Ten Femmes on the Gallows

Story by APDamien on SoFurry

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Holly signs a contract with a specialized bordello: she will spend some time each day on a trapdoor with a noose around her neck, along with 9 other femmes. At any time, a customer may pay the fee (not cheap!) and press a button to hang one of them.

I think you can guess what happens.

Shift #2

Holly's first "serious risk" was less than 15 minutes before the end of her second shift. The small lights above the window blinked twice, then once, indicating that there was a customer on the other side. The bunny stood a little straighter, showing off her figure.

The lights blinked once, then three times, indicating that the customer had paid. One of the femmes here would hang. Holly took a deep breath.

But it was Beth's "selected" light that came on. She had just enough time to take two deep breaths and let the joy show on her face. Her trapdoor opened five seconds later and she fell two feet until the noose brought her up short and clamped her throat shut. The gopher struggled for less than 5 minutes, and near the end she was humping the air like there was no tomorrow. Her body was cut down and taken away just a couple of minutes before the end of the shift.

The Noosemeister came in, removed the noose from Nicole's neck, and untied her hands. The giraffe-girl followed him out the door.

Oh. Nicole has been here for five hangings. Holly thought. Now she goes free and collects the prize for being at risk five times and surviving.

When the Noosemeister untied Holly's hands and took off her noose, she didn't even bother getting dressed. She grabbed her clothes and walked to her room as fast as she could. She would have run, but "My girls do not run," Lady Cynthia had told her. The weaslette closed the door, grabbed her vibrator, and splayed out on the bed. She turned on the vibrator and pressed the tip against her clit, the memory of Beth's hanging on autorepeat.

First the clack! when Beth's trapdoor dropped away, and the groan from the beam when the rope stopped her fall. Then Beth hanging, her hands twisting against the ropes but otherwise not moving, a quiet strangled kkkkk sound from her mouth as she forced the stale air in her lungs out past the noose... for 10 seconds that had felt like an eternity to Holly. Then the gopher's feet kicking wildly, forward, back, out to the sides.

Holly remembered Beth's struggles getting weaker and weaker, and then, just before she stopped moving completely, her face suffused with a look of ecstasy. And Beth swaying one way, then the other, her muscles limp, her face slowly turning blue... And the clack... and the strangled noises... kicking... And Holly moaned as an orgasm washed over her.

When Holly was able to think coherently again, she got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Auburn hair, big tits nearly globular, shaved pussy. She tilted her head 10 degrees to the right and imagined herself at the end of a rope like Beth, the noose squeezing her neck, struggling for air... She lost control and screamed loudly, then fell onto the bed, exhausted, barely conscious. Less than a minute later she was asleep.

The weaslette woke up three hours later, completely relaxed, her cunny still tingling with pleasure. She was hungry but just couldn't summon the willpower to get out of bed.

I need something to get myself moving. Something fun. Holly reviewed her arrival here: getting out of the limo with Robert. Meeting Lady Cynthia. Reading the contract: two shifts a day, each four hours long, standing naked on a trapdoor with her hands tied and a noose around her neck. With nine other femmes -- ten naked femmes, ten nooses, ten trapdoors. Available for a customer to hang.

Femmes in the noose room got paid for each shift, more for each time one of the other girls was hanged, with a big bonus if you survived five other girls' hangings. Gambling our lives against a whole lot of money._Slightly better than a 50-50 chance of surviving. That was so hot watching Beth go. But... Robert will get less money if I get snuffed. Yet again... If Beth is any indication, I'll _really enjoy my last few minutes if it happens to me.

Holly was wide awake now. She went downstairs, hoping to scrounge some food, somehow. There was one place setting on the table -- hers -- with a note folded up on the plate. She opened it: Holly: your dinner is in refrigerator 'C'. Look inside for instructions. She opened the refrigerator and found a box with her name on it. Inside it was a crisp salad, soup, main course, dessert -- and instructions for reheating the hot items. Anything that tastes this good reheated... the chef is a genius!

Holly walked down the hall to the common room and found Jennifer and Megan there. "Hit you pretty hard, there," Megan said. "The first one usually does."

"Yeah," Jennifer agreed. "After three or four, you'll get blasé enough to saunter to your room to rub one out." She smiled.

