Ritoyami Story 2 - Kass's Affections

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#40 of Story Commissions

Ritoyami has always had a hardon for the handsome Kass, however he's never acted upon his feelings because of course he didn't. However, one day the choice of how to act gets taken from him.

$20 Story Commission for Yufuria

It was the sound of music being played right outside of his window which roused Ritoyami from the rather troubling slumber that he had been having.

Blinking his ruby red eyes open, the black rito reached up to rub his wing against the front of his aching skull; the pain within, which seemed to follow after an odd dream that he had been suffering through, slowly ease off as he listened to more and more of the soothing melody which echoed all around him. Pushing himself up and then stretching his wings as far as the ceiling would allow, Ritoyami let out a loud yawn before clacking his beak shut. Sweeping the covers wrapped around his legs to the side, the young rito hopped up and then moved to the nearby window.

The sound of music literally blasted him across the face after he unhooked the latch sealing the wood shut. Thankfully the black rito found the sounds to be rather pleasant, and thus he wasn't immediately thrown back from the noisy ambience after it washed over his earholes. Looking out and then down the side of his apartment, Ritoyami found both him and several dozen others all looking at a certain blue and gold rito who was skillfully playing familiar accordion while standing back behind several colorful chicks, all of whom were whistling in time with the music maker in question. Ritoyami smiled.

It had been a while since Kass had returned to the village, the wandering bard having gone off a month earlier to the zora village for some reason or another; Ritoyami was never privy as to the reason for why the other did as such, thus he could only surmise why he had gone off as he had, however it didn't really matter in the end. What was most important was the fact that the musician had returned home. The sight of him playing his accordion with his daughters, tapping his foot in time with the melody he had crafted while out on his journey, made Ritoyami's heart flutter within his chest, and his groin throb in between his legs.

To say that Kass was a handsome man would have been a complete understatement, in truth the other was one of the most beautiful rito he had ever had the fortune of laying his eyes on. With his rich blue plumage covering the outside of his body while a golden sheen of feathers arrested his chest on down to his white groin, which was hidden behind the leather strap he had wrapped around his waist, Kass looked ever so delicious as he performed for the entirety of the village. Hungry ruby eyes wandered up and down the length of the bard's body, surveying the quiet strength hidden beneath his rich plumage, all the while questioning what it would feel like huddled against his larger frame. Ritoyami would have given anything to be able to go down and proposition the other a hard round of asspounding sex, however he didn't. Both out of respect for Kass's children and the enjoyment being found amongst their people as he and his daughters worked to fill the village with the sounds of merriment.

Ritoyami smiled as he bobbed his head in time with the melody in question, he of course didn't know what song was being played, but that didn't matter in the slightest. The only thing that was of importance at this time was the fact that the soulful tune was stirring things within him that made his clawed toes tap and his rump shake up. The headache he had been suffering through seconds before completely vanished as the young rito began humming in time with everyone else who just so happened to become caught within the snare of the music's rhythm.

Sadly Ritoyami had awoken just as the orchestral piece was coming to an end, thus after about two more minutes of playing together the musician and his choir let the song rise to a crescendo before falling down into the depths of silence. Once it had become clear that the show had come to its destined end the entire ensemble watching down below began to clap, chirp and cheer for the performers, all of whom decided to take a grandiose bow. Following the group rising up so that they could go off about their way, Ritoyami pulled his head back into his home and then began going through the motions of doing his morning stretching. That he could still hear the music being played within his mind all the while he crunched his abs together and pushing himself up and down along the floor spoke volumes about how well the musician had performed the task of entertaining his people.

It was just as Ritoyami was finishing using some makeshift hand weights he had cobbled together from a bag of stones and jewels he had made for himself, following the advice he had been given by a group of goron he had spoke to months prior with regards to building up his biceps, the young avian began to wonder if he could get Kass to play something more personal for him once the two of them were alone together. Why he thought the other rito would do such a thing was a mystery to him, given that Kass wasn't exactly a friend, in truth they were barely acqutainces if one were to be honest, however Ritoyami couldn't deny his need to hear more of that gentle music playing out along his earholes...and the need to be in the other man's presence.

