Good Neighbors 1: Beating Heartbreak

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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#1 of Good Neighbors

Jason, a straight bull, is dumped by his girlfriend. Distressed, he makes his way back to his apartment and has a run in with his neighbor Max, a snow leopard, who has an unexpected, salacious outlook on how best to deal with heartbreak.

"So what's the deal?" I crept my thick fingers up Gabbie, my girlfriend's leg, staring into her eyes with a bit of uncertainty. "You haven't been in the mood for a week now." I brushed my thumb under the edge of her shorts, sneaking my hand up her thigh.

She gripped my wrist. "Just not feeling it."

"Ah c'mon." I rubbed my snout against her cheek. We were lying in her bed, which wasn't built for a bull of my stature. She was an otter, barely taller than my chest. "You know it'll make you feel better." I wriggled a finger.

"Jason, no." She pushed my hand away.

I sighed. "What? What do you want me to do."

"Not this?" She sat up, glowering down at me. "Can you just be normal?"

"What? That is normal for us." I layered my hands over my belly, brow creased as I stared.

"Well I don't want that." She snorted. "Tired of it."

"What do you want then?" I replied a little too defensively.

I swear her jaw could've dropped, the look she gave me was so full of spite.

"I want a boyfriend who gives a damn about me." Her anger sent a chill down my spine.

"Alright. Sorry. Damn. I get it, I'm your boyfriend and I'll do b-"

"Are you?" Her voice cut through mine.

My heart sank. "What's that supposed to mean?" I scowled at her.

"Means you don't feel much like a boyfriend to me right now." There was frustration in her eyes.

I dry swallowed.

"Means I'm sick of you treating me like a place to plant your cock."

"I'd never-"

"We haven't been on a date in weeks." She hissed. "And I'm tired, so tired. You knock back plans I make, say you'd rather hang out with me like this and every single time it's about the sex."

"That's not-"

"It is Jason, fuck." Another lick of anger further darkened her tone. "I'm sick of caving in. Sick of not doing anything."


"I don't like what we've become." She frowned.

"Can you-"

"Nothing about our relationship's felt good to me for a while now."

"Fuck. Shut up, can you let me speak?"

"So you can what?" She bit back, angrily.

"So I can find out what the fuck I'm meant to do. I'm sorry. Jeez."

"Hah." She stood up and pointed to her door. "Out. You're done, it's over."

I flinched. "What?" The word twinkled like shards of glass. My heart stopped. "Gabbie no..."

"Yes fucker, get out." She bared her teeth, almost growling as she stabbed a finger towards her door.

"Let me- I can..." I started gasping for breath, shock hit me like a glacier had cracked my skull.

"So you can what?" She squinted at me, waiting. I wasn't sure what to say. "You don't listen. If you did you'd already know what to do."

"We can go on a date," I mumbled, hands shaking.

"Too little too late." She shook her head in disbelief. In fairness, this wasn't the first fight we'd had about this. But I thought I was trying. We'd spent so much time together lately.

I took shallow breaths, staring into her eyes. "I love you. Don't do this, please." I sounded so weak, so unlike myself.

It only sharpened the fury in her eyes. "You don't love me. You love what you think of me, which is wrong and always has been and I am sick of it."

I put a hand over my face, pressing my fingers against my skull to hide the water in my eyes.


"Look dude, it was good and then it wasn't." She folded her arms. "Now get out of my flat."

I lurched forward, slouching over my knees as I drew in a pained breath. "Is there anything-"

"No." She shook her head.

I groaned my way to my feet. "Fuck," I snarled, face going numb as I shuddered. "I don't- I wish... it, just... fuck."

There was no point arguing, she was right. Too little too late.

Anger flared over the shock. I threw myself to my feet and stomped out of her room, huffing loudly as I went.

I slammed the door to her apartment on the way out.

Alone in the hallway of her building, I seethed. This didn't feel fair.

I crashed my fist against the wall beside me.

"Asshole!" Gabbie shouted out after me.

I scrunched up my face, exhaling through my teeth as I stomped away.

Too many thoughts filled my head as I made my way back to my car. I wanted to muscle up, to fight it and make my case why she was being stupid.

But that wouldn't prove or change anything. Hated this shit. Nobody had ever treated me this way before.

Tossed aside like a piece of trash.

I threw myself into my car, tears clouded my vision.

I smacked my head against the steering wheel. Rage made me stupid.

I turned the key in the ignition with so much force I'm surprised it didn't snap.

This wasn't how today was meant to go.

So much of me wanted to speed my way home. To floor it, rev my engine every chance I got. Make a scene. I was pissed off and I wanted people to know it.

But that'd gotten me into trouble in the past. Chances were I'd get booked and only make myself more upset.

I strangled down those feelings.

For now, at least.

When I was back in my apartment I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to let them out.

And that sustained me on the drive home.

The recognition that I just had to make it a few more minutes and then I'd be fine.

So I seethed silently as I drove through the quiet streets back to my flat. I held my composure as I parked and headed up to my floor, lest anyone see me in a state.

But the closer I got, the wilder my thoughts became. That anger was so close, so easy to slip out.

I stamped up the final set of stairs, head low with a grimace on my face. Struggling to hold back tears. I was so close to my own private space where I could let this all out.

"Yoooo." My neighbor sat on the stairs to the next floor, a beer in his hand. "What's up with you?" His name was Max, a snow leopard who'd moved in a few weeks ago. He had a stupid fringe of brown hair that almost reached his left eye and a smattering of dark spots through the grey fur of his face. I hadn't gotten to know him yet, but he'd sit out in the hall like this from time to time and I always found it weird.

But now really wasn't the time.

I flared my nostrils, huffing as I headed for my door. "Don't worry about it." I packed all the frustration I could muster in my voice.

I tried to walk past him.

He kicked his leg out in front of me, pushing it against the wall to make a barrier.

I froze up, surprised.

"You don't look like things are alright." He took a sip of his beer, looking up at me.

"Girlfriend dumped me." I snorted, about to step over his leg.

He bounced up to his feet with grace of a dancer, now standing in front of me. He barely reached my shoulders, but he sprung up on the tips of his toes with beer raised in his hand. "Worst thing for a break up's being alone. Got more of these if you want."

It threw me.

Those were not the words I expected out of his mouth.

I had to seriously think on it for a moment, stunned.

I'd been set on acting out but being alone wasn't what I wanted either and beer sounded pretty damn good to me right now. And if I was around someone, chances are I'd at least try keep my chin up. "Fuck it, sure. Whatever." I took half a step back, he was a little too close for comfort. "Just don't mind me being a mess."

"Hah!" He laughed. "You look like you've been stabbed dude, you can shed some tears." He tapped a grey paw on my shoulder. "I won't tell."

There was an energy about him I'd only encountered once before, when my girlfriend- fuck... my ex. When my ex dragged me to a gay bar for her birthday. Most of the guys there were a little camp, a little too friendly. I'd never had so many people try touch my arm. Never had a stranger squeeze my bicep as a greeting until that night. And I could tell they were all looking, which made me a touch uncomfortable.

But then came the free drinks.

And drunk out of my mind, Gabbie got a birthday present she didn't know she wanted.