"Or maybe two?" Holly asked.

"Sometimes three or four," Jennifer said.

"Yeah," Megan said. "Or if you really want a good time, you could go out in the Parlor and see if one of the clients wants to fuck you. Besides, you'd earn some extra money that way."

Holly made a mental note to check into that.

Shift #3

Holly was already standing on her trapdoor, waiting to be noosed, when the door from the hallway opened. Megan and a skunk with a perfect smile, slightly on the stout side came in. "Hi, everybody," the skunkette said. "I'm Amy. I'm going to be taking Beth's place."

Holly stared at them. Of course somebody had to replace Beth and Nicole. There were always ten femmes waiting on the trapdoors, except for a minute or two during shift change. The Noosemeister came in and put Holly's noose on, then Amy's, then Megan's.

The lights blinked barely 5 minutes into the shift, then Elora's light shone steadily. The Noosemeister came out from the curtain and untied Elora's hands. He whispered something to her and she smiled, then whispered something back.

He nodded, disappeared behind the curtain for a moment, and came back with a vibrator. Elora turned it on and pressed the tip gently to her nub, then used her other hand to pull back the hood. She rubbed her button with two fingers and pushed the vibe slowly into her cunt, then deeper, then pushed it in and out, gently at first, then vigorously, then as if she were trying to impale herself with it. Her mouth opened but no sound came out, then a very thin whine, then a full-throated scream.

The chinchilla continued screaming for over a minute, gasped for breath, then screamed again, a little less loud. Her trapdoor opened and she fell through the floor, then came to a sudden stop, accompanied by a quiet crunch, a groaning noise from the beam overhead, and a thump as the vibrator hit the floor below, half a second later. Her feet twitched, twitched again, then went still. Her eyes stared off into nothingness and her body twisted to and fro on the rope, her head tilted sideways and back nearly 45 degrees.

Holly screamed, though more quietly. Then she couldn't scream, couldn't see anything, and she felt like she was being strangled.

"Stand up!" Jessica said, just above a whisper.

"Wha..." Holly tried to say, but no sound came out.

"Stand up! Straighten your knees." Amy said, a little louder, then, "Open your eyes!"

Holly realized that she had cum yet again. She opened her eyes and saw the mirrored glass in front of her. The noose was tight around her neck and her knees were bent. With an effort of will, she stood up straight again. "Wow!" she gasped.

"Yeah, that was hot," Jessica said.

"I'll say!" Megan said.

Two males came in 5 minutes later, cut down Elora's body, and carried it away. The noosemeister came in with a stepladder and tied a fresh noose to the overhead beam, then brought in a slightly stout lynx with brown headfur.

"Kelly!" Amy said, "You're joining the Noose Squad?"

"Yep." Kelly said as she stepped onto the trapdoor. "I've been here over a year. Lots of great sex, but I haven't had a client willing to pay my snuff price."

"Yeah... That can be kind of frustrating," Amy said.

"I'll say," Kelly answered as the attendant pulled the noose snug around her neck. "The snuff price is lower in this room, so I have hopes. And I'll keep coming back until I get what I want!"

The next not-quite-4 hours were torture of a sort. Holly had to stand there, unable to touch herself. She was given a bathroom break slightly over 2 hours in; besides emptying her bladder, she gave herself a quick orgasm -- she wanted more, but only had a few minutes.

When her shift was over, the weaslette grabbed a quick shower, then gobbled her lunch. It was good and deserved better treatment, but she was in a hurry. Following Megan's advice, she put on one of the sexy outfits that Lady Cynthia had provided and went to the parlor. There was nobody there, so she sat down on the edge of the stage and waited, occasionally glancing at her reflection in the mirror that covered most of the back wall.

A short time later, a tall serval with dark brown headfur came in. "Hi. I haven't seen you before. Are you new?"

"This is my second day."

"Wow! You're gorgeous."

Holly stood up, cursteyed, and sat back down. "Thank you, sir."

"Call me Lanford. I'd like to get to know you better."

"Well, there are some nice rooms just down the hall."

"Lead on."

Holly escorted Lanford to an unused sex room and sat down on the bed.

"Could I see more of you?"

