Ritoyami Story 3 - The Slut of the Wilds

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#41 of Story Commissions

Tired of him resisting, Ritoyami is treated to a double whammy when both Teba and Kass decide to take control over his body, not that he minds.

$20 Commission for: Yufuria

Art by: TattooRexy TattooRexy

Ritoyami was sure that he was dreaming, because there was no chance that what he was seeing was real, it was just too surreal to be anything stitched together by the fabric of reality. However, with that being said, he was more than ready to go along for the ride to come as he looked in between the two rito who were walking towards him from over the hill just the horizon. It really helped things along that both men were completely naked, as it made the hardon growing in between his legs all the more acceptable to his mind as he watched their own dangling bits sway back and forth almost hypnotically as they sauntered over to him. When the pair walked up to him Ritoyami could barely stop himself from opening his mouth to ask the obvious question pertaining to this particular moment. Both men stopped him from doing anything of the sort by reaching out together and then bringing his face into their groins.

Ritoyami squawked a bit as he found his yellow beak being rubbed along twin poles of flesh which dribbled a thick, musky nectar down along the feathers of his face. The young rito didn't know what to think at that moment, as all of this was just beyond weird, and yet despite the situation in question taking place with him at centerstage so to speak, it would have been a lie for him to say that he didn't like what was going on, especially as the focus of his vision was alternated between Teba's thick black cock and Kass's long twitching shaft. The scent of male lust, thick and potent as it always was for a pillow biter such as himself, made the young avian's heart thud inside of his chest hard enough to make his entire being quiver from the force of its boomin beats. His tail feathers twitched along the jade grass underneath him as his puckered hole clenched reflexively at the thought of what was to come, because of course this could only end in one such manner.

Nothing else would be allowed!

Ritoyami blinked in confusion as he tried to figure out just where that thought had come from, but before he could do so a wing reached down to force his beak open. The black rito tried to complain but he was forced to hush when Teba sunk his manhood deep in between the folds of his throat. The heavy weight of the thick shaft felt almost as though it belonged inside of his mouth as it sank in deep and then held still. Ritoyami tried not to coo at the heated taste of the musky meat as his tongue flexed around its girth without his permission, however there was no denying the vocal outburst as it slipped out from his body through his beak. The sounds of the two men chuckling down at him made the younger rito feel rather self-conscious, but upon Teba pulling his white feathery hips back, dragging with them his pendulous balls from where they had been silently resting against Ritoyami's chin, and then slamming them forward there was no time for him to feel anything other than the shocking sensation of having the older avian's fat cock widening his throat.

Ritoyami gagged at the suddenness of what was happening to him, as his bed partners usually guided him into things with a gentleness that almost beguiled their desperate lust for his body, however there was no such care in what Teba was doing at the moment. This was about pleasure, his above all else. Ritoyami was simply a breeding tool to be used to slake the burning need which coursed throughout the round orbs slamming hard into the underside of the younger man's beak. The proof of this could actually be seen when Ritoyami looked up to find both Kass and Teba sharing a sensual kiss with one another. The fact that they were completely ignoring what was going on with the younger avian's right then spoke volumes about how they had not only planned all of this out, but about how little they thought of Ritoyami as the white rito pumped his muscular hips forward with ever growing force.

Why that thought made the black rito's cock throb even harder in between his legs was something that Ritoyami didn't want to think about, if only because it would have meant admitting things that he didn't want to admit right then.

When Kass graced the side of his face with his cock it took all of the strength in Teba's hand to keep the younger man from turning to try and stuff it into his beak.

Another chuckle echoed out above his head, though this one was deeper, more than likely having been saturated with the lust building within both men, although it was hard to say at the moment. The only thing that was clear was that both rito were quite pent up at the moment as their massive stalks of flesh oozed out streams of liquid down into Ritoyami's throat and the side of his neck, respectively. Perhaps their women weren't putting out for them, or perhaps they had simply been eyeing the younger male up for so long that their desires had finally cracked their resolve enough to make this moment happen. Whichever the case the black rito was loving being the center of their attention, as shown by him reaching up to rub his prehensile wing along the turgid length of Kass's manhood and Teba's loosely swaying nut sack. The sound of both men moaning was music to Ritoyami's earholes. Wanting to hear even more from both of them he slowly increased the speed and strength of his hand moments, all the while turning his head as best he could within Teba's hand.

Being a practiced lover of other men, Ritoyami knew a multitude of ways to draw out the lust which pooled within the loins of those who looked upon his body with repressed need, and so he knew just how hard to squeeze Kass's base in order to make him chirp in surprise while at the same time he rolled Teba's weighty orbs around in just the right manner to make the white rito coo for him. The idea that he was the one in control of this current situation, despite the elder man thrusting his hips forward hard enough to make audible smacking sounds reverberate throughout the empty plains was a feat that made Ritoyami's chest puff up in pride. That he could roll his tongue around the fuckstick in between his beak to forcibly drag out more of the delicious musky sap coating his tongue only served to emphasize just how much power he had over the two men at this moment. However, his elders were quick to remind him of who was really in charge of things after Teba, having felt himself dancing far too close to the edge of orgasm for his liking, pulled himself back and then whipped Ritoyami's face to the side so that Kass could drive his pulsing girth deep inside of his maw. That the white rito kept tight control over the younger man's face was all the proof one needed to know about who would be making all of the decisions there at the moment, despite Ritoyami reaching switching his grasp over the pair's groins.