A photo of me making out with this twink of a retriever.

I had no memory of it. That picture embarrassed me to no end.

Which made me wince, now I wasn't sure what she'd do with it.

And I'm sure Max noticed because he squeezed my bicep and grinned.

"Big guy like you's gotta have a big heart," he said, fingers trailing down to my hand as he pulled me towards his apartment. "Only makes it hurt worse." His fluffy tail swished behind him like he was trying to lead my eye.

I sighed, shaking my head in disbelief as he opened his door and let me in.

He'd taken the heat out of my anger, I wouldn't behave my worst in front of someone I didn't know well.

His apartment had a different layout to mine, one big room segmented into kitchen and living area. A bathroom was off to one end and his bedroom on the other.

He nudged me into a chair at a round table and fetched me a beer from his fridge.

"Chips?" he asked. "Chocolate? Both?"

"Either's fine," I muttered. "You don't really-"

He dumped a bag of salty chips and half a dozen bars of chocolate on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I reached for my beer. There was a hole in my head that alcohol would fill quite nicely. Every part of me was hurting, but this distraction was enough for now.

"Really," I mumbled. "Thank you."

"No worries bro." He dropped into the chair opposite me. "Been meaning to say hi but kept putting it off. Think of this like me making it up to you for that."

"I guess..." He kept staring at my eyes. I wasn't sure what to make of it, it just added to the uncomfortably friendly aura about him.

"Cheers." He raised his bottle towards me, I clinked the glass and gulped down half of it in an overdrawn swig.

"Fuck." I growled into lip of the bottle. "You were right." It was darker than what I'd usually drink but the effervescent bitterness only helped take the edge out of me.

He nodded, an almost smug look on his face. "Better with a drinking partner too, never want to do it alone if you're upset."

"Aye." I gave a firm nod. "Been there before too." I sighed, then drained the rest of the bottle. The bitterness brought a slight wince from me.

"There's a whole case in the fridge." He cocked his head back towards it. "But if you really want to drink, I've got some vodka."

I frowned, fiddling with the empty bottle in my hands. "I dunno dude. Didn't count on this."

"Sure, but I don't mind." He tugged his phone out of his pocket and shook his head. "Not like I'm doing anything else." He stared at the screen for a short moment.

Breath streamed though my teeth as I tried to mull it over. My thoughts were a blackened smear already, too muddled with hurt and anger. And now this.

"Sure, whatever." I leant back, decidedly eager to have something that'd numb those feelings.

He got up and rummaged around his pantry before returning.

"So why'd she dump you?" he asked, placing the bottle of vodka on the table with a loud thump.

"I dunno." I sighed. "Wanted something else."

He dropped two shot glasses beside the bottle. "Don't have any mixers, so raw it is."

"That's fine," I muttered. He poured our drinks.

"Bet you like it raw." He spoke with confidence.

I cocked my head, smiling as I grabbed my glass and threw back the first shot. It wasn't the best vodka I'd had, the taste of alcohol too strong and it wasn't chilled. "What makes you say that?"

"A hunch." He beckoned for my glass, I held it out as he poured me another.

"More of a beer guy." I sniffed the spirit before I downed it, gritting my teeth. "This shit's rough."

"Uh oh." He gulped his down. "Lightweight?" he asked.

"Not really." I peered at my glass. "Just don't like it... raw." Heat rose in my cheeks as I said it, of all the words to choose he'd really gone with raw. "At least, not spirits."

"Hah." He winked at me. "Something else in mind maybe?"

"Carrots," I mumbled, hoping the deflection was mundane enough.

He raised an eyebrow. "Find they taste kinda grassy and hard if you don't cook them, but maybe you're about that." He flicked his gaze up to my horns before his eyes fell to my broad shoulders and thick arms. There wasn't much subtlety in how he looked at my body.

From what little I'd interacted with him, I'd gotten the sense he was a fast thinker. But here in his place, with spirits in my belly I really wasn't sure what to make of him on closer inspection. He was peculiar.

I gripped my shot glass as I fidgeted, thinking. The spirit warmed my throat and spread through my chest.

"More?" he offered, raising the bottle of vodka.

I shook my head. "Need a moment."

"Fair." He gulped down another shot. "Ahh." He thumped his chest. "Nothing like it."

"Mmm." I rubbed at my face, hit by a wave of sadness and confusion as to why I'd allowed this.

I grabbed one of the chocolate bars and stuffed it in my mouth, hoping the sweetness would help ease me. It didn't.

"Was it rough?" he asked. "Like, fighting or what?"

I winced, not expecting him to be so direct. "Out of nowhere, she got cold and angry and yeah..."

"Ah well."

I snorted, head downturned. "Not 'ah well'. It fucking hurts man."

"I get it." He flicked the neck of the vodka bottle. "But if it wasn't what she wanted, you'd only be torturing her by sticking around."

"I know that man, but it's not what I expected." I squeezed the front of my shirt. "Like she ripped my damn heart out and there was no warning."

"Are you sure?" He tilted his head. "Didn't miss anything, she wasn't like holding out on you or something before, or anything she suggested she wanted or anything at all?"

I grit my teeth. "No." Shame coated my mouth as I spoke the lie. "Nothing." Didn't need someone like him pointing out every thing I ignored leading up to it.

"Brutal." He clicked his tongue. "Sorry to hear it, but you'll get over her." He wasn't being as warm as I expected from how he'd gotten me in here.

"Is it fair for her to do that?" I furrowed my brow, heart panging.

"Yeah, I think so, as much as it sucks for you." He hummed in thought. "Kinda have to do what's best for yourself at some point."

I heaved a heavy breath. I wasn't sure if that made me angry or nauseous or somewhere in between.

"Probably not what you want to hear, eh?" He tilted the vodka bottle from side to side. "Drink up man, it gets better."

I held my glass out towards him and threw back another two shots in rapid succession.

It was starting to affect me, I wasn't one to drink quickly but I needed something to take me out of my own body.

"So, weird change of pace." He picked idly at the chips on the table. "Sometimes talking about the good bits kinda helps cauterize the wound, it'll hurt at first but I think it helps make peace with it or something, dunno. Worked well for me."

I frowned, my entire body ached with longing. I was cagey, I didn't want to open up. I fidgeted as the words lined up on my tongue and slipped out. "She was so sweet." I sniffed. "She'd always look out for me and do nice things like gestures and stuff. But she was like steadfast too. Strong girl, knew how to get over any obstacle." I sighed. "Guess I became one." I could feel the vodka dragging my speech.

"Maybe." He gave me a sad look. "But sometimes that's the most beautiful part about someone, that they won't stay put. That they'll go their own way, even if that hurts."

"Fuck." I nodded, wincing back tears. "That's, yeah. Part of why I loved her so much. We used to challenge each other, then one day that kinda stopped."

"How long ago?"

"A few months, I think," I mumbled, seeing it happen over in my mind's eye.


"I thought it was a good thing." I shuddered. "Thought it finally meant we'd found what was most comfortable about each other." A single tear ran down my cheek.

He nodded slowly. "Do you think you might've been wrong about that?"

I clenched my jaw. "Mmm." My heart ached so firmly. I scrubbed my cheek dry. But in wake of that, I did feel a touch better.