It was no secret to anyone who knew him to learn that Ritoyami fancied males over females, the way he had always wrestled with other male during his youth, grinding along their bodies while in the local river and preening them without question after seeing their worn and broken feathers set out of place along their bodies, had long since made it clear that he was going to be a pillow biter once he had come of age. Thankfully the rito didn't have such qualms about their men lusting after those of the same gender, unlike the hylians who had such strict rules about such things that it was often a wonder how they didn't implode from their own made up repression, thus it was seen as okay for him to play around with those men who decided that they liked having him tucked underneath them while he hefted his tail feathers up for their approval. However, messing around with someone who was married, well that was another kettle of fish entirely, mostly because the act of two people being wedded was held as sacred rite to the rito people, thus what Ritoyami had in mind would have been seen as rather taboo, if not outright worthy of public humiliation, if it weren't for the fact that everyone knew that Kass and his wife were quite open with allowing others into their beds.

This made sense, seeing as Kass was always off on a journey somewhere, either playing his music for the other people of Hyrule, or spending his days honing his craft up on a mountain or within an empty cave somewhere off in the distance. The blue and gold rito had always been a rather carefree creature in his youth, thus it was no surprise for anyone to know that his wife would accept others into their bed, given how often her husband wasn't there to fill it. It was because of this that many wondered exactly how many of their chicks were even Kass's, though everyone kept from asking out of respect for the bard and his mate. Ritoyami on the other wing only had respect for the thick instrument which was slung in between the other man's groin.

Slut was a term of endearment to the young rito, as more than a few men within the village had had an opportunity to have their way with him, either by bending him over the railing outside his room, or on top of their respective beds during the evenings when they were tired from their daily chores, however despite all of his sexcapdes Ritoyami had never gotten a chance to have such an intimate moment with Kass. The musician so often left the village before he could get a word in with him that it almost seemed as though the elder rito was playing a silent game of cat and mouse with him, of course this wasn't true but still Ritoyami could always dream. However today he was determined to see one of his dreams come true. With that thought set firmly within his head, the black rito hurried to get himself dressed within his brown tunic and white waistcloth before heading out to speak with the other. He grunted as he stepped in some kind of black oil that stained the boards beside his bed, but he would clean that up after he returned this evening.

It was just as Kass was seeing his last daughter off on her way, hugging the green chick while telling her to mind her mother, that Ritoyami swooped down onto the ground next to the other. Turning to look at him, Kass greeted the younger rito with a gentle hello which literally oozed with sensuality. Or perhaps that was all in Ritoyami's mind? It was hard to say, but there was no denying that the simple word made a small tent rise up within the black rito's waistcloth. Fanning his face with one of his wings in order to compose himself, Ritoyami began to chat up the other man, complimenting him as so many others had following his stellar performance, all the while rolling his hips together in an attempt to calm his silently raging erection. Kass, ever the humble rito, bowed before the younger avian while thanking him for his kind words.

The conversation they had following this was simple, if a little awkward, as Ritoyami had to fight with himself to keep from blurting out his desires to the other man. Kass, being worldwise enough to understand the subtle cues he was being shown, chuckled as he moved forward to sweep the younger rito up within his embrace. Ritoyami's heart thudded inside of his head loud enough to nearly deafen him as he looked up into the brilliant amber eyes which glared down at him with unbridled passion.

It was just as the elder rito was about to open his mouth to speak his next words that a strong blast of lightning shot out across the sky. The bright blue hue which had colored the heavens was quickly darkened by cruel grey clouds, the likes of which brought with them a downpour of cold rain, more than likely brought about from the mountains far beyond. The two men quickly scrambled away from the center of the village, as no rito in his right mind wanted to be covered in water. Flying was of course out of option, seeing as the lighting dancing about in between the sky seemed to almost promise a swift and painful demise to all those who would dare attempt to challenge the rage for which nature had decided to unleash upon the land. With that in mind Ritoyami thought to try and bring Kass into his home so that the two of them might be able to better speak on the moment for which they obviously wanted to share, however the elder avian decided on another course for them as he pulled the younger man towards the base of a nearby mountain.