"Sure." Holly took off her shoes, her blouse, her skirt, and her bra. She slowly unrolled her stockings down her legs. At last she pulled her panties off and posed for him, cupping her tits, legs together, spread, bent over to show her rear entry, on her knees with her lips forming an O. "See anything you like?"

Lanford pulled open the toy drawer and got out a silk cord with the ends sewed into loops to use as handles. "Would you be willing..." He paused, "...How do you feel about me fucking you in the ass while I strangle you to death with this cord?"

"I'm willing."

"That's not what I asked. I know you're a willing snuff whore. But I want to know how you really feel. Is that the way you want to go? Or do you have some other fantasy you like better."

Holly paused, thinking. "Well, I'm in the Gallows Squad and I watched a couple of hangings that really turned me on. I don't have much experience with any other kind of snuff."

"The Gallows Squad? How long? How many hangings have you seen?"

" I just came off my third four-hour shift; I watched two hangings and both were hot!"

"Tell me about one that really got you going."

"Well... the shift I just finished, right at the start..." Holly described Elora's hanging, how her hands were untied, the vibrator, the chinchilla cumming once, then a second time, then the sudden fall and the crunch of her neck breaking right in the middle of her orgasm.

Holly realized that she was sitting on the bed with Lanford holding her shoulders.

"Okay now?" he asked.

"I... I guess so. Guess I just came again."

"Must have been really good."

Holly just nodded.

"Good. Rest a few minutes, then we'll talk some more. Okay?"

"Umm... yeah." Holly leaned back against the piled-up pillows and waited for her breathing to come back to normal. This took a little longer than usual because Lanford was idly playing with her oversensitive nipples. "Okay, what next?" she said when she could talk coherently again.

"Lie down on the bed and close your eyes."

"Okay." Holly lay back and listened.

"Now imagine you're tied face down to the bed."


"And I'm on top of you, fucking your ass, deep and hard, and I'm strangling you with this cord."

Holly felt something soft laid across her neck, right over the soft spot under her chin. She felt the tingling in her nipples starting again.

"You're desperate for air, but you know you'll never breathe again. Just feel the cord strangling you and me in your ass.

Holly came again, even harder than before. It took a nearly a minute before she was able to say anything coherent again.

"That was even better! Let's do it!"

"Turn over, face down. X position -- pretend your wrists and ankles are tied to the corners of the bed. Right. Are you hot?"

"You know damn well I am! Do me!"

the serval wrapped the cord loosely around Holly's neck. She felt something cold being spread on her rear entrance and relaxed as much as she was able. She was already dripping with anticipation... She felt his head pressing into her, felt it spread her sphincter as he pushed, felt it pop into her. The weaslette gasped as her cunt contracted in a mini-orgasm.

Lanford moved slowly, a few inches in and out, and again, and again. Holly felt the cord start to tighten around her neck. She could still breathe without much effort, but the sensation made it real: this cord would strangle the life out of her.

Lanford sped up, gradually pulling the cord tighter until Holly could get only tiny sips of air. She started to panic, trying to rise up and push him off her; he put his mouth next to her ear and said quietly, "It's okay. You asked for this, you know you want this."

Holly was able to relax a little and enjoy the sensations: Lanford's cock spreading her little hole open, the cord digging into her neck, and the need for air. The weaslette grabbed the bedspread in her hands and held on as her need became more desperate. She felt Lanford's semen spurting into her. She was close... would she be able to cum one last time before she blacked out?

Yes! Holly came, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure, and saw the room slowly go gray. Whaaat...

Holly woke up to a pleasurable sensation. "What? Where? How...?"

"Did you enjoy our session?"

Holly realized that the sensation was Lanford gently caressing her clit with two fingers. She took stock of her feelings. Everything tingled with pleasure. Her pussy, her nipples, her skin, her ears, even her tongue. "Yes, very much. But why am i still here?"

"Where do you think you should be?"

"Dead. You were going to snuff me. I remember distinctly."

"Well, I have to confess. I enjoy playing these games with the girls, but I'm too cheap to pay the snuff fee. So I give them the experience without actually killing them."

"Well, damn!"

"Look at it this way: you got to feel what it's like and you can do it again!"

