T.T.Z: Pokemon Murder

Story by RAW19 on SoFurry

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Someone is going around, killing Ash's friends. ~ These Claimers: I don't own pokemon. Song- In the End by Linkin Park ~ ** The Twilight Zone: Pokemon Murder** -A bald, black man appears. "You are now entering a place where dreams may turn into nightmares, where important lessons are learned everyday, and where change can be the very thing that saves your life; or ends it. You are now entering...The Twilight Zone." ~ Ash found himself walking down the street. It was after midnight, and it looked like it was about to storm. Yet, he found himself unable to sleep. A lot of weird things had been happening. Ever since two weeks ago. Ever since he married misty. Ever since he dumped Duplica. Very strange things, very scary things had been happening. People had been disappearing. Ash's friends, May, Max, and Richie, were supposed to come for the wedding, but they had never showed up. Now, Tracy, the pokemon watcher, had vanished without a trace. Even worse, he couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched. After he finished his last gift from Duplica, a book called the Art of Change, he took a stroll around Pallet Town. ~ Gary shot up and nervously looked around his room. He was certain he had heard something, but had to admit that he had been a little paranoid lately. Not that anyone could blame him. He too, had noticed all the disappearances, and knew about Ash's break-up with Duplica. He barely knew her, but from what he had seen, she had always seemed kind of off. Who else would want to be a ditto master, one of the least interesting pokemon in all of Kanto? As he glanced around his room, he noticed nothing odd. His pokemon were on the nightstand next to him, his closet door was ajar, but appeared empty, and his window was open. He paused and remembered that he had closed and locked his window before going to bed. It shouldn't be open. At least he thought he did, but he must have forgotten. He shook his head and got up to close it. As he passed the open closet door, something flew out at him. All he registered, before his world went dark, was a flash of teal hair. ~ Ash couldn't help but get the feeling that all this was somehow connected, and if so, aimed at him. He didn't want to believe what his friend, Brock, the former Pewter City Gym Leader, kept trying to tell him. That all the strange disappearances were being caused by Duplica. That she was looking for revenge. He didn't want to believe that she was capable of something like that, but he had to admit that he had really hurt her when he told her it was over. He had to ask himself, how he would feel in the Ditto Trainers place. He rounded the corner, past Gary's house, when a black shadow fell over him, and a winged monstrosity flew at him, like a bat out of hell. He screamed and threw up his arms, trying to ward off the thing, and felt it scratching and tearing at his skin, drawing blood. Suddenly, the bird flew off, vanishing as quickly as it came. Ash flinched, rubbing his arms, trying to stop the flow of blood. He watched the pokemon, a Murkrow, fly off into the night, wondering what he could have done to anger it, and decided to head home. Ash woke up to the news that Gary had been killed. It was all over the news that he had been found, gutted, in his bed last night. Ash was shocked. He and Gary had never been close, but they were still friends, and he cared for him deeply. The most shocking thing however, was the fact that a witness claims to have seen a man in a blue vest and pokemon league hat walking around Gary's house around the time of the murder. He realized that they meant him, but he certainly hadn't killed Gary, and he hadn't seen anyone else there. He was wondering if he should lay low for awhile, when Brock came bursting trough the door. He thought that Brock suspected him of Gary's murder, but he was waving a bloodstained piece of paper at Ash. Ash looked at the paper and paled. It was a threatening note that misty had found in her mailbox. It said: If you don't leave ash Ketchum by midnight tonight, then you will die. Brock told him that misty was seriously freaked and was refusing to leave her house, and had even called Officer Jenny for protection. She had said she wanted to see Ash, so they headed off right away, never noticing the pair of eyes watching them from a dark closet. ~ Ash and Brock raced towards misty's house. Ash's trusty pokemon, Pikachu, was riding on his shoulder, looking as anxious as ash was. They only slowed down, after a passing Fearow pooped on their heads and flew off laughing. They wiped the crap off their heads, cursing their town's pokemon, and continued towards Cerulean City. Upon arriving, they were stopped by a tall, black police officer. His name tag said Deon. The place was surrounded by cops. He asked who they were and they showed him their name tags. An impatient pikachu, jumped off of ash's shoulders, and ran into the house. Ash wondered out loud about pikachu's