Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. One

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#4 of Lynn Chapters

Lynn was at the library with Becky trying to get all of the classwork that was due on Monday finished before the weekend. The tall dragon, her mate, a black and yellow dragon named Jake, and Becky were all going to the beach for Labor Day weekend. The first few weeks of school had been tolling on all of them. Lynn probably had the worst of it though.

Since the first day of classes when she had seen Jake her body had been changing in all kinds of ways. When she needed to be near him her breasts would suddenly expand to the point of stretching her shirt to the limit and during sex with him her wings would expand to fill the whole dorm room. Jake knew that the breast growth was common when a dragon found their soul mate, he had never heard of body growth. Becky was trying to research it in between classes and assignments, but the smaller ferret girl had not been able to find anything.

Speaking to her parents had not helped very much either. Neither of them seemed to know anything about it, nor did they seem to care. After talking with them she seemed even more exasperated than before. Becky suggested a small trip to the beach and Jake eagerly agreed. Lynn was the only one apprehensive about it, both for the reason of not owning a bathing suit and being afraid of something freakish happening.

Yet, here she was, trying to get all of her work done and kind of excited of going out with her friends. It was something she had never done before. Becky had taken her to the local clothing store and helped her find a cute two piece suit that would tie around the dragon's neck and under her wings and the bottom tied on either side of her hips. Becky picked it out on the basis that is was cute and also had some stretch in it so if something happen she would have some time to get somewhere to get it under control.

The green dragon was very happy to have her friends around during this. She sighed as her thoughts went back to the statistics problems in front of her. She jotted down some quick equations and then entered them into her calculator. As she got the answers she would check with Becky. Normally there were only differences in the decimal places, which was pretty good all things concerned. As they finished up that page they looked up at the clock.

"We should head back and get ready. Jake will be done with class soon, right?" Becky asked her much larger friend. The ferret's whiskers twitched, something that Lynn had learned meant Becky was getting overly excited.

"Yeah. We only have a page left right? We can work through it on the car ride or when we get back Sunday."

The two packed up their books and papers and left the library, walking up the hill to their dorm. As they walked back together they got some rather strange stares. Most of the other students were probably trying to figure out if Becky was Lynn's next meal or not. The two friends had quickly learn to ignore it and simply enjoy the walks and talks.

As they exited the elevator and walked down the hall they agreed to meet in about two hours. Lynn took out her key and opened her door, ducking her head to walk in. She turned and shut the door. When the door was nearly shut she felt a pair of arms come from behind and embrace her tightly along with warm breath against her neck. Her eyes went wide with surprise and she looked down at the pair of claws that were now stroking her abdomen.

Her body relaxed against Jake's and she let out a long breath. She could feel her hair begin to grow down her back and her breasts press tightly against her shirt. This wasn't quite what she had in mind right now, but as her body continued to grow and change she could feel a bulge press against her tail hole and Jake's tongue begin to trace the outline of her neck going into her shoulder.

"You mostly packed, beautiful?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Yes, but still, we don't really have time right now."

"We might not have time later either. Your body is craving it, all of me is craving absolutely all of you, what is so wrong?" he asked as the growing dragon spun so she was facing him. She had to look down to see into his eyes at this point, but facing him was always better.

"I suppose so. Just enough to get this under control though," she said, not able to argue the point. Her claws went under his arms and she lifted him up to her as she grew to a foot and a half more then her regular height. She walked farther into the room where the ceiling was higher and she could hold him up even more. She shifted his weight and began to hold him in just one claw as her other one came down and quickly removed his pants.

Now, Jake had a large cock for a dragon, but when pleasing a giant dragoness like Lynn it was almost like child's play. She boosted him up higher so his head was touching the ceiling and his crotch was in front of her. She took a talon and lightly stroked the underside of him. Her breasts continued to grow, putting another shirt to ruins, the front ripping almost painfully slow and giving him a fantastic view of her magnificent cleavage.

She then stuck her tongue out and wrapped it around his now growing cock. The most she had gotten him up to was a foot and a half, something that actually felt good most days, but for some reason she wanted more than that. She tightened her tongue around him and began to slide it up and down making him moan. The claw that had been stroking him now was massaging her breasts, making them grow faster and bigger. The shirt didn't seem to want to give all the way and was actually becoming painful for her to wear.

She took one of her sharp talons and ran it down in between her cleavage, making her shiver as well as cutting the shirt. Her breasts, finally freed from the restraint, bounced and grew faster. It was as if the pressure had almost stopped them. The tops of her tits touched the bottom of Jake's feet which made him glance down. The sight of her large breasts and the feeling of her tongue stroking his cock faster and faster made him turned on even more. He moaned as his cock throbbed against her tongue and slowly grew a little more. Not quite as long as she wanted it, but it would do, she thought with a smirk.

She retracted her tongue from him, also lowering him to the ground. She knelt, fluttering her large wings in order to readjust them to the size of the room. He stroked her snout in a loving manner as his feet-claws touched the ground in front of her.

"Lay back," he said gently to the large female dragon. She nodded and laid back, the top of her head touching the door and her feet-talons being just short of of the wall. Her legs rested on either side of him. He walked up to her and enjoyed the sight of her laying there. Her breasts moved with her breast and her cunt was visibly wet already.

He angled his now torso sized cock at her entrance. He began to tease her by stroking her clit with the head, which made her giggle and moan with pleasure. However, he quickly remember the time constraints that they had plunged into her sex quickly. Lynn's breasts moved up and down from the force he used, and her head lightly hit the door. She was larger than him, but he still had a great amount of strength.