He was right about her. I'd been wrong. And though I wanted to beat myself up over it, to lament the fact that things weren't different, it did ease me to know she'd be happier without me. That things weren't right and she'd solved that her own way. She'd said as much herself.

Those same thoughts burned in my heart. I didn't want to admit them and believe it.

"What was something special you two had?" he asked.

"She used to call me lover boy cuz I liked kissing her. Greetings, goodbyes, cuz I felt like it. During sex." And at that, Max's eyes lit up.

"You two active or nah?"

I forced a chuckle, slowly coming at ease. "Any time I wanted it, I could get her in the mood."

"And how often did you want it?"

I licked my lips. "Always." Then I sighed. "Fuckin', never had a girl like that 'til I met her."

"Mmmm. Pretty nice." He sipped at his vodka. "There'll be others."

"Fuck, not like her dude." I rubbed at my face, feeling the tears coming again.

"Psch. There's other girls who like being kissed out there lover boy." He chuckled. "What else you into?"

I stared back into his eyes, a little cautious. "Why're you asking that?"

"So I can play matchmaker." He smirked. "Got some girlfriends who might be interested."

"Ah." It should've been telling he called them girlfriends. I don't know what possessed me- the alcohol, probably. But it worked. "Feet."

"Nice." He downed the rest of his shot.

"And I like it rough." I cracked my neck, a dirty grin on my face. "Hearing my balls slap against her ass. Gets me so damn horny."

"Yeah man, I bet. Steer like you's probably got some heavy nuts." He licked his lips as he poured himself another shot. I let that comment pass. "You do much anal?"

"Oh yeah." I laughed. "We did it all. Some nights I'd cum in all three of her holes and do it again in the morning." I could barely believe I'd said those words to him.

"Damn." He bit his lip. "How quick do you reload?"

I snorted and folded my arms. "Don't even have to stop sometimes, if I'm real into it.

"Mmmm." He nodded. "Fuck. Jealous."

"Hah. I bet." I smiled, proud to boast it. Every other guy I'd ever spoken with was jealous about that.

"She smaller than you?" His voice cut low.

"Yeah, an otter." I leant forward in my chair, grinning as I matched his tone. "Her pussy hardly fit me at first."

He laughed. "How big?"

"Nine and a half." I shifted back, hands behind my head with a bemused look on my face. I was gloating and I loved the way his eyes kept lighting up, the slight twist of surprise on his lips every time I spoke. "Broke her in pretty fast."

"Ah." Something crossed his face. A weight brushed my thigh.

It didn't even register at first.

His foot landed on my crotch.

I raised an eyebrow, thoughts fuzzy with liquor.

My hand dropped to my lap, surprised as I rubbed fingers through his soft fur.

I was sporting a semi, which he worked his foot against. Holding him, I stared up across the table, a lurid smile on my face that fell the instant I looked back into the eyes of another man.

"Woah." I shoved his ankle. "Alright dude. It's been good, but nah. I'm straight." I stood up, head spinning from the booze.

"Nah, I got it." He raised his hands defensively. "Just teasing, promise."

I grabbed the back of my chair for support.

"Trying to distract you, that sorta thing. Wouldn't think of it." He scoffed. "You're my neighbor dude that'd get too weird for me."

I stared him down, my head empty. I dropped back into my chair, too much liquor in my belly to think straight.

"You're a homo?" I asked, though I sure as hell was certain.

He shrugged. "That's one way to call it, sure."

"You're gay?"

"A different way to call it, if you'd like." He clicked his tongue.

I sighed.

"If you're down to, we can fuck around." He leant forward. "Take your mind off things."

"Dude." I put my hand down with a bit of force, my finger tipped the rim of my shot glass and sent it spinning across the table, it fell on its side with a weighty clunk. "You just said it'd get weird."

"Only if it wasn't something you wanted." He grabbed my glass and poured another shot in it. "So I asked."

I snatched it out of his hands and threw it back, wincing. I really hated straight vodka.

"I didn't get a no, by the way."

I scowled back at him. "What the fuck."

"Still not a no." He grinned.


"You were getting kinda hard there." He raised an eyebrow.

I glanced away, brow furrowed with heat in my cheeks. I was still hard. My heart beat awkward in my chest.

"It's alright man." He clicked his tongue. "A foot's a foot and you like feet. Pretty normal thing to get hard over if you ask me."

I looked back at him, fraught with uncertainty. Staring him again in the eyes without the intimate contact was different. He wasn't that masculine, his petite frame was alluring but stronger set than I was used to.

I made a throaty sound and wrenched my gaze to the table, trying to think as my thoughts stumbled on tipsy and unsure.

"Listen," he said. "I get a little frisky when I drink, but I'll stop if you tell me to."

I nodded.

"I don't really like that you've gone quiet, so I'll ease off." He leant back. "Sorry."

"Get fucked." I snorted.

He tilted his head. "I just tried, it didn't really work."

I choked on my words. "What."

"I just tried to get fucked, you weren't interested."

"Man is it really that easy for you?" I squinted. "You just throw yourself at guys you don't even know?"

"Sometimes." He shrugged. "I don't think it's a big deal, they don't either. It's just a romp, a bit of fun, a good distraction."

I dropped a hand to my lap, thoughts racing. "You did make me hard."

"I know." He chuckled.

His foot brushed my shin.

I nearly jumped out of my seat. He left it resting against me, a bemused look on his face. "Do you have any idea how normal it is for straight guys to mess around?"

I shook my head, cautious.

"You won't be the first het dude I've fucked." He shrugged. "And chances are, you won't be the last."

I hesitated a moment. "Right."

"How are you feeling?"

I scrunched my eyes shut. "Pissed off, frustrated. Confused I guess. I dunno. Getting tipsy, getting stupid." I rubbed the bulge in my pants. "Horny."

"I see an easy solution."

"Easy for you maybe." I grit my teeth. He stared back at me, biting his lip seductively. "Fuck, the week before she dumped me she stopped putting out." I winced. "I'm pent up but I'd rather go jerk it out."

"Feel free to." He smirked. "I won't stop you."

I glared at him.

"I can help if you'd like." His foot drifted up to my knee.

I was sweating. A soft breath escaped me. My cock strained against my pants.

"A foot's a foot my man." He winked at me. "Close your eyes if you have to."

I had so many inhibitions. So many hang ups. So many reasons to tell him to back off.

But I had a belly full of spirits and an erection too.

That made this choice too easy.

"Alright." Warmth lit up my cheeks. "Do it."

His foot rubbed over my knee and landed on my cock.

I ground myself against him, exhaling as I felt the resistance.

My hands fell to him, my fingers scoured through his soft grey fur. I stared across the table, mouth open. "You done this before?"

"Perhaps." He put pressure on my lap, twisting as his toes flexed against me.

"Mmmm." I growled, growing harder. "Yeah you have." I traced a hand up the back of his calf, bending down closer to him. I wanted to smell him, taste him.

That entire desire was propped up by those words he'd said only a moment ago.

A foot's a foot.

"We should go to the couch." He pulled his leg back. "Get you the full treatment." His words brushed my ears like silk. He grabbed his beer as he stood.