"But I didn't experience all of it."

"Yes, you did. The last minute or two of dying isn't experienced: you're not conscious; your brain can't feel or record any sensations."

"Oh... guess you're right..."

"Sure. Now you can go to your next shift knowing what to expect if your trapdoor opens."

Holly smiled. "Yeah. This is going to be so much fun!"

"Atta girl!"

Holly rolled onto her side, then face-up so she could grab Lanford and give him a long kiss. She exerted all her willpower and managed to get up from the bed, and go back to the kitchen for a glass of juice and a pastry. Then she showered off her sweat, patted herself dry, went back to her room and fell into bed for a nap.

Shift #4

Someone was calling her name. Holly rolled over and buried her head in the pillow. The voice became more insistent and louder. Then a loud bell rang and rang. Holly cursed, opened her eyes, and saw the clock. Only 20 minutes until her next shift! She allowed herself two minutes in a cold shower, then didn't even bother putting clothes on: just speed-walked naked to the dining room for a cup of coffee.

"The Lady says you can skip the first hour of your shift on account of your strenuous afternoon."

"And maybe be late to my own hanging? Not a chance. But I need to wake up. Coffee, black. And as strong as you can make it."

"Have one of our chocolate croissants with it. You'll need the energy if you get hanged, and even if you don't, it will help you keep warm.

"Umm... Okay." Holly sat down long enough to munch the croissant and wash it down with coffee, then got up and strode to the "executees gallery," arriving three minutes early. She had to wait before she could go in and get noosed up.

She was glad of the hot coffee as she stood there, naked, waiting for a customer to hang her or one of her group. Except that she needed a bathroom break after only an hour and a half.

She came back, took her place again, and stood proudly, inviting any customer who might be on the other side of the mirrored window to choose me. At last, shortly after the halfway point, the lights blinked, then Kelly's lit up. The clack of the trapdoor was followed almost immediately by an ugly "crack" sound. The lynx's eyes stared off into the distance and her head tilted to one side like a very dead herring. The only motion was a slow twisting, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, and again, gradually decreasing to total stillness. Holly had yet another orgasm, though not as strong as the previous ones.

It seemed forever but was only 5 minutes on the clock. The same two men came in, took Kelly's body away, and reset the trapdoor. Then Jennifer walked in. The Noosemeister tied her hands and noosed her, then left.

"Maybe me next." Jennifer said with a smile.

"Ha! Me next!" Laura said, stamping her foot on the trapdoor.

"No, me!" Dena said.

Holly laughed, then clamped her lips shut. She couldn't help it, it was so funny, as if the girls had any control over who got chosen!

The rest of the shift was uneventful, but Holly was a little depressed about Kelly's sudden end. Dinner was really good, though, and she dropped into the common room afterward. Amy and Megan were there. So was a girl with short black hair.

"Hi, I'm Katy. I'm on the shift after yours." Holly gave her a quick hug, then sat down.

They chatted about things -- their personal lives, movie stars, but mostly sex and snuff. Amy mentioned Kelly's hanging. "That was sudden, wasn't it?"

"Yes," Holly said. " I feel sorry for her."

"I envy her," Megan said.

"What?" Holly gasped. "Why?!"

"Let's watch her hanging on my computer. You'll see. Come to my room."

"Umm... Okay."

Megan led Holly and Amy to her room and sat down at her desk. She brought up the recording of Kelly's hanging. "Now watch."

The screen showed an image of Kelly standing with the noose around her neck, looking hopeful but just a little bit bored. Then the lights blinked, and blinked the second signal, and Kelly's light glowed. Megan clicked, and the action slowed down to 1/10 speed.

The lynx's face lit up. A big smile, and then her mouth opened as if she were going to scream.

Megan paused the recording. "You see that? She was starting to cum just knowing she was about to hang."

"Yes, I see," Holly gasped, feeling her cunt starting to warm up.

Megan let the recording play again, as the trapdoor slowly fell open and the lynx started inching down, then a little faster, faster yet. Kelly was obviously having an orgasm. Then her head stopped but her legs and torso kept going, and the noose closed around her neck and pushed her head sideways and back.

Holly winced as she watched Kelly's head knocked all askew, but she knew that the older woman had enjoyed her ending, even though it lasted less than a second.

