A Dragon and his Jockey - Ch03.2

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#8 of Comm - For Revakulgr

While Rain's away, the dragon will play, particularly when he spots a feral gryphoness in heat passing by. It doesn't take much to get him to pay her fee for dumping his seed into her.

**The Dragon and the Hen

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Revakulgr**

Gryphons had always fascinated Revakulgr. They were a rather poor attempt by the humans to imitate something of the grace and wonder and majesty of the draconic race, created with no input from or consultation with the dragons at all. A bit of a last gasp effort to attempt showing their mastery of the new technology they had been given, most thought, and quite a spectacular failure at it. Bird and cat, feathers and fur, talons and paws, a mangled mishmash of species that should never have been able to work but had been forced to. Most had wings, but none could fly, their bone structure too heavy and muscles too light, though smaller breeds could glide. Some had feline tails, and some tail feathers, some both, which confused things incredibly. Some walked on two legs, some walked on four. Some were front half avian and back half cat, and others the reverse. Most were a mix of raptor, but some were of prey birds, and he'd once seen a pelican gryphon mixed with lynx. They were by far the smallest population of furs, due to rampant infertility. Still, they could be quite beautiful when the breeds and patterns came together properly.

Take, for instance, the lovely hen that was passing by the exterior of Rain's apartment. Jet black feathers and fur, even her beak and scaled forelimbs, with golden rosettes dotting her furred hindquarters, sparkling along the primaries of her wings, and creating a peacock-like fan at the tips of her tail feathers, like an inverse cheetah. He liked cheetahs. They were quite fast and agile, very fun to chase even if they tired quickly, with a generally arrogant and feisty attitude, though there were some he'd met who were as affectionate as any canine. Hm... Well, Rain was at the DIGK, having the eggs checked on again. After his weeks of "brooding" outside her door, she'd made him stay home just to be out of his presence, though she hadn't complained about getting a good breeding in a week before... Males didn't brood. Females brooded. That was the whole point of the brooding chamber. Bah!

The dragon shook himself and slid open the glass door to the balcony, stepping out onto the still-stained concrete, and considered a moment, watching the gryphon as it continued to stroll along the sidewalk. Well, Felix had said that the appointment would take at least two hours, and gryphons were furs after all, and those dratted little kobolds kept bringing him cold, dead meat instead of warm and bloody. Yes, yes, Rain had ordered them to do so after he further marred her carpets, but still... Hm. Yet... His eyes caught on gold lettering that seemed to cross the hybrid's side and he blinked, then focused in on it. Ah, cloth of some kind, a vest that wrapped around its chest, with some kind of logo: Alberta's All-Natural Escorts.

Escort, escort... he'd heard the humans use that word in a way that meant something entirely different than how dragons used it. English was such a fickle and finicky language. Then the wind shifted and brought an entirely enticing and unbelievably unignorable scent wafting his way. He felt himself hardening almost instantly, his maleness poking free of his sheath to begin dribbling in preparation. He hadn't had a female beneath him aside from once with Rain and Felix's bitch before that for nearly a month. And that was most certainly the smell of a receptive and ready female. Well, that settled things for the dragon. If he couldn't sate one appetite, he might very well be able to sate another. He carefully climbed over the rail of the balcony, trying not to further mar the wooden railings, and began to stalk towards the gryphon with a soft growl in his throat.

Keen eyes as black as the rest of her blinked as he began moving in her direction and she paused her progress, turning her head towards him to quirk in a silent inquiry. That made him grin widely, and he always enjoyed the kind of effect that had on others. Well, except for Rain. It usually made her punch him, not that it hurt, but she could at least pretend to be even slightly afraid of him. The crest of feathers on the avian's head rose and fell, then her wings ruffled before spreading upwards to splay her primaries in the light, and she stretched, raking her talons across the pavement before her, then rolling her back in an arch that had her hinds stretched far behind and her tail fanned wide. The glimmering, glistening spots that dotted her had him drooling even more, and not from his mouth. She was quite a glorious specimen, and seemed willing, though he'd probably have her even if she wasn't.