I followed him to his couch, thoughts aflame. My cock tented my pants something fierce. I fell against the cushions, sprawling out with my legs wide. He dropped beside me, a smile on his face as he stared me down.

His foot brushed under the edge of my shirt, I lay back and moaned softly. His fur was so unbelievably soft. I'd never been with a snow leopard before and I was more into it than I expected.

He rubbed his pads against my pecs. I exhaled, heavy.

"Take your shirt off." He spoke firmly.

I yanked it over my head and tossed it aside.

"Yeah." He purred, his toes slid down the side of my torso. "You're so damn hot."

I smiled, flexing a little.

His foot drifted south, catching against my waistband. "Pants off too."

I took in a deep breath, a touch nervous as I unclasped them and pushed them down. I wore tight-fitting boxers that could hardly hold my fat cock. "These are staying on," I muttered.

Max made a soft sound as he put his foot over the head of my dick. "If you cream them, I'm keeping them."

I humped back against him, moaning as he started rubbing me with the main pad of his foot. I breathed a little heavier, smiling as I flexed my cock against him.

He slid forward to place his other foot against my pecs. I started at it a moment, breathing deeper as my inhibitions faded.

I grabbed his ankle and shoved his foot in my face, breathing in his scent. Only a touch musky, not dirty at all. That only made it easier.

"Horny." He snickered.

"Shut up." I growled, rubbing my snout against his footpad.

He curled his toes in my face. I grunted.

"You're so fucking big." He ground the heel in my lap against my cock.

Part of me couldn't believe I'd allowed this. That a man was touching me in this way, even through clothing.

A different part of me huffed in the smell of his feet and licked his toes, rubbing my tongue against his pads. My thoughts aflame with arousal.

He worked his foot against my cock harder, I grunted and tensed. He knew what he was doing, he'd surely done this sort of thing before.

My boxers were slick with pre, every drop of it leaking from me was accompanied by a deeper moan.

He pulled his foot from my face, using both to massage my cock. I dug my fingers into his couch, gasping at the sensation, my thoughts still addled by his musk. I started getting more vocal.

Somehow, I hated it.

Somehow, I loved it.

I was too conflicted in ways that were too intense in the moment.

I was growling, I was seething, I was moaning. I cursed and spat.

And he looked at me with a glint in his eye.

"Man if you're that frustrated I'll suck you off it's no big deal." He teased his tongue around the rim of his beer. "Help calm you down."

To hear that come out of a man's mouth in this moment struck a match within me.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Make me." He opened his mouth, tongue curled in front of him. I seethed. "You know I can feel how wet you are right?"

I recoiled, clenching fists as I glared at him. "I told you to shut th-"

"Bet I can take you better than her." He raised an eyebrow.

Cheap shot.

But it worked.

The fight went out of me.

I believed him.

And damn I did not know what to do with that information.

He got up. I tensed but didn't stop him.

He knelt in front of me, staring up with pleading eyes. He looked so fuckable, truly. My heart raced, my cock throbbed so hard it threatened to push its way out of my boxers.

And he knew my frustrations. He'd felt just how pent up I was and still he offered to help.

I crossed my arms, trying to look a little tough. Like I was protesting his advance, but even I knew it didn't work that way.

"You gonna make me shut the fuck up or what?" He licked his lips, waiting for a green light.

He made it too easy. All I had to do was tug my underwear down and hump his throat. And fuck me, I wanted to. I really wanted to. No matter the awkwardness, no matter how wrong to me it felt.

It was just pleasure.

And that's what I was here for.

So I did it.

I dropped my boxers, grabbed him by the back of his head and shoved him against my nuts. All nine and a half inches of my black cock flopped against his forehead.

He purred as he lapped at my balls, still staring up at me. It was frustrating how fucking cute he was. Fuck me. I couldn't see his cock, he might as well have been a woman right now. He wasn't even that effeminate, just cute with those big eyes.

"Ever been sucked by a cat before?" he asked.

"Uhuh." I nodded. "Ever been told how damn adorable you are?"

He sucked on my nuts until he let them go with a loud smack. "Heard it once or twice." He rubbed his nose at the base of my cock. "Never from a straight dude... unless?" There was something so tauntingly smug in his voice.

I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and yanked him up to my face. It took all my strength to hold him as I glared.

He only smirked, his hands fell to my lap as he played with me.

I forced my tongue between his lips and ran it over his mouth.

"You taste like ball sweat." I huffed as I pulled back, staring into his eyes. "Fucking pervert."

He kissed my nose. "You don't sound so upset about that, lover boy."

I sharpened my eyes on him. "Hard to be with what I'm about to do to you."

"I've taken bigger." He licked his lips.


"Bet on it?" Something lit up in his stare. "If I can take it, you gotta blow me too."

"Piss off." I snorted.


"Na. I'll break your fucking jaw so don't push it."

"I'm pushing it." He pressed a claw to my snout. "Get wild, I wanna see you try."

"Hah." I shoved him back down against my cock. "Fine, it's a bet."

I had never felt so confident in myself before.

He'd told me to get wild, so I would.

And he wouldn't stand a chance.

I swatted my heavy cock against his forehead. Precum ran in strand between me and his fur. His nose brushed up the underside of my dick, his tongue trailing after it.

I moaned, head rolling back as pleasure flickered to life within me. He paused with his tongue on my tip, his mouth wide as he stared at me.

I dropped my hand to his head with enough force to make him flinch.

I forced him down on me, hard.

He jolted, eyes widened as he gagged on me halfway down. He jerked backwards against me but I held him in place.

"Aw fuck." I grunted, the warm and wet of his mouth sharpened the warmth within me. "Thought you said you could take it." I taunted, applying more pressure to the back of his skull.

He scrambled against me for a moment, then stilled, his chest heaving as he sucked in air around me. He braced against the pressure for a moment longer. But just as I really expected him to try get off of me, he loosened up and started pushing his own way down.

My fingers slid from his head as I buckled, raising my hips and groaning.

He kept inching his way down, his tongue firm against my dick. His bristles sparked pleasure through me. I arched my back, exhaling hard as his nose brushed against my crotch.

I stared down at him with disbelief, my entire cock embedded in his mouth. Nobody had ever swallowed me like that before, and all I could feel was the warmth and pleasure of his body.

I shuddered as he started making himself comfortable.

He flicked his eyes up to me and made an ok symbol with his fingers. There was something so unbearably smug in the action. I scowled at him a moment as my thoughts clicked over.

He was taking it after betting on it.


I felt so stupid. A bet wasn't legally binding and I was a shithead, but I didn't want me ducking out of it to weigh over us. That would get weird, most likely, to be living beside someone I'd burned that way.

I thrust my hips forward. He gagged but held in place.


Pleasure arced through me. Indulging it meant giving my best, try shake him off and make him lose the bet.

I gripped the fur of his cheeks, breathing heavier. He'd told me to go wild after all.

I humped his throat twice, testing how well he could handle it. It was almost unnerving. His ears twitched but he kept steady.

Hooking my fingers behind his jaw I started humping his face at a steady rhythm. Pleasure cascaded up my entire body, warmth coursed through my chest. He gasped around me, wet sounds slicked from his throat. Spit ran from his lips. A spot of panic lit within me.

