeling of ecstasy. She began to rock faster against him, slowly picking up technique and making her thrusts harder as well. His tip hit the back of Lynn's wall and brushed up against the most sensitive spot of her cunt.

With each stroke against her spot something on her grew a little more each time. Her wings began to expand and her hair grew longer. Her tail began to grow so long that it curled along the perimeter of the wall, eventually blocking the door. Neither of them really noticed though, being to caught up in one another to notice.

Jake began to pant and call out her name as he felt his first climax build. She rocked against him harder, suddenly wanting his cum to fill her. As he finally released she gasped at the sudden hot liquid that filled her. It coated her walls and they tightened wanting to keep it all within her.

Her walls clenched tighter around him not permitting any of his juices to leak out of her. The satisfaction from finally being claimed by her mate made her body relax, her breasts starting to shrink back down. As the weight disappeared from her chest she fully grasped the changes her body had went though.

She stood up off him and spread her wings out, hitting a lamp and scratching the door. Jake looked at her as she stretched and smiled. He had expected the breast growth to occur, but not fully body like this. He stood up and hugged her, the top of his head being able to comfortably relax on her shoulder.

As she acknowledged the sudden height different she froze, even more confused than before. Why was she so big? Why did Jake seem completely okay with it? She could feel herself begin to shrink, startling Jake and making him jump back.

When she was finally back to normal she collapsed on the bed, her body spent. She fought to keep her eyes open. Jake sat down next to her and began to stroke her still relatively long hair and look at her original figure in depth for the first time. She was just as sexy and beautiful to him as she was five minutes ago, but there was a different air about her that projected a high level of calmness.

He watched as her eyes closed and he smiled. His own shrinkage was much slower, but soon his cock would be back to normal. He looked at the clock and sighed. It was afternoon already and he probably should have begun to go to class. Instead, though, he decided to lay next to her in bed and nap in the warm afternoon sunlight that streamed through the window.