behavior. The officer gave ash a strange look, and said that sometimes a pokemon can sense their trainer's feelings. Over time, if exposed to them too much, the trainers feelings could become their own. Ash didn't much care for the way the officer was looking at him; there was something about his eyes, so he headed on into the house. It took two hours to calm misty down, and reassure her that Brock and Pikachu would keep her safe. After which a lustful misty led ash into her bedroom, where he "comforted her" for the rest of the afternoon. ~ Misty pushed ash onto her bed, kicked the door shut, and locked it. Shedding her clothes and ripping off his pants, she crawled on top of ash, grabbed his head, and shoved it into her crotch. He inhaled deeply, taking in her tangerine scent, and sending a wave of pleasure through her, from the warm air on her privates. He grabbed her ass, holding her to his face, and ran his tongue along her slit. She moaned as he continued to tease her, running his tongue along her, dipping into her depths a couple of times, before latching onto her clit. She screamed as he attacked her clit like a wild animal, biting and nibbling it, before sucking it. She continued to writhe and twist as he continued to feast from her; drinking in her juices and digging into her slit as far as his tongue would go. He moaned at the pressure on his tongue, and imagined that pressure on his cock, as he continued to assault her helpless pussy. She squeezed his head between her legs, as he relentlessly lashed her vagina, until something in her snapped, and she threw her head back in pleasure as her juices flowed onto his face. He licked her clean, before turning them over so that she was on her back and he was on top. He wrapped his tongue around her right tit, licking the hard nub, causing her to gasp. He bit down on her nipple and pulled up, causing her to scream in pain, yet she moaned when he licked the swollen bud. He grabbed her other breast with his left hand, and started massaging it, as he sucked her tit. She squealed and moaned at the sensation coming from her breast. The pleasure washed through her body like waves, driving her higher and higher. She shifted until his cock was pressing against her lower lips, wrapped her legs around his waist, and impaled herself on him. He groaned at the sensation of her tight cunt around his cock, and plunged as deep as he could go. He set up a slow pace, slowly thrusting in and out of her, while he continued his assault on her breasts. The dual lash of pleasure was almost too much for misty, who matched him thrust for thrust. She grabbed his head and meshed her lips against his, their tongues dueling against each other. She felt herself tighten, and came with a loud scream, swiftly followed by Ash, who shot load after load of greasy cum into her. He and his beloved shared one last, passionate, kiss before exhaustion sent them into darkness. ~ Ash headed back home, around 11:30; still having the feeling he was being watched. He unlocked the door to his house and headed inside. For some reason, something felt out of place. It wasn't until he was walking back towards his bedroom that he noticed it. The picture he had of misty, that he kept by his door on a nightstand. The glass was shattered and the picture was mutilated. Someone had been here. All of a sudden a voice rang out. "Still with that tramp, I see." Ash whirled around and found himself in a lip-lock with a pretty, green-haired girl. She wrapped her arms around the stunned Ash, and pried his lips open with her tongue, slipping her organ into his mouth. He twisted free, cursing himself for ever giving duplica that spare key. Ash demanded to know why she was stalking him, and why she had destroyed Misty's picture. She laughed and explained that he never should have left her, and that she was twice the woman misty would ever be. She threw a handful of some kind of dust at him, and his world went black. He woke up to find himself tied to his bed. He was spread-eagle, and sans clothing. Duplica stood over him in matching teal underwear. He asked her why she was doing this. She said he broke her heart when he dumped her and she intended to make him pay, but first she would remind him of what he gave up. Her large breasts jiggled as she released them from their restraints. It starts with One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to explain in due time All I know Is that time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, but didn't even know I wasted it all Just to watch you go I kept everything inside And even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a Memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter _ She took off her panties, giving him a view of her neat, pubic brush. She climbed on top of him and briefly sat on his face, before going into a 69 position. She rested her pussy on his face and slipped his flaccid member between her lips, chuckling at his involuntary groan. He desperately tried to free himself as the sexy vixen began sucking him