I started pounding him, losing myself in the fires of pleasure. He gasped and spluttered, groaning as he winced and tried to adjust. I held his skull in place, the entirety of my cock encased in the warmth of his body.

He felt so fucking good, but I didn't want him to really. Not while he was taking this, not after the bet we'd made. But I couldn't stop it. My pre started to mingle with his saliva, the wet sounds grew louder, squelchier. Anger sparked from the fear in my heart.

It filled me, this asshole wasn't going to get the better of me. Not like this. I went harder, faster. His face flashed through so many emotions before resting on focus, on tension. But still he held as I fucked his throat.

It was infuriating that he could handle it. I slammed my hips so hard against his face that his snout smacked my belly.

He recoiled, retching as he pulled off of my cock. I stood over him panting, gripping the sides of his face. My dick ran with his spit and my pre, the same sticky mess that covered his lips and jaw.

He took a long breath and rubbed his nose. "You can go harder." He croaked. "Just don't bitch about getting my blood in your fur if you give me a nose bleed."

I stared at him, shocked. I wanted to speak, to say something. I'd never done anything like this before, but I was into it. My cock twitched. He opened his mouth, forcing his way back down onto me. I moaned and tipped forward, suddenly reacquainted with the pleasure of it.

For a moment, there was no anger, no rage. Only pleasure, but that sparked the fear again that I might actually lose this bet. I tugged the fluff on the sides of his face and started thrusting into him, growling at the warmth. Fury encased my thoughts.

Wasn't going to lose this.

I stabbed my cock in and out of his throat. He retched and gagged and spluttered between his forced breaths. Spit dripped from his chin. I scrunched my eyes shut, squeezing his face as I fucked it. I was lowing, the sound so deep and agitated.

Behind the gates of rage, pleasure thrummed. Packed so dense and growing denser by the moment as I slammed my hips against his face. I arced up alongside it my anger reaching a fever pitch as I stared at the discomfort on his face. His claws were out as he braced against the pain he felt, he grabbed my knees for stability but every powerful thrust I made into him jerked his body about.

And still he held.

All I was, was fury and pleasure.

I shuddered, my orgasm overdrawn. I packed it in behind those gates of rage, how fucking dare he handle this. But that pleasure only grew. I started wincing. I rebelled against the idea of pleasure, that this was a guy, that his body could never make me feel this way.

But I knew it was stupid, knew it was wrong.

And so suddenly, that rage was gone.

Vanished, burnt up in its own flames.

All I was, was pleasure.

I buckled, grunting loud as I came hard down his throat.

My cock gave two massive jerks as I came in him.

I slumped back against the couch, heaving in large breaths. Pleasure bombarded every piece of me, the rush so intense it took all I was to keep my eyes open. I was so lost in it that I jumped when he spoke.

"Almost had me." He panted, breathing in hard breaths. Spit clung to his lips.

I made weak sounds, heart racing as he squeezed my cock empty. He dipped forward to lick up a final drop of cum. I moaned.

"Had my throat trained by a dragon." His voice was raspy but full of pride. "Sorry bud, not the worst I've been through." He stood up, hands on his waist. He was shaking. I went quiet. "So you intend on making good on the bet?" So much of him sounded steady, but he was still recovering, that was obvious.

I dipped my chin.

"Is that a yes?"

I nodded weakly, disbelief robbed me of anything else to think on. I was about to suck a man's dick.

He chuckled. "Done it before then?"

"No." I scoffed.

"Lots of straight dudes have, nothing to be ashamed of." He unzipped his fly. I creased my brow. "Don't do this out of obligation." He pressed his paw against his pants, making his bulge stand out. He didn't look that big. "But I will make fun of your masculinity after the pounding you gave me if you can't even handle a bit of dick on your tongue."

I sighed, embarrassment curled cold claws around my throat. "It's fine," I mumbled.

"You look so shocked." He laughed. "Oh man." He unclasped his pants and let them fall to his feet.

He wore white briefs that stood out against his grey coat and his dick bulged the front of them. I dry swallowed, edging forward on the couch.

"Dude," he said, bracing a hand against my snout. "You seriously look like you're about to faint."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

He frowned. "Don't worry about it then." He stooped to hike his pants up.

"No, it's fine." I put my foot down between his legs, holding his clothes in place. "Said I would." I sighed. It was a stupid bet, but I'd agreed to it and I wasn't a coward, as much as I didn't really want to do this.

All I had left to hold onto was my stubbornness.

He raised an eyebrow and watched me closely as he slowly teased the edge of his underwear down.

He stepped closer to me, his bulge flexing.

The alcohol in my belly made this surreal. Woozy thoughts struggled to coalesce into any stronger disagreement than the slight discomfort that haunted me.

I leant forward, nervous.

He tugged his briefs down.

His cock twitched. He only looked a little over six inches, small enough to take easy for a bull of my size. I exhaled, relieved. He leant forward a bit, putting it near my face.

I froze up.

"You can stop at any time," he said.

I glared at him. "Just shut up," I muttered. I closed my eyes, mouth open as I moved forward.

I recoiled at first contact.

My tongue grazed his tip, he made a small sound. I shot back, smacking my tongue with a frown on my face. He felt almost... meaty. The texture not at all what I'd prepared for. The taste was... peculiar, a touch salty and that was all.

"Well done." He smirked. "You did it." He leant again to pull his pants up.

I put my hand on his chest to stop him. His apparent reluctance to make me follow through was only making me feel worse. He'd given his all to win the bet, as had I, only he'd won it. It was only fair I gave my best now.

So I would. I was a man of my word.

"Can you stop?" I grit my teeth. "I said I'm doing it."

"Suit yourself." He rolled his shoulders back, smiling.

I leant forward further. Hesitantly, I put my mouth around his tip.

He moaned softly.

I licked him, frowning at the taste again.

I leant back. "Don't like, pee on me or something," I mumbled.

He tilted his head, his smile widened until he cackled. "You're serious?" He laughted. "You're actually serious? Dude. You've had your cock sucked so many times, and that... that's your issue? Do you have any idea..." he trailed off, shaking his head. He struggled to keep his chuckles under control. "You're funny." He dropped his hand to my head, scratching at my flat ears.

I snorted, embarrassment lit flames in my cheeks. I hated this, truly.

I pushed forward again, mouth wide as I went down on him a little more. He thrust back against my tongue.

"You can take it big boy." He rubbed my muzzle, pushing himself deeper. I winced as I lapped at his cock. It felt so much bigger inside my mouth. Didn't like the taste of it at all.

He moaned again, something sweet hit the back of my tongue. I tensed up when I realized it was his precum. He was enjoying this, obviously. But to taste the feedback of that...

I was fraught with indecision.

He tugged me by the horns. "Might be easier if you're on the floor, stop you stooping your neck."

I sighed, he was right.

I relished the opportunity to stand, to take his dick out of my mouth. But kneeling in front of him... I- I did not like that. How many girls had I done this to? How many times had I brushed my hands across their heads and welcomed them towards my cock. That was something that had only ever made me feel dominant, feel strong, manly even.