Jake withdrew himself slowly from her, enjoying the tightness of her cunt. He moaned her name lowly, as if warning any of the invisible people in the room that if they touch her they would be in trouble. She lifted her hips in response, urging him to be deeper in her. He happily obliged, thrusting once more into her before picking up his pace.

Lynn moaned with each stroke and arched her back when he hit her clit. Even though she was so much larger then him in size, he some how was still able to please her. He placed his hands on her tighs, trying to give his thrusts more push. Speed alone never pleased his dear dragoness and finding a way to pound in to her was always a challenge. As he body got comfortable with the needed motions he got an instant reaction from her, a clear cut sense of enjoyment.

Her walls tightened around him and began to leak their sweet juices even more. Jake's eyes closed from enjoyment as his cock was squeezed tighter. Her moans vibrated her core, causing them both a whole new level of pleasure. His talons dug in between the scales on her legs and he began to thrust harder and faster into her. She began to call his name, urging him more and more. At the beginning of their love making they tried to be quiet, tried not to bother the others in dorm, but by this point neither of them noticed or cared.

They cried out for one another, their bodies on the brink of orgasm. Jake slowed his thrusts, but pushed into her with more force, trying to hit the back of her cunt. Her back arched suddenly, the force of his cock going into her making her body orgasm. All of her muscles tightened as her juices coated his cock and dripped out from her entrance.

Jake screamed loudly at the juices that suddenly washed over him, his cock twitching inside of her. A few more hard thrusts and he came his body going limp as all of his seed spilled into her. His snout fell against the bottom of her abdomen, cock still having a spasm hot, thick cum into her..

She took her large claw and stroked the top of his head, trying to be as gentle as she could. She couldn't look into his eyes over her large breasts, which was really the only thing that still bothered her about all of this. As his cock stopped moving within her, Jake picked up his head, ears and eye the only things appearing in her line of sight.

She pushed herself up and looked of her clock. Surprisingly, it had only about twenty minutes. Normally their sexual encounters lasted at least an hour. For some reason, Jake enjoyed eating her out as she grew around him and it felt so good that she didn't complain. As he withdrew from her, she sighed. Jake looked down and watched a trail of white, thick cum trail from her opening. He bent down and licked the mixture of their juices up.

Lynn yelped at the feeling of her rough tongue brushing the opening of her cunt and the tip of her clit. He then climbed on top of her while she was still surprised and kissed her, his smaller, cum cover tongue going and entering her mouth. Her larger tongue lapped up the taste. His hand rested on her breasts as they kissed, cum mixing with their saliva, when they suddenly grew, pushing him backwards off of her.

"I'm sorry Jake!" she said, trying to sit up a little more. Her now absolutely giant breasts made that very difficult. They bounced and jiggled around, throwing off her center of balance. Jake laughed as he watched her and also the reaction he got from just kissing her.

"It is alright, beautiful. It was rather adorable, actually."

Jake stepped back, trying to give her room while her body calmed down. It was a slow process though. First her legs would start to return, then her arms soon after. Her hair and tail were typically next. Her breasts always shrunk much slower, holding up her torso from returning to a manageable size. She had gotten better at controlling it though. She had learned that closing her eyes and breathing deeply, along with thinking whatever she did, helped the process go faster.

This time, though, it took her only a few seconds before her breasts began to shrink back down, and her torso quickly followed after. He was amazed at the amount of control she had learned to take over her size. She stood up once she was back to the right height, but for some reason her breasts were still large. Well, at least larger than normal. His eyes went wide at the body standing before him, her hips slimmer, breasts larger, and the cum streaming down her leg. His cock began to twitch again, wanting to be back inside of the sexy dragon before him.

"I've been practicing," she said, walking over to him with a sway in her hips that had never been there before.

"I can tell."

"You like it?"

"Most certainly. I liked you before too, I like you when you are huge, and I most certainly like you now," he said. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him close, kissing him deeply.

"Good. Now lets get going. If we can leave a little early, maybe we can hit the beach for a bit tonight," she said with a toothy dragon grin.

"Sounds good to me," he said nuzzling her cheek. They set to work, double checking her bags and dragging his off the window ledge. Jake never came in through the door, always through the window, and had pretty much made a hook for him to place his things on for some reason. As they gather their things and got dressed.

There was a knock on the door just as Lynn pulled a new tank top over her head got it so it fir over her slightly enlarged breasts. Jake opened the door to the small ferret from across the way and smiled. It was good for Lynn to have a friend other than him, plus Becky helped both of them with their homework.

"Are we ready to go?" she asked in her normal upbeat tone.

"Yes! Let's go!" Lynn said, grabbing onto Jake's arm.

"Are you guys sure you have everything?" he asked, a brow raising as he looked between the two of them. The nodded feverently. "Then let's go!" he exclaimed.

"Yay!" the two girls replied, Becky jumping up and down and Lynn grabbing his arm even tighter. He laughed at the reactions as he was dragged from the room. Lynn pulled the door shut and locked it up as Becky ran ahead to get the elevator ready.

As they left the dorm and got into Jake's car, the two girls started talking about what music to listen to on the drive and Jake could tell he would have no say in the matter. He put the car in drive and headed towards the interstate as the girls chattered and swapped their music players in and out about five times, only five minutes into the drive.