What surprised him, though, and set him back on his heels, quite literally, his rump plopping to the ground so hard that it bounced back upwards from his balls impacting the earth, was the lilting chirp she let out: a perfect kobold imitation of the draconic tongue asking what pleasure the master, that being him, would like to indulge in with her. Revakulgr shook himself with a wince, giving his hind legs a few shakes as he waited out the sting in his testicles. He half expected her to laugh or look amused, but she merely looked on with patient interest until he felt well enough to approach her and give a sniff. Yes, definitely in season, and definitely not some kind of strange costume over a dragon or kobold.

"I had no idea your kind could speak our tongue," he admitted in the human language, looking her over once more with a critical eye, rather disconcerted.

"I speak many tongues," she replied in the same speech, and he saw that her throat moved far more than her beak did. "Corvid ancestry, it allows me to mimic many sounds, almost anything that I hear. So... master... what pleasure would you have of me? I can see that you'd like some."

She nuzzled her beak beneath his chin to nibble at his neck scales, and a tremor rippled its way down his spine so that he needed to settle his wings, feeling a jet of pre-seed spurt out onto the grass. "I'd have what your scent plainly offers."

"Two hundred for breeding, and I don't have any condoms for your size. You're... quite impressive, looks like you'll swell as big as an egg or more. Hm... I think I'll give you a discount, if you want it now."

Revakulgr blinked again. "Two hundred?"

"Dollars, master, dollars. Money? Oh, don't play with me, I recognize you. For anyone else it would have been five hundred."

"Oh. Money. Yes. Now. Very well, follow me then."

He turned back towards Rain's balcony, racking his brains to recall if he'd brought any of his personal possessions with him, particularly his identification and bank card. He wasn't sure. Well, that would sort itself out when the time came. For now, he lifted his tail high as he sauntered across the lawn and climbed over the balcony railing, entering the apartment. Humans became... unhappy when one mated in public, for some unfathomable reason. However, when he, very carefully, turned to face the gryphon again, she held out a data card, awaiting the touch of his own to transfer the payment. He caught a glimmer of one on the table that stood by the front door and snatched it up, pressing it to the hybrid's before he could see whose it was. Rain's. He'd paid for sex with Rain's money. Oh dear... Well, so long as he transferred the funds back to her from his own account before she found out...

Of course, there were more important things to worry about just now. The corvid-cat had turned, her fanned tail feathers wafting up and down, filling his nose with that needful scent, the enclosed space only making it that more irresistible. She closed her tail and twitched it to the side, looking back at him over her shoulder, and then he was on her. Like anything other than a dragon, she was smaller than he, but of similar enough size that her back brushed his stomach when he mounted. That sent another delicious ripple through him that had his shaft flexing up into line instantly. He gripped at the base of her wings and took firm hold of her neck, not liking much the chalky taste of her feathers but beyond caring. Instinct told him that a proper, needful, willing female was beneath him, and he had not an ounce of will to fight against it.

His hind legs shuffled forwards, back arching in a hunch, searching with his tip for the entrance he knew was present, then he found it. The slippery heat embraced him as his hips drove forward, sheathing himself in her flesh instantly, feeling her squeeze around him, and in an entirely new way that had him held frozen with his knot just barely butting against her nethers. She looked back at him with a sly gape to her beak and did it again. He rumbled, pulled himself back, making sure to lower his hips so that every single ridge plucked at her entrance on the way out, then slammed himself home again. She did it again. He trembled slightly, wanting two very conflicting things at the same time. He wanted to breed this hen hard and fast and for as long as his stamina could last, and he also wanted to immediately sink his knot into her and let her do that thing again and again until she got tired. The series of ripples and contractions that played just past her entrance decided him.

He sank himself in after one more thrust, letting her send him skyward on blissful wings, his knot swelling, his balls tensing, his seed nearly burning as it rushed out to fill her with the contents of a week's abstinence. When he finally came back to his senses, he realized that he was breathing quite more heavily than he usually was after so little exertion... and that Rain's furniture had been quite vigorously rearranged. His wings stung from where they had struck the items. The gryphon was gaping at him, her identi-cash card held up between two taloned digits.

"Again?" she inquired. "Same price, if you're willing. Master."

He didn't have to think twice before snatching Rain's card from the table again. He'd deal with her wroth when she got back. Until then, he was going to breed this hen as hard and as many times as he could.

The End