The trio remained locked in their sensual dance for several long minutes, with Kass cawing slightly as Teba reached out to caress the tight muscles along his backside. Ritoyami could have stayed right where he was for the entire day, in all honesty, as he loved the feeling of having another man's crotch buried so deep into his face that he would be left smelling them for hours afterwards, yet the elder pair had different plans for him.

Pulling away from, both Kass and Teba grabbed their hard shafts and then smacked them against the side of Ritoyami's face. Not understanding what was going on made the sudden assault on his face rather shocking, however the degradation being shown to him at the moment turned Ritoyami on so much that he began humping the air like an unabashed whore looking for their next trick. Seeing this, the two men laughed aloud. Ritoyami blushed and then begged. Begged the pair to use him like the slut he was. Spreading his legs and then lifting them up into his chest, he told them that they could do anything they wanted to him, just so long as they filled his body with the potent semen chuning inside of their low hanging testicles.

This seemed to be exactly what the pair wanted to hear, because after turning to share a perverted look with one another, Teba and Kass kiss each other before pouncing on Ritoyami. The black rito yelped but did nothing more as his lovers began to hump and grind their way along his lithe frame. The musky trail of man sap which their cocks left behind on his feathers seemed to adhere deep below into his, as though the liquid was trying to mark his skin with proof of their use of his body. Ritoyami didn't care. He wanted to be used. He needed to be shown his place in between the two of them.

His wish was ultimately granted when Teba, ever the alpha male, grabbed him by the throat and then forced his tongue inside of Ritoyami's beak. The taste of his own pre-cum was ignored by the rito Rito in favor of staring the younger man down, he belonged to him at this moment, and nothing would deter this truth from being as such.

Ritoyami could only moan in acceptance of his place as he tongue was wrestled down and then stroked with the firm authority of someone who would broker no argument over the claim he was staking.

When he was forced back and then flipped around onto his hands and knees, Ritoyami had just enough time to look up into Kass's smirking face before he heard the sound of hawking. The sudden feeling of something warm and wet shooting across his taint made the young rito grimace in disgust, however he didn't have long to be rather put off by what was happening because seconds after a slow dribbling line of familiar fluid ran down along the length of his winking tailhole he felt something else equally as familiar pressing against his rump.

Teba didn't bother asking if he was ready when he moved up Ritoyami's back, he just thrust forward as hard as he could. Ritoyami screamed as his ass was speared. His cry of surrender was swiftly silenced by Kass grabbing the back of his head and then shoving him down onto his cock. The sudden silence was immediately followed by both men grunting as they thrust their way home inside of their new cocksock. There was no grace or tenderness in this moment, only raw animal need. And Ritioyami loved every minute of it!

This is what he was meant to be, used and abused for men who wanted to dump a thick load inside of his ass. Shaking his rump as best he could, the younger man was unsurprised to feel a firm hand slapping him along his plush rear. Yes! More! This is what he would have said had his throat not been stuffed full of meat. With this in mind, Ritoyami rolled his bottom as best he could against Teba's brutal thrusts, all the while bobbing his head back and forth with as much force as he could in order to swallow everything Kass had to offer him. The two elder rito looked down at the younger slut with something akin to mocking pity within their eyes, as they both had silently been wanting him to struggle against the two of them just a little, but it seemed that there was no denying what Ritoyami's purpose was in life.

So with that being understood the pair rut the younger avian long and deep, smacking their respectively nuts as hard as they could against him, all the while reaching out to kiss one another once again. The passion they shared for each other was amplified by the fact that this was something they had wanted to do for quite some time now, not that Ritoyami was privy to any of this. They two men had always loved one another, and though they were happily married they knew that through Ritoyami they could share something that they were too ashamed to, even in private. And thus as they reached out to massage one another's arms, shoulders, and neck both rito promised silently themselves to make use of the little slut in between them as often as they could in order to make their bodies say what their lips never could.

Ritoyami was quite alright with that, just the same as he was with the telltale twitchin that symbolized their coming orgasms.

It made sense that Teba and Kass wouldn't last all that long, the sucking maw of the younger avian was just that good, after all, however the pair were honestly caught by surprise when they found them moaning and cooing and gasping for breath after several minutes of treating the younger rito like the sex toy that he was. Pulling back to stare one another in the eye, the two men grunted then reached down grab a hold of Ritoyami before before pumping their hips into him hard enough to leave a bruise before hissing as their nuts jumped up in between their legs.

Their cum didn't so much as rush out as it hosed the black avian down in a deluge of white cream, the intensity of which nearly choked Ritoyami. Luckily enough for him the younger rito had long since banished his gag reflex to the far distant corner of reality, thus when Kass filled his gullet with a second stream of semen he was able to handle it more easily. His butt on the other hand wasn't so fortunate. After Teba's potent stream rushed into his anus and then through his body it quickly backed out, thus sending a flood coursing out through the younger rito's backside and then out onto the white rito's thighs and groin. Teba didn't seem to mind, this was probably due in part to how high his climax had taken him through the clouds.

It was only when he and Kass came down from their respective highs that the pair realized what had happened with the other, looking down at the now blissed out black avian the two men turned to laugh at one another.

Ritoyami couldn't do anything more than gurgle as he swallowed the last few dregs of Kass's load, he passed out a few seconds later, the pleasurable heat filling him from opposing parts of his body being too much for him to handle.

He then found himself waking up inside of his room, confusion evident in his face as he tried to make sense of what the hell had just happened...he also had to question why there was black oil on his bed sheets.