Ritoyami's heart soared within his throat as he realized where they were going.

Getting inside of a cave hidden by low hanging foliage, both rito shake their feathers free of the rain which threatened to soak deep into their bodies. Once they had divested most of the water from off their bodies, Ritoyami and Kass moved through a long winding passageway until they finally got to a secret area stocked full of mats and barrels. Grabbing some wood hidden out of sight, the younger rito began a fire while Kass set his accordion off to the side to dry. Pulling themselves out of their clothes and then tossing them over to the side so that they could dry, the two rito grabbed what dried food they much preferred from the barrels around them before going to sit by the fire which now crackled in front of them.

The pair ate in silence, though this was only due to them wanting to get both warm and dry, as the obviousness of what was soon to come became quite apparent as both of their cocks grew firm in between their feathery legs. Neither said anything about what was happening down below, but then again they didn't have to, since it would have been rather redundant. Ritoyami was rather surprised that Kass would know about this place, given how little he stayed within the village, however it made sense in in a way. After all, nobody wanted to be alone forever, especially not a man who was routinely on the road. That nobody else was here was a stroke of luck given to them by the goddesses, not that it would have been rather awkward for someone from the village to be there within them, given what the cave was so often used for.

It was after finishing eating their last piece of fruit that Ritoyami turned to look at Kass. He quickly found himself tackled to the warm floor mat beneath his feathery rump. Looking up into shimmering amber eyes, Ritoyami gasped when he noticed the sensual sneer tugging at the sides of Kass's face. There were no words needed to be spoken right then, after all, the bard had been the one to bring them to this infamous place. With that in mind, Ritoyami let himself go as slack as his body would allow before turning his head to the side. His breaths, already heavy within his chest following the elder rito's handsome body pressing firmly down onto his own lithe form, poured out from his beak in rough, uneven huffs when Kass leaned down to whisper into his earholes about what was going to happen to him next.

Shivers raced throughout Ritoyami's body as a vision of the future raced throughout his mind, said vision soon became a reality when Kass slid his wings down the length of his naked chest to his hips. Grabbing them tight, the blue and gold rito kneaded the muscles underneath with an almost possessive squeeze before forcing them up into Ritoyami's chest. The younger rito tried not to hyperventilate at the thought of what was about to happen, but it was so hard to contain the ecstasy flowing within his veins once his puckered hole became exposed to the other man.

Kass chuckled down at him. He then whispered about how long it had been since he had the pleasure of being with someone as beautiful and nubile as the younger rito. Ritoyami blushed hard at such a statement. He then moaned low and loud when the head of the elder avian's manhood pressed firmly against his clenched pucker. His own cock twitched in between his legs as the bard rolled his hips down and around, telling the black rito without words about what would soon be plunging through the depths of his inner sanctum. Ritoyami wanted to crow out for all the world to hear about how much he wanted, no, NEEDED the other man to breed him. To ruin him for all others. To seed his ass until the sticky white trails of his semen ran out of his ass onto his tail feathers, but before he could do so a splash of water hit him right across the face.

Squawking in indignation, Ritoyami jumped up into the air like a cat who had been startled out of its sleep.

Blinking and then looking around wildly, the young rito found himself inside of a water soaked cave that he just barely remembered being inside of. Blinking in confusion, his reason for being there soon became rather clear after he turned to see an injured zora looking down at him with a concerned look on his face.

Ritoyami cursed Kagami for sending him out on a mission to look for the missing zora, not to mention the Hinox which had chased the two of them into the area earlier on, the dream he had of him and Kass being together slowly fading from his thoughts as the reality of his plight settled firmly within his mind.

Ritoyami Story 3 - The Slut of the Wilds

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