off. She licked his cock up and down, wrapping her tongue around his head, and nibbled his balls. He groaned again as she licked the underside of his cock, and then lightly nibbled it, before sucking the head. She licked his cock once more, before slipping it from her mouth, and sandwiching it between her breasts. He moaned when he felt her impressive mammaries wrap around his flaccid cock, they're warm heat enveloping him. She gently moved her breasts up and down, sinuously massaging his member. He felt himself get hard as her actions, coupled with the musky scent coming from her pussy, stirred his hormones into overdrive against his will. He found himself probing her pussy with his tongue. Her gasp at his sudden intrusion quickly turned into a moan as she pushed down harder onto his tongue, while she doubled her efforts on his cock. As Ash unwillingly continued his treatment his member continued to lengthen. Noting his hardness, she rose up, positioned his cock at her opening, and sank onto him. _One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised It got so [far] Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me In the end I kept everything inside And even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a Memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter She sighed as she took him at his full length, his hard cock filling her up. He continued to struggle, desperately trying to free himself, as he tried his hardest not to enjoy this forbidden act. As he tried to ignore the sexy ex. bouncing on his cock. As he tried to ignore her large, swinging breasts. As he tried to ignore the pleasurable, wet, tightness around his cock. As he tried to remember it was Misty that he wanted to be with. He could still hardly believe that Duplica would be capable of this; that she would stoop to kidnapping and rape to have him. He had always viewed her as trustworthy. I put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go And for all this There's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter Ash felt his traitorous body give in, and he began matching Duplica thrust for thrust. She pushed down hard on his member as he rose up to meet her, both of their moans carrying on into the night. Before long they both came, screaming each other's names. Duplica, still strangely energetic, cut ash free. Ash just lay there, withdrawn, and wanting to die. He felt like the lowest scum on earth for allowing Duplica to seduce him. How could he have done that to his wife, to Misty after all they'd ever been through? Duplica looked down at him and smiled. "I'll give you one last chance Ash. Come back to me. Come back to me and I'll let Misty live. I hate her with all my heart, but for you I'll spare her. You know you still want me. What could she ever offer you but a world of pain? I'm twice the woman she is!" Ash looked at her with eyes full of hatred, and told her that he was happily married, and that she would never measure up to misty! He flinched at the angry sneer that flashed across Duplica's face. For an instant he thought he saw something in her eyes. Duplica gave him a cool look and said that could easily be fixed, as she pointed at the clock behind him. He glanced at it and saw that it was already 11: 55. When he turned back around, she was gone. ~ Officer Jenny walked around the back door, for what had to be the seventh time. She was getting increasingly pissed. First she had to body-guard some ditz on her day off, and now her partner was taking forever to return with the food. She had seen him walk away 15 minutes ago, and the Taco Bell was right up the street. Plus, her favorite Soap Opera, What the Future Holds, was on tonight! The hero was getting raped by someone in shadow, and they were going to reveal who it was! She was missing it for this?! That's the last time she would think outside the bun! Classic Taco Bell taste, her ass! She was circling the house for the eighth time when something fell to the ground before her, nearly giving her a heart attack. She barely had time to register her partner's mutilated body, a fast food bag in his hand, when something cut her neck and she knew no more. ~ Misty sat close to Brock, both very scared. Pikachu was walking around the house grunting and shouting. Pikachu obviously knew something they didn't. "Brock, are you sure you locked all the doors?" misty asked worrying herself to death. "Yes I locked them all. I double checked. Not stop worrying we'll be fine." A door slammed shut. "What was that?! Somebody is here! We have to get out!" Brock checked out the window and saw the neighbor's door close. "Misty it was just the neighbor's house don't worry." After a while misty and everyone began to calm down; yet, pikachu didn't. Everything was going smooth until the power shut out. "BROCK!!!" Misty shouted. Brock covered Misty's mouth with his hand. "If you yell the person here will find you quicker. No more talking okay?" Misty nodded. They began to crawl slowly, one step after another. They saw the backdoor ajar. It was their only way out. Brock stared behind him and nodded, hoping misty saw him, and proceeded to the door. Then a shadow passed before misty's face. 'AHHHHHHH!!!" Misty then lost her breath. "Pika-CHUUUU!!!" A big flash of light revealed a figure. The only thing they could make out was the attackers hair color; teal. "Pik-pika-pik!: I know what you are!" With pikachu's last jolt of electricity, it made another flash of light. Misty and Brock saw pikachu lying bleeding out on the floor. "OH MY GO * * *