But kneeling in front of this snow leopard, I'd never felt weaker.

And that was stupid, right? When Max was in this position he'd taken a beating without so much as a whimper.

But here I was, fretting over my gentle introduction to sucking cock. A position I'd put myself in, one that I'd insisted on.

Fuck me.

I opened my mouth and slowly took all of him in.

I wanted to stop.

I wanted to go faster and get it done with.

I wanted to go slower and pace myself for my own comfort.

I wasn't sure.

But then he spoke.

"Second wager," he said, his voice hardened. "If you can eat my cum, I'll let you fuck me in the ass."

I scowled up at him, already feeling like an idiot as I leant back to speak. "Nut in my mouth I will bite your cock off."

He chuckled as his moved his foot to my crotch. I braced my hips back, grunting as he applied pressure. He pushed his dick against my lips.

"Harder than I thought you'd be." He genuinely did sound surprised. His toes flexed against my dick. "You wanna pound something, don't you?" He left his foot in place, a distraction for my thoughts.

I held my tongue, he pushed into my mouth.

"Big bull like you, all pent up." He rubbed himself against the roof of my mouth. I clenched my jaw. "Frustrated, heartbroken." He grabbed one of my horns and pushed my face back so I was looking up at him. "You wanna fuck all those feelings away, don't you?"

I sneered.

"Get a tight ass to plow." He cocked his head. "You want some little bitch to slam those feelings into."

I opened my mouth to speak, he pushed forward again.

"Bet you already know the taste of cum from kissing her after she's blown you, eh?" He stared into my eyes.

I dipped my head, half a nod. It was true.

"Go on then." He rubbed himself against my tongue, moaning softly. "Get me off and swallow, I'm all yours."

I scrunched up my face. His words tapped at the residual anger within me. I could've exploded, shouted and kicked and screamed at him for all he'd just said.

But he'd leashed me by my desires, put a halter on that rage. Baited my silence, my obedience by what he'd just promised. He was right.

It was too late to back out so it felt better to go all in.

I lapped at his cock, hesitant. Being convinced didn't make me certain, I had no idea what I was doing.

He gripped the base of my horns as he humped my face nice and slow. I held still, weirded by the sensation of his cock sliding over my tongue.

"Mmm." He purred. "You feel so good."

I rocked my head back and forth a fraction of an inch. He grunted.

"Keep going." He cooed, delicate as he rubbed his fingers at the top of my head.

It was humiliating, but in a strange way I was glad he enjoyed this. At the very least, it meant it might be over soon.

I curled my wide tongue around his cock.

"Ooft." He moaned, thrusting a little harder at my face. "Keep doing that."

I rolled my tongue over him. His shoulders dropped as he exhaled.

"Damn." He moved his paws to my muzzle, his thrusts came more forceful.

So much pre had started dripping from him that my entire mouth tasted of its sweetness. A touch of salt and something almost tangy. But all I could do was stay focused on moving my tongue around him, swiping it over his cock.

Some small part of me was a little amused by it, a little curious to find what sort of contact worked best. What drew the biggest reaction out of him.

But most of my head was riddled with tipsy thoughts about how ridiculous this was.

I raised the back of my tongue up against the tip of his dick.

And he gasped, faltering.

He went faster, his voice curled. With a stutter, he stopped. His cock jerked in my mouth.

A spurt of cum hit the back of my throat. I threw myself backwards, wincing.

I gulped, the foulest look on my face as the salty taste of his seed permeated my mouth.

I felt it go down, all gluggy and strange.

I opened my mouth wide to show him it was gone.

He stood there, panting. He stared at me, breath coming harder. "Good boy." He smirked. "Good fucking boy."

I dipped my chin, unable to look him in the eye.

"Cheer up," he said as he turned. He put his leg up on the couch behind him, his ass spread in front of me. "You may do whatever you want to me."

I stared at his puckered hole, gritting my teeth and trying to ignore the sight of his nuts under it.

Especially trying to ignore the strand of spit that hung from them before it fell.

His tail swished as he looked back at me. "Something wrong?"

I fell backwards on my ass, sighing. "Need a moment." I rubbed my face, working my mouth to try swallow away the flavor of his cock.

He chuckled and strode off towards his kitchen, grabbing two beers out of his fridge. He held one out to me.

"Was that really the first time you've blown someone?"

I nodded.

"Damn." He cracked his beer. "Not half bad." He threw back a mouthful.

I frowned at that.

"Aw come on, trust me when I say sucking dick's a life skill that'll only get you good things."

"What's that mean?" I squinted at him.

"What's your rent?" he shot back.

"250," I replied, cautious.

He chuckled. "190." He fanned his face. "Might wanna go sort that one out with the landlord." He tongued the rim of his bottle suggestively.

I squinted. "Are you actually fucking serious?"

"He likes his dick getting kissed, you'd probably be good at that lover boy." He raised an eyebrow.

"Fucking hell." I threw my head back, a pained look on my face. "That isn't something I want to do again."

"Sixty bucks off rent is a lot." He smirked.

I nodded slowly. "Please tell me you're joking."

"Oh, not at all. I had a similar arrangement at my last place." He tapped his lips. "Amazing what a bit of enthusiasm will get you."

I stared at the ceiling, grimacing as I chugged back the entire bottle of beer in my hands. I panted, growling as I could still faintly taste his cum.

"He's pretty gentle." Max took another sip. "Might find him easier than me."

"Dude..." I hung my head.

"It's just twice a week." He shrugged.

"Twice?!" I stared at him, brow creased in surprise. "Thirty bucks each, that's all it's worth?"

"It's actually more than I used to get paid for a blowie when that was my job." He shrugged.

"You're- you were a..."

"Just a stripper, officially. Unofficially, money's money and we were pressured to make sure our clients were happy." He shrugged. "Mostly enjoyed that." He stared at his shirt, which had somehow survived all we'd done so far. He lifted it off of him and let it fall to the floor and naked, he stood over me. "What?"

I shook my head. "I don't know, man. I just... I don't know."

"Still want to plow me?" he asked almost casually.

I winced into silence, words stuck on my tongue.

"Maybe you just wanted to blow me then." He shrugged, a hint of mystery to his voice.

I glared at him. "Head's spinning." I sighed. "I-I will. It's just..." I trailed off. I felt trapped in a way. Of course I wanted to fuck, but did I want to fuck him? But if I didn't, did that make what I'd just done a waste?

Neither path felt like a good outcome for me, but one of them involved me fucking an asshole.

And like, sure. I liked doing anal. I didn't have to acknowledge the other bits down there while I did it, so it was the easier choice.

"Want another?" He tilted his beer from side to side.

I shook my head.

He stepped closer to me and rest a hand on my head. "You look so damn confused." He smiled.

I grunted an acknowledgement and got up off of his floor.

"It's actually so fucking hot to me." He rubbed a paw over his chest. "That you're this headstrong dumbass bull, act all tough rururu listen to how much I fuck chicks and you just look disoriented cuz you messed around with a guy." He rubbed his head against my arm.

My frown deepened as I pushed him away. "Can you not?"

"Not what?" He asked, coy.

I stared at him, eyes intense with anger.

He looked back, unenthused.