"Feeling better?" Megan asked.


"Good. Feel like having some fun?"

Holly nodded.

"Then lie down."

Holly sat on Megan's bed, then rolled over until she was face up. Megan came over, spread Holly's legs, and started licking. She brought Holly to a screaming orgasm, then a second.

"Change places?" Holly asked.

"Nah. I had my fun doing you. But I bet you don't feel as bad about the longdrop as you did."

"No, I guess not." But if I get chosen, I want a short drop! I want to strangle. I want to feel every second of it!

Holly grabbed a bathrobe from her room and went back to the dining room. No "real food," but Chef Aristide had set up coffee urns, a teapot, and an assortment of pastries. Holly ate a slice of a very light cake, washed down with decaf. Then she went to the parlor.

The bunny had no trouble getting laid. Two men wanted nice, slow blowjobs, and a gorgeous girl who couldn't have been older than 20 was happy to 69 with her and pay for the privilege.

Then she hit paydirt: Walter, a 40-year-old chipmunk with a blond headfur, wanted to strangle her during sex. She nearly lost consciousness three times -- first from the orgasm while he was fucking her, then from being strangled, then when she got her first breath of fresh air in 5 minutes.

Nobody caught Holly's eye when she went back to the parlor afterward, so she showered and went to bed a little early. I still have two shifts to do tomorrow, and I want to be at my best. Especially if I get chosen!

Shift #5

Holly's fifth shift was a complete washout. Not once did the lights blink to indicate a customer in the viewing room. She ate a hearty lunch, then went to her room and watched the videos of past hangings, starting with Kelly's again, then Elora's, then Beth's, then the femmes who had been hanged before she came here.

Shift #6

When Holly's clit was too sore to continue, she got into bed and drifted off to a nap. She woke up with a vague memory of erotic dreams, but couldn't remember any details.

The bunny-girl grabbed a sweet roll from the kitchen, then went to her sixth shift. The lights blinked about halfway through the third hour, then Amy's light came on. Holly turned slightly to watch Amy's reflection in the mirror/window, and saw the skunkette's perfect smile again.

Amy mouthed "yes!" silently, took several deep breaths in rapid succession, then held her breath. Her trapdoor opened a bare second later. She started kicking immediately, not frantic kicking -- it reminded Holly of Beth, but Amy's foot movements were small, six inches or a little less.

She's putting on a show, Holly realized. She watched, unable to look away, as Amy kicked harder, a foot, two feet, then to the sides, still as regular as a ticking clock, and still smiling. The skunk's face developed a reddish hue that was noticeable even through her fur. Her hands twisted, fighting the rope around her wrist, and her smile gave way to a desperate need, a need for air. NO! Not for air. Holly could smell Amy's need, knew it, the same as her own.

"Amy!" she said, just above a whisper. Then, "Amy!" a little louder. A flicker of an eyelid showed that the hanging girl heard. "Do you remember Lanford, the customer who nearly strangled me to death?"

Both eyes closed for a second, then opened.

"He wants to fuck you. Right now. While you hang. What do you say?"

Amy spread her legs apart in a welcoming gesture.

"He's grabbing your hips and pulling you toward him. You feel his tip rub against your clit, follow your folds back until it finds your dripping cunt. Your cunt that needs him so much."

Amy's kicking slowed, then stopped. Her legs wrapped around an invisible lover.

"He's sliding into you. All the way in. Then halfway out, and in again. And again, and again."

The skunk grinned.

"And again. Faster and deeper. You want to feel him cum inside you, but you know that he won't finish until after you can't feel him any more. Then he's going to fill your cunt with his lovejuice. And... that gush of hot cum will trigger a nerve, the nerve, the one that wants him so much, and you will have a final moment of awareness, an orgasm, your last and best."

Amy's mouth opened and her hips thrust forward. And again, and again. Her mouth opened and closed, silently yipping out her orgasm as her face gradually went slack.

"The last thing you will ever feel..."

Amy's movements slowed, then stopped. Her eyes stared at the mirror, then glazed over, no longer focused on anything. There was a bluish hue underneath her facefur, and Holly knew the skunk had gotten what she wanted more than anything else.