!" 'Slice' Brock's head rolled across the floor. Misty sat alone in the darkness. "Is this my end? If so God, let Ash know this. I love him more than anyone ever will." ~ Ash raced to misty's house. He had to stop duplica before it was too late. He rounded the corner, and saw her house aflame. With an anguished cry, he raced into the house, searching for his friends. In no time, he found them. Pikachus's bloody body, a headless Brock, and Misty, cut open, barely alive, her once beautiful face cut and scared. She uttered but three words with her final breath. "I love you" Ash carried her lifeless body outside, only to find himself surrounded by cops. They told them they knew it was him who murdered Gary. That he was seen leaving the scene of the crime. That they were tipped off to be here at 12:10. That it was his blood on the note to misty. He realized they weren't going to believe a word he said, that duplica had set this all up, and was forced to fly off on charizard, amidst bullets from the officers guns. ~ He arrived at the nearby cemetery, to bury misty's body. When he got there he saw the same murkrow from before. It looked right at him, and then slowly flew off into the cemetery. Ash followed it. After awhile, they arrived into a clearing. The bird disappeared, but Ash was distracted by something else. Two empty graves, one full one, and three headstones. The first one said: Here lies Misty Waterflower. Killed by Ash Ketchum. The second one said: here lies Ash Ketchum. Committed suicide on the eve of Misty's murder. The last one was the one that stunned him. Here lies Duplica Imite. Committed suicide on the eve of Halloween. "Two weeks ago" Ash turned around and set Misty's body down. "You killed them. May, Max, Gary, Richie, Tracy, Brock, Pikachu, and Misty. You killed my friends." The teal-haired girl scoffed. "You didn't deserve friends. Not after what you did to duplica." Ash looked in her eyes. "I know what you are. It took awhile, but I finally figured it out. How you snuck into everyone's house. All those run-ins with pokemon. It all came together." The girl smirked. "I see. That book she gave you. It told you how to see the truth. How to search their eyes. Yes, she was always obsessed with that aspect of us. Always kept us close, so she could study us. But, we got a little to close. I told you, sometimes a pokemon's trainers feelings can become their own, if they get too close. So I know exactly how she felt when you dumped her. I know exactly how she felt when you married that tramp. I knew exactly how she felt when she killed herself out of despair. You don't know what it's like to lose everything. You've never experienced the bitter pain I have. And you never will." She raised the gun and shot him. The bullet ripped through his heart, and he gave her one last look before he fell backwards into the grave, and joined his friends in oblivion. ~ The teal haired woman's body began to melt. Her features shifted and changed into a small, shapeless purple blob. The blob took a moment to think about how all this had happened. After Ash left its master, for the hot-headed bimbo, Duplica had become withdrawn. Having been around its master for so long, it could easily sense her feelings. There were times when it even thought it was Duplica. It knew that she was seriously depressed, sometimes contemplating revenge, but wasn't sure what to do about it. After Duplica killed herself, by plunging a knife through her heart, it found itself overcome with a rage of immense proportions; the likes of which it had never seen. All it could think about was getting revenge on Ash Ketchum, which it did after burying its master. It started out killing ash's friends, including Misty, before confronting Ash itself. It had to admit though, that it could see what Duplica saw in Ash. He was a damn good lay! Duplica's ditto, the legendary transforming pokemon, changed into a Murkrow, flapped its wings, and vanished into the night. ~ - A bald, black man appears. "Looks can be deceiving, so always look before you leap, for change can be a very dangerous thing. But know that you can always see the truth about someone, if you take a good look in their eyes. A lesson learned... in The Twilight Zone."

The Eon Series: Train Wrecked (1)

**Summary:** Come into a world of tales that revolve around a group of the evolutions of Eevee. You might just like what you see and nothing may ever be the same again. The Glaceon girl, Krystal, held her breath as her assailant slowly...

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