The fluffy tip of his tail brushed up my thigh. I jolted, but not before his soft fur ran up the crack of my ass. I tensed, the area far more sensitive than I expected. Anger lunged for my thoughts.

I moved to grab him.

He stepped away.

I stepped after him.

He bolted.

I followed.

He threw himself into his room, I chased him in there with a shout in my throat.

He jumped onto his bed, crawling over to put his beer on his bedside table. His ass raised, his tail high in the air.

I stared, snorting in long breaths.

"Like what you see?" he asked, swaying his hips.

I froze.

He grabbed a bottle of lube off of his bedside table and squeezed some onto his fingers. He rubbed them over his crack, purring as he rest his head down to peer back at me.

His tail swished side to side above him.

"Fuck me Jason." He pressed two fingers against his ass.

I bit my lip.

He slid them in, moaning.

I think, in that moment, he could've had the biggest, most obvious cock in the world. He could have been the most masculine beast there ever was, and were I standing here, listening to him call me to fuck him as he fingered himself, I would've given in.

I exhaled, my cock already hardening as I crawled onto the bed. I put my hand on his back, breathing harder still.

He crammed his fingers in and I watched as he spread himself. I rubbed his back, building up the nerve. I'd never encountered such raw sexual energy before. It was so clear how much he enjoyed this, the way he looked at me with pleasure creasing his face.

It almost felt a shame that I was hesitating. But I stared at his ass, watching him finger himself. His plump balls hung in my vision and frankly I cared less than I had a moment before.

A moment passed again and I truly did not care.

I reached for the lube on his bedside table, my heart racing.

It was dizzying, frisson split my mind. This was the closest I'd ever come to feeling like a virgin again, that this was the only new and different thing I'd done in so long. Even if it wasn't likely to be different in truth, it felt that way. I'd categorized it so differently.

Thrill tugged at every muscle in my body.

Elated, I jerked the lube over my cock.

I crawled up behind him.

He withdrew his fingers.

His asshole puckered, he quivered as he waited.

I grabbed his ass and rubbed myself up his crack.

There was fire in my loins I hadn't felt in so long. I took a deep breath as I pressed the tip of my cock against him.

I stared down his back, held his tail in my hand as I took one last moment.

He glanced back to me, desire plain on his face.

I poked my tip in. He seized up, groaning.

I exhaled, head spinning at the warm contact.

I was settling in, ready to savor this moment.

But he flicked his gaze back to me.

"Take me like you'd take her right now." He bared his fangs. "I've just dumped your ass, broken your heart. So get mad, fuck me for it."

He was pleading with his eyes.

My thoughts lunged at that. That I'd be able to enact some sense of revenge, get the sex I wanted out of her before she dumped me. She'd hurt me, and rather than hurt her back or suffer it myself, Max had just offered to take it.

I braced against him, pleasure coiled around my belly as I pushed in.

He lifted his head, a moan on his lips as I slid deeper. I pushed his head into the sheets, raising up so my weight was over him, so I could plow him with the full force of my body behind it.

He only looked more keen.

My hips pressed against his ass.

I was as deep as I could get in another man.

And where I expected discomfort, there was only perversion. A fiery urge to indulge this pleasure, no matter how it would otherwise seem to me.

I started pulling back. He shuddered, groaning as he arched his neck.

I got halfway out before I shot forward, my hips clapped against his ass.

He jolted and made a loud gasp followed by a breathy moan. His face was creased, but he was grinning.

I started humping into him, finding a moderate pace that flashed warmth through my belly.

But she really had broken my heart. What she'd done was so sudden, possibly even cruel.

I wasn't good with the emotions I felt, I just felt strongly about most things.

So the tiniest rise of anger within me quickly sparked a roaring flame.

How dare she.

I grabbed him by the shoulders, his soft fur only riled me up further. Everything about him felt like he should be delicate, but he wasn't. Which meant if I wanted him to feel it I really had to go hard.

I forced myself deep, seething as I slammed my hips against him. He cried out, the sound twisted in pleasure. He inhaled to recover, I thrust back into him already. He gasped as I set a pace faster than he could handle. My hips clapped his ass with every shove in. His bed shook and creaked, his body contorted under me as he struggled to take both pain and pleasure.

But all throughout, there was longing on his face.

"More." He whimpered through grit teeth.

I snorted, that anger full force in my mind as I started shoving him against the mattress, bearing more of my weight on him. I started pulling back further, making him feel the full length of my dick forced back into his body.

His gasping grew tighter, more frequent and as he dragged in ragged breaths for a moment I was convinced he was crying.

It only tickled my heartbreak. I wanted him to cry, wanted him to feel just how tangled up I was.

As my breathing deepened, I started growing lightheaded.

The pleasure within me thrummed alongside my racing heart.

I had very little desire to edge it out.

My thrusts grew labored with grunts, my eyes scrunched shut with pleasure as I plowed him.

With a forceful thrust in, my orgasm burst through me. I twitched in time with my own heart, roaring under my breath as I came deep within him.

But my temper was up. I slid my hold down to his hips, digging the tips of my fingers into his fur. I bellowed, pounding him even harder.

I kept thrusting, groaning louder as I squelched against my own spunk inside him.

I had just nutted in a guy. And that thought burned bright in my mind. It was a point of perversion so in line with the ferocity of my current arousal that it didn't shame me.

I was angry, furious even. And this was how I'd acted out.

I stared at Max's back, the way his body curled under mine. The way his ears flattened, the wince on his face as I pounded him. The delicate moans he made as he braced against me.

The slight motion of his hips back towards me.

He looked stunned, so overwhelmed but he was enjoying it enough to hump me back.

I was flagging, awash with an afterglow that begged me stop. But my fury powered on. I growled as I slammed my hips against his.

He arched his back, groaning as he took it.

And though I softened, I knew I could push through. Knew I could keep it going.

My own cum made him sticky. Made him warmer. I kept thrusting as the pleasure waned, but the anger remained.

My fat fingers wrapped around his neck. I was seething as I railed him. He gasped as I tightened my hold on him. He started humping back harder against me.

"Choke me." His voice came a quiet, pleasured rasp. I growled as I tore my cock out of him.

He looked back at me, surprised. I threw him on his back, his hole ran with my cum.

I shoved it back into him, staring down into his eyes. I forced my lips against his, kissing him, feeling his entire body tense as he gasped into my mouth.

He bit my lower lip.

His cock rubbed against my chest as I pounded him, only adding to the perversion of the moment that burned in my libido like white phosphorous. I was a dirty fucker and proud of it.

I grasped his neck again, he tensed in my hold. The pleasure on his face was intense, he couldn't keep his eyes open. His jaw was locked tight, his teeth bared.

And knowing I gave that to him only made me more keen.

The stumbling refractory period fell away. What little I'd softened reversed. I lowed as I fucked him, a second rush of pleasure sustained me.

He melted under me, his body went loose. His hands flopped by his side as his face fell. His moaning deepened, grew lower.

He shook as he came, his spunk shot up my chest.

Disgust rolled quickly into that perverted inferno that caged my thoughts.

He panted, his body arched under me. His groaning stuttered by joyous exhalations. His paws gripped my back as he held himself close to me, his muzzle tucked against my neck.