The light in front of Amy winked out. The Noosemeister and an assistant came in a few minutes later and cut the rope, then carried Amy's body out through the curtain. The Noosemeister brought out a girl with sky-blue eyes. She bowed slightly. "Hi. I'm Laura, and I'm replacing Amy."

Providing Amy with that final fantasy had given Holly a mini-orgasm, and she managed another during her bathroom break. As soon as her hands were untied, she went looking for Megan and Katy. "You girls up for more fun?" she asked.

Katy nodded. "I know," Megan said. "Let's go to the parlor and put on a show."

"How...?" Holly asked.

"Just come along," Megan said, "It'll be fun!"


The three femmes, still naked, walked into the parlor and found three males chatting idly with a couple of the semi-permanent staff.

"Hi, Jeffrey, Avery, how's it going?" Megan asked.

"Good so far. Just resting up after a little bit of play," the one on the left answered.

Megan turned to the third man. "I don't remember you. New customer?"

"No, but I've mostly been coming in late at night. Name's Tyson."

"Howdy, Tyson. You guys wanna see a show?" Megan asked. The responses ranged from "Sure." to "Yee haw!"

Megan led the way up onto the stage. "You get to play 'Lucky Pierre' this time," she whispered to Holly.

"What...?" Holly asked.

"You'll see. Just lie down on your side, facing the audience."

"Okay." Megan motioned for Katy to take Holly's front, and the cacomistle spread Holly's legs and started licking her clit. Megan laid down behind Holly and started licking her asshole. About two minutes later Holly was screaming pleasure. After a few more minutes, Megan got up on her knees, reached into a small dresser, and pulled out a long silk scarf. She wrapped the scarf around Holly's neck and whispered, "Ready?"


The snow leopard pulled the scarf tight, and Holly's pleasure grew almost too much to bear. Katy's tongue finding all her most sensitive spots and the breathless sensation of the scarf around her neck... she thought she would die of the pleasure. Watching herself in the mirror at the back made it even sexier. Her need for air competed with her sexy reflection, Katy's head between her legs and the scarf making a dent in her neck.

I must be... must... breathe...must... cum... Holly's thoughts ran in circles, no connectivity, nothing made sense but the endless pleasure... and... GASP! The bunny felt cool air in her throat again. "Yiiiiiiiiiii," Holly screamed, then fell over face down on the stage, totally exhausted.

Megan let Holly lie there for a few minutes, then gently slapped her cheek. "C'mon. Let's give these customers a good time."

"Uhhh.... What do I do?"

"Just follow my lead."

" Ohhhh...kayyyy..."

Megan stood up and faced the customers. "We're in the mood for a little quick fun. Anybody want a blowjob? Half-price, right here and now."

All three customers raised their hands.

"Great. Just make yourselves comfortable and we'll take delight in delighting you."

Holly went over to Avery and started french-kissing him, gently at first, then trying to eat him from the mouth down. She felt the bulge in his pants, grabbed it gently and started squeezing. Within two minutes she had him naked, his legs splayed out, and his cock in her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Megan was a few seconds ahead of her and Katy was... and Katy knelt down and started sucking Tyson. Nice and slow, lots of spit, lots of pleasure, no hurry to get to the end.

Holly glanced to one side and saw Megan doing the same with Jeffrey. On the other side Katy was working Tyson a little faster, but with a short pause between strokes.

Avery made a quiet noise in his throat. Holly knew what that meant and sped up, pushing him to a higher level of pleasure but still nowhere near the critical point where he would need to cum.

Holly heard a quiet gargling noise. She glanced to the left: Tyson was cock-choking Katy, holding the cacomistle's head tight against his crotch with both hands.

Lucky girl! Holly thought. I wonder if he'll snuff her... Probably not -- no discount on snuff, ever. Lady Cynthia would have a cow.

Holly pulled back for a moment. "Look at Katy," she said, pointing with her free hand.

"Hmm... nice..." Avery said. "But today I just want to feel your very talented mouth."

Holly took that as a hint and went back to work with her lips and tongue.

A minute or so later, there was a loud gasp as Tyson released his grip on Katy's head, then she went back to work with her lips and tongue. Avery groaned loudly: he was getting close. Holly slowed down and changed her technique to prolong his pleasure. She heard a gasp from her other side. Megan had found the right technique for Jeffrey.

That gargling noise again. It went on and on, then was replaced by total silence. Holly risked a glance to her left: Katy had stopped even trying to escape from Tyson's grip. She couldn't last more than another minute or so...

A somewhat quieter gasp as Tyson pulled Katy off his cock. She sat there, looking slightly dazed, then wrapped her mouth around him and started working toward his orgasm.

Holly decided she should do the same. She sped up slightly and used shorter movements, confining herself to the top half of Avery's cock. Soon his breathing told her that he needed to cum. She devoted her lips and tongue to the spots that would get him there, and was rewarded with a loud cry and the taste of the hedgehog's semen.

Tyson started crying out, "Yes, please," over and over, then "Yes, yes, yes!!" Katy swallowed and gradually slowed down and stopped. "Did you like that?" she asked.

"Uhh... yeah!!!" the meerkat breathed.

"I'm glad. Thank you, thank you so much! For a little bit I thought you were going to snuff me, and it was so hot! I think getting cock-chocked would be even hotter than getting hanged. Of course, if you want to see that, you can always come visit the gallows room. I'm on the after-breakfast and pre-dinner shifts, and I'd love it if you chose me."

"I... I'll think about it. I bet you'd look hot kicking at the end of a rope."

"Believe it, honey!"

For a few seconds there was only the quiet sluuurping sound of Megan's mouth on Jeffrey's cock. Then, "Stop a moment," he said.

Megan stopped. "Yes?"

"I want to give you a facial."

"Okay, honey, you got it!' the snow leopard went back to work, a little faster than before. She pulled off just as he shouted, "Now!" and moved his cock around, painting her lips, cheeks, chin and eyelids with his cum. She licked a little off her upper lip, then looked at him saucily. "Like this?"


Everybody rested a few minutes, then each girl cleaned up her customer and helped him dress again. A goodbye kiss each, and the males left. "Let's go see what Aristide made for dinner," Katy said.

"You girls go ahead. I need to clean up a little," Megan said as walked off to her room.

"Yeah, she does. What a mess!" Katy said.

"She enjoyed the hell out of it, though."

"So did he."

"Win-win!" the two femmes high-fived.

The girls were so hungry they barely gave Aristide's dishes the attention they deserved, devouring the mozzarella salad, the linguini con vongole, and the veal chop in record time. They slowed down to enjoy the tiramisu dessert, though.

Then it was off to bed to rest up for the morning shift.

Shift #7

Holly woke up, showered, and went to see what the Chef had made. Something in lavash bread... Holly bit into it. She tasted sausage, eggs, aged cheddar, two kinds of peppers, some kind of mild salsa... several other items she couldn't identify. Sort of like a breakfast burrito, but in fresh soft lavash instead of chewy tortilla. Yum!

She went back to her room, gave her hair a quick brush and spray, turned on her desktop and watched a couple of hangings to get herself in the mood. Today would be the day. She just knew. She would go back to Robert either alive and a lot richer, or in a fancy coffin. She thought about it. If she had her druthers... Holly... wasn't sure. The survivor bonus would pay for a cruise to Europe with some left over for other luxuries. But the thought of kicking and struggling at the end of a rope... the bunny opened her eyes and realized she was wet and panting. She took another quick shower to freshen up, then went to get bound and noosed for her shift.

Time went by. Morning shift. No customers. It should have been boring, but those two fantasies kept recurring: Robert and her walking down the gangplank for a shore excursion in Barcelona, and herself hanging, kicking... A bathroom break. Nearly three hours, then the lights blinked. There was a customer in the corridor outside, looking the girls over. Who would he choose. The second blink: the customer had paid. But still no "selected" light. Then the lights overhead dimmed and the corridor outside got brighter and Holly saw Robert standing at the console, his hand on the control, looking at her.

Holly was confused for a moment. Robert is going to hang me? I never expected... But he certainly agreed fast enough when I asked to come here... So why doesn't he do it? He was still looking at her, his eyebrows raised slightly. He's asking me... leaving the choice up to me.

A European cruise... Barcelona... Florence... Rome... Corfu... Venice...

But... the noose... forever...

The bunny girl gasped, writhed, and clamped her jaw shut to stifle the scream.

Jesu! Just thinking about hanging is enough to make me cum. What will the real thing be like?

Holly spent a few more seconds listening to her competing desires

He's asking me... leaving the choice up to me.

The European cruise... Venice...

But... the noose... forever...

She gasped, writhed, and clamped her jaw shut to stifle the scream.

Holly spent a few more seconds thinking about it. Then she took a deep breath and let it out. Another. And another. And another. And two more deep breaths. She was starting to feel funny. Three more... dizzy. Holly nodded. Robert pushed a button and Holly's "selected" light came on. Time for two more. The doe breathed all the way out, then a deep breath. Then again, and held it.

The lights in the corridor dimmed and the window became a mirror again. Two seconds later Holly felt herself start to fall, but the noose stopped her almost immediately. She fell less than a foot, but the rope rubbed against her neck as the knot slid closed, leaving a furless area, and the sudden jerk was like a karate chop to her throat. Her body wanted to struggle, get free of the constricting noose, but she resisted. I don't care what kind of show I put on, I just want to make this last as long as I can.

10 seconds... 20 seconds. Holly looked at her reflection in the mirror. I'm not sexy. I should look sexy as hell dangling in this noose. Why am I not turned on? I loved it when Lanford was strangling me! ...And then it came to her. I was struggling, almost in a panic. That's why a hanging looks so sexy -- the struggle, the kicking, the body tensed up to fight the rope. Guess my body knows what I need better than I do. Holly abandoned herself to the struggle. Her hands tried to pull free of the rope. Her feet kicked out, forward, back, and again. And the tingling started. At last! First in her clit, then her labia... her cunt clenching, wanting a cock inside it... her nipples. The pleasure built slowly as her need for air became acute. Her reflection, kicking, swaying a little from side to side... so sexy... Yes, this is what I want! And without warning she was in the middle of an orgasm.

The bunny became aware of a tingling sensation all over her body. And of one other thing: a desperate need for air. She struggled for real now, hands pulling so hard at the rope that her wrists chafed. No use. No air. Never air again. Even while she thought this, her feet continued to reach forward, back, to one side, the other, down. Up and down, trying to jostle the noose loose, but only pulled it tighter. This is it. I'm dying here. But... I want... What did she want? She couldn't remember. Then her body reminded her. Her hip muscles jerked forward, then back, forward again, and the tingling got stronger. Oh,yeah... one more. Please, can't I have just one more?

She squeezed her legs together and pulled her hips back, then forward, then back again. The tingling got stronger, but so did her need for air... so desperate for one deep breath to relieve the ache in her chest... for somebody to fuck her. She imagined Lanford in her ass again and thrust back against him. And.... there was a roaring sound in her ears and pleasure that just went on and on and...

A few minutes later, a doe-rabbit dangled limp in the noose, her feet swaying slowly from one side to the other, but a smile on her face that said, as if she were wearing a sign, "Gone to heaven. See you there."

The two assistants came to take Holly's body away. The Noosemeister came out, walked over to Dena, and started to remove her noose.

"No way! I want to stay right here with this noose around my neck!"

He glanced at the card in his hand and nodded. "Okay, you can do another five, but after that you'll be ineligible for 2 years."

"I'll deal with that if it happens."

"Yeah." He went back and brought out a vole to take Holly's place.

Do Me Good

# Do me Good ## By A. P. Damien ## **Author's Note:** This story was partly inspired by a clip from "La Belle" ("Mi An" in Korean). [https://motherless.com/3B794AF](https://motherless.com/3B794AF)But the idea of her waking up with hands around her...

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An infomercial for a snuff movie

This "story" takes the form of an "informercial" for a movie. A snuff movie: the star ends up dangling from a gallows. This is an infomercial, to be shown on cable channels (at times when it is assumed the children are asleep) and adults-only...

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The Performance Review

**Based on roleplay between A. P. Damien and anonymous** Nadine came into work and found a note on her desk. "Report to my office at 9:30AM." It was signed "Godfrey." "I wonder what this is about," the opossum said to herself. She looked at the...

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