He started humping back against me even harder.

I lowed again, the pleasure growing to be too much.

I could feel my own exhaustion lingering beneath the rage. And still I kept thrusting into him, delighting in how he now clung to me. How that meant I could feel every shift in his posture, every labored breath and gasp he made.

My balls slapped against his ass, his insides felt like they stuck to me with my own cum.

I groaned, so aroused I couldn't focus. That anger slipped, that perversion shone like a sun in my face, so hot and full of fire.

I shoved my hips against him and stopped, rearing back as I lowed one last time. I cracked, I faltered and spurted a load up his ass for the second time.

Then I fell forward over him, panting, awash with intense pleasure that made me weak.

Emptied, content, I lay there for a few moments. Mind blank.

"You're good," he said, sucking in long breaths. He slid out from under me, sweat clung to the fur of his face. "Feel better?"

I nodded weakly.

"How do you rate guy butt?" He smirked. "Better than a woman?"

I grunted, burying my face in his sheets.

He laughed and placed a hand on my arm. "You staying the night?" He wriggled his body back against mine, his tail came to rest across my hip.

"Dude, no." I sat up and leant away from him.

He giggled. "Cuddling too gay for you?"

"Mhm." The floodgates on my perversion had clamped shut. This no longer felt good to consider.

His giggled turned to hard laughter. "You just popped twice in my ass, once in my mouth and swallowed my load." He ran a finger down my chest, still wet with his cum. "And cuddles are too gay for you."

I exhaled, regret bit at my throat.

"Not even trying to be insulting, I think it's great." He put a paw on one of my pecs. "Cuddles are good for heartbreak, trust."

I glared at him as I brushed his hand away.

"Sheesh. You really think there's something wrong with what we did tonight?" He tilted his head. "You really are an asshole."

"Shut up." I grimaced.

"I'll call it like it is but you'll get all uppity." He shrugged.


"You reckon you're above all this?" He rubbed his knuckles against his chest. "Can't just take a good time as it is? Your homophobia's not so blatant but it's there."

"Oh fuck off." I got out of his bed.

"S'okay dude, I'm sure I'll screw it out of you eventually." He smirked. "Can't be all ashamed if you're doing this a few times a week."

I was dumbfounded, I stared at him. Confused by that statement more than anything else.

"See you tomorrow." He shrugged.

"The fuck's that supposed to mean?"

"Means you'll go have a lil' sob tonight, get all ashamed about your gay rebound but wake up tomorrow with all the testosterone in the world and come back fully loaded, safety off to pound another round in me."

I shook my head.

He nodded firmly in response. "A hole's a hole." He swiped his beer off of his bedside table and took another sip. "And mine's swimming with your cum."

"It's not happening again." But those words were grating to my ears.

"Yeah, yeah. Act all tough or whatever." He scoffed. "You'd get on great with my old neighbor. Old croc, swore he'd never even seen another guy nude before while he was balls deep in me." He chuckled. "And yet most nights, 'round 10pm I'd get a knock at the door. I get it, you're lonely, you're horny and you just had your heart broken."

I sighed, staring at the floor.

"You know it really doesn't have to be this big deal?" He sat up. "The man police aren't about to come and take your muscles away. Nobody's going to stick you in drag and call you a princess, though I'd pay to see that." He snickered. "You're allowed to fuck your neighbor who's just as horny, lonely and heart broken as you are."

"Whatever." I shrugged.


I cocked my head. "Good?"

"See you tomorrow," he said again. It was an excuse to leave, but I hesitated. There was something so infuriating about how he acted that kept me here.

"Why do you sound so certain?" I squinted at him.

"Because you'd have slammed the door on your way out by now if I was wrong." He shrugged. "Could be wrong in other ways about you, and if I am, whatever. Nobody's really that predictable, but c'mon. The muscles, the gruffness, how open you were about yourself. You just wanna fuck but you reckon you're too cool to do it with another dude." He tapped his lips, humming as he observed me. "Alright, really thought that'd be the thing that pissed you off for real."


"Nothing, just means I'm right." He chugged the rest of his beer and lay back down, arms flung wide. The bottle rolled to the ground with a thunk. "Not going to tell a soul you spent the night here. I'll even make you breakfast in the morning. Come cuddle, I'm done teasing you. We can sleep."

I gave a heavy sigh as I put a knee on his bed, staring down at him. My heart ached, my head was still spinning. But I'd feel a whole lot worse on my own.

I flopped down beside him with a groan. Shame hung over me, but he'd fought off the worst of it.

He latched onto me, nuzzling his face against my neck. He was soft, he was warm and damn he really was fluffy. I put my hand on his spotty back and sighed again.

"Just so it's known," he whispered against my neck. "You're not actually my type and I'm not fishing for anything more than a fuckbuddy."

I rumbled, thankful. It'd been a long time since I had a fuckbuddy, unless my ex counted. Which... maybe she was right. It really was about the sex. In any case, this wasn't so bad. "Just feel weird about it," I muttered.

"'Course you do." He pricked my arms with his claws. I winced. "That'll fade."

"Just not interested in guys."

"Nobody said you had to be." He rubbed his paw pads over the spot he pricked. "Sex feels good, cuddles are warm and that's true no matter who it's with. Or would you rather we kept it clean and played cards or something instead?"

"No..." I sighed once more. "You're right. I just... I don't know."

"You can be interested in sex but not interested in guys and still fuck a guy without anything bad happening."

"I guess."

"Little secret." He squeezed me tighter. "Sexuality ain't real, shit's dumb and has no rules. Do whatever, do whoever so long as they want you to. If that means you only happen to end up in bed with women, cool. You do you dude. But don't get all shitty because you fucked a guy, stupid to complain about a good thing because you reckon you're meant to be ashamed or whatever."

I frowned and went silent.

He exhaled. "I'm being a bit much, I'll shut up now and leave you to your heartbreak. Here if you need me, else try get some rest." He squirmed tighter against me and rest his cheek on my shoulder.

I squeezed him back. "Thanks."

With every passing moment, it was getting easier to handle this.

Yes, there was a guy who lay naked across my body. Yes, those were his balls brushing my hip. And yes, that was his cum that dampened my chest.

And sure, even now it did feel a little weird, a little strange. But that wasn't so offputting as it was before.

I- I... could still taste his cum on my breath.

And that certainly wrinkled my nose.


He wasn't wrong.

And as I slowly wound down, stopped being on edge, I could actually process what had happened today.

I'd fully intended on throwing shit around in frustration when I came home. Very likely would've broken something or made a mess

But this was better.

I'd intended on crying too.

Which... I could still do. Max was shockingly understanding.

So I let myself border on the deep well of sadness within me.

Tears found me faster than I expected.

I could've sworn he was asleep with how light his breath had become but I gasped back a whimper as I cried, trying to be a little discrete.

He snuggled his face against my chest as he held me even tighter.

And sure, that did help.

He'd exposed me. I wasn't sure what I was meant to do about that. Instinct demanded I bottle up but that was just... stupid. He'd see through it.

So I let myself be exposed, no matter how uncomfortable that was.

It made me agitated, made me afraid.

But even I could see that was better than being